HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2014.1124.Agenda Ooct AIN yet e NOTICE OF THE REGULAR MEETING ' ,.• OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS that IN Os COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION TIME: 5:00 P.M. WHEN: MONDAY,NOVEMBER 24,2014 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ A majority of the Council members may be in attendance. No official action will be taken. Community Services Advisory Commissioners will attend either in person or by telephone conference call PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must fill out a speaker's card and submit it to the Executive Assistant prior to Commission discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located near the Executive Assistant's position at the table. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Executive Assistant or the Chairman. At that time, speakers should stand. Speakers are asked to state their names prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Chairman and not to individual Commission Members. Speakers' statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting,the Chairman shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause, protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting.Personal attacks on Commission members,Town staff or members of the public are not allowed. Please be respectful when making your comments. If you do not comply with these rules, you will be asked to leave. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Time limits may be waived by(i) discretion of the Director upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting,(ii)consensus of the Commission at Meeting. 4otice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 , subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Town Council are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made,the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1) CALL TO ORDER and ROLL CALL 2) CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G),public comment is permitted(not required)on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment(i)must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission and(ii)is subject to reasonable time,place,and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during"Call to the Public"unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public,individual Commissioner may(i)respond to criticism,(ii)ask staff to review a matter or(iii)ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. 3) CONSIDERATION of Approving the October 27, 2014 Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes 4) PRESENTATION by Bill Schmidt of the Fountain Lake Greening Island Committee 5) CONSIDERATION of Approving the designating the islands in Fountain Park as natural areas 6) CONSIDERATION of establishing Commission meeting days and times 7) CONSIDERATION of establishing Commission Work Groups 8) DISCUSSION of scheduling a tour of the parks for the Commissioners 9) DISCUSSION of Dog Park hours '0)DISCUSSION of drones in the Town's parks ..1)UPDATE on the Avenue of the Fountains Plaza 12)UPDATE on Public Art 13)DISCUSSION of The Learning Center(TLC) and Bingo 14)CONSIDERATION of Adjournment Dated this 17th day of November 2014 / B : Y Nancy Walt , Executive Assistant Pursuant to Title II of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fountain Hills Community Services does not discriminate on the basis of a disability regarding admission to public meetings. Individuals with disabilities who require auxiliary aids or services for effective communication in this meeting may contact 480-816-5100(voice)or 1-800-367-8939(TDD),72 business hours prior to the meeting start time. Report to the Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Re: An effort to designate the Islands of Fountain Lake as natural green areas November 24, 2014 In 2010 an effort was undertaken by Bill Schmitt and other citizens to help create a long term plan to guide the development and care of the islands in Fountain Lake as natural green areas. The reason for this effort is that the islands, just by their placement in a desert oasis, makes them a natural treasure as they provide the only space around the lake (however small) that is protected from extensive human impact. Thus the islands provide an outstanding place for natural green areas that also serve as resting areas for wildlife, especially waterfowl. Additionally, the islands maintained as a green areas are treasured by thousands of citizens and bring thousands more to the park. The Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills has embraced this effort and strongly supports the effort to help maintain the islands as green areas. As with any natural area however, there are conflicts usually revolving around development and usage of the islands. According to Mark Mayer, there are strong feelings