HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2013.0711.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 11, 2013 Chairman Lloyd Pew was unable to attend this meeting so Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan was acting Chairman during this session of the Planning and Zoning Commission that opened at 6:30 p.m. The following Commissioners were present: Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan, Commissioners Mike Archambault, Richard Turner, Gene Slechta and Steven Harris. Also in attendance were Paul Mood, Director of Development Services, Robert Rodgers Senior Planner, and Janice Baxter Executive Assistant and Recorder of the Minutes. Chairman Lloyd Pew and Commissioner Stan Connick were unable to attend and notified staff in advance. Acting Chairman Angela Strohan requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. ROLL CALL: Commissioner Mike Archambault present Commissioner Steven Harris present • Acting Chairman Angela Strohan present Commissioner Richard Turner present Commissioner Gene Slechta present Chairman Lloyd Pew absent Commissioner Stan Connick absent CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM #1 - CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the regular session meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission dated Thursday,May 9,2013. Commissioner Mike Archambault MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, May 9, 2013, as written. Commissioner Gene Slechta SECONDED. A roll call was taken and the MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Acting Chairman Angela Strohan aye Commissioner Mike Archambault aye Commissioner Steven Harris aye Commissioner Richard Turner aye Commissioner Gene Slechta aye S Page 1 of 7 AGENDA ITEM #2 — PUBLIC HEARING of a request for a CONCEPT PLAN, a RE- ZONING from C-1 to C-3, and for a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow Prevco Subsea Housings, LLC to remodel an existing 4,830 sq ft. office building, construct an additional 9,960 sq ft. light assembly and manufacturing building and to install additional landscaping and other site upgrades at 11843 N. Desert Vista. (Cases Z2013-05, SU2013-02 and CP2013-02). [Note emailed to staff on Wednesday, July 10, 2013, handed to Commissioners before meeting]. Exhibit"A" Robert Rodgers gave the presentation and included a PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit "B"). Mr. Rodgers explained that the building was previously a church and before that a medical center with a parking lot and an old helipad on the site. Mr. Rodgers added that the rest of the property was vacant. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that to the north the property abuts to Colony Wash; to the west Desert Vista Park; east the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation and to the south abuts the Desert Place Condominiums. Mr. Rodgers stated that the property was currently zoned C-1, which was adjacent to the C-2 and C-3 commercial zoning districts as well as R-3; R-4 RUPD (multi-family districts). Mr. Rodgers explained that the plan was to refurbish the existing office/church building into Prevco Corporate Office space in Phase I. He added that the company planned to occupy the offices as soon as possible and prior to Phase II of this project. Mr. Rodgers stated that Phase II was a proposal to construct an additional 9,960 sq ft. light assembly/manufacturing facility that would be located in the east rear of the property. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that additional site improvements would include walkways, landscaping, additional parking, on-site drainage retention, and public art such as a water feature. The art feature would be considered and approved by the Fountain Hills Art League and would be installed along with Phase II of the project. Mr. Rodgers noted that the alley to the north of the property would be upgraded with a new gate and paved for access to the manufacturing building as well as to improve access to the Fountain Hills Sanitary district's existing pump station, which is currently a dirt road and gated. Mr. Rodgers stressed that the Concept Plan approval would consist of two phases and staff had recommended some additional recommendations that included some off-site improvements as follows: 1. The applicant shall apply for and receive Encroachment Permits for any work to be done within the public Right-of-Ways and/or town-owned parcels prior to the commencement of said work. 2. The applicant shall provide an approvable landscaping plan prior to the issuance of any building permit and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all 1111) site improvements as depicted and approved. Page 2 of 7 3. The applicant shall submit Site Improvement Plans. All utilities and drainage features must be installed and functional as shown on the improvement plans and approved by the Town Engineer and the Planning Administrator. 4. No Occupancy Permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. Said improvements must be approved by both the Town Engineer and the Planning Administrator. 5. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement by providing one of the following prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: a. Exterior public art of an appraised or invoiced value equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. Water features using recycled water are preferred. b. A donation to the Fountain Hills Public Art Fund in an amount equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. 6. Signage is not included in this proposal. All signage shall comply with the requirements of the Fountain Hills Ordinance, Chapter 6 and shall require separate Building Permits. Mr. Rodgers explained that the applicants have stated that this light assembly/manufacturing use would be quiet and odor/dust free. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that by requesting to re-zone the property from the current C-1 zoning district to a C-3 zoning designation, it would preserve the base commercial zoning designation while still allowing the applicant to request a Special Use Permit for their specific light assembly/manufacturing use. Mr. Rodgers added that this use was compatible with other commercial uses in the area and the Special Use Permit could be granted specifically for Prevco Subsea Housings' use only and would alleviate any concerns that another future owner could potentially bring in a more intense and undesirable industrial use. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that issuing the Special Use Permit was subject to two criteria as follows: 1. The Assembly/Manufacturing area may not occupy more that 50% of the site. 2. There can be no hazardous materials used in the operations. Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve the proposed Concept Plan and move forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve a Re-zoning and Special Use Permit for Prevco Subsea Housings, LLC. Public Hearing Opened at 7:02 p.m. Mr. K. Scott McCoy, Attorney for the applicant spoke to the Commissioners about the proposed requests submitted for their approval from John Head, President of Prevco Subsea Housings, LLC. Mr. McCoy was also available to answer questions from the Commissioners. Mr. McCoy Page 3 of 8 pointed out that Dave Montgomery of Montgomery Engineering was present along with Mark Dohrmann of Dohrmann Architects, Inc. Mr. McCoy stated he had not received any questions or concerns from the abutting neighbors. Mr. John Head, President of Prevco Subsea Housings gave a presentation (including a PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit "C")to the Commission informing them of his business back- ground and his future plans for his company. Mr. Head was also available to answer questions from the Commissioners. Mr. Head pointed out that his company was open from 8-5 p.m., Monday through Friday with no activity on the week-end. Acting Chairman Strohan asked if there were any citizens wishing to