HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2015.0922.MInutes J. J JlgAINyI TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION • No September 22,2015 0 AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by Vice Chair Tom Barberic at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 22, 2015 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Vice-Chair Tom Barberic, Commissioners, Bill Craig, Klaus Schadle and Ken Thornton. Absent at roll call were, Chair Bill Myers, Commissioner Tom Aiello, and Commissioner Stan Ruden. Staff members present were Director Mark Mayer and Executive Assistant Jennifer Lyons. AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public wished to speak at this time. AGENDA ITEM #4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE AUGUST 25, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Now Commissioner Thorton made a motion to accept the minutes subject to review of the August 25, 2015 meeting,Commissioner Schadle seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Commissioner Schadle requested clarification on the following three items from the August 25,2015 Meeting Minutes. • Agenda Item #4, first paragraph, line number 4 and who "he" is in that sentence. "He" is Commissioner Schadle. Tape was reviewed and the exact quote from Commissioner Schadle was "the way I read this is Adero is off the hook when the second phase is started". • Agenda Item#7, second bullet point, second sentence, Preserve should be listed after Fountain Hills and Scottsdale. Tape was reviewed and the sentence was an exact quote of what Chair Myers had stated. Preserve was not mentioned. • Agenda Item#8, page 3, Marquee on the 2 Trails, first bullet point, the word remark should be rule. Tape was reviewed and remark was the term used. AGENDA ITEM#5: UPDATE ON THE EAST LOOP SONORAN TRAIL Director Mayer stated that no meeting date has been set. Commissioner Craig will contact Jeremy Hall with MCO about setting a meeting with Eagle's Nest HOA. AGENDA ITEM #6: UPDATE FROM THE PRESERVE MARKETING GROUP REGARDING PRESERVE TRAIL MAPS AND TRIFOLDS (Item#6 was discussed under Agenda Item#7 as one of the objectives) Vice Chair Barberic will talk to Ken Valverde about getting some of the maps before McDowell Mountain Day and also the fair. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 1 of 4 G:Commission MMPCUgenda&MinuteslMinutes120151092215M Commissioner Thorton mentioned holding off on finishing the QR codes until we have the new maps because that will be the base of those codes. AGENDA ITEM#7: UPDATE ON THE 2015 OBJECTIVES McDowell Mountain Day • Liberty Wildlife is coming. • Commissioner Aiello has been in contact with the sheriffs department to have the helicopter there again. • Overlook Trail as the hike of the day—one hike instead of two. Commissioner Thorton will be in charge of contacting the Conservancy and the Commission about volunteering for hours at the fair booth. Volunteers sign up 1 Y2 hour increments. Try to have 1 Commissioner and at least 1 or 2 from the Conservancy. Value of the Preserve as reported by Commissioner Schadle: • Commissioner Schadle had come up with an outline and forwarded to Chair Myers. • The work group consisting of Chair Myers, Commissioner Ruden, and Commissioner Schadle, will continue working on this objective when Commissioner Ruden returns in October. • Commissioner Schadle, checked with Craig Rudolphy, Finance Director to see what the Preserve is listed for in the Town balance sheet and that is 13.6 million. Commissioner Schadle, then applied CPI factors since 2000 to come up with the current value. CPI doesn't really measure the value of real estate. Commissioner Schadle would like to get in touch Jeremy Hall with MCO to see if we can get him to release what their taxes were in Adero Canyon prior to making any improvements so we can get a comparative idea on a dollar value. • The real value of the Preserve is in the intangible areas of having the free space,having a mountain to look rather than cars,ambiance,wildlife and hikes. Discussion ensued among the commissioners on how to come up with the valve of the preserve and the consensus was,they needed to get with Chair Myers to see really what he's looking for. Director Mayer suggested checking to see what Scottsdale does. If they have any kind of value on their property and if so,how they arrived at that number. Marquees—will address when Commissioner Aiello returns. AGENDA ITEM #8: REPORT ON AUGUST 31, 2015 COMMUNITY SERVICE ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING Director Mayer reported on the CSAC meeting. Background information - TLC has been occupying space and running programs at the Community Center almost since it was built. Originally, it was one of the conditions, that if Senior Services Inc. became under the umbrella of the Town, that TLC,who was then part of the Senior Network Service would be provided space there on an ongoing basis. TLC had been operating at no cost. The biggest issue we had was,TLC was not in there a lot,the class size was typically 2-3 people, and having maybe 5 classes a week, so most of the time the room sat there being underutilized. As our programs there continue to grow,not only rentals from the Community Center stand point but also programs for Senior Services, they were fmding it more and more difficult to get space. We approached TLC about some way of doing a cost sharing and they had been paying over the past couple years a lease that runs $1,200.00 a year. We had a lot of discussions and originally approached the Council to extend the lease until September 28th to see if we can work out the details. The Council granted that extension of the lease. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission (44) Page 2 of 4 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&Minutes1Mbmtes120151092215M Finally we reached an accord that everyone was happy with. Now we are going to treat it like any other .,, room. They are going to rent the space and utilize it for the time they need it. We only made two concessions: 1. Instead of having to pay up front because they use the proceeds to cover the cost for the room, we would be billing them on a quarterly basis. 2. Now it says if you cancel up to 30 days ahead of time you still have to pay half the fee. So what we said to them was, we will treat the same as we treat our as Rec programs, in that you can cancel the Tuesday before the session of the next week. The agreement was taken to the Commission first then ultimately to the Council. That's what the special meeting was for because we wanted to do it before the September 28th. Then we updated the Council on the agreement we had reached and put together a Letter of Understanding between the Town and TLC and then signed by both parties. AGENDA ITEM #9: DISCUSSION OF MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN MONTH EVENT ON NOVEMBER 21,2015 • Commissioner Craig will contact Ranger Amy#1. • Vice Chair Barberic to contact Ranger Amy#2 and check with Commissioner Aiello to see if he has sent the email to the sheriff regarding the helicopter. • Director Mayer informed the Commission that the Mayor will read the Proclamation at the November 5th Council Meeting. • Commissioner Barbaric will also be in contact with Mike at the local paper about McDowell Mountain Day story. • Commissioner Craig will contact McDowell Mountain Park about having a table there. Commissioner Thorton inquired if there was something that describes McDowell Mountain Day because he's not sure what is involved. Vice Chair Barberic stated it was a loose thing. Just making people aware of facilities here in Town, the hiking trails, what we have and showing of technology with the helicopters. The event starts at 8am,then a hike with the Mayor and out by 11:00am. Discussion commenced regarding the having the following attractions: helicopter, hike, Liberty Wildlife (bird group) and possibly a dog group. AGENDA ITEM#10: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Craig made a motion to adjourn at 5:35 p.m., Commissioner Thornton seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission By om Barberic, Vice Chair Reviewed by: y v C C . Mark C. Mayer, Director of Community Se ices McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 3 of 4 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&Minutes\Minutcs120151092215M 3, • Prepared by: Je Ter L ns,Exec a Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting held on September 22, 2015. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. By: J fer L ,Executi Assistant Dated this 28th day of September 2015 41/ McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 4 of 4 G:Commission MMPCWgenda&Minutes Minutes120151092215M