HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021.0921.TCRM.Agenda.Packet       NOTICE OF MEETING REGULAR MEETING FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL      Mayor Ginny Dickey Vice Mayor Alan Magazine Councilmember Gerry Friedel Councilmember Sharron Grzybowski Councilmember Peggy McMahon Councilmember Mike Scharnow Councilmember David Spelich    TIME:5:30 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 WHERE:   FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Council meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Town Council are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.      REQUEST TO COMMENT The public is welcome to participate in Council meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM, please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Town Clerk prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Council. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Councilmembers. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Town Clerk prior to discussion, if possible. TO COMMENT IN WRITING ONLINE: Please feel free to provide your comments by visiting  https://www.fh.az.gov/publiccomment and SUBMIT a Public Comment Card by 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting . These comments will be shared with the Town Council.         NOTICE OF OPTION TO RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council, and to the general public, that at this meeting, the Town Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for legal advice and discussion with the Town's attorneys for legal advice on any item listed on the following agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3).        1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Dickey     2.MOMENT OF SILENCE     3.ROLL CALL – Mayor Dickey     4.REPORTS BY MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS AND TOWN MANAGER     A.PROCLAMATION: Declaring September as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.    B.PROCLAMATION: September 17 - 23, 2021, as Constitution Week     C.RECOGNITION: Outgoing Board of Adjustment Member John Kovac III     5.SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS     A.PRESENTATION: By representatives of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC)    B.PRESENTATION: Monthly Update by Captain Kratzer with Maricopa County Sheriff's Office     C.PRESENTATION: Report on Valley Metro Gilbert Road Park & Ride Express Connection (#515)     6.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Council, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual councilmembers may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda.     7.CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS      Town Council Regular Meeting of September 21, 2021 2 of 4   7.CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine, noncontroversial matters and will be enacted by one motion of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, he/she may request so prior to the motion to accept the Consent Agenda or with notification to the Town Manager or Mayor prior to the date of the meeting for which the item was scheduled. The items will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.     A.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 7, 2021.     B.CONSIDER AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON  the Final Plat for Adero Canyon Phase II Parcel 3, A replat of Tract 3-A  and a portion of Tract D-2 of Adero Canyon Phase II, a 41 lot, single-family subdivision in the Adero Canyon PAD.     8.REGULAR AGENDA     A.PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Special Use Permit to allow residential uses on a 0.58 acre property in the Community Commercial (C-C) zoning district at 17134 E. Kingstree Blvd., generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Blvd. and Kingstree Blvd.       B.PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Ordinance 21-15 amending Section 1.10, Violation and Penalty, Section 20.15, Penalties, and Section 21.12, Violations and Penalties, and adding Section 24.04, Violations and Penalties, of the Zoning Ordinance as they pertain to penalties for violation of the Zoning Ordinance (Case #2020-06).     C.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Regarding Resolution 21-29 declaring the 2021 Criminal to Civil Ordinance Change a public record, adoption of Ordinance 21-14 amending Chapter 1 General, Chapter 6 Animals, Chapter 7 Buildings and Building Regulations, Chapter 8 Business Regulations, Chapter 9 Parks and Recreation, Chapter 10 Health and Sanitation, Chapter 11 Offenses, Chapter 12 Traffic, and Chapter 16 Streets and Sidewalks relating to penalties for violation of the Town Code.     D.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement 2021-031 with Kimley Horn & Associates, INC.     E.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: adopting Ordinance 21-16, Amending the Town of Fountain Hills Town Code, Chapter 11, Offenses, by Amending Section 11-1-17, Use of Town Owned Washes.        Town Council Regular Meeting of September 21, 2021 3 of 4   9.COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the TOWN MANAGER Item(s) listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such item(s) on a future agenda for action, or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council.     10.ADJOURNMENT         CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Town Council with the Town Clerk. Dated this ______ day of ____________________, 2021. _____________________________________________  Elizabeth A. Klein, MMC, Town Clerk   The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's Office.    Town Council Regular Meeting of September 21, 2021 4 of 4   ITEM 4. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/21/2021 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Reports Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council SPECIAL PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS (Agenda Language):  PROCLAMATION: Declaring September as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Staff Summary (Background) Mayor Dickey will be proclaiming September as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Attachments Proclamation - September as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Finance Director David Pock 08/03/2021 08:43 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 08/04/2021 09:33 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 08/04/2021 10:43 AM Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 08/03/2021 05:37 PM Final Approval Date: 08/04/2021  ITEM 4. B. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/21/2021 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Reports Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council SPECIAL PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS (Agenda Language):   PROCLAMATION: September 17 - 23, 2021, as Constitution Week Staff Summary (Background) The Mayor will be proclaiming September 17 - 23, 2021, as Constitution Week. Attachments Proclamation - Constitution Week  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Finance Director David Pock 09/13/2021 03:52 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 09/13/2021 04:05 PM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 09/13/2021 04:10 PM Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 09/13/2021 03:41 PM Final Approval Date: 09/13/2021  ITEM 7. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/21/2021 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Elizabeth A. Klein, Town Clerk Staff Contact Information: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 7, 2021. Staff Summary (Background) The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at the meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the Town's website and maintained as permanent records in compliance with state law. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approving the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 7, 2021. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 7, 2021. Attachments Minutes  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Finance Director Elizabeth A. Klein 09/09/2021 05:52 PM Town Attorney Elizabeth A. Klein 09/09/2021 05:52 PM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 09/13/2021 03:11 PM Form Started By: Elizabeth A. Klein Started On: 09/09/2021 04:46 PM Form Started By: Elizabeth A. Klein Started On: 09/09/2021 04:46 PM Final Approval Date: 09/13/2021  TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE COMBINED REGULAR MEETING/WORK SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 7, 2021            1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Dickey    Mayor Dickey called the meeting of September 7, 2021, to order at 5:30 p.m. and led the Town Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.   2.MOMENT OF SILENCE    A Moment of Silence was held.   3.ROLL CALL – Mayor Dickey Present: Mayor Ginny Dickey; Vice Mayor Alan Magazine; Councilmember Mike Scharnow; Councilmember Peggy McMahon; Councilmember Gerry Friedel; Councilmember Sharron Grzybowski; Councilmember David Spelich (telephonically) Staff Present: Town Manager Grady E. Miller; Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson; Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Burke 4.REPORTS BY MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS AND TOWN MANAGER    Mr. Miller invited Economic Development Director James Smith forward to introduce a new employee. Mr. Smith then introduced Eric Prochnow, Economic Development and Tourism Specialist, who came forward and said that he was excited for the opportunity to work for the Town of Fountain Hills. Councilmember Scharnow said that he enjoyed attending the League of Arizona Cities and Towns Annual Conference. He said that there was a lot of networking, good sessions, and he was glad he could go. Councilmember Grzybowski said that she and others attended the Mayor's Youth Council meeting, and they had a good conversation on how best to communicate with them. She said that they have also started the 2021 Make a Difference Day planning committee meetings. She said that she, too, attended the League Conference, and as a first time goer, she was in political nerd heaven, talking with councilmembers, town managers, and staff, as well as economic political pundits and state legislators. She was especially impressed by Elliot Pollock. She said that they talked about the significant housing shortage in Arizona--the shortest since World War II. She said that 17% of residential homes are rentals, and there is an increase in single-family residential rental complexes, such as the Havenly which she understands already is 70% rented in Phase I. Mayor Dickey thanked Vice Mayor Magazine and Councilmembers Grzybowski and Friedel for attending the Mayor's Youth Council. She appreciated the Council, Kade and Linda for bringing the MYC members to the League Conference. They carried the Fountain Hills banner proudly in the Parade of Flags and attended sessions designed for youth members. She said that she gave the welcoming remarks at the Daughters of the American Revolution State Conference held at We-Ko-Pa, whose theme was History, Education and Patriotism. At the League Conference they passed four resolutions which had come before the Resolutions Committee, on which she serves. She said that they will hear more from Mr. Lunsford this evening. She attended the following sessions: a) The Capital Improvement Plan Builder, CAP Pipeline license which is a free online tool for coordinating with others on projects with bordering communities and with utilities; b) Trends in Real Estate, including Trust Land; c) The Next Pandemic, which addressed the biggest lesson learned, the supply chain preparation, and how communication is critical. She said that the Arizona Department of Health Services was receiving 300,000 calls per day. The Governor's Office addressed the extremely ambiguous situation for mayors; and d) Challenges of Development. She said that Jack will report more, but Sedona lost population in the census, yet more units are occupied with over 20% of their housing inventory being for short-term rentals. She said that the Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee met and recommendations will be coming soon to the Council. She also attended a MAG (Maricopa Association of Governments) Regional Council meeting. She reported that the local unit of the American Legion is competing in the American Legion National Color Guard Contest. Councilmember Friedel said that he attended the Mayor's Youth Council meeting and came away with some good ideas, which they will be looking to implement. Also, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Town Hall will be lighting up the facility with purple lights and also the Fountain will be lit with purple lights. He also attended a ribbon cutting for Desert Wealth Management company which is a father/daughter operation. And, he attended his first Falcon's Football game, and they have a good start for the season with 2 wins - 0 losses.   A.PROCLAMATION: 9/11 20th Year Tribute       Mayor Dickey read a proclamation as a tribute to the 20th year to 9/11. She said that on September 11, 2021, there will be a service at the amphitheater at Fountain Park starting at 6:30 p.m. Vice Mayor Magazine reported that National Geographic had a four-part series on television regarding 9/11. It was unlike anything any of them have seen, with footage that has not been made available in the past.   Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 2 of 12        5.SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS   A.PRESENTATION: Jack Lunsford will present the highlights from the 2021 session of the Arizona State Legislature including major legislation passed into law.       Mr. Miller said that about three years ago staff brought a proposal to Council to hire Jack Lunsford for lobbying services, and they thought it would good to have him present the 2021 highlights of the legislative session. Mr. Lunsford said that this coming legislative session will be his 40th. He then gave a review of the session, Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, which addressed: SESSION - AT A GLANCE MAJOR ISSUES - LEAGUE MAJOR ISSUES - FOUNTAIN HILLS SB1487 Expansion (HB2893) SHORT TERM RENTALS (SB1379/HB2481) FLAT TAX: IMPACT ON STATE SHARED REVENUES FIREWORKS - OVERNIGHT HOURS PROHIBITION TOBACCO/VAPING (HB2882) WORKER'S COMP - FIREFIGHTER CANCER PRESUMPTION PUBLICATION OF NOTICE (SB1645) POSTING OF MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES (HB2400) CONSULAR ID CARDS (SB1451) MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS; TPT EXEMPTION (SB1146 - Failed) HONORING LAW ENFORCEMENT; FIRST RESPONDERS (HCR2003) OBSTRUCTING ROADWAYS/STREET RACING (SB1533) WHAT'S COMING NEXT SESSION? Vice Mayor Magazine said that Mr. Lunsford has been serving as a lobbyist for the Dark Sky Discovery Center. He said that there is a situation where the legislature is term limited so they will switch places, between Senate and House. He asked Mr. Lunsford if there was anything that could be done about that. Mr. Lunsford said that there really is not. Mr. Lunsford said that it was a pleasure working with Mr. Arnson on a quick issue.   B.PRESENTATION: Online Permitting System    Development Services Director John Wesley gave a demonstration of the new online building permit system, Town Online Permitting and Planning System (T.O.P.P.S.). Mr. Wesley said that staff gave a presentation for contractors in March or April, from whom they received feedback. Vice Mayor Magazine asked Mr. Wesley if he had an estimate on how long the review process was. Mr. Wesley said that they are currently at four to six weeks for any case. This system may streamline the time some, but the workload is very high right now. Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 3 of 12 Vice Mayor Magazine asked how many people are in the review process. Mr. Wesley said that a standard review consists of six people. He said that currently they mark up two sets, which takes time. The new system will allow them to mark up a set of plans (and be more legible) and then electronically send the notes to the developer. Mr. Wesley thanked the Town Council for the opportunity to work with this program.   C.PRESENTATION: Viewing of American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, in partnership with the National Recreation and Park Association, Gold Medal Finalist video    Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin said that as a finalist for an award from the National Recreation and Park Association, the Town was asked to put together a five-minute video highlighting the Town's park and recreation services, and they will be judged on the video. She said that they will know the results in two weeks. She said that it has been a team effort; the department as a whole is awesome to work with, and she thought they did a great job. She thanked the Council, commissioners, staff, and partners. The Council and audience then viewed the video.   6.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Council, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual councilmembers may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda.    Ed Stizza, Fountain Hills, said that he was recently at Desert Vista Park where he saw a homeless woman who made the park home for six nights. He said that there is nothing on the signs to say she cannot sleep there and he suggested they write an ordinance to address the issue. He then voiced concern with the lighting planned for the new crosswalk on Saguaro as well as lighting going in at the Park.   7.CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine, noncontroversial matters and will be enacted by one motion of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, he/she may request so prior to the motion to accept the Consent Agenda or with notification to the Town Manager or Mayor prior to the date of the meeting for which the item was scheduled. The items will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.    MOVED BY Vice Mayor Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Sharron Grzybowski to approve Consent Agenda Items 7-A through 7-H.  Vote: 6 - 0 Passed - Unanimously   A.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes of the Special Meeting of August 17, 2021; the Regular Meeting of August 17, 2021; and the Special Meeting of August 24, 2021.    Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 4 of 12   B.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving a Special Event Liquor License application for the River of Time Museum of Fountain Hills for a fundraiser to be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Fountain Hills Community Center on October 27, 2021, from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm.      C.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving a Special Event Liquor License application for the Fountain Hills Theater to dispense alcohol in conjunction with the Fountain Hills Theater Re-Grand Opening event on September 10, 2021.      D.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving Resolution 2021-28 designating the Town's Tourism Division/Experience Fountain Hills as the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) and approving the Town Manager to serve as the authorized signatory for the Arizona Office of Tourism (AOT).      E.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Authorizing staff to apply for and accept enhanced Tourism grant funding from the Arizona Office of Tourism's Visit Arizona Initiative and approve all necessary budget transfers.      F.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Adopting Resolution 2021-30 approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation relating to Proposition 202 funding.      G.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Termination of Easement for Access, Construction and Maintenance of Parking Facilities Uses between the Town of Fountain Hills and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Scottsdale, Inc.      H.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Adopting Resolution 2021-31 approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community related to the receipt of Proposition 202 funding.      8.REGULAR AGENDA   A.PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Ordinance 21-06 amending the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 1 to change the definition of hospital and Chapter 12 to provide for hospitals as a permitted use.       Mayor Dickey opened the Public Hearing. Development Services Director John Wesley gave a PowerPoint presentation which addressed: PURPOSE Mr. Wesley said that a few years ago a proposal was made to locate a hospital facility at the intersection of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive. In reviewing the request, it was discovered that hospitals are not listed as a permitted use in the Town Code. Staff made the determination that such a use should go in C-2 zoning. There was significant neighborhood opposition to the request to rezone the property to C-2. At the Planning Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 5 of 12 and Zoning Commission (P & Z) hearing for the rezoning, the Commission recommended to the Town Council that the hospital be allowed as a C-1 use subject to approval of a Special Use Permit for the 24-hour operation of a hospital. Per a provision in Section 12.02 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Town Council has the authority to decide in which zoning district a use should be permitted. At the public hearing on the rezoning case for the hospital, the Council agreed with the P & Z Commission's recommendation and hospitals would be considered a use allowed in the C-1 zoning district. Based on that decision by the Town Council, the property owner was permitted to move forward with the development of the hospital on this property. The purpose of this agenda item is to now update the zoning ordinance to reflect the decision that was already made by the Town Council. PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT Mr. Wesley said that at the Planning and Zoning Commission hearings on this text amendment, a concern was expressed over the definition of a hospital and how the community might be impacted depending on the nature of the hospital. Due to this concern, the proposed text amendment was broadened to include a change to the existing definition in the ordinance. With this proposed change to the definition of a hospital, facilities operating as behavioral health hospitals or detoxification facilities would not be included. Councilmember Spelich appeared telephonically at this time (6:47 p.m.) He said that he wanted to voice support for the Commission's recommended text amendment. The following individuals spoke in support of the proposed text amendment as recommended by the Commission: John Pio, Darla Jacobs, Nancy Stahl, DiVina Gallatin, Crystal Cavanaugh, Bob Strasser. They all conveyed that they support the proposed text because it clarified that detox centers would not be permitted in this zone. Additionally, the following individuals submitted online comments in support of the proposed text amendment as written: Judy Rutkowski, Dr. Richard Rutkowski, Liz Gildersleeve, Larry Meyers.    Vice Mayor Magazine said that he does favor Ordinance 21-06, but there is a misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up. He said that the Town's attorney did some in-depth legal analysis on whether the Town Council could ban detox facilities in Fountain Hills. Mr. Arnson said that there is a balancing of interest between a federal law which flatly prohibits complete bans on these types of facilities, and one of reasonable restrictions, such as prohibiting them from locating in residential areas. He said that flat bans are not permitted by the federal courts. Vice Mayor Magazine asked the process if someone came forward and wanted to have a detox facility in Town. Mr. Wesley said that today it is not set up as something requiring a Special Use Permit. It is not listed; it is not a permitted use. If someone wanted to establish such a facility, they would have to come to the Town Council to amend the Town Code. Mayor Dickey said that they addressed a similar issue years ago with adult businesses. Because they were unable to have a complete ban, the had to put it some place. The same will be true with a detox center. This is the first step to indicate they are not considered a "hospital." Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 6 of 12 Mayor Dickey closed the Public Hearing.    MOVED BY Vice Mayor Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Sharron Grzybowski to adopt Ordinance 21-06.  Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously   B.PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Ordinance No. 21-02, establishing Section 2.08, Citizen Participation, in the Zoning Ordinance.       Mayor Dickey stated that this was a continuation of the Public Hearing first opened at the August 17, 2021, Council Meeting. It was first presented at that meeting, but because a copy of the ordinance was inadvertently left out of the packet, they took public comment and then she continued the Public Hearing to this evening. Mr. Wesley said that based on comments made by the public at the last meeting, staff did make a few minor modifications: 1) Added up-front notes as to the purpose 2) Clarified a typical 15-day notice for meetings 3) Clarified the process update to Town staff Mayor Dickey closed the Public Hearing.    MOVED BY Councilmember Mike Scharnow, SECONDED BY Vice Mayor Alan Magazine to adopt Ordinance 21-02.  Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously   C.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the proposed uses of the funds received from the American Rescue Plan Act.       Mr. Miller said that tonight the Finance Director would be giving a brief presentation on the ARPA signed into law last March, which was a windfall for the Town. While they may talk about other uses for the freed up general funds, the only decision to be made tonight is approval to use the ARPA funds for public safety costs. Mr. Pock then began a PowerPoint presentation which addressed: AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT RECOMMENDED USES OF ARPA FUNDING He said that since 80% of the Rural Metro calls are medical related, they are recommending 80% of the ARPA be used for this purpose, with the balance of 20% going toward MCSO costs. He said that this percentage is based on input from the Fire Chief and monthly reports. Mr. Miller added that it is a safe assumption that they believe they can use these funds in this matter due to advice from the League of Arizona Cities and Towns and the US Attorney General. Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 7 of 12 Mr. Pock noted that any federal funding over $750,000 is audited through a single-audit. It was noted that the Fire Department has had to change all of their protocols to deal with possible COVID-19 exposure. Mr. Arnson said that it was the US Treasury's final ruling that the pandemic-related expenses are presumed and they are going to be broadly construed. RECOMMENDED USES OF ARPA FUNDING Mayor Dickey said that in the staff report it talks about 80% for FY23 as well, but they were not talking about FY23 at this point. Mr. Miller said that was correct; tonight's decision is only for FY22. Mr. Pock added that this will also be part of the FY23 budget process. POTENTIAL USES OF GENERAL FUND SAVINGS RECOMMENDED USES Vice Mayor Magazine said that they have heard that the Fountain Lake liner could be ten years off from needing replacement. He asked why they would not use the extra general funds for roads. Mr. Pock said that since this is one-time money, they would like to use it for one-time uses. He said that the Town's roads have been discussed. They know they are short for funding maintenance and reconstruction; however, this would fix that problem for a few years but not on an ongoing basis. Using the funds in this manner would keep them from having to go to bonding for the lake liner. Mayor Dickey stated that bond money is also one-time money. They have talked about a possible bonding for roads, but if that fails with the voters, then this Town has made a decision that roads are not important. She said that they have also talked about the irrigation, salt, storage, etc. related to the Fountain Lake project. Councilmember Friedel said that he did not see how they could ask for a bond for streets when they are sitting on funds for a liner. He could see putting some money away for the liner, but use some of it for road work. Mr. Miller said that tonight's decision is primarily on whether to put the FY22 funds toward public safety costs, as well as $300,000 for nonprofit assistance and $100,000 for future pandemic costs. He said that they could come back for discussion of the remaining funds. Vice Mayor Magazine said that he did not think there was a question that there would be a road bond and a liner bond. Brief discussion was held on the nonprofit assistance. Mr. Miller said that they were not saying that businesses are doing 100% better, but the Town did provide grants last year and there were other infusions of funds through the County, the state, and through the PPE loans. He said that the one area they probably did not address was the local nonprofits, and that would include HOA's which could use it for one-time projects.    MOVED BY Councilmember Gerry Friedel, SECONDED BY Councilmember Mike Scharnow to approve the proposed uses of the funds received as a result of the American Rescue Plan Act and the necessary budget transfers.  Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 8 of 12    Councilmember Spelich said, with regard to the next agenda item, that he had to get off the phone, but he wanted on the record that he was the councilmember that asked for itemization of waivers. He understands that fees are waived, but he asked that they start charging people; no one should have a free lunch. He then disconnected his call at 7:34 p.m. A break was then held from 7:34 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.   9.COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the TOWN MANAGER Item(s) listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such item(s) on a future agenda for action, or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council. None   10.ADJOURNMENT    The Fountain Hills Town Council reconvened their Regular Meeting at 7:45 p.m., at which time the meeting adjourned and the Town Council went into their Work Session.   WORK SESSION   1.CALL TO ORDER    Mayor Dickey called to order the Work Session at 7:45 p.m.   2.DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION: Fee Waiver Policy.      Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin began a PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof) which addressed: GOALS FOR DISCUSSION POLICY BACKGROUND Mr. Miller said that for the purposes of this discussion they have included fee waivers for Intergovernmental Agreements, but they do not consider them to be fee waivers. He said that they already have IGA's that stipulate deliverables, such as with the School District and Sanitary District. Ms. Goodwin said that these are difficult conversations because they have so many great community groups. It is not something personal; they appreciate working with the groups. This is a big picture policy conversation. Mayor Dickey added that it helps to avoid future value judgments. FEE WAIVER CHALLENGES NEW FEE WAIVER SUGGESTED POLICY Ms. Goodwin said that in the current policy they have a tiered system; they are Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 9 of 12 recommending elimination of that. She said that staff does not want to be the jury of worthiness. They want decisions that are blind, objective, and fact-based. Councilmember Scharnow asked if the proposal would eliminate any grandfathered agreements. Ms. Goodwin said in the proposed policy, if there was a Fountain Hills-based non-profit that did not have a fundraising component, it would qualify for a reduction in the fee. She said that a lot of the events are fundraisers, and in a lot of the communities that becomes a disqualifier. That may be too much for this community. Fundraising comes in different forms. Vice Mayor Magazine said that if he had an organization and they had been raising money, they would not have to be fundraising anymore if fees were waived. Councilmember Scharnow mentioned Breakfast with Santa. He said that it could be argued that it is for the public good and well being. The Town gives Kiwanis space for nothing, but they do not use it for a fundraiser; the tickets just cover expenses. Mr. Miller said that he did think there would still be room for the Town to be a cosponsor at times. Mr. Miller said that the Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association (FHCCA) would consider who gets what under their umbrella. EVENTS FEE WAIVER CONSIDERATIONS Vice Mayor Magazine said that the Chamber is a Legacy; he asked if there would be an analysis of the Chamber. Ms. Goodwin said the Legacy designation would go away. Councilmember Friedel asked, if they end up having a written agreement for each group, if there would be a clause for a deposit. Ms. Goodwin said that right now they have deposits in the fee schedule. She said that she would envision that they would have a template of some sort approved by the Town Attorney that would include a deposit. Vice Mayor Magazine asked what the criteria for the Town Manager would be. Mr. Miller said that they would have criteria included. He said that they do have nonprofit rental rates at this time. Councilmember Scharnow said that he attended Community Services Advisory Commission meetings in the past and he does not know that he would want to be on the commission looking at these as well. Mr. Miller said that with all grants there is usually a closing report submitted and perhaps they could require that in place of them going before the commission. Councilmember McMahon asked if the amount of income be a consideration. Mr. Arnson said that when considering the revenue generated, they have to be careful. The State's Supreme Court is getting tighter and tighter on the gift clause. They recently said in 2020 that certain kinds of revenue generators are not allowed to be considered, such as it adding to the tax base, or it drives tourism revenue. The court has expressly said those are not considerations for a gift clause. Intangible benefits cannot be considered. Ms. Goodwin said that their fees are based on cost recovery; they are not charging as a money maker. This is what it costs them for staffing, turning on power, closing roads, etc. Mayor Dickey said that if they are going that way they should not have any waivers. Recreation Manager Linda Ayres said that Chandler has something similar to what Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 10 of 12 Fountain Hills does, but most of the other communities charge their chambers. Councilmember Grzybowski said that perhaps with the larger events like put on by the Chamber, they could be a sponsor. Ms. Goodwin said that they were recommending that they be "partners." Ms. Goodwin said that there are very few situations where they create that exception. She said that they would be happy to have a policy that works for 85% of the events. She noted that the Community Center is well used. NEW FEE WAIVER PROPOSED POLICY Brief discussion was held on the proposed policy. Councilmember Grzybowski said that she has appreciated the conversation. The Council needs to encourage staff to do what is in their best interest. She is huge about objective, not subjective. Vice Mayor Magazine said that if rates are raised too much the users will be gone. At this time, Ms. Ayres continued the presentation, addressing: PARK FIELD & SPORT COURT RENTAL OVERVIEW PROPOSED YOUTH SPORTS ALLIANCE Ms. Ayres said that such a group as an alliance is very common in the Town's neighboring cities. SCHEDULING PRIORITY Councilmember Scharnow asked why Priority 2 would come before Priority 3. Ms. Ayres replied that Priority 2 uses are contractual. Councilmember Scharnow said that he did not think that out-of-towners should take priority over local kids. Vice Mayor Magazine said that it would be helpful to know what all of the fees are. Ms. Ayres said that she could get that out to the Council. Mr. Miller said that in Fountain Hills they have really encouraged youth groups; it is almost like giving it away. That is why he would like to see them go for the alliance. They could have an operating agreement with them and hopefully get some in-kind trades. Councilmember Friedel asked staff if they had any idea of what it cost to run the lights at the fields. Ms. Ayres replied that the Town charges $15. Ms. Goodwin said that there is one meter at Golden Eagle; they do not have a way to break them out. Mayor Dickey said that there was a chart that showed the actual costs. They need to do their homework. Ms. Ayres said that if they do make changes, they would need to phase them in over a few years. She said that in Gilbert they had the user agreements go to their commission. She said that it provided them an opportunity to talk about the benefit they provided to the community. Councilmember Scharnow said that it was going to be an interesting process, and tough, but they can justify it from the Town's standpoint as they do need to recover some of the Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 11 of 12 costs. Mr. Miller said that it is strictly a policy decision, staff is just trying to formalize it. It is up to the Council as to how much they want to subsidize the youth programs. He said that having the agreements will allow them to document and analyze uses in the future. He added that the Intergovernmental Agreement with the school needs to be updated. Vice Mayor Magazine said that staff did a great job--a complex job. He said that he had one request--use the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Ms. Goodwin said that they would appreciate any thoughts or comments on this be shared with the Town Manager and staff. Mr. Miller said that from what he has heard, they might do what Mr. Wesley did with his ordinances. They could start off with the sports groups, bringing that back first; attack it in bite size pieces.   3.ADJOURNMENT    MOVED BY Vice Mayor Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Sharron Grzybowski to adjourn.  Vote: 6 - 0 Passed - Unanimously    The Work Session of the Fountain Hills Town Council held September 7, 2021, adjourned at 9:08 p.m.     TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ____________________________ Ginny Dickey, Mayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: ______________________________ Elizabeth A. Klein, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 7th day of September, 2021. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 21st day of September, 2021. _________________________________ Elizabeth A. Klein, Town Clerk Combined Regular Meeting/Work Session of September 7, 2021 12 of 12 ITEM 7. B. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/21/2021 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDER AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON the Final Plat for Adero Canyon Phase II Parcel 3, A replat of Tract 3-A  and a portion of Tract D-2 of Adero Canyon Phase II, a 41 lot, single-family subdivision in the Adero Canyon PAD. Staff Summary (Background) Adero Canyon Phase II Planned Area Development (PAD) and the associated Preliminary Master Plat was approved by the Town Council February 6, 2018.  This PAD included Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10 of the original Adero Canyon PAD.  The developer, Toll Brothers, has previously received approval for final plats for Parcel 2 (Parcels 2A and 2B) and for Parcels 5 and 6.  Parcel 2B included a small portion of Parcel 3. This request is for final plat approval of the remainder of Parcel 3 and a portion of Tract D-2.  The lots in this subdivision have access to Eagle Ridge Drive and connect to Parcel 2 through Harmony Lane.  The preliminary master plat for Parcel 3 included with this final plat contained ?? lots.  The final plats for Parcels 2A and 2B contain 51 lots.   The layout for Parcel 3-A has changed from the preliminary plat.  The changes have been made to reduce the amount of cut and fill needed.  The applicant has processed an administrative modification to the PAD to address these changes.  The final plats for Parcels 2A, 2B, and 3 crossed the boundaries of the original parcel lines.  The preliminary plat for this combined area had 109 lots.  The combined final plats have 92 lots. Staff is reviewing the associated improvement plans for this final plat and will not sign and record the plat until those plans have been approved. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Adero Canyon Phase II PAD Subdivision Ordinance Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Adero Canyon Phase II Parcel 3-A. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to the Final Plat for Adero Canyon Phase II Parcel 3-A. Attachments Adero Canyon Parcel 3 Final Plat  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 08/31/2021 01:32 PM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 08/31/2021 07:27 AM Final Approval Date: 08/31/2021  Project:Sheet No. Job No. Call at least two full working days before you begin excavation. Dial 8-1-1 or 1-800-STAKE-IT (782-5348) In Maricopa County: (602)263-1100 Drawn by: Reviewed by:w w w . e p s g r o u p i n c . c o mT:480.503.2250F:480.835.17991130 N. Alma School Rd, Suite 120|Mesa, AZ 85201ADERO CANYON PARCEL 3FOUNTAIN HILLS, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONAA.G. R.M. 18-594 of 6 FP01 FINAL PLAT 1 FOR VICINITY MAP A REPLAT OF TRACT 3-A AND A PORTION OF TRACT D-2 OF ‘ADERO CANYON PHASE II PARCEL 2B RE-PLAT’, RECORDED IN BOOK 1587, PAGE 35 OF MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDS, LOCATED IN SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST OF THE GILA AND SALT RIVER MERIDIAN FOUNTAIN HILLS, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA ‘ ’ DEDICATION FINAL PLAT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT "ADERO CANYON PARCEL 3" ASSURED WATER SUPPLY TOWN APPROVAL APPROVAL EPCOR RATIFICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NOTES: BASIS OF BEARING ASSURANCE STATEMENT SHEET INDEX SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION REGISTERE D L A ND S U R V EYORCERTIF I C ATE N O.53160 RAYMOND S. MUNOZ III Da t e Signed 8 /31/2021ARIZONA , U .S .A.KEY MAP SITE SHEET 2 SHEET 3 SHEET 4 SHEET 5 336 332 338 337 331 330 329 328 327 326 325 324 311 310 333 334 335 TRACT I TRACT G TRACT G TRACT H TRACT D SI E N N A A V E N U E CANYO N SI D E D RI V E TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C Project:Sheet No. Job No. Call at least two full working days before you begin excavation. Dial 8-1-1 or 1-800-STAKE-IT (782-5348) In Maricopa County: (602)263-1100 Drawn by: Reviewed by:w w w . e p s g r o u p i n c . c o mT:480.503.2250F:480.835.17991130 N. Alma School Rd, Suite 120|Mesa, AZ 85201ADERO CANYON PARCEL 3FOUNTAIN HILLS, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONAA.G. R.M. 18-594 of 6 FP02 FINAL PLAT 2REGISTERED L A ND S U R V EYORCERTIF I C ATE N O.53160 RAYMOND S. MUNOZ III Da t e Signed 8 /31/2021ARIZONA , U .S .A.feetscale 10050050 MATC H LI N E S E E S H E E T 3 O F 6 MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 5 OF 6DETAIL 'B' DETAIL 'A' LEGEND 336 332 331 321 320 319 318 314 315 316 317 339 340 333 334 335 TRACT E TRACT F TRACT G TRACT G TRACT H TRACT D DESE RT C R E ST L A N E DESERTCREST LANEC A N Y O N S I D E D R I V E TRACT B TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C Project:Sheet No. Job No. Call at least two full working days before you begin excavation. Dial 8-1-1 or 1-800-STAKE-IT (782-5348) In Maricopa County: (602)263-1100 Drawn by: Reviewed by:w w w . e p s g r o u p i n c . c o mT:480.503.2250F:480.835.17991130 N. Alma School Rd, Suite 120|Mesa, AZ 85201ADERO CANYON PARCEL 3FOUNTAIN HILLS, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONAA.G. R.M. 18-594 of 6 FP03 FINAL PLAT 3REGISTERED L A ND S U R V EYORCERTIF I C ATE N O.53160 RAYMOND S. MUNOZ III Da t e Signed 8 /31/2021ARIZONA , U .S .A.feetscale 10050050 M A T C H L I N E S E E S H E E T 5 O F 6 M A T C H L I N E S E E S H E E T 4 O F 6 MATC H LI N E S E E S H E E T 2 O F 6 DETAIL 'C' LEGEND 320 319 318 304 303 302 301 312 313 314 315 316 317 300 EAGLE R IDGE DR IVE SIE N N A A V E N U E HARMONY LANES I ENN A A V ENU E DESE RT C R E ST L A N E DESERTCREST LANETRACT B TRACT B TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C Project:Sheet No. Job No. Call at least two full working days before you begin excavation. Dial 8-1-1 or 1-800-STAKE-IT (782-5348) In Maricopa County: (602)263-1100 Drawn by: Reviewed by:w w w . e p s g r o u p i n c . c o mT:480.503.2250F:480.835.17991130 N. Alma School Rd, Suite 120|Mesa, AZ 85201ADERO CANYON PARCEL 3FOUNTAIN HILLS, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONAA.G. R.M. 18-594 of 6 FP04 FINAL PLAT 4REGISTERED L A ND S U R V EYORCERTIF I C ATE N O.53160 RAYMOND S. MUNOZ III Da t e Signed 8 /31/2021ARIZONA , U .S .A.feetscale 10050050 M A T C H L I N E S E E S H E E T 3 O F 6 MAT C H LI N E S E E S H E E T 5 O F 6 LEGEND 324 323 322 321 320 319 318 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 312 340 300 EAGLE R IDGE DR IVE S I ENN A A V ENU E SI E N N A A V E N U E SI E N N A A V E N U E DESE RT C R EST L A N E C A N Y O N S I D E D R I V E TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C TRACT C Project:Sheet No. Job No. Call at least two full working days before you begin excavation. Dial 8-1-1 or 1-800-STAKE-IT (782-5348) In Maricopa County: (602)263-1100 Drawn by: Reviewed by:w w w . e p s g r o u p i n c . c o mT:480.503.2250F:480.835.17991130 N. Alma School Rd, Suite 120|Mesa, AZ 85201ADERO CANYON PARCEL 3FOUNTAIN HILLS, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONAA.G. R.M. 18-594 of 6 FP05 FINAL PLAT 5REGISTERED L A ND S U R V EYORCERTIF I C ATE N O.53160 RAYMOND S. MUNOZ III Da t e Signed 8 /31/2021ARIZONA , U .S .A.feetscale 10050050 LEGENDMATCH LINE SEE SHEET 2 OF 6M A T C H L I N E S E E S H E E T 3 O F 6 MAT C H LI N E S E E S H E E T 4 O F 6 LOT AREA TABLE LOT AREA TABLE LOT AREA TABLE TRACT USE TABLELINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE CURVE TABLE CURVE TABLE CURVE TABLE CURVE TABLE CURVE TABLE CURVE TABLE Project:Sheet No. Job No. Call at least two full working days before you begin excavation. Dial 8-1-1 or 1-800-STAKE-IT (782-5348) In Maricopa County: (602)263-1100 Drawn by: Reviewed by:w w w . e p s g r o u p i n c . c o mT:480.503.2250F:480.835.17991130 N. Alma School Rd, Suite 120|Mesa, AZ 85201ADERO CANYON PARCEL 3FOUNTAIN HILLS, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONAA.G. R.M. 18-594 of 6 FP06 FINAL PLAT 6REGISTERED L A ND S U R V EYORCERTIF I C ATE N O.53160 RAYMOND S. MUNOZ III Da t e Signed 8 /31/2021ARIZONA , U .S .A. ITEM 8. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/21/2021 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: Farhad Tavassoli, Senior Planner Staff Contact Information: Farhad Tavassoli, Senior Planner Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Special Use Permit to allow residential uses on a 0.58 acre property in the Community Commercial (C-C) zoning district at 17134 E. Kingstree Blvd., generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Blvd. and Kingstree Blvd.   Staff Summary (Background) The 25,350-sq. ft. subject property, located at the northwest corner of Saguaro and Kingstree Blvd., is vacant and zoned C-C (Community Commercial). The allowable uses in this zoning district are identical to the C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial and Professional) zoning district, but allows for common parking areas rather than parking on individual lots.The property at this corner is part of Plat 202, which was platted in 1972 for this type of development. Currently, this block of Plat 202 houses a church, martial arts studio, dance studio, offices, and a restaurant. There are also several condominiums east of the alley, behind the commercial parcels. The common parking area contains 174 stalls, including 9 ADA-compliant stalls.  The applicant is proposing a small mixed-use development. The purpose for the special use permit request is to allow the residential component of the development in a commercial zoning district, as required by the zoning ordinance. The project will consist of three, two-story buildings. The largest building will be to the east, facing Saguaro Blvd. This building will feature a variety of office suites on the first floor, including a break room and conference room. The upper floor will consist of four residential units. Buildings A and B to the west will feature as many as eight live/work units. The applicant envisions uses such as cafes, art studios, beauty salons, and professional services on the ground floor, with a residential upper floor for each business. There will be a central courtyard with landscaping and outdoor seating. The applicant has provided color renderings and building elevations to show facade treatment, wall articulation, varied rooflines, and other modern architectural elements. Section II of the Fountain Hills General Plan 2020 discusses the elements that help create thriving neighborhoods.  One of the items listed is having a variety of housing types.  This section includes policies to encourage a broad range of housing types affordable to all income ranges and a range of housing types and densities consistent with the character area. Section III of the General Plan includes the information on the Character Areas in the Town.  This small commercial area at Saguaro and Kingstree Blvd. was included as part of the surrounding Neighborhood character type.  More specifically, this area is considered a Mixed Neighborhood with smaller lots and a mix of non-residential uses.  This existing commercial area is intended to remain a low intensity area with any further development or redevelopment consistent with the surrounding neighborhood.  Allowing the proposed residential use would be consistent with the intent of the Plan for this area. The zoning ordinance Section 12.03 allows consideration of residential uses in all commercial zoning districts with the approval of a Special Use Permit (SUP).  Section 2.02 of the zoning ordinance establishes the process and criteria for consideration of a SUP.  With regards to the possible actions and findings of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Section 2.02 D. 5. of the Zoning Ordinance states:    5. In order to recommend approval of any use permit, the findings of the Commission must be that the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the use or building applied for will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor shall it be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the Town. This area has been zoned and platted prior to incorporation of the Town for commercial uses.  It is still the desire of the Town to have this be a successful commercial center.  For the Commission to recommend approval, they needed to determine if the introduction of residential uses to this area of Plat 202 would be detrimental to the desired commercial activity and whether the residential use would be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, or comfort of the neighborhood. A review of this property shows that over its almost 50-year history it has not fully developed and has been considerably underutilized.  The applicant for this case will provide activity on the ground level by opening his office and will provide constant activity for the development by virtue of also residing on the property.  The introduction of live/work units as well as four, stand-alone residential units at this location would not be detrimental to the neighborhood and could likely benefit the area by having this development more actively used. Furthermore, the existing condominiums to the west of the alley help provide a good transition between the mixed-use nature of this development and the single-family residential properties even further to the west.  Should Town Council approve the Special Use Permit, staff will continue to work with the applicant on details related to the site plan, grading and drainage plan, and required landscaping before filing for a building permit. Planning and Zoning Commission Discussion At the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on August 9, there was significant concern shared by some Commissioners regarding the adequacy of the common parking area for this development; that there may not be sufficient parking in the established parking lot for all the development which could occur within this development.  The Commissioners were concerned that the proposed development would result in a demand for more parking than is available as the site continues to build out. Since the meeting, Staff has further reviewed the existing development and considered the possible impacts of the proposed SUP on the development.  The approved entitlements for this property allow the site to be developed with two-story commercial uses covering each lot.  It was determined at the time of the initial platting and zoning that the parking provided would be sufficient for the amount of development that would occur.  The development which has taken place to date is less than the maximum entitlement on several of the lots.  Staff is not aware that there has ever been a parking issue with the existing development and statements at the Planning and Zoning hearing supports this condition. The specific request is to allow the second story of the proposed buildings to be used as residences.  There is a total of 10,800 square feet of second-story building space being proposed in the conceptual site plan.  If the second floor area were to be used as offices, staff would project a need for 44 parking spaces based on our ordinance requirements (more parking would be required for medical office uses).  If the second floor is built out with the maximum number of requested residential units and all were two-bedroom or larger units, 27 parking spaces would be required.  Therefore, approval of the request SUP should have the impact of reducing the overall parking demand rather than increase it.   