HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2021.0916.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 1. CALL TO ORDER—Chairman Craft at 4:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL—Chairman Craft Present: John W. Craft, Jr., Chairman; Patrick Garman, Vice Chairman; Chad Bernick, Commissioner; Gerard Bisceglia, Commissioner; Mary Edman, Commissioner; Cynthia Magazine, Commissioner Absent: John McHugh, Commissioner Staff Town Manager Grady Miller; Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu Present: 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H),public comment is permitted(not required)on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment(i)must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and(ii)is subject to reasonable time,place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may(i)respond to criticism, (ii)ask staff to review a matter, or(iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. 4. CONSIDERATION OF Approving the June 23, 2021, Meeting Minutes. MOVED BY Commissioner Gerard Bisceglia, SECONDED BY Commissioner Cynthia Magazine to APPROVE the June 23, 2021, Meeting Minutes. Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 5. UPDATE ON Focus Group Chair Craft reported that focus groups in support of the work will not happen this year mainly due to COVID. He said that they did receive a great deal of feedback from the two surveys that were conducted over the course of the last year from Vision Fountain Hills in support of our efforts. Vision of Fountain Hills hopes to become much more engaged with the community on topics that are topical, as opposed to strategic and will stay tuned and hopefully continue. 6. REVIEW OF Rank Order Summaries for Signature Strategies and Tasks Chair Craft reported that the rank order for the signature strategies and the supporting tasks (see attached document) have been identified. He said they can begin to eliminate some of the strategies and tasks that are not timely or in terms of the priorities that do not fit the new plan. He said the point is to get the new plan to where it's manageable and measurable. He said, there are approximately 38 tasks that would need to be reduced to around 25 to 30 tasks. He said that Vice Chair Garman reached out to the commissioners individually, and asked them to rank order the current strategies and tasks. He pointed out that the tasks highlighted (see attached document) received a very low score in the aggregate. Chair Craft requested input from the commission and a discussion ensued. oThe Community Relations Manager is currently tasked with creating a citizen/community engagement process. The Community Relations Manager sends publications to each household increasing awareness on how much is done with the town's parks o The financial sustainability of the new plan will be discussed at the next meeting.. o Concerns with wording in signature strategy two (economic development) and supporting task could relate more to law and regulations— amend the wording and possibly have at the next meeting for approval. o Concerns about tasks relating to schools being eliminated. Commission was informed that the Town currently has in place the below: o The Town holds a joint meeting with the school district governing board meetings once a year. o The Student of the Month program, in which students are recognized at the council meetings. o Fountain Hills Coalition, which includes town staff and school district members. o Acknowledge recommendations and make some modifications to incorporate schools as part of the overall branding and promotion of the town. Chair Craft thanked everyone for the good discussion and suggestions. He said we need to find a way to incorporate schools with recognizing some of the current challenges with doing so. 7. REVIEW OF Communication Plan for the Strategic Plan Vice Chair Garman commented that he was honored to present the Communications Plan (see attached document) on behalf of Commissioner McHugh. He explained that the first step in developing a communications plan is to clearly define your audience. He said that different audiences respond best to different types of communication. He said that he proposed and Chair Craft agreed that from a communications perspective; it should have three distinct audiences: 1. The Town Council - Because without a favorable vote by the town council, there will be no new strategic plan. 2. The Town Manager and the Town Staff- Because those are the people we are asking to do all the work that we think needs to be done. Without their buy-in, little if anything gets done to implement the plan. 3. The community members, residents, business owners, and civic organizations— Because it is their town too He said that the ultimate goal is to get the new plan approved and implemented and then asked the commission if there were any questions or concerns. Town Manager Miller commented that he thought this was good and will be helpful in formalizing the follow-up on a strategic plan and that he is trying to ensure that the outcomes that are desired actually get achieved. He noted that it was mentioned in the Communications Plan, "The Town's General Manager", and it should read the "Town Manager". A discussion ensued on items mentioned in the Communications Plan. One item was for the commission to have quarterly meetings with the Town Manager and department directors for the purpose of monitoring the progress of the new Strategic Plan. Town Manager Miller commented that once a month during a weekly meeting with the department directors, they discuss mastering the items contained in the Strategic Plan and making sure there are resources available when it comes time for budgeting. He mentioned that this has not been done recently due to the lapsed status of the current plan. Town Manager Miller mentioned that a scorecard of the plan's progress for the public to view on the town's website should be included in the Communications Plan. Another item mentioned was a Communications Liaison. Chair Craft commented that a liaison could take the lead in bringing information in and out because specific tasks will consume a lot of time. 8. UPDATE ON Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Work Schedule Through December 21, 2021 Chair Craft gave the commissioners an updated work schedule for the 2021 Strategic Plan for beginning with August 2021 forward (see attached document). Chair Craft mentioned that it was for update purposes and did not need to go through each item listed. 