HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2021.0623.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION JUNE 23, 2021 1. CALL TO ORDER— Chairman Craft at 4:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL—Chairman Craft Present: John W. Craft, Jr., Chairman; Patrick Garman, Vice Chairman; Chad Bernick, Commissioner; Gerard Bisceglia, Commissioner; Mary Edman, Commissioner; Cynthia Magazine, Commissioner; John McHugh, Commissioner Staff Town Manager Grady Miller; Finance Director David Pock; Executive Assistant Present: Angela Padgett-Espiritu 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H),public comment is permitted(not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda.Any such comment(i)must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and(ii)is subject to reasonable time,place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may(i)respond to criticism, (ii)ask staff to review a matter, or(iii)ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. 4. CONSIDERATION OF Approving the May 26, 2021, Meeting Minutes. MOVED BY Commissioner Cynthia Magazine, SECONDED BY Commissioner John McHugh to APPROVE the minutes from the May 26, 2021 meeting. Vote: 7- 0 - Unanimously 5. UPDATE ON Vision Fountain Hills Chair Craft introduced guest speaker Tammy Bell, Chair of Vision Fountain Hills, who will be giving an update to the commission on the last two community surveys issued by Vision of Fountain Hills. Chair Craft commented that the commission has worked with Vision in the past to help identify needs and opportunities in our planning efforts and that this information will support much of the work that the commission has done to date. Ms. Bell thanked the commission for having her and said that she is excited to give the first update on the 2021 feedback survey (see attached document), which will include some information from the 2020 survey as well. She said Vision was building off of the surveys they had done in the most recent year. Ms. Bell said that in August of 2020, they did a community satisfaction survey. The purpose was to find out what the community felt was very important to them, and if they were satisfied with the things that were most important to them. Six elements of the town held the most importance in 2020. These were shopping experiences, technical services, town conditions, the environment, youth activities, and events. The purpose of the 2021 feedback survey was to expand on those priorities, get more information from the residents, and stay engaged with them. One of the newest goals for Vision Fountain Hills is to keep the community used to being engaged and giving their input to the decision-makers in the town. Ms. Bell said that the first element was the shopping experience. We asked them how their shopping experiences have changed, especially through COVID since the last survey, and almost 80% of them said that their habits have changed. She said that 20%were more aware of what was going on locally and 41% said they shopped more online. This information was really important for them to know that those habits were changing. In the 2020 survey, residents who participated said that they mostly go outside of Fountain Hills for clothing, entertainment, restaurants, and health care. In summary, residents want core amenities, stay local, have unique shopping experiences, and would like more restaurants. Ms. Bell said that another question asked on the survey was what is the highest priority for business development in their opinion? She said that 48% wanted the promotion of unique small businesses to fill empty spaces and vacancies, 29% said to refresh downtown and 18% said to re-purpose the existing retail strip centers. She said that less than 5% of people mentioned specific items, such as small business incentives, minimizing tax, and permitting obstacles. She said that in 2020 people really wanted to improve the technical services and that COVID really brought that to their attention more than in years past. She said that 85% of their participants in 2021 said they want something to be done about the technical services. Ms. Bell said on the environment element, 93% of the participants surveyed in 2020 said parks and open spaces are extremely or very important to them. She said Vision decided to expand on this topic for the 2021 survey by asking them about developing a comprehensive environmental plan, ongoing maintenance, and upgrade plan. She said that 40% wanted to do a comprehensive environmental plan and 40% wanted to do a maintenance and upgrade plan. Also, 45% of the participants said that the number one contributing factor to their quality of life here in Fountain Hills is open spaces and natural beauty and that 22% said that they wanted to keep the open spaces and views in our beauty. Ms. Bell said the next question was regarding the town's condition. She said we asked them because 98% of them told us the condition of the town is extremely important. Vision asked if you had three options, which three you would choose and 50% of them wanted to contribute to streets, sidewalks, trails, and bike lanes and 16% said parks, recreation, and community facilities. One of the things took away from this is 66% of the participants want to contribute the budget to things that are related to connectivity and active lifestyle and walk-ability. Ms. Bell said, in summary, the community wants to have fun., they want nightlife, more entertainment, a public pool, events, and town traditions. Vision will finalize the survey, compile a report where it will be available to the public through their website, and will provide it to stakeholders. 