HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2010.0826.Minutes.Subcommittee TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE NOISE REGULATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 26, 2010 The first meeting of the Noise Regulation Subcommittee Session opened at 6:55 P.M. Robert Rodgers suggested that the subcommittee appoint a chairman. Commissioner Jerry Caldwell NOMINATED and MOVED to appoint Commissioner Cecil Yates to serve as the subcommittee Chairman. Commissioner Sherry Leckrone SECONDED the MOTION. No other nominations were made. A voice vote was called and Commissioner Cecil Yates was appointed unanimously by those members present. Committee Members: Lloyd Pew present Jeff Mangels present Chairman Cecil Yates present Sherry Leckrone present Jerry Caldwell present Jerry Gorell present Ed Wallace arrived at 7:20 p.m. Gary Goodell absent (1) CALL TO ORDER Subcommittee Chairman Cecil Yates called first meeting of the Noise Regulation Subcommittee Session to order at 6:55 P.M. (2) CONSIDERATION of amendments to the TCCD Noise Regulations. Subcommittee Chairman Cecil Yates stated that he would create an outline of goals for the subcommittee and would draft a schedule and deadline to meet these goals. (3) COMMENTS from the Senior Planner Robert Rodgers. Robert Rodgers gave a brief explanation as to why this subcommittee was created. Mr. Rodgers told the committee that he had appointed himself staff liaison and added that Ms. Baxter would also be available to help. Subcommittee Chairman Yates wanted to discuss and set a possible deadline for the committee to complete their research and report to the Town Council. Chairman Yates decided with some interaction with the other committee members that the second week in December 2010 would be a good goal for ending the subcommittee discussion: with a Town Council presentation in January or February 2011. Page 1 of 3 • Subcommittee volunteer Mr. Jerry Gorell informed the other committee members of his vacation days and then gave an informational brief of his background and how he elected to be placed on this subcommittee. Chairman Cecil Yates pointed out some of the challenges the committee could face if revisions to the current ordinance were made and/or ir the subcommittee decided to write a new ordinance. Commissioner Jeff Mange's gave a proposed outline of a work-plan that possibly could help accomplish the subcommittee's goals: • Evaluate the town's existing noise ordinance. State the pros and cons of the current ordinance. • Review case studies and capture ideas from those documents. • Discuss how the subcommittee could structure the ordinance. Understand how other cities have accomplished this issue. • Establish some criteria and look at any limitations using decibels and/or distances. These are typically measurable and not as subjective as other alternatives. • Create an outline of alternatives for the ordinance and funnel down the information. Subcommittee Chairman Yates added that an important aspect of any ordinance would be the enforcement guidelines and to cover any gaps in those guidelines. Commissioner Leckrone added that the type of penalties needed to be decided. Mr. Gorrell stated that enforcement was a critical element and needed to be Ibllowed through. Any • violators should be dealt with immediately because of the residents affected at the time. It was decided by the committee that meetings would he held at the Community Center. Robert Rodgers asked that any group email and all communications be sent to staff for distribution to the other members of the subcommittee. Subcommittee Chairman Cecil Yates asked for a MOTION to Adjourn. Commissioner Sherry Leckrone made a MOTION to Adjourn and Commissioner Jeff Mangels SECONDED. The subcommittee meeting ADJOURNED at 7:19P.M. FOUNTAIN HILL LANNING& ZONING SUBCOMMITTEE BY / ATTEST; __ye446, -ubcommittee Cha an 7eci-Nates ani Baxter, Recorder of the Minutes Page 2 of 3 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Subcommittee meeting held on the 26'1' day of August 2010, in the Town Council Chambers. I further certify that the meeting was duly called. Dated this 26'h day of August 2010. r /t .Q.r anice Baxter, Recorder of the Minutes 0 Page 3 of 3