speak. (Exhibit"D") Will Jacobs, Morningside Homeowners' Association President representing 122 property owners, opposed the project since it was unknown if Prevco left the site what kind of business would be allowed to move into this site. Mr. Jacobs pointed out that the wash adjacent to this site was owned by the Morningside Homeowners' Association. Lillian Wheeler, Fountain Hills spoke in opposition of these requests. There being no additional citizens wishing to speak on this agenda item, the Chairman declared the public hearing closed at 7:10 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #3 — CONSIDERATION of a request for a CONCEPT PLAN, a RE- ZONING from C-1 to C-3, and for a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow Prevco Subsea Housings, LLC to remodel an existing 4,830 sq ft. office building, construction an additional 9,960 sq ft. light assembly and manufacturing building and to install additional landscaping and other site upgrades at 11843 N. Desert Vista. (Cases Z2013-05, SU2013-02 and CP2013-02). Acting Chairman Angela Strohan asked the Commissioners for their questions or comments. Commissioner Richard Turner asked Mr. Rodgers if he was okay with the comments emailed to staff on Wednesday, July 10, 2013. (Exhibit "A"). Mr. Rodgers answered that he was okay with the requests. Commissioner Turner wanted to know if staff felt the need to clarify stipulations on Phase II. Mr. Rodgers answered that the Commissioners' could decide to add any clarification of stipulations in their motion. Acting Chairman Strohan questioned Mr. McCoy on their timeline for building Phases I and II. Mr. McCoy answered that the applicant did not have a firm timeline. He continued that it was anticipated that civil plans would be created and shortly after Phase I was completed then Phase II would go forth in the near future. Commissioner Mike Archambault ask the applicant if other sites in Fountain Hills were investigated that would meet his purpose. Mr. Head answered that had tried to purchase or find other locations that would possibly work, but for whatever reason his attempts failed. Mr. Head Page 4 of 7 expressed that he wanted to stay in Fountain Hills and his only alternative would be to move to Scottsdale and relocate. Commissioner Archambault wanted to point out for the record that there were limited areas for a business of this size to locate in town. Commissioner Gene Slechta questioned Mr. Head on the possibility of any hazardous materials used on site. Mr. Head answered that at the most, chemicals used in regular households were used. Commissioner Slechta asked Mr. Head if he would be willing to landscape the old helipad located on the grounds. Mr. Head stated he had no intentions of using the helipad and since the helipad was created before the electric lines were installed, it also made landing difficult trying to maneuver around the power lines in an aircraft. Mr. Head stated he had no problem with a added stipulation eliminating the helipad. Commissioner Slechta pointed out that there were driveways on three sides of the property and that for the sake of the condos and single family residences. He asked if the area could be accessed only off Desert Vista rather than off Saxon Drive. Mr. Head stated by taking the Saxon Drive entrance away it would eliminate parking spaces. Mr. Head noted a study would have to be done to understand the impact. Mr. Head stated that the driveway was probably added with the medical center and that he didn't know how the facility would use the drive unless to increase the parking area. Paul Mood, Director pointed out the possibly that public safety personnel may have a problem entering the area if this driveway were eliminated and Fire Codes would have to be considered. Commissioner Slechta questioned Mr. Rodgers if C-2 zoning could be used instead of C-3. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that C-3 was more appropriate since the company was light assembly. Mr. Rodgers also added that C-2 was more like the businesses downtown which were retail store front. He added that C-3 was zoned for almost light industrial. Commissioner Slechta was concerned about future business locating in this site that would not be residential friendly. Mr. Rodgers stated that this approval for C-3 was with a Special Use Permit and any C-2 business would probably not consider this site because of the lack of store front visibility. Commissioner Mike Archambault made a MOTION to approve the proposed Concept Plan for Prevco Subsea Housings, LLC to remodel an existing 4,830 sq ft office building, construct an additional 9,960 sq ft light assembly and manufacturing building and to install additional landscaping and other site upgrades at 11843 N. Desert Vista, as presented. Case Number CP2013-02. Commissioner Richard Turner SECONDED with an AMENDMENT to the MOTION that stipulations 2, 3, and 4 be applied to Phase II development and the landscape plan include a significant amount of 36" and 24" box trees positioned in areas that abutted residential areas. Commissioner Archambault ACCEPTED the AMENDED MOTION and accepted Commissioner Turner's stipulations. Acting Chairman Strohan requested an ADDITIONAL AMENDMENT to the MOTION that the tree size stipulation be amended to include 60" box trees instead of the 36" and 24" box trees Commissioner Turner requested because of the height of the wall. Commissioner Richard Turner ACCEPTED Acting Chairman Strohan's AMENDMENT as did Commissioner Mike Archambault. Robert Rodgers asked for clarification to the number of 60" box trees. Acting Chairman Strohan requested the same number shown on the landscape plan, but in a larger box size. Page 5 of 7 A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Turner aye Commissioner Slechta nay Commissioner Archambault aye Acting Chairman Strohan aye Commissioner Harris aye The MOTION carried 4-1, with Commissioner Gene Slechta voting nay. Commissioner Mike Archambault moved to FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION to Town Council to approve a RE-ZONING from C-1 to C-3 at 11843 N. Desert Vista, as presented. Case Number Z2013-05. Commissioner Steven Harris SECONDED the MOTION. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Archambault aye Acting Chairman Strohan aye Commissioner Harris aye Commissioner Turner aye Commissioner Slechta nay The MOTION carried 4-1,with Commissioner Gene Slechta voting nay. Commissioner Mike Archambault MOVED to FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION to Town Council to approve a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow Prevco Subsea Housings, LLC to construct an additional 9,960 Sq ft. building for a light assembly and manufacturing use at 11843 N. Desert Vista, as presented. Case Number SUP2013-02. Commissioner Steven Harris SECONDED the MOTION. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Acting Chairman Strohan aye Commissioner Harris aye Commissioner Turner aye Commissioner Slechta nay Commissioner Archambault aye The MOTION carried 4-1, with Commissioner Gene Slechta voting nay. Robert Rodgers pointed out that this item would go to the Town Council for their approval on Thursday,August 1, 2013. AGENDA ITEM#4—COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH None Page 6 of 7 AGENDA ITEM #5- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUEST from Senior Planner. None AGENDA ITEM #6 — REPORT from Subcommittee Chairman Gene Slechta relating to "Condo Conversions". Commissioner and Subcommittee Chairman Gene Slechta gave a brief summary of the findings of the subcommittee (Exhibit "F"). Subcommittee's recommendation was to not initiate a zoning ordinance change per the request. Commissioner Richard Turner made a MOTION to APPROVE the report as presented. Commissioner Gene Slechta SECONDED and the MOTION carried 5-0. AGENDA ITEM#7 - ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Gene Slechta MOVED to adjourn and Commissioner Steven Harris SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Acting Chairman Angela Strohan aye Commissioner Steven Harris aye Commissioner Mike Archambault aye Commissioner Richard Turner aye Commissioner Gene Slechta aye The regular meeting ADJOURNED at 7:40 p.m. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION BY /• Acti g Chairman Angela Strohan 6r- ATTEST: C.4 i2a4(kg 6 Janice Baxter, Recorder CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 11th day of June 2013, in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 1 It"day of June 2013(Pr Janice Baxter, Recorder Page 7 of 7 1. We intend to occupy the existing building prior to the commencement or completion of the 111) proposed building or any of the other site improvements. It seems that concept is not fully understood by Town staff as evidenced by Stipulations 2 and 4. a. I would be okay with the Stipulations saying"No occupancy permit for the proposed building shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved." b. The City should not attach conditions on the issuance of an occupancy permit for the existing building, as that building and the site are already constructed and improved and. presumably complies with the Town's Development standards. 2. Additionally,to the extent Stipulation 3 could be interpreted to apply to any permit relating to tenant improvements to the existing building, that stipulation should be modified to exclude the application of that stipulation to any permits issued in connection with the existing building. 3. The first 2 Pages of Exhibit E(Page 26&27 in the Meeting Notice Package)were changed but not removed; they show as the corrected revision on Pages 14 & 15. 4. Exhibit F(Page 24 in the Meeting Notice Package)was changed,the corrected version shows on Page 16. Janice Baxter (hir rom: Robert'Bob' Rodgers [rrodgers@fh.az.gov] Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:18 AM To: 'Janice Baxter' Cc: 'Paul Mood' Subject: Prevco clarification request from applicant Attachments: 20130710102530157.pdf I received this note from Prevco. Please add the attached file to the meeting packets and distribute to the P&Z Commissioners for tomorrow's meeting. Thanks Bob Exhibit "A " 7/10/2013 irk; .; Town of Fount tin Hilts Vicinity\lap Staff Presentation �� 81� 1 ',. ' � ,,�,,++,;:�� x .. '� . ; � sdll .,, 3 ' �fT$1 t mar ; '! 'g t. r that is Asti • o �.r ' Pre�co Subsea Ho€rs�nys 4 ,, ° �" ;� : , ; emu , i 1843 N. C}esel�t 1�`ista G . .q a � � Concept Plan - Rezoning SUP �:"' . a, 4,,,, F F,,,,,,, Concept Plan 1r4tI Ir�� lir ',mg" t;: I: �` /1A C-3 = "' �,-itir- ..?;',..*:-;,';'.4ix,.,,,,, ffi .-;,..7f,,,F / ` f �nz �" a �Fc's% -- �I �I! �I c ri1-s C4I r �^ S "n �t l; s3 fig.. • Exhibit "B" 1 7/10/2013 Le ' ' '....••,, Larttl,apiny Han '`,M4';';',I10•,, , EXHIBIT 7 .......:.... 1 44:(4',,'-,'.,„...,--(no.- --.4 -,,,-,N --7.7f.r.- • 4.,,,k wq---,--4,.-4... ..., ;.A.,- • ....c-- V,f... ..7-,...,.. - .= .1; _LI--,,4;:,,, /--7- i...,*-- J• tf: ...L- k , . . ; rt,,-- L.::-.-------,77,-, .-‘,.\cy./.. ,-,-4- ',-;',,%1 , , 1111.1.11...41111P1111 1111111111111Pirlilliirr ' —‘,21...,, '; .0,,,,....,--7,.. c'''.,,L,'• Ari,?' --Y ,:, ...,-41•R,::', i q;',!, fl&f.Zr,Mtc.47, '',i` • ,1:f ' / 2. . -.... *mri.... Request s RPromnienclat Tms . .... .... ..,.. , . 0,... Colicpt Ulan Approval ...„,,.. st.sti 1,0,11'11,011,1S' Re-Zoning from C-1 to C-1 , AI ,AL of that Couccpf Ilan 1 FOrWard a Iv(kifinlendation tc \l'i'ROVI..tile Re-lolling ''''''''''',1,4,•.r,,'.,,,,-, jai use R...rm it tor i,ight Nianufacturing/i\ssvnibly 14,commendatton to APPROVE the S.U.1'. kg:i.••• ,-,. "",X,''.- ,,.,,,,,?/),-.. ..;:•31:,:,e4,' -...... 2 7/10/2013 PREVCO Overview Who We Are 1� What We've Done ,s4 PRt',VCO Subsea I Iousings Overview PREVCO Subsea Housings Global Customer Base ) i ` Founded in Fountain Hills in 1999 Industries Supported .,,, ` Subsea Defense - Located on Technology Drive Aerospace "w 116. Current Building is Owned 5,000 sq ft Oceanograp _; - om.: ;� t 9 Employees Scientific Deep Offshore Oil Expi., ,�77 ... , ,, r W, PREVCO OCATIO ' - an -ro.u Subsea Enclosures PREVCO USA Depths to>20,000 Ft. Underwater Fountain Hills,AZ -.:;` Various Exotic Materials PREVCO EUROP ' -..... Super Duplex Stainless Steel Royal Tunbridge Wells,UK Aluminum I A Titanium Ceramic 5,;�, Plastic Others Exhibit "C" 1 7/10/2013 TSUNAMI PROJECT DEPTHX Prototype Space Vehicle For Eventual Mission to ..# NOAA National Data Buoy Center "Europa"(a Moon of Jupiter) Consultation on Global Tsunami k ,` ''' Sensor Enclosures Tested in a Cenoee in Mexico "� .,,,,,i:_,,i 7+7--'4:1""A„',...4r4:it,, „:,..--':'--- 141. 1 . . ,.,....,_ ...... .,., Acoustic Range for 1Bth Scale.Model Virtual Periscope Submarine NAVY . ' Alternate to Raising a Lake Pond Oreille, ID Periscope �; . . a � �,, SUBSEA CAMERA Ruggedized Camera Enclosure",, • Antarctic , i-o 'if, "P Many applications .' �� need High Speed •.. Observation ,, ; t Video w . --'' '. 2 7/10/2013 Ceramic for Subsea Enclosures PREVCO Summary V Global Market �.. , . Growing Company , Using Local Talent ,' • • �• Lots of Possibilities r '4.:- ,. -WI I { ,i,, ,, ., ,.. , ..... ..... .,.. ., ,,•, • .. ..,,,,,,,,, .,....„.„. ,- ,,. ..._„.,,,,, ,,,.......„............... . ..„,,......._,...„....... , ,,,,„,,,,,„.„ , . ' , ,,,,,,,,,, • MCCOY RAMELLA, PLLC ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW K.SCOTT MCCOY T.602 635 3333 F.602 788 1156 smccoy@mrlawaz.com www.mrlawaz.com • 3200 N.Central Avenue Suite 1200•Phoenix,AZ 85012 3 JTpNytL, y i(' k.,\,P REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD i_''_�= Please submit this card prior to the discussion of the item list b low. -0`° A`'� Meeting Date rr Name/Phone No. Vi`/ \i) <r/ .--c6'-i(D,R.7 City/Town / 1'h1,41A1 /4/I l Title/Organization/ �t/l S/AL 7 .4,4- I am representing(# of people) /,y; ,064.5 ES, I wish to speak or ❑ NO, I do not wish to speak,but have indicated my position: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST ❑ CALL TO THE PUBLIC ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. ❑ AGENDA ITEM NO. cz`,_____? 04._„,,_ PL SE PRINTContinents: �~ �t r��� }cl s i�1 C S Pi to__ J i )14u.tvr ba..4.134A—f.,:+1,44.0.--4: Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. Please fill out the comment card completely and turn it into the Clerk prior to the Council discussion of that Agenda item or prior to the beginning of the meeting. (Please see reverse for procedural information on addressing the Council) 1 . ----.JLL thopy ,„....,..,z�+INy � , . \,�N REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD ,,=lib Please submit this card prior to the discussion of the item lie ed ben w. r= Meeting Date // L3 / Name/Phone No. 7 , i / 1 I aL '1 e e.C e Y `l' , /City/Town `�,, )l s Title/Organization I am representing(#of people) PCI,YES, I wish to speak or ❑ NO, I do not wish to speak,but have indicated my position: ❑ FOR Cal'AGAINST ❑ CALL TO THE PUBLIC E/ PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. ,', d 3 ❑ AGENDA ITEM NO. PLEASE PRINT Comments: L Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your commen Exhibit nD n Please fill out the comment card completely and turn it into the Clerk prioa: prior to the beginning of the meeting. (Please see reverse for procedural information July 25,2013 To:Planning&Zoning Commission 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Fountain Hills Conference Room Subcommittee Members: Gene Slechta,Chairman,Commissioner Richard A.G. Turner, and Commissioner Mike Archambault Staff Participating:Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner,Jason Field, Building Official,and Janice Baxter,Executive Assistant and Recorder of the meetings. Subcommittee report regarding the consideration of rezoning 2-unit properties to designation other than condominium The subcommittee met on 3 separate occasions[June 5, 19&July 1 I,20131 to research and discusses a request to rezone properties containing as little as 2 units. The requestor suggested that FHA financing of such properties was difficult as long as they were designated condominiums. The subcommittee talked with