HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2012.0126.Minutes REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 26, 2012 Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the session of the Planning and Zoning Commission at 6:30 p.m. The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew, Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates, Commissioners Richard Turner, Stan Connick, Mike Archambault, Gene Slechta, and Angela Strohan. Also in attendance were Paul Mood, Director of Development Services, Robert Rodgers Senior Planner, and Janice Baxter Executive Assistant and Recorder of the Minutes. Also in attendance was Randy Harrel, Town Engineer and Lori Gary, Economic Development Director. Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. ROLL CALL: Chairman Lloyd Pew present Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates present Commissioner Richard Turner present Commissioner Stan Connick present Commissioner Mike Archambault present Commissioner Gene Slechta present Commissioner Angela Strohan present CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #1 — CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Special Session meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission from Thursday, December 15,2011. Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates MOVED to approve the special session meeting minutes for the Planning and Zoning Commission dated December 15, 2011. Commissioner Mike Archambault SECONDED. A roll call was taken and the MOTION CARRIED (7-0). . Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates aye Commissioner Richard Turner aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye CCommissioner Mike Archambault aye Page 1 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 Commissioner Gene Slechta aye Commissioner Angela Strohan aye AGENDA ITEM #2 — CONSIDERATION of the CONCEPT PLAN for "The Avenue" development project consisting of 155,205 Square feet of commercial retail/restaurant/office, and a 12-screen theatre. Also included are parking areas, landscaping, and various public improvements. Project located at 16725 E. Avenue of the Fountains. Robert Rodgers gave the presentation and included a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Rodgers explained that this was an application for Concept Plan approval for "The Avenue" Theatre and Commercial use project including mixed-use containing a theatre, retail shops, restaurants, and office uses. Project located at 16725 E. Avenue of the Fountains and is located on the southwest corner of the Avenue of the Fountains and Verde River Drive adjacent to the municipal complex. Mr. Rodgers broke down the following buildings: Phase IA consists of three buildings, (Q-M-N) Building Q is a 60,362 sf, 12-screen movie theatre. This building will be 45' tall. Building M is 4,378 sf, one-story space attached to the front of building Q and is currently ® proposed as a martini bar and could potentially have an outdoor patio for dining. Building N is 5,200 sf, one-story space attached to building Q and is currently proposed as a video arcade. The parking lots would also be constructed as part of Phase lA Phase 1B consists of two buildings—(B-C) Building B will be 3-story at 44,124 sf consisting of 14,708 sf retail with 29,416 sf office space. Building C will be 3-story at 41,141 sf building consisting of 1,998 sf restaurant, 11,932 sf retail and 27,211 sf office space. Both buildings B & C are currently proposed to be 42' high, with retail and/or restaurant space on the ground floor, and office space on the 2nd and 3`d floors. Other items of note: - Parking equals 843 total spaces including the following: 210 new spaces on site - 189 (169 +20) new spaces on Town property - 44 spaces on Avenue of the Fountains (Town Hall 25 +project 19) - 400 spaces in the existing Town Hall/Community Center/Library parking lots C Page 2 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 Of those, 85 spaces are restricted for town use and 24 restricted of the project's use with a total available for the general public's use of 734 spaces. Mr. Rodgers stated that the loading areas shown on the site plan were proposed 3- 10' x 30' and would be permitted only by special approval of the Planning & Zoning Commission. There would be a connection to Town property including vehicle and pedestrian with pedestrian plaza between the buildings and a grand entry/drop-off area for the theatre. Mr. Rodgers passed around to the Commissioners a couple of materials boards to review. The applicant had stated that they may want to modify these materials and not use some of the stone treatments shown. The proposed materials are slate, sandstone, stained concrete, copper, stainless steel, various earth-tone paints and stuccos and energy efficient glass. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that there would be a pedestrian mall between the theatre on the left and buildings B and C along the Avenue on the right. Mr. Rodgers added that the applicants have indicated that they may want to modify buildings B and C by eliminating the third stories. That request would eliminate the need for the requested height waivers for these buildings. Mr. Rodgers added that the projects architectural style was described by the developer as "Contemporary Southwest" with colors used primarily earth-tone greens, beiges, and browns. Mr. Rodgers pointed out the signage was not a part of the concept Plan and would be permitted separately according to the requirements in Chapter 6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Rodgers summarized the current proposal the applicants were asking for as follows: o Specific approval of a 45' tall theatre building. o Specific approval of two other 42' tall commercial buildings. o Specific approval of three reduced size (30' x 10') loading zones. o The use of the shared parking model allowed by the TCCD district. o A Right-of-Way encroachment for their drop-off and patio areas. o A Development Agreement negotiated with Town Council. o Use of Town-owned property o Reciprocal Parking Agreement Mr. Rodgers listed the following stipulations that were recommended as conditions of approval. 1. The applicant shall provide a traffic impact analysis for the project to be accepted and approved by the Town. Any on-site or off-site traffic improvement measures identified as being necessary shall be completed prior to the issuance of any Occupancy Permits. 2. The applicant shall apply for and receive an Encroachment Permit for any work to be done within the public right-of-ways and/or Town —owned parcels prior to the commencement of said work. Page 3 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 3. The applicant shall provide an approvable landscaping plan prior to the issuance of any building permit and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. 4. The applicant shall submit Site Improvement Plans. Al utilities and drainage features must be installed and functional as shown o the improvement plans and approved by the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of any Building Permit. 5. No Occupancy Permit shall be issued prior to the completion of al site improvements as depicted and approved. Said improvements must be approved by both the Town Engineer and the Planning Administrator. 6. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement by providing one of the following prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: a. Exterior public art of an appraised or invoiced value equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of the building construction and associated site work and signage. Water features using recycled water are preferred; b. A donation to the Fountain Hills Public Art Fund in an amount equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. 7. The applicants are hereby granted waivers to exceed the TCCD height limit requirements for any building proposed to be higher than 40' from the existing grade as shown on the proposed concept Plan. 8. The applicants are hereby granted waivers of the loading space dimensions from 12' x 45' to 10' x 30' for the three proposed loading spaces subject to the Town Council concurrence. 9. Signage is not included in this approval. All signage shall comply with the requirements of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6 and shall require separate Building Permits. Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve the Concept Plan, including the increased building heights, and loading space waivers, as discussed and subject to the stipulations in the staff report. Mr. Rodgers asked permission from Chairman Pew to allow the applicant to make their presentation before beginning the question and answer portion of the hearing. David Fackler, representative of the Avenue of the Fountains, LLC, 224 E. Brentrup Drive, Tempe, Arizona, planner and designer by trade, principal Nelson/Fackler Development located in Tempe, Arizona. Page 4 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 Mr. Fackler stated that the staff report had been reviewed and he wanted to commend and thank Town staff for working with them for approximately 4-years to attempt to bring his development to the town. Mr. Fackler stated his appreciation to staff that has been great to work with and added that the applicants agreed with all the conditions of the report. Mr. Fackler told the Commission who the Development Partners were who were involved with this project. GK Building and Development aka George Kasnoff, Fackler Trust, which was a family trust of Mr. Fackler's, Haffar Entertainment aka Frank Haffar who has 40-years of building and operating theatres. Mr. Haffar also is a consultant for many theatres across the country and is a partner with him in the owning and operating of theatres. Dennis Sievers, Portland, OR, invests in major theatres. Project Architecture RSP, who Mr. Fackler worked with for many years and is located in Tempe, Arizona. Mr. Fackler stated that there was a change in builders from the name on the PowerPoint. The new builder is Peterson and he will also be involved in some financing. Mr. Fackler also pointed out that a commitment to use Fountain Hills contractors will be attempted in building this facility. Mr. Fackler informed the Commission that the 12-plex theatre will seat 2226 with an average of 300 seats per theatre with the smallest seating approximately 100. Mr. Fackler stated that the overall complex will consist of up to 4,100 sf of restaurant because of a recent updated market study; the retail space to market study questioned the amount of office space with the complex and suggests a reduction of office space. This would be accomplished by reducing buildings B &C from 3-stories down to 2-stories. Mr. Fackler stated that the market does not seem to support their proposed office space and financing could be an issue. Mr. Fackler continued to explain that a shared parking analysis included the entire town hall complex; studying the time of day, hour of day with the parking needs. Mr. Fackler stated that the nice thing about the parking at town hall, it will be a good offset for the primarily night time uses within the theatre complex and this will inhibit over building of parking spaces. The new market study helps to minimize extra parking surface built to support the project. Mr. Fackler added that the complex would primarily use the 400 spaces below town hall and town hall would continue to use 400 spaces above the complex. Unless major events were held then both the complex and town hall would secure their core parking spaces for their use. Parking spaces built on Town owned property the Town and the applicant would pay for the on-going operation/maintenance of the parking spaces. There would be public parking spaces 24-7, with no charge for public parking. Mr. Fackler explained that the signage would come later but at this time the complex was named "Fountain Hills Cinemas 12" but the investors and marketing people continue to look at this name. C Page 5 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 Mr. Fackler suggested that building "C" may be reduced to 2-stories with a patio on the corner Cand a patio/restaurant on the second floor with fine dining and the patio looking over the plaza. Building B may also be 2-stories instead of 3-stories and Mr. Fackler stated that even though the Commission was being asked to approve 3-story buildings, he informed the Commissioners that he anticipates returning back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their approval of the newly designed buildings with an amended concept plan at that time. Mr. Fackler stated that a martini bar was being planned along with an ice cream shop and arcade directly adjacent to the theater. These businesses would be indoor/outdoor spaces that are contained on their own and owned by the partnership and would also serve the theatre. The theatre would have some exclusive party suites for viewing first run movies with private rooms including balcony seating with the theatre which may serve drinks and light foods coming out of the martini bar. The applicant was still working on the delivery system. The building within the view of Town Hall was designed to minimize a very large building but approximating the same height as Town Hall but would be double the size. The applicant is proposing some parking canopies and green wall effect in the attempt to reduce the visual impacts. Mr. Fackler asked Mr. Kasnoff, general contractor, if he wished to speak—Mr. Kasnoff declined. Mr. Fackler continued to present by saying that this facility would be built using as many Fountain Hills contractors as possible to build. Mr. Fackler stated that this would be good for job creation with many opportunities in the amount of approximately 320-380 permanent jobs within the complex from office higher level jobs to service and retail; part-time/full time opportunities. Mr. Fackler stated that the theatre phase should go to first phase construction in March in the amount of$18-million. Second phase construction would quickly follow with buildings B & C in the amount total amount of phases I and II reaching $30-million. Mr. Fackler estimated continuous building with the theatre being occupied within 12-months after start with hopefully another 12 months to complete buildings B &C. Chairman Pew asked that the Commissioners hold their questions since there were several speakers requesting to address the Commission. After the residents have spoken the Commission can then address their questions to Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Fackler. Tim O'Rourke, 15716 E. Greystone Drive, stated that he and his wife enjoy movies and would like to see a theatre in Fountain Hills. He also stated he would like to spend their money in Town and not in Scottsdale or Mesa. Mr. O'Rourke added that food and/or drinks were usually purchased when going to the movies. He said everyone he spoke to was in favor of this project. David Cofer, Villages at Town Center, winter resident, stated that we already have too many vacancies in commercial establishments and this proposal was unlikely to succeed. He felt a 12- plex theatre was too large and would create a very large vacant space. Page 6 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 Jeffrey H. Cohen, 16783 Primrose Drive, stated that he felt that the applicant had placed a considerable amount of money on this project and he felt they would know if the project would succeed. He mentioned a small town in Ohio, similar in size and a small bedroom community that built a 12-plex theatre. It was a boom for the town and brought hundreds of jobs for the town's students with part-time work and kept the children in the town which they lived and kept them from driving a distance to work. Jeffery Webber, La Montana Drive, lived in Fountain Hills for 5-years. Mr. Webber spoke in favor of this project. Mr. Webber feels that Scottsdale residents would come to Fountain Hills to use this complex. Jerry Kirkendoll, 11405 Cameron Court (HairHut), spoke in favor of the project. Mr. Kirkendoll said that people have been waiting a long time. Like Target, the town really needs this complex. No more speakers requested to address the Commission. Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates asked Mr. Rodgers to read the stipulations. Mr. Rodgers read and explained in more detail the stipulations. Commissioner Richard Turner asked about the traffic analysis agreement and if the Town was going to require that report before agreeing to the Development Agreement. Mr. Rodgers answered that his understanding was that the Development Agreement was going to allow grading and site vertical work before the traffic analysis was complete the analysis would have to be submitted before going vertical. Then any mitigation measures would have to be done before occupancy. Mr. Rodgers stated that negations have not been completed but that was how it stands at this time. Chairman Lloyd Pew asked if the mitigation was for on-site or off-site intersections. Mr. Rodgers stated it could be both and after the report comes back then negotiations would determine who would be responsible and which mitigation measures were realistic and which were not. Then the ones that were required would be completed before occupancy. Commissioner Turner asked Randy Harrel, Town Engineer, if he had reviewed the stipulations concerning the analysis and the traffic impact and weather he was comfortable with the process. Mr. Harrel stated that at this time we do not have a traffic report but we do have stipulations and a statement in the Development Agreement for mitigation. Mr. Harrel added that there will be an agreement to what those mitigation measures need to be, hopefully. This could be a sticking point but would be isolated to what needed to be done. Mr. Harrel's short answer was "Yes". Commissioner Gene Slechta asked Mr. Fackler about their exterior and stated it was beautiful in design. Mr. Slechta stated that the Town created an Area Specific Plan and before that in 2008, the area of this project was designated TCCD. Commissioner Slechta said that two key parts of these documents talk about a residential component with commercial. Commissioner Slechta asked where the residential was. Mr. Fackler answered that previously this project was a much larger project which included some residential, but in this market it was unrealistic in this phase. Commissioner Slechta stated he had reservations about approving a project without residential. Page 7 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 Mr. Fackler added that the larger project proposed previously contained underground parking with residential above. Commissioner Slechta questioned the height of the theatre. Mr. Fackler explained that the typical function of the aspect ratio and size of the projection and other equipment requires this height. This project was scaled down to 45', otherwise the theatre would have to be excavated and placed in the ground. Mr. Fackler also added that this was state of the art with the stadium seating. Mr. Fackler stated that previously built theatres were built on a slope but with the flat floor, the new equipment dictates the height of the building. Commissioner Richard Turner asked if Mr. Fackler knew for sure if this project would be 2 or 3 stories. Mr. Fackler stated he was out voted at this time and it appeared that the project would be 2-stories as the market dictated. Commissioner Turner asked Mr. Fackler if the applicant returns with an amended Concept Plan would they also review the parking analysis. Mr. Fackler said they would look at the daytime and nighttime use with greater restaurant and less office space. A new traffic study would reflect those changes. Commissioner Turner questioned the shared parking analysis and wondered if the Community Center really uses only 10% of their parking spaces. Mr. Fackler answered that it was the ULI model in an analysis Walker. Parking with the Town reached a late December peak, which was a low period for the Community Center. Mr. Fackler stated that there could be a lot of wiggle room in this report. Mr. Fackler stated that he had worked with shared parking in Tempe, Arizona for 30 years and shared parking in Tempe uses 40% of the ordinance requirements. It appears the Town would utilize approximately 70%. 411) Commissioner GENE SLECHTA asked if a parking structure had been considered. Mr. Fackler stated that it was considered but the cost of a structure with 300-400 spaces at $14,000 a space compared to $1,800 - $2800 a space for surface parking; only surface parking could be in the budget. When a parking structure was considered in the previously larger project the parking was for high end residential at $20,000 per space and sold with the condo. Commissioner Strohan asked if the glass on the building was going to be "green". Mr. Fackler answered that it would be a low E glass, but did not know if it was totally green but will be as efficient as possible. Mr. Fackler added that the developer was looking into solar panels on the parking structures, but the project may be too small. They will talk with the Town to see if they would like to partner with some added structures. Commissioner Mike Archambault brought up the issue that the Town has always had bargaining chips and in the original Development Agreement they worked out parking issues to Saguaro Boulevard and now the plan was to carve out a small piece of land towards Town Hall. The issue of shared parking and the need for development fees could be an issue. Commissioner Archambault pointed out that the reason this project was brought to the Town Council was because of the concessions the developer was asking for. Commissioner Archambault stated that in reducing the building space the Developer could now leave some of the town's property alone and build more parking on their property. Mr. Fackler stated that he felt the Town was not giving up anything because this was vacant land and not being used. The Town is asking the Developer to pay for and maintain parking spaces on their property with the ability to use those Page 8 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 parking spaces. Mr. Fackler believed a lot of parking options were available with the traffic analysis and there is a non-exclusive parking easement. Commissioner Archambault stated that no one knows what else would be built and parking could become an issue. Commissioner Archambault asked if the owners would agree to share their covered parking. Mr. Fackler said that the Town could not burden this project with overbuilding nor could the project ask to burden the Town. Mr. Fackler said at this time, in this market there was no way they could build a parking structure. Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates asked who was most at risk the Town, or Developer. Mr. Rodgers answered that the Developer's risk was starting the site work assuming the traffic analysis could be mitigated and something they could deal with. The Town's risk was failure of the project. The largest current risk was the financial for the Developer. Commissioner Gene Slechta asked if there could be a stipulation added that the developer could not alter the façade without presenting an amended concept plan. Mr. Rodgers answered that this was the intent of the Developer. ' . Commissioner Slechta also requested to consider keeping the open view corridor looking to the fountain. Mr. Fackler answered that looking over the parking lot there would be trees towards centennial circle including a retaining wall. Eliminating two rows of parking to landscape is not possible from the practical stand point, parking was needed, and from the technical stand point this could not be done. Commissioner Slechta pointed out that the view corridor that would be paved over was adjacent to the new Centennial Circle. ® Commissioner Richard Turner questioned the landscape and sidewalk responsibility to complete. Mr. Rodgers answered that the Town has agreed to landscape the area per the Development Agreement at a future time. Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates said he appreciated the investors in this tight market coming forward with this project. Vice-Chairman Yates also appreciated the Developer moving the project closer to the Avenue of the Fountains so the view of the fountain would not be obstructed. Vice- Chairman felt that the Developer was taking most if not all the risk and stated that he was in support of the project. Chairman Lloyd Pew stated that he had questioned the height, concessions requested from the Developer and the possible tight agreement cost of mitigation between the Town and the Developer. Chairman Pew added that he was now satisfied with the project and was in favor. Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates MOVED to approve the proposed Concept Plan for "The Avenue" PP P P P development project consisting of 155,205 square feet of commercial retail/restaurant/office, and a 12-screen theatre as well as parking areas, landscaping, and various public improvements subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report, and the additional stipulation that the concept plan must be brought back if changed, and Town Council approval. Commissioner Stan Connick SECONDED the MOTION. Commissioner Mike Archambault requested a roll call vote. I Page 9 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 Commissioner Richard Turner aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye Commissioner Mike Archambault nay Commissioner Gene Slechta nay Commissioner Angela Strohan aye Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates aye The MOTION CARRIED 5-2, with Commissioners Archambault and Slechta casting the nay votes. AGENDA ITEM #3 — COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the commission. NONE AGENDA ITEM #- 4- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUEST from Senior Planner. NONE AGENDA ITEM #5 — REPORT from Senior Planner, Planning and Zoning Division of Development Services. Mr. Rodgers informed the Commission that the Town Manager interviews and open houses were complete. The Council will soon be putting together an offer. The Sign Committee continues to meet each Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. here in Town Hall. The first pass of the ordinance is done. The committee will now look at the few remaining loose ends and then some forums will be scheduled to get public input into the proposed changes, or to point out what we missed. We expect to wrap it all up for presentation to Council in July, after the election. The annual one-year extension of Banners & A-Frames was approved at the January 5, 2012, Council Meeting. A-Frames and Banners are legal until December 31, 2012. There is still one Board of Adjustment vacancy and if you know of anyone please contact Janice. AGENDA ITEM#6 - ADJOURNMENT. Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates MOVED to adjourn and Commissioner Mike Archambault SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED (7-0), by those present. Chairman Lloyd Pew aye (Ip Vice-Chairman Cecil Yates aye Page 10 of 11 REVISED MM PER G. SLECHTA NOTED IN BOLD 3/19/2012 Commissioner Richard Turner aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye Commissioner Mike Archambault aye Commissioner Gene Slechta aye Commissioner Angela Strohan aye The regular meeting ADJOURNED at 7:47 p.m. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION BY: -40/ 7P-e-- Chairman Lloyd Pew ATTEST: Janice Baxter, Recorder CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 26th day of January 2012, in the Town Council Chambers. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 26th day of January 2012. Janice Baxter, Recorder C Page 11 of 11 ...r Q lr" ()C 1 d* t �r`.- P&Z Staff Report 0 SSkr 1/26/12 a. 'Exterior public art of an appraised or invoiced value equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. Water features using recycled water are preferred; b. A donation to the Fountain Hills Public Art Fund in an amount equal to or greater than 1%of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. 7. The applicants are hereby granted waivers to exceed the TCCD height limit requirements for any building proposed to be higher than 40'from the existing grade as shown on the proposed Concept Plan. 8. The applicants are hereby granted waivers of the loading space dimensions from 12' x 45' to 10' x 30' for the three proposed loading spaces subject to Town Council concurrence. 9. Signage is not included in this approval. All signage shall comply with the requirements of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6 and shall require separate Building Permits. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the proposed Concept Plan for "The Avenue" development project consisting of 155,205 Square feet of commercial retail /restaurant /office, and a 12-screen theatre as well as parking areas, landscaping, and various public improvements subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report and Town Council approval. Case#CP2011-06 Attachment(s): Application Applicant's Narrative (2 pgs) Applicant's Circulation Plan (2pgs) Concept Plan (12 pgs) Architectural Concepts & Elevations (9 pgs) s%imr, Proposed "Exhibit B" (Shared Parking Model) Fountain Hills Sanitary District Memo of 10/27/11 (2 pgs) Submitted by: Robert Rodgers 1/17/12 Namefritle Date Approved by: Development Services Director Date Page 4 of 4 (11, O ` Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS • moor mar • ihst is xizl' PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers located at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona, The Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed CONCEPT PLAN for proposed retail/office/restaurant uses and to allow a 48' tall theatre building within the TCCD Zoning District at 16725 E. Verde River Drive. AKA Plat 208, Block 2, Lot 1 (APN 176-27-097). (Case #CP 2011-06) I 40, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers located at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona, The Fountain Hills Town Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed CONCEPT PLAN for proposed retail/office/restaurant uses and to allow a 48' tall theatre building within the TCCD Zoning District, and a proposed DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT relating to public improvements and/or potential public incentives on property located at 16725 E. Verde River Drive. AKA Plat 208, Block 2, Lot 1 (APN 176-27-097). (Cases #CP 2011-06 & #DA 2011-02) For more information, contact Robert Rodgers; Planning and Zoning, Town of Fountain Hills, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountain, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268; or by calling 480-816-5138. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend. 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains—Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268—(480)837-2003-Fax(480)837-3145 ozAIN TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS .0 X Planning and Zoning ..r Board of Adjustment -that is i1.09 AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: January 26, 2012 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type. Regular Submitting Department: Planning &Zoning Staff Contact Information: N/A REQUEST TO COMMISSION: Consideration of approving the Planning and Zoning Commission Special Session meeting minutes from December 15, 2011. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): Approval of the Planning and Zoning Special Session meeting minutes from December 15, 2011. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Special Session meeting minutes dated December 15, 2011, as presented. Attachment(s): Submitted by: January 19, 2012 Name/Title Date Approved by: �r January 19, 2012 nior anner Date Page I of I �.„AAINat, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 4, �cP o X Planning and Zoning � 3 Board of Adjustment atisy NM'that h AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: January 26, 2012 Agenda Type: Regular Meeting Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner,480-816-5138, rrodgers@fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION: CONSIDERATION of the CONCEPT PLAN for "The Avenue" development project consisting of 155,205 Square feet of commercial retail /restaurant/office, and a 12-screen theatre. Also included are parking areas, landscaping, and various public improvements. Project located at 16725 E. Avenue of the Fountains. Case#CP2011-06 Applicant: George Kasnoff, Applicant Contact Information: 15933 E. Trevino Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (480)262-6883 Property Location: 16725 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: 1. Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance-Section 2.04 Concept Plan Review 2. Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance-Section 7.04.H Off-Street Loading and Unloading Spaces 3. Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance-Chapter 18 Town Center Commercial Zoning District 4. Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance-Chapter 19, Architectural Review Guidelines 5. Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance -Section 6.09 Low Water Use Landscaping Requirements Existing Conditions: The subject property consists of one 4.76 acre vacant privately-owned lot and two vacant town-owned parcels located in Plat 208, Blocks 2 and 7. Total project area is approximately 6.5 acres. The properties are zoned Town Center Commercial District(TCCD). Surrounding Land Uses: North -The Avenue of the Fountains and Commercial Uses in Plat 208—Zoning = C-2 South -The Village at Town Center Condominiums—Zoning = C-2 (S.U.P.) East -Verde River Drive and the Holiday Inn Hotel—Zoning = TCCD West—Town Hall and Community Center—Zoning C-2 Staff Summary (background): The property was the subject of a rezoning from C-2 to TCCD in 2007. The rezoning was done in order to encourage a mixed use project with innovative elements that may not have been permitted under normal C-2 zoning. As a part of the rezoning, the TCCD district regulations were also revised to encourage mixed-use development as well as to adopt the hared parking regulations. Page 1 of 4 P&Z Staff Report 1/26/12 In October 2008, the Town Council and the Applicant entered into a Development Agreement which outlined the responsibilities and expectations of both the developer and the Town. That agreement has expired and a new levelopment Agreement is proposed for this development proposal. At that time the complete development proposal consisted of approximately 490,000 square feet of mixed Restaurant, Retail, Office, Theatre, and Residential uses on approximately 15 acres. Also proposed were extensive underground parking, Streetscape enhancements, and an Art Walk. The current proposed Concept Plan is is significantly reduced