HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2017.0123.Minutes Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Page 1 of 4 G:\Commission CSAC\Minutes\2017\012317M ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER A regular session meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Sherman Abrahamson at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 23, 2017 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. ITEM #2: ROLL CALL In attendance at roll call were, Chair Sherman Abrahamson, Commissioners Pat Canning, Don Doty, Jerry Gorrell, Kathy Haynes, Lynne Mott, Ron Ruppert, Natalie Varela. Absent at roll call was Vice Chair Jim Judge. Director Mark Mayer and Executive Assistant Jennifer Lyons represented staff. Commissioner Tom Aiello from the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was also in attendance. ITEM #3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public wished to speak at this time. ITEM #4: UPDATE AND INTRODUCTION OF THE REAPPOINTED AND NEWLY APPOINTED COMMISSIONERS Chair Abrahamson introduced and welcomed the newly appointed Commissioner Kathy Haynes to the Commission and asked her to give a brief summary of her experience. Commissioner Haynes has been a resident of Fountain Hills for four years. She came here from Fairfield, Ohio which is very similar to Fountain Hills. Activities include being a volunteer with Heather Ware (Volunteer Coordinator), cleaning the sculptures with the SOS (Save Our Statues) program and very is active walking her dogs in the parks. *Items #5 and #6 were discussed together. ITEM #5: CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING A COMMISSION CHAIR ITEM #6: CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING A COMMISSION VICE-CHAIR Commissioner Canning made a motion to have Chair Abrahamson and Vice-Chair Judge, stay on as Chair and Vice Chair and Commissioner Mott seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. ITEM #7: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE NOVEMBER 28, 2016 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Varela made a motion to accept the minutes of the November 28, 2016 meeting and Commissioner Haynes seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION JANUARY 23, 2017 Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Page 2 of 4 G:\Commission CSAC\Minutes\2017\012317M ITEM #8: UPDATE ON THE WORK STUDY GROUP TO RESEARCH THE SOUND SYSTEM AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER Chair Abrahamson and Commissioner Gorrell will get together and possibly with Vice-Chair Judge and with Community Center staff to determine a date to research the sound system. Commissioner Gorrell stated that it may be more of a maintenance issue rather than a redesign or it may also be an obsolete or worn out equipment issue. ITEM #9: UPDATE ON THE DECEMBER 5, 2016 MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVE COMMISSION MEETING Commissioner Doty attended the meeting and read from the attached document. ITEM #10: REVIEW WITH COMMISSION MEMBERS ABOUT CONTACT WITH DIVISION HEADS • Chair Abrahamson sat in on one of the (Community Services) Department meetings. • Commissioner Mott met and with Recreation Supervisor Rachael Goodwin some of her ideas, such as Yappy Hour or a Stroll. • Commissioner Varela suggested strolling down to Fountain Park and then asking the theater group to put on a little preview of one of their shows. • Commissioners Canning, Mott and Varela will get together to discuss a date for Yappy Hour. ITEM #11: CONSIDERATION OF RESCHEDULING THE APRIL 24, 2017 COMMISSION MEETING TO APRIL 17, 2017 Commissioner Gorrell made a motion to reschedule the April 24th meeting to April 17th and Commissioner Ruppert seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. *Items #12 and #13 were together. ITEM #12: CONSIDERATION OF SELECTING A DATE FOR THE JOINT MEETING WITH COUNCIL Commissioner Haynes made a motion to select the April 17th meeting for the joint meeting with Council and Commissioner Gorrell seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. ITEM #13: DISCUSSION OF TOPICS TO BE ADDRESSED AT THE JOINT MEETING WITH COUNCIL Director Mayer suggested that the Commissioners give some thought to what they would like to discuss and revisit this item at the next meeting. *The motion on Item #12 was made after Director Mayer comments on Item #13. ITEM #14: UPDATE ON THE COMMUNITY GARDEN • They are working on getting an electric meter with the assistance of the Town. • There is water to the site. • Unfortunately they had some vandalism and so a fence has been installed. • They are possibly trying to get some crops in yet this winter. • They have been leasing the space for folks to plant gardens. • There is irrigation to the beds. Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Page 3 of 4 G:\Commission CSAC\Minutes\2017\012317M • The raised garden beds are high enough that the javelina can’t get into them or have a great deal of difficulty getting into them and also the beds are wheel chair accessible. ITEM #15: UPDATE ON SPECIAL EVENTS • Farmers Market (weekly) • Thunderbird Wine and Art Event • New event this weekend showcasing Native American art on the East Plaza and if it goes well they are scheduled for a bigger event that would take place in the fall. ITEM #16: UPDATE ON PUBLIC ART The Public Art Fund got a sizeable injection of funds when Park Place went in and they were able to utilize those funds to get a number of pieces. Those pieces included: • Ascendo, which is a stainless piece that spins and is on the Plaza. • Sky Totem • An Indian piece that used to be in the Lobby of Community Center called Gahn Dancer II will also be going on the Plaza. We are working on finishing the base and we are working with the contractor to get pricing to be able install it was well. • Interactive Sunglasses is stainless steel piece. • Blowing in the Wind is being donated from a private residence. It will be moved and placed in the area between the east parking lot and the road (at Fountain Park). ITEM #17: UPDATE ON ADERO CANYON TRAILHEAD PROJECT The architect has worked through our comments on the 95% plans and we had a follow up meeting to address any issues. We made a number of suggestions to him at that time of things we wanted to see or ways to reduce cost. The most significant was back in 2005 we had called for both heating and cooling of the restroom building, but we thought the highest usage is during this time of year and people are in there for relatively a short period of time, so we felt there was not a need to do that. The committee that has been meeting with our consultant said to take those out of the project scope. We have received the 100% plans and those have been distributed to get comments back from staff and from the sanitary district. The deadline is a week from tomorrow to get those comments back to J2. From there they will develop the 100% plans with the comments they get and we are scheduled to get the documents for bidding purposes March 3rd. Construction could take as little as six months. If the budget comes in and if the bids are where we need them to be and if they start construction in a timely manner, we could be looking at the completion of the Trailhead as early as December 2017, but that is a best case scenario. ITEM #18: UPDATE REGARDING THE WATER QUALITY AT FOUNTAIN LAKE At the Council Meeting last Thursday we had asked the Council to ratify some action that the Town Manager was going to take to expedite the process for doing the aerators and movers we are putting in at Fountain Park. The standard design, bid and build process is a lengthy one, taking many, many months. There were some concerns raised not only from staff but also from the Council that the original design, bid and build process would take us right into that time when we had problems in the past with odors from the lake. We went through the procurement policy and there was a clause that said that if you were in an emergency situation and this being deemed an emergency situation with the lake and water quality, that there is a process by which the Town Manager can sign off and have that action ratified by the Town Council. They approved him to sign a document whereby we did a direct select. A review committee Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission Page 4 of 4 G:\Commission CSAC\Minutes\2017\012317M was given a scope of work from the consultant then we chose one of the two firms that had submitted proposals. The contract has been sent to proposed vendor and he will get it back to us by tomorrow. To give you a feel of the scope of work, we are taking everything that is in the lake that is associated with aerating out and getting all new equipment. It will give us the capacity to turn the water over from seven days to one. That is 100,000,000 gallons in one day. In addition to that the one thing we don’t have down there that we are going to add is that every single one of the coves around the lake will get a horizontal water mover. When we get algae build up, the algae tends to blow across the lake depending on wind direction and pack into the coves. That’s where we get decomposition which in turn leads to the odor. The (new) movers will push the water out of the coves and push the algae back out into the lake where it will get stirred up the aerators. ITEM #19: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Varela made a motion to adjourn at 5:35 p.m., Commissioner Gorrell seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Community Services Advisory Commission BY: ____________________________________ Sherman Abrahamson, Chair REVIEWED BY: _______________________________________ Mark C. Mayer, Director of Community Services PREPARED BY: ________________________________________ Jennifer Lyons, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session held by the Community Services Advisory Commission of Fountain Hills on the 23rd day of January 2017. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 2nd day of February 2017 ______________________________ Jennifer Lyons, Executive Assistant To: CSAC 7 December 2016 From: Don Doty Subject: MMPC December 6, 2016 commission meeting Town Fair 18 volunteers worked the booth. There were some 700 visitors, 1200 maps were given out. Joint MMPC and Council meeting MMCP commissioners will spend five minutes discussing their area of responsibility and progress. The subjects will be reviewed at the next BOD meeting in Jan. MMPC Budget Maps - was $2,600, $890 left in account. Tools - $600 left in account. Trail signs - $2,000 left in account Botanical Gardens Web Site is in good shape Funding in future will go thru the combined CSAC Trail blazers are supporting trail needs Adero Canyon The phase 1 paving is complete and the road open in both directions. Phase 2 ECD is late 2017 Camelot and Toll Brothers sales offices are open Conservancy Trails The new trail is 2/3 of the way complete. The decision as to where to cut thru to the confluence of trails is planned for this week. 15 town sponsored hikes are scheduled. Trail Head The commission chair Bill Meyers along with the town staff attended the J2 design review. The initial J2 “estimate” of $2.1 was revised to $1.9 million. A $200 k savings that was partially due to eliminating the AC in the rest rooms. Formal bids have not been received. Merging MMPC and CSAC It was suggested to extend the merging of the commissions until the trail head was completed. It was noted that there is no procedure in place to merge the groups as there was for merging of the initial three commissions. The same process outlined in the CSAC by laws could serve as the template for this merger.