HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2010.1014.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS st.. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 14, 2010 Mayor Jay Schlum called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. TOWN COUNCIL ROLL CALL: Councilmember Cassie Hansen present Councilmember Henry Leger present Vice-Mayor Dennis Brown absent Councilmember Ginny Dickey present Councilmember Dennis Contino present Mayor Jay Schlum present Councilmember Tait A. Elkie present Town Manager Rick Davis present Attorney Christopher Schmaltz present by telephone conference PLANNING & ZONING ROLL CALL: Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew present Commissioner Cecil Yates absent Commissioner Angela Strohan present Commissioner Richard Holper present Commissioner Richard Turner present Commissioner Jeff Mangels absent Commissioner Stan Connick present Town Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills attended either in person or by telephone conference call, if available. Planning and Zoning Commission Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew introduced the newly appointed P & Z Commissioners Stan Connick, Richard Holper, Angela Strohan, and Richard Turner. Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the discussion and asked for participation and discussion regarding the 10 recommendations made by ULI for implementing the Downtown Plan. ITEM# 1- Discussion of the Downtown Vision Plan: (See exhibit "A") Mayor Jay Schlum gave background information to serve as supporting material on the recent visit from the Urban Land Institute and Downtown Area Specific. Page 1 of 7 Councilmember Tait A. Elkie stated he would like the Planning and Zoning Commission to take a look at a long range plan to develop the downtown area infrastructure so interested businesses would be receptive to opening their business in the Downtown area. Councilmember Elkie would like to see such a plan submitted to the Town Council. Councilmember Henry Leger welcomed the new members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilmember Leger stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission could help create the right environment for development. The Town Council members and the Planning and Zoning Commissioners engaged in a discussion relating to each of the 10 key recommendations from the ULI AzTAP "Implementing the Downtown Plan dated September 1, 2010". Mayor Jay Schlum asked Town Manager Richard Davis to give his comments on the retail gaps missing in Town. Mr. Davis explained that the Town's Economic Development Coordinator was working with local retail/shopping centers to market vacancies in businesses identified as being under represented in Town. Mr. Davis explained that staff was including the Avenue of the Fountains and Lakeside areas. Mr. Davis told the group that an outreach to the current business owners, leasing agents, and managers was being made by Town Staff. Councilmember Cassie Hansen remarked that improvements/upgrades to Saguaro Boulevard with additional streetscape and curb appeal would make the Town more attractive to businesses and developers. • Planning and Zoning Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew stated that item number five, "Toolbox", would be an area that the Planning and Zoning Commission could be involved with in the process. Rick Davis was asked to update the group on the Lakeside District. Mr. Davis explained that an application for a re-use of part of the park was being completed and would be submitted by December 2010, for consideration. Mr. Davis stated that the town would utilize approximately 8 acres for public use through a possible public/private partnership. Options would be a venue, parking use, or some commercial development. Mr. Davis added that the body granting permission will require an exchange of park area from another location, possibly the future Fountain Hills Investment, LLC aka Ellman property. Town Councilmember Tait Elkie requested that the Commission provide the Town Council with a road map on future downtown development along with a report on how the existing businesses will mesh with new development. He would also like a report on possible impacts to the residents. Additionally Councilmember Elkie requested the Town's sign ordinance be revisited by the Commission and that the Commission take into consideration the state of the economy and hopefully consider making this ordinance more business friendly. Mayor Schlum pointed out that banners and the business sign ordinance will be part of the Council Retreat discussion. He added that issues expressed have been the frequency of use of banners and the process requested from of the businesses to request a permit. Page 2 of 7 Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew supported the Commission revisiting Chapter 6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Item # 2 — Discussion of the Noise Ordinance and revisions being considered by the Planning and Zoning Subcommittee: Planning and Zoning Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew gave a background and update on what the Noise Regulation Subcommittee was attempting to accomplish by the creation of a new ordinance on noise. Vice-Chairman Pew pointed out the challenges the subcommittee was facing with technical and zoning issues as well as residential complaint levels involving the business area. Vice-Chairman Pew explained that defining the reasonable sound level for residential along with the need to encourage a vibrant downtown was very difficult to determine. The Subcommittee also recognizes the need for the ordinance to be easily enforced. Vice-Chairman Pew listed a few other complications the subcommittee was dealing with as follows: • Complaint driven only. • Penalties. • Remove from other areas in the Zoning Ordinance and Town Code and place in one central location. • Officers following up on complaints without expensive equipment and further training. Councilmember Cassie Hansen suggested amp levels by Zoning Districts and then distinguishing between day and night readings. Vice-Chairman explained that this direction would be almost impossible since enforcement officers would have to know the entire town's zoning districts; where they began and ended. Vice-Chairman Pew also explained that defining the level of 'too loud'was an issue and one reason was because noise travels differently in areas such as the lake area, open areas, across washes, etc. Councilmember Tait A. Elkie suggested a possible set time which would be easily interpreted. Vice-Chairman Pew remarked the ordinance could be time dependent and understood the businesses needed to know what was expected of them. Councilmember Ginny Dickey asked if the ordinance was removed from the Zoning Ordinance would a continuing noise violation in a residential area be treated equally to other area violations. Councilmember Dickey suggested the subcommittee take into consideration the area and