9. REVIEW OF September 29, 2021, Meeting with Town Directors It was discussed, and the commission agreed that no more than three commissioners should present the components of the proposed new strategic plan at the town's department director weekly meeting, to solicit feedback. 10. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY Commissioner Gerard Bisceglia, SECONDED BY Commissioner Cynthia Magazine to adjourn at 5:06 p.m. Vote: 6 - 0- Unanimously STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION !1 Jo W. Craft, Jr., C irfman ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: OA( - Angela sin u, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 16 day of September, 2021. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 27 day of October, 2021. Ange a E rit , Ex cuti Assistant John McHugh [DOCUMENT TITLE] (This will be one small section of a much larger document which will be released to the public upon plan approval.) Communication Plan Preamble A strategic plan has no value in and of itself. A strategic plan is a working document. It is only as good as the ongoing efforts of the people who created it and the people who approved it and, ultimately, the people who are tasked with doing all of the work our plan suggests be done. Strategy Establish collaborative communication channels by creating strong working relationships with the Town Council and the Town Staff. Tasks Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (hereafter SPAC) - No later than early 2022, SPAC will appoint one of its members to become our Communications Liaison. Page 1 of 2 John McHugh [DOCUMENT TITLE] SPAC and Town Council - The Town Council will receive a written executive summary of all topics covered in each quarterly meeting attended by the Town Staff and SPAC. SPAC and Town Staff - The Town's General Manager attends SPAC meetings and played an active role in helping us create the new strategic plan. Going forward, SPAC will hold quarterly follow-up meetings with the Town's General Manager and Department Heads during the last week of each fiscal quarter. The purpose of those meetings is to monitor progress on the implementation of all elements of the strategic plan and to provide ample time for Q & A by all participants. SPAC and Town Residents - Our Communications Liaison will work with the Town Staff and local media to keep community members updated on matters concerning the plan's implementation. When approved, copy of the 2022 Five-Year Strategic Plan for the Town of Fountain Hills will be placed on the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission page at the Town's website - www.fh.az.gov. Page 2 of 2 • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ,4® t Fountains Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Strategic Plan 2021 This is a reflection of the average ranking produced from the SS and ST rankings from each individual Commissioner. 1) The SP order is alphabetical (Economic, Health, Infrastructure). 2) Each SS and ST is ranked within its SP. 3) I have highlighted in yellow SS and STs that were not generally favored by the group for purposes of discussion during our next meeting. 1 Fountains Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Economic Development Work Group John Craft, Gerard Bisceglia, and Patrick Garman May 2021 Strategic Priority (SP): Focus on targeted collaborative economic development. Preamble: An essential element of a thriving community is its economy. Fountain Hills is a small, active community whose long-term sustainability requires an effective targeted economic development plan. Economic development has become a hotly debated topic and a much sought-after goal in towns across America. Industrial recruitment and reliance on outside funding are giving way to locally based finance and entrepreneurial activity. Fountain Hills needs to take advantage of its unique local resources and leadership to advance its own successful local economy in a way that continues to appeal to its residents and business community. Presently, the local chamber of commerce and the Town actively, but separately, work to support new and existing business growth. The following strategies and their supporting tasks attempt to address the opportunity of establishing a more unified and focused business development effort locally. Our workgroup interviewed Town leadership, Chamber of Commerce, FH Sanitary District and FHCCA. We noted a recurring theme that 'strength-in-numbers' was important when pursuing opportunities. Hence, our Strategic Priority focuses on the need for local collaboration. #1 Signature Strategy (S) 1 — Description: Retain existing businesses and attract new ones. Rationale: Existing businesses are the foundation of any economic growth strategy. By building on what already exists, cities can support current businesses and create a strong foundation. Attracting new businesses is often most effective when the effort is tailored to the industries compatible with local economic, space, environmental, and demographic characteristics. #1 Supporting Task (T) A — Develop and promote an effective brand image that emphasizes Fountain Hills' livability, healthfulness, and safety to prospective businesses. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes #3 Supporting Task (T) B - Develop industry-specific action plans for retaining existing businesses and recruiting new ones for the following sectors: 1) Health and wellness, 2) Professional services, and 3) S.T.E.M. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes 2 #4 Supporting Task (T) C — Develop and maintain an economic development website and business metrics database. Create and maintain an economic development website that functions as a one stop shop to help new and existing business owners with business startup, or expansion. This website would include a step-by-step guide to starting, or expanding a business in the town, links to important contacts and forms, and links to resources outside the community, such as loan programs from the Small Business Administration or community development financial institutions or technical assistance from a regional small business development center. A business metrics database would track the overall business health of the community and monitor the effectiveness of economic development initiatives. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes #5 Supporting Task (T) D — Streamline the permitting process. Review existing permit and approval processes, and give businesses investing in downtown and other infill locations an expedited permit process to shorten the timeline and reduce development costs. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: N/A #2 Signature Strategy (S) 2 — Description: Lead the formation of collaborative economic development groups that will act in a concerted effort around a common economic goal. Rationale: The Commission believes that synergy can be achieved if like-minded groups collaborate to strengthen our economic progress. The groups can draw members from municipal governments, regional economic development organizations, nonprofit organizations seeking to help communities, and other stakeholders. #2 Supporting Task (T) A - Form an Economic Development Coalition between the Fountain Hills Town Government, Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, and Ft. McDowell Yavapai Nation. The Coalition will collaborate to expand business and tourism opportunities locally. Each party brings unique skills, contacts, and compatible goals to not only recruit business relocation to this area but also support their transition and long-term success. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes #6 Supporting Task (T) B — Form an Economic Development Task Force. Ongoing collaboration between the public and private sectors is an important component of economic development. To encourage collaboration, form an economic development task force with volunteers from the public and private sectors to discuss how the town could better facilitate economic development. Volunteers from the community could include business owners, property owners, developers, school system and retired governmental or business executives. 3 I Timeline: <lyrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes #9 Supporting Task (T) C — Create an educational task force comprised of representatives from the education system, business community, and local government. A high-quality education system supports the local economy by helping to ensure the community has workers with needed skills. Fountain Hills should work more closely with the local schools to improve education by supporting school programs and building connections between government and the education sector. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 4 Collaboration potential: Yes #3 Signature Strategy (S) 3 — Description: Increase local economic development literacy. Rationale: Cultivating civic economic development awareness in current and future local entrepreneurs will increase awareness of the unique opportunities for economic advancement available in Fountain Hills. #7 Supporting Task (T) A — Town student Internships. Offer local government internships for high school or college students. Students have volunteer requirements and want professional experience. Students can often help town staff at little or no cost. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes #8 Supporting Task (T) B — Create a landlord and Bed and Breakfast (B&B) owner education program. A landlord education program will help property owners learn best practices in property management. The program will educate landlords and B&B owners on complying with codes, applicant screening, fair housing rules, lease agreements, the eviction process, running a B&B, and other relevant information. Program benefits will include better property maintenance, safer homes, a more stable tenant base, and lower town costs for code enforcement. Timeline: <4yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes #10 Supporting Task (T) C — Institute a town government local hiring policy. Local-hiring policies typically require that certain government employees or some percentage of workers on town-funded projects live in the jurisdiction. These policies increase employment opportunities for the local workforce, ensure that government spending is invested back into the community, and reduce commute times for government workers. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes 4 Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Health, Wellness, and Safety Work Group Cynthia Magazine, John McHugh, and Patrick Garman May 2021 Strategic Priority (SP): Improve the public health, well-being, and safety of our community. Preamble: We focused on identifying Signature Strategies and Supportive Tasks we thought were most likely to help Fountain Hills leaders realize the goal of improving the public health, well-being, and safety of our community. In doing so, we took into consideration: the Town's economic realities; community input from a variety of sources; the timeline covered by the new strategic plan; relevant trends and future projections; and the need for tasks that are manageable, attainable and measurable. #1 Signature Strategy (S) 1 - Description: Enhance the natural and built environment of Fountain Hills to improve the public health, well-being, and safety of the community. Rationale: While this strategy is broad in scope, it can be easily supported by a number of specific, high priority tasks that fit within the Town's current constraints regarding both human and financial resources. #1 Supporting Task (T) A - Promote, expand, and connect open space and recreational facilities to create safe opportunities for physical activities. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes #2 Supporting Task (T) B - Work directly with local environmental organizations to guide and synchronize their efforts in strengthening our community's connection with its natural surroundings. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes #4 Supporting Task (T) C - Incorporate public health, well-being, and safety in all Fountain Hills Government policies. Timeline: <lyrs to review current policies, then ongoing for any policy changes or new policies. Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: N/A #5 Supporting Task (T) D - Create and publicize an Environmental Plan for Fountain Hills. Timeline: <lyrs Complexity: 4 Collaboration potential: Yes 5 #2 Signature Strategy (S) 2 - Description: Make Fountain Hills a community focused on public health, well-being, and safety. Rationale: While this strategy is broad in scope, it can be easily supported by specific, high priority tasks that fit within the Town's current constraints regarding both human and financial resources. #3 Supporting Task (T) A - Support the expansion of preventive health and wellness access within the Fountain Hills community. Timeline: <lyrs to assess, then ongoing as opportunities are addressed. Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes #6 Supporting Task (T) B - Create awareness of Fountain Hills as a community focused on public health, well-being, and safety. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes #7 Supporting Task (T) C - Develop a Fountain Hills plan for incorporating critical, community-based support services to manage unexpected occurrences. Timeline: <lyrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes #8 Supporting Task (T) D - Support Fountain Hills Schools in promoting the health, well-being, and safety of their students. Timeline: <1yrs to assess, then ongoing as opportunities are addressed. Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes #9 Supporting Task (T) E - Improve the health, well-being, and safety literacy of Fountain Hills residents. Timeline: 3yrs, then ongoing updates. Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes 6 Fountains Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Infrastructure Work Group Chad Bernick and Patrick Garman May 2021 Strategic Priority (SP): Maintain current infrastructure while preparing the town for emerging infrastructure trends that increase public safety and quality of life. Preamble: Fountain Hills infrastructure plays a vital role in the quality of life for our citizens and we must maintain and prepare it for the future. Fountain Hills infrastructure must be capable of supporting our town's economy, while holding public safety and quality of life as priorities. There are generally many categories of infrastructure to consider, but focusing solely on Fountain Hills, we identified four that are of particular interest to our town's residents and elected leadership. This iteration of the Fountain Hills strategic plan will deal with Broadband, Public Parks, Roads, and Energy infrastructure areas. #1 Signature Strategy (S) 1 — Description: Develop an investment plan and schedule to maintain/bring FH's streets, medians, buildings, and parks to established standards. Rationale: Infrastructure planning, funding, and execution information should be available, clearly articulated, and transparently handled by Fountain Hills public agencies. #1 Supporting Task (T) A: Develop a detailed Infrastructure Condition Report with a scoring mechanism for evaluating and reporting the functionality, appearance, and upkeep of the Town's fixed assets. The report will be updated annually, reviewed by the town council, and available to town citizens. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: N/A #2 Signature Strategy (S) 2 — Description: Support local Broadband strategic buildouts and deployment efforts while ensuring the preservation of conduit and right of way for future technologies. Rationale: Broadband, a generic term for high-speed internet access, enables students of all ages to learn online and businesses to reach customers and co-workers; facilitates electronic and verbal communications; provides access to healthcare and job openings; and can be the deciding factor of where a company chooses to expand. #3 Supporting Task (T) A — Make co-location of broadband a requirement with existing infrastructure planning as a condition of permit use or where public funding is provided. This includes above-ground infrastructure and the codification of "dig once" 7 policies where service providers install broadband conduit as other infrastructure is installed. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: N/A #6 Supporting Task (T) B - Enact and enforce codes and standards to ensure that utility poles and other structures that support 4G/5G and future telecommunications equipment are structurally sound, reliable, and resilient. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 4 Collaboration potential: N/A #3 Signature Strategy (S) 3 — Description: Increase the ease and safety of multi-use aspects of Fountain Hills roads. Rationale: A forward looking road strategy is essential to everyday living in Fountain Hills, providing access to jobs, schools, shopping, healthcare, wellness, and other services while enabling sustainable mobility options such as pedestrian and biking access. #2 Supporting Task (T) A - Work with the Fountain Hills Town Council Subcommittee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety to identify the roads where lack of a safe and interconnected sidewalk system increases risk to pedestrians and produce a plan and schedule to remedy. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes #5 Supporting Task (T) B: Develop a comprehensive bicycle master plan, in combination with dedicated citizen and organization support. A successful plan will focus on developing a seamless cycling network that emphasizes short trip distances, multi-modal trips, and is complemented by encouragement, education, and enforcement programs to increase usage. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes #7 Supporting Task (T) C - Promote awareness of pedestrian and bicycle rights, vehicular responsibilities and other "rules of the road" that will help reduce potential conflicts and accidents in Fountain Hills. Timeline: <lyrs Complexity: 1 Collaboration potential: N/A #4 Signature Strategy (S) 4 — Description: Partner with other government agencies and outside entities e.g. private companies, nonprofit organizations, and volunteer groups, to evaluate and report on the health of the Fountain Hills parks and its asset maintenance/management system. Rationale: Parks support economic prosperity and build thriving, healthy, resilient communities. Besides providing recreational opportunities and green space for all ages, parks provide a suite of ancillary benefits 8 such as higher property values, protection, and improvements to drinking water sources, fewer urban heat islands, and stormwater management. #4 Supporting Task (T) A — Complete a park metric scoring analysis using a nationally recognized system to benchmark the Fountain Hills town park system. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes #9 Supporting Task (T) B - Promote awareness of Community Services Department parks and recreation facilities and offerings by using customer-friendly, interactive media. Timeline: <lyrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes. #5 Signature Strategy (S) 5 — Description: Pursue emerging pilot/beta program opportunities with Salt River Project (SRP) power. Rationale: In a digital, connected world, Fountain Hills increasingly relies on readily available and uninterrupted electricity. SRP is taking proactive steps to strengthen the electric grid through resilience measures. Fountain Hills needs to be on the forefront of working with SRP in the coming years to ensure additional transmission and distribution infrastructure, smart planning, and improved reliability to accommodate the changing energy landscape, as delivery becomes more distributed and renewables grow. #8 Supporting Task (T) A: Pursue partnership opportunity with Yavapai Nation and SRP in the development of a power district in or around Fountain Hills. Timeline: <5yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes 9 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 1 Fountains Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Strategic Plan 2021 1 Fountains Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Finance Work Group Draft Strategic Priority (SP): Promote the long-term sustainability of community financial, environmental, and social resources. Preamble: The Commission recommends the following five guiding principles for fiduciary responsibility that should be embraced by the Town of Fountain Hills: 1) Live within your means 2) Employ cost recovery when setting fees for "individualized" services 3) Use reserves only for one-time expenditures or temporary stop-gap measures 4) Study contracting out services before attempting to do in-house. 5) Emphasize transparency. Signature Strategy (S) #1 — Description: Increase transparency and communication with the public regarding continuous monitoring and internal controls of Town finances. Rationale: Transparency leads to trust and trust leads to a community that is confident in providing resources to the Town government to solve short and long term public issues on their behalf. Supporting Task (T) A: Hold public meetings twice a year to review the Town's financial health. Timeline: <1yrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: N/A Supporting Task (T) B: Partner with Vision Fountain Hills for the provision of a regularly occurring community survey in order to track satisfaction levels over time on the provision of Town services. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 1 Collaboration potential: Yes Signature Strategy (S) #2 — Description: Promote the long-term financial health and stability of the Town as responsible and accountable stewards of the community's fiscal resources. Rationale: The annual budget serves as the Town's financial plan. The budget is a policy document that provides direction and priorities for the resources needed to deliver community services. Supporting Task (T) A: Produce a feasibility study for the Town Council evaluating the implementation a two-year budget cycle. Rationale: A two year budgeting cycle has been shown to be a cost and time saving process. It leads to better long term planning and allows more time for program review and evaluation than annual budgeting. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: N/A 2 Supporting Task (T) B: Produce a five-year financial plan that incorporates fiscally responsible revenue and expenditure forecasts and prioritizes the evaluation of existing facilities and infrastructure and considers repair and/or replacement. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: N/A Supporting Task (T) C: Expand transient occupancy tax and collection efforts to capture short-term, residential rental market (represented by websites like VRBO, AirBnB, etc.). Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: N/A Supporting Task (T) D: Create a role for an experienced grant researcher and writer from an existing job description. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: N/A Signature Strategy (S) #3 — Desription: Review the provision of governmental services to identify opportunities for increased efficiency and economies of scale. Rationale: Balancing the Town's use of full services and contracted services promotes both stability and flexibility. Supporting Task (T) A: Conduct a feasibility analysis of all government services provided by the Town evaluating the potential to contract for services where increased efficiency and flexibility can be achieved. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 4 Collaboration potential: N/A Supporting Task (T) B: Promote staff efficiency by increasing the public's access to self-service options. Examples include kiosks that improve organization, accommodation, payment options, accessibility, and security. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes 3 7 7 m •> 's in E a) E 1_ to & C U a Cl u U 44, / < U ) 0- a. ° \ \ ® / / V) V) E Lo 7 N N » m d m \ o . 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