Several members of the public also spoke at the P&Z Commission hearing, speaking both for and against the SUP. Opponents were generally concerned about traffic impacts, project scale, and potential view obstructions. (It should be noted that the ground elevation for the Saguaro Ridge Villas is approximately 16' above the property in question.)  The attached letter of opposition was also provided by the Saguaro Ridge Villas Association, which is located west of the site. Supporters spoke about the need for more businesses at the Town, and the potential for this to be a successful development.   Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Zoning Ordinance Section 2.02 - Special Use Permits Zoning Ordinance Section 12.03 - Uses Subject to Special Use Permits in the C-1, C-C, C-2, and C-3 Zoning Districts General Plan 2020, Section II: Thriving Neighborhoods General Plan 2020 Character Areas, Table 1 Character Area Plan Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) At their regular meeting on August 9, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial of the special use permit with a 4-2 vote, citing the aforementioned concerns regarding parking in relation to project scale. Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends for approval of this Special Use Permit for a maximum 12 dwelling units. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the Special Use Permit to allow a maximum 12 dwelling units at 17134 E. Kingstree Blvd. Attachments Case Map  Aerial Photo  Narrative  Site Drawings  Letter of Opposition  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director John Wesley 09/08/2021 01:45 PM Form Started By: Farhad Tavassoli Started On: 09/01/2021 11:00 AM Final Approval Date: 09/08/2021  CASE: SU2021-03 SITE / ADDRESS: 17134 E. Kingstree Blvd. APN #176-08-411A REQUEST: SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow residential uses on a 0.58 acre property in the Community Commercial (C-C) zoning district at 17134 E. Kingstree Blvd., generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Blvd. and Kingstree Blvd. Site Location Subject Property Vicinity Map ITEM 8. B. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/21/2021 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Ordinance 21-15 amending Section 1.10, Violation and Penalty, Section 20.15, Penalties, and Section 21.12, Violations and Penalties, and adding Section 24.04, Violations and Penalties, of the Zoning Ordinance as they pertain to penalties for violation of the Zoning Ordinance (Case #2020-06). Staff Summary (Background) The Fountain Hills Town Code, including the Zoning Ordinance, establishes the penalties for violation of various sections and provisions within the Code.  There are two basic types of penalties: criminal and civil.  Article 1-8 of the Town Code provides the detailed information on penalties and the specific provisions for criminal and civil citations. There are several differences in the process between criminal violations and civil citations.  A code section with a criminal penalty requires more detailed documentation and has additional complicated processing steps.  A person found guilt of a criminal violation is charged with a misdemeanor and can be required to pay a fine up to $2500 and be imprisoned up to six months.  Penalties of this scale are often not necessary for violations of the Zoning Ordinance, especially when all that is desired is compliance with the regulations. Staff, with the assistance of the Town Attorney, has reviewed regulations in other communities and has done a thorough review of the penalty sections in the entire Town Code.  Based on those reviews, the majority of the sections of the Town's ordinances are being recommended to change from being criminal violations to civil citations.  This report addresses the changes to be considered in the Zoning Ordinance. There are three sections in the Zoning Ordinance that establish penalties which are being considered for revision.  As described below, staff is recommending a change to Section 1.10 to revise the penalty from criminal to civil.  This change affects all violations to the Zoning Ordinance, except where other specific penalties are provided. The other two current references to penalties are in Chapter 20, Saguaro Cactus Preservation, and Chapter 21, Adult Business Zoning Regulations.  Both of these chapters make violations a criminal penalty.  Both of these activities have criminal penalties under State statutes.  Given the nature of these uses and activities, staff is proposing to maintain the criminal penalty, but to re-word the language to be consistent with other sections of the code. Chapter 24, Medical Marijuana Uses, does not currently have a penalty provision.  Staff has considered adding a penalty provision to cover this unique use.  State statute penalty provisions range from criminal to civil.  Options to consider are to include the same provision as used in Chapters 20 and 21 or to continue to leave it without a penalty provision making it covered by the general civil penalty of Section 1.10. Section 1.10 Violation and Penalty The last sentence of this section states: "Any person, firm, or corporation, found to be violating any of the provisions of this zoning ordinance and any amendments thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to punishment provided in Article 1-8 of the Town Code."  This section is in the Introduction to the Zoning Ordinance and provides a general penalty for violation to any provision of the ordinance.  It is recommended this section be amended by simply replacing the word "misdemeanor" with the words "civil infraction."  Section 20.15 Penalties Chapter 20 of the Zoning Ordinance is the Saguaro Cactus Preservation chapter.  In reviewing this chapter and the need for a penalty, staff also reviewed the provisions and requirements in State statutes to see if we could just default to those regulations and penalties.  It was found that our local ordinance goes beyond the State statute requirements and covers cacti not covered by the State regulations. Section 20.15 contains the penalties for violation of this section.  The current penalty is a class one misdemeanor.  ARS 3-932 lists penalties that range from a class three misdemeanor up to a class four felony.  Given the State interest in the preservation of Saguaro cactus, it seems appropriate to keep the penalty in the Town consistent with that of the State.  Therefore, the proposed change in language to this section is more about updating the language and keeping it consistent with the other sections of the Zoning Ordinance.  The amendment included in the attached ordinance is:    Section 20.15, Penalties A.  A person found to be in violation of this Chapter shall be guilty of a class one misdemeanor, which upon conviction may be punishable by a base fine not exceeding $2,500, or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day this violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.  IN ADDITION TO APPLICABLE CRIMINAL PENALTIES UNDER ARIZONA LAW, VIOLATIONS OF THIS SAGUARO CACTUS PRESERVATION ORDINANCE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN CODE, SECTION 1-8-2 REGARDING CRIMINAL PENALTIES. Section 21.12 Violations and Penalties Chapter 21 of the Zoning Ordinance is for Adult Business Zoning Regulations.  The issues involved in this type of business are different than typical zoning issues.  The current Ordinance penalty for violating this section refers to Zoning Ordinance Section 1.10, which is currently a misdemeanor and to Article 1-8 of the Town Code, which includes both criminal and civil penalties. Given the unique nature of this land use and the State's criminal penalties, staff is recommending a change that would clarify and maintain the criminal penalties.  To be consistent with the wording in Section 20-15, staff is recommending the following change:    Section 21.12 Violations and Penalties In addition to applicable criminal penalties under Arizona law, and the Fountain Hills Code, violations of this Adult Business Ordinance shall be subject to the provisions of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Section 1.10: Violation and Penalty, as well as the Fountain Hills Town Code, SECTIONArticle 1-8 -2: REGARDING CRIMINAL PENALTIESPenalty. Chapter 24.  Medical Marijuana Uses Chapter 24 addresses the requirements to operate a medical marijuana dispensary or cultivation location.  This industry is heavily regulated by the State.  The Town's Zoning Ordinance addresses issues such as which zoning district allows the use, the spacing between similar uses, spacing from protected uses, and requirements regarding space allocated to specific parts of the operation.  These are fairly typical zoning ordinance issues. The current Ordinance does not list a penalty.  Therefore, violations are subject to the general violation penalties in Section 1.10.  Under the current ordinance, a violation would be a misdemeanor.  Under the revised Section 1.10, it will be a civil violation.  Given the nature of the potential zoning violations, staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission are comfortable with these being including under the general penalties of Section 1.10. and do not recommend making this change. Should the Council determine a criminal penalty would be more appropriate, staff would recommend language similar to that proposed for Sections 20.15 and 21.12 as follows: SECTION 24-04 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES IN ADDITION TO APPLICABLE CRIMINAL PENALTIES UNDER ARIZONA LAW, VIOLATIONS OF THIS MEDICAL MARIJUANA ORDINANCE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN CODE, SECTION 1-8-2 REGARDING CRIMINAL PENALTIES.   Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Town Code Article 1-8 Penalty Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed this text amendment at their regular meeting on September 14, 2020.  After review and discuss, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the as presented.  This ordinance does not add a special penalty for violation of the medical marijuana chapter.  Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 21-15 with the proposed changes to Sections 1.10, 20.15, and 21.12 as described above and in the attached draft Ordinance. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to adopt Ordinance 21-15. Attachments Ord 21-15  Form Review Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 09/08/2021 11:42 AM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 09/21/2020 08:06 AM Final Approval Date: 09/08/2021  ORDINANCE NO. 21-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, AMENDING SECTION 1.10, VIOLATION AND PENALTY, SECTION 20.15, PENALTIES, AND SECTION 21.12 AND VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town Council”) adopted Ordinance No. 93-22 on November 18, 1993, which adopted the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Zoning Ordinance”); and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend the Zoning Ordinance to revise Chapter 1, Introduction, by amending Section 1.10 Violation and Penalty, to change from a misdemeanor to a civil penalty, amending Chapter 20, Saguaro Cactus Preservation, Section 20.15, Penalties, to reference the Penalty section in 1-8-2 of the Town Code, amending Chapter 21, Adult Business Zoning Regulations, and Section 21.12, Violations and Penalties, to change the reference for the penalty from Zoning Ordinance Section 1.10 and to Town Code Section 1-8-2; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9- 462.04, public hearings regarding this ordinance were advertised in the September 1 and 8, 2021 editions of the Fountain Hills Times; and WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning Commission on September 14, 2020 and by the Town Council on September 21, 2021. ENACTMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 1, Introduction, by amending Section 1.10, Violation and Penalty, is amended as follows: Section 1.10 Violation and Penalty It is hereby declared to be unlawful to construct, erect, install, alter, change, demolish, maintain, or use any house, building, structure, or fence, or to use any lot or parcel contrary to, or in violation of, any provision of this ordinance. Any person, firm, or corporation, found to be violating any of the provisions of this zoning ordinance and any amendments thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor CIVIL INFRACTION and is subject to punishment provided in Article 1-8 of the Town Code. ORDINANCE 21-15 PAGE 2 SECTION 3. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 20, Saguaro Cactus Preservation, Section 20.15, Penalties, A. is amended as follows: A. A person found to be in violation of this Chapter shall be guilty of a class one misdemeanor, which upon conviction may be punishable by a base fine not exceeding $2,500, or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day this violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. IN ADDITION TO APPLICABLE CRIMINAL PENALTIES UNDER ARIZONA LAW, VIOLATIONS OF THIS SAGUARO CACTUS PRESERVATION ORDINANCE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN CODE, SECTION 1-8-2 REGARDING CRIMINAL PENALTIES. SECTION 4. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 21, Adult Business Zoning Regulations, Section 21.12, Violations and Penalties, is amended as follows: In addition to applicable criminal penalties under Arizona law, and the Fountain Hills Code, violations of this Adult Business Ordinance shall be subject to the provisions of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Section 1.10: Violation and Penalty, as well as the Fountain Hills Town Code, SECTIONArticle 1-8-2: REGARDING CRIMINAL PENALTIESPenalty. SECTION 5. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 6. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents and take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. SECTION 7. In accordance with Article II, Sections 1 and 2, Constitution of Arizona, and the laws of the State of Arizona, the City/Town Council has considered the individual property rights and personal liberties of the residents of the City/Town and the probable impact of the proposed ordinance on the cost to construct housing for sale or rent before adopting this ordinance PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this 21st day of September, 2021. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Klein, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney ITEM 8. C. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/21/2021 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Regarding Resolution 21-29 declaring the 2021 Criminal to Civil Ordinance Change a public record, adoption of Ordinance 21-14 amending Chapter 1 General, Chapter 6 Animals, Chapter 7 Buildings and Building Regulations, Chapter 8 Business Regulations, Chapter 9 Parks and Recreation, Chapter 10 Health and Sanitation, Chapter 11 Offenses, Chapter 12 Traffic, and Chapter 16 Streets and Sidewalks relating to penalties for violation of the Town Code. Staff Summary (background) The Fountain Hills Town Code establishes the penalties for violation of various sections and provisions within the Code.  There are two basic types of penalties: criminal and civil.  Article 1-8 of the Town Code provides detailed information on penalties and the specific provisions for criminal and civil penalties. There are several differences in the process between criminal and civil violations.  A code section with a criminal penalty requires more detailed documentation and has additional complicated processing steps.  A person found guilty of a criminal violation is charged with a misdemeanor and can be required to pay a fine up ot $2,500 and be imprisoned up to six months.  Penalties of this scale are often not necessary for violations of the Town Code.  With most violations of the Town Code, the goal is to achieve compliance rather than significant punishment. Town staff members, with the assistance of the Town Attorney, have reviewed regulations and penalties in other communities and thoroughly reviewed the penalty sections in the entire Town Code.  Based on those reviews, staff has prepared amendments to the Town Code to update the penalty sections and convert many of the criminal penalties to civil penalties.  Following is a chapter by chapter summary of the key changes being proposed to the Town Code. Due to the extensive number of changes being recommended, the changes will be considered and adopted in a two-step process.  The Town Council will be asked to consider and adopt Resolution 21-29 entitled 2021 Modifications to Criminal and Civil Penalties and declare it a public record.  The Town Council will then consider an ordinance adopting the changes listed in the resolution as code modifications. Staff believes making these changes will significantly streamline the enforcement process and help achieve compliance with the codes.  The penalty sections of the Town Code included review of the penalties in the Zoning Ordinance.  Since the Zoning Ordinance requires the Planning and Zoning Commission to review and make a recommendation to all changes to that portion of the Town Code, those changes are being addressed in a separate report and ordinance (Ordinance 21-15).Chapter 1 General The primary change in this chapter is to Section 1-8-3 A.  This section is being totally rewritten to clarify the language and clearly establishes the default penalty under the code as civil by stating "... except as otherwise provided, shall be responsible for a civil infraction,..."  It also establishes a range of fines for the judge to impose with increased fines for repeat offenders.  Many of the other changes in the Code are to create a reference back to this section for the penalties associated with a civil citation. Section 1-8-3 D. 6. is also being amended by adding a new "c." which provides the option of serving a citation by affixing it to any vehicle owned by the defendant. Section 1-8-3 F. continues to provide for the opportunity to move from a civil violation to a criminal violation for a person who repeatedly violates any provision of the code.  The language is being changed, however, from "shall" to "may" to allow some discretion on implementing this increase in the penalty. Chapter 6 Animals Section 6-1-3 Noises is being amended to change the penalty from criminal to civil. Section 6-1-5 Swine is being amended to clarify that purebred miniature Vietnamese potbelly pigs and similar are exempt from the prohibition on swine. Sections 6-2-5 and 6-2-8 are being amended to provide criminal penalties for these sections related to keeping of dogs. Chapter 7 Buildings and Business Regulations Section 7-1-1 of the Town Code adopts the Building Codes used by the Town.  The heading for this section also states it includes violations.  There are no violation provisions in the current section.  The ordinance adds the violation language by referring back to Section 1-8-3.  It also includes a provision stating the code does not limit the penalties, actions or abatement procedures that may be taken. Chapter 8 Business Regulations The main recommended change in this chapter is to Section 8-1-13 B, Criminal violations.  The change proposed consolidates and simplifies the language but does not change the current provision or intent. Chapter 9 Parks and Recreation Changes recommended in this chapter are to Articles 9-4, 9-5, and 9-6.  In all cases the proposed changes are housekeeping measures to clarify current language and use the same language as elsewhere in the Town Code. Chapter 10 Health and Sanitation The changes recommended for Section 10-1-6 Spilling Refuse during Transport, 10-1-7 Dumping Refuse, and 10-1-11 Hazardous Waste and Special Refuse, make it clear the penalty for violating these sections is a misdemeanor.  As provided in Section 10-1-15 A, all other violations are civil. Staff is also recommending a change in Section 10-1-24 C. to better clarify where solid waste collection containers need to be stored between collection days. Section 10-2-10 Dropping Litter from Aircraft, is being amended to make a violation of this section a misdemeanor.  Section 10-2-18 Penalties, is also being amended to help clarify that violations of other sections of this Article are civil. Section 10-4-1 Notice to Remove is being modified to clarify the wording and improve enforceability of this section. Chapter 11 Offenses Section 11-1-1 addresses abandoned vehicles.  Section 11-1-1 C. is being amended to clarify some language.  The main change is in Section 11-1-1 C. 5.  The revised language makes it clear each day can be considered a new violation, that service can be handled through affixing the citation to the vehicle, and that it will be a civil versus a criminal penalty. Section 11-1-2 Dangerous Construction is being amended to add a new "B." to establish a civil penalty for violations of this section. Section 11-1-3 Defacing Public and Private Property, paragraph D is being amended to remove the fines and provide the reference to Section 1-8-3. Section 11-1-4 Fireworks is being amended to allow the sale of fireworks for Cinco de Mayo. Section 11-1-6 Curfew Hours for Minors is being amended to all a juvenile hearing officer to impose penalties as provided in ARS 8-323 F. Section 11-1-17 Use of Town-Owned Washes is being amended to provide for both civil and criminal penalties to various sections. Chapter 12 Traffic Control Section 12-2-11 Operation of Vehicles on Vacant Lots, paragraph D is being amended to change the penalty from criminal to civil.  Other changes in this chapter are for consistency in referencing bact to Section 1-8-3. Chapter 16 Streets and Sidewalks This chapter has a minor change to correct a code reference. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis Updating these codes will help reduce risk by clarify language and providing reasonable penalties for violations of the Town Code. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval as submitted.  SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to adopt Resolution 2021-29 and Ordinance 21-14. Attachments Resolution 2021-29  Ord 21-14  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Klein 09/09/2021 05:37 PM Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 09/09/2021 05:58 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 09/13/2021 03:00 PM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 09/13/2021 04:09 PM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 09/24/2020 07:21 AM Final Approval Date: 09/13/2021  RESOLUTION NO. 2021-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, DECLARING AS A PUBLIC RECORD THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT FILED WITH THE TOWN CLERK AND ENTITLED “2021 MODIFICATIONS TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL PENALITIES” ENACTMENTS: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, as follows: SECTION 1. That certain document entitled “2021 Modifications to Criminal and Civil Penalities” of which one paper copy and one electronic copy maintained in compliance with ARS 44-7041 are on file in the office of the Town Clerk and open for public inspection during normal business hours, is hereby declared to be a public record, and said copies are ordered to remain on file with the Town Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, this 21st day of September, 2021. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Klein, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 2 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION 21-29 [TOWN CODE CHAPTERS 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, AND 12] See following pages. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 3 Chapter 1 General Article 1-8 Penalty Section 1-8-2 Criminal and Civil Traffic Penalty Provisions A. Any person found guilty of violating any provisions of this CODE, WHEN CLASSIFIED AS A CLASS 1 misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. … Section 1-8-3 Civil Penalty Provisions A. This Section applies whenever in this code or in any ordinance of the Town any act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense, or whenever in such code or ordinance the doing of any act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, and where a civil penalty is declared to be applicable.ANY PERSON FOUND RESPONSIBLE FOR VIOLATING ANY PROVISION OF THIS CODE, WHETHER BY ADMISSION, DEFAULT, OR AFTER A HEARING, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, SHALL PAY A CIVIL SANCTION OF NOT LESS THAN $250 OR MORE THAN $750. A SECOND FINDING OF RESPONSIBILITY WITHIN 12 MONTHS OF THE COMMISSION OF A PRIOR VIOLATION OF THE SAME PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE SHALL RESULT IN AN ENHANCED CIVIL SANCTION OF NOT LESS THAN $500 OR MORE THAN $1,500. A THIRD FINDING OF RESPONSIBILITY WITHIN 12 MONTHS OF THE COMMISSION OF A PRIOR VIOLATION OF THE SAME PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE MAY RESULT IN AN ENHANCED CIVIL SANCTION OF NOT LESS THAN $1000 OR MORE THAN $2,500. IN LIEU OF THE ENHANCED CIVIL SANCTION, A THIRD FINDING OF RESPONSIBILITY WITHIN 12 MONTHS OF THE COMMISSION OF A PRIOR VIOLATION OF THE SAME PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL MISDEMEANOR CHARGES PURSUANT TO SUBSECTION 1-8-3(F), RECIDIVIST PROPERTIES/PERSONS. FOR PURPOSES OF CALCULATING THE 12- MONTH PERIOD, SUCH PERIOD SHALL BEGIN ON THE DATE OF THE FIRST OFFENSE. IN ADDITION TO THE CIVIL SANCTION, THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL PAY THE APPLICABLE FEES AND CHARGES SET FORTH BY THE FOUNTAIN HILLS COURT. EACH DAY THAT A VIOLATION CONTINUES CONSTITUTES A SEPARATE OFFENSE PUNISHABLE AS HEREIN PROVIDED. … D. Civil Citations. … 4. WHEN APPLICABLE, TThe civil citation shall direct the defendant to pay the fine imposed pursuant to subsection 1-8-3(E) below or appear in the Fountain Hills RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 4 Municipal Court on the date noted on the citation, which date shall not be less than ten days after citation issuance. 5. The civil citation shall provide notice that if the defendant fails to pay the fine or appear in the Fountain Hills Municipal Court as directed, a default judgement will be entered in the amount of the fine designated on the citationSPECIFIED BY THE PRESIDING JUDGE for the violation. In addition, a default fee may be imposed for failure to appear. 6. Service of the citation may be accomplished and will be deemed proper and complete by any of the following methods: a. Hand delivering the citation to the defendant. If the defendant is a business, service may be by hand delivery to the business owner, any adult manager of the business, or any adult employee of the business. b. Mailing a copy of the citation by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the defendant's last known address. If the defendant is a business, service may be by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the current business address. c. FOR VEHICLE RELATED VIOLATIONS, BY AFFIXING THE CITATION TO THE VEHICLE OWNED BY THE DEFENDANT WHICH CONSTITUTES THE PARKING, LOCATION OR ABANDONMENT OFFENSE CHARGED IN THE CITATION. D. Any means allowed by the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Courts of Arizona. … F. Recidivist Properties/Persons. 