large bank mortgage lending officers,researched the HUD and other websites for information and formal guidelines,communicated with service providers and met with the requestor and his representative. (111, The findings included: The HUD/FHA guidelines indicate that the requirements are virtually identical whether your property contains 2 units or many units. . There is no rule,or guideline,that requires a condominium association contain 5 or more units as has been suggested in the past. HUD/FHA requirements for condominiums and their associations are more stringent than conventional loans for some obvious reasons including insurance,reserves,an active association,general paperwork and protection of property values.The requirements are consistent for all associations,large or small. Records show that,currently, less than 10 associations in Fountain Hills are certified for FHA loans. There are 30 to 40 associations in the downtown alone,several being quite large,that are not certified. As these units are being sold,it is apparent they are cash or conventionally financed. The subcommittee is recommending that the Planning&Zoning Commission not initiate a zoning ordinance change per the request. Eugene Slechta,Subcommittee Chair Exhibit "E" TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS X Planning and Zoning . Board of Adjustment AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: July11, 2013 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Planning&Zoning Staff Contact Information: N/A REQUEST TO COMMISSION: Consideration of approving the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Session meeting minutes from May 9, 2013. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A ''roperty Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): Approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Session meeting minutes from May 9, 2013. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact(initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Session meeting minutes dated May 9, 2013, as presented. Attachment(s): Submitted by: Xetn/ee Iaatei July 2, 2013 Name/Title Date Approved by: July 2, 2013 Robe Odgers, Senior Planner Date Page 1 of 1 141ArN TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS X Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment that Is m.o. AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: July 11, 2013 Agenda Type: Regular Meeting Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner, 480-816-5138, rrodgersCa�fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: PUBLIC HEARING of a request for a CONCEPT PLAN, a RE-ZONING from C-1 to C-3, and for a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow Prevco Subsea Housings LLC to remodel an existing 4,830 sq. ft. office building, construct an additional 9,960 sq. ft. light assembly and manufacturing building and to install additional landscaping and other site upgrades at 11843 N. Desert Vista. CONSIDERATION of a request for a CONCEPT PLAN, a RE-ZONING from C-1 to C-3, and for a SPECIAL 'SE PERMIT to allow Prevco Subsea Housings LLC to remodel an existing 4,830 sq. ft. office building, .onstruct an additional 9,960 sq. ft. light assembly and manufacturing building and to install additional landscaping and other site upgrades at 11843 N. Desert Vista. (Cases #CP2013-02 , #Z2013-05 , #SU2013-02) Applicant: John Head, President Applicant Contact Information: 9521 N. Technology Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (480) 837-0100 Property Location: 11843 N. Desert Vista, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: 1. Zoning Ordinance - Section 2.01 Amendments or Zone Changes 2. Zoning Ordinance - Section 2.02 Special Use Permits 3. Zoning Ordinance - Section 2.04 Concept Plan Review 4. Zoning Ordinance - Section 12.06.E Uses Subject to Special Use Permits in C-3 Zoning Districts Only 5. Zoning Ordinance - Chapter 19, Architectural Review Guidelines 6. Subdivision Ordinance - Section 6.09 Low Water Use Landscaping Requirements Existing Conditions: The subject property consists of lots 1-3 in Plat 302, Block 2 and is adjacent to Desert Vista Park. Total project 'rea is approximately 90,516 sq ft (2.1 acres). The property has a 4,830 sq ft vacant office/church building, a ka, .0-space parking lot, and a helipad. The properties are currently zoned C-1. Page 1 of 4 P&Z Staff Report 6/26/13 Surrounding Land Uses: North — Colony Wash, then Morningside II Single-Family homes —Zoning = R4 RUPD South — Desert Vista Place Condominiums —Zoning = C-1 (SUP 2001-13) East — Sanitary District Pumping Station, then Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation West — Desert Vista Park— Zoning = C-1 Staff Summary (background): Prevco Subsea Housings is a local company that makes underwater containers for a variety of uses and clients worldwide. The company is currently located on Technology Drive but is rapidly outgrowing its space. The company needs to expand and the owners wish to remain in Fountain Hills, if possible. This application consists of three requests; Concept Plan approval, Rezoning the property from the current C-1 to C-3, and a Special Use Permit to allow light manufacturing and assembly. CONCEPT PLAN: The concept plan proposes to keep the 4,830 sf existing building and refurbish it as corporate office space. The plan also proposes to construct an additional 9,960 sf manufacturing building in the rear of the property. Both the current C-1 and the proposed C-3 commercial zoning districts allow up to 60% lot coverage. This proposal will result in a total lot coverage of only 17%±. Additional site improvements such as walkways, landscaping, additional parking, on-site drainage retention, and public art will also be included. The alley along the north property boundary will be upgraded and paved for access to the manufacturing building as well as to improve the access to the Sanitary District Pumping Station. The existing gate across the alley will also be upgraded in cooperation with the Sanitary District. The proposed architectural design will be of a modern southwestern style consisting of masonry construction th numerous architectural details and accents. Colors used are primarily earth-tones. Material samples and artist's renderings have been provided as attachments to this report. The preliminary landscaping plan that has been submitted meets the ordinance requirements for low water use plants and additional landscape elements. Signage is not a part of this Concept Plan and will be permitted separately according to the requirements in Chapter 6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff has reviewed the proposed Concept Plan and generally finds the proposal to be in keeping with the Town's ordinance requirements. No variances or waivers are requested or required for approval of the Concept Plan. RE-ZONING: The proposed use is a light assembly/manufacturing use that is quiet and odor/dust free. It was felt that requesting a rezoning to an industrial zone such as Ind-1 or Ind-2 could potentially create future problems if another user were to somehow acquire the property. Such a zoning classification would not be appropriate for the area as it is adjacent to residential neighborhoods and the park. The request is to re-zone the property from the current C-1 zoning district to a C-3 zoning designation. Thereby preserving the base commercial zoning designations while still allowing the applicants to request a Special Use Permit for their specific light assembly/manufacturing use. Such a use is compatible with other commercial uses in the area and the Special Use Permit can be granted specifically for this use only. This, it is felt, will alleviate some concerns that another future owner could potentially bring in a more intense and undesirable k ldustrial use. Nib Page 2 of 4 P&Z Staff Report 6/26/13 SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Section 12.06.E of the Zoning Ordinance allows Light Assembly uses in the C-3 zoning district by Special Use ?rmit subject to two criteria. 