on all sides about what the islands should look like and how they should be managed. Thus, the greening of the islands effort has been to develop a well-researched and debated plan for the use of the islands. Without such a plan, we are sometimes forced to respond to where the volume is loudest rather than create islands that reflect the natural beauty of the surroundings. The initial effort during the past 4 years has been to organize volunteer groups to help manage the islands as green areas. This has involved weeding to remove non-native plants and replacing them with native plants. We have also supported an effort to let the plants grow naturally and to minimize trimming. According to Mark Mayer reaction of citizens has been very supportive of the effort. It is now very important to achieve a formal community commitment to a long-range plan that will continue to guide the future usage of the islands. We are hopeful that the town council will support a resolution to help establish guidelines for future use of the islands as green areas. Following is a draft of a possible resolution that we believe would help ensure maintaining the islands as green areas. We are requesting the support of CSAC in recommending this action to Fountain Hills City Council. Resolution for the Conservation of Fountain Lake Islands Whereas: Fountain Lake was created to serve the needs of the developers and residents of Fountain Hills, and Whereas: The Lake and surrounding lands, just because of their existence, are also an oasis in the desert that attract and serve a great diversity of plants and wildlife, and Whereas: The islands provide the only available land to serve as a nature sanctuary without extensive human pressure, and Whereas: The islands are a very significant resource where the citizens can choose to share the watering hole with thousands of other living organisms, and Whereas: The natural beauty that will come with maintaining the islands as green areas will add to the outstanding efforts that already exist in the community: Therefore: The Fountain Hills City Council resolves that the islands in Fountain Lake should be designated as a natural desert green areas and maintained in such a way the minimizes human impact. Submitted by Bill Schmitt 41i) 7tk't A11V 0N(c Town o 1OUNTAIN NILL5 �; rarLcs and Recreation Department *PrP 'hat. , o' 1 6705 Avenue or the rountains June 3, 2009 Dear Parks and Recreation Commissioners, At your meeting on June 8, Andi Bell from the community will be seeking your support in recommending to staff that the hours at the dog park at Desert Vista Park be extended. on a trial basis, from the current daily closing at 9 pm to 10 pm. Prior to the meeting I wanted to provide some background on this issue since many of you were not on the Commission when this item was previously discussed and the current hours recommended by the Commission and accepted by staff. Background Staff knew that the issue of lights and the hours at the dog park could generate some controversy. Several meetings were held when the Master Plan for the park was being discussed including lights. The surrounding residents of both Morningside and Desert Vista Place, along with current users of the park including dog park patrons and the youth soccer group were all invited and provided input into the park's final design including the lights. Because the issue of lights was such a volatile issue, and because we elected to proceed with the lights while the design of the remainder of the park was completed and bid, the Commission asked the Facilities Subcommittee to deliberate on the topic of hours before the lights were installed and to make a recommendation to staff. The Subcommittee, chaired by former Parks and Recreation Commissioner Curt Cornum, held a public meeting at which comments were taken from both the neighbors and the dog park users. In summation, the issue was that the neighbors were concerned about barking dogs and that the lights and extended hours would only increase that problem. The dog park users wanted to use the site as early as possible each morning and as late at night as possible. At the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of June 12, 2006 folks on both sides of the issue spoke to the Commission. In summary, the neighbors wanted the hours restricted while the dog park users wanted the hours more open. I have attached a copy of those minutes. After hearing testimony at that meeting, Commissioner Cornum made a motion that recommended the hours for the dog park be from 6 am to 9 pm year round. The motion passed 5-0. Since the installation of the lights in the fall of 2007, the lights have been operated on that schedule. Neither the dog park users nor the neighbors were completely happy as the hours represented a compromise in which neither side got everything they were seeking. Ms. Bell is asking that the lights be allowed