HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2021.1025.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
OCTOBER 25, 2021
1. CALL TO ORDER-Welcome Craig Rudolphy to Community Services Advisory
2. ROLL CALL -Vice Chairman Natalie Varela
Present: Vice Chairman Natalie Varela; Commissioner Stephen Barnes; Youth
Commissioner Jacelle Nicole Bautista; Commissioner Rory Wilson;
Commissioner Craig Rudolphy
Absent: Commissioner Carey Reddick, Jr.; Commissioner Ron Ruppert
Staff Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin; Executive Assistant Patti
Present: Lopuszanski; Community Center Manager Jennifer Lyons; Recreation
Mananger Linda Ayres
Attendees: Jeny Davis, Biophilic Fountain Hills
Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H),public comment is permitted(not required) on matters NOT listed on the
agenda.Any such comment(i)must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and(ii)is subject to
reasonable time,place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on
matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal
action.At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may(i)respond to criticism, (ii)ask
staff to review a matter, or(iii)ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.
Scott Grzybowski, Chairman, McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission, spoke in
support of Fountain Hills becoming a Biophilic Community that would invest in the
well-being of the community, build resiliency and increase in the natural environment.
Lisa Ristuccia, Arizona Association for Environmental Education, Board of Directors
Adamo Education Microschool, Teacher, submitted a written comment stating, "I am in
full support of Fountain Hills becoming a Biophilic City and I will assist in any way I am
able. I will also get my students actively involved."
Cynthia Magazine, Commissioner, Strategic Planning Advisory Commission, submitted
a written comment stating, "Biophilic Certification not only supports the Community
Services Master Plan; it will give us specific ways to become involved in that
preservation, such as an urban forestry plan, identifying and promoting sustainable best
practices, and celebrating our environmental efforts with a Sonoran Festival."
4. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes of the Meeting of
September 27, 2021
MOVED BY Commissioner Rory Wilson, and SECONDED BY Commissioner Stephen
Barnes to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of the Community Services Advisory
Commission on September 27, 2021.
VOTE: 5-0 Passed Unanimously
5. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Appointment of a Chairperson
Due to two absent commissioners and the first meeting of the newly appointed
Commissioner Craig Rudolphy it was agreed to table this item until the November 22,
2021 meeting.
6. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Appointment of a Vice Chairperson
Due to two absent commissioners and the first meeting of the newly appointed
Commissioner Craig Rudolphy it was agreed to table this item until the November 22,
2021 meeting.
7. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of new Community Center
Operational Hours
Jen Lyons, Community Center Manager, presented the new Community Center
Operation Hours to the Commission. Prior to the renovation the hours were 8am-5pm
Monday through Friday, and evenings and weekends, as needed for rentals and
programs. This was a challenge for staffing and the need of part-time staff to work
evenings and weekends. To alleviate this problem new Standard Hours will be Monday -
Thursday 8am-8pm and Fridays 8am-4pm. Fridays after 4pm, and all day Saturdays,
would be for rentals and town programs. The Community Center would like to utilize the
space better.
Classroom space:
Rec/Seniors have primary use of classroom space Monday— Fridays from 8am-2pm.
Private rentals are subject to availability. After 2pm Monday— Friday classroom space is
available to Town Programs, Town Partners and private rentals. Saturdays —classroom
space is reserved for Town programs, unless combined with ballroom rentals.
Ballroom space
Ballrooms are primarily used for rentals and Town programs. After 4pm on Fridays and
Saturdays ballroom rentals can only be reserved for half of the grand ballroom, 2
ballrooms or the grand ballroom (4 ballrooms). No Sunday rentals unless part of a
multi-day rental or a Town Program. Chairs and tables are included as part of the rental.
AV equipment, dance floors, etc. are available for additional charges. Set up
(decorating) and clean up time are included as part of the rental period. Programs and
rentals requesting to operate outside standard hours will be subject to additional labor
costs. Vendors such as caterers, bartenders, entertainment, etc. are also subject to
operate (set up/clean up) inside the rental period of the event. The kitchen is only to be
used in conjunction with a ballroom rental.
Ms. Goodwin shared that this was needed to work with the community to be more
accountable for the time being reserved and conserve the resources of limited staff at the
Community Center. It is not cost-effective to open for minimal events/programs.
MOVED BY Commissioner Craig Rudolphy, SECONDED BY Commissioner Rory Wilson
Vote: 5 - 0 - Unanimously
Ms. Lyons shared the need for accountability by those that are served and use the
Community Center. A written Code of Conduct would allow for those that do not comply
to be put on notice and if behaviors continue could be escalated to MSCO. Ms. Goodwin
informed the commissioners that a do not trespass could be given when the Code of
Conduct behavior has become excessive. The Code of Conduct would be made part of
rental agreements and membership sign up.
The work group made up of Vice Chairman Varela, Commissioner Barnes and
Commissioner Wilson will work with Ms. Lyons researching samples of other Code of
Conducts and bring forth at the November 22, 2021 meeting for further discussion.
9. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of Fountain Lighting Policy
Ms. Goodwin informed the commission that there have been requests from the public to
change the fountain lighting colors for personal events, such as gender reveal,
anniversary, birthdays. In order to keep it unique and special, Ms. Goodwin shared it
would be best to keep it unique by reserving it for special occasions. The policy could be
reviewed annually once new capabilities come to be for internet at the pump house, but
currently must be programmed manually by staff.
Ms. Goodwin informed the commissioners that rent time for the fountain for 1/2 hour
increments is $300 and that lights do not operate during the day.
MOVED BY Commissioner Rory Wilson, SECONDED BY Commissioner Craig Rudolphy
Vote: 5 - 0 - Unanimously
10. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval seeking Biophilic Certification for
the Town of Fountain Hills
Jeny Davis, Coordinator for Biophilic Fountain Hills, presented follow-up information to
the CSAC Commission after attending the September 28, 2021 meeting. She shared
that in order for Fountain Hills to become a partner with the network, the town must meet
the following six requirements: 1) Official Resolution of adoption by the Town
Government; 2) A narrative statement of the town's biophilic intentions; 3) Selecting a
minimum of five indicators to monitor progress; 4) Designation of a town contact or
coordinator; 5)Assist fellow partners and participate in partner events, workshops and
conferences; 6) One-time fee of$250
MOVED BY Commissioner Rory Wilson, SECONDED BY Commissioner Stephen Barnes
Vote: 5 - 0 - Unanimously
The CSAC Meeting Dates for 2022 were reviewed, and it was determined that there was
no conflict at this time with any proposed dates.
MOVED BY Commissioner Craig Rudolphy, SECONDED BY Commissioner Rory Wilson
Vote: 5 - 0 - Unanimously
12. UPDATE: Volunteer Opportunities
Linda Ayres, Recreation Manager, informed the commission on upcoming volunteer
13. UPDATE: Town Events
Linda Ayres, Recreation Manager, informed the commission on upcoming events.
MOVED BY Commissioner Rory Wilson, SECONDED BY Stephen Barnes to adjourn.
VOTE: 5-0 Passed Unanimously
The Regular Meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission held on October
25, 2021, adjourned at 6:18 p.m
Natalie Varela, Vice Cha. an
atti zans� tive Assistant
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular
Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council
Chambers on the 25th day of October, 2021. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a
quorum was present.
DATED this 22nd day of November, 2021.
Patti Lopuszanskt,, Ex tive Assistant