1. The Assembly/Manufacturing area may not occupy more than 50% of the site 2. There can be no hazardous materials used in the operations Staff believes that the assembly area is demonstrably small in relation to the site area and the applicant states that no hazardous materials are used, or stored on site. Subject to Fire Department and Sanitary District verifications regarding the hazardous materials, these criteria appear to be met. Risk Analysis: Approval of the proposals will permit the applicants to redevelop a currently vacant building into new office space, construct a new commercial building for light manufacturing & assembly, upgrade access to the site as well as to the Sanitary District's facility, and improve the general aesthetic character of the property. Denial of the proposal will require that the applicant either re-design portions of the project and/or provide additional information. Or, that the applicant move the business to another location which would most probably be outside of Fountain Hills. Fiscal Impact: There is no immediate fiscal impact anticipated. Denial could result in the company eventually moving out of town and with it an attendant loss in sales tax revenues may occur. Staff Recommendation(s): The following stipulations are recommended as conditions of approval: 1. The applicant shall apply for and receive Encroachment Permits for any work to be done within the public Right-of-Ways and/or Town-owned parcels prior to the commencement of said work. 2. The applicant shall provide an approvable landscaping plan prior to the issuance of any building permit and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. 3. The applicant shall submit Site Improvement Plans. All utilities and drainage features must be installed and functional as shown on the improvement plans and approved by the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of any Building Permit. 4. No Occupancy Permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. Said improvements must be approved by both the Town Engineer and the Planning Administrator. 5. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement by providing one of the following prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: a. Exterior public art of an appraised or invoiced value equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. Water features using recycled water are preferred; b. A donation to the Fountain Hills Public Art Fund in an amount equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. 4 6. Signage is not included in this approval. All signage shall comply with the requirements of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6 and shall require separate Building Permits. Page 3 of 4 P&Z Staff Report 6/26/13 7. Concept Plan approval is subject to Town Council's approval of both the Rezoning and Special Use Permit requests. Including any additional stipulations they may include. 8. The Special Use Permit shall be specific to Prevco Subsea Housings LLC and its light assembly and manufacturing activities and shall not be transferable. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to APPROVE the proposed CONCEPT PLAN for Prevco Subsea Housings LLC to remodel an existing 4,830 sq. ft. office building, construct an additional 9,960 sq. ft. light assembly and manufacturing building and to install additional landscaping and other site upgrades at 11843 N. Desert Vista as presented. Case #CP2013-02 Move to FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION to Town Council to approve a RE-ZONING from C-1 to C-3 at 11843 N. Desert Vista as presented. Case #Z2013-05 Move to FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION to Town Council to approve a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow Prevco Subsea Housings LLC to construct an additional 9,960 sq. ft. building for a light assembly and manufacturing use at 11843 N. Desert Vista as presented. Case #SUP2013-02 Attachment(s): Application Vicinity/Location Maps (3 pgs) Applicant's Narrative (7 pgs) Concept Plan Materials Architectural Concepts & Elevations (12 pgs) Development Team Member List Submitted by: AM Robert Rodgers �e 6/26/2013 Name/Title Date Approved by: Pil j, 6/Z663 Development Services Director Date Page 4 of 4 il ! +" ,- PREVCO ,�`" --""µ DO Not writcl in this space —official use only SUBSEA HOUSINGS ..•. — Filing Date l 1` _._ _ � Accepted By r 0 i ci ' John Head Fee Accepted ' ' President 1 Case Manager �40,1) Oct - 9521 N.Technology Drive.Cl.Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 I mam.460-837-0100 la•..d80J 18-7723 c e�`�._, x r`` ' i L' / 4/J)L r9' noleaF a'_'prevco.com ,.en WM,prevco com l.._ �`�'_I/ . ' . • 1 Main Hills PLANNING 8 ZONING DEPARTMENT a APPLICATION Abandonment(Plat or Condominium) Ei Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation Area Specific Plan &Amendments ✓ Concept-Plan —- i 3-v� 1,-D I Condominium Plat Cut/Fill Waiver Development Agreement • . HPE Change or Abandonment General Plan Amendment Ordinance (Text Amendment) Planned Unit Development Preliminary/ Final Plat Replat (Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments) _ tb`I ✓ ---v Z Rezoning (Map) ZO i 0 S Special Use Permit&Amendments-51-c /3 c� - --- Site Plan Review (vehicles sales) 1-1 Temporary Use Permit(Median Fee,if applicable) TOT; Variance T Other PROJECT NAME / NATURE OF PROJECT: PR re i II See-,-1 k-,"S,. Pe ;:t:-4- 11V.1 a o-es,.., I tI;sr', LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat Name F.H.AZ Final Plat No.302 Block 2 LOt 1,2&3 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 11843 North Desert Vista Drive,Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 PARCEL SIZE(Acres)2.069+1-Acres ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 176-08-451A NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED One TRACTS One EXISTING ZONING C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and Professional PROPOSED ZONING C-3 General Commercial A Iicant Coral Cactus,LLCtJohn Head,Manager Mrs. Day Phone 480 637 0100 ✓ Mr. Ms. Address: 9521 North Technology Drive City: Fountain Hills State: AZ Zip: 85268 Email: Jhead@prevco.com Owner Mrs. Anton V.Rimza Day Phone 602 264-1881 ✓ Mr. Ms. Address: 621 East Goldenrod Street City: Phoenix State: AZ Zip: 85048 If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration,the section below must be completed. 1 //: SIGNATURE OF OWNER � t-,• �..��"" ��s� �'� � DATE e � j/-,.� I HEREBY AUTHORIZE ( ��oc•l. �-,,:i vs, k,!..,•., 1-Jo,"' 1`�'„i, ,,,,,.., TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please Print a v �-� Su j -cx1e,. s day©f -- 1 = 20 - �. .- -- ' My Commission Expires �: (O 1 I< _ �IUNlIS Notary,Rublic -._:. a �Ue urr G�iaiy 3ubIic Arizona 211 APPLICATION! #t y „�� � +�K Notary Public Arizona :� , �; Maricop,a Coonty t$ . My Commission Expires e„`,�1<;c/ March 8,2015 0 PREVCO SUBSEA, LLC CONCEPT PLAN/REZONE/SPECIAL USE PERMIT 1ST SUBMITTAL June 20, 2013 2nd SUBMITTAL July 2, 2013 0 PREPARED BY: McCOY RAMELLA, PLLC 3200 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE, SUITE 1200 PHOENIX, AZ 85012 • k. N iska tIty \ It% ) A ltf4rrs.... =awl •• It'll" tt 0 1%one dAVtiof --AA" /........„ , ,.,-,% . . 61 ,, 1110,A4s.: III . ck s ...,itiet. co iiiri A /N ft� �v Me** plc. 17 AL swEA eLvt) ..,"41 iorimil 1111 V71 -1- Vravrt . VICINITY MAP \ T S • EXHIBIT A E � 1 I rn i i� !J 8go,. 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Vei :' o a k + I i ml qVJ / / \\ II n 6 3:!, A 1 - 11 eon oxss Dvsl I 4 - r— „ j, --�' /'� C �c'F.R., sr.`�;cw wlim �-� _--'R 'IP " 1 I -p� _•a \\ U "z^• ,�\ .t Srti LEE �!� I r l rn tT•`. ti g d tlR A•ASX!� l M v \ -� SAS � U fi<"R) �; EEEE.EI- _:\ e1 I so>'5 s4 a `_?-- -i - -- _- i_ g3 r,ii :;:: 15 l; i'I _ b� urJ it i m oh—e L Z A lc-c,! `1' oh-e e - m �m �Ng riti r wg `-:.:2; R< ., R9 R., $ T, r� 8 vFF M> mi g 73 l''.7,. ; Sri �N !!..'. �C �9 $ 7:17' 9' `i� �::: a F�9�8 ���� tl�. ..E:' ::!