HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2015.0526.Minutes AIN r o It TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS o 2 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE �.• o �e MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION '.,� MAY 26,2015 'hat is AM%L I� AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:32 p.m., Tuesday, May 26, 2015 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Tom Barberic, Commissioners Tom Aiello, Bill Craig, Klaus Schadle, and Ken Thornton. Absent at roll call was Commissioner Stan Ruden. Staff members present were Director Mark Mayer and Executive Assistant Nancy Walter. AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public was present. AGENDA ITEM #4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MARCH 24, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Vice-Chair Barberic made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 24, 2015 meeting, Commissioner ,,,, Aiello seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #5: REPORT ON THE APRIL 27 AND MAY 18, 2015 COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETINGS Commissioner Thornton was unable to attend the April 27th meeting but his wife did attend. The CSAC discussed the Dog Park. ADOG is being reactivated and is also having a spaghetti dinner to raise funds. The CSAC also discussed the Technology Learning Center. Chair Myers attended the May 18th CSAC meeting. He reported that ADOG raised $1,700 at the fundraising dinner. CSAC Commissioner Doty will present the dog park recommendations to Council on June 18th. The lighting around the Fountain Park walkway is almost complete. Work on the East parking lot has started. Phase 6 will be finished by mid July. The Sunridge Trail signs and kiosks will be completed this month. There is currently no funding available for the rest of the proposed Fountain Hills Integrated Trails (FIT). There is no way to monitor how many people are using the current trails. Two new pieces of public art have been donated. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEM#6: UPDATE FROM THE SONORAN CONSERVANCY Commissioner Craig reported: • The Conservancy members volunteered over 500 hours during this past season • Maintenance was completed on the Lake Overlook Trail, Andrews-Kinsey Trail, Western Loop Trail, the alternate trail to the future trailhead, and the Sonoran Trail • The helicopter emergency landing zone was completed on the Andrews-Kinsey Trail • 323 people participated in the Sonoran hikes; the 2015-16 hikes are now being planned, including hikes that are family suitable • The web-site is being updated; SCFH.org • Bill Schmitt obtained Council's approval to designate the Fountain Lake Islands as Natural Areas; Mr. Schmitt, along with volunteers,will continue to maintain the islands • The Botanical Garden is one of the finalists for the Republic Rewards Community Grant Program • The next meeting is scheduled for July 6 (email meeting) • The Conservancy would like to add a loop(s) to the Sonoran Trail (map attached); there would be no cost to the Town since all of the trail building would be done by volunteers; Director Mayer stated that any additional trails and loops need to be approved by an amendment to the Master Plan for the McDowell Mountain Preserve • Scott Hamilton, with Scottsdale, and Rand Hubbell, with McDowell Mountain Park, both said the most utilized and most requested trail is a loop • The trail counter on the Lake Overlook Trail registered an average of 1000 people per week for the last two weeks AGENDA ITEM#7: UPDATE ON THE FY2015-16 BUDGET Director Mayer said that Council has approved the FY2015-16 budget. Director Mayer said that the FY2015-16 trails budget includes $380 for Port-o-lets rentals for educational hikes, $2,100 for printing expense for the Preserve, Lake Overlook, and Botanical Garden tri-folds, $120 for bottled water for the McDowell Mountain Month event, $300 for McDowell Mountain Month program materials, and $600 for trail maintenance tools. $29,058 is budgeted for Open Space/Trails and includes a portion of staff's salary,trail maintenance, shared cost for the Eagles Nest restrooms, and copier charges. The $1,910,000 for the McDowell