HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2010.0826.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 26, 2010 Chairman Paul McDonald opened the regular session of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Paul McDonald, Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew, Commissioners Jerry Caldwell, Cecil Yates, Sherry Leckrone,and Jeff Mangels. Also in attendance were Paul Mood, Director of Development Services, Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner, and Janice Baxter, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the Minutes. Commissioner Gary Goodell was not able to attend the meeting and notified staff in advance. Chairman Paul McDonald requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner introduced Paul Mood, P.E. to the Commissioners. Mr. Mood pointed out his past experiences. The Commissioners welcomed him to the Town. ROLL CALL: Chairman Paul McDonald present Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew present Commissioner Jeff Mangels present Commissioner Cecil Yates present Commissioner Jerry Caldwell present Commissioner Sherry Leckrone present ARRIVED AT 6:33 P.M. Commissioner Gary Goodell absent CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #1 — CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the minutes from the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held on JUNE 10,2010. Commissioner Cecil Yates MOVED to approve the meeting minutes from the June 10, 2010, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting and Work study meeting, as presented. Commissioner Jeff Mangels SECONDED. A roll call was taken and the MOTION CARRIED 4-0,by those present. Chairman Paul McDonald aye Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Commissioner Jeff Mangels aye Commissioner Cecil Yates aye Commissioner Sherry Leckrone abstain Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Jerry Caldwell abstain AGENDA ITEM #2 —PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment adopting a new Chapter 22 —Production Housing Regulations. Case Number Z2010-01, Ordinance 2010-04. Public Hearing Opened at 6:34 P.M. Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner gave a brief presentation to the Commission. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the Commission held a work-study session on June 10, 2010, on this topic. Mr. Rodgers explained that with the Commission's approval of the Residential Design Review regulations the ordinance would allow the Town to ensure that new tract developments maintain a high level of quality and variety. If the Commission denies the amendment then nothing would change in the ordinance and the Town would not be able to monitor the aesthetic quality of new production housing developments. Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment adopting a new Chapter 22-Production Housing Regulations. There were several questions that Mr. Rodgers was asked and he was able to answer by directing them to the section of the proposed ordinance or the Town's current ordinance. Chairman Paul McDonald asked if there were any requests to speak from the public. There were none. Closed Public Hearing at 6:38 P.M. 41) AGENDA ITEM#3-CONSIDERATION of a proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment adopting a new Chapter 22—Production Housing Regulations. Case Number Z2010-01, Ordinance 2010-04. Chairman Paul McDonald asked for a Commissioner discussion. Commissioner Cecil Yates spoke in support of the ordinance. Chairman Paul McDonald complimented staff for their work on this ordinance and spoke in support. Chairman Paul McDonald MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the proposed Zoning ordinance text amendment adopting a new Chapter 22 — Production Housing Regulations. Commissioner Jerry Caldwell SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 6-0, by those present. AGENDA ITEM#4 —COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to the Planning and Zoning Administrator, Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i) placing such items on a future agenda for action or(ii) determining if a majority of Commissioners wish to request staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. NONE AGENDA ITEM#5- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS None Requested. C Page 2 of 3 AGENDA ITEM#6-REPORT from Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner. Mr. Rodgers informed the Commission that the Town's AzTAP [Arizona Technical Advisory Panel) meeting a group of members of the Urban Land Institute (ULI)will be held on Wednesday, September 1, 2010, from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. This will be an informative all day Town meeting held in the Town Hall Council Chambers. These AzTAP committee members are involved with Urban Land Institute and will review our current plans for development in the downtown area and make their recommendations to the Town on various topics. Mr. Rodgers also mentioned that on October 14,2010,the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council will meet in a joint session beginning at 5:30 P.M. Please submit any topics you feel would be beneficial to discuss between the Town Council and the Commission. Also noted was that three Commissioners' did not chose to request re-appointment and the Town has received eight applications requesting to be interviewed and appointed as of September 30,2010. The open seats will be appointed by the Town Council during the Thursday October 7th, Town Council meeting. Mr. Rodgers mentioned to the outgoing Commissioners'that they were invited to attend the Town Council meeting on Thursday, October 21,2010. The Mayor will be acknowledging their service to the Town. AGENDA ITEM#6-ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Cecil Yates MOVED to adjourn and Commissioner Jeff Mangels SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED(6-0),by those present. Chairman Paul McDonald aye Commissioner Cecil Yates aye Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Commissioner Jeff Mangels aye Commissioner Sherry Leckrone aye Commissioner Jerry Caldwell aye The regular meeting ADJOURNED at 6:42 P.M. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION BY: ATTEST:C � ec� airm Paul McDonald V Ja e Baxter, Recorder of the Minutes CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 26t day of August 2010, in the Town Council Chambers. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 26th day of August 2010. anice Baxter, Recor er of the Minutes Page 3 of 3 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 411 0 err 0 Planning and Zoning • _ • Board of Adjustment //gatisA t. AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: August 26, 2010 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Planning &Zoning Staff Contact Information: N/A REQUEST TO COMMISSION: Consideration of approving the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Commission and Special Work Study Session meeting minutes from June 10, 2010. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): Approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting minutes from June 10, 2010. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact(initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Commission and Special Work Study meeting minutes dated June 10, 2010, as presented. Attachment(s): Submitted by: Zni(P graale" August 17, 2010 Name/Title Date A Appr ved by• enior anner Date Page 1 of 1 „ty"GAIN TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS IX Planning and Zoning war low : Board of Adjustment %eisA,Ati AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: August 26, 2010 Agenda Type: Regular Meeting Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner,480-816-5138, rrodgers@fh.az.gov Strategic Priority: Not Applicable (NA) Council Goal: Identify/Support Opps to Impact Quality of Life REQUEST TO PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION: PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment adopting a new Chapter 22 — Production Housing Regulations. Case #Z2010-01 Ordinance#10-04 CONSIDERATION of a proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment adopting a new Chapter 22 — Production Housing Regulations. Case #Z2010-01 Ordinance#10-04 Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Zoning Ordinance, Section 5.19 - Performance Standards Staff Summary (background): The Planning & Zoning Commission held a Work Study session on June 10, 2010 in which they discussed the potential benefits of adopting tract housing guidelines in anticipation of development on the large parcels contained in the former State Trust Land. Staff presented a possible design ordinance that would assist the town in ensuring that any production housing being proposed would be of sufficient variety and quality so as to be an asset to the town. The Commission initiated the ordinance amendment at that meeting. Staff recommends that Fountain Hills promulgate regulations that require a variety of house façade elevations and other design features that will provide for similar, but not identical, production residential designs. Toward this end, staff has reviewed a number of valley jurisdiction's regulations regarding Tract Housing standards and guidelines in order to design an ordinance prior to the development of 1,350 residential units in the North East corner of town. While portions of the property would be developed with custom homes, other areas would/could be candidates for production housing. Staff has put together a draft regulation for Fountain Hills. The draft envisions an administrative process that would not necessitate additional public meetings or time extensions. The administrative process outlines the procedures which will consist of the submittal and approval of detailed plans of standard house designs with a specified number of optional variations being submitted. Variations of the façade, roof (lb,style, colors, materials, windows, etc. will all be included in this process. Once approved, builders will be able to submit for individual Building Permits using pre-approved "standard” plans. The only variations will be site preparation and the foundation or pad designs which will be unique to each lot. Page 1 of 2 Approval of standard designs will be done administratively by staff and may be done any time prior to the development's first building permit request. The procedure therefore should not create any timing issues during the developme• approval process. , rof Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of the Residential Design Review regulations will allow the town to ensure that new tract developments maintain a high level of quality and variety. Denial of the amendment will not change the ordinance in any way and will not allow the town to monitor the aesthetic quality of new production housing developments. Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): N/A Staff Recommendation(s): Staff recommends that the Planning &Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment adopting a new Chapter 22— Production Housing Regulations. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment adopting a new Chapter 22— Production Housing Regulations. Case #Z2010-01 Ordinance #10-04 Attachment(s): DRAFT- Residential Design Review Regulations Submitted by: Robert Rodger Rod .�''. A ,�� � August 17, 2010 C11/ Namefritle Date Approved by: rf/7`/� Development Services Director Date 1AIN40-1 l fc ? o 4 \), qq'y 9 � � oiP 1J th o0 li at i s At me TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REVIEW REGULATIONS Chapter 22 PRODUCTION HOUSING REGULATIONS • Administrative Design Review Sections: 22-1 Definitions 22-2 Residential Standard Plan 22-3 Standard Plan Requirements 22-4 Project Data Sheet 22-5 Residential Standard Plan Checklist EXHIBIT 1: STANDARD RESIDENTIAL HOUSE PLAN CONDITIONS EXHIBIT 2: RESIDENTIAL STANDARD PLAN TRANSFER POLICY 0 • 1 22-1 DEFINITIONS: 1. Administrative Design Review: The process by which town staff reviews and approves of production housing standard plans. 