6. UPDATE ON Strategic Priority 2 - Financial Sustainability Town Manager Grady Miller and Finance Director David Pock updated the commission on Strategic Plan Priority#2 — Financial Sustainability (see attached). Signature Strategy No. 1: Identify Ways to Increase Operating Revenues •Town Manager Miller said that they were to identify ways to increase operating revenues. He said that as a town, they have policies in place and ensure that money is put aside each year in the town's rainy day fund and reserves. He said that the biggest challenge is having enough money to support operations. He said the town implemented a user fee schedule and used a firm to do a user fee study or a cost of service study. The firm looked at all overhead costs and every single fee. The firm came up with a user fee schedule for the town to use that was adopted by the council and will be updated periodically. He said that every year they will evaluate fees and make adjustments as necessary. Signature Strategy No. 2: Review Major Town Services to Ensure they are Operating at Peak Performance and Providing Value to Community •Town Manager Miller said that this is very important and that they intend on doing a citizen satisfaction survey in October to help create a baseline of satisfaction levels for town services. •Conduct and present findings/recommendations from the cost of service study for law enforcement and fire services to evaluate the level of services provided and appropriate costs Signature Strategy No. 3: Ensure Town Infrastructure is Well-Maintained and Identify Financial Resources to Fund Infrastructure •Work with citizen committee in identifying streets and cost of improvements to refer the bond question to voters •Town Manager Miller said the town has about $80 million in a tentative regional transportation program for major arterials, so this would be used to finish the Shea widening. It also includes major improvements and reconstruction for parts of Palisades. He said would be used to improve Palisades from Shea all the way to Saguaro Boulevard to make that a safer corridor. •Initiate sinking fund for Fountain Lake and set aside significant funding annually for eventual lake liner replacement and other needed improvements. Signature Strategy No. 4: Maintain Financial Reserves and Rainy Day Fund in Accordance with Council-Adopted Financial Policies •Town Manager said that this is still very important. A facilities reserve study was done and the study was very good, but we've found that there's a lot of gaps in it. There are infrastructure items that were not included. Finance Director Pock is going to get that up to date. Signature Strategy No. 4: Increase Transparency and Accessibility of Town's Budget and Financial Information •Town Manager Miller said that a lot of the trust in the town on the part of residences would be resolved, but by having a lot more transparency, and trying to do more where it's easy to find information, try to have as Full disclosure because I think that's very important and people have come to expect. 7. REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF Workgroups' Strategies Chair Craft said that he asked Vice Chair Garman to compile the workgroups, efforts, and ideas into one document as a component for the New Strategic Plan. He said that in reviewing the specific tasks he was most concerned about the number of tasks. There is some redundancy with a number of the tasks but not with the signature strategies. He said not including the financial sustainability, they are looking at 28 tasks and 10 signature strategies. He said, if we add 5 or 6 financial ones, we're up to 15 signature strategies. He commented that some appear to be redundant with other tasks that are with other plans that the town has worked on specifically, such as the Parks and Recreation Plan, the Transportation Plan, the General Plan. Vice Chair Garman said that it is his ultimate goal is to complete and to make sure that this plan is all of our plans. He said that he could work with each commissioner over the next couple of months on prioritizing and ranking the tasks inside and outside of the strategies. Chair Craft commented that he thought the ranking can occur when they get to a point of feeling comfortable with what they have and can begin looking at which are top of the line. He said we are looking for consolidation or redundancy