HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2013.0411.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 11, 2013 Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the session of the Planning and Zoning Commission at 6:30 p.m. The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew, Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan, Commissioners Mike Archambault, Richard Turner, Stan Connick and Steven Harris. Commissioner Gene Slechta was not able to attend due to illness. Also in attendance were Robert Rodgers Senior Planner and Janice Baxter Executive Assistant and Recorder of the Minutes. Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. ROLL CALL: Chairman Lloyd Pew present Commissioner Stan Connick present Commissioner Mike Archambault present Commissioner Steven Harris present Commissioner Angela Strohan present Commissioner Richard Turner present Commissioner Gene Slechta absent CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #1 — CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the regular session meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission dated Thursday, March 14,2013. Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan MOVED to APPROVE the regular session meeting minutes for the Planning and Zoning Commission dated March 14, 2013. Commissioner Mike Archambault SECONDED. A roll call was taken and the MOTION CARRIED 6 -0, by those present. Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan aye Commissioner Mike Archambault aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye Commissioner Steven Harris aye Commissioner Richard Turner aye Page 1 of 4 O AGENDA ITEM #2 — CONSIDERATION of a 2-year EXTENSION of the approved CONCEPT PLAN for"La Bella Vita at Firerock",formerly"The Retreat at Firerock". Case Number CP2006-05. Robert Rodgers gave a brief informational presentation to the Commission that covered the three requests from the applicant. Staff recommended approval of an extension of the Concept Plan to May 15, 2015, with approval subject to the stipulations contained in the August 10, 2006, original approval, as presented. Staff further recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation that the Town Council APPROVE the 2-year extension requests for the Utility Disturbance Permit and Final Plat recording, as presented. Chairman Lloyd Pew stated his support for the applicant's requests. Commissioner Richard Turner clarified with Staff that this project would be subject to the current "Saguaro Cactus" regulations and Mr. Rodgers answered they would be subject to those regulations. Commissioner Richard Turner made a MOTION to approve an extension of the "La Bella Vita at Firerock" Concept Plan, formerly "The Retreat at Firerock, Case number CP2006-05, subject to the stipulations contained in the original August 10, 2006, approval. Said extension to expire on May 15, 2015. Commissioner Mike Archambault SECONDED. The MOTION passed 6-0. 41) AGENDA ITEM #3 — CONSIDERATION of a 2-year EXTENSION of the approved UTILITY DISTURBANCE PERMIT for "La Bella Vita at Firerock", formerly "The Retreat at Firerock". Case Number UDP2008-0 1. Commissioner Mike Archambault made a MOTION to forward a recommendation that the Town Council APPROVE the 2-year extension of the Utility Disturbance Permit for "La Bella Vita at Firerock" at Parcel `B" of Firerock, Case number UDP2008-01. Said extension to expire on May 15, 2015. Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan SECONDED. The MOTION passed 6-0. AGENDA ITEM #4 — CONSIDERATION of a 2-year EXTENSION of THE REQUIREMENT TO RECORD the approved FINAL PLAT for "La Bella Vita at Firerock", formerly "The Retreat at Firerock". Case Number S2008-04. Mr.Robert Rodgers clarified for the Commission that the final plat had been previously approved and this was only an extension of time to record the final plat. Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan made a MOTION to forward a recommendation that the Town Council APPROVE the 2-year extension of the time to record the FINAL PLAT for "La Bella Vita at Firerock" at Parcel `B" of Firerock, Case number S2008-04. Commissioner Stan Connick SECONDED. The MOTION passed 6-0. S Page 2 of 4 (11, AGENDA ITEM #5—PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on ORDINANCE #2013-08, a proposed amendment to Section 3.08.H — Lot Planning of the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance. Approval of the amendment will delete Section 3.08.H from the ordinance. Case Number Z2013-01. Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the public hearing at 6:40 P.M. Robert Rodgers requested the Commission continue the public hearing until the May 9, 2013, Commission meeting so staff could revise the proposed ordinance and include the Zoning Ordinance section, which mirrors the Subdivision Ordinance section. Mr. Rodgers submitted a memo with both the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance sections to be addressed [Exhibit"A" attached]. Commissioner Richard Turner pointed out that if there were no requests to speak [and there were not], he would make a MOTION to continue the Public Hearing of Ordinance #2013-08, to the May 9, 2013, Commission meeting. Commissioner Mike Archambault SECONDED and the MOTION passed 6-0, by those present. AGENDA ITEM #6 — CONSIDERATION of ORDINANCE #2013-08 a proposed amendment to Section 3.08.H — Lot Planning of the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance. Approval of the amendment will delete Section 3.08.H from the ordinance. Case Number Z2013-01. Continued until May 9, 2013, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. AGENDA ITEM#7—COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH None AGENDA