in size. The proposal consists of a 60,362 square foot, 12 screen movie theatre, 4,198 sf of restaurant, 34,018 sf of retail, and 56,627 sf of office uses in five buildings. The buildings are all approximately 3 stories in height. The theatre building is proposed to be 45' tall and the other buildings are proposed to have a maximum height of 42'. Under the requirements of the TCCD all the building heights will require special final approval by the Town Council after approval by the Planning &Zoning Commission. Project highlights: Building Q — 60,362 sf, 12 screen, 2226 seat Movie Theatre. This building has a main floor and a mezzanine level. The building is proposed to be 45' tall. Building M — A 4,378 sf building containing 2,200 sf of Restaurant space and 2,178 sf of Retail space. This building is proposed to be a single story structure and is actually attached to the east side of building Q. Building N — 5,200 sf of Retail space. This building is proposed to be a single story structure and is actually attached to the north side of building Q. Building B —A 44,124 sf building containing 14,708 sf of retail space on the ground floor and 29,416 sf of office space on the second and third floors. This building is a stand-alone, 42' tall building and faces the Avenue of the Fountains on the north side of the project. Building C — A 41,141 sf building containing 1,998 sf of Restaurant space and 11,932 sf of Retail space on the ground Lnor, and 27,211 sf of Office space on the second and third floors. This building is also a stand-alone, 42' tall building and also faces the Avenue of the Fountains on the north side of the project. Surface Parking — parking will be provided on the south and west sides of the theatre. A total of 843 spaces are being provided on-site, on Town property, and along the Avenue of the Fountains and Verde River Drive frontages. Under the shared parking model, this number is sufficient for the proposal and the proposed Development Agreement authorizes the use of the town-owned parking areas. Streetscape-A grand entry area in front of the theatre in the Verde River Drive right-of-way is proposed to be constructed by the applicant. An Encroachment Permit will be required for this work. The Applicant does not propose to construct the themed streetscape along the Avenue of the Fountains. The applicant has asked that the Town agree to do this in the Development Agreement. Landscaped Art Walk—The applicants propose to construct the retaining walls and stairway connection to the Centennial Circle only. A landscaped walkway area will not be created along the south side of the surface parking lots adjacent to the Village at Town Center condominiums. Any meandering sidewalk, landscaping, or other "Art walk" features will be constructed by the Town at a future date. DISCUSSION: Staff has reviewed the proposed Concept Plan and generally finds the proposal to be in keeping with the Town's ordinance requirements. The following issues have been identified with the proposed plans: 1. A Traffic Analysis has not yet been provided. Staff has requested the report and has included some recommended stipulations regarding any improvements that may be called for once the complete traffic study is done. 2. The loading areas shown on the site plan are proposed to be reduced in size to 10' x 30'. This is permitted only by special approval of the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council. The Zoning Ordinance would normally require three, 12'x 45' loading spaces. Staff recommends that this request be approved. Page 2 of 4 P&Z Staff Report 1/26/12 3. Three of the proposed buildings will require special approval of their height. The Theatre is 45' tall and the other two buildings are 42' tall. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: The current plan contains proposals that do not conform to zoning. Discrepancies are primarily related to parking issues. The developer proposes that the Development Agreement allow for, and approve the proposed Concept Plan and shared parking agreement. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW: The project has been described by the developer as "Contemporary Southwest" in its architectural design. Colors used are primarily earth-tone greens, beiges, and browns. There are also copper and stainless steel elements used as accents. The buildings have slate, sandstone and stained concrete facades with some more traditional stucco areas as well. The retail spaces also have large window areas. The proposed architectural elevations are attached to this report. It should be noted that the developer has indicated that they may wish to alter, or eliminate some of the stone façade areas. The courtyard areas will contain seating, water features, planters, shade structures, and some areas will potentially be used for outdoor dining. The entry area in front of the Theatre, along Verde River Drive, is designed with decorative concrete and palm trees lining the drop-off and pick-up area. The preliminary landscaping plan that has been submitted meets the ordinance requirements for low water use plants and additional landscape elements. Signage is not a part of this Concept Plan and will be permitted separately according to the requirements in Chapter 6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Risk Analysis: Approval of the proposed Concept Plan will permit the applicants to develop the three buildings and conduct the extensive ite work. Denial of the Concept Plan will require that the developer either re-design portions of the project and/or provide additional information. Fiscal Impact: Under the terms of the proposed Development Agreement, the Town is asked to agree to limit the applicant's development and permit fees to a maximum negotiated amount during the first five years of development. Further, the Town agrees to provide certain public improvements to be made as a part of the development. Staff Recommendation(s): The following stipulations are recommended as conditions of approval: 1. The applicant shall provide a traffic impact analysis for the project to be accepted and approved by the Town. Any on-site or off-site traffic improvement measures identified as being necessary shall be completed prior to the issuance of any Occupancy Permit. 2. The applicant shall apply for and receive Encroachment Permits for any work to be done within the public Right- of-Ways and/or Town-owned parcels prior to the commencement of said work. 3. The applicant shall provide an approvable landscaping plan prior to the issuance of any building permit and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. 4. The applicant shall submit Site Improvement Plans. All utilities and drainage features must be installed and functional as shown on the improvement plans and approved by the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of any Building Permit. 5. No Occupancy Permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. Said improvements must be approved by both the Town Engineer and the Planning Administrator. 6. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement by providing one of the following prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: Page 3 of 4 P&Z Staff Report 1/26/12 b. A donation to the Fountain Hills Public Art Fund in an amount equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of cur building construction and associated site work and signage. 7. The applicants are hereby granted waivers to exceed the TCCD height limit requirements for any building proposed to be higher than 40' from the existing grade as shown on the proposed Concept Plan. 8. The applicants are hereby granted waivers of the loading space dimensions from 12' x 45' to 10' x 30' for the three proposed loading spaces subject to Town Council concurrence. 9. Signage is not included in this approval. All signage shall comply with the requirements of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6 and shall require separate Building Permits. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the proposed Concept Plan for"The Avenue" development project consisting of 155,205 Square feet of commercial retail /restaurant /office, and a 12-screen theatre as well as parking areas, landscaping, and various public improvements subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report and Town Council approval. Case#CP2011-06 Attachment(s): Application Applicant's Narrative (2 pgs) Applicant's Circulation Plan (2pgs) Concept Plan (12 pgs) Architectural Concepts & Elevations (9 pgs) Proposed "Exhibit B" (Shared Parking Model) Fountain Hills Sanitary District Memo of 10/27/11 (2 pgs) Submitted by: Robert Rodgers 1/17/12 Name/Title Date Approved by: //7//z Developnint Se ices Director Date Cow Page 4 of 4 NtAIN4.. DO Not write in this space —official use only Filing Date 1 Accepted By ,b cal rtFee Accepted I . 