to stay on until 10 pm until this fall on a trial basis. Presumably, if the trial "worked" it would be offered year round. Ms. Bell has made the following points: a) Currently.the Town is not receiving complaints about barking dogs. b) During the summer people, (neighbors) are indoors with their windows shut. c) It is too hot in the summer in the earlier evenings to utilize the park. d) The adjacent park's athletic fields are open until 10 pm. d) Her schedule makes it difficult for her to arrive sometimes early enough before the site closes to fully utilize it. I have traded e-mails with Ms. Bell several times regarding the hours for the lights and have explained to her again, at a meeting with her just yesterday, that I have not heard anything from her that has changed my mind regarding extending the hours. Secondly, that the Commission was free to revisit the issue but it would continue to be staff's position that the hours not be extended. I also reminded her that the Commission is advisory and that recommendations by the group are not binding on the Town. Ms. Bell then asked if she could meet with the Town Manager. It is my understanding that she has requested a phone conversation with the Town Manager to which he has agreed. In addition, Ms. Bell has requested that this item be placed on the agenda for your June 8 r meeting. In closing. I would suggest two possible options to Ms. Bell's request. The first would be to listen, but take no action to recommend any changes to the hours. A second approach would be to again utilize the Facilities Subcommittee to again study the issue, receive input from both park users and the neighbors through additional public meetings, and to make a recommendation to staff. If this alternative were to be chosen the subcommittee could meet over the next few weeks to develop their recommendation. A special meeting would likely then need to be called so that the full commission could receive the recommendation and vote on it. Please feel free to contact me directly at (480) 816-5190 over the next several days should you wish to discuss this prior to the meeting or should you have questions. Sincerely, C . Mark C. Mayer, Director Attachment—Parks and Recitation Commission meeting minutes—June 12, 2006 6705 E.Avenue of the Fountains—Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268—(480)837-2003-Fax(480)837.3145 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HITS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE !girl PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ohs June 12,2006 A public meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Naomi Bryant at 5:30 PM, Monday,June 12, 2006,in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, Iocated at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,Arizona. Call to Order - Present at roll call were the following members of the Parks and Recreation Commission: Chair Naomi Bryant, Vice Chair Joe Pinter, Commissioners Tom Barberic, Sharon Dennis and Curt Cornum. Members absent. Commissioner Kira Futterman and Ernie Cofrances. Staff members present were Mark Mayer,Director, Bryan Hughes,Supervisor of Recreation and Susan Gill,Recording Secretary. Guests present: Bob Bums,Fountain Hills Times. AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO THE PUBLIC: Mr.Randy Becklund residing at 16308 E Emerald Drive presented the commission with an overview of Pickleball, which is a cross between pinb pong and tennis, and a request to utilize the abandoned basketball court at Fountain Hills High School as a permanent Pickelball court. Mr.And Mrs. Gonsoulin residing at 16318 E Emerald expressed their concerns about dead fish and an odor they noticed within the last week at Fountain Park. Chair Bryant changed the order of Agenda Items 3 and 4. AGENDA ITEM #2: APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MAY 8, 2006 REGULAR MEETING: Chair Bryant moved to accept the minutes with Commissioner Dennis seconding with one change. Agenda Item#7,should read, Cultural Council instead of Town Council, Minutes approved 5-0. AGENDA ITEM#3:DISCUSSION/RECOMMENDATION—HOURS FOR THE OFF- LEASH FACILITY AT DESERT VISTA -DIRECTOR,MARK MAYER, COMMISSIONER CURT CORNUM AND CHAIR NAOMI BRYANT: Director,Mayer gave a presentation utilizing an overhead view of the park to clarify some of the features designed into the Park. The entrance gate will be moved,"shoe box"style light fixtures, planting wall barrier between smaller and larger dogs to address noise abatement issues,parking and restroom control area. Commissioner Dennis asked about the hours of operation,specifically a definition of"dawn to dusk", which is different during summer and winter. Director,Mayer replied that there is a two hour and fifteen minute difference between sunrise and sunset in the summer versus the winter and the definition of dawn and dusk would be considered as enough light to see by. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes for June 12,2006 Page 1 Commissioner Cornum discussed the background of the Off-Leash Facility,which included consideration; conclusions and recommendations from meetings attended by Director,Mark Mayer, Chair Naomi Bryant and Commissioner Cornum with residents of Morningside at one. Chair Bryant then opened the floor to the public. Judy Tatham, 17335 E Teal Drive,presented the Commission with a petition signed by one hundred fourteen residents requesting a noise buffer be installed to protect nearby residents from the sound of barking dogs. The petition also requested that the park be open only from 7:30 am to 8 pm. Lollie Wheeler,17375 E Teal Drive,expressed concerns over excessive barking and suggested planting oleanders on the North and East side of the park to decrease the noise level. Commissioner Cornum and Chair Bryant mentioned that Oleanders are poisonous and therefore not a good choice. Director Mayer said the architect would be looking into various trees and shrubs to provide screening and noise abatement. Commissioner Dennis asked if there were a penalty for dog owners not controlling their . dogs from excessive barking. Director Mayer replied the Town Code provided a penalty for violation of park hours and nuisance dogs. Andi Bell,member of ADOG and resident residing at 14813 Alamosa Circle,requested clarification on Heritage Grant deadline and lights,and the existing entrance to large dog park. Director Mayer explained that the Heritage Grant deadline is February 2007 and the lights are not part of the grant. Scott Switzer,residing at 15609 N Sunridge Drive,suggested that sound testing studies be done to measure the sound levels now and the sound levels once the lights axe in and the skate park is being used. Jerry Wise,current President of ADOG,residing at 17312 E La Pasada Drive,spoke of his involvement in putting up the trial fence,which reduced the noise level 50 to 754)/0. ADOG has raised over$28,000 for lights. Recommended opening at sunrise as is currently being done and a 9pm closing. He advised that ADOG is not an enforcement agency. Dick Schmidt,residing at 17319 E Teal Drive,recommended that for health and safety reasons the operating hours be 5am to 10pm in the summer and 6am to 9:30pm in the winter. Will Jacobs,residing at 12239 N Tower Drive,spoke of his concerns regarding excessive barking, dogfights and the lights creating problems. Mr.Jacobs suggested volunteers to monitor the park and that Parks and Recreation do their own decibel studies and put decibel reading equipment into the budget. Mr.Jacobs inquired if the lights were a forgone conclusion. Director Mayer replied that the decision to put lights in was made over one year ago. Marianne Pearce,residing at 12239 N Tower Drive,asked what recourse she has when there are dogfights. Director Mayer responded that he assumed that the dogs owners are trying to control their dogs and if there is a problem to call the Sheriff's Office because of nuisance dogs and excessive barking. Commissioner Corium made a motion recommending the park hours be 6am to 9pm year round, Commissioner Pinter seconded. The motion passed 5-0. vox Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes for June 12,2006 Page 2 LCommissioner Dennis suggested that there be a procedure for citizens to follow to report dog park related issues. Director,Mayer replied he would check with law enforcement to see if they had any suggestions and provide that information to the Commissioners in their next packet. AGENDA ITEM#4:2006-2007 BUDGET UPDATE AND FEE REVIEW—MARK MAYER, DIRECTOR: Director Mayer distributed copies of the budget at the last meeting. Chair Bryant inquired how many non-residents were using our facilities and if a study had been done. Director Mayer briefly discussed the new facility fee schedules. The fee schedule was included in the Commissioners packets. Fountain Hills residents receive 50% off of Park fees. AGENDA ITEM#5: CAPITAL PROJECT UPDATE —MARK MAYER,DIRECTOR Director Mayer included the Town Manager's Update in the Commissioners packets. An update on the Splash Park and Skate Park was provided and the opening of the Golden Eagle Park trailhead occurred on June 9'h. • AGENDA ITEM#6: UPDATE ON THE CULTURAL COUNCIL—CHAIR BRYANT Chair Bryant advised that new officers have been elected. Sandi Thompson, President,Jerry Miles, Vice-President, Rachel Dirkse, Membership/Newsletter Chair, Paul Kolwaite, Public Art Chair, Sheila Nichols, Youth Programming Chair, Arlie Denomme, Development Chair, Sharon Koehlinger, Programming Chair, Betty Pantuso, Secretary, Ted Anderson, Treasurer and Jackie Miles, Past President. Public Art: No piece has been chosen yet for Avenue of the Fountains and La Montana; the Sunridge piece "Fusions" has been placed at the north corner of the Community Center. Choir Camp is being held this