2. Production Housing: Commonly known as Tract Housing, Production Housing is housing product that utilizes multiple houses that are similar in appearance, floorplan, and size and which generally follow approved Standard Plan designs. 3. Standard Plan: The plan of one or more production housing units. Standard Plans do not include landscaping, exterior utilities, foundations, slabs, or other features below the bottom plate or sill of the structure. • 22-2 ADMINISTRATIVE DESIGN REVIEW - RESIDENTIAL STANDARD PLAN A. The followinginformation isprovided to assist in the preparation and submittal of an application for P P PP Administrative Design Review for a residential standard plan. 1. Application Filing—For an application to be accepted, the applicant must provide all of the required information described in the submittal checklist at the time of formal submittal. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. 2. Staff Review — Upon receiving a complete application, the submitted application will be routed to Town staff and affected agencies for review and comments. After this review is completed, the comments are consolidated and returned to the applicant within twenty (20) days of submission. The applicant is responsible for addressing staff comments and submitting revised plans. Staff will then respond to the re-submittal within ten (10) days. 3. Notice of Decision — The Planning Administrator will either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application and will set forth any proposed findings and decision on a Notice of Administrative Decision. The decision of the Planning Administrator regarding administrative residential design review may be appealed by the applicant to the Planning & Zoning Commission for review and action. 4. Building Permits— Only after the project has received all approvals through the Town processes can construction documents be submitted for review. All construction documents for a project must conform to the exhibits approved during residential design review, including any conditions 10 approval. 5. Inactive Cases — All applications need to be actively pursued to a decision. If no activity has occurred on an application for 180 days, the application will be determined to be inactive, deemed to be withdrawn and the file will be closed. Thirty (30) days prior to that date the staff will notify the applicant in writing. The applicant may submit a written request that the application remain active, with an explanation for the inactivity. The Planning Administrator may grant an extension for up to 180 days for good cause if there is a reasonable belief that the application will be actively pursued during the extension period. 3 22-3 ADMINISTRATIVE DESIGN REVIEW - STANDARD PLAN CONTENT REQUIREMENTS A. Project Narrative ❑ Describe how the application adheres to the Residential Standard Plans Policy. B. Submitted Final Plat ❑ Copy of stamped approved final plat. C. Lot Fit Analysis E Identify the fit of each standard plan for all lots,based on the required development standards (i.e. setbacks, lot coverage, hillside protection); ❑ Include all possible options and the required patio cover for the standard plan; ❑ Include the number of lots (or which specific lots) the approved set of standard plans are requested to be approved for. Example matrix of lot fit analysis: 2 Lot# Plan 1 w/olptions Plan 2 �,olptions Plan 3 1 Y Y Y Y N 2 N N Y Y N 3 Y Y Y Y Y D. Plot Plan ❑ Scale and dimensions; ❑ Plan Number; ❑ Minimum lot area; ❑ Typical lot lines; ❑ Location of ground mounted mechanical equipment; ❑ All plan options identified with a hidden line; ❑ Required building setbacks; ❑ Proposed and allowed building lot coverage; ❑ Location of typical driveway; and ❑ Home Builder and Subdivision Name. E. Floor Plans ❑ Scale and dimensions; ❑ Interior space distribution with dimensions; ❑ Exterior walls and interior partitions; ❑ Fenestration; ❑ Stairs; ❑ Other elements of the building design; ❑ Home Builder and Subdivision Name; and ❑ Registered Design Professional signature and seal. 4 F. Elevations ❑ Scale and exterior dimensions; • ❑ Minimum of three different architectural elevations per standard plan showing building elevations for all sides; ❑ Minimum of two different garage doors designs for each standard plan; ❑ All elevations must be oriented consistently with the floor plans; ❑ All elevations must include a notation of materials proposed; ❑ Standard plan notes attached to this application are applicable to all residential standard plans. These must be placed on the elevation plans and subsequent construction document submittal; ❑ Home Builder and Subdivision Name; ❑ Registered Design Professional signature and seal. G. Materials/Color Board ❑ True color photograph or catalog pages of proposed materials and actual color chips mounted on a maximum 24" x 36" foam or cardboard, noting the color and material name and manufacturer's number. NOTE: Actual samples of the materials should not be submitted. If the colors proposed are different from the approved colors, a separate application will be required to be submitted for approval. 5 22-4 - Project Data Sheet - Standard Plan Lot Areas Zoning Classification: Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.): Minimum Lot Width: Required Building Setbacks & Coverage Minimum Building Setbacks Maximum Zoning Classification: Front Side Rear Lot Coverage Standard Plan Details Plan # Square Ft. Width Length Height C 6 22-5 Administrative Design Review - Residential Standard Plan Checklist REQUIRED MATERIALS: Applicant Staff Checklist Verification Application ❑ ❑ Fee (see Planning fee schedule) ❑ ❑ Completed Project Data Sheet ❑ ❑ Project Narrative ❑ ❑ Lot fit analysis (8.5"x 11") ❑ ❑ Maricopa County Assessor Parcel Map (Showing project area and parcel numbers) ❑ ❑ Typical Plot Plans: • 1 copy—print or photo for each standard plan (photocopy of color rendered plan is acceptable) .. ❑ ❑ Floor Plans: • 1 copy—print or photo for each standard plan (photocopy of color rendered plan is acceptable) ❑ ❑ Elevations: • 