0 0 - `�— e Case Manager '.t0 Rod- that is PI The Town of Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning Division - APPLICATION Abandonment (Plat or Condominium) Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation Area Specific Plan &Amendments 'x Concept Plan Condominium Plat Cut/Fill Waiver X Development Agreement HPE Change or Abandonment General Plan Amendment Ordinance (Text Amendment) Planned Unit Development Preliminary / Final Plat Replat (Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments) Rezoning (Map) Special Use Permit &Amendments Site Plan Review (vehicles sales) Temporary Use Permit(Median Fee, if applicable) Variance Other PROJECT NAME / NATURE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat Name 5nr Mir Block Lot PROPERTY ADDRESS: I(01 Z S E - W W OE T a'`FQ 0-01 IiU S PARCEL SIZE (Acres) 4 ,7 , ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 11 ( - Z7 a 41 NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED 01A TRACTS &) (A EXISTING ZONING `�C-Cam) PROPOSED ZONING N (/} Applicant Mrs. C~ ORS{ KAS'3crF Day Phone .41-7113"Z.b2 (0?%3 Mr. tt Ms. Address: I 3 tf.� V i lJO Oz.. City: �'t• State: AZ Zip: )3 5 Z.06 Email: kiNSNQ1F , IDOL- a C.Qom Owner Mrs. VAR(c-FFL-,h►C) ,`-Lvi,eKT'(E LLQ, Day Phone Mr. Ms. Address: I Z Z I CL _V 1 0,0D %-i`, City: 1?‘) L ran FliTrState: IL Zip: Co 009 If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration,the section below must be completed. SIGNATURE OF OWNER DATE I HEREBY AUTHORIZE T(\ DTI C TLITC ATITII r/ ATTrNik Please Print Subscribed and sworn before me this day of CP2011-06 (M#2638) THE AVENUES 16725 E. Avenue of the Fountains My Commission Expi Town Center Development Project Notary Public Submittal #1 - Dated 10/20/2011 CasApplication-Revised 100701 MUNIS# P :J _DA 2_ i tle No a. Page 2 of 6 Ceao t - o b 5-t c O/i-C "The Avenue" Fountain Hills, AZ A Towne Center Development Project Concept Plan - Project Design Narrative The Avenue is currently proposed as a two-phased 155,205GSF entertainment retail development project located in the Town Center area of the Town of Fountain Hills,AZ. The Project encompasses approximately 6.51 acres; 4.76ac of Project land plus a 1.75ac parcel of Town easement land, all located at the southwest corner of Avenue of the Fountains and Verde River Drive in Fountain Hills. The total Project area has been previously rezoned by the Town of Fountain Hills to the Town Center Commercial District(TCCD)mixed-use zoning designation to accommodate this planned Project. The Project has been designed to be in conformance with the TCCD zoning and in concert with the Downtown Vision and Specific Area Plans. The initial Phase la of the Project,totaling approximately 69,940 gross square feet,will consist of a 12-screen, 2,226 seat, state-of-the-art Movie Theater and 9,578 square feet of related retail and restaurant uses. This initial Phase 1 a is currently being financed to begin construction in the early 2012, with a Theater opening targeted for the end of 2012. The theater building is proposed to be 45 feet tall and the other buildings of Phase lb are planned to have a maximum height of 42 feet. Under the requirements of the TCCD tor zoning all of the building heights will require special final approval by the Town Council after approval by the Planning&Zoning Commission. Phase lb of the Project, totaling an additional 85,265 gross square feet, will consist of two, three-story buildings fronting on the Avenue of the Fountains and forming an inner retail mall or"Arroyo"with the Phase 1 a buildings. These two buildings will include ground floor retail stores and restaurants and second and third floors primarily filled with office space, except that a second story restaurant is currently planned overlooking the direct corner of Avenue of the Fountains and Verde River Drive and the Village Square as conceptually shown in the Downtown Specific Area Plan. Construction of these Phase lb buildings will closely follow the construction timeline of the initial Phase la buildings, as the Phase lb buildings are pre-leased to secure financing of these buildings. The Phase lb buildings will house approximately 51,546 square feet of office space, L. which may ultimately prove to be more than the current or near future Fountain Hills c 0 market can absorb. Therefore, the Project will maintain an option to reduce the height of 0 v) one or both of these Phase lb buildings by one floor thus reducing the total office space ccg) c i of the Project to match current market demand. o 0 - Ts N A pedestrian colonnade is created and provides a shaded path along the Arroyo to provide N d ce N connectivity throughout the Project,to adjacent properties and the Village Square. The a z c c4- streetscape of both Phases will resonate with the streetscape elements developed on the U ` E north side of the Avenue of the Fountains such as; light fixtures,paving patterns,benches < .E and shade elements. A carved stone wall at the corner sets the tone for the material t 2 palette and creates a unique identity for the front door of the Project. These stone walls F- (I) c 1 tor continue through the Project connecting and enriching the pedestrian environment. Our concept for the retail mall is a desert arroyo with stepped and sloped grades through this area which feel as if the movement of water cut away leaving remnants of curved stone walls and still flowing with a feature water fountain in the center of the Main Plaza of the Theater. The Main Plaza will be the center of activity with the Theater as its main icon. At the Main Plaza there is a central drop-off on Verde River Drive. This drop-off is shaded by a grove of date palms creating a vertical landscape gateway into the heart of the Project. The architecture of the Theater is inspired by both the movement of water and the dynamics of motion picture cinema. A suspended shade scrim undulates across the face shielding the glass façade behind during the day and becomes transparent at night allowing visibility into the vibrant cinema's lobby. The Theater entrance features a suspended canopy of amber acrylic that leads guests into the cinema. The architectural style will reflect a soft, southwest, contemporary,using warm materials and thoughtful details. The rear of the Theater shall be tilt panel construction with pop- outs highlighted on west and south elevations, and highlighted by steel cable—green plant vines broken up with various patterns and a shade trellis for parking and pedestrian traffic. East and north elevation of the Theater will be fronted by retail and dining. The material palette consists of painted steel, stucco/eifs, caramel sandstone, clear and translucent glazing, amber acrylic at the canopies, copper panels, scored CMU stained cocoa brown and slate stone. Concurrent with this Concept Plan Approval Application, the Town Council is also being asked to approve a Development Agreement(DA), which provides for a mutually beneficial shared parking agreement between the Town and the Project pursuant to the TCCD zoning. The DA provides the Project with; 1) A reciprocal shared-use parking easement over 315 spaces of the existing 400 Town Hall surface parking spaces located directly adjacent to the Project, these parking spaces are allowed to, in-part, off-set Project shared parking requirements on a 1-for-1 basis, thus reducing the need to acquire additional land and construct additional parking to meet the requirements of the Project. 2) The Project, through the reciprocal easement, will develop an additional 189 shared-use surface parking for use by Town Hall and Project customers on 1.75 acres of additional Town owned land; these parking spaces are allowed to off-set Project parking requirements on a 1-for-1 basis, thus reducing the need to acquire additional land and construct additional parking to meet the requirements of the Project. 3) The shared parking rights to 44 parking spaces located in public right-of-ways adjacent to the Project to off-set Project shared parking requirements on a 1-for-1 basis, thus reducing the need to acquire additional land and construct additional parking to meet the requirements of the Project. 