1. The recidivist process is designed to provide relief via an expedited enforcement process for problems with persons or entities who repeatedly violate any provision of this code or Town ordinance and who have demonstrated an unwillingness to comply with this Section 1-8-3. Any violation of this chapter, whether initially deemed civil or criminal in nature, which is committed by a person deemed a recidivist as set forth in Subsection 1-8-3(F)(2) below, MAY shall be deemed a misdemeanor and MAYshall be addressed as set forth in Subsection 1-8-2(A) above. 2. A person or entity MAYshall be deemed a "recidivist" if such person or entity has been issued a notice of violation and/or civil citation, and/or criminal charges filed OVERfor two or more times within the last ONEtwo-year period relating to violations of the same provisions of this code. … RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 5 Chapter 6 Animals Article 6-1 Rules and Regulations Section 6 -1-3 Noises A. It is unlawful to harbor or keep any animal or fowl which by frequent or habitual howling, yelping, barking, crowing or the making of other noises disturbs the peace of a neighborhood or any two or more persons not residing in the same household, one of which may be a member of the Town law enforcement agency or animal control officer. B. First offense convictions, under this section, shall be sentenced as a petty offen se. Second offense convictions, under this section, shall be sentenced as a class 2 misdemeanor. Third and all subsequent VIOLATIONSconvictions under this section MAY RESULT IN A CIVIL SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3shall be sentenced as a class 1 misdemeanor. Section 6 -1 -5 Swine It is unlawful to keep any live swine or pigs in the town, EXCEPT PUREBRED MINIATURE VIETNAMESE POTBELLY PIGS AND OTHER SIMILAR PUREBRED MINIATURE PIGS. Article 6-2 Rabies/Animal Control Leash Law Section 6-2-3 License Fees for Dogs; Issuance of Dog Tags; Records; Penalties; Classification …. D. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR A PERSONAny person who fails within fifteen days after written notification from the enforcement agent, to FAIL TO obtain a license for a dog required to be licensed. ANY PERSON WHO, counterfeits or attempts to counterfeit an official dog tag, or removes such tag from any dog for the purpose of willful and malicious mischief or places a dog tag upon a dog unless the tag was issued for that particular dog MAY BE isguilty of a Cclass Ttwo Mmisdemeanor, AS ENFORCED BY MARICOPA COUNTY. Section 6-2-5 Dogs Not Permitted at Large; Wearing Licenses … E. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any dog owner, person acting for the dog owner, custodian or other person who permits, allows or causes a dog to be at large MAY BE GUILTY OF A CLASS TWO MISDEMEANOR, AS ENFORCED BY MARICOPA COUNTY.in violation of: RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 6 1. Subsection A or B of this section is guilty of a class one misdemeanor. 2. Subsection C or D of this section is guilty of a class three misdemeanor. Section 6-2-8 Unlawful Interference with Enforcement Agent; Unlawful Keeping of Dogs A. It is unlawful forAany person WHO to interfereS with the enforcement agent in the performance of his duties IS GUILTY OF A CLASS TWO MISDEMEANOR. B. It is unlawful for a person to keep, harbor or maintain a dog within the town except as provided by the terms of this article. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 7 Chapter 7 Buildings and Business Regulations Article 7-1 Technical Codes Section 7-1-1 Adoption by Reference; Violations … C. ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION WHO VIOLATES ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE TECHNICAL CODES MAY BE SUBJECT TO ONE OR MORE OF THE PENALTIES PRESCRIBED IN ARTICLE 1-8. D. THIS CODE SHALL NOT BE INTERPRETED AS LIMITING THE PENALTIES, ACTIONS, OR ABATEMENT PROCEDURES THAT MAY BE TAKEN BY THE TOWN UNDER ESTABLISHED LAWS, ORDINANCES, OR RULES, WHEN ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION VIOLATES ANY PROVISION OF THE TECHNICAL CODES. Section 7-1-2 Amendments … Amend Section 110.4 110.4 Violation penalties Persons who violate a provision of this code or fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who erect, install, alter, repair, or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the fire code official, or of a permit or certification used under provisions of this code, shall be LIABLEsentenced to a fine SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODEof not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). Each day that the violation continues after notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense. … Amend Section 112.4 112.4 Failure to comply Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be liable to a CIVIL SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODE fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). … RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 8 Section P-101 Classification of Penalty P-101 Classification of penalty The following classifications shall apply to any violations of Appendix I: 1. Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, enterprise, or association, whether as principal, owner, agent, or otherwise, who violates, disobeys, omits, or refuses to comply with, or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this code, is sub ject to a civil sanction. 2. Notwithstanding subsection 1 of this section, a THIRDsecond or subsequent violation of any of the provisions of this chapter within A TWELVE-MONTH a two-year period MAY shall be deemed a misdemeanor. P-102 Civil penalties 1. Upon a finding of responsible to civil violation, the court shall impose a CIVIL SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODE fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). 2. Upon a conviction of a misdemeanor, the defendant shall be sentenced pursuant to the provisions established IN SECTION 1-8-2 OF THIS CODE by the Town of Fountain Hills Court System. P-103 Civil violation, commencement of action … 3. The citation will further notify the defendant that if he fails to appear on or before the date and time specified in the complaint, a judgment by default will be entered against him, and the court may, in its discretion, impose a civil sanction PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODE not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). Article 7-6 Noise Regulations during Construction Section 7-6-2 Penalties Violation of any provision of Section 7-6-1 is a civil offense AND MAY BE PUNISHABLE AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODE. The municipal court of the Town shall conduct a hearing and shall assess a sanction of one hundred dollars for a first violation; two hundred dollars for a second violation and five hundred dollars for all subsequent violations. Each day a violation occurs shall constitute a separate event. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 9 Article 7-11 Enforcement of State Residential Rental Property Registration Section 7-11-1 Enforcement of State Residential Rental Property Registration … C. The Town shall assess a civil penalty in accordance with Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 33-1902, as amended, AS WELL AS PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODE, AS APPLICABLE, against any owner who fails to comply with the provisions thereof. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 10 Chapter 8 Business Regulations Article 8-1 Business Licenses Section 8-1-13 Violations; Penalties A. Civil (noncriminal) violations. It shall be a civil (noncriminal) violation, punishable as set forth in Article 1-8 of this Code, for a Person to do any of the following: 1. Fail to perform any act or duty required by any provision of ArticleS 8-1, 8-2 through 8-3, or Article 8-5, OR 8-6 of this Chapter. 2. Violate the terms and/or conditions of any license issued under the provisions of ArticleS 8-1, 8-2 through 8-3, or Article 8-5, OR 8-6 of this Chapter. B. Criminal violations. It MAYshall be a criminal violation, punishable as set forth in Article 1- 8, for a Person to do any of the following: 1. Intentionally or purposely f Fail to perform an act or duty required by any provision of this Article 8-4 OF THIS CHAPTER. 2. Fail to perform any act or duty required by any provision of this Chapter and such Person has been previously found responsible at least two other times, civilly or criminally, within twelve months, for a violation of this Chapter. 3. Fail to perform any act or duty required by any provision of Article 8-4 of this Chapter. 4. Violate the terms and/or conditions of any license issued under the provisions of Article 8-4 of this Chapter. 2. FAIL TO PERFORM ANY ACT OR DUTY REQUIRED BY ANY PROVISION OF THIS CHAPTER WHEN SUCH PERSON HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY FOUND RESPONSIBLE OVER TWO OTHER TIMES, CIVILLY OR CRIMINALLY, WITHIN TWELVE MONTHS, FOR A VIOLATION OF THIS CHAPTER. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 11 Chapter 9 Parks and Recreation Article 9-4 Park Rules and Regulations Section 9-4-2 Consumption of Alcohol at Town Owned Parks … C. Penalty: VIOLATIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL BE CONSIDERED CLASS 1 MISDEMEANORS AND WILL BE PUNISHABLE AS SUCH UNDER SECTION 1-8-2 OF THIS CODE AND STATE LAWViolation of any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be considered a Class 1 Misdemeanor. Section 9-4-3 Rules and Regulations at Town Owned Parks … B. Penalties 1. Violations of subsections A(4) through A(15) shall be considered CIVIL petty offenses if the offender has not committed the same infraction within the last TWELVE (12)twenty-four (24) months. Petty Offenses shall be punishable by a fine of up to one hundred dollars ($100.00). 2. MORE THAN TWOSubsequent violations(s) of the same subsection A(4) through A(15) offense within a TWELVE (12)twenty-four (24) month period MAYshall be considered a Class 13 Misdemeanor, and will be punishable as such under SECTION 1-8-2 OF THIS CODE AND State Law. 3. Violations of subsections A(1), A(2), or A(3) of this section shall be considered Class 1 Misdemeanors and will be punishable as such under SECTION 1-8-2 OF THIS CODE AND State Law. Article 9-5 Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preserve Section 9 -5-7 Penalties The Rules and Regulations contained in Article 9-5 will be considered CIVILpetty offenses and/or Class 1 Misdemeanors as specified under subsections A through C below: A. Violations of the rules and regulations contained in subsections 9-5-3 (A, B, C, E, F, I, J, L, N and O) and Sections 9-5-4 and 9-5-5 shall be considered a CIVILpetty offense if the offender has not been convicted of the same infraction within the last TWELVE (12)twenty- RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 12 four (24) months. Petty offenses shall be punishable by a fine of up to one hundred dollars ($100.00). B. MORE THAN TWOSubsequent VIOLATIONconviction(s) of the same subsections 9-5-3 (A, B, C, E, F, I, J, L, N and O) and Sections 9-5-4 and 9-5-5 within a TWELVE (12)twenty- four (24) month period MAYshall be considered a Class 13 Misdemeanor, and will be punishable as such under SECTION 1-8-2 OF THIS CODE AND State Law. C. Violations of the rules and regulations contained in subsections 9-5-3 (D, G, H, K, M, P and Q) of this section shall be considered a Class 1 Misdemeanor and will be punishable as such under SECTION 1-8-2 OF THIS CODE AND State Law. Article 9-6 Restrictions on Smoking In Public Parks, Preserves, and Trails Section 9-6-4 Order to leave; unlawful failure to comply A. The Director of Parks and Recreation, or any designee, may order any person who has failed to comply with the requirements of this section to immediately leave the park, preserve, or trail system in which the violation occurred. No person may remain in a park, preserve, or trail system or return to such location on the same day after such person has been ordered to leave. B. Any person who fails to comply with an order to leave the park, preserve, or trail system shall be responsible for a CIVILpetty offense, punishable PURSUANT TO SECTIONby 1- 8-3.8-1-3: 1. A fine not exceeding $100 for a first violation; 2. A fine not exceeding $200 for a second violation; 3. A fine not exceeding $300 for a third violation; 14, Any person who violates this section MORE THAN TWOfour or more times in any 24TWELVE-month period may be charged with and found guilty of a cClass 1 mMisdemeanor. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 13 Chapter 10 Health and Sanitation Section 10-1-6 Spilling of Refuse during Transport A. It is unlawful for aAny Person WHOto haulS, or causeS to be hauled, on or along any public street, right-of-way or Alley in the Town, any Refuse or Recyclables unless such material is contained in the vehicle or receptacle in a manner that prevents the contents from falling out, leaking or spilling, and prevents obnoxious odor from escaping IS GUILTY OF A CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR. If any Refuse or Recyclables fall out, leak or spill, such Person shall immediately clean up the Refuse, Recyclables or liquid. B. Failure to properly secure a load and any covering of the load to prevent the covering or load from becoming loose, detached or in any manner a hazard to other users of the road way may be prosecuted as a violation of Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 28-1098 as may be amended from time to time. Section 10-1-7 Dumping of Refuse It is unlawful for anyANY Person WHOto placeS or causeS to be placed A SIGNIFICANT QUANTITY OF UNCONTAINEDany Refuse or Recyclables upon any public or private property within the Town IS GUILTY OF A CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR, except as specifically permitted in this Article. Section 10-1-11 Hazardous Waste and Special Refuse … L. ANY PERSON WHO VIOLATES THIS SECTION IS GUILTY OF A CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR. Section 10-1-15 Violations and Citations A. Any violation of or failure to do or perform any act required by this Article constitutes a civil offense, UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED. B. Customers of property in violation of this Article may be held individually and jointly responsible for the violation, the prescribed civil penalties and for abating the violation. C. Notice of violation. 1. The Town MAYshall seek voluntary compliance with the provisions of this Section before issuing a civil citation or criminal complaint, as applicable. This MAYshall include a written Notice of violation given to the responsible party for the property. … D. Civil citations. … RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 14 4. The citation shall direct the defendant to pay the fine imposed pursuant to Subsection 10-1-15(E) or appear in the Fountain Hills Municipal Court within ten days of the issuance of the citationON THE DATE NOTED ON THE CITATION, WHICH DATE SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN TEN DAYS AFTER CITATION ISSUANCE. … E. Civil Penalties. 1. A Person ISSUED A CITATION BASED UPON VIOLATIONS OFconvicted of a violation of this Article, other than Subsections 10-1-6, 10-1-7 or 10-1-11, shall be punishable PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3by a base fine of not more than $250. … F. Criminal penalties. A Person convicted of a violation of Subsections 10-1-6, 10-1-7 or 10- 1-11 is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor, punishable by term of not more than six months in jail and a base fine of not more than $2,500. FG. The penalties set forth in this Section 10-1-15 shall be in addition to any penalty that may be assessed pursuant to State Law or the Maricopa County Environmental Health Code. Section 10-1-24 Placement of Collection Containers ... C. All Collection Containers shall be stored CLOSE TO THE RESIDENCE OR SCREENED FROM VIEW between collection days so as to not be visible from AND MAY NOT BE LEFT IN the street or public rights-of-way. Article 10-2 Litter; Nuisances Section 10-2 -10 Dropping Litter from Aircraft No person in any aircraft shall throw out, drop or deposit within the town any litter, handbill or any other object. ANY PERSON WHO VIOLATES THIS SECTION IS GUILTY OF A CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR. Article 10-4 Removal of Litter Section 10-4 -1 Notice to Remove To compel the removal of litter through the provisions of this section and of Sections 10 -4-2 through 10-4-5, iIf a person owning and/or controlling any property fails, neglects or refuses to remove or properly dispose of litter, located on property owned and/or controlled by such person, PER THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION AND OF SECTIONS 10-4-2 THROUGH 10-4-5, RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 15 SUCH PERSON(S) both the owner of the property and the person who is in control of the property shall be given written notice by the TOWN MANAGER OR AUTHORIZED DESIGNEE clerk to remove all litter from such property within thirty days from the date the notice wa s received by the owner and/or person in control of the property, and prior to the date of compliance on the notice. Such notice shall be received not less than thirty days before the date set thereon for compliance and shall contain an estimate of the cost of removal by the Town, AS WELL AS a statement that unless SUCH PERSON(S) the person owning and/or controlling such property complies therewith within thirty days from the date such written notice is received, that the Town will, at the expense of SUCH PERSON(S) both the person owning and the person controlling said property, perform the necessary work at a cost not to exceed the estimate given in the notice ., and THE NOTICE SHALL FURTHER STATE that SUCH PERSON(S) the owner and/or the controller of the property may appeal in writing to the clerk within thirty days from the date the notice is received by him and prior to the date of compliance. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 16 Chapter 11 Offenses Article 11-1 Offenses Section 11-1-1 Abandoned Vehicles … C. Removal/PENALTY 1. The owner, tenant, lessee or other occupant of any private property within the corporate limits of the town upon which storage is prohibited by subsection B of this section and also the owner of such abandoned vehicles or abandoned vehicle parts involved in such storage shall jointly and severally abate the nuisance. 2. Any person who fails, neglects or refuses to abate such nuisance SPECIFIED IN 11-1-1(B)(1) shall be notified in writing pursuant to Subsection 1-8-3(c) of this Code to abate the nuisance within the time period appearing on such written notice. SUCH NOTICE MAY BE PLACED ON THE SUBJECT VEHICLE. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH WRITTEN NOTIFICATION MAY BE PUNISHABLE AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 1-8-3. 3. When any person to whom notice has been provided according to this subsection fails, neglects or refuses TO ABATE THE NUISANCE WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD APPEARING ON THE for more than ten days from the date appearing on the notice to abate the nuisance, the town manager or his designee is hereby authorized to remove the abandoned vehicle or abandoned vehicle parts from the premises, store same, and dispose of same according to law. 4. The owner, tenant, lessee or other occupant of any private property, from which the town has removed an abandoned vehicle or abandoned vehicle parts pursuant to this section, shall be liable for all costs incurred in removing said items from the property. 5. EACH DAY THAT A VIOLATION CONTINUES MAY BE A SEPARATE OFFENSE PUNISHABLE BY IMPOSITION OF A CIVIL SANCTION. SERVICE OF ANY CITATION FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ARTICLE MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED, AND WILL BE DEEMED PROPER AND COMPLETE, BY AFFIXING THE CITATION TO THE VEHICLE OWNED BY THE DEFENDANT WHICH CONSTITUTES THE PARKING, LOCATION OR ABANDONMENT OFFENSE CHARGED IN THE CITATIONEvery person who fails, neglects or refuses to abate the abandoned vehicle or abandoned vehicle parts nuisance after notice as provided in this section shall also be guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor . The imposition of any PENALTYsentence shall not exempt the offender from compliance with the requirements of this section. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 17 Section 11-1-2 Dangerous Construction A. It is unlawful for any person to maintain or allow any signs, billboards, awnings and other similar structures over or near streets, sidewalks, public grounds or places frequented by the public, so situated or constructed as to endanger the public safety. B. ANY PERSON WHO FAILS TO ABATE A DANGEROUS CONSTRUCTION WITHIN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME AFTER NOTICE OF VIOLATION IS GIVEN MAY BE GUILTY OF A CIVIL INFRACTION. Section 11-1-3 Defacing Public and Private Property … C. In the event of a conviction for a first offense under this section, the minimum fine shall be $100 with a maximum fine of $1,000; the fine for a second conviction under this section shall be a minimum fine of $300 with a maximum fine of $2,500.A VIOLATION OF THIS SECTION SHALL BE CONSIDERED A CIVIL OFFENSE PUNISHABLE BY A CIVIL SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODE. In the event the defendant charged is a juvenile, his parents or other persons with whom he resides or who have custody over such juvenile shall be likewise cited and shall be subject to the fines provided herein. … G. Graffiti prohibited. All sidewalks, walls, buildings, fences, signs, and other structures or surfaces shall be kept free from graffiti that is visible from the street, right-of-way or other public or private property. 1. Notice of Abatement. If it is determined by the Town that graffiti exists on property in violation of this Section, the Town shall, in writing, notify the responsible party with a notice of abatement. The notice of abatement shall direct that the graffiti be abated within 20 days of receipt of the notice. The notice of abatement shal l state that in the event the responsible party fails to abate the graffiti within the time period specified in the notice of violation, the Town may, in addition to the civil penalty remedies set forth in Section 1-8-3, abate the graffiti as set forth in Subsection (G)(2) below, and may bill the responsible party for the cost and administrative charge as set forth in Subsection (G)(2) below. The notice of abatement may be served by regular mail, personal service or by posting the subject property. 2. Town's authority to abate. If the responsible party fails to abate the graffiti as required by the notice of abatement, the Town may proceed to abate the graffiti and may bill the responsible party for the cost thereof plus an administrative charge of ten percent of the cost of abatement. The Town or its authorized private contractor is expressly authorized to enter private property and abate graffiti thereon in accordance with this section. Section 11-1-4 Fireworks … RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 18 B. Use of Fireworks prohibited; exceptions. 1 The use, discharge or ignition of Fireworks within the corporate limits of the Town is prohibited, except that Permissible Consumer Fireworks may be used during the periods of MAY 4 THROUGH MAY 6, June 24 through July 6, and December 24 through January 3 of each year. 2. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit the use, discharge or ignition of Novelty Items or the occurrence of a Supervised Public Display of Fireworks. 3. Permits may be granted by the Fire Chief or authorized designee for conducting a properly Supervised Public Display of Fireworks. Every such Supervised Public Display of Fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals or property. A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of High Fire Danger warnings. The Fire Chief or authorized designee has authority to impose conditions on any permits granted. 4. Failure to comply with any permit requirements issued by the Fire Chief or authorized designee is a civil offense punishable by a CIVIL SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODE base fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each violation. C. Sale of Fireworks. 1. The sale of fireworks within the corporate limits of the Town is prohibited, except that Permissible Consumer Fireworks may be sold during the periods of APRIL 25 THROUGH MAY 6, May 20 through July 6, and December 10 through January 3 of each year. … D. Posting of signs by persons engaged in the sale of Fireworks; civil penalty. … 4. Failure to comply with subsections 11-1-4(D)(1) or (2) of this section is a civil offense punishable by a CIVIL SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODEbase fine of up to seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). … G. Penalty. Unless otherwise specifically set forth in this section, the civil penalty for violating any prohibition or requirement imposed by this section is a CIVIL SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODEbase fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each violation. Section 11-1-6 Curfew Hours for Minors … RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 19 E. Penalty. CONVICTIONS UNDER THIS SECTION SHALL BE IMPOSED BY A JUVENILE HEARING OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.S. § 8-323(F). First offense convictions, under this section, shall be sentenced as a petty offense. Second offense convictions, under this section, shall be sentenced as a class 2 misdemeanor. Third and all subsequent convictions under this section shall be sentenced as a class 1 misdemeanor. Section 11-1-7 Noise … H. Violations. The Town Manager or designee, code official or Town-designated law enforcement officer may issue civil citations pursuant to subsection 1-8-3(D) to enforce violations of this section. After civil enforcement as set forth in subsection 1-8-3(FD), any Town-designated law enforcement officer or the Town Prosecutor may issue criminal complaints pursuant to subsection 1-8-2(A) to enforce this section. … Section 11-1-17 Use of Town-Owned Washes … D. Penalties: 1. VIOLATIONS OF SECTION 11-1-17 B (EXCEPT FOR SUBSECTIONS 2, 4 AND 5) SHALL BE CONSIDERED A CIVIL OFFENSE PUNISHABLE BY A CIVIL SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODE. OVER TWO VIOLATIONS OF THE SAME SUBSECTION OFFENSE(S) SPECIFIED ABOVE WITHIN A TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD MAY BE CONSIDERED A person who violates the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor. 2. VIOLATIONS OF SECTION 11-1-17 B 2, 4 AND 5 SHALL BE CONSIDERED A CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR. 32. A person who violates the provisions of this section may, upon conviction thereof, be temporarily or permanently banned from using any Town-owned wash. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 20 Chapter 12 Traffic Control Article 12-2 Traffic Control Section 12-2-11 Operation of Vehicles on Vacant Lots … D. A person who violates this section 12-2-11 is guilty of a Class 3 Misdemeanor. In addition to or in lieu of a CIVIL fineSpursuant to this section 12-2-11, a judge may order a person to (1) perform at least eight but not more than twenty-four hours of a community restitution course or (2) complete an approved safety course related to the off-highway operation of motor vehicles, or both. Section 12-2-14 Penalties Violations of this article shall be punishable as set forth in Chapter 1, Article 1 -8, Section 1-8-2, Subsection B, of this code. RESERVED Article 12-3 Parking Section 12-3-20 Penalties Unless otherwise specifically designated in this article, violations of this article may be punishable as set forth in Section 1-8-3. Each day that a violation continues may be a separate offense punishable by imposition of a civil sanction PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODEnot to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). Article 12-5 Motorized Skateboards and Motorized Play Vehicles Section 12-5-5 Violations … B. Any violation of or failure or refusal to do or perform any act required by subsection 12-5- 2(B) or Section 12-5-3 of this Article constitutes a civil offense, PUNISHABLE BY A CIVIL SANCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-8-3 OF THIS CODE. The municipal court of the Town shall conduct a hearing and shall assess a sanction of $100.00 for a first violation, $200.00 for a second violation and $500.00 for all subsequent violations. Each day a violation occurs shall constitute a separate event. RESOLUTION 2021-29 PAGE 21 Chapter 16 Streets and Sidewalks Article 16-1 Encroachments Section 16-1-13 Revocation of Permit … D. Any permit holder that has been determined by the Town Engineer to have shown a lack of diligence, as set forth in subsection C of this section, shall be in violation of this Code and shall be subject to the penalties set forth in ArticleSECTION 1-8-3. ORDINANCE NO. 21-14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN CODE, CHAPTERS 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, AND 12 BY ADOPTING THE “2021 MODIFICATIONS TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL PENALTIES” BY REFERENCE ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. Chapters 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the Town Code are hereby amended as set forth in the adopted Public Document titled “2021 Modifications to Criminal and Civil Penalties” by Resolution 2021-29, is adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this ordinance . PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, this 21st day of September, 2021. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Klein, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney ITEM 8. D. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/21/2021 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Public Works Prepared by: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Staff Contact Information: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement 2021-031 with Kimley Horn & Associates, INC. Staff Summary (Background) Palisades Boulevard is a curvilinear four-lane arterial roadway with two lanes of travel and a bike lane in each direction, separated by a raised center median. There are a number of traffic-related as well as physical and jurisdictional challenges at the Palisades/Eagle Ridge/Palomino intersection. The Town signed this intersection as an All-Way Stop, due to the line-of-sight issues, almost immediately after its opening in 1997. Since that time, traffic counts have continued to increase with the Adero Canyon development and expansion of the Adero of Scottsdale Resort on Eagle Ridge Drive. Staff presented this item to the Council Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety earlier in 2021 as a possible project to significantly improve pedestrian and vehicular safety at this busy intersection. Staff presented the warrant study findings and indicated that if it were to proceed to construction, this intersection traffic signal will likely be funded from street development fees and possibly from other outside funding sources such as the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG). The traffic signal warrant study contract approved by Council on March 02, 2021, was an important step in determining if a signal is warranted at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive. Signal warrants 1, 2, and 3 are currently met at this intersection.  Staff stated at the March 02, 2021, meeting that if it is determined that warrants were met, staff would return to the Town Council with this information and further request consideration to proceed with a contract to engineer and design the traffic signal. The cost of the traffic signal design is budgeted in the FY 2021-22 Capital Improvement Program in the amount of $95,000; however, the scope and fee total is $105,570.00. The Capital Fund has sufficient funding to cover this Capital Project due to savings from other projects.      Below is a summary from the attached report on the traffic signal warrant analysis and supplemental intersection analysis for the intersection of Palisades Boulevard & Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive.  WARRANT 1, Condition B: EIGHT HOUR VOLUME: (MET) 1,073 VPH, on Palisades. 75 VPH, on Palomino/ Eagle Ridge. The Eight-Hour signal warrant is intended to be applied where there is a large volume of intersecting traffic (Condition A: Minimum Vehicular Volume) or the traffic volume on a major street is heavy such that the minor intersecting street suffers excessive delay or conflict (Condition B: Interruption of Continuous Traffic).   WARRANT 2: FOUR HOUR VOLUME: (MET) Warrant 2 is currently met with 10 hours exceeding the required 4-hour threshold. The Four-Hour signal warrant is intended to be applied where the volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal.   WARRANT 3: PEAK HOUR VOLUME: (MET) Warrant 3 is currently met with 6 hours exceeding the required 1 hour threshold. The Peak Hour signal warrant is intended for use at a location where traffic conditions are such that for a minimum of 1 hour of an average day, the minor street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street.   Based on the warrants being met for this intersection, a traffic signal is recommended to be constructed at Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive which will provide for more efficient and safer traffic flows. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Capital Projects. Risk Analysis The Adero Canyon community, Adero Canyon Trailhead opening, and the expansion of the Adero of Scottsdale Resort on Eagle Ridge Drive have necessitated the need for the construction of a traffic signal at the Palisades Eagle Ridge/Palomino intersection to improve the flow of traffic and safety for pedestrians and vehicles. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) This request was reviewed by the Council Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety. The committee supported the traffic signal engineering and design at this intersection and recommended going before the Town Council for its consideration and approval. Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement C2021-031 with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc., for traffic signal design in the amount of $105,570.00. Fiscal Impact Fiscal Impact:105,570 Budget Reference:See attached budget  Funding Source:Capital Projects If Multiple Funds utilized, list here:N/A Budgeted: if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form:N/A Attachments Professional Services Agreement  Scope and Fee  Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis  CIP Budget Sheet  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Public Works Director (Originator)Justin Weldy 09/01/2021 12:41 PM Finance Director David Pock 09/01/2021 03:34 PM Public Works Director (Originator)Justin Weldy 09/01/2021 04:13 PM Finance Director David Pock 09/02/2021 06:41 AM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 09/02/2021 08:42 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 09/07/2021 04:17 PM Form Started By: Justin Weldy Started On: 08/26/2021 12:21 PM Final Approval Date: 09/07/2021  Contract No. 2021-031.1 FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES, INC. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this “First Amendment”) is entered into as of August 18, 2021, between the Town of Fountain Hills, an Arizona municipal corporation (the “Town”) and Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., a North Carolina corporation (the “Consultant”). RECITALS A. The Town and the Consultant entered into a Professional Services Agreement (the “Agreement”), dated March 2, 2021, for the Consultant to provide engineering design services (the “Services”). All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this First Amendment have the same meanings as contained in the Agreement. B. The Town has determined that it is necessary to amend the Agreement to reflect additional services (“Project”) attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated by this reference. C. The Town and the Consultant desire to enter this First Amendment to amend the Agreement to provide for compensation to the Consultant for the Services. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing introduction and recitals, which are incorporated herein by reference, the following mutual covenants and conditions, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Town and the Consultant hereby agree as follows: 1. Compensation. The Town shall pay Consultant an amount not to exceed $105,570 for the Services, resulting in an increase of the cumulative contract amount from $49,027 to $154,597. 2. Exhibit B is attached hereto and is incorporated into this Agreement. 3. Notices and Requests. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if (A) delivered to the party at the address set forth below, (B) deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below or (C) given to a recognized and reputable overnight delivery service, to the address set forth below: If to the Town: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager With Copy to : Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney If to Consultant: Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. 7740 N.16th St., Ste 300 Phoenix, Arizona 85020 Attn: Kimberly Carroll, P.E. or at such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as any party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this subsection. Notices shall be deemed received (A) when delivered to the party, (B) three business days after being placed in the U.S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage or (C) the following business day after being given to a recognized overnight delivery service, with the person giving the notice paying all required charges and instructing the delivery service to deliver on the following business day. If a copy of a notice is also given to a party’s counsel or other recipient, the p rovisions above governing the date on which a notice is deemed to have been received by a party shall mean and refer to the date on which the party, and not its counsel or other recipient to which a copy of the notice may be sent, is deemed to have received the notice. 4. Effect of Amendment. In all other respects, the Agreement is affirmed and ratified and, except as expressly modified herein, all terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 5. Non-Default. By executing this First Amendment, the Consultant affirmatively asserts that (i) the Town is not currently in default, nor has it been in default at any time prior to this First Amendment, under any of the terms or conditions of the Agreement and (ii) any and all claims, known and unknown, relating to the Agreement and existing on or before the date of this First Amendment are forever waived. 6. Israel. Consultant certifies that it is not currently engaged in, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that it will not engage in a “boycott,” as that term is defined in Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 35-393, of Israel. 7. Conflict of Interest. This First Amendment and the Agreement may be cancelled by the Town pursuant to Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 38-511. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first set forth above. “Town” TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, an Arizona municipal corporation Grady E. Miller, Town Manager ATTEST: Elizabeth A. Klein, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney [SIGNATURES CONTINUE ON FOLLOWING PAGE] “Consultant” KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES, INC., a North Carolina corporation By: Name: Title: kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 June 23, 2021 Mr. Justin Weldy Public Works Director Town of Fountain Hills 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Re:Palisades Boulevard and Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection and Traffic Signal Final Design Scope and Fee Dear Mr. Weldy: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (“Kimley-Horn” or “Consultant”) is pleased to submit this letter agreement (the “Agreement”) to the Town of Fountain Hills (“Client” or “Town”) to provide professional engineering services associated with the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING As directed by Town Staff, via email and meeting held on 06/08/2021), this scope of work includes project Alternative 1 to Final Design, which generally consists of the development of construction plans, estimate, and specifications to construct the improvements. The following outlines Kimley-Horn’s detailed scope of services: SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1.1 Topographic Survey, Right of Way, and Coordination a. Kimley-Horn’s subconsultant (RLF) will provide horizontal and vertical control and topographic survey. A copy of the our subconsultants scope and fee is provided in Appendix C. b. Kimley-Horn subconsultant (RLF) has included right of way investigation to assist with delineation of existing ROW. c. Kimley-Horn’s subconsultant (RLF) has included an allowance for two (2) right-of- way legal descriptions and exhibits. This right of way legal/exhibit allowance will only be utilized if determined to be necessary. This task assumes the title reports will be provided by the Town. d. Kimley-Horn will obtain title reports from the Town. A Maricopa County Assessor Parcel list will be provided to the Town to collect the title reports. e. Kimley-Horn will update the right-of-way base file to be shown on the construction plans and review all legal descriptions and exhibits to confirm descriptions are consistent with the proposed design requirements. Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 2 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 f. Kimley-Horn will develop base design and right-of-way needs using the survey provided by RLF and based on the final design layout. Task 1.2 Utility Coordination a. Kimley-Horn will prepare an electronic CADD file depicting the horizontal locations of existing utilities both overhead and underground. b. Kimley-Horn will update the utility base file based on comments received from the utility companies. c. Kimley-Horn will hold two (2) utility coordination meetings. d. Kimley-Horn will submit utility clearance letters to each of the utilities identified within the project limits at each stage of the project. e. Kimley-Horn’s subconsultant (RT Underground) will obtain up to (6) potholes. The exact number and location of pothole’s will be determined in coordination between the Town and Kimley-Horn. Kimley-Horn will provide the pot-hole data to the Town and update the base utility design file to reflect the results of the pothole data received. See Appendix C for RT Underground scope of services. f. Kimley-Horn will coordinate with SRP Distribution to obtain point of service and coordinate the agreements between SRP and Town. Kimley-Horn will assist the Town with preparation of the new electrical service request letter, which will be necessary to establish service for the intersection. g. Kimley-Horn will develop utility specifications that will detail special requirements or for the protection of existing facilities that will remain in place. h. Kimley-Horn will determine if any utility conflicts will require the utility to be relocated or adjusted and shall advise the Town. Kimley-Horn will verify that prior rights documentation submitted by the utility companies represent the correct relocation area. Task 1.3 Intersection/Roadway Plans a. Kimley-Horn’s design will provide for: i. ADA Sidewalk ramps on all four corners of the intersection ii. Northbound left turn lane and median improvements iii. Removal of existing valley gutter on west leg iv. Median nose improvements b. Kimley-Horn will coordinate with the City of Scottsdale and the Town on the design and specifications for work being completed with Scottsdale right-of-way. Kimley- Horn will assist the Town with encroachment permit application to be submitted with sealed pre-final plans. c. Kimley-Horn will develop intersection/roadway construction drawings in accordance with Town guidelines and details. Plans will be developed at 60%, 90%, and Final. Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 3 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 Intersection Roadway construction drawings will be prepared at 1” = 20’ scale and includes the following sheets: i. Cover Sheet (1 Sheet) ii. General Notes, Typical Section, and Legend Sheet (1 Sheet) iii. ADA Sidewalk Ramp Details (1 Sheet) (1” = 10’ Scale) iv. Intersection Improvement Sheet (1 Sheet) (1” = 20’ Scale) v. Palisades Median Half Plan & Profile (1 Sheet) (1” = 20’ Scale) Task 1.4 Signing and Pavement Marking Plans a. Kimley-Horn will conduct a field inventory of the existing conditions for pavement markings and signing within the project limits. b. Kimley-Horn will prepare final design signing and permanent pavement marking construction documents. The permanent pavement marking and signing plans will be designed in conformance Town requirement and in accordance with the MUTCD. Plans will be prepared at 1” = 40’ scale and will be submitted with 60%, 90%, and final. Signing and pavement marking sheets include: i. Signing and Marking General Notes and Legend (1 Sheet) ii. Pavement Marking/Signing Plan (1 Sheet) (1” = 40’ Scale) (Double Stacked) Task 1.5 Traffic Signal Plans a. Kimley-Horn will conduct a field inventory of the existing conditions for the existing intersection at Palisades and Eagle Ridge/Palomino. Field investigation will confirm location of equipment and consider constraints. b. Kimley-Horn will prepare traffic signal design improvements for the intersections. Design will be done in accordance with the City of Scottsdale’s Traffic Signal Standards and Specifications, ADA PROWAG, and intersection design files (roadway, right-of-way, and utility). Conductor and pole schedules will be developed along with a detailed estimate of costs and any special provisions. c. Kimley-Horn will prepare traffic signal plans at 1” = 20’ scale consisting of a total of four (4) sheets described as follows: i. General Notes and Legend (1 Sheet) ii. Traffic Signal Layout (1 Sheet) iii. Pole Layout Schedule (1 Sheet) iv. Conductor Schedule (1 Sheet) Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 4 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 Task 1.6 Technical Specifications, Engineer’s Cost Opinion and Scottsdale Encroachment permit a. Kimley-Horn will prepare the technical specifications in accordance with the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Standard Specifications and Town’s Supplement to MAG Specifications and details. b. Kimley-Horn will provide draft technical specifications and special provisions starting with the 90% through final design submittals. c. Kimley-Horn will prepare an engineer’s opinion of probable cost for each design submittal. d. Kimley-Horn will prepare quantities at each design submittal using standard measurement and payment methods start at 60%. Task 1.7 Project Management and Meetings a. Kimley-Horn will attend up to three (3) project meetings, which will be scheduled following the approval from Town staff to proceed with work. The meetings are described as follows: i. Final Design Kick Off Meeting ii. 60% and 90% Comment Resolution meetings (2 Meetings) Meetings will be held virtually and will consist of no more than two Kimley-Horn staff members. b. Kimley-Horn will be responsible for preparing the meeting agenda and submitting notes of the meeting to the Town. c. Kimley-Horn’s project management task covers the management and administration hours for the duration of project activities identified in the project schedule in Appendix B. Project management task includes contract management, internal staff coordination, and coordination with Town staff outside of the meetings described. This task coordinates and administers the day-to-day operations of the project, including organizing and filing project data and communication files, responding to project correspondence including emails, and budget and schedule monitoring. This task also includes the management of sub-consultants (RLF and RT Underground). This task includes the preparation of monthly invoices to the Town for services performed. Task 1.8 Post Design Allowance a. Kimley-Horn will prepare for and attend up to five (5) meetings with the construction team. Meetings will be held virtually and/or at the project site. No more than one Kimley-Horn’s representatives will be present each meeting. Agenda’s and Minutes will be prepared by the City or Contractor. b. Kimley-Horn will respond to Contractor requests for information and issue necessary clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents to Town as appropriate to the orderly completion of Contractor's work. Any orders authorizing variations Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 5 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 from the Contract Documents will be made by the Town. Kimley-Horn will track RFI’s using an electronic logging format. c. Kimley-Horn will shop drawings submittals on behalf of the Town. We estimate reviewing and responding to ten (10) submittals, including electrical, concrete, asphalt, signing, and marking. Kimley-Horn will track submittals using an electronic logging format. d. Kimley-Horn will prepare final record drawings, consisting of transferring redline changes shown on the Contractor and Inspector field plans onto the original final construction documents. These changes will be done using CAD. Kimley-Horn shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of any Contractor, or of any of their subcontractors, suppliers, or of any other individual or entity performing or furnishing the Work. Task 1.9 Right of Way (ROW) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) ALLOWANCE The Phase I ESA scope of services described in this proposal addresses the due diligence procedures and methodology presented in the ASTM E 1527-13. The purpose of the Phase I ESA is to provide the following: 1. An identification of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) as defined in ASTM E 1527-13 2. An opinion of the impacts on the property resulting from conditions identified during the investigation, by a qualified Environmental Professional (EP) (ASTM E 1527-13) 3. An opinion, by a qualified EP, on the need for additional investigations (ASTM E 1527-13) 4. A statement consistent with ASTM E 1527-13, on the qualifications of the EP and the suitability of the Phase I ESA to meet the requirements of The All Appropriate Inquiry Rule, 40 CFR 312. The assessment will reflect the general national standard of practice and the local customary practice as understood by the EP. The EP will use ASTM 1527-13 along with our judgment and experience when reviewing results of the assessment and in identifying findings and RECs (ASTM E 1527-13). Kimley-Horn’s scope of services for conducting the Phase I ESA consists of the tasks set forth below. The following tasks refer to only that information that is defined as reasonably ascertainable (ASTM E 1527-13). Records Review This task consists of the following: 1.Record Search – An environmental database search will be prepared encompassing the minimum search distances listed in ASTM E1527-13. This report will be reviewed for known and suspect contaminated sites. Where available, local environmental agency, and other local governmental authority files, as defined in ASTM E 1527-13 may be reviewed, if the EP determines the files to be reasonably ascertainable and relevant to the successful completion of the Phase I ESA. 2.IC/EC Registries – Kimley-Horn will review readily available databases on institutional and engineering (IC/EC) controls and Activity Use Limitations (AULs). Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 6 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 3.Aerial Photograph Review – Kimley-Horn will retrieve and examine readily available historical aerial photographs of the site and the surrounding vicinity. Aerial photographs will be researched to the earliest date that is reasonably obtainable. 4.Review of Local City Directories and Historical Maps- Kimley-Horn will obtain and review readily available historical city directories, fire insurance maps, and historical topographic maps. 5.Other Historical Sources - Should Kimley-Horn determine that other non-traditional sources may provide information relevant to the completion of the Phase I ESA, these sources will be reviewed and documented. Kimley-Horn will review the chain of title that will be provided by the Client. Site Reconnaissance Kimley-Horn will conduct a site reconnaissance consistent with ASTM E 1527-13, which will consist of the following: 1. Observations of exterior site conditions 2. Observations of interior site conditions 3. Determination of current use of the property 4. Determination of current use of the adjoining properties 5. Identify evidence of past use of property 6. Identify evidence of past use of adjoining properties 7. Identification of the following visually or physically accessible items: a. Hazardous substances and petroleum products b. Storage tanks c. Odors, pools of liquid, drums d. HVAC system power/fuel source e. Containers of known /and unknown substances f. Possible Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) g. Stains and corrosion on floors, walls and ceilings h. Drains and sumps i. Pits, ponds or lagoons j. Distressed vegetation k. Stained soil or pavement l. Solid waste m. Waste water n. Wells o. Septic systems The Site Reconnaissance will be non-invasive. Kimley-Horn will not collect or analyze any samples. Kimley-Horn assumes that we will be allowed appropriate access to all areas of the site and that the site reconnaissance shall be conducted as a single event. Should, an additional site reconnaissance be required due to access limitations, the additional site reconnaissance shall be considered additional services. Interviews Consistent with ASTM E 1527-13, Kimley-Horn will make a reasonable attempt to conduct the following interviews: 1. Kimley-Horn will interview current and past owners, operators and occupants of the property that have or are likely to have material information regarding uses, Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 7 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 physical characteristics and the potential for RECs at the subject property consistent with ASTM E 1527-13. 2. In the case of abandoned properties as defined in ASTM E 1527-13, where there is evidence of uncontrolled access or unauthorized uses, Kimley-Horn will attempt to interview current neighboring or nearby property owners (ASTM E 1527-13). 