month and has 12 participants. AGENDA ITEM #7: UPDATE ON THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION- DIRECTOR.MARK MAYER Director Mayer informed the Commissioners that the topic at the last meeting, June 6`h, was decommissioning the group because the members believed the goals had been met. That decision goes before the Town Council Thursday,June 15. Commissioner Corium inquired about the Sonoran Conservancy. Director Mayer replied that the Sonoran Conservancy is set up to be the tax-exempt portion of the group; they train the trail stewards, lead hikes,etc. Many of the members that served on the 1V IPC are part of the Sonoran Conservancy. AGENDA ITEM #8: TOWN COUNCIL MEETING UPDATE — DIRECTOR, MARK MAYER_ Parks and Recreation has six or seven items on the agenda for Thursday including a donation of three art pieces under the Public Art Master Plan,Park Fee Structure,Landscaping Contract renewal and the decommissioning of the MMPC. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes for June 12,2006 Page 3 Chair Bryant inquired about how many commissioners could participate in the annual APRA conference being held August 31, 2006, in Mesa, Arizona. Director Mayer indicated that because the conference was being held so close several members of the Commission could attend the Boards &Commissions Member Day on Thursday. A copy of the APRA flier was distributed. Chair Bryant raised the question of meeting in July and August. Director Mayer responded that typically the Commission takes a break during the summer months. After some discussion the consensus was not to meet. The next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting is scheduled for September 11,2006. AGENDA ITEM#9: ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING: Commissioner Dennis motioned to adjourn the meeting;Commissioner Cornum seconded,and carried 5:0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 PM Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation Commission By: Naomi Br6nt,ithair Reviewed by: Mark C.Mayer,Director of Parks and Rec ation Nogoid Prepared by: �. ✓�.!lGL� Susan Gill,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes axe a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation Regular Meeting held on June 12, 2006. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. By: Naomi Bryant,`Chair Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes for June 12,2006 Page 4 FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER LICENSE AGREEMENT License No. 1130 PARTIES: THIS AGREEMENT,made July 1,2014 is between the FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER,a department of the Town of Fountain Hills,HEREINAFTER CALLED"CENTER"AND NAME: Technology Learning Center of Fountain Hills do Ralph Craner ADDRESS: 15011 Rica Vida Way Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 HEREINAFTER CALLED"LICENSEE". It is understood and agreed the term"CENTER"will,throughout this agreement,also refer to the duly appointed representative of the FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER. GRANT OF LICENSE/PREMISES: CENTER hereby grants to Licensee a non-assignable right,subject to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement,to use and occupy the herein named portions of the CENTER for the period and purposes(s)as described below: EVENT NAME: TLC EVENT DATE LOCATION EVENT TIME FEE plus tax Full time use of the 6174.2391 per Seminar Room known as Computer Lab during month with a 3% July 1,2014 through June 30,2015 the Computer Lab the contracted dates annual increase Read each paragraph and initial each box. I '- I Signed License Agreement is due no later than ten(10)business days from date License is Issued. ✓1 CENTER assumes no responsibility for personal items,meeting room equipment or any objects left in rooms. ( i//) HOLIDAY HOURS:CENTER is closed on all major holidays, Sundays,and Friday,Saturday and Sunday during Art Fair weekends. Observed,Center will be closed Independence Day July 4.2014 Labor Day September 1,2014 Veterans'Day November 11,2014 Thanksgiving Day November 27,2014 Day after Thanksgiving November 28,2014 Christmas Eve December 24,2014 Christmas Day December 25,2014 New Year's Eve December 31,2014 New Year's Day January 1,2015 Martin Luther King Day January 19,2015 Presidents Day February 16,2015 Memorial Day May 25,2015 The Chamber Art Fair takes place the 2nd full weekend in November and last full weekend in February. u1 STORAGE SPACE:Storage within the CENTER is very limited. Closets or cabinets within LICENSEE'S dedicated space may be used for storage. Other meeting rooms,closets,etc.are reserved for CENTER staff use only. I ✓I CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION: CENTER office hours are Monday—Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm;evening and weekend hours vary according to event schedule.Technology Learning Center staff will be granted access when CENTER staff is on premise. A CENTER staff member will always be on site to lock and unlock doors as needed. If access to the CENTER is required outside of normal business hours,LICENSEE should make such arrangements with CENTER Supervisor. ✓I ACCESS: Ingress and egress to the CENTER will be granted through the main entrance located in the lobby.The employee entrance/exit door is reserved for Town staff only. Facilities officially control interior maintenance of the Community Center. I .e"I Facilities staff requires ALL BUILDING LOCKS to be the same as originally installed when the Community Center opened. Original installed locks are Best Access System hardware,master key controlled are required for all doors. In the event of any emergency(fire,electrical problem, HVAC malfunction,water line leak)Facilities Staff needs immediate access to all areas. Immediate access is also required for any middle of the night call out from the fire alarm panel monitoring company. Technology Learning Center staff will be provided with(2)two keys to the room,Best Access System keys cannot be 1I1' .i `. ‘.. duplicated so if additional keys are needed an official request must be made and a fee will be charged to Technology Learning Center for each additional key requested. 1 CANCELLATION: Either party will reserve the right to cancel the terms of this contract,for any reason,with a minimum thirty (30)days written notice. -.rr' ADDITIONAL CONDITION OF RENTAL:LICENSEE agrees to provide,prior to the event,a certificate of insurance naming the Town of Fountain Hills as an additional insured. LICENSEE agrees to hold harmless,indemnify and defend the Town of Fountain Hills,the Fountain Hills Community Center,and their respective officers,employees,agents and representatives from and against all losses,claims,demands,payments,suits,actions,recoveries,judgments and liability of every kind, nature and description,for injury to persons including wrongful death or damage to property or both arising out of or in any way connected with LICENSEE'S use of the Community Center under the terms of this Agreement. General commercial liability and property damage insurance,and together with excess liability insurance coverage, each in the minimum amount of ONE MILLION DOLLARS(S1,000,000)combined single on a per occurrence basis. TWO MILLION DOLLARS(S2,000,000),each occurrence/aggregate. j POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: The Policies and Procedures Manual is hereby made a part of this agreement by reference. Technology Learning Center agrees to provide OPEN LAB TIME for Senior Activity Center Members once per week at no cost. TOWN EMPLOYEES may register for any Town approved Technology Learning Center training classes being offered,space available and providing that senior center members are given first priority (-' Technology Learning Center agrees to reserve the computer lab one week every other month exclusively for Town use. The Town will use the lab during the reserved week to offer training classes for employees The Town may hire instructors to teach classes in the lab during the weeks of exclusive use. l Technology Learning Center agrees to waive the class and membership fees for TOWN EMPLOYEES, but if materials are required,the Town will obtain those separately. REGISTRATIONS will be coordinated through Technology Learning Center staff. 1 The Tenant shall be RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIR of any damages to the Leased Premises that occur as a result of its use of the Leased Premises. Technology Learning Center of Fountain Hills agrees at the forfeiture of the contract to return the leased space to its original condition. TENANT'S EQUIPMENT shall include all items on the Computer Lab Inventory,attached. Tenant, at its sole expense, shall repair or be obligated for all costs and expenses in connection with all damage to the Leased Premises caused by the removal of Tenant's Equipment. Technology Learning Center staff agrees to provide Community Center and Senior Activity Center staff with a CURRENT MONTHLY SCHEDULE,and agrees to immediately notify staff of any changes or cancellations. Technology Learning Center agrees to REQUIRE PARTICIPANTS attending class and labs to hold an active Town of Fountain Hills Senior Center membership. ✓ Technology Learning Center agrees to provide a current CLASS ROSTER to the Senior Services Supervisor on a monthly basis .--' APPROVAL OF LICENSE AGREEMENT: It is agreed the License Agreement will not be in force until both parties have signed it. For Licensee: For the Fountain Hills Community Center: \- ' `�r l % ii �.L-C--Date: -�� /`1 C. Date: 1 I 1�i 1� Signature i A "P if Mark C. Mayer Print Name and Title Community Services Director 21 J�RAIN ytc POST ACTION AGENDA NOTICE 3_ __ NOTICE OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION TIME: 5:00 P.M. WHEN: MONDAY,NOVEMBER 24,2014 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS,AZ A majority of the Council members may be in attendance. No official action will be taken. Community Services Advisory Commissioners will attend either in person or by telephone conference call PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must fill out a speaker's card and submit it to the Executive Assistant prior to Commission discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located near the Executive Assistant's position at the table. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Executive Assistant or the Chairman. At that time, speakers should stand. Speakers are asked to state their names prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Chairman and not to individual Commission Members. Speakers' statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting,the Chairman shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause, protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting.Personal attacks on Commission members,Town staff or members of the public are not allowed.Please be respectful when making your comments. If you do not comply with these rules, you will be asked to leave. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Time limits may be waived by(i) discretion of the Director upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting,(ii)consensus of the Commission at Meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 , subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Town Council are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made,the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1) CALL TO ORDER and ROLL CALL @ 503 p.m. 2) CALL TO THE PUBLIC NO ACTION TAKEN Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G),public comment is permitted(not required)on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment(i)must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission and(ii)is subject to reasonable time,place,and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during"Call to the Public"unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public,individual Commissioner may(i)respond to criticism,(ii)ask staff to review a matter or(iii)ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. 3) CONSIDERATION of Approving the October 27, 2014 Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes APPROVED 4) PRESENTATION by Bill Schmidt of the Fountain Lake Greening Island Committee NO ACTION TAKEN 5) CONSIDERATION of Approving the designating the islands in Fountain Park as natural areas APPROVED 6) CONSIDERATION of establishing Commission meeting days and times APPROVED; FOURTH MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 5:00 P.M. 7) CONSIDERATION of establishing Commission Work Groups APPROVED —Nor 8) DISCUSSION of scheduling a tour of the parks for the Commissioners NO ACTION TAKEN 9) DISCUSSION of Dog Park hours NO ACTION TAKEN 10)DISCUSSION of drones in the Town's parks NO ACTION TAKEN 11)UPDATE on the Avenue of the Fountains Plaza NO ACTION TAKEN 12)UPDATE on Public Art NO ACTION TAKEN 13)DISCUSSION of The Learning Center(TLC) and Bingo NO ACTION TAKEN 14)CONSIDERATION of Adjournment APPROVED @ 6:36 p.m. Dated this 17th day of November 2014 By: 4_,W7Nancy Walxecutive Assistant Pursuant to Title II of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fountain Hills Community Services does not discriminate on the basis of a disability regarding admission to public meetings. Individuals with disabilities who require auxiliary aids or services for effective communication in this meeting may contact 480-816-5100(voice)or 1-800-367-8939(TDD),72 business hours prior to the meeting start time. Fountain Lake Islands Fountain Hills, Arizona Great Blue Heron Island • ? ,. . . • y4. Y _ ....4.,,,_-4.-- _.4 littikar, } ,, Shore Bird Island a_ Duck Island -Ark.„ i • 3 r THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AFFIDAVIT OF WEB POSTING OF THE POST MEETING ACTION NOTICE STATE OF ARIZONA } } ss COUNTY OF MARICOPA } The affiant, after first duly sworn deposes and says: That the Fountain Hills Town Clerk, personally posted or had posted a copy of the attached post meeting action notice(s) on the Town's website: ❑ Town Council Meeting Date of: ❑ Town Council Work Study Meeting Date of: ❑ Town Council Special Meeting Date of: x Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting Date of: //off..1/-1 L/ ❑ Other: / L The above refere d post meet' g action notice was posted: o2S, 20 /y at $Py 411,p.m. (Fill in dat nd time) BY: fAlt SIGNATURE .CTIR.ccRIRFn ANY) cwn2N t-6(ne this o2.. day of . 20/f ‘,.L,,, JANICE E. BAXTER e�wtkIPI�n P,tCO Sly a Armors a.,x-.e.-L.e. . ��►64 Notary Public ty.JoSILFOIt, Expiratiddn Dat ATTACH A COPY OF THE POST MEETING ACTION AGENDA NOTICE TO THIS AFFIDAVIT G:\Commission CSAC\CSAC Post Action.doc 2/09 c • • •