opportunities that can be streamlined. Vice Chair Garman said that he made some edits from the last meeting and asked that each commissioner be more specific regarding the signature strategies and the tasks underneath. Chair Craft said that he appreciates Vice Chair Garman taking this responsibility to combine the workgroups strategies into one document. (See attached) He said that it is more efficient for the commission to review, consolidate and make decisions with a unified document. He said that Vice Chair Garman and he can review and then present to the group for feedback. He said, if we need to add back-in areas, we will, and if we need to delete further, we can do that as well. He said for example, if Vice Chair Garman reached out to the commissioners and five of the seven commissioners, say Task 2B is ridiculous, we already have a consensus there, so we can drop that task basically. Vice Chair Garman recognized everyone on the commission for having good skills to bring to the table and acknowledged that he has had conversations with all of them. 8. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF a Date and Format with Town Staff for a Preview of the New Strategic Plan Chair Craft and the commissioners discussed a proposed date and time for a preview of the New Strategic Plan to be presented to the Town's Directors. H said that the preview would be an overview without going into great detail as to where their focus is on the strategic priorities and signature strategies. It was decided to present the preview on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. 9. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY Commissioner John McHugh, SECONDED BY Commissioner Cynthia Magazine to adjourn at 5:37 p.m. Vote: 7 - 0 - Unanimously STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Jo W. Craft, Jr., C ir�r ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: OnCj, _ Angela Es in 9 tu, Ex c tivelo.ssistan CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 23 day of June, 2021. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 16 day of September 2021. gela Espirit , ive Assistant Vl Vistonri 0 Share Your Voice t 0 Shape Our Town 1 r'i EXPAND ON STAY DEVELOP FUTURE "r` 'm 4 t n PRIORITIES ENGAGED CONTENT June 23t°,2021 Vision Fountain Hills 2021 Community Feedback I EXPAND Shopping Experiences SHOPPING EXPERIENCE ON PRIORITIES Technical Services 7 9% 41 % Core Air enitles eYe Town Condition stay Local Have changed Shop More their shopping Online Unique Shopping Vision FH habits since Experiences Sham sYour VOPCCaoaC Environment COVID More Restaurants iiIP �/aa-its I outh Activities Participants in the 2020 Community Survey told us that they mostly go outside of Fountain Hills to shop for clothing as well as for entertainment, restaurants and healthcare. Events I HIGHEST PRIORITY Business co Promote pt p U 18O� s Unique Small Businesses to Fill Em S aces vt ID Development aa) Additional Feedback was regarding Business Development o **of those 88%were full time residents&66%were under the retirement age** ci Refresh Downtown and Existing Strips Tt 04 0 Fill in Vacancies First Attract Fun Restaurants If Provide Core Amenities 8 Live Music purpose Existing Retail Strip Centers � Promote our Uniqueness Promote our Healthy,Active Community Fill in with Unique,Small Businesses Promote Exceptional Access to Recreational II 4) Offer a Couple Big Retailers Facilities and City Conveniences Small Business Incentives Be Business Friendly 8 Welcoming to Potential ] Add More Fun 8 Entertainment Builders and Business Owners 2 Create Incentives for Business Owners Tax 8 Permit Obstacles Lo co > 85 O .-. • *yr . .r,. W In the 2020 Community > w.. «,r Survey 93% of the W z (n Invest in innovative ways to * * participants told us that J provide high speed Internet to �_ parks and open spaces Q homes,businesses,and the public. *'" are very important to (� * Z them. Z W _ i Promote competition in the To expand on this,we U 1 residential and commercial asked them to Chose ` W broadband markets. - from a list of opportunities,how they Upgrade and expand would like to preserve public broadband to create Our community's open t high-speed town-wide spaces and beauty a; access. w, H I z L �.x z 45D/o Z �, M Z of the 2021 Community �, � ` �`, , O p Feedback participants CC 1 :-�..: told us Open Spaces z z W Develop a comprehensive Develop ongoing W Cif environmental plan that is inclusive maintenance/upgrade plans for of preserving our open spaces. existing parks,trails and recreation �V A I a t u ra I Beauty a u t , areas. l ly contributed the most toy. their quality of life in ` Work with environmental organizations in support of Fountain Hills. our local and surrounding natural settings and wildlife. j ,,w „ HIGHEST PRIORITY Streets,Sidewalks,Trails.Bike Lanes Town Condition 22% of Additional Feedback was regarding the Town Environment f1.Parks,Recreation&Community Facilities In the 2020 Community tiAtildiii� Survey 98%of the participants told us that maintaining the Town's 1404410 Keep Open Space , Condition was very , important to them. Keep the Views&Beauty ry H d Commercial 8 Business Centers To expand on this,we tiy "..:,` asked them to chose their top 3 infrastructure Schools 8 Public Transit elements that were of the highest priority to them. Walkability 16% F- Additional Feedback was regarding Town Condition 0 OState Land Trust Ideas z Connectivity Property Tax Ideas Fundraise for Special Projects 0 Prioritize Street Maintenance ~ Consider Parking Structure Near Downtown Active Lifestyle Improve Walkalnlity Prioritize Main First Impression Areas Budget Appropriately to maintain current infrastructure TOWN GROWTH Have YOU Experienced a Positive Sense of Community in Fountain Hills? 