3. Kimley-Horn will interview one or more of the following state or local agencies: a. Local fire department b. Local health agency c. Local environmental regulatory agency Report Preparation Kimley-Horn will prepare a summary report of the results of the Phase I ESA. The report will be formatted consistent with ASTM E 1527-13 and will contain the following: 1. Phase I documentation 2. USGS Quad map(s) 3. Aerial photograph(s) of the site 4. Database search records 5. Site photographs 6. Description of field activities and site reconnaissance documentation 7. Interview documentation 8. Findings and identified RECs 9. EP opinion on need for additional investigation 10. Identification of and opinion on significant data gaps 11. Conclusions 12. EP statement consistent with ASTM E 1527-13 13. Qualifications of EP and staff working on Phase I ESA Information Provided By Client The following information shall be provided by the Client, the accuracy of which Kimley-Horn will be entitled to rely upon.This information is required for the Client to meet the requirements of the Landowner Liability Protections (LLPs) (ASTM E 1527-13) and for Kimley-Horn to conduct the Phase I ESA consistent with ASTM E 1527-13. This information is required prior to the site reconnaissance. 1. A completed ASTM User Questionnaire 2. If applicable, reason for significant reduction in purchase price of the subject property 3. Any specialized knowledge or experience relating to RECs in connection with the subject and adjacent properties 4. All environmental reports available for the property 5. Commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information that the Client is aware of relevant to RECs associated with the property 6. Chain of title 7. Title Commitment Other information that is required by Kimley-Horn for completion of the Phase I but not for application to the LLPs is as follows: 1. Property owner and operator contact names and telephone numbers 2. List of tenants Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 8 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 3. Access to all areas of the site Direct Expenses a. Direct reimbursable expenses such as express delivery services, vehicular mileage, and other direct expenses will be billed at cost. A summary of anticipated expenses is shown in Appendix A of this document. Services Not Included Any other services, including but not limited to the following, are not included in this Agreement: · Attending more meetings than specifically described in the sections above · Environmental services beyond Phase I ESA · Public involvement · Additional submittals · Landscape/Irrigation Services · Water/Sewer Service Information Provided by Town Kimley-Horn shall be entitled to rely on the completeness and accuracy of all information provided by the Town or the Town’s consultants or representatives. The Town shall provide all information requested by Kimley-Horn during the project. FEE ESTIMATE Kimley-Horn will complete the project for in accordance with the fee estimate provided in Appendix A. SCHEDULE We will provide our services as expeditiously as practicable with the goal of completing the project as outline in the project schedule included in Appendix B. This design schedule assumes a Notice to Proceed date of September 1, 2021. Following the official Notice to Proceed, Kimley-Horn will submit an updated schedule to the Town for approval. Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 9 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 We greatly appreciate the opportunity to provide these services to you. Please contact me if you have any questions at 602-906-1122 or kim.carroll@kimley-horn.com. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. By: Kimberly Carroll, P.E., PTOE Sr. Project Manager Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 10 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 APPENDIX A FEE ESTIMATE Summary of Consultant's Compensation 6/23/2021 Project Location: Project Description: Palisades Boulevard & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection and Traffic Signal Final Design 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300 Phoenix, AZ 85020 602.944.5500 CONTRACT LABOR Classification Man Hours Billable Rates Labor Costs Senior Project Manager 48 210.00$10,080.00$ Senior Prof 76 185.00$14,060.00$ Prof 136 150.00$20,400.00$ Analyst/ Designer 195 118.00$23,010.00$ Admin 18 93.00$1,674.00$ Subtotal Contract Labor 69,224.00$ DIRECT AND OUTSIDE EXPENSES General Expenses 500.00$ Subtotal Direct & Outside Expenses 500.00$ DESIGN ALLOWANCES Classification Man Hours Billable Rates Labor Costs Senior Project Manager 12 210.00$2,520.00$ Senior Prof 35 185.00$6,475.00$ Prof 30 150.00$4,500.00$ Analyst/ Designer 63 118.00$7,434.00$ Admin 19 93.00$1,767.00$ Subtotal Design Allowances 22,696.00$ SUBCONSULTANT Subconsultant Task Fee RLF Consulting Survey 5,200.00$ RLF Consulting ROW 950.00$ RT Underground Utility Pot Hole Investigtion 7,000.00$ Subtotal Subconsultant Allowances 13,150.00$ TOTALS Subtotal Contract Labor 69,224.00$ Subtotal Direct & Outside Expenses 500.00$ Subtotal Contract Fee 69,724.00$ Subtotal Design Allowances 22,696.00$ Subtotal Subconsultant Allowances 13,150.00$ Subtotal Allowances 35,846.00$ Total Contract Fee & Allowances 105,570.00$ Detail of Consultant's Compensation Town of Fountain Hills Palisades Blvd Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intesection Final Design Fee Proposal Senior Project Manager Senior Prof Prof Analyst/ Designer Admin TASK DESCRIPTION SUBTOTAL $ 210.00 $ 185.00 $ 150.00 $ 118.00 $ 93.00 Task 1.1 - Topo Survey, ROW, & Coordination 1,729.00$-1 4 8 - Develop Base Survey Design Files/Coordination with RLF 1,729.00$1 4 8 Task 1.2 - Utility Coordination 5,663.00$5 5 13 10 6 Utility Base Map (AutoCAD)775.00$1 5 Utility Meeting (2 mtgs)(Virtual)1,230.00$3 4 SRP Service Request Letter/Coordination 660.00$1 3 Pot Hole Data Request and base file adjustments 960.00$2 5 Utility Clearance Letters and Conflict Resolution 2,038.00$1 2 6 6 Task 1.3 - Intersection/Roadway Plans 20,253.00$6 25 36 76 - Intersection Design (ADA Ramps, Lanes)1,499.00$3 8 Plans (6 Shts) (60%, 90%, and Final)14,015.00$4 15 30 50 Modeling (Design level)1,263.00$3 6 Address Comments 3,476.00$2 4 6 12 -$ Task 1.4 - Signing and Pavement Marking Plans 9,122.00$3 8 20 34 - Signing Inventory 1,072.00$4 4 Signing/Marking Plans (2 Shts)(60%, 90%, Final)6,162.00$2 6 12 24 Comment Resolution 1,888.00$1 2 4 6 -$ Task 1.5 - Traffic Signal Plans 13,563.00$2 15 29 51 - Signal Design 1,375.00$1 4 5 Traffic Signal Plans (4 Shts)(60%, 90% and Final)10,660.00$2 12 22 40 Comment Resolution 1,528.00$2 3 6 -$ Task 1.6 - Technical Specs, Engineer Cost Opinion & Scottsdale Encroachment 9,804.00$8 10 28 16 2 Technical Specs (90% and Final)2,340.00$4 10 Quantities (Discplines & Master Compliation)3,948.00$2 4 6 16 Cost Estimates (60%, 90%, Final)2,360.00$2 4 8 Scottsdale Encroachment Permit Submittal 1,156.00$2 4 2 -$ Task 1.7 - Project Management and Meetings 9,090.00$24 12 6 -10 Three (3) Project (Virtual) Meetings (KO, 60% & 90% Cmt Res)1,740.00$4 6 Project Management and Administration 2,610.00$8 10 QA/QC (12 Shts)4,740.00$12 12 -$ SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR 69,224.00$48 76 136 195 18 EXPENSES 500.00$ Subconsultant 13,150.00$ Topographic Survey (RLF Consulting/See Appendix C)5,200.00$ RT Underground - See Appendix C 7,000.00$ ROW Legal/Exhibits (RLF Consulting/See Appendix C)950.00$ SUBTOTAL SUBCONSULTANT EXPENSES 13,150.00$ TOTAL CONTRACT FEE (W/OUT ALLOWANCES)82,874.00$ SUBTOTAL ALLOWANCES 22,696.00$12 35 30 63 19 Task 1.8 - Post Design 17,079.00$9 34 28 28 15 Construction Meetings (5 mtgs)(1 Person)2,775.00$15 Respond to Information (RFI) & Tracking 3,411.00$2 6 12 5 Submittal Review & Tracking (10)6,830.00$5 10 20 10 Record Drawings 4,063.00$2 3 8 16 Task 1.9 - EB Right ROW / Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)5,617.00$3 1 2 35 4 Right of Way Layout (by KHA)485.00$1 2 Phase I ESA (By KHA)5,132.00$3 35 4 TOTAL CONTRACT FEE (W/ ALLOWANCES)105,570.00$ Page 2 of 2 Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 11 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 APPENDIX B PROJECT SCHEDULE ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish 1 NOTICE TO PROCEED 0 days Wed 9/1/21 Wed 9/1/21 2 Design Kick Off Meeting 0 days Tue 9/7/21 Tue 9/7/21 3 Topographic Survey & ROW Investigation 20 days Wed 9/1/21 Tue 9/28/21 4 Utility and ROW mapping (Design level)5 days Wed 9/29/21 Tue 10/5/21 5 60% Design Stage 55 days Wed 9/29/21 Tue 12/14/21 6 60% Design and Plans 25 days Wed 9/29/21 Tue 11/2/21 7 Pot Hole Data Collection 15 days Wed 10/6/21 Tue 10/26/21 8 60% EOPC 5 days Wed 11/3/21 Tue 11/9/21 9 60% Plan Submittal 0 days Tue 11/9/21 Tue 11/9/21 10 60% Town and Utility Review 20 days Wed 11/10/21 Tue 12/7/21 11 Town 60% Comment Resolution Mtg 0 days Fri 12/10/21 Fri 12/10/21 12 Utility 60% Coordination Meeting 0 days Tue 12/14/21 Tue 12/14/21 13 90% Design Stage 48 days Mon 12/13/21Wed 2/16/22 14 90% Design and Plans 20 days Mon 12/13/21 Fri 1/7/22 15 90% EOPC and Technical Specs 5 days Mon 1/10/22 Fri 1/14/22 16 90% Submittal (Town/Scottsdale/Utilities)0 days Fri 1/14/22 Fri 1/14/22 17 90% Town and Utility Review 20 days Mon 1/17/22 Fri 2/11/22 18 90% Town Comment Resolution 0 days Wed 2/16/22 Wed 2/16/22 19 90% Utility Coord Meeting 0 days Wed 2/16/22 Wed 2/16/22 20 Final Design Stage 15 days Thu 2/17/22 Wed 3/9/22 21 Final (Sealed) Plans, Specs and Estimate 15 days Thu 2/17/22 Wed 3/9/22 22 Final Submittal 0 days Wed 3/9/22 Wed 3/9/22 9/1 9/7 11/9 12/10 12/14 1/14 2/16 2/16 3/9 8/21 9/1 9/11 9/21 10/110/1110/21 11/1 11/1111/21 12/112/1112/21 1/1 1/11 1/21 2/1 2/112/21 3/1 3/11 September October November December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress TOFH - PALISADES AND PALOMINO/EAGLE RIDGE FINAL DESIGN SCHEDULE 2021_0623_Schedule_Palomino.mpp Page 1 Wed 6/23/21 Project: 2021_0623_Schedule_P Date: Wed 6/23/21 Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Intersection Improvement Final Design June 23, 2021 / Page 12 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85020 602 944 5500 APPENDIX C SUBCONSULTANT SERVICES RLF – Topographic and ROW Services RT Underground – Pothole Data Services 2165 W. PECOS RD STE. 5 | CHANDLER, AZ 85224| P. 480.445.9189 | www. rlfconsulting.com August 20, 2020, Revised June 21, 2021 Project: P2020073 Town of Fountain Hills - Palisades & Palomino/Eagle Ridge Reference: Right-of-Way determination, Topographic Survey & Aerial Mapping & Descriptions Kimberly Carroll, P.E., PTOE Kimley-Horn | 7740 North 16th Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 Direct: 602.906.1122 | Mobile: 602.525.9098 RLF Consulting is pleased to submit this proposal for Land Surveying Services Our scope and fee are based on the following assumptions:  The project area per scope and attached exhibit A  The Horizontal Datum will be based on the Arizona Coordinate System, 1983, (Central) Zone  The Vertical Datum will be based on NAVD 88 Task 001 – Topographic Survey  Verify horizontal and vertical control  The subject Right-of-Way boundary shall be verified and referenced to the deed of record and depicted on the survey o Topographic survey (landscape especially large trees and boulders, pavement marking/signing/curbing/sidewalk, ramps, and driveways, above ground utilities). FYI, we plan to call for blue stake so if you can pick up the staking that should also be included. o Limits on Palisades from 600 feet south of Palomino/Eagle Ridge to 750 feet north of Palomino/Eagle Ridge. Note the following for these limits: o Curb and pavement improvement in the median and at the intersection will be done approximately 300 feet to the south and 100 feet to the north. In this limits we will want pavement shots, curb line, sidewalk, etc. to make sure we can get a feel for pavement drainage/cross slopes, etc. o Outside of the limits specified in 2.a. we have small conduit/pole placement. Just need to delineate the roadway and above ground landscape features. o Limits on Palomino/Eagle Ridge include 150 feet east and west of Palisades Blvd. We will be removing an existing valley gutter on the west leg, so we will need elevations and pavement shots to make sure we fix the pavement area to drain. I would stake the gutter through the intersection as well as some shots at least 10 feet east and west of the gutter line. o KHA scope also includes installing a new traffic signal so the corners will be key to design. o Survey limits need to go to the at least 15 feet beyond existing R/W. o R/W investigation is necessary. RLF to generate and provide the linework for the existing R/W for all four corners of the intersection. o include 2 R/W L&E’s as an allowance, which will be used if we determine we need R/W. 2165 W. PECOS RD STE. 5 | CHANDLER, AZ 85224| P. 480.445.9189 | www. rlfconsulting.com  RLF will use traditional survey methodology along with UAS obtained close range photogrammetric data to produce high precision 3D models to produce topographic mapping.  RLF will produce a geo-referenced ortho-rectified aerial image of the parcel with a GSD (Ground Sampling Distance) of 0.70 inch/pixel. Task 001 – Topo Survey Fee…T&M NOT TO EXCEED ………………………………$5,200.00 Task 002 – Prepare Property Description(s): Property/easement Description and Exhibit Document-  Legal Descriptions and exhibits for the Southwest Corner. Potential for two parcels to be impacted (APN 176-14- 548 & 176-14-549).  The Description will be based on record information and locations from the engineer.  The documents will contain a metes and bounds description prepared in accordance to current Arizona Boundary Survey Minimum Standards.  The Exhibit will contain a sketch or graphical representation of the legal description associated with it. Task 002 – Descriptions and exhibits.2 @ $475.......................................................................$950.00 Project deliverables- o 2D/3D CAD Basemap in Civil 3D format. o DTM Surface in Civil 3D format. o Project Control & Meta Data. o Georeferenced Ortho Image ASCII Point Files. 2165 W. PECOS RD STE. 5 | CHANDLER, AZ 85224| P. 480.445.9189 | www. rlfconsulting.com NOTES: 1. The following services, if required, will be provided upon separate written authorization by the Client at cost plus and or time and materials. Title reports and/or mapping of additional documents |Legal Descriptions and exhibits| Mailings & printings | Agency related fees | Additional Land Surveying items Sincerely, RLF CONSULTING, LLC ACCEPTED BY: __________________________ By: __________________ ____________________ _________ Printed Name and Title Date Maricopa County GIO, Maricopa County Assessor's OfficeO8/19/2020 4:57:50 PMMap Date: Kimley-Horn Project: Location: ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENDED 1 6 EACH $650.00 $3,900.00 2 1 Day $1,400.00 $1,400.00 3 1 EACH $750.00 $750.00 4 1 LS $950.00 $950.00 TOTAL:$7,000.00 (Potholing Only) Respectfully Submitted ,Accepted By : RT Underground _____________________________________ ________________________________For : ________________________________ Jeff Martinez Date : ___________________ Permits, Traffic Control Plans drawn & submitted Traffic Control Survey Minimum Terms: Permits, Bonding Fees, Const. Staking, Testing & Inspection Fees, Removal or Replacement of Traffic Loops, Sawcutting, Removal or Relocating of Existing Utilities. Unforseen conditions: rock excavation, excessive cobble (over 4") and any other conditions that affect completion of work. 30 Days Includes: Town of Fountain Hills 85th Ave & OliveEmail: Phoenix, AZ 85020 Excludes: DESCRIPTION Potholing Services POTHOLE PRICE INCLUDES:, Soft dig to find utility, Spread sheet with utility info including location by RLS. Price for item 1 is not to exceed 4' wide and 7' deep. Dry hole is charged same as regular. All work to be done at night. Plans with locations of potholes will be provided and used for permit application. Police officers will be used within 300' of signalized intersections. If not used, this item will not be invoiced. If we go over the alloted 4 hours, the hourly rate of $85.00 will apply. ASPHALT MILLING UTILITY POTHOLING Trench, Plates, Small Areas SUE (Subsurface Utility Engineering) Phone:(602) 509-2763 Palisades and Palomino/Eagle Ridge 7740 N 16th Street Submitted to:Kim Carroll, PE 6/21/21 23604 N 56th Avenue Glendale, AZ 85310 (602) 622-6789 jeff.martinez@rtunderground.com kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 MEMORANDUM To: Justin Weldy Public Works Director Fountain Hills, Arizona From: Zack Handy, P.E. Traffic Engineer Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Date: May 27, 2021 Subject: Palisades Boulevard & Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Dear Justin: This letter summarizes the traffic signal warrant analysis and supplemental intersection analysis performed for the intersection of Palisades Boulevard & Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive in the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona. A vicinity map is provided in Figure 1. PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of the study is the following: · Conduct a traffic signal warrant analysis to determine if a signal is warranted at the study intersection · Evaluate if an eastbound right turn lane is warranted at the study intersection · Evaluate requirements for a new northbound left turn lane at the study intersection · Compare intersection operations under two conditions (unsignalized vs signalized) EXISTING CONDITIONS ROADWAYS AND INTERSECTION Palisades Boulevard is a curvilinear four-lane arterial roadway with two lanes of travel and a bike lane in each direction, separated by a raised center median. Palisades Boulevard begins south at Shea Boulevard and travels north and east before terminating at Saguaro Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Palisades Boulevard is 45 miles per hour (mph) within the vicinity of the site. Palisades Boulevard is maintained by the Town of Fountain Hills. Palomino Boulevard is a curvilinear northwest-southeast two-lane collector roadway with one lane of travel and on-street parking in each direction, separated by a two way left turn lane (TWLTL). Palomino Boulevard begins to the west at Palisades Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive and travels east and south before terminating at Fountain Hills Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Palomino Boulevard is 35 mph within the vicinity of the site. Palomino Boulevard is maintained by the Town of Fountain Hills. 5/27/2021 NORTH Figure 1 Vicinity Map Palisades Blvd and Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr | Traffic Signal Warrant AnalysisMay 2021 Study Area Fountain Hills Blvd Palisa des Blv d Shea Blvd Crestview Dr 136th StPalo m i n o B l v d S a g u a r o B l v d Kingstree Blvd 87 State Route 87Golden E ag le B l vd Eagle Ridge Dr Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 3 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 Eagle Ridge Drive is a curvilinear northwest-southeast two-lane collector roadway with one lane of travel and a bike lane in each direction, separated by a raised center median. Eagle Ridge Drive begins to the west at the Adero Canyon trailhead and travels east and south before terminating at Palisades Boulevard/Palomino Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Eagle Ridge Drive is 35 mph within the vicinity of the site. Eagle Ridge Drive is maintained by the City of Scottsdale. Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive is an unsignalized intersection with all approaches currently stop-controlled. The northbound approach consists of a shared through/left-turn lane, a through lane, a bike lane, and a right-turn lane. The southbound approach consists of a left-turn lane, a through lane, a shared through/right-turn lane, and a bike lane. The eastbound approach consists of a left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. The westbound approach consists of a left-turn lane, a shared through/right-turn lane, and a parking lane. TRAFFIC VOLUMES 24-hour bidirectional traffic volumes were collected at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday the week of March 9 to March 13, 2021. A copy of the raw traffic data is provided as Appendix A. A review of the traffic counts revealed fairly similar traffic patterns for a typical weekday at the study intersection. The Saturday traffic count revealed slightly lower volumes than the weekday traffic counts. The traffic patterns at this intersection typically conclude that traffic volumes increase through the day to around 3:00 PM, where they then decrease. A graphic representation of the daily traffic volumes collected is provided below. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 12:00 AM1:00 AM2:00 AM3:00 AM4:00 AM5:00 AM6:00 AM7:00 AM8:00 AM9:00 AM10:00 AM11:00 AM12:00 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM3:00 PM4:00 PM5:00 PM6:00 PM7:00 PM8:00 PM9:00 PM10:00 PM11:00 PMVehicles Entering Intersection(15 Min Increment)Time Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Volumes Tuesday (3/9/21) Wednesday (3/10/21) Thursday (3/11/21) Saturday (3/13/21) Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 4 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 Warrants 1, 2, and 3 require evaluation of vehicular volumes for each approach. Vehicular volumes from the Tuesday data collection period was chosen to be evaluated as this day was revealed with slightly higher traffic volumes than other weekdays. Traffic volumes are summarized in Table 1.  Eight-hour highest period for the study intersection: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM  Four-hour highest period (highlighted blue): 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM  Peak hour (bolded) is from: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Table 1: March 2021 Traffic Volume Summary Time Period Major Street Minor Street NB Volumes SB Volumes Sum EB Volumes WB Volumes 10:00 AM TO 11:00 AM 514 621 1135 89 58 11:00 PM TO 12:00 PM 580 513 1093 108 59 12:00 PM TO 01:00 PM 533 605 1138 99 54 01:00 PM TO 02:00 PM 541 601 1142 101 54 02:00 PM TO 03:00 PM 582 700 1282 119 49 03:00 PM TO 04:00 PM 663 569 1232 98 48 04:00 PM TO 05:00 PM 682 492 1172 64 47 05:00 PM TO 06:00 PM 663 340 1003 56 51 An adjustment factor was determined for this study due to lower traffic volumes observed from the COVID-19 pandemic. To determine the appropriate adjustment factor to normalized conditions, 2017 24-hour bidirectional counts were compared to the traffic counts collected for this study. 2017 counts were collected from the Town of Fountain Hills website and have been included in Appendix B. In comparison of 2021 counts to 2017 counts on Fountain Hills Boulevard, it was found that volumes are slightly lower, with the exception of the eastbound approach which revealed about 300 additional vehicles per day as compared to 2017 counts. However, in order to reflect normalized 2021 conditions, and assuming a 1% average annual growth, traffic counts were grown by 7% for all approaches to the intersection. Adjusted existing traffic volumes are recorded in Table 2. Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 5 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 Table 2: Adjusted March 2021 Traffic Volume Summary Time Period Major Street Minor Street NB Volumes SB Volumes Sum EB Volumes WB Volumes 10:00 AM TO 11:00 AM 550 664 1214 95 62 11:00 AM TO 12:00 PM 621 549 1170 116 63 12:00 PM TO 01:00 PM 570 647 1217 106 58 01:00 PM TO 02:00 PM 579 643 1222 108 58 02:00 PM TO 03:00 PM 623 749 1372 127 52 03:00 PM TO 04:00 PM 709 609 1318 105 51 04:00 PM TO 05:00 PM 730 526 1256 68 50 05:00 PM TO 06:00 PM 709 364 1073 60 55 Additionally, turning movement counts were collected from 12 PM to 4 PM on Tuesday, March 9, 2021, which was determined as the peak period of the data collected for this study. The turning movement counts revealed that most traffic travels northbound and southbound on Palisades Boulevard, which was expected as a primary arterial for the Town. A large number of eastbound right- turns were counted along Eagle Ridge Drive at the intersection, which may be due to the adjacent development in the area. Pedestrian traffic was minimal at this intersection, with one (1) pedestrian observed crossing the north leg of the intersection around 2:30 PM. A copy of the turning movement counts collected is provided in Appendix A. Adjusted existing traffic volumes and lane geometry for the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive is presented in Figure 2. WARRANT ANALYSIS The warrant analysis was based on the signal warrants defined in the 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The traffic signal warrant worksheets are provided in Appendix B. The signal warrants are summarized in Table 3. NORTH Figure 2 Existing (Adjusted) Volumes and Geometry Palisades Blvd and Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr | Traffic Signal Warrant AnalysisMay 2021 LIMIT SPE E D 45 LIMITSPEED30LIMITSPEED35LIMITSPEED45Palisades BlvdPal o m i n o B l v d335542726678814 5 101 18 7 25 STOPSTO PSTOP STOP$PPR2$CH $9ER$GE D$,/< 7R$FF,C 92/80ES 21E D,REC7,21 /EGE1D /$1E 8SE ,17ERSEC7,21 C217R2/ SPEED /,0,7 STOP PE$K H28R 7R$FF,C 92/80ES LIMITSPEED XX XXXX XX Eagl e R i d g e D r Palisades Blvd684 1,1 0 6 7,2337,528 Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 7 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 Table 3. Signal Warrant Summary Warrant No. Name Description 1 Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume The Eight-Hour signal warrant is intended to be applied where there is a large volume of intersecting traffic (Condition A: Minimum Vehicular Volume) or the traffic volume on a major street is heavy such that the minor intersecting street suffers excessive delay or conflict (Condition B: Interruption of Continuous Traffic). 2 Four-Hour Vehicular Volume The Four-Hour signal warrant is intended to be applied where the volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. 3 Peak Hour The Peak Hour signal warrant is intended for use at a location where traffic conditions are such that for a minimum of 1 hour of an average day, the minor street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street. 4 Pedestrian Volume The Pedestrian Volume signal warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that pedestrians experience excessive delay in crossing the major street. 5 School Crossing The School Crossing signal warrant is intended for application where the fact that schoolchildren cross the major street is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. For the purposes of this warrant, the word "schoolchildren" includes elementary through high school students. 6 Coordinated Signal System Progressive movement in a coordinated signal system sometimes necessitates installing traffic control signals at intersections where they would not otherwise be needed in order to maintain proper platooning of vehicles. 7 Crash Experience The Crash Experience signal warrant conditions are intended for application where the severity and frequency of crashes are the principal reasons to consider installing a traffic control signal. 8 Roadway Network Installing a traffic control signal at some intersections might be justified to encourage concentration and organization of traffic flow on a roadway network. 