2 "The Avenue" Fountain Hills, AZ A Towne Center Development Project Concept Plan - Project Circulation Plan Introduction: This proposed project"The Avenue"is the successor project to a previously failed attempt to develop the same property in the exact same land use and configuration of land uses. The previous project: Fountain Hills Town Square was previously approved by the Town Council in late 2008 and was at an approximate 50% construction document phase, when the National Recession cause the proposed financing for the project to fail, terminating efforts to develop the project at that time. Part of the construction documentation that was completed for the Town Square project,provided to the Town and made part of the public record was the January 2009 Traffic Impact Analysis for the proposed project prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., which included both the analysis of the larger four-phase project,not currently planned, and the specific Phase 1 of that project. This proposed project"The Avenue"represents that previous Phase 1 of the Town Square. This Circulation Plan will therefore refer to the previously supplied impact analysis. Street System Inventory: The Project site is serviced most directly from the Avenue of the Fountains, Verde River Drive and La Montana Drive,with local connecting service provided by Paul Nordin Parkway, Saguaro Boulevard, El Lago Boulevard and Palisades Boulevard and regional connectivity provided by Shea Boulevard and State route 87. Existing Traffic Volumes and Level of Service: The hourly and daily traffic counts were collected for the streets directly adjacent to the Town Square project in December 2008 for the street system servicing the project. The assumption here is that given the on-set of the two-year national and local recession that these traffic volumes have remained relatively stable for the streets directly adjacent to the project as is reflected in the following: La Montana Drive @ Avenue of the Fountain Daily AM/Peak PM/Peak Weekday 5949 2424/556 3525/549 Weekend 5980 2102/566 3878/552 Avenue of the Fountain @ Verde River Drive Weekday 5094 1901/425 3193/492 Weekend 2477 1660/437 817/284 Saguaro Boulevard @ Avenue of the Fountain Weekday 15706 6259/1070 9447/1287 Weekend 13120 5099/1092 8021/1089 3 In addition to the review of the traffic volumes on the streets adjacent to the Project the 2009 study also calculated and reviewed the Levels of Service(LOS) for the street intersections of the streets servicing the Project. The existing LOS experienced at these intersections was all at acceptable levels A or B. The study also calculated the projected LOS for the same intersections after completion of the Phase 1 Project and found that the LOS was projected to remain in the acceptable A or B levels. Since the study was done, the Town has implemented additional improvements, some recommended by the study, that have improved some of the adjacent intersections and no doubt have improved LOS to even more acceptable levels. Given the existing and proposed LOS for the Phase 1 Project, the 2009 study proposed no additional intersection improvement over the recommended addition of stop signs at key intersections adjacent to the Project to improve traffic control, which would have negligible impact on LOS. Alternative Transportation Facilities: Given the relative small scale of the proposed Project no additional alternative transportation facilities were considered. However, the nature of the primary project use, the Theaters,historically and socially, encourages the shared use of transportation by its patrons, which are reflected in both parking requirements and trip generation. In addition the further improvement of the Downtown's streetscape by the Project will further encourage pedestrian movements between the Project and other existing and proposed downtown uses, as an alternative to vehicular access. Updated Traffic Analysis: The Project will provide an updated traffic analysis to ensure that the above previous analysis remains valid and current. 4 1 ►it e— g ,,.... _ 1 ri iiiii 1.! u. V. Ili CD Sg t. a S V in • =?' 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I! 5 1 113 au1 gii _� �� C p1! .. o I ;j D a 1 ' .IJill i' II ijli �: 19 iA .11 F , ill 11 ', I 1 I _ i I iPai s 1 i 111 1 ai ,M,,. I IN o Hi ° I;. a r mil _ o ° ° • ° ° t — HI • . o a t I --• a a a E a o _ E° 1 w • ,,ir. :-r W slY: " W a VI O e O O EXHIBIT B - PAGE 2 - LAND USE PLAN FOUNTAIN HILLS STANDARD SHARED PARKING MODEL-WALKER-ULI SHARED PARKING PROPOSED ROJECT NAME:THE AVENUE _ Town Project DATE: 1/11/2012 Type Existing New Totals BUILDING AREA SUMMARY Street 44 0 44 Phase la Theater Complex Theaters Restaurant Retail Residential Office Total SQ.FT. Surface 400 399 799 Building Q(12 Screen,2226 seat,Movie Theater) 52,962 52,962 Structure 0 0 0 Mezzanine 7,400 7,400 Totals 444 399 843 Building M(1 story Retail) 2,200 2,178 4,378 Shared Parking Inventory Building N(i Story Retail) 5,200 5,200 Street Parking SUB-TOTALS 60,362 2,200 7,378 - - 69,940 Town Hall-Ave of the Fountains 25 Phase lb Retail/Office Complex Project-Ave of the Fountains 19 Building B(1 Story Retail;2 Story Office) - 14,708 29,416 44,124 Surface Parking Building C(1 Story Retail;2 Story Office) 1,998 11,932 - 27,211 41,141 Existing Town Hall(42 restricted use) 357 Existing Sherriff's Office(43 restricted use) 43 SUB-TOTALS - 1,998 26,640 - 56,627 85,265 New Town Hall Property 20 TOTALS I 60,362 4,198 34,018 - 56,627 155,205 New Town's Project Property 169 - Dwelling Units New Project-On-Site(24 restricted use) 210 Town Hall(Existing 1 and 2 story Civic Use) Office Corn.Mtg. Total Shared Parking) 843 54,901 31,115 86,016 I Accessable Parking: 418 spaces X 2%=8 spaces required;9 provided (includes Courts and Sherriffs Office) Walker - Standard Parking Model THE AVENUE-Projected Shared Use Parking Needs Walker WEEKDAY Walker-ULI ULI Walker-ULI Demand Parking Unadjusted Month Adj. Pk.Hr.Adj Non Captive Drive Ratio Late Dec. Land Use Ratios Demand Late Dec. 2:00 PM Daytime Daytime 2:00 PM Retail 34,018 Sq.Ft. 2.90 99 80% 100% 90% 100% 71 Employee 34,018 Sq.Ft. 0.70 24 90% 100% 100% 98% 21 Fine/Casual Dining 4,198 Sq.Ft. 12.46 52 95% 65% 90% 100% 29 Employee 4,198 Sq.Ft. 2.22 9 100% 90% 100% 98% 8 Nightclubs - Sq.Ft. 15.22 0 95% 0% 100% 100% 0 Employee - Sq.Ft. 1.22 0 100% 10% 100% 98% 0 Cineplex 2,226 Seats 0.19 423 100% 75% 100% 100% 317 E ee 2,226 Seats 0.01 22 100% 60% 100% 98% 13 Center 31,115 Sq.Ft. 5.50 171 10% 100% 100% 100% 17 e 31,115 Sq.Ft. 0.51 16 80% 100% 100% 98% 12 Hotel-Leisure - Rooms 0.9 0 100% 70% 100% 90% 0 Restaurant/Lounge - Sq.Ft. 10.00 0 95% 33% 40% 100% 0 Employee - Rooms 0.25 0 100% 100% 100% 98% 0 Residential Reserved - Units 2.00 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 Office 100K to 500K sq.ft. 111,528 Sq.Ft. 0.25 28 80% 100% 100% 100% 22 Employee 111,528 Sq.Ft. 3.13 349 80% 100% 100% 98% 274 Subtotal Customer/Guest Spaces 773 457 Subtotal Employee Spaces 420 328 Subtotal Resident Spaces 0 Walker-ULI 0 Total Parking Spaces 1193 Percentage Reduction 34% 785 Parking Spaces Provided 843 Excess(Shortage)Parking Provided 58 Walker WEEKEND _ Walker-ULI ULI Walker-ULI Demand Parking Unadjusted Month Adj. Pk.Hr.Adj Non Captive Drive Ratio Late Dec. 4.1 Land Use Ratios Demand Late Dec. 8:00 PM Daytime Daytime 8:00 PM V L Retail 34,018 Sq.Ft. 3.2 109 80% 65% 90% 100% 51 Employee 34,018 Sq.Ft. 0.8 27 90% 75% 100% 98% 18 4.0 .5 Fine/Casual Dining 4,198 Sq.Ft. 13.86 58 95% 100% 90% 100% 50 C 0 Employee 4,198 Sq.Ft. 2.46 10 100% 100% 100% 98% 10 U a, Nightclubs - Sq.Ft. 17.56 0 95% 75% 100% 100% 0 v, Employee - Sq.Ft. 1.56 0 100% 100% 100% 98% 0 C Q "C" Cineplex 2,226 Seats 0.26 579 100% 100% 100% 100% 579 M Employee 2,226 Seats 0.01 22 100% 100% 100% 98% 22 0 r Community Center 31,115 Sq.Ft. 5.50 171 10% 30% 100% 100% 5 r 76 Employee 31,115 Sq.Ft. 0.51 16 80% 20% 100% 98% 2 • 0...„,*a Cl Hotel-Leisure - Sq.Ft. 1.00 0 100% 90% 100% 90% 0 r - CD N Restaurant/Lounge - Sq.Ft. 10.00 0 95% 70% 20% 100% 0 0 to L,f 0 Employee - Sq.Ft. 0.18 0 100% 55% 100% 98% 0 N - N Residential Reserved - Units 2.00 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 CL U M C Office 100K to SOOK sq.ft. 111,528 Sq.Ft. 0.03 3 80% 0% S00% 300% 0 Employee 111,528 Sq.Ft. 0.32 36 80% 0% 100% 98% 0 ; E r Subtotal Customer/Guest Spaces 920 685 C •Subtotal Employee Spaces 111 52 . CDC '� M � Subtotal Resident Spaces 0 Walker-ULI 0 i+ '^ TfPar 5 Spaces 1032 Percentage Reduction 29% 737 1.-- 4 v, Parking Spaces Provided 843 - ...r Excess(Shortage)Parking Provided 106 �'' W O��TAIN6 FOUNTAIN HILLS SANITARY DISTRICT 16941 E. PEPPERWOOD CIRCLE y� �C.) FOUNTAIN HILLS,AZ 85268-2901 �4RY TELEPHONE: 480-837-9444 FAX: 480-837-0819 D1S� www.az-fhsd.gov DATE: October 27,2011 MEMO TO: Bob Rodgers 70,31 ` Town of Fountain Hills 7 7 P07'26 7N FROM: Chris Kiriluk RE: Subdivision Technical Review THE AVENUES Plat 208, Block 2, Lot 1 16725 E. Avenue of the Fountains Case No. CP2011-06 (M#2638) Third Submittal I have reviewed the above referenced submittal for conformance with District requirements and have the following comments: 1. Please submit a full set of full size sheets to the Sanitary District for review. The 8.5x11's are not adequate for review. 