1 copy—print or photo reduction of each standard plan elevation (photocopy of color rendered plan is acceptable) ❑ ❑ • 1 copy—color rendered streetscape elevation print depicting front and rear elevations of each standard plan proposed ❑ ❑ Materials/Color Board: • 1 copy—material/color board(s) providing true color photographs or catalog pages of proposed materials and actual color chips. (noting color/material name and manufacturer) ❑ ❑ • 1 copy— (8.5" x 11") Photo or color copy of the materials board(s) for archival purposes ❑ ❑ S 7 EXHIBIT 1: STANDARD RESIDENTIAL HOUSE PLAN CONDITIONS er1. A minimum of three architecturally different covered patio designs shall be provided for each standard plan. he designs will incorporate differing rooflines such as a parapet design, a gabled design or other appropriate design given the main structure roof lines. All patio columns shall be of substantial dimensions (i.e. 12" stucco column) and constructed of materials compatible with the exterior elevations. 2. A minimum of two (2) different garage doors shall be offered as a standard feature for each standard plan. Different designs may include short vs. long panels and decorative, divided-light panels. 3. No house product of the same floor plan and elevation shall be built adjacent or across from one another. 4. The same color scheme is not permitted on adjacent residences. 5. Provide reverse elevations, where possible, on adjacent lots to keep the garage doors from always being on the same side of the lots. 6. Detailing (i.e. veneer stone, brick, shutters, window mullions, decorative corbels, etc) as shown on the approved elevations shall be standard and clearly labeled on the construction documents. Substantial deviations from the approved elevations MUST be reviewed by the Planning Administrator. 7. No similar rear elevations shall be allowed adjacent to one another along open spaces or public right-of-ways. Window detailing shall be applied to the side or rear elevations that side or back onto an open space or public street. The detailing shall be clearly noted on the construction documents. •8. Wainscoting, pop-outs, and other horizontal banding details applied to the front elevation shall be wrapped around the corner of the house to the return wall or to a prominent end-column feature. 9. All exposed metal roof vents and utility equipment shall be painted to match the adjacent roof or building color. This shall be clearly noted on the construction documents. 10. All ground-mounted mechanical equipment within a side or rear yard of a lot shall be fully screened from view by a finished wall. 11. These conditions and any additional conditions approved by the Planning Administrator shall be placed on the cover sheet of each house plan construction submittal for each individual standard plan. 0 EXHIBIT 2: RESIDENTIAL STANDARD PLAN TRANSFER POLICY A. The intent of the Standard Plans Transfer policy is to provide an effective, customer friendtli P Y administrative review process to allow for the use of approved standard plans in a different subdivisio . Concerns regarding sameness in the community and new design requirements over time are addressed by establishing minimum criteria. Minimum criteria for administrative review, submittal requirements, and process are outlined below. B. Minimum criteria for consideration of administrative review of Standard Plans: 1. Standard Plans must have received approval by the Planning Administrator within the last two (2) Years. 2. The maximum number of lots for the originally approved standard plans plus lots in subsequently approved projects for these standard plans shall not exceed 300 lots. 3. The lot size for the approved standard plans shall be comparable to the lot size of the proposed subdivision. Product designed for smaller lots has a limited amount of detail and massing. Product designed for larger lots requires additional detailing. Staff may require additional design features for approved standard plans to be acceptable for a lot size that is larger than the original lot size. 4. The original approval must have a minimum of three standard plans approved by the Planning Administrator. 5. Approved standard plans from separate projects may be combined to form a proposed set of standard plans to transfer. A minimum of three standard plans is required for the proposed subdivision. Building elevations for this new set of standard plans must be compatible and provide a unified design theme. 6. All stipulations for the approved standard plans shall be maintained. 7. Additional stipulations may be required by staff to comply with design policies related to to proposed transfer. 8. Additional stipulations may be required for design features required by an Ordinance. The approved standard plans shall meet zoning standards in the proposed subdivision. 9. No zoning ordinance amendment will be supported to accommodate the product transfer. C. Submittal and Processing Requirements: 1. A completed application for administrative architectural design review. 2. Payment of the fee for an administrative review. 3. A project narrative describing how the proposal meets the criteria stated above for consideration of transferring standard plans. 4. If additional design requirements are requested by staff to comply with Criteria #3 above, the new set of standard plans must be approved by the Planning Administrator. If a new standard plan is submitted for review to add to the new set of standard plans, the applicant shall submit this for administrative review and pay a separate administrative fee. 5. Provide a lot fit analysis that includes zoning setbacks and lot coverage. Provide information on the number of lots the approved set of standard plans were originally approved for, total number of lots approved in subsequent standard plan transfers (if applicable), and the total number of lots requested with this proposal. D. Process: 1. Allow three (3) weeks for administrative review. 2. At least one meeting should be held with Town staff to discuss the proposal. • 9