9 Intersection Near a Grade Crossing The Intersection Near a Grade Crossing signal warrant is intended for use at a location where none of the conditions described in the other eight traffic signal warrants are met, but the proximity to the intersection of a grade crossing on an intersection approach controlled by a STOP or YIELD sign is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 8 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 According to the 2009 MUTCD, a traffic signal is warranted at a given intersection if the conditions at the intersection meet at least one (1) of the MUTCD signal warrants. For this signal warrant analysis, only the following warrants were considered appropriate for evaluation at the intersection:  Warrant 1 – Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume  Warrant 2 – Four-Hour Vehicular Volume  Warrant 3 – Peak Hour Traffic  Warrant 7 – Crash Experience Warrants were evaluated using the 70% volume thresholds due to the 45-mph posted speed on Palisades Boulevard. Per the MUTCD guidelines, a portion of right-turning vehicles on the minor road should be reduced from calculations if the vehicles do not experience significant delays. However, as the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive is currently situated on a vertical crest, it was determined that there is not sufficient sight distance to allow for minor street right-turns on red. This constrained condition was verified on a field visit by Kimley-Horn staff on April 29, 2021. Therefore, right-turns were not reduced from the calculations. WARRANT 1 – EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME It was found that Warrant 1, Condition A is not currently met at the study intersection, with only 5 of the required 8 hours being met. Table 4 displays Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Criteria, Condition A. Table 4. Warrant 1 Condition A Warrant 1, Condition B is currently met at the study intersection, as 8 hours are required and 12 hours are met. Table 5 displays Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Criteria, Condition B. Condition A—Minimum Vehicular Volume Number of lanes for moving traffic on each approach Vehicles per hour on major street (total of both approaches) Vehicles per hour on higher-volume minor-street approach (one direction only) Major Street Minor Street 70%c 56%d 70%c 56%d 2 or more approach lanes 2 or more approach lanes 420 336 105 84 Palisades Boulevard/ Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive Traffic Volumes Eighth highest hourly volume on Palisades Boulevard (major street) is 1073 vph Eighth highest hourly volume on Palomino Boulevard/ Eagle Ridge Drive (minor street) is 75 vph Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 9 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 Table 5. Warrant 1 Condition B Source: 2009 MUTCD, Table 4C-1 a Basic minimum hourly volumes. b Used for combination of Conditions A and B after adequate trial of other remedial measures. c May be used when the major-street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community with a population of less than 10,000. d May be used for combination of Conditions A and B after adequate trial of other remedial measures when the major-street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community with a population of less than 10,000. WARRANT 2 – FOUR-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Warrant 2 is currently met with 10 hours exceeding the required 4-hour threshold. The result of Warrant 2 is shown graphically in Figure 3. Condition B—Interruption of Continuous Traffic Number of lanes for moving traffic on each approach Vehicles per hour on major street (total of both approaches) Vehicles per hour on higher-volume minor-street approach (one direction only) Major Street Minor Street 70%c 56%d 70%c 56%d 2 or more approach lanes 2 or more approach lanes 630 504 53 42 Palisades Boulevard/ Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive Traffic Volumes Eighth highest hourly volume on Palisades Boulevard (major street) is 1073 vph Eighth highest hourly volume on Palomino Boulevard/ Eagle Ridge Drive (minor street) is 75 vph Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 10 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 Figure 3: Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Criteria WARRANT 3 – PEAK HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Warrant 3 is currently met with 6 hours exceeding the required 1-hour threshold. The results of the signal warrant analysis are summarized in Figure 4. Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 11 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 Figure 4: Warrant 3, Peak Hour Traffic Criteria WARRANT 7 – CRASH EXPERIENCE Per the MUTCD, a total of 5 or more reported crashes, susceptible to correction, within a 12-month period would qualify Warrant 7 to be met. For purposes of this analysis, crashes susceptible to correction include all left turn and angle crashes. To evaluate Warrant 7, historical crashes from the latest 5-year period (2016-2020) was queried from ADOT’s Arizona Crash Information System (ACIS). A summary of the latest 5-year period is illustrated in Table 6. A copy of the raw crash data is provided in Appendix C. Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 12 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 Table 6. Palisades Blvd/Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Crash History Crash Characteristic 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Crash Severity Fatality Possible Injury 2 1 3 Non-Injury, PDO 2 4 3 9 Total 4 5 3 12 Crash Type Single Vehicle 1 1 2 Rear End 1 1 2 Left Turn 1* 1 Angle 1* 1 1 3 Other 4 4 Total 4 5 3 12 *Crash is considered susceptible to correction by changing intersection control. As shown in Table 6, a total of 12 crashes have been recorded at this intersection in the last 5-year period. In evaluating crashes that are susceptible to correction, it was found that a maximum of 2 applicable crashes occurred within a 12-month period. As this is less than the required 5-crash threshold, it was determined that Warrant 7 is not currently met. A summary of the signal warrant results is provided in Table 7. Table 7. Signal Warrant Results Warrant No. Name Satisfied 1 Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Yes 2 Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Yes 3 Peak Hour Yes 4 Pedestrian Volume Not Evaluated 5 School Crossing N/A 6 Coordinated Signal System N/A 7 Crash Experience No 8 Roadway Network Not Evaluated 9 Intersection Near a Grade Crossing N/A Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 13 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 As shown in Table 7, signal warrants 1, 2, and 3 are currently met using adjusted existing traffic volumes. For these reasons, a traffic signal is recommended at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Drive/Eagle Ridge Drive. EASTBOUND RIGHT TURN LANE EVALUATION The need for an eastbound right-turn lane was evaluated at the study intersection. As the Town of Fountain Hills currently does not have guidance on the requirement of auxiliary lanes at intersections, it was decided to defer to the Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Roadway Design Manual, dated February 2020. Per Section 6.1.6, a right turn lane should be provided when: 1. The roadway has 2 approach through lanes, a posted speed limit of 45 mph or greater, and an expected right-turn peak hour volume of 300 vph or greater. 2. The roadway has 1 approach through lane, a posted speed limit of 35 mph or greater, and an expected right-turn peak hour volume of 300 vph or greater. 3. On any roadway where a traffic impact analysis indicates the LOS would be increased to a LOS of D or better with the addition of a right-turn lane. 4. In rural and developing urban areas with higher speeds, a separate right turn lane may be required for lower right turn volumes. Warrant 2 was the most relevant for this evaluation as Eagle Ridge Drive has one approach lane and a speed limit of 35 mph. However, as shown in Figure 2, there are currently 101 vehicles making eastbound right-turns during the highest peak hour at the intersection, which is less than the required 300 vehicles to consider a right turn lane. It should be noted that, although adjacent development traffic to the west may increase the traffic volume at this intersection, it is not expected to reach the required threshold under this warrant. Warrant 3 was considered for this evaluation as well. As shown in the “Level of Service” analysis section of the memo, the LOS for eastbound right-turns under signalized conditions is expected to be LOS “B”, which would not be considered excessive delay. As described above, an eastbound right-turn lane is not currently justified at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive. NORTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE EVALUATION Concurrent with signalization, it is recommended to reconfigure the northbound approach to the intersection to include a dedicated left-turn lane. The storage of the northbound left-turn lane was determined by evaluating intersection volumes and anticipated operations under the signalized condition. In evaluating peak hour volumes during the data collection period, a maximum of 46 vehicles were recorded making a northbound left-turn in a one-hour period. HCM 95th percentile methodology revealed that the maximum queue under this volume would be around 1 vehicle, or 25-feet. Using AASHTO methodology presented in A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2018, the maximum queue would be around 3 vehicles, or 75-feet. Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 14 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 The northbound left-turn lane is recommended to be designed with 100-feet of storage and a 100-foot reverse-curve taper. This design currently matches what has been design for the southbound left turn lane at this intersection and is anticipated to be sufficient under both existing and future conditions. LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS In order to justify the installation of a traffic signal as compared to its existing stop-controlled condition, it was decided that an intersection analysis would be conducted to compare delays under each condition. The LOS at the study intersection was evaluated using Synchro 11.0 software under the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 6th Edition methodology. Adjusted traffic volumes and lane configurations as shown in Figure 2 were used for the analysis. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 8. The Synchro reports are included in Appendix D. Table 8. Intersection Level of Service (LOS) Comparison Intersection NB SB EB WB Intersection LOS (Delay, s) L T R L T R L T R L T R Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive (All-Way Stop Condition) Peak Hour C D A B F C B B B B D (33.7) Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive (Signalized Condition) Peak Hour B A A B A A B B B B A (9.1) As shown in Table 8, the study intersection currently operates with excessive delays for southbound vehicles, with an average delay of 59.4 seconds per vehicle. The overall intersection delay under current conditions is 33.7 seconds per vehicle. Under the signalized condition, the southbound approach is expected to be mitigated to LOS A, with an average delay of 8.2 seconds per vehicle. The overall intersection delay under signalized conditions is 9.1 seconds per vehicle. A traffic signal is anticipated to minimize current delays experienced at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive by almost 25 seconds per vehicle. Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 15 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Signal warrants 1, 2, and 3 are currently met at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive. A traffic signal is recommended to be constructed at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive. An eastbound right-turn lane is not currently warranted for installation at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive. A northbound left-turn lane is recommended to be constructed concurrent with construction of the traffic signal. The northbound left-turn lane is recommended with 100 feet of storage and a 100-foot reverse-curve taper. A traffic signal is anticipated to minimize current delays experienced at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Palomino Boulevard/Eagle Ridge Drive by almost 25 seconds per vehicle. Palisades Blvd & Palomino Blvd/Eagle Ridge Dr Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Page 16 kimley-horn.com 7740 N. 16th Street Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 602-944-5500 APPENDIX  Appendix A – Traffic Count Data  Appendix B – Signal Warrant Analysis  Appendix C – Crash Data  Appendix D – Synchro Analysis Appendix A Traffic Count Data Volumes for:City:Fountain Hills Location : AM Period NB SB EB WB PM Period NB SB EB WB 00:00 8 2 2 0 12:00 160 151 24 13 00:15 3 4 0 0 12:15 120 169 19 24 00:30 3 0 1 0 12:30 110 148 23 10 00:45 2 16 2 8 0 3 0 0 27 12:45 143 533 137 605 33 99 7 54 1291 01:00 5 1 1 0 13:00 127 138 26 14 01:15 3 0 1 0 13:15 135 165 20 14 01:30 5 1 0 0 13:30 135 146 24 13 01:45 4 17 1 3 0 2 1 1 23 13:45 144 541 152 601 31 101 13 54 1297 02:00 4 0 0 0 14:00 148 142 26 12 02:15 2 3 0 0 14:15 167 203 42 13 02:30 6 3 1 0 14:30 141 190 25 11 02:45 3 15 2 8 0 1 0 0 24 14:45 126 582 165 700 26 119 13 49 1450 03:00 3 0 1 0 15:00 180 154 27 13 03:15 2 3 0 0 15:15 184 149 33 11 03:30 3 3 1 0 15:30 157 148 17 12 03:45 5 13 2 8 0 2 0 0 23 15:45 142 663 118 569 21 98 12 48 1378 04:00 1 2 0 0 16:00 132 112 17 10 04:15 4 2 0 0 16:15 176 131 10 13 04:30 4 10 0 0 16:30 202 125 15 16 04:45 2 11 22 36 0 0 4 4 51 16:45 172 682 124 492 22 64 8 47 1285 05:00 6 26 4 1 17:00 154 104 20 15 05:15 17 24 2 4 17:15 160 87 6 16 05:30 10 36 1 2 17:30 198 74 18 12 05:45 28 61 36 122 5 12 1 8 203 17:45 151 663 75 340 12 56 8 51 1110 06:00 22 48 4 1 18:00 131 59 14 10 06:15 49 53 2 6 18:15 134 66 13 8 06:30 48 99 10 4 18:30 119 60 15 5 06:45 69 188 80 280 6 22 10 21 511 18:45 91 475 65 250 13 55 4 27 807 07:00 63 110 4 5 19:00 75 58 7 8 07:15 74 132 17 15 19:15 113 52 13 6 07:30 101 128 12 12 19:30 86 50 9 2 07:45 91 329 101 471 19 52 12 44 896 19:45 74 348 41 201 3 32 3 19 600 08:00 85 112 14 13 20:00 47 43 4 3 08:15 94 144 18 11 20:15 61 33 4 0 08:30 121 160 15 23 20:30 52 30 2 3 08:45 107 407 142 558 23 70 17 64 1099 20:45 63 223 32 138 3 13 2 8 382 09:00 91 156 19 11 21:00 41 28 3 0 09:15 110 126 24 14 21:15 35 21 1 1 09:30 81 173 23 15 21:30 39 14 4 3 09:45 120 402 126 581 11 77 16 56 1116 21:45 39 154 18 81 5 13 0 4 252 10:00 135 144 16 8 22:00 15 12 5 3 10:15 128 162 24 18 22:15 24 8 1 1 10:30 122 159 26 20 22:30 17 7 1 2 10:45 129 514 156 621 23 89 12 58 1282 22:45 11 67 4 31 2 9 0 6 113 11:00 138 135 26 10 23:00 14 5 5 0 11:15 158 133 25 15 23:15 9 2 3 1 11:30 139 128 31 17 23:30 12 6 1 1 11:45 145 580 117 513 26 108 17 59 1260 23:45 9 44 3 16 0 9 0 2 71 Total Vol.2553 3209 438 315 6515 4975 4024 668 369 10036 GPS Coordinates: NB SB EB WB Combined 7528 7233 1106 684 16551 Split %39.2%49.3%6.7%4.8%39.4%49.6%40.1%6.7%3.7%60.6% Peak Hour 11:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 11:30 16:15 14:15 13:45 12:15 14:15 Volume 602 621 108 71 1300 704 712 124 55 1496 P.H.F.0.94 0.96 0.87 0.74 0.93 0.87 0.88 0.74 0.57 0.88 33.595847, -111.756918 PM Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr DAY 1 AM Daily Totals Prepared by: Field Data Services of Arizona/Veracity Traffic Group (520) 316-6745 Project#Tuesday, March 9, 2021 21-1133-001 Volumes for:City:Fountain Hills Location : AM Period NB SB EB WB PM Period NB SB EB WB 00:00 5 2 0 1 12:00 149 125 23 8 00:15 7 1 2 0 12:15 150 131 26 11 00:30 7 4 1 0 12:30 115 133 22 11 00:45 3 22 1 8 0 3 0 1 34 12:45 121 535 142 531 30 101 13 43 1210 01:00 6 2 1 0 13:00 117 141 28 8 01:15 3 0 0 0 13:15 153 124 29 16 01:30 3 0 0 0 13:30 147 125 26 9 01:45 0 12 0 2 0 1 0 0 15 13:45 179 596 131 521 34 117 11 44 1278 02:00 3 1 0 0 14:00 134 123 28 9 02:15 2 0 0 0 14:15 160 128 29 17 02:30 1 1 0 0 14:30 130 121 18 11 02:45 1 7 3 5 1 1 0 0 13 14:45 167 591 128 500 28 103 10 47 1241 03:00 4 2 0 0 15:00 139 107 31 24 03:15 1 1 0 0 15:15 165 117 24 11 03:30 2 4 1 0 15:30 196 135 31 13 03:45 5 12 1 8 0 1 0 0 21 15:45 142 642 119 478 17 103 13 61 1284 04:00 2 5 0 0 16:00 149 108 17 8 04:15 3 8 0 0 16:15 162 101 19 7 04:30 2 9 1 0 16:30 168 96 23 11 04:45 10 17 11 33 1 2 2 2 54 16:45 159 638 112 417 16 75 10 36 1166 05:00 4 20 2 1 17:00 187 116 12 10 05:15 15 21 1 0 17:15 164 79 17 14 05:30 11 25 4 1 17:30 150 78 15 15 05:45 16 46 24 90 2 9 3 5 150 17:45 151 652 79 352 13 57 8 47 1108 06:00 20 41 7 1 18:00 156 67 19 11 06:15 31 45 3 2 18:15 124 55 12 8 06:30 49 85 2 6 18:30 125 65 19 7 06:45 100 200 89 260 8 20 11 20 500 18:45 101 506 44 231 15 65 8 34 836 07:00 65 103 9 11 19:00 79 50 10 5 07:15 83 133 11 12 19:15 90 46 6 9 07:30 82 131 9 8 19:30 81 28 9 6 07:45 103 333 122 489 12 41 8 39 902 19:45 81 331 33 157 9 34 3 23 545 08:00 100 124 22 16 20:00 74 28 4 2 08:15 114 141 20 16 20:15 82 29 4 1 08:30 108 143 19 17 20:30 62 21 4 1 08:45 126 448 166 574 23 84 11 60 1166 20:45 68 286 17 95 5 17 2 6 404 09:00 105 161 27 12 21:00 63 15 6 1 09:15 106 125 22 14 21:15 55 13 12 0 09:30 107 155 29 19 21:30 39 14 4 1 09:45 129 447 151 592 33 111 14 59 1209 21:45 39 196 13 55 3 25 2 4 280 10:00 114 154 23 10 22:00 32 4 3 1 10:15 123 147 23 15 22:15 29 13 2 0 10:30 130 141 32 5 22:30 20 6 4 0 10:45 109 476 145 587 20 98 10 40 1201 22:45 23 104 8 31 8 17 1 2 154 11:00 137 152 30 10 23:00 15 4 3 0 11:15 138 139 25 14 23:15 16 3 1 1 11:30 140 133 40 17 23:30 12 2 5 2 11:45 158 573 125 549 25 120 9 50 1292 23:45 6 49 3 12 0 9 0 3 73 Total Vol.2593 3197 491 276 6557 5126 3380 723 350 9579 GPS Coordinates: NB SB EB WB Combined 7719 6577 1214 626 16136 Split %39.5%48.8%7.5%4.2%40.6%53.5%35.3%7.5%3.7%59.4% Peak Hour 11:30 08:15 11:00 08:00 11:00 16:30 12:15 13:00 14:15 14:45 Volume 597 611 120 60 1292 678 547 117 62 1326 P.H.F.0.94 0.92 0.75 0.88 0.98 0.91 0.96 0.86 0.65 0.88 33.595847, -111.756918 DAY 2 Prepared by: Field Data Services of Arizona/Veracity Traffic Group (520) 316-6745 AM PM Project# Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr Wednesday, March 10, 2021 21-1133-001 Daily Totals Volumes for:City:Fountain Hills Location : AM Period NB SB EB WB PM Period NB SB EB WB 00:00 12 1 0 0 12:00 119 136 32 12 00:15 9 2 0 0 12:15 154 133 21 15 00:30 5 3 1 0 12:30 132 131 29 14 00:45 7 33 0 6 4 5 0 0 44 12:45 133 538 125 525 29 111 10 51 1225 01:00 12 1 0 1 13:00 157 124 37 11 01:15 6 1 0 0 13:15 154 141 31 8 01:30 4 1 0 0 13:30 130 145 24 12 01:45 5 27 0 3 0 0 0 1 31 13:45 147 588 155 565 28 120 14 45 1318 02:00 2 1 0 0 14:00 149 151 26 11 02:15 1 2 0 0 14:15 168 128 32 13 02:30 2 1 0 1 14:30 128 123 30 12 02:45 1 6 0 4 0 0 0 1 11 14:45 163 608 131 533 26 114 11 47 1302 03:00 1 1 0 0 15:00 149 125 30 13 03:15 6 3 0 1 15:15 154 122 23 16 03:30 1 2 0 2 15:30 143 121 39 5 03:45 3 11 1 7 0 0 0 3 21 15:45 156 602 104 472 20 112 18 52 1238 04:00 1 5 0 0 16:00 157 108 14 9 04:15 3 8 0 1 16:15 185 79 18 7 04:30 4 9 0 2 16:30 174 99 13 14 04:45 8 16 11 33 1 1 1 4 54 16:45 169 685 90 376 16 61 11 41 1163 05:00 5 22 1 4 17:00 184 103 17 18 05:15 10 20 1 1 17:15 172 96 16 5 05:30 18 24 2 2 17:30 156 99 23 13 05:45 21 54 41 107 2 6 5 12 179 17:45 145 657 90 388 15 71 8 44 1160 06:00 25 45 3 8 18:00 160 60 18 6 06:15 32 85 5 5 18:15 135 65 12 10 06:30 56 87 6 9 18:30 140 54 16 4 06:45 76 189 107 324 6 20 11 33 566 18:45 109 544 41 220 14 60 9 29 853 07:00 62 112 13 10 19:00 99 42 6 4 07:15 78 121 10 14 19:15 76 28 7 6 07:30 72 125 10 8 19:30 88 24 3 3 07:45 91 303 124 482 24 57 15 47 889 19:45 79 342 21 115 6 22 2 15 494 08:00 87 143 18 13 20:00 60 19 10 5 08:15 81 133 5 16 20:15 64 16 9 2 08:30 107 131 24 20 20:30 53 13 10 4 08:45 110 385 163 570 12 59 21 70 1084 20:45 67 244 11 59 4 33 3 14 350 09:00 125 125 24 17 21:00 47 7 5 2 09:15 104 155 22 18 21:15 48 4 6 0 09:30 105 151 19 16 21:30 30 8 2 0 09:45 121 455 154 585 30 95 13 64 1199 21:45 37 162 11 30 3 16 2 4 212 10:00 103 147 25 20 22:00 26 10 13 0 10:15 134 143 14 14 22:15 28 14 1 1 10:30 122 139 37 11 22:30 20 12 1 2 10:45 154 513 133 562 35 111 10 55 1241 22:45 17 91 8 44 1 16 1 4 155 11:00 123 131 40 14 23:00 11 5 3 0 11:15 145 125 30 12 23:15 20 9 6 0 11:30 133 155 32 8 23:30 15 6 5 0 11:45 151 552 147 558 26 128 11 45 1283 23:45 9 55 3 23 3 17 0 0 95 Total Vol.2544 3241 482 335 6602 5116 3350 753 346 9565 GPS Coordinates: NB SB EB WB Combined 7660 6591 1235 681 16167 Split %38.5%49.1%7.3%5.1%40.8%53.5%35.0%7.9%3.6%59.2% Peak Hour 11:30 09:15 10:30 08:30 11:30 16:15 13:15 12:30 14:30 13:30 Volume 557 607 142 76 1285 712 592 126 52 1333 P.H.F.0.90 0.98 0.89 0.90 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.85 0.81 0.97 Prepared by: Field Data Services of Arizona/Veracity Traffic Group (520) 316-6745 Daily Totals AM PM DAY 3 33.595847, -111.756918 Thursday, March 11, 2021 Project#21-1133-001 Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr Volumes for:-City:Fountain Hills Location : AM Period NB SB EB WB PM Period NB SB EB WB 00:00 8 2 1 0 12:00 143 137 26 11 00:15 6 2 1 0 12:15 141 144 22 17 00:30 5 2 1 0 12:30 119 137 25 12 00:45 4 24 1 7 1 4 0 0 35 12:45 132 535 135 554 31 104 10 49 1242 01:00 8 1 1 0 13:00 134 134 30 11 01:15 4 0 0 0 13:15 147 143 27 13 01:30 4 1 0 0 13:30 137 139 25 11 01:45 3 19 0 3 0 1 0 1 23 13:45 157 575 146 562 31 113 13 48 1298 02:00 3 1 0 0 14:00 144 139 27 11 02:15 2 2 0 0 14:15 165 153 34 14 02:30 3 2 0 0 14:30 133 145 24 11 02:45 2 9 2 6 0 1 0 0 16 14:45 152 594 141 578 27 112 11 48 1331 03:00 3 1 0 0 15:00 156 129 29 17 03:15 3 2 0 0 15:15 168 129 27 13 03:30 2 3 1 1 15:30 165 135 29 10 03:45 4 12 1 8 0 1 0 1 22 15:45 147 636 114 506 19 104 14 54 1300 04:00 1 4 0 0 16:00 146 109 16 9 04:15 3 6 0 0 16:15 174 104 16 9 04:30 3 9 0 1 16:30 181 107 17 14 04:45 7 15 15 34 1 1 2 3 53 16:45 167 668 109 428 18 67 10 41 1205 05:00 5 23 2 2 17:00 175 108 16 14 05:15 14 22 1 2 17:15 165 87 13 12 05:30 13 28 2 2 17:30 168 84 19 13 05:45 22 54 34 106 3 9 3 8 177 17:45 149 657 81 360 13 61 8 47 1126 06:00 22 45 5 3 18:00 149 62 17 9 06:15 37 61 3 4 18:15 131 62 12 9 06:30 51 90 6 6 18:30 128 60 17 5 06:45 82 192 92 288 7 21 11 25 526 18:45 100 508 50 234 14 60 7 30 832 07:00 63 108 9 9 19:00 84 50 8 6 07:15 78 129 13 14 19:15 93 42 9 7 07:30 85 128 10 9 19:30 85 34 7 4 07:45 95 322 116 481 18 50 12 43 896 19:45 78 340 32 158 6 29 3 19 546 08:00 91 126 18 14 20:00 60 30 6 3 08:15 96 139 14 14 20:15 69 26 6 1 08:30 112 145 19 20 20:30 56 21 5 3 08:45 114 413 157 567 19 71 16 65 1116 20:45 66 251 20 97 4 21 2 9 379 09:00 107 147 23 13 21:00 50 17 5 1 09:15 107 135 23 15 21:15 46 13 6 0 09:30 98 160 24 17 21:30 36 12 3 1 09:45 123 435 144 586 25 94 14 60 1175 21:45 38 171 14 55 4 18 1 4 248 10:00 117 148 21 13 22:00 24 9 7 1 10:15 128 151 20 16 22:15 27 12 1 1 10:30 125 146 32 12 22:30 19 8 2 1 10:45 131 501 145 590 26 99 11 51 1241 22:45 17 87 7 35 4 14 1 4 141 11:00 133 139 32 11 23:00 13 5 4 0 11:15 147 132 27 14 23:15 15 5 3 1 11:30 137 139 34 14 23:30 13 5 4 1 11:45 151 568 130 540 26 119 12 51 1278 23:45 8 49 3 17 1 12 0 2 80 Total Vol.2563 3216 470 309 6558 5072 3585 715 355 9727 GPS Coordinates: NB SB Combined 7636 6800 1185 664 16285 Split %39.1%49.0%7.2%4.7%40.3%52.1%36.9%7.3%3.6%59.7% Peak Hour 11:15 09:30 10:45 08:30 11:30 16:15 13:45 13:30 14:15 13:45 Volume 578 602 119 65 1285 697 582 117 54 1346 P.H.F.0.96 0.94 0.87 0.81 0.99 0.96 0.95 0.85 0.81 0.92 AM PM 33.595847, -111.756918 Prepared by: Field Data Services of Arizona/Veracity Traffic Group (520) 316-6745 21-1133-001Project# Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr Tuesday, March 9, 2021 Thursday, March 11, 2021 Daily Totals 3-DAY AVERAGE City: Fountain Hills Project #: Location: Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr AM Period NB SB EB WB PM Period NB SB EB WB 00:00 19 2 5 0 12:00 160 159 38 10 00:15 10 5 0 0 12:15 143 156 24 14 00:30 7 3 0 0 12:30 130 174 25 12 00:45 11 47 3 13 0 5 0 0 65 12:45 137 570 184 673 23 110 8 44 1397 01:00 5 0 4 0 13:00 152 147 21 5 01:15 3 1 0 0 13:15 124 156 22 9 01:30 5 0 1 1 13:30 165 166 27 6 01:45 3 16 2 3 0 5 0 1 25 13:45 155 596 163 632 11 81 11 31 1340 02:00 4 0 0 0 14:00 130 166 18 10 02:15 8 0 0 0 14:15 141 154 24 14 02:30 3 1 0 0 14:30 148 157 18 15 02:45 3 18 1 2 0 0 0 0 20 14:45 148 567 174 651 20 80 12 51 1349 03:00 1 0 2 0 15:00 134 145 20 8 03:15 2 0 0 1 15:15 103 139 19 5 03:30 3 0 0 0 15:30 134 133 22 9 03:45 2 8 0 0 2 4 0 1 13 15:45 135 506 108 525 16 77 6 28 1136 04:00 0 0 0 1 16:00 136 87 25 3 04:15 2 0 1 2 16:15 119 85 18 2 04:30 3 1 0 1 16:30 133 89 15 5 04:45 4 9 2 3 0 1 0 4 17 16:45 100 488 99 360 15 73 2 12 933 05:00 8 3 2 0 17:00 160 90 21 1 05:15 5 3 3 0 17:15 128 87 18 4 05:30 7 3 0 1 17:30 107 74 21 1 05:45 11 31 1 10 3 8 0 1 50 17:45 119 514 76 327 16 76 5 11 928 06:00 14 4 1 1 18:00 117 69 15 8 06:15 27 10 4 3 18:15 98 60 15 5 06:30 38 15 2 1 18:30 98 65 9 6 06:45 64 143 21 50 1 8 5 10 211 18:45 81 394 52 246 11 50 3 22 712 07:00 69 16 5 8 19:00 76 43 7 2 07:15 69 16 9 7 19:15 79 33 9 1 07:30 68 25 6 4 19:30 82 30 6 0 07:45 71 277 28 85 11 31 5 24 417 19:45 62 299 32 138 2 24 1 4 465 08:00 78 31 6 2 20:00 49 21 8 2 08:15 59 35 18 6 20:15 61 19 11 1 08:30 57 44 10 3 20:30 55 16 9 0 08:45 90 284 45 155 21 55 2 13 507 20:45 58 223 9 65 5 33 1 4 325 09:00 85 66 14 5 21:00 48 11 11 0 09:15 86 75 18 8 21:15 57 20 8 1 09:30 76 74 24 5 21:30 43 21 6 1 09:45 101 348 125 340 19 75 9 27 790 21:45 36 184 14 66 7 32 0 2 284 10:00 100 123 21 11 22:00 37 16 1 0 10:15 106 131 20 10 22:15 40 13 7 1 10:30 131 125 18 14 22:30 30 10 10 1 10:45 117 454 124 503 23 82 15 50 1089 22:45 29 136 7 46 3 21 0 2 205 11:00 149 141 33 12 23:00 26 4 5 0 11:15 137 126 25 8 23:15 24 4 6 1 11:30 148 136 22 8 23:30 23 2 4 1 11:45 171 605 166 569 16 96 11 39 1309 23:45 18 91 3 13 1 16 2 4 124 Total Vol.2240 1733 370 170 4513 4568 3742 673 215 9198 GPS Coordinates: NB SB EB WB Combined 6808 5475 1043 385 13711 Split %49.6%38.4%8.2%3.8%32.9%49.7%40.7%7.3%2.3%67.1% Peak Hour 11:30 11:45 10:45 10:15 11:45 13:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 12:00 Volume 622 655 103 51 1409 596 673 110 51 1397 P.H.F.0.91 0.94 0.78 0.85 0.96 0.90 0.91 0.72 0.85 0.95 Prepared by: Field Data Services of Arizona/Veracity Traffic Group (520) 316-6745 PMAM Daily Totals Saturday, March 13, 2021Volumes for:21-1133-001 33.595847, -111.756918 0 2 1 N 266788AM MD PM TOTAL TOTAL AM MD PM 1 14 18 18 0 1 5 7 7 1 0 25 25 1 MD0 2 1 AM NOON PM 12:00 PM - AM PEAK HOUR NOON PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR (Intersection Name) TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT27 LOCATION #:27TUESDAY Day N Palisades BlvdEagle Ridge Dr 21-1133-002 Project #: 21-1133-002 101 N Palisades BlvdEagle Ridge Dr 5 TOTALMD33CONTROL 4-Way Stop 554MD PM 82667833554APPROACH LANES TMC SUMMARY OF N Palisades BlvdEagle Ridge Dr Eagle Ridge Dr APPROACH LANESAPPROACH LANES APPROACH LANES AM14 215 PM 03/09/21 Date 4:00 PMN Palisades Blvd101 PMAM TOTALCOUNT PERIODS N-S STREET:DATE:LOCATION: E-W STREET:DAY:PROJECT# NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL LANES:0 2 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM 12:00 PM 12 145 3 4 142 5 7 1 16 11 0 2 348 12:15 PM 19 95 6 2 156 11 3 0 16 23 0 1 332 12:30 PM 8 95 7 1 140 7 5 0 18 5 0 5 291 12:45 PM 7 131 5 3 126 8 4 2 27 