21 % 51 % 27% Too Slow Just Right No More Growth or Too Fast Have YOU Experienced a Positive Have YOU Experienced a Positive Sense of Community in Fountain Hills? Sense of Community in Fountain Hills? Ye s 8 3 % 0 .>, >D __ C3� ..._N�__._. _.. WE WANT MORE EVENTS&ACTIVITIES 0 0 •----•• --•--•------_-•-. --- O (61%Want More;1217 chosen favorites) LU .,. ..__ ›.QWE READ ABOUT HAPPENINGS IN THE TIMES(31%), w _ O DIGITAL NEWSLETTERS AND SOCIAL MEDIA(47%) 0 N - •-•••-- •Y-••-= ^»^•--^ •-•�•� ^--^^---••••• ^^• O I WOULD INVEST IN SCHOOL CLUBS,SPORTS,A O " �,. _« _�_ ' — —�—•— COMMUNITY CENTER AND LEAGUES FOR YOUTH.(70%) of Additional — — ,.° ' ' Feedback was A regarding Young Families Focus More On Young Families {' t Additional Feedback was regarding Events, Entertainment& J Invest in Young Families for our Activities. **63%were under the retirement age'* 1 w Y School System r e� Strive to Meet the Needs of Our Young Families Nightlife Bowling Alley More Entertainment Cultural&Art Events ,T, d .,- Our Future is With Our Young Families Public Pool Movie Theater Build Public Pool,Lazy River Lake Activities More Car Events Comprehensive Community Calendar nk Town Traditions Enhance Park with Exercise Equipment Historical&Educational Events Music Events w °'^ 'Vision U) Share Your Voice Shape Our Town w ' Z ' Vision Fountain Hills VisionFH is planning to Final survey report will More tools to be created have focus be shared with public to allow for continual www.visionfh.org groups/workshops and key stakeholders community engagement Strategic Priority No. 2: Ensure that Fountain Hills Finances are Stable and Sustainable Signature Strategy No. 1: Identify Ways to Increase Operating Revenues • Implement User Fee Schedule from first ever cost of service study (July 1, 2021) • Add and adjust user fees annually as necessary (July 1, 2022) • Conduct Update to Development Fee Study and seek adoption of Development Fee Schedule (December 2024—implementation July 1, 2025) • Audit companies to ensure that they are remitting the correct amount of sales tax (ongoing) • Seek and apply for grants from federal, state, and regional agencies for town programs, capital improvement projects, and street projects (ongoing) Signature Strategy No. 2: Review Major Town Services to Ensure they are Operating at Peak Performance and Providing Value to Community • Complete financial audit of law enforcement services provided by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (September 2021) • Complete Citizen Satisfaction Survey to create baseline of satisfaction levels for town services; survey results may assist town in con ering reduction in services, if necessary, based on priorities of residents (October 20 • Conduct and present findings/recommen from cost of service study for law enforcement and fire services to evalu el of services provided and appropriate costs (December 2021/January 2022) • Negotiate a new intergovernmental a ement with Maricopa County for the provision of law enforcement services in Fountain Hills (June 30, 2022) Signature Strategy No. 3: Ensure Town Infrastructure is Well-Maintained and Identify Financial Resources to Fund Infrastructure • Work with citizen committee in identifying streets and cost of improvements to refer bond question to voters (September 2021) • Based on citizen committee's recommendations,Town Council may refer street bond to voters for consideration (November 2022) • Initiate and complete major update of Facilities Reserve Study in FY 21-22 • Aggressively seek inclusion of$80 million in local transportation projects in Maricopa Association of Government's (MAG) Regional Transportation Plan (completed Spring 2021) • Initiate public information campaign to inform residents about reauthorization of Proposition 400 1/2 cent sales tax for Fountain Hills and region for freeways and arterials • Utilize $14 million in Cares Act and ARPA funding for streets and major capital projects (FY 21-22 and FY 22-23) • Initiate sinking fund for Fountain Lake and set aside significant funding for annually for eventual lake liner replacement and other needed improvements (starting FY 21-22) Signature Strategy No. 3: Maintain Financial Reserves and Rainy Day Fund in Accordance with Council-Adopted Financial Policies • Identify funding sources/methodologies to fully fund facilities reserves • Seek Town Council approval of updated Financial Policies addressing facilities reserves Signature Strategy No. 4: Increase Transparency and Accessibility of Town's Budget and Financial Information • Provide semi-annual public meetings/open houses to promote public awareness and knowledge of the Town's financial health • Publish budget and financials in the Fountain Hills Insider, FH Annual Report, website, and other ways to increase transparency and accessibility to the public • Initiate public outreach through Leadership Academy and civic outreach about the finances $ 4 "... 