_,3 : 3'1 ; D i UA�,a APj 8N x - t4'i S o IS z wwwn a u. g ,. �ap� ti : �aa o a aa� w > COPYRIGHT C 2013 BY MONTGOMERY ENGINEERING ee MANAGEMENT,L.I.C. 1 0 PREVCO SUBSEA, LLC M�NTG�MERY KSM o.1x. 6-5-13 ENGINEERING&MANAGEMENT,L.L.C. ./� °A""" -- 16716 E PARKVILW AVE SJtTE 204 u«m n.DRM rRexccr Ao 13071 PLAT 302 BLOCK 2 LOTS 1, 2, 3 1'r �7 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA 85268 AS NOTED -.. (480)837-1;845 far(460)837-8668 I 8/as/n -7.7,0L:5 T� _ - 4:. _._...-_ __..._ . \ 11843 DESERT VISTA c mo:l: Dave®C'v'IAZ.com na G,Erz oEscwlPnoN � SITE PLAN LOCATION MAP ,. , . , . .: ,. . • , . - / ,/, '41 ,,./ ,i..''' .4. ry, _ , . .•F x _ , - te .,,,I ,,,.. .4,,,,, ,....,,, m ,... 1.c: ., , ..,....ff „.,, . • . . em^sa YK.. �., P .. " e I t r y . f 1. w s. w 40/t. pt NI, 43 ..„.. ., ,_.. si ,.. ..ik, -,,,,,i: , , - ;-• Wquq 4. , .o J +am. t., ale i ,r5 4 i1 , ., ._. ,1 9= * _ _ cei :{o r «. ;31py ,tr t f �. t,,, m rn a . Q . s O j . ' . �� # fir` y y Mill {yg.��� Y ��� � �{� 4� ,... ro. , s • . r tijiii 1 v a « .- ________ _ lip .. ' - ,45,... . . _lag. .... - , f..4; , ..*.,0 ce. " '''''.1. -, .`„sin_-;_:, g* -,..... , , . _ „,_ .ifat, , - r -* e, ' 4., +1;;*Z.4*.•‘4%.7414# 44'' ' - ''.. ''' . —IN, '°. . rit ' II•n • 4• {y▪� J. .. T3 1.p ,ps .a, -- . *14 ti rt+ , i..t « ,t�f,+�.�u-. . 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Our leak-proof submarine pressure housings can be air-filled or pressure compensated. Underwater enclosures are often used for containing batteries, hydrophones, data-loggers and other data recording and monitoring equipment. Our enclosures are used extensively with Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), Subsea Robots and for many other applications in the Oil and Gas Industry, Defense, Research, Environmental Monitoring and Offshore Renewables. PREVCO's intended use of the property located at 11843 N. Desert Vista, Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 is to house the main executive, engineering and administrative offices of the company and to provide a facility that will house materials storage, fabrication, assembly and testing operations of the company. PREVCO employs a total of 9 people, 7 full-time employees and 1 part-time employee at its home office located in Fountain Hills, Arizona and 1 employee located in the PREVCO European Operations office Near London in the United Kingdom. Growth of the company has been fairly slow and steady to date with 1-4 employees for the first 12 years of operation (PREVCO started in a Fountain Hills garage in 1999). 5 more employees have been added since 2011 and it is anticipated that additional growth will occur as sales increase in our market segment. The employees hired by PREVCO are typically highly educated engineers and executives, many whom also live in Fountain Hills. 1.0 PURPOSE AND INTENT OF REQUEST This request is for approval of a concept plan review, zoning map amendment and special use permit to enable the continued operation of PREVCO Subsea, LLC's ("PREVCO") business in the Town of Fountain Hills ("Town"). The PREVCO concept plan depicts the site at full build-out and is intended to comply with all of the Town's ordinances and to enable PREVCO to make site improvements which substantially comply with the concept plan. The purpose of the zoning map amendment and special use permit are to align the intended PREVCO use with the Town's zoning ordinance. The intent of the concept plan, zoning map amendment and special use requests are to obtain approval for the PREVCO site concept and use. If approved, the site will be compatible with surrounding development and will provide for an efficient, attractive and neighborhood compatible business campus for the PREVCO operations. 2.0 SITE DATA The proposed location for the PREVCO facility is 11843 North Desert Vista Drive, Fountain Hills, Arizona. (See Vicinity Map at Exhibit A). The site is an approximately 2.069 ± acre site with a roughly square configuration. The site has been developed with an approximately 3,873 square foot building, parking field, wet and dry utilities and landscaping. The building is vacant and is in need of exterior maintenance and interior improvements. Prior uses for the site include a medical clinic and, most recently, a house of worship. The site is currently zoned C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District. The adjacent land uses are as follows: North: R-4 Multi-Family Residential Zoning District (Morningside at Lakeside Village Condominium separated from site by an approx. 200 foot wide wash and an approximately 25 foot wide alley) 1 Concept Plan/Rezone/Special Use Permit PR,,EVCO SZfBSEA,rrC June 2013 East: Fountain Hills Sanitary District Pumping Station and the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation (vacant) South: C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District (Desert Vista Condominium) (Across Saxon Drive) West: C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District(Desert Vista Park) (Across Desert Vista Drive) Uses in the vicinity include the Fountain Hills Elementary School District facility, automotive repair facilities, automotive body repair shop, gas fueling station, automotive supplies, self-storage and numerous C-3 uses on the west side of Desert Vista Park. Excellent access is available to the site via North Saguaro Boulevard to northbound Desert Vista and eastbound on East Saxon Drive. A Town of Fountain Hills Sanitary District alley exists to the north of the site upon which delivery access to the site is being proposed. The site generally slopes West to East with some minor undulations occurring on the property. The site, having been previously disturbed (100 % disturbance area), does not contain any Hillside Area. As such, Hillside Protection Easements are not warranted. 3.0 CONCEPT PLAN The Concept Plan, attached at Exhibit B, depicts the site at its eventual full build-out. PREVCO intends all buildings and structures to be professionally maintained and architecturally pleasing to the eye to provide a visual enhancement to the area generally, and to enhance the quality of the neighborhood and adjacent businesses and residents. The Concept Plan depicts the existing building and parking field. Before the existing building can house the PREVCO operations, interior and exterior improvements must be made. In addition to the interior and exterior building improvements, landscaping improvements and parking surface maintenance and resurfacing need to occur. The building, landscaping and parking field improvements shall occur as Phase I of the site development improvements and include building facade improvements, interior remodeling, addition of landscape plants and materials, parking surface repairs and possibly the addition of a covered parking area. In addition to the existing buildings, the Concept Plan includes an approximately 10,000 square foot building to be constructed in Phase II of the site improvements. Once constructed, the Phase II building will house the manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, warehousing and testing functions. A timeline for the Phase II improvements is being developed and is predicated on the historical and anticipated growth of PREVCO operations. The Concept Plan is in compliance with all Town ordinances and no variances, adjustments or deviations from the Town's development standards are requested or anticipated. The Concept Plan satisfies the criteria of Section 12.13 of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, reproduced below: Fountain Hills - Zoning Ordinance Summary Commerical District -' Minimum Yard Setbacks Distance Area Width Bldg Lot Between District (SQFT) (Feet) Height(Feet) Front Side Street Side Rear Coverage gldgs 2 Concept Plan/Rezone/Special Use Permit PREUCO SU&,' [,LCC June 2013 (Feet) ,-..v.... C-O 12,000 60 30 e 10 a,b 5 c 5 f 5 35% UBC C-C 1,125 23 25 0 0 0 0 100% g UBC C-1 ; 6,000 60 25 25 b 0 c 10 c 0 d 60% ! UBC C 2�~ 6,000 60 40 10 a,b 0 b,c 0 b,c 0 d 1 60% n UBC UBC C-3 6,000 60 40 10 a,b 0 b,c 0 b,c 0 d { 60% a. OR HEIGHT OF THE