2. Utilities must be shown on landscape drawings to determine and avoid potential conflicts between utilities and landscape. 3. Easement encroachment permits must be obtained from the District for all proposed construction within a public utility or sewer easement that contains a live sewer line or other utilities used by the District. 4. The District's monitor well at the southeast corner of the parking lot and the intersection of Verde River Drive and Paul Nordin Parkway must be shown. 5. All retail units, including the three directly connected to the movie theater, must have separate sewer services. This may require the installation of an additional sewer line within or adjacent to this project. 6. Grease removal devices such as underground concrete grease interceptors, are likely to be required for all proposed restaurants and for the movie theater. The placement of these interceptors must take into consideration the potential of odor issues. • 7. Please contact the District for a meeting to discuss the sewer and grease removal issues. cc: Owner— Park Place Properties, L.L.0 1221 Cleveland Street Wilmbit, IL 60091 Applicant— George Kasnoff 15933 E. Trevino Drive Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Architect— RSP Architects 502 S. College Avenue, Suite 203 Tempe,AZ 85281 Contact: Jason Ploszaj Engineer— SSE P.O. Box 20012 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 Contact: Clint Scherf (r, Hazel Cunningham /cdk • Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission Fountain Hills Town Council Fountain Hills, Arizona - January 17, 2012 This letter is in regards to the meetings scheduled for January 26 and February 2, 2012 on the proposed 12 theater megaplex with snack bar and gift shop with a request for a height variance which would allow a 48 foot building height. While I understand it is not the job of the planning commission or town council to intercede in the capitalist process of an entrepreneur taking a risk, in this case I feel you need to deny or reconfigure at another location this proposed theater for the following reasons: 1. It's chance of success as a 12 plex is dismal, especially as the developer is using old demographics. When, not if, it fails, we have another empty huge building with little or no other potential uses. 2. Giving up publicly owned land at the south end of the proposed parking lot is bad for the town, especially as its use as an attractive corridor from the library/town hall to the park is a town asset. Giving up public land that is an asset is bad public policy. 3. Another large expanse of asphalt designated as a parking lot will raise temperatures for surrounding areas and is unnecessary given the excess of parking in and around our town center. 4. Granting a height variance for a 48' tall building with the explanation "that it will not look that tall," is absurd. It's too tall and too big a footprint from all angles. It is not in keeping with the scale of the other buildings on the Ave of the Fountains. 5. The desire to infill open space, generate fees, and raise tax revenues should not be the overriding reason to grant a special use permit to the developer of an overly large complex. I feel it is your responsibility to aim the proposed project in another direction: 1. A smaller theater complex, say a 4 or 6 theater complex, might have a chance of succeeding. 2. A location such as the empty lot near Bashas is less central and more in keeping with building sizes. Should it fail, it will be less of an eyesore. 3. The theater needs to draw from Scottsdale as well as Fountain Hills if it is to survive. A location such as the Target center would be a better alternative, with its existing parking and large scale buildings. While I don't pretend to know all the responsibilities of the planning commission and town council, it seems obvious that any short term gains are greatly overshadowed by the very real negative potentials. We all want an asset to the town that succeeds and doesn't leave an empty shell of a building os a reminder of our hasty and misguided decision. No one wants to say after the fact, "I told you so." Sincerely, John Tinklepaugh 16800 E El Lago Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ Robert 'Bob' Rodgers Prom: J Call [jancall@yahoo.com] sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 2:28 PM To: rrodgers@fh.az.gov Subject: Thoughts re the proposed Fountain Hills 12-plex theater development project ... Thoughts: • Development of the vacant land in the Avenue of the Fountains corridor is inevitable • Only development appropriate for our small town (given its unique constraints such as little to no through traffic) should be entertained • There is limited downtown core land left for development build-out • Because land is at a premium, huge box buildings (e.g., a 12-plex theater) and surface parking lots should be discouraged • The only logical Fountain Hills location for a multi-plex theater would be the Target complex where abundant parking already exists and location/access might entice patronage from eastern Scottsdale • An informal polling of dozens of Fountain Hills neighbors adds credence to our opinion that a 12-plex theater in the Avenue of the Fountains corridor would not be a viable business venture and would most likely fail within 2 years (not a single person spoken to thought otherwise). And if it is built and it fails ... what are we left with? • Early Village at Towne Center owners were told that the entire adjoining town-owned land parcel farthest south in the proposed theater development would be a future gateway park connecting the existing library and community center complex to Fountain Park. The theater development concept • shows the city giving up most of this land for a surface parking lot. What to do: • Do not move forward with the proposed theater development project • Launch a community development project to add decorative/artistic sidewalk shades with cooling misters in the Avenue of the Fountains corridor to help increase foot traffic during the hot months of the year. This will provide an economic boost to existing businesses and (perhaps) entice establishment of new small-town appropriate businesses • Build the gateway park as originally conceived to enhance our town's livability • Provide underground parking to satisfy any new parking requirements re future development Tim and Janet Call calltm@yahoo.com 480-816-1603 (home/voip) 480-440-5369 (cell) 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Robert Rodgers,AICP DATE: 1-18-12 FR: Randy L. HII '. , RE: "The Avenue": Concept Plan—Project Town Engi 1 a, Circulation Plan The applicant submitted a 2-page document titled: "Concept Plan—Project Circulation Plan" for "The Avenue"project, on 1-12-12, which indicates: ".... The 2009 study proposed no additional intersection improvement over the recommended addition of stop signs at key intersection adjacent to the project.... " Staff vigorously disagrees. The above "Project Circulation Plan"refers to the January 2009 Traffic Impact Analysis by Kimley-Horn Engineers for the former project on this site. The current project is similar to the Phase 1 portion of that former study. The former project was withdrawn/cancelled prior to completion of Staff's initial review of that Analysis. Staff did provide the applicant with our 5- page, working draft review comments memo for that previous project's Traffic Impact Analysis (revised 5-9-09), when this current project was originally submitted. The unrevised 2009 Traffic Impact Analysis contained 21 recommendations/findings regarding that full project (and Staff initial recommendations added 8 additional measures). We believe that a proportionate amount (,. (40%, on a cost basis) of those 29 items should be a part of the Phase 1 portion of that project, since that Phase 1 generated about 40% of the traffic of that full project. My 12-5-11 "Updated TIS Requirement Justification" memo indicated 8 reasons why a new traffic study needs to be provided, with appropriate traffic mitigations to be provided by this project, including: • 2009 Report Never Approved • Unacceptable Traffic Restrictions Proposed • Trip Generation Increase • Background Traffic Volume Increase • Inappropriate Trip Distribution • Inadequate Split-out of Phase 1 Recommendations • AOTF Wide Median Issues Not Addressed • Traffic Engineering Consultant Review Needed An acceptable Traffic Report needs to be provided for this project, suitable to determine appropriate off-site traffic stipulations; and those off-site traffic stipulations need to be incorporated into this project's requirements. This is a really major issue, as the appropriate off-site traffic mitigations could cost over one million dollars. ..