ITEM#8- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUEST from Senior Planner. None AGENDA ITEM #9 — REPORT from Senior Planner, Planning and Zoning Division of Development Services. Mr. Rodgers reported: • On Tuesday, April 16, the Board of Adjustment would hear four variance requests concerning Medical Marijuana. • On Thursday, May 9, 2013, the Commission will hear a presentation related to a possible condominium conversion to townhouse consideration for an initiation to amend the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances. S Page 3 of 4 • Also, on May 9, 2013, the Commission will decide on extensions for the Firerock Commercial Plaza; a Zoning Ordinance amendment to consider allowing theaters in the C-1 Zoning District along with the Lot Planning amendment, continued this evening. AGENDA ITEM#10 -ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Richard Turner MOVED to adjourn and Commissioner Steven Harris SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 6-0. Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan aye Commissioner Steven Harris aye Commissioner Mike Archambault aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye Commissioner Richard Turner aye The regular meeting ADJOURNED at 6:45 p.m. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION BY: 04/ Lloyd E. Pew ATTEST: 6eLvdta, Janice Baxter, Recorder CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the l lth day of April 2013, in the Town Council Chambers. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 11th day of April 2013 Janice Baxter, Recorder Page 4 of 4 Subdivision Ordinance Section 3.08 Lot Planning H. In addition to meeting the minimum lot width and lot area regulations of the Zoning Ordinance, any proposed single-family zoned lot shall have a lot width and lot size that is consistent with the lot widths and lot sizes of existing platted lots in the immediate vicinity. Lot width consistency shall mean that no lot shall be created having less than ninety (90) percent of the lot width of the average of all platted lots in the same zoning district that are located within 800 feet of the proposed lot. Lot size consistency shall mean that no lot shall be created having less than ninety (90) percent of the lot size of the average of all platted lots in the same zoning district that are located within 800 feet of the proposed lot. Zoning Ordinance Section 5.03 Redividing of Recorded Lots B. In addition to meeting the minimum lot width and lot area regulations of Section 10.09 of this ordinance, any proposed single-family zoned lot shall have a lot width and lot size that is consistent with the lot widths and lot sizes of existing platted lots in the immediate vicinity. Lot width consistency shall mean that no lot shall be created having less than ninety (90) percent of the lot width of the average of all platted lots in the same zoning district that are located within Eight-Hundred (800) feet of the proposed lot. Lot size consistency shall mean that no lot shall be created having less than ninety (90) percent of the lot size of the average of all platted lots in the same zoning district that are located within eight-hundred (800) feet of the proposed lot. Exhibit "A " Janice Baxter From: Gene Slechta [eslechta2004@yahoo.com] 3ent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 8:31 AM Janice Baxter; Bob Rodgers Subject: Re: TOFH Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda and Packet dated Thursday, April 11, 2013 Janice, Bob, Since I won't be there tonight, I thought I would, at least, pass along my thoughts. Putting aside the Subdivision agenda item for the moment, If I was there, I would approve all the other items as recommended by staff. For the Subdivision request, deleting 3.08. H, I do have concerns. As stated in the staff report, the intent was to retain compatibility to surrounding properties. I would like to have you share my suggestions for consideration, They are: Consider changing "average" to median. This will reduce impacts of of inequities in property sizes Remove lot width 90% rule. I think this is unnecessarily restricting Change the lot size requirement to a minimum 80% of the "median" lot size I think these suggestions ease some difficult restrictions for lot division, but continue to protect the compatibility concern as originally intended. Related to this, is there possibly a Prop. 207 concern here? 1/41'I'm going back to bed now.... From: Janice Baxter<jbaxter(a�fh.az.gov> To: Angela Strohan <astrohanc gmail.com>; Gene Slechta <eslechta2004(c�vahoo.com>; Lloyd Pew(P&Z) <Ipew(tpew- Is.com>; Michael Archambault<cia15033(a,cox.net>; Richard Turner(P&Z) <richard.turner(a�cox.net>; Stan Connick <stanconnickarch(a�cox.net>; Steven Harris (P&Z) <steven harrisusa.net> Cc: 'Paul Mood' <pmooda,fh.az.gov>; Robert'Bob' Rodgers<RRodgers@fh.az.gov>; 'Bob Burns' <BBurnsfhtimes.com>; Cassie Hansen <CHansen(a�fh.az.gov>; Cecil Yates <CYates(c�fh.az.gov>; Dennis Brown <DBrown(a�fh.az.gov>; Ginny Dickey <GDickev a(�fh.az.gov>; Henry Leger<HLeger(a)fh.az.gov>; Linda Kavanagh <LKavanagh(a)fh.az.gov>; Tait Elkie <TElkie@fh.az.gov> Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 8:18 AM Subject: TOFH Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda and Packet dated Thursday, April 11, 2013 Chairman and Commissioners... Attached is a copy of our next Planning& Zoning Commission meeting agenda and packet information. Mr. Rodgers added a draft copy of the meeting minutes to his item number 5, in this packet. The March 14, 2013, meeting minutes will be approved at the April 11, 2013, Commission meeting. Please let us know if you need any assistance with this information. hank you for your service to the Town of Fountain Hills. Exhibit "A "