BUILDING, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. b. WHEN ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SEPARATED BY A STREET OR ALLEY, THERE SHALL BE A FRONT YARD EQUAL TO THE FRONT YARD REQUIRED IN THE ADJOINING RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT OR THE BUILDING HEIGHT, WHICHEVER IS GREATER (NOT TO EXCEED 25 FEET). c. WHEN ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT THERE IS TO BE A 10-FOOT SETBACK OR A DISTANCE EQUAL TO THE HEIGHT OF THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. WHEN A CORNER LOT IS ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SEPARATED BY A STREET OR ALLEY, THERE SHALL BE A 10-FOOT SETBACK OR HEIGHT OF BUILDING, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. IF A SIDE YARD IS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, THE MINIMUM SETBACK IS 3 FEET. d. WHEN ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SEPARATED BY A STREET OR ALLEY, THERE IS TO BE A 25-FOOT SETBACK OR HEIGHT OF THE BUILDING, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. IF THERE IS TO BE OTHER THEN A ZERO REAR YARD SETBACK THE MINIMUM SETBACK IS 10 FEET. e. IF WITHIN 20 FEET OF A RURAL OR RESIDENTIAL ZONE, MAXIMUM HEIGHT IS 15 FEET. f. IF A CORNER LOT ABUTS A RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT WHETHER OR NOT SEPARATED BY AN ALLEY, MINIMUM STREET SIDE YARD SETBACK SHALL BE 15 FEET. 4.0 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT and SPECIAL USE PERMIT The site is currently zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District. (See Location Map at Exhibit C). The zoning map amendment request seeks to change the site zoning from C-1 to C-3, General Commercial Zoning District to allow for the general commercial and retail component of the PREVCO operation, which include product research and development, product engineering and design, sales, office, and warehousing. The special use permit request is for Light Assembly within the C-3 zoning district and addresses the manufacturing, machining and fabrication, and assembly components of the PREVCO operation. (See Development Plan at Exhibit D). The proposed C-3 zoning is in compliance with, and conforms to, the Town of Fountain Hills 2010 General Plan, which designates the site as General Commercial/Retail. The application of the Special Use Permit to the C-3 zoning allows us to maintain 100% conformance with the General Commercial/Retail 2010 General Plan land use designation. ( Concept Plan/Rezone/Special Use Permit P?�EVCO SUBSEA,LTC 9une 2013 The zoning map amendment and Special Use Permit request furthers and fulfills the Goals and Objectives of the Town of Fountain Hills 2010 General Plan. The PREVCO requests are consistent with and supportive of the following objectives and goals of the 2010 General Plan: 2010 General Plan Land Use Goal Two: Centralize commercial and employment uses and address their existing pattern of development. Goal Two is achieved by bringing the PREVCO C-3 zoning use to an area where the predominate uses are commercial in nature. 2010 General Plan Objective 2.1: The Town should continue to employ a policy to encourage the overall development of existing commercially zoned lands and the renovation of underutilized commercial buildings. Objective 2.1 is achieved by creating the opportunity to redevelop a vacant commercial site and to allow for the renovation and full use of an existing commercial building. 2010 General Plan Land Use Goal Four:Expand the Town image beyond that of a suburb to incorporate a unique pro-business community identity. Goal 4 can be achieved by virtue of the Town's approval of the Concept Plan, zoning map amendment and special use permit requests and will demonstrate the Town's pro-business commitment. 2010 General Plan Objective 4.2: The Town should develop business incentive programs to attract new commercial services and to retain existing and attract new businesses to the community and guide their appropriate location. Objective 4.2 has been realized through the Town's proactive approach in encouraging PREVCO to continue its operations in Fountain Hills and by assisting in the selection of an appropriate location for its operations. 4.1 Utilities The site is fully improved with sewer, water, electrical, telephone and cable utilities. The utility providers serving the site include: Water Service Provider = Chaparral City Water Company Sanitary Service Provider = Fountain Hills Sanitary District Electric Service Provider = SRP (Salt River Project) Upgrades, repairs or new construction to the existing site utility infrastructure are not anticipated to serve the PREVCO operation at full build-out. 0 4 Concept Plan/Rezone/Special Use Permit PEVCO SUBSEA,LLC June 2013 4.2 Streets The street network serving the site is via public streets. Excellent access is available to the site via North Saguaro Boulevard to northbound Desert Vista and eastbound on East Saxon Drive. A Town of Fountain Hills Sanitary District alley exists to the north of the site upon which delivery access to the site is being proposed. The public streets serving the site are classified in the Circulation Element of the Town of Fountain Hills as: Saguaro Boulevard = Minor Arterial Street Desert Vista = Major Collector Street East Saxon Drive = Local Street One proposed modification to the street system serving the site relates to the Fountain Hills Sanitary District controlled access alley-way immediately adjacent to the site. Currently, the alley is only utilized by the Sanitary District, however, negotiations with the District to allow limited use of the alley for deliveries of materials to PREVCO are underway. Access to the alley will allow PREVCO to utilize the back of the facility for deliveries and will screen the delivery function from adjacent properties. In the event access to the alley is granted, alley surface improvements are needed and are anticipated to occur during the Phase I development of the site. 4.3 Operational Characteristics General operations of the company are 8-hour working days during a normal Monday-Friday work week. Shift work is not anticipated at this time. All work is performed indoors; with no outdoor storage of any materials or products. The use is noiseless, odorless and gasless and does not involve the use or storage of hazardous materials or substances. The numbers of vehicular trips generated by the PREVCO use are significantly below the trips generally associated with typical neighborhood retail and commercial uses. Trips generated during peak travel times after full build-out are estimated to be approximately 15 trips generated during the morning peak travel times and approximately 13 trips generated during the afternoon peak travel time. Material deliveries occur infrequently, averaging two (2) deliveries per week over the last several years of operation. The special use permit Light Assembly use and related activities shall occur entirely indoors and will not occupy more than fifty (50) percent of the enclosed building space used for the business. As described, the PREVCO use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood, nor is the PREVCO use detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the Town. 4.4 Architecture The buildings on the site are intended to create a foundation for design that will ensure an attractive, high quality architectural style. The buildings will feature creative applications of materials, colors and textures. 5 Concept Plan/Rezone/Special Use Permit PREVCO S1A S'EA,LLC June 2013 • Four sided architecture. Building entrances shall be emphasized through the use of special building materials, architectural design and enhanced landscaping. Windows and glazing areas should include a variety of shapes, insets, shading devices, accent mullions or other treatments that complement the overall building design. Particular attention to detail shall be given to all sides of buildings so that the main architectural theme/style is articulated on all sides. Materials shall be carried from the main elevation throughout the entire design of the building. (See Building Elevations at Exhibit E). 