HomeMy WebLinkAboutBA.1993.0608.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JUKE 8, 1993 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Board of Adjustment was convened and called to order by Chairman George Bard at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 8, 1993 in the Town Council Chambers located at 16836 E. Palisades Blvd., Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM #1 - CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #2 - ROLL CALL Roll call was taken and present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Board of Adjustment: Chairman George Bard,Donald Andrews,Paul Kostura,and Samuel Nicholson.Also present were Associate Planner, Loras Rauch and Administrative Assistant, Joan McCartney. AGENDA ITEM #3 - PLEDGE TO THE FLAG AND INVOCATION After the pledge to the flag, the invocation was given by Chairman Bard. AGENDA ITEM #4 - SWEARING IN OF BOARD MEMBERS: EARL STAVELY PAUL KOSTURA SAMUEL NICHOLSON Mayor John Cutillo swore in Paul Kostura and Samuel Nicholson as Boardmembers on the Fountain Hills Board of Adjustment. AGENDA ITEM #5 - ELECTION OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT VICE-CHAIRMAN Chairman Bard made a MOTION to nominate Boardmember Andrews as the Board of Adjustment Vice- Chairman. Boardmember Nicholson SECONDED and the motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #6 - CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - JANUARY 12, 1993 Boardmember Nicholson made a MOTION that the minutes of January 12, 1992 be accepted as written. Vice-Chairman Andrews SECONDED and the motion CARRIED unanimously. 1 AGENDA ITEM #7 - REVIEW AND CONSIDER VARIANCE REQUEST BY: *4kra. RANDAL HEALY (V93-02) 15833 E. RUSKIN PLAT 505B, BLOCK 1, LOT 26 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Mrs. Rauch presented the Staff Report on case number V93-02. Mrs. Rauch stated that the Engineering Department had been consulted on the variance request and had expressed some concern for the 10 foot drainage easement along the rear of the property. Mrs. Rauch stated that by moving the house forward on the lot, the drainage concerns of the Engineering Department were answered, as well as providing a buildable pad for the house which more closely balanced the amount of cut and fill needing to be done. Mrs. Rauch added that due to the original platting of the property, the lot was very shallow. She stated that the variance was needed because of the hardship produced by the platting of such a lot. Mrs. Rauch stated that Staff was recommending approval of a rear yard set back of sixteen feet and a front yard set back of fourteen feet. She stated that both the Applicant and the Town Engineer were in agreement with the "compromise variance" suggested by Staff. Boardmember Nicholson asked about the Maricopa County Flood Control Study being done within the Town. Mrs. Rauch explained that the study was being done on the major washes in Town. Mrs. Rauch went on the say that everything in Fountain Hills was in Flood Zone "B". She added that that was expected to change when the study was done due to the major development that has occurred. She stated that some areas could be put into a Flood Zone "A", but that those areas were unknown at this time. She stated that Flood Zone "A" was still buildable,but would require flood insurance. She went on to say that Flood Zone "B" did not require flood insurance but could be required by some lenders. Les Healy agreed with the Staff Recommendations and added that the lot was too narrow to build on with the standard setbacks. Dave Montgomery, Engineer, stated that it was preferable to move the house toward the street because of the wash at the rear of the property. Mrs. Rauch stated that the variance request had been reviewed by the Town's Engineering Department to forestall potential problems that might arise during the permitting process. Mrs. Rauch stated that the Engineer felt comfortable having Mr.Montgomery use the drainage information off of the master study. Vice-Chairman Andrews asked if, in the recommendation, Staff required a minimum height the house should be if the variance was approved. Mrs. Rauch stated that it was estimated that the house should be built at about 1793 foot elevation. She added that if it could be substantiated by Mr.Montgomery,that information would be considered and reviewed by the Town Engineer. She stated that the Engineering Department would review the plans prior to issuing a building permit. Boardmember Nicholson asked if the 1793 foot elevation was found to be too low would the building permit be denied. Mrs. Rauch stated that the elevation of the house would have to be at least one foot above the 100 foot flood plain and would be reviewed prior to obtaining a building permit. 2 Boardmember Nicholson asked Mr. Healy what other options for house designs had been considered. Mr. Healy stated that a narrower house closely resembling a mobil home was an option that the home owner, Randall Healy, found objectionable. He added that by pushing the house forward on the lot,the driveway would not need to be as steep. Vice-Chairman Andrews made a MOTION to approve variance number V93-02. Boardmember Kostura SECONDED. Vice-Chairman Andrews modified his motion to add the approval of the variance with Staff Recommendations. Boardmember Nicholson asked if the motion included a recommendation for a sixteen rear yard setback and a fourteen foot front yard setback. Vice-Chairman Andrews stated that it did include those dimensions. Boardmember Kostura WITHDREW is second. Vice-Chairman Andrews RESTATED his motion to be recommendation of approval of case number V93-02 which included a rear yard setback of sixteen feet and a front yard setback of fourteen feet as recommended by Staff. Boardmember Kostura SECONDED. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #S - CALL TO THE PUBLIC There were no speakers AGENDA ITEM #9 - ADJOURNMENT Chairman Bard adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. FOUNTAIN HILLS BOARD OF ADJU TMENT By: George Bard,, Chairman A 1"1'hST: C/40737 Joan McCartney, Adminis tive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Board of Adjustment held on the 8th day of June, 1993. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and held and that a quorum was present. Dated this 6th day of July, 1993. (Y/81W3C- Joan McCartney, Administrat' Assistant 3