1 `` �, '' t�'} 1 ' ' i .f`. 1 l i Fountains Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Strategic Plan 2021 1 Fountains Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Economic Development Work Group John Craft, Gerard Bisceglia, and Patrick Garman May 2021 Strategic Priority (SP): Focus on targeted collaborative economic development. Preamble: An essential element of a thriving community is its economy. Fountain Hills is a small, active community whose long-term sustainability requires an effective targeted economic development plan. Economic development has become a hotly debated topic and a much sought-after goal in towns across America. Industrial recruitment and reliance on outside funding are giving way to locally based finance and entrepreneurial activity. Fountain Hills needs to take advantage of its unique local resources and leadership to develop its own successful economy in a way that continues to appeal to its residents and business community. Presently, the local chamber of commerce and the Town actively, but separately, work to support new and existing business growth. The following strategies and their supporting tasks attempt to address the opportunity of establishing a more unified and focused business development effort locally. Our workgroup interviewed Town leadership, Chamber of Commerce, FH Sanitary District and FHCCA. We noted a recurring theme that `strength-in-numbers' was important when pursuing opportunities. Hence, our Strategic Priority focuses on the need for local collaboration. Signature Strategy (S) #1 — Description: Lead the formation of collaborative economic development groups that will act in a concerted effort around a common economic goal. Rationale: The Commission believes that synergy can be achieved if like-minded groups collaborate to strengthen our economic progress. The groups can draw members from municipal governments, regional economic development organizations, nonprofit organizations seeking to help communities, and other stakeholders. Supporting Task (T) A - Form an Economic Development Coalition between the Fountain Hills Town Government, Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, and Ft. McDowell Yavapai Nation. The Coalition will collaborate to expand business and tourism opportunities locally. Each party brings unique skills, contacts, and compatible goals to not only recruit business relocation to this area but also support their transition and long-term success. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes 2 Supporting Task (T) B — Form an Economic Development Task Force. Ongoing collaboration between the public and private sectors is an important component of economic development. To encourage collaboration, form an economic development task force with volunteers from the public and private sectors to discuss how the town could better facilitate economic development. Volunteers from the community could include business owners, property owners, developers, school system and retired governmental or business executives. Timeline: <lyrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes Supporting Task (T) C — Create an educational task force comprised of representatives from the education system, business community, and local government. A high-quality education system supports the local economy by helping to ensure the community has workers with needed skills. Fountain Hills should work more closely with the local schools to improve education by supporting school programs and building connections between government and the education sector. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 4 Collaboration potential: Yes Signature Strategy (S) # 2 — Description: Retain existing businesses and attract new ones. Rationale: Existing businesses are the foundation of any economic growth strategy. By building on what already exists, cities can support current businesses and create a strong foundation. Attracting new businesses is often most effective when the effort is tailored to the industries compatible with local economic, space, environmental, and demographic characteristics. Supporting Task (T) A - Develop industry-specific action plans for retaining existing businesses and recruiting new ones for the following sectors: 1) Health and wellness, 2) Professional services, and 3) S.T.E.M. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes Supporting Task (T) B — Develop and promote an effective brand image that emphasizes Fountain Hills' livability, healthfulness, and safety to prospective businesses. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes Supporting Task (T) C — Develop and maintain an economic development website and business metrics database. Create and maintain an economic development website that functions as a one stop shop to help new and existing business owners with business startup, or expansion. This website would include a step-by-step guide to starting, or expanding a business in the city, links to important contacts and forms, and links to resources outside the community, such as loan programs from the Small Business Administration or community development financial institutions or technical assistance from a regional small business development center. A business metrics 3 database would track the overall business health of the community and monitor the effectiveness of economic development initiatives. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes Supporting Task (T) D — Streamline the permitting process. Review existing permit and approval processes, and give businesses investing in downtown and other infill locations an expedited permit process to shorten the timeline and reduce development costs. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: N/A Signature Strategy (S) #3 — Description: Increase local economic development literacy. Rationale: Cultivating civic economic development awareness in current and future local entrepreneurs will increase awareness of the unique opportunities for economic advancement available in Fountain Hills. Supporting Task (T) A — Create a landlord and Bed and Breakfast (B&B) owner education program. A landlord education program will help property owners learn best practices in property management. The program will educate landlords and B&B owners on complying with codes, applicant screening, fair housing rules, lease agreements, the eviction process, running a B&B, and other relevant information. Program benefits will include better property maintenance, safer homes, a more stable tenant base, and lower city costs for code enforcement. Timeline: <4yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes Supporting Task (T) B —Town student Internships. Offer local government internships for high school or college students. Students have volunteer requirements and want professional experience. Students can often help city staff at little or no cost. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes Supporting Task (T) C — Institute a town government local hiring policy. Local- hiring policies typically require that certain government employees or some percentage of workers on city-funded projects live in the jurisdiction. These policies increase employment opportunities for the local workforce, ensure that government spending is invested back into the community, and reduce commute times for government workers. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes 4 Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Health, Wellness, and Safety Work Group Cynthia Magazine, John McHugh, and Patrick Garman May 2021 Strategic Priority (SP): Improve the public health, well-being, and safety of our community. Preamble: We focused on identifying Signature Strategies and Supportive Tasks we thought were most likely to help Fountain Hills leaders realize the goal of improving the public health, well-being, and safety of our community. In doing so, we took into consideration: the Town's economic realities; community input from a variety of sources; the timeline covered by the new strategic plan; relevant trends and future projections; and the need for tasks that are manageable, attainable and measurable. Signature Strategy (S) #1 - Description: Enhance the natural and built environment of Fountain Hills to improve the public health, well-being, and safety of the community. Rationale: While this strategy is broad in scope, it can be easily supported by a number of specific, high priority tasks that fit within the Town's current constraints regarding both human and financial resources. Supporting Task (T) A - Incorporate public health, well-being, and safety in all Fountain Hills Government policies. Timeline: <lyrs to review current policies, then ongoing for any policy changes or new policies. Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: N/A Supporting Task (T) B - Promote, expand, and connect open space and recreational facilities to create safe opportunities for physical activities. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes Supporting Task (T) C - Create and publicize an Environmental Plan for Fountain Hills. Timeline: <1yrs Complexity: 4 Collaboration potential: Yes Supporting Task (T) D - Work directly with local environmental organizations to guide and synchronize their efforts in strengthening our community's connection with its natural surroundings. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes 5