the reason why someone was living in that section of town such as a mixed use development and then distinguish from an area previously built out and used to their surrounding areas. Mayor Schlum stated that besides a few complaints, the town did not currently have a problem with noise violations and the complaints received have been resolved between the individual businesses,residents and the officers that handle those types of calls. Page 3 of 7 Item #3 —Planning and Zoning Vice-Chairman asked for a Motion to adjourn. Councilmember Henry Leger made the MOTION to adjourn and Councilmember Tait A. Elkie SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED (11-0), by those present. The meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 14,2010 Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at 6:37 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Present for the meeting were the following members of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission: Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew, Commissioners Stan Connick, Richard Holper, Angela Strohan, and Richard Turner. Commissioners Cecil Yates and Jeff Mangels were unable to attend the meeting. Also present were Director of Development Services Paul Mood, Senior Planner Robert Rodgers, Planner Gene Slechta,and Executive Assistant and Recorder of the Minutes Janice Baxter. ROLL CALL: Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew present Commissioner Stan Connick present Commissioner Richard Holper present Commissioner Angela Strohan present Commissioner Richard Turner present Commissioner Jeff Mangels absent Commissioner Cecil Yates absent Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew requested that the Commission postpone the nomination and election of a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for a one-year term beginning October 14, 2010 through October 13, 2010, until our next Commission meeting due to the absence of Commissioners Yates and Mangels. Commissioner Richard Turner made a MOTION to table this action until the next scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Commissioner Richard Holper SECONDED. A voice vote was taken and the MOTION CARRIED 5-0,by those present. CALL TO THE PUBLIC NO ONE CAME FORWARD. Page 4 of 7 REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #1 — CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes from AUGUST 26,2010. Commissioner Richard Turner MOVED to approve the meeting minutes from the August 26, 2010, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting, as presented. Commissioner Angela Strohan SECONDED. A roll call vote was taken and the MOTION CARRIED 4-0,by those present. Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye Commissioner Richard Holper abstained Commissioner Angela Strohan aye Commissioner Richard Turner aye AGENDA ITEM #2 — CONSIDERATION of CANCELLING the regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning meetings dated November 11, 25, and December 23,2010,due to the holidays. Vice-Chairman Pew asked for any discussion between the Commissioners. No discussion was requested. Commissioner Angela Strohan MOVED to approve the cancellation of the Commission's regularly scheduled meetings dated November 11, 25, and December 23, 2010, due to the holidays. Commissioner Richard Turner SECONDED. A voice vote was taken and the MOTION CARRIED 5-0. AGENDA ITEM #3 - COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to the Planning and Zoning Administrator. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i) placing such items on a future agenda for action or(ii) determining if a majority of Commissioners wish to request staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. None Received. AGENDA ITEM#4-REPORT from the Senior Planner of Planning and Zoning. Robert Rodgers Senior Planner informed the Commission that staff would be presenting the Tract Housing Ordinance to the Town Council with a public hearing and consideration on Thursday, October 21, 2010. Mr. Rodgers also informed the Commissioners that the Board of Adjustment would be requesting applications for four openings on the Board; three would be 2-year terms and one term would be held for 1-year to complete the seat vacated by Commissioner Angela Strohan who recently was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Please have any possible candidates contact Janice for an application. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the Midfirst Bank located in the Safeway Plaza was holding an open house this week-end; Target was hosting a Shred a Thon on Wednesday, October 27, 2010, involving paper shedding and electronics recycling. C Page 5 of 7 Mr. Rodgers explained that the noise subcommittee had vacancies and invited the newly appointed Commissioners to participate, if possible. Staff would provide the new members with documents from the previous subcommittee meetings. Vice-Chairman Pew requested that Commissioners who decided to join the Subcommittee should contact Janice. Mr. Rodgers stated that Vice-Mayor Dennis Brown requested that he notify the Commission that the original Crestview Subdivision and Firerock Development Agreements had expired and there may be concerns with the development of buildable lots and the issue may be brought to the Commissioners attention. Mr. Rodgers informed the Commission that the Development Agreements for Crestview Subdivision and Firerock had expired and their 10-year agreements with the Town were no longer in effect. Vice-Chairman Pew asked Mr. Rodgers how the expirations would affect new builds in those areas. Mr. Rodgers explained that new builds must build under the current Building Codes and current Ordinances and some of the lots had hillside protection issues. Mr. Rodgers informed the Commission that Crestview's agreement expired in 2009 and Firerock early 2010. AGENDA ITEM#5-SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS No requests were made AGENDA ITEM#6-ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Richard Turner MOVED to adjourn and Commissioner Angela Strohan SECONDED the MOTION. The MOTION CARRIED(5-0),by those present. Vice-Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye Commissioner Richard Holper aye Commissioner Angela Strohan aye Commissioner Richard Turner aye The meeting ADJOURNED at 6:49 p.m. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION BY: J ATTEST: Vice- hairman Lloyd Pew Jani Baxter,Recorder of the Minutes CERTIFICATION Page 6 of 7 I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held in the Town Council Chambers on the 14th day of October 2010. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 14th day of October 2010 ice Baxter,Recorder of the Minutes 411> 411) Page 7 of 7 1 +O C a) s r r v • - O i L it ( ya �► •_^^� �Q/� J Ln U N -0 (0 c _ �"AA.. .4 C .' '�1 V l l0� O >77 I- • U R y. J c -0 3 o z I c E Z QU LnU U C O 4' UI a ,. C L1 r0 a) C C - r r• E 4- > Q p dJ C ra Qk a . 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