4.5 Landscaping Due to the site having been previously developed, mature landscaping currently exists on the site. In addition to the existing landscaping, landscaping improvements are contemplated, which may include additional plantings, hardscape and landscape design alterations. Any part of the site not used for buildings, parking, driveways, sidewalks, will be landscaped and maintained in accordance with an approved landscape plan. (See Landscape Plan at Exhibit F). Landscaped areas include a mixture of drought tolerant or other plant materials, and organic and non-organic ground cover materials. An automatic irrigation system is provided and maintained to all landscaped areas requiring water. 4.6 Parking On-Site parking shall be provided pursuant to Chapter 7 of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. A minimum of twenty (20) parking spaces will be provided, which include two (2) dedicated handicap accessible parking spaces. The parking area is lighted and the lighting will be maintained in conformance with Chapter 7 of the Zoning Ordinance. It is anticipated a parking shade structure will become necessary in the future and is contemplated to be installed during the Phase II development of the site. The shade structure may incorporate building colors and materials to provide a unified visual element within the existing site development. 4.7 Public Art Requirement PREVCO will comply with the Public Art Requirement of Section 19.05(I) by providing one of the following prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: • Exterior public art of an appraised or invoiced value equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. Water features using recycled water are preferred; or • A donation to the Fountain Hills Public Art Fund in an amount equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. `r.. 6 Concept Plan/Rezone/Special Use Permit I dflOis°Na1S3a ONV1 SNOS21dd 32lOW�IJ h S.LJH.LIHJ2ItlNNtlW2IHOQ NOd4HNtldH11d 1 K ; a r i r. zV'STTuI NIVI.Nnod • 14 R 1 VISIA IIIRSHCI£bb78I I . B -VE a r'- C ' _ a_a...... m, a_ . M.m.,._. w�.,A m_,m....._,_._, 9_... 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Ilia y. . § < � ® / < � \ \� » . \:« <w » « S§ ± }� * \ 2/® /\0 Z : a <« . \\ : «a: IL Z \<\, f . so,o \y, , \ °' 4,, , DEVELOPMENT TEAM DEVELOPER: PREVCO Subsea, LLC John Head 9521 North Technology Drive, #C1 jhead©prevco.com Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (480) 837-0100 office (480) 718-7723 fax PROPERTY Anton V. Rimza OWNER: 621 East Goldenrod Street Phoenix, Arizona 85048 PROPERTY Coral Cactus, LLC BUYER: 9521 North Technology Drive, #C1 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 LEGAL McCoy Ramella, PLLC REPRESENTATIVE: 3200 North Central Avenue, Suite 1200 K. Scott McCoy Phoenix, AZ 85012 smccoy(amrlawaz.com (602) 687-6931 office (602) 788-1156 fax ARCHITECTURE: Dohrmann Architects Inc. Mark Dohrmann 16716 E. Parkview Avenue #203 dohrmannarchitects©cox.net `„ Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (480) 816-1699 office (480) 816-5526 fax CIVIL ENGINEER: Montgomery Engineering David R. Montgomery, P.E. &Management, LLC Dave©CivilAZ.com 16716 E. Parkview Avenue #204 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (480) 837-1845 office (480) 837-8668 fax LANDSCAPE Gilmore Parsons ARCHITECT: Land Design Group 2211 N. 7th Street Phoenix, AZ 85006 (602) 266-5622 office (602) 266-5707 July 25, 2013 To: Planning& Zoning Commission 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Fountain Hills Conference Room Subcommittee Members: Gene Slechta, Chairman, Commissioner Richard A.G. Turner, and Commissioner Mike Archambault Staff Participating: Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner, Jason Field, Building Official, and Janice Baxter,Executive Assistant and Recorder of the meetings. Subcommittee report regarding the consideration of rezoning 2-unit properties to designation other than condominium The subcommittee met on 3 separate occasions [June 5, 19 & July 11, 2013] to research and discusses a request to rezone properties containing as little as 2 units. The requestor suggested that FHA financing of such properties was difficult as long as they were designated condominiums. The subcommittee talked with large bank mortgage lending officers,researched the HUD and other websites for information and formal guidelines, communicated with service providers and met with the requestor and his representative. The findings included: The HUD/FHA guidelines indicate that the requirements are virtually identical whether your property contains 2 units or many units. There is no rule, or guideline,that requires a condominium association contain 5 or more units as has been suggested in the past. HUD/FHA requirements for condominiums and their associations are more stringent than conventional loans for some obvious reasons including insurance,reserves, an active association, general paperwork and protection of property values. The requirements are consistent for all associations, large or small. Records show that, currently,less than 10 associations in Fountain Hills are certified for FHA loans. There are 30 to 40 associations in the downtown alone, several being quite large,that are not certified. As these units are being sold, it is apparent they are cash or conventionally financed. The subcommittee is recommending that the Planning& Zoning Commission not initiate a zoning ordinance change per the request. 11111 Eugene Slechta, Subcommittee Chair * CALL TO ORDER AND P 70::,) OF ALLEGIANCE—Ch414:04`K* * MOMENt OF REFLECTION—Cutd Pew * ROLL CALL-Chairman Isloyd PeTf!IiLiyi 4t, 4. 44 4 4 C PtirStIt to A.R.S. §38-411-01(G), public comment is permitted(not required)on matters not listed on the agenda kny such comment ti) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission and (ii) is subject to reasonable tune, place_ an4 manner restrictions. The Commission vi ill not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during- all to the Public's unless the matters are property noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Commission members may (I) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to reNiew a matter or ask that the natter be DiatetI on a Ware C 4g agenda. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM(S) (1) CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Regular Session meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning meeting dated MAY 9,2013, (2) PUBLIC HEARING of a request for a Concept Plan a RE-ZONING from C-1 to C-3,and for a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow Prevco Subsea Housing, LLC to remodel an existing 4,830 sq.ft. office building,construct an (ow additional 9,960 sq ft. light assembly and manufacturing building and to install additional landscaping and other site upgrades at 11843 N. Desert Vista. (Cases Z2013-05, SU2013-02 and CP2013-02) (3) CONSIDERATION of a request for a Concept Plan a RE-ZONING from C-1 to C-3,and for a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow Prevco Subsea Housing, LLC to remodel an existing 4,830 sq. ft.office building,construct an additional 9,960 sq ft. light assembly and manufacturing building and to install additional landscaping and other site upgrades at 11843 N. Desert Vista. (Cases Z2013-05, SU2013-02 and CP2013-02) (4) COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing such items on a future agenda for action or(ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the commission: (5) SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Senior Planner. (6) REPORT from Subcommittee Chairman Gene Slechta relating to"Condo Conversions- (7) ADJOURNMENT 'Upporting documentation and staff reports furnished to the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the %Planning&Zoning Division of the Development Services Department. Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 2 of 3