5 1 1 320 1:00 PM 12 108 7 2 128 8 2 2 22 8 1 5 305 1:15 PM 12 116 7 1 159 5 2 0 18 10 1 3 334 1:30 PM 9 122 4 3 138 5 5 0 19 1 3 9 318 1:45 PM 8 129 7 0 145 7 1 2 28 7 1 5 340 2:00 PM 11 132 5 2 138 2 4 1 21 7 1 4 328 2:15 PM 7 155 5 2 196 5 3 2 37 6 1 6 425 2:30 PM 11 123 7 4 180 6 1 1 23 7 2 2 367 2:45 PM 8 112 6 0 158 7 5 0 21 8 1 4 330 3:00 PM 7 164 9 2 144 8 5 2 20 4 3 6 374 3:15 PM 13 162 9 3 142 4 6 3 24 8 1 2 377 3:30 PM 8 139 10 3 142 3 8 0 9 6 1 5 334 3:45 PM 8 129 5 1 110 7 6 0 15 6 0 6 293 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM TOTAL NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL Volumes 160 2057 102 33 2344 98 67 16 334 122 17 66 5416 Approach %6.90 88.70 4.40 1.33 94.71 3.96 16.07 3.84 80.10 59.51 8.29 32.20 App/Depart 2319 /2190 2475 /2800 417 /151 205 /275 215 PM PEAK Volumes 33 554 27 8 678 26 14 5 101 25 7 18 1496 Approach %5.37 90.23 4.40 1.12 95.22 3.65 11.67 4.17 84.17 50.00 14.00 36.00 PEAK HR. FACTOR:0.880 33.595847, -111.756918 TUESDAY 21-1133-002 GPS: CONTROL:4-Way Stop COMMENT 1: Fountain Hills PM Peak Hr Begins at: 0.962 WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND 0.853 N Palisades Blvd 03/09/21 0.877 0.714 Eagle Ridge Dr veracity grouptraffic N-S STREET:N Palisades Blvd Date:03/09/21 City:Fountain Hills E-W STREET:Eagle Ridge Dr Day:TUESDAY Project #:21-1133-002 N-LEG S-LEG E-LEG W-LEG N-LEG S-LEG E-LEG W-LEG 12:00 PM 0 0 0 0 12:00 PM 0 0 0 0 12:15 PM 0 0 0 0 12:15 PM 0 0 0 0 12:30 PM 0 0 0 0 12:30 PM 0 0 0 0 12:45 PM 0 0 0 0 12:45 PM 0 0 0 0 1:00 PM 0 0 0 0 1:00 PM 0 0 0 0 1:15 PM 0 0 0 0 1:15 PM 0 0 0 0 1:30 PM 0 0 0 0 1:30 PM 0 0 0 0 1:45 PM 0 0 0 0 1:45 PM 0 0 0 0 2:00 PM 0 0 0 0 2:00 PM 0 0 0 0 2:15 PM 0 0 0 0 2:15 PM 0 0 0 0 2:30 PM 1 0 0 0 2:30 PM 0 0 0 0 2:45 PM 0 0 0 0 2:45 PM 0 0 0 0 3:00 PM 0 0 0 0 3:00 PM 0 0 0 0 3:15 PM 0 0 0 0 3:15 PM 0 0 0 0 3:30 PM 0 0 0 0 3:30 PM 0 0 0 0 3:45 PM 0 0 0 0 3:45 PM 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 1 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 Pedestrian & Bicycle Study North Leg East Leg PEDESTRIANS BICYCLES South Leg West Leg veracity grouptraffic Appendix B Signal Warrant Analysis TRAFFIC SIGNAL VOLUME WARRANT ANALYSIS (2009 MUTCD) MAJOR STREET: Palisades Blvd. NB SB # OF APPROACH LANES: 2 MINOR STREET: Eagle Ridge Dr./Palomino Blvd.EB WB # OF APPROACH LANES: 1 CITY, STATE: Fountain Hills, Arizona COMMENTS: ISOLATED COMMUNITY WITH POPULATION LESS THAN 10,000 (Y OR N):N 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED GREATER THAN 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET (Y OR N):Y NB SB Total EB WB Minor Street Approach Approach Approach Approach Heavy Leg 06:00 AM TO 07:00 AM 201 300 501 24 22 24 07:00 AM TO 08:00 AM 352 504 856 56 47 56 08:00 AM TO 09:00 AM 435 597 1032 75 68 75 09:00 AM TO 10:00 AM 430 622 1052 82 60 82 10:00 AM TO 11:00 AM 550 664 1214 95 62 95 11:00 AM TO 12:00 PM 621 549 1170 116 63 116 12:00 PM TO 01:00 PM 570 647 1217 106 58 106 01:00 PM TO 02:00 PM 579 643 1222 108 58 108 02:00 PM TO 03:00 PM 623 749 1372 127 52 127 03:00 PM TO 04:00 PM 709 609 1318 105 51 105 04:00 PM TO 05:00 PM 730 526 1256 68 50 68 05:00 PM TO 06:00 PM 709 364 1073 60 55 60 06:00 PM TO 07:00 PM 508 268 776 59 29 59 07:00 PM TO 08:00 PM 372 215 587 34 20 34 08:00 PM TO 09:00 PM 239 148 387 14 9 14 09:00 PM TO 10:00 PM 165 87 252 14 4 14 05/05/21 Kimley-Horn and Associates 2021 Existing (Adjusted) Volumes along Palisades Boulevard Palisades Blvd. Eagle Ridge Dr./Palomino Blvd. TRAFFIC SIGNAL VOLUME WARRANT ANALYSIS (2009 MUTCD)MAJOR STREET: Palisades Blvd. NBSB# OF APPROACH LANES:2MINOR STREET: Eagle Ridge Dr./Palomino Blvd.EBWB# OF APPROACH LANES:1CITY, STATE: Fountain Hills, ArizonaCOMMENTS:2021 Existing (Adjusted) Volumes along Palisades BoulevardISOLATED COMMUNITY WITH POPULATION LESS THAN 10,000 (Y OR N):N85TH PERCENTILE SPEED GREATER THAN 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET (Y OR N):YMAJOR STMINOR STWARRANT 2WARRANT 3 TWO-WAY TRAFFIC TRAFFIC HEAVY LEGMAIN LINESIDE STREETBOTH METMAIN LINESIDE STREETBOTH METMAIN LINESIDE STREETBOTH METMAIN LINESIDE STREETBOTH METFour-Hour Peak Hour THRESHOLD VALUES42010563053 336845044206:00 AMTO07:00 AM50124YY07:00 AMTO08:00 AM85656YYYYYYYY08:00 AMTO09:00 AM1,03275YYYYYYYYY09:00 AMTO10:00 AM1,05282YYYYYYYYY10:00 AMTO11:00 AM1,21495YYYYYYYYYYYY11:00 AMTO12:00 PM1,170116YYYYYYYYYYYYYY12:00 PMTO01:00 PM1,217106YYYYYYYYYYYYYY01:00 PMTO02:00 PM1,222108YYYYYYYYYYYYYY02:00 PMTO03:00 PM1,372127YYYYYYYYYYYYYY03:00 PMTO04:00 PM1,318105YYYYYYYYYYYYYY04:00 PMTO05:00 PM1,25668YYYYYYYYY05:00 PMTO06:00 PM1,07360YYYYYYYYY06:00 PMTO07:00 PM77659YYYYYYYY07:00 PMTO08:00 PM58734YYY08:00 PMTO09:00 PM38714Y09:00 PMTO10:00 PM2521415,2851,143145512121215661312121064 HRS NEEDED1 HR NEEDEDSATISFIED SATISFIED05/05/21Kimley-Horn and AssociatesNOT SATISFIEDWARRANT 1 - Condition B, Part 1 WARRANT 1 - Condition B, Part 2WARRANT 1 - Condition A, Part 2NOT SATISFIED8 HOURS NEEDED 8 HOURS NEEDEDSATISFIEDWARRANT 1 - Condition A, Part 18 HOURS NEEDED for both Condition A & B Appendix C Crash Data Incident ID Incident Date & Time Incident On Road Incident Crossing Feature Incident Offset Incident Injury Severity Description Incident First Harmful Description Incident Collision Manner Desc Incident Light Condition Desc Incident Weather Desc Incident Intersection Type Desc Incident Junction Relation Desc Incident Traffic Way Type Desc Unit Body Style Desc Unit Travel Direction Desc Unit Action Desc Unit Road Condition Desc1 Unit Surface Condition Desc1 Unit Number Unit Event Sequence Desc1 Person Type Desc Person Violation Desc1 3195125 2/23/2017 12:25:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd -10 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Angle (Front To Side)(Other Than Left Turn) Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Related Non Interchange Two Way Not Divided With Continuous Left Turn Lane Passenger 4Dsd Sedan 4 Dr 2 - South Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 1 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action 3195125 2/23/2017 12:25:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd -10 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Angle (Front To Side)(Other Than Left Turn) Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Related Non Interchange Two Way Not Divided With Continuous Left Turn Lane Passenger Cp Coupe 5 - Northwest Making Left Turn No Contributing Circumstances Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action 3246472 7/10/2017 8:01:00 AM 07 PALISADES BLVD Eagle Ridge Dr 0 Possible Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Left Turn Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Interchange Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 34Pu Pickup 3 4 Ton 5 - Northwest Making Left Turn No Contributing Circumstances Dry 1 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver Unknown 3246472 7/10/2017 8:01:00 AM 07 PALISADES BLVD Eagle Ridge Dr 0 Possible Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Left Turn Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Interchange Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 4Dsd Sedan 4 Dr 7 - Southwest Making Left Turn No Contributing Circumstances Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action 3281119 10/9/2017 4:46:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd -15 Possible Injury Curb Single Vehicle Daylight Clear Not At An Intersection Not Junction Related Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Motorcycle Mc Motorcycle 1 - North Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Wet 1 Overturn Rollover Driver No Improper Action 3308340 12/21/2017 4:29:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd -20 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Rear End Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Related Non Interchange One Way Trafficway Passenger 4Dsd Sedan 4 Dr 3 - East Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 1 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver Speed Too Fast For Conditions 3308340 12/21/2017 4:29:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd -20 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Rear End Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Related Non Interchange One Way Trafficway Passenger 4Dsw Station Wagon 4 Dr 3 - East Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action 3322850 1/25/2018 10:26:00 AM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Angle (Front To Side)(Other Than Left Turn) Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Non Interchange Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 4Dsw Station Wagon 4 Dr 4 - West Making Left Turn No Contributing Circumstances Dry 1 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver Failed To Yield Right Of Way 3322850 1/25/2018 10:26:00 AM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Angle (Front To Side)(Other Than Left Turn) Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Non Interchange Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 12Pu Pickup 1 2 Ton 2 - South Going Straight Ahead Unknown Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action 3335175 2/24/2018 9:32:00 AM 07 PALOMINO BLVD Palisades Blvd 0 Suspected Serious Injury Pedalcycle Other Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Non Interchange Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 12Pu Pickup 1 2 Ton 7 - Southwest Making Left Turn Unknown Dry 1 Pedalcycle Driver Unknown 3335175 2/24/2018 9:32:00 AM 07 PALOMINO BLVD Palisades Blvd 0 Suspected Serious Injury Pedalcycle Other Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Non Interchange Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Invalid 3 - East Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Pedalcyclist No Improper Action 3335824 2/27/2018 9:46:00 AM 07 PALISADES BLVD Eagle Ridge Dr 20 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Sideswipe Same Direction Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Related Non Interchange Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Truck 1Tpu Pickup 1 Ton 2 - South Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 1 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver Unsafe Lane Change 3335824 2/27/2018 9:46:00 AM 07 PALISADES BLVD Eagle Ridge Dr 20 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Sideswipe Same Direction Daylight Clear Four Way Intersection Intersection Related Non Interchange Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger Cp Coupe 2 - South Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action 3354632 4/10/2018 2:05:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Sideswipe Same Direction Daylight Clear Not At An Intersection Not Junction Related Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Not Reported 99 - Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver Unknown 3354632 4/10/2018 2:05:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Sideswipe Same Direction Daylight Clear Not At An Intersection Not Junction Related Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 4Dsd Sedan 4 Dr 1 - North Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action 3429372 10/26/2018 10:04:00 AM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Other Daylight Clear Not Reported Intersection Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 4Dsd Sedan 4 Dr 2 - South Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 1 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver Failed To Yield Right Of Way 3429372 10/26/2018 10:04:00 AM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Other Daylight Clear Not Reported Intersection Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 2Dcv Convertible 2 Dr 4 - West Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action 3661938 7/10/2020 10:57:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd 150 No Injury Curb Single Vehicle Dark Not Lighted Clear Not At An Intersection Not Junction Related Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 4Dsd Sedan 4 Dr 2 - South Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 1 Ran Off Road Left Driver Speed Too Fast For Conditions 3698950 10/31/2020 4:16:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Rear End Daylight Clear Not Reported Intersection 4 Way Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Truck Tk Truck 1 - North Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 1 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver Speed Too Fast For Conditions 3698950 10/31/2020 4:16:00 PM 07 PALISADES BLVD Palomino Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Rear End Daylight Clear Not Reported Intersection 4 Way Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 4Dsd Sedan 4 Dr 1 - North Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action 3717465 12/31/2020 2:15:00 PM 07 PALOMINO BLVD Palisades Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Angle (Front To Side)(Other Than Left Turn) Daylight Clear Not Reported Intersection Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 4Dsd Sedan 4 Dr 1 - North Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 1 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver Ran Stop Sign 3717465 12/31/2020 2:15:00 PM 07 PALOMINO BLVD Palisades Blvd 0 No Injury Motor Vehicle In Transport Angle (Front To Side)(Other Than Left Turn) Daylight Clear Not Reported Intersection Two Way Divided Positive Median Barrier Passenger 4Dsd Sedan 4 Dr 3 - East Going Straight Ahead No Contributing Circumstances Dry 2 Motor Vehicle In Transport Driver No Improper Action Appendix D Synchro Analysis HCM 6th AWSC Palisades/Palomino/Eagle Ridge TSWA 3: Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr/Palomino Blvd Kimley-Horn | Unsignalized Condition Synchro 11 Report ZMH Page 1 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 33.7 Intersection LOS D Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 14 5 101 25 7 18 33 554 27 8 678 26 Future Vol, veh/h 14 5 101 25 7 18 33 554 27 8 678 26 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 15 5 110 27 8 20 36 602 29 9 737 28 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 2 0 Approach EB WB NB SB Opposing Approach WB EB SB NB Opposing Lanes 2 2 3 3 Conflicting Approach Left SB NB EB WB Conflicting Lanes Left 3 3 2 2 Conflicting Approach Right NB SB WB EB Conflicting Lanes Right 3 3 2 2 HCM Control Delay 13.6 12.6 27.4 44.1 HCM LOS B B D E Lane NBLn1 NBLn2 NBLn3 EBLn1 EBLn2 WBLn1 WBLn2 SBLn1 SBLn2 SBLn3 Vol Left, % 15% 0% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 0% Vol Thru, % 85% 100% 0% 0% 5% 0% 28% 0% 100% 90% Vol Right, % 0% 0% 100% 0% 95% 0% 72% 0% 0% 10% Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Traffic Vol by Lane 218 369 27 14 106 25 25 8 452 252 LT Vol 33 0 0 14 0 25 0 8 0 0 Through Vol 185 369 0 0 5 0 7 0 452 226 RT Vol 0 0 27 0 101 0 18 0 0 26 Lane Flow Rate 237 401 29 15 115 27 27 9 491 274 Geometry Grp 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Degree of Util (X) 0.485 0.814 0.054 0.039 0.26 0.073 0.065 0.018 0.97 0.535 Departure Headway (Hd) 7.373 7.296 6.587 9.318 8.137 9.642 8.622 7.615 7.108 7.035 Convergence, Y/N Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cap 490 498 544 384 441 371 415 470 511 512 Service Time 5.114 5.037 4.328 7.078 5.896 7.408 6.387 5.357 4.851 4.777 HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.484 0.805 0.053 0.039 0.261 0.073 0.065 0.019 0.961 0.535 HCM Control Delay 16.9 34.8 9.7 12.5 13.8 13.2 12 10.5 59.4 17.6 HCM Lane LOS C D A B B B B B F C HCM 95th-tile Q 2.6 7.8 0.2 0.1 1 0.2 0.2 0.1 12.6 3.1 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary Palisades/Palomino/Eagle Ridge TSWA 3: Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr/Palomino Blvd Kimley-Horn | Signalized Condition Synchro 11 Report ZMH Page 1 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 14 5 101 25 7 18 33 554 27 8 678 26 Future Volume (veh/h) 14 5 101 25 7 18 33 554 27 8 678 26 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 15 5 110 27 8 20 36 602 29 9 737 28 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap, veh/h 394 9 198 315 61 153 77 1202 536 162 1347 51 Arrive On Green 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.04 0.34 0.34 0.09 0.39 0.39 Sat Flow, veh/h 1382 69 1526 1277 474 1184 1781 3554 1585 1781 3491 133 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 15 0 115 27 0 28 36 602 29 9 375 390 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1382 0 1596 1277 0 1657 1781 1777 1585 1781 1777 1846 Q Serve(g_s), s 0.3 0.0 2.1 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.6 4.1 0.4 0.1 5.0 5.0 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 0.8 0.0 2.1 2.7 0.0 0.5 0.6 4.1 0.4 0.1 5.0 5.0 Prop In Lane 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.71 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.07 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 394 0 207 315 0 215 77 1202 536 162 686 713 V/C Ratio(X) 0.04 0.00 0.56 0.09 0.00 0.13 0.47 0.50 0.05 0.06 0.55 0.55 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 1413 0 1383 1256 0 1436 670 6101 2721 437 2818 2929 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I) 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 12.1 0.0 12.5 13.7 0.0 11.8 14.3 8.1 6.8 12.7 7.3 7.3 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.1 0.0 0.3 4.4 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.7 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(95%),veh/ln 0.1 0.0 1.2 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 1.4 0.1 0.1 1.7 1.7 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 12.2 0.0 14.8 13.9 0.0 12.1 18.7 8.4 6.9 12.8 8.0 8.0 LnGrp LOS B A B B A B B A A B A A Approach Vol, veh/h 130 55 667 774 Approach Delay, s/veh 14.5 12.9 8.9 8.0 Approach LOS B B A A Timer - Assigned Phs 1 2 4 5 6 8 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 7.3 14.8 8.5 5.8 16.3 8.5 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 7.5 52.5 26.5 11.5 48.5 26.5 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 2.1 6.1 4.1 2.6 7.0 4.7 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.0 4.2 0.6 0.0 4.8 0.2 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 9.1 HCM 6th LOS A Project Start Total Cost Justification Funding Sources Prior Yrs FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 49,000 95,000 850,000 49,000 95,000 850,000 0 0 0 0 Project Expenses Prior Yrs FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 49,000 95,000 850,000 49,000 95,000 850,000 0 0 0 0 Operating Impact Prior Yrs FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 Project Number T5005 Project Title Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drives Traffic Signal TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FY21-22 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Date 12/18/2020 Priority Level Medium - Results in Increased Efficiency Description Provide for design and construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of Palisades Blvd.. and Eagle Ridge Drive/Palomino Blvd. Project Contact Justin T. Weldy Department Public Works Grant $0 2020 Project End 2023 $994,000.00 FY21-22 Cost $95,000.00 With the Adero Canyon development and anticipated expansion of the CopperWynd Resort on Eagle Ridge Drive, traffic signal warrants at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Eagle Ridge Drive/Palomino Drive are anticipated to be met based on the CopperWynd Resort traffic study. Once traffic signal warrants are met, the design and construction of a traffic signal at the intersection will provide for a more efficient flow of traffic Fund Type Total Capital Projects $994,000 Downtown Strat.$0 General $0 Developer $0 Devel. Fees $0 Bonds $0 Other Sources $0 Unfunded $0 Total $994,000 Fund Type Total Acquisition $0 Planning $49,000 Design $95,000 Construction $850,000 Other Expenses $0 Total $994,000 Fund Type Total Salaries/Benefits $0 Services/Supplies $3,000 Other Impact $0 Total $3,000 ITEM 8. E. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/21/2021 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Public Works Prepared by: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Staff Contact Information: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: adopting Ordinance 21-16, Amending the Town of Fountain Hills Town Code, Chapter 11, Offenses, by Amending Section 11-1-17, Use of Town Owned Washes. Staff Summary (background) The washes owned by the town are valuable natural resources that contribute to the quality of life for the residents of Fountain Hills.  Not only do the washes assist in natural groundwater recharge and support wildlife habitat, but they also provide natural open space and play an important role in the Town's unique Sonoran Desert heritage. Over the past few years, town staff and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office have responded to complaints from residents regarding motorized off-road vehicles, illegal dumping, and possible homeless encampment within Town owned washes.  The washes have had refrigerators, stoves, as well as sofas, trash bags, landscaping debris, and other materials illegally dumped into the washes.  Staff have removed these illegally dumped items from the washes at town expense.   In June of 2001 the Mayor and Council adopted Resolution No. 2001-33 which established a policy relating to Town-owned wash management and maintenance. This policy contrasts with hard engineering and channelization approaches which have been undertaken in many other communities with semi-arid areas. In addition, the Town obtained a permit from the Environmental Protection Agency in 2003 requiring Fountain Hills to implement different Best Management Practices.  These practices address retention basin maintenance, storm drain maintenance, and public education.  The wash management program in Fountain Hills has been successful primarily due to the efforts made to keep the washes appearing as natural as possible.   With the increased popularity of motorized off-road vehicles, illegal dumping, and homelessness, Town staff and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office have faced increasing challenges regarding enforcement of Section 11-1-17 of the Town Code due to the washes being open to the public from dawn to dusk. Placing a prohibition on open access will make enforcement less challenging to respond to these issues.  In order to continue to maintain the primary function of the washes for stormwater management and open space in a way that protects residents, the proposed ordinance is intended to prevent illegal dumping potential wash fires caused by encampments and motorized off-road vehicles.  Under the proposed ordinance, the Town will be limiting access to the washes to town and public utility purposes for maintenance purposes only.  At the same time, maintenance work needs to comply with the Town’s for maintenance purposes only.  At the same time, maintenance work needs to comply with the Town’s policy for town-owned wash management and maintenance while protecting natural open spaces, environmentally sensitive areas and native plants.   The proposed ordinance has been reviewed by the Town Attorney, Town Engineer, and Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and is recommended for approval. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Resolution No. 2001-33: Ordinance 2006-20 Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) The proposed ordinance will provide MCSO deputies with an additional tool to address trespassing, illegal dumping, and other activities harmful to town-owned washes.   SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to adopt Ordinance 21-16.  Fiscal Impact Fiscal Impact:$2,500.00 Budget Reference:N/A Funding Source:Wash Maintenance If Multiple Funds utilized, list here:N/A Budgeted: if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form:N/A Attachments ORDINANCE NO. 21 - 16  Resolution 2001-33, Wash Maintenance Policy  Ordinance No. 2006-20  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Klein 09/07/2021 11:53 AM Public Works Director (Originator)Justin Weldy 09/07/2021 12:08 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 09/13/2021 02:57 PM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 09/13/2021 03:06 PM Form Started By: Justin Weldy Started On: 09/02/2021 01:43 PM Final Approval Date: 09/13/2021  ORDINANCE NO. 21 - 16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN CODE, CHAPTER 11, OFFENSES, BY AMENDING SECTION 11-1-17, USE OF TOWN-OWNED WASHES RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend Chapter 11, Offenses, Section 11-1-17, Use of Town-Owned Washes, to prohibit public entry to all Town-owned washes within the Town. ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. Chapter 11, Offenses, Article 11-1, Offenses, Section 11-1-17, Use of Town- owned Washes, is amended as follows: 11-1-17, Use of Town-owned Washes It is unlawful for any person to enter upon or use any Town-owned wash, as such term is defined in Section 9-3-2 of this Code, in violation of the following provisions: A. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than Town personnel conducting Town business therein, to occupy or be present in Town-owned washes during any hours in which the washes are not open to the public. Washes are open to the public from dawn to dusk daily unless otherwise posted by the Town. A violation of this subsection shall constitute an act of criminal trespass, as defined by Section 11-1-16 of this Code. B. The following are prohibited in all Town-owned washes: 1. Committing any act in a Town-owned wash that endangers the health and safety of any person. 2. Using any portion of any Town-owned wash for archery, firearms, sling shots, rockets, darts, rocks or other projectile devices. 3. Dumping, unauthorized grading, or otherwise utilizing a Town-owned wash or any materials or vegetation therein, in an unauthorized or prohibited manner. 4. Creating or maintaining open fires. 5. Overnight camping. ORDINANCE 21-16 PAGE 2 6. Domestic animals. Pets, unless on a leash and under the constant control of a person and provided that any such person controlling a pet shall, at all times in a Town-owned wash (i) carry the necessary items to properly dispose of animal waste and (ii) immediately remove any animal waste from the Town-owned wash and dispose of same in a proper trash receptacle. 7. Skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, bicycles or any (nonmotorized) rolling vehicles, unless used in an area specifically designated for such use by the Town. 8. Driving or riding, at any time, any automobile, truck, motorcycle, motor scooter, all- terrain vehicle, other motor vehicle, horse or other animal upon the grounds of any Town-owned wash. 9. Consuming alcoholic beverages, spirituous liquors or malt beverages (beer), as defined in A.R.S. § 4-101, et seq., as amended. 10. Possessing a glass container, unless specifically authorized by the Town. 11. Throwing, tossing or otherwise propelling any glass object, whether willfully and maliciously or carelessly and negligently, and causing such glass object to break in a Town-owned wash. 12. Swimming, wading, bathing, fishing or boating in or on any water located within a Town-owned wash. SECTION 3. If any section, subsection, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, this 21st day of September, 2021. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Klein, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney