HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2015.1027.Minutes J�yT AIN yet �tx, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION �' 7" ors' October 27, 2015 that is A�`�' AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 27, 2015 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Tom Barberic, Commissioners, Tom Aiello, Bill Craig, Stan Ruden, Klaus Schadle and Ken Thornton. Staff members present were Director Mark Mayer and Executive Assistant Jennifer Lyons. AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC Steve Fleming from the Sonoran Conservancy, brought the Commission the new map from MAG (Maricopa Association of Governments). There have been significant changes on this map that was published this summer and it complements our new map beautifully. The big change is that it has the trails. *to. AGENDA ITEM#4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Vice Chair Barberic made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 22, 2015 meeting, Commissioner Thornton seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. *Agenda item#5 was discussed under Agenda Item#4* AGENDA ITEM#5: DISCUSSION OF COMMISSION MEETING PROCEDURES Director Mayer stated that it was brought to our attention that we actually do the minutes differently than the Council does the minutes. It was suggested we modify the process that we use so we are consistent in the way the Council does theirs. If there changes that are proposed, that you actually get those to us after the minutes come to you. So if someone wants to make a suggested change, get it to us,we will forward to every buddy and if there's agreement then, so when it comes to the meeting it shouldn't be the time to make changes, it should be the time to pass things. That way the minutes are resolved and they get passed as a motion at the meeting. We are also in the position to sign it(the approved minutes). AGENDA ITEM #6: CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING COMMISSION MEETING DAYS AND TIMES FOR 2016 Chair Myers made a motion to meet on the following dates 5:00 p.m., Commissioner Schadle seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. • January 26 *joint meeting with Town Council will be at 5:30 p.m.* • February 23 • March 22 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 1 of 6 G.Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMtnutes1201511 o2715M • April26 • May 24 • June 28 .�., • July—no meeting scheduled • August 23 • September 27 • October 25 • December 6 (combined November&December) AGENDA ITEM#7: UPDATE FROM THE SONORAN CONSERVANCY Commissioner Craig went over the points that were discussed at the last Conservancy meeting: • The changing roll of the Conservancy relative to the possible changing roll of the Commission at the time the Trailhead is being built and completed. That will be an ongoing discussion as it is very important for the Conservancy. • Manning the both for the November 13th, 14th, and 15th fair. • Approved the new trail schedule on the website. Very extensive and enjoyable set of hikes. • Request to look at future chairman. Both Steve and Pam are co-chairmen at the present and feel they are going to be away at least half of the year and need to discuss further what to do in terms of a chairman. AGENDA ITEM #8: UPDATE ON THE EAST LOOP SONORAN TRAIL Commissioner Craig stated the meeting with the Eagle's Nest HOA has been rescheduled from October 20th to this Thursday, the 29th. We have good representation from the Town being there. In addition to the Sheriff Captain, which will be very helpful in terms of some of the concerns on part of the Eagle's Nest Community have to do with trespassing. We are going to make a presentation in regards to where the trail will be and open for questions and listen to their concerns. November 19th is the time at which we will make presentation to the Council, to request permission to go ahead and build the trail. Director Mayer commented, we met a couple years ago at the request of Jeremy Hall, with some of the board members and number of residents. Most of the issues seem to revolve around alleged trespassing. It's difficult to determine whether the people are trail users. There are clearly cases where people are cutting across one lot because they don't want to walk out to the corner and back down to the corner. We suspect that there are a number of people coming from possibly North Heights area because there are not a lot of sidewalks there. They live in the neighborhood and it's only a block or so away. They have more authority as the homeowner to have those people trespassed. The plat is clear, that those are private roads unless you are on the easement for the trail. If you wander off that in any way, you are trespassing. MCO hired some security people this year to do some additional policing. We can make some arguments that this will help the access. It's going help to discourage people because they want to do loops, they don't want to go the whole distance. Once the trailhead is built much of what they are experiencing will go away. AGENDA ITEM #9: UPDATE FROM THE PRESERVE MARKETING GROUP REGARDING PRESERVE TRAIL MAPS AND TRIFOLDS Chair Myers reported on the 3 maps: 1. Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preserve Trails is a 12 panel map. One side has detail of the Preserve and on the other side has our Preserve, a lot of Scottsdale and a lot of the Regional Parks. 2. Connecting Trails Map (formerly known the Big Picture Map) is our area, Scottsdale's and the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 2 of 6 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes120/51102 7/SM Regional Park. 3. Emergency Marker and Rescue Maps. The first two maps will go to press once review is complete by the Regional Park and Scottsdale. The Emergency Marker and Rescue Maps, when we get the final on that, it is being reviewed by the Fire Department now, then we'll print that thing out and then we will be ready to print signs for the Andrews- Kinsey Trail. There are 52 signs. They are all necessary and that is one of the reasons why we have one of the safest Preserve in the state, as some people have told us that. Rescue maps go to our Fire Department, our Police Department, Rio Verde Fire, Scottsdale Fire and Rescue and first responders. AGENDA ITEM #10: UPDATEON THE 2015 OBJECTIVES Chair Myers read from the attached 2015 Objectives - September 2015 update. #1 Quick Read - Commissioner Thornton informed the Commission, that the new maps have been passed to the volunteer that will be putting together the QR Codes for us and they are meeting later this week. Nine points have been picked and we have coordinates for those points. As far as printing the codes and exactly what we will put out in the field, we might want to work with the Town to see if there is a way to print those, and maybe initially print them not as permanent signs. If you look at the QR codes for the art work around here, they are etched on metal, so they are permanent. Chair Myers commented that he was under the impression that they were postage stamp things you just stick on and we can be updated fairly easily. Commissioner Thornton noted that the points are all going to coordinate with something where there is already has a post out there, but there may be one or two that we may need to put a post up. As for the content, there will be a map that will show exactly where you are with the coordinates of that point. It will say "You are here". As you scroll through, there will be a couple of extra pages that will show basically rules and any other information that maybe pertinent. That will coincide with the brochures that we will be sending out. We can choose to add additional information later on. #2 Trailhead Work Group. Chair Myers pointed out that there are still a lot of things to do. The Trailhead Work Group is trying to get things in order to get the trail built. #3 Scar on the Mountain. Director Mayer confirmed it was our responsibility it to fix the scar on the mountain. #7 Recognition of the Value of the Preserve: Chair Myers presented the following information: • The Preserve cost us 13.5 million, by the time we get done with interest it will be over 17 million. • In the September 23, 2015 Times there was an article on economic benefits from McDowell Mountain Park. The nearby Regional Park has a positive impact on the Town Fountain Hills benefits are: Labor income of 750,000.00, added valve 1.1 million, added output 1.5 million. This is something we can put together to figure out how they came up with their valve. Commissioner Schadle commented that their economic situation is totally different from ours since they have RVs, and all sorts of different bicycle events, where you have entrance fees that we don't have. He also has contacted Scottsdale and asked them if they have ever valued the Preserve on a dollar basis, but has not had an answer back yet. If they haven't, if they could give us an idea of what the cost was per acre basis for the last acquisition they had, which was sometime late last year. The real value of the Preserve is more in the intangible basis instead of the tangible basis. #8 Preserve the Preserve — basically don't sell the Preserve. Chair Myers requested that Director Mayer McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 3 of 6 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinutesMinutes120151102715M set up having (Finance Director) Craig Rudolphy attend the December meeting to discuss the long term economic vitality of the Town. There has been some talk about the long term economic vitality of the Town and we want to make sure that is solid, so we don't have to sell any of the Town's assets. ,410 #9 Coordination with Scottsdale and Regional Park. Chair Myers informed the Commission that the new maps were sent over to them and they will get back to us if they have some questions on it. #10 Firewising. Chair Myers explained that we have already talked to the Fire Department, but they might need some additional help. By just going around the edge of the Preserve, we might be able to see some washes that need firewising. Get pictures or have the Fire Department out. The greatest chance of a catastrophic fire in our Preserve will start in our Town in some of those washes. #12 New Flyer — Vice Chair Barberic, can we put our trail maps in Scottsdale and the Regional Park? That is something that can be addressed. #13 Marquee at Golden Eagle and Adero Trailhead — Director Mayer will get together with Chair Myers and Commissioner Aiello to see what can be done. #15 Trail Counters — Commissioner Myers stated there is one that needs to be adjusted at the Town lake. There are 3 others that will go in various points in the Preserve. #21 Invite Jeremy Hall—been here would be happy to come again. #22 &#23 Work with Town Staff on Trailhead and Coordinate with Staff to get the Trailhead out to bid. • 95% of plans from J2 and temporary utilities (what they will look like and where they will be placed)have been given to Jeremy Hall with MCO. • 100% plans just need to be completed, but the intent was to time it so then we can go out to bid on the project. • Two things we are looking at now are: o 1. Discussion about utilizing fill material.(potentially come from MCO's site) o 2. Possibility of changing out gabion baskets that we use for retaining walls with boulders and fill. J2 Engineering did the analysis and said it will not save us a lot of money, so we basically abandoned that. • We are finishing up some drawings that would show utilizing material on the site that would balance us on the site, that's eighty-eight hundred cubic yards. If you picture that it's the size of a football field eight feet deep. There are some challenges, while you save money on the fill material, you also have to figure out a place now to be able to put all this material and flatten out an area large enough and where to place it. As well as salvage the plants that we need from the site. We are in the process now of finishing up that set of drawings so that we can get a price either from MCO or from some other contractor to do that work and what it would cost. • Reason we held off on getting the plans to 100% is, if there are any last minute changes we would have that ability to get those changes done. • Temporary utilities—we will pay for the design*, MCO will pay for the cost of the installation and we are responsible for the ongoing maintenance. Director Mayer commented that he received a note this week from the Town Engineer to meet with Francesco to discuss the temporary utilities. *Note the tape was reviewed and it was stated that "We would we would pay for the design" but as per the agreement, MCO is to pay for the design.* McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 4 of 6 G:Commisston MMPCIAgenda&MinutesiMinutes120151102715M #24 Quarterly update to Town Council. January meeting is scheduled. AGENDA ITEM #11: REPORT ON THE REGIONAL OPEN SPACES, PARKS AND PRESERVES OCTOBER 15, 2015 MANAGER'S MEETING Director Mayer gave a summary of the meeting: • Are there common issues that we all have that we could deal with on a more regional basis as opposed to individual parks? • Can we cooperate a little better and more fully to streamline things? • How to acquire more space and land. • Expand to include more entities and have more meetings. At least 2 meetings a year or maybe quarterly. • Indicated that as more meetings are held, he would update the Commission. AGENDA ITEM #12 REPORT ON THE OCTOBER 26, 2015 COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING Commissioner Aiello reported on the meeting, along with comments from Director Mayer. • 2016 meeting dates were established. • Retiring Commissioners. Originally had 13, one resigned and 3 retiring so will be down to 9 as of January 2016, which is the required number. • Update on events: o Harmony Musical Playground had been approved by Council. o Kiwanis Playground is complete and ribbon cutting will be in the next couple weeks. • Adero Canyon update. `""' • New Art o "Gone but not Forgotten", is a cocker spaniel that is laying down with his chin on 2 old hiking shoes. Set to go in off of El Lago by Second Story View. o "So Glad to See You", is a life size dachshund in Centennial Circle, last piece of art that will go in the Circle. • Special Events o Halloween in the Hills o Movie in the Park—"Free Birds" o Tennis Tournament at Copperwynd AGEND ITEM #13: DISCUSSION OF DESIGNATING A MMPC REPRESENTATIVE TO ATTEND THE NOVEMBER 23RD COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING Vice Chair Barberic questioned the need for a representative to go to the meeting since Director Mayer attends and can give the update. Chair Myers volunteered to attend the meeting, but suggested that a CSAC member attend our(MMPC)meetings, since we will be dissolved in the future. AGENDA ITEM #14 DISCUSSION OF MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN MONTH EVENT ON NOVEMBER 21, 2015 Vice Chair Barberic will contact the Conservancy. Event will run from 8:00-11:00a.m. The Mayor will hike with us at 10:00a.m. Chair Myers will get in touch with Captain Letourneau about the helicopter. 'gift.- Vice Chair Barberic will get us some information so can get a PSA to the local paper. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 5 of 6 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes120151102715M • AGENDA ITEM #15: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Thornton made a motion to adjourn at 6:16 p.m., Commissioner Schadle seconded and the ..r iii motion passed by unanimous vote. McDow ountain Pre -vatio Commission By: Bill yers, Chair Reviewed by: C Mark C. Mayer, Director of Com nity Services Prepared by: Jenn' er Lyor xecjy ssistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting held on October 27, 2015. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: fr(sistant J ifer ns, Execu ' e Dated this 3rd day of November 2015 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 6 of 6 G.-Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes110151102715M ‘ �AINtik 44O, ?N ) 'z m �1//that is 1103 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission 2016 Meeting bates Tuesdays ® 5:00 p. m. January 26 - *5:30 joint meeting with Town Council* February 23 - March 22 - April 26 - May 24 - June 28 - July - No meeting scheduled August 23 - September 27 - October 25 - December 6 (Combined November & December) G:\Commission MMPC\Meeting Dates\MMPC meeting dates 2016-DRAFT 10/13/2015 Fountain Hills Preserve MMPC objectives list for 2015 September 2015 update Following are 25 possible objectives for the MMPC to discuss for 2015. The completion of these objectives will increase the usability, safety and value of the Preserve for current residents and future generations. The list is not in any specific order, such as importance or cost,but is intended to be a basis for discussion and direction of the MMPC efforts. Some of these objectives could be assigned to existing workgroups, new workgroups or individuals. Some are long time frame and take many months to complete and some are relatively short range and inexpensive. In addition,the McDowell Mountain Mouth,and the 2 Town fairs will be planned and completed. All 25 objectives have been assigned to a workgroups of 3 Commissioner each and progress has been made on a number of fronts. 1) Quick Read(QR). Quick Read codes could be places on several existing signs to help hikers and others gain information about the trail they may be about to go on Ken "Thornton has done a lot of work on this item and we are ready to get the QRs to attach to the various signs. 2) Trailhead Workgroup. The existing Trailhead Workgroup has made an initial site visit and developed 15 questions to help reduce the cost and improve the Trailhead. Those questions are being answered,which is helping the Workgroup understand the work that has already been accomplished. Consistent involvement by the Workgroup is needed and hopefully will be a benefit to the Town and the Trailhead. Most of the initial 15 questions were answered. "those answers bring up other questions. We have contacted the Town and MCO and significant progress is being made on Adero Canyon leading to the Trailhead. 3) Scar on the Mountain. The Promenade Trail (Jeep Trail) scar can be seen from many places in our Town. That scar may be able to be revegitated and rock stained to increase the esthetic appeal of our Preserve. We are looking into the "Final Settlement Agreement"between the Town and MCO. It may be that MCO may be responsible for the scar fix. If not,other alternatives are being worded on. 4) Grand opening of the Trailhead. Seems a little early and presumptuous to plan for the opening. The final preparation will be closer to the actual opening,but it is not too early to begin the process. To be planned in the first part of 2016 5) Emergency Markers and Helicopter landing Zones. The new Andrews/Kinsey Trail needs EM and LZ to be as safe as the other 6 miles of trails in our Preserve. Work is being done by many to get the 52 new signs/posts/rivets/etc. to place these signs in A/K in fall 2015. A special thanks to Ken Valverde of the Town for his work on these signs. 6) Recognition of the Conservancy. The MMPC needs the Town to recognize the value of the time and effort of the Conservancy. One example is the construction of the Andrews/Kinsey Trail. Scottsdale spent$95,000 developing their portion of the Trail. Primarily because of the Conservancy the cost to Fountain Hills was very minimal. Newspaper articles,Council recognition,and other items are made to recognize the many hours,blood, sweat and tears the Conservancy puts in to make the Preserve better. 7) Recognition of the Value of the Preserve. We need to show the true value of our Preserve. It has value in exercise,ambiance,outdoor desert area,background for events such as weddings,and dollar value to all real estate here in Town. All who own real estate in Town would lose considerable dollar value if the Preserve were allowed to be developed. This is a difficult task. The value is not just the initial cost plus interest but value to real estate in the event that the Preserve ceased to exist;perhaps all real estate in Town would be devalued. More work coming on this one. The ambiance and esthetic value should also be valued. 3 8) Preserve the Preserve. There is some question as to the long term economic viability of our Town. The Town weathered the last recession(10`h since WWII)by cutting the Town staff by half. Not sure how to weather the next recession. Part of our job is to preserve the Preserve in our time. Don't' sell the Preserve. This has to do with the long term financial stability of our Town. hopefully the Town will not be put in a position of requiring the selling of Town assets 9) Coordinate with Scottsdale and Regional Park. There could be several events that the 53,000 combined acres could host that may be a benefit to our Town in many ways. There are no hotels or restaurants in the Regional Park to our north. Added business for our Town would be a plus. We cont.! . _ t,,,, entities on various subjects. We have great contacts and communication with both of these entities. 10)Firewising. There still remain several areas in our Town that could start a fire that could run up to the Preserve. Scottsdale had a fire in '95 that burned 23,000 acres and devastated real estate values. Our Town is a total of about 13,000 acres. Firewising would decrease the chance of a catastrophic fire. We have had meetings with the fire department and they are aware of the danger. We may be able to look at the edges of the Preserve to help in identifying fire prone areas r 11)Advertising of Preserve. Biking,hiking,geology, various training and educational opportunities and could be advertised in the appropriate publications in addition to the local papers. More usage and business for Fountain Hills. When the new Trailhead is completed, this item will come into prominence. 12)New Flyer. We currently have a six panel flyer. Great Flyer. We may consider a 12 panel or 24 panels. Added info could be a bigger map,some safety info,and other information. Working on. Probably have a 12 panel done by November 2015. A nice new one with more info 13)Marquee at Golden Eagle and Adero Trailhead. We currently have a large map in the Golden Eagle Marquee. Thanks Mark, it looks great. We may want to put a little more information at the Golden Eagle marquee such as location of the restroom and safety information. Info was given to the Town to improve the existing Trailhead marque. Other additional info and items will he proposed for the new Trailhead. 14)All signage at the Adero Trailhead. MMPC can start work on the appropriate signage for the Trailhead and other items that may need attention at the Trailhead. See other trailheads for their ideas. Not worked on at all yet. 15)Trail Counters. We currently have one trail counter. Several other trail counters would help in establishing the usage of the Preserve and tell us which trails are heavily traveled in order to allocate funds and efforts to where it is most needed. 3 ordered and received. Will put one on the Town Lake Overlook"Frail and the other 2 on the Preserve Trails this fall. The Town paid for these. Thanks Town 16)Test 911. Even though we have had no deaths in our Preserve so far, it would be informative to see how our Emergency Marker and Landing Zone maps are really used and how to improve them. Test the 911 in the Preserve. A meeting with the Sherriffs office indicated that the 911 system seems to be working. The meeting was productive. There have been two rescue in the Preserve so far. Scottsdale has had several deaths on their trails and the Regional Park has also had several. Fountain Hills Preserve number is"0". A good number in this context. 17)Five layers of Protection. Other cities have attempted to make it difficulty to sell part of all of their Preserve. We would like to make it difficult for a future developer to tempt the Town to sell the Preserve for development No work done on this one so far. 18)Bench Criteria. We have been approached by those who wish to put another bench at several locations in the Preserve. A criteria needs to be developed to handle such requests. I think the Town has one now for the Parks in Town. L Done. -I'he recommendation is to have no more benches in the Preserve at the present time 19)Budget. The Town needs to develop a dollar budget specifically for the Preserve. Currently,the budget for the Town's largest and most expensive asset appears to be quite small. The 15/16 budget recommendations were submitted to the Town previously. 20)MCO communication. Make sure MCO knows that MMPC and the Conservancy are willing to help in facilitating the Trailhead. We have had several discussions with MCO folks, They know we are available to help in any way to facilitate the work. 21)Invite Jeremy Hall to periodically update MMPC on progress. Mr. .Hall has been to an MMPC meeting and has agreed to be at others as the need arises 22)Work with Town Staff on Trailhead construction timetable and other assistance. We continue to be somewhat involved with the Town and MCO on various timetables. So far, MCO seems to be on schedule. 23)Coordinate with Staff to get the Trailhead out to bid. We have asked for ballpark timetables to get the bid done by mid-2016. With the various bidding requirements,this is a critical clement. 24)Quarterly update to Town Council on Preserve and Trailhead. We have not been successful in getting before Council except for the once per year joint meeting. We will continues trying to get to Council since the Preserve and Trailhead are at an important juncture. 25)Preserve not called a Park. Brings other unintended consequences. Unless something drastic happens the Town will not pursue calling the Preserve a Park. The above is very brief. The why,how, and cost and other factors should be discussed. Objectives can then be prioritized by the MMPC with input by the Town and Council. Other ideas and objectives will also come, I think. Preserve the Preserve