HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2015.0427.Minutes o���� \rz� TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS `` A� MINUTES OF THE 11": COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION .✓o��that is M'ti APRIL 27, 2015 ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Natalie Varela at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 27, 2015 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. ITEM#2: ROLL CALL In attendance at roll call were Chair Natalie Varela, Vice-Chair Sherman Abrahamson, Commissioners Nancy Blumenstein, Patt Canning, Don Doty, Jim Judge, Lynne Mott, Ron Ruppert, Danny Tancredi, and Greg Woo. Absent at roll call were Commissioners Jerry Gorrell, Geoffrey Harper, and Donna Yordy. Director Mark Mayer, Senior Services Supervisor Kelley Fonville, Community Center Events and Operations Supervisor Mike Fenzel, and Executive Assistant Nancy Walter represented staff. ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public wished to speak at this time. ITEM#4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MARCH 23, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Doty made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 23, 2015 meeting, Commissioner Tancredi seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. ITEM #5: UPDATE FROM THE PROGRAMS WORK GROUP REGARDING THE TECHNOLOGY LEARNING CENTER(TLC) Vice-Chair Abrahamson said he oversees the Work Group that is in discussions regarding the Technology Learning Center (TLC) and their use of the room space at the Community Center. He reaffirmed that they do not want to remove the TLC from the Center. TLC has exclusive use of the room and a preferred-tenant lease. The Work Group is looking at ways to restructure the format and make better use of the space. The Community Center staff and Activity Center staff need more space for their rentals and programs. A number of Work Group meetings were held, including some with TLC, to reach a satisfactory resolution. The Work Group's goal is to create a unified use of the space for all users of the Community Center; all users should be treated the same way. The attached three room-booking options were proposed for the TLC. All Community Center users have these options available. Vice-Chair Abrahamson would like to recommend the following to Council: "Whereas TLC has been a lessee of the Fountain Hills Community Center for many years; and Whereas a need has been determined to exist for the Center to make more efficient use of the space it presently has; and Whereas, a consensus has been reached by the Community Center and TLC for future use of space in the Community Center NOW THEREFORE, it is moved by this Commission that the Town Council not renew the TLC .,. lease." Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Page 1 of 5 The Commissioners thought there was a consensus between the Work Group and TLC after the last meeting together. Director Mayer said whatever recommendation is made by the Commission will go to Council and it is ultimately their decision. Gail Pape, a Fountain Hills resident, read aloud the attached letter from David R. Bossart. Cathay Fisher, TLC Registration Coordinator and a Fountain Hills resident,read aloud the attached letter. Ralph Craner, TLC Coordinator and a Fountain Hills resident, said the TLC is an all-volunteer organization, the instructors are all volunteers, and the TLC money is used for rent, insurance, and technology upgrades. He feels the options given to TLC put them in a business standpoint instead of a service organization for the town. TLC wants three consecutive days to use the room and the first option could possibly be addressed in what TLC is asking for but the economic impact would be $13,500. The volunteers won't stay if the students have to spend too much money. Mr. Craner would like an extension of six months and go month- to-month on the room so that TLC and the Commission can work something out. The attached proposal and financial letter from TLC was distributed to the Commission. Frank Ferrara, Stan Connick, Eugene Mikolajczyk, Sharie Mikolajczyk, Jerry Palmer, Virginia Paulsen, Veronica Crosby, and Darline Leader, Fountain Hills residents, all expressed their support of the TLC staying in the Community Center. The residents asked the Commission to delay their decision to allow time for more discussion. The Commission reiterated that the TLC is invaluable to the community and this is not about taking it away, it's about putting TLC in the same position as all of the non-profits using the Center. Two of the options being offered to the TLC offer no-cost to them. Community Center Events and Operations Supervisor Mike Fenzel clarified that TLC's current rate is $2090.87 a year. This deeply discounted rate is not offered to any other group. The original proposal from TLC was a full day on Mondays and Tuesdays and a half day on Wednesdays, which would be approximately $13,000 a year at the non-profit rate using option #1. A student fee would be charged using option #2 for the classes; the town's special interests classes have a nearly 100% recovery fee because a minimum amount of enrollees are required. Option #2 would be the least costly for TLC; the Town would publish TLC's schedule in the In The Loop to help promote them. TLC has an average of 3.26 students per workshop with 606 members and 186 workshops offered. The Recreation Division requires six to eight students per class in order to cover the overhead. Senior Services Supervisor Fonville called nearby communities and most all require students to have their own laptop, I Pad, etc. ITEM #6: CONSIDERATION OF ROOM BOOKING OPTIONS FOR THE TECHNOLOGY LEARNING CENTER(TLC) Vice-Chair Abrahamson made a motion to recommend to Council that the lease with the Technology Learning Center not be renewed, Commissioner Judge seconded and the motion failed 1:9, with Vice- Chair Abrahamson being the AYE vote. Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Page 2 of 5 Senior Services Supervisor Kelley Fonville asked the Commission to make their decision as early as possible because she is working on the fall schedule for the 1200 members of the Activity Center and she needs to book the rooms. It is a challenge to get all of the rooms needed for the Activity Center programs; some of the programs are doubled-up in the same room and are at capacity and there are also safety issues. Supervisor Fonville read aloud the following: Programs that are doubled-up or use same room set up Men's Discussion Group and Caregivers Support Group—use same room set up Cards and Chess—use same room set up Peer Led Exercise and Line Dancing—use same room set up Poker and Scrabble—doubled up program (share room) Intermediate Bridge and Backgammon—doubled up program (share room) Current programs that have asked for additional program date/space Exercise with Laurie would like to add another exercise day (in the morning- Hopi and Pima room not available) -had to decline. Hand & Foot cards inquired about meeting weekly-had to decline Ping Pong has asked for a third table so would need both class rooms (Hopi/Pima) - had to decline Support Groups Caregivers Support Group wanted to add on another meeting day- had to decline Diabetes Support Group wanted to start new support group -had to decline `.. Programs that are at or close to room capacity Men's Discussion group is at capacity (winter months) would like a larger room — pending request Advanced Contract Bridge is at capacity (winter months) would like a larger room — pending request Staff is also trying to plan new programs but is limited because of the lack of room space. Commissioner Doty made a motion to postpone the decision, continue the Work Group meetings, if the lease expires it would then extend until the CSAC meeting on September 28, 2015, Commissioner Blumenstein seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Commissioner Blumenstein would like to see more people from each side of the issue involved in the Work Group meetings so that a solution is found. ITEM#7: UPDATE ON DESERT VISTA DOG PARK Council asked for a 60 day period so that staff can look at the recommendations made and to see if ADOG would be revitalized and if their funds could be utilized to help deter the noise at the dog park. Staff will update and make recommendations to Council at the June 4` meeting. ADOG is holding a fundraising dinner on May 15th at the Presbyterian Church. Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Page 3 of 5 ITEM#8 UPDATE ON FOUNTAIN PARK—PHASE 6 IMPROVEMENTS Director Mayer said: • Staff meets weekly with the construction company • The three monuments have been modified and the revised drawings have been sent to the Sanitary District for approval • The trenching and installation of the lighting bollards is progressing • A retaining wall potentially could be built to stabilize the slope along Panorama; sufficient funds are in the project's contingency fund • The project was originally scheduled to be completed in mid to late June but should be finished by the first week in July ITEM #9: UPDATE ON ADERO CANYON TRAILHEAD The entrance to Adero Canyon is closed for construction; temporary signs have been posted. The potential date for the Town's access to start on the temporary utilities was January, 2016 but likely will be delayed. ITEM #10: UPDATE ON FOUNTAIN HILLS INTEGRATED TRAILS — FIT — SUNRIDGE TRAIL Community Center Events and Operations Supervisor Mike Fenzel said the site plan has been approved by the Town Engineer. The way-finding signs and posts are been fabricated. The 3.8 mile trail will be completed by the end of next month. The attached map shows the trail route. There is not a specific number as to how many people are using the current trails. ITEM #11: UPDATE ON THE BUDGET PROCESS FOR FY2015-16 Director Mayer reviewed aloud the attached budget document. • Each department was required to cut its budget by 5% due to the 10% increase to Law Enforcement and 3% increase to the Fire Department; 50% of the Town's budget goes to Public Safety and pays `"" directly for the cost of services rendered and mandates on pension • The Movies in the Park and the Music Festival were reinstated in the budget at the April 16th Council meeting due to requests from the public and Council • Fountain Lake Water Quality Improvements include increasing the aerators and proposing mixers in the coves to move the water horizontally • The Sunridge trail will most likely be the last FIT trail due to cost increases and tight CIP funding • Council agreed to cut some of the funding for the Community Theater and the Boys and Girls Club, which are in the Community Services Department's budget Commissioner Judge said there should more for the employees than 2.5% increase in pay. Merit increases are not budgeted this year. The Avenue of the Fountains Plaza was added to the Community Services Department budget; approximately$83,000 for landscaping, electricity, and maintenance of the fountains. The Plaza's Christmas lighting is also now the Community Services Department's responsibility. ITEM #12: UPDATE ON SLIDE THE CITY The feedback on the Slide the City event has been positive. There was minimal impact on the neighborhood, no driveways were blocked, and residents were able to get in and out of their subdivisions. void Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Page 4 of 5 4000 tickets were sold and some people had a long wait in line, which is one of the issues that will be addressed for the next event. There were a few injuries with three people being transported for medical care. The Tourism Department did a survey and will know where people came from for the event and how much they spent in town. ITEM #13: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chair Abrahamson made a motion to adjourn at 6:36 p.m., Commissioner Judge seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Comm ity ervi Ith( Advisory Commission BY: Nat lie Varela, Chair REVIEWED BY: C, Mark C. Mayer, Director of Comm ity Services �1 - PREPARED BY: ``.. N alte , Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session held by the Community Services Advisory Commission of Fountain Hills on the 27th day of April 2015. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 4th day of May 2015 a y W ter, Executive Assistant Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Page 5 of 5