Mountain Preserve Trailhead is deferred until July 2016 so as not to go over the budget limit for FY2015-16. If bids for the trailhead go over$1,910,000 then staff would go back to the architect to see where some of the costs could be eliminated. AGENDA ITEM #8: UPDATE ON THE 2015 OBJECTIVES AND THE WORK GROUPS ASSIGNED TO EACH The McDowell Mountain Month event is scheduled for Saturday, November 21 St at Fountain Park. There will be hikes scheduled on the Lake Overlook Trail. The group is working on scheduling Liberty Wildlife, the Fire Department, and other participants. Chair Myers reviewed the attached objectives/work group document. The Work Groups are working on their objectives. The Commission is in agreement to not place any more benches in the Preserve. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM #9: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING$500 FOR THE PURCHASE FOR QR CODE READERS FOR PLACEMENT ON THE PRESERVE TRAIL SIGNS �.. Commissioner Thornton will meet with Reese Henry who will set up the program possibly at a minimal cost. Chair Myers made a motion to approve up to $500 for the purchase of QR code readers for placement on the preserve trail signs,Vice-Chair Barberic seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#10: UPDATE ON TOOLS, TRAIL COUNTERS, AND TOOL BOXES • The three Jobox toolboxes are in storage behind the Community Center • The six Rogue tools will be shipped as soon as the manufacturer's presser is fixed • The three trail counters were to be shipped on May 22nd • The four pick mattocks and two forged rakes were purchased at Home Depot and are now in Commissioner Craig's possession AGENDA ITEM #11: UPDATE FROM THE PRESERVE MARKETING GROUP REGARDING PRESERVE TRAIL MAPS AND TRIFOLDS Vice-Chair Tom Barberic has a draft of the Preserve map and will be working with Ken Valverde to complete the map and will bring the updated sample to the August meeting. AGENDA ITEM#12: UPDATE ON SIGNS FOR THE PRESERVE'S NEW TRAILS Ken Valverde will have a draft by the end of the week. The signs will be installed sometime in June or July. AGENDA ITEM#13: UPDATE ON ADERO CANYON '441•► Director Mayer met with the Town Engineer, the Civil Engineering Inspector, and Francisco Lopez, with MCO Properties. Mr. Lopez estimates they are 40% done with the rough grading and there should not be a delay with completion of the project. AGENDA ITEM #14: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chair Barberic made a motion to adjourn at 6:42 p.m., Commissioner Thornton seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. McDowell' ountain Preservation Commission By: Bill yers, Chair Reviewed by: C . Mark C. Mayer, Director of Communit Services Prepared by: g4k.. N y W It , Executive Assistant McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 3 of 4 S CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting held on May 26, 2015. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. By: (.(7ate,D Wal r, Executive Assistant Dated this 27th day of May 2015 lad McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 4 of 4 r FE a''? p t t II SI t sa 5 aa..r,e W 1 r paII tOlm R . i1¢,.el r;rarl I w J cn :tib� a ��ww 0 =• _ H �'ab C9 �w z z cn o 1-1-1O , a . . ,y - ` J w a 2 - • cvvo,,o AT v w" ,, u . 0 ^ . ti ilk .., ,,, .., ,z, , 0., lir /a • I J F w s JN^ww 6 3 J OS co :„:, VA, - ." a R<. ,y..4•C.:•,-ii,,,,.•,p1.',,'..:': z �y�°ww0, a ,iP tia� � ' p W . r z i rww 1' ' - r W.'? . 114& .ywK 1- J = a ;. .. . .. Oil 4420 • I` 1" rww 1 y •N 11 i� fo j��`w- Oa 1�.. ;?4 a IJ V V o 6w i� ��w 2p 00 w w w tillillit �� Z � Wnn 1p •• . at 1.'1:C.J. . , . . . - ., w . . -. : • * -_ , r graiNatihht, . . . . . , 1 , 1 .. .. l`� / z J � pc ► 4 i Fountain Hills Preserve MMPC objectives list for 2015 Following are 19 possible objectives for the MMPC to discuss for 2015. The completion of these objectives will increase the usability, safety and value of the Preserve for current residents and future generations. The list is not in any specific order,such as importance or cost, but is intended to be a basis for discussion and direction of the MMPC efforts. Wilke Some of these objectives could be assigned to existing workgroups, new workgroups or /Kim P WO individuals. Some are long time frame and take many months to complete and some are I� relatively short range and inexpensive. dAJeanto. •3 2 4- 1Xl) Quick Read(QR ). Quick Read codes could be places on several existing signs to L' 0f help hikers and others gain information about the trail they may be about to go on. pc) Trailhead Workgroup. The existing Trailhead Workgroup has made an initial site efgig visit and developed 15 questions to help reduce the cost and improve the Trailhead. Those questions are being answered, which is helping the Workgroup understand the work that has already been accomplished. Consistent involvement by the Workgroup is needed and hopefully will be a benefit to the Town and the Trailhead. a � ! ) Scar on the Mountain. The Promenade Trail (Jeep Trail) scar can be seen fromInk many places in our Town. That scar may be able to be revegitated and rock stained to increase the esthetic appeal of our Preserve. /4) Grand opening of the Trailhead. Seems a little early and presumptuous to plan for , "ilk the opening. The final preparation will be closer to the actual opening, but it is not too early to begin the process. 61 7,I- 0(5) Emergency Markers and Helicopter landing Zones. The new Andrews/Kinsey Trail needs EM and LZ to be as safe as the other 6 miles of trails in our Preserve. tity191 1.) ) Recognition of the Conservancy. The MMPC needs the Town to recognize the i ,�- value of the time and effort of the Conservancy. One example is the construction of the Andrews/Kinsey Trail. Scottsdale spent$95,000 developing their portion of the Trail. Primarily because of the Conservancy the cost to Fountain Hills was very minimal. 1�/N4" 17(7) Recognition of the Value of the Preserve. We need to show the true value of our 0/2 Preserve. It has value in exercise, ambiance, outdoor desert area,background for events such as weddings,and dollar value to all real estate here in Town. All who own real estate in Town would lose considerable dollar value if the Preserve were allowed to be developed. t ) Preserve the Preserve. There is some question as to the long term economic 411347 viability of our Town. The Town weathered the last recession(10th since WWII)by cutting the Town staff by half. Not sure how to weather the next recession. Part of our job is to Preserve the Preserve in our time. A9) Coordinate with Scottsdale and Regional Park. There could be several events that NOM the 53,000 combined acres could host that may be a benefit to our Town in many ways. There arc no hotels or restaurants in the Regional Park to our north. Added business for our Town would be a plus. 0)Firewising. There still remain several areas in our Town that could start a fire that ( could run up to the Preserve. Scottsdale had a fire in '95 that burned 23,000 acres and devastated real estate values. Our Town is a total of about 13,000 acres. Firewising would decrease the chance of a catastrophic fire. Al I)Advertising of Preserve. Biking,hiking, geology,various training and educational 2016 opportunities and could be advertised in the appropriate publications in addition to the local papers. More usage and business for Fountain Hills. s42)New Flyer. We currently have a six panel flyer. Great Flyer. We may consider a 12 3[10t' panel or 24 panels. Added info could be a bigger map, some safety info,and other information. ���bf� t513)Marquee at Golden Eagle and Adero Trailhead. We currently have a large map in the Golden Eagle Marquee. Thanks Mark, it looks great. We may want to put a little t more information at the Golden Eagle marquee such as location of the restroom and safety information. 14)All signage at the Adero Trailhead. MMPC can start work on the appropriate 14916 signage for the Trailhead and other items that may need attention at the Trailhcad. See other trailheads for their ideas. 0 14, A15)Trail Counters. We currently have one trail counter. Several other trail counters r � would help in establishing the usage of the Preserve and tell us which trails are heavily traveled in order to allocate funds and efforts to where it is most needed. ►Al6)Test 911. Even though we have had no deaths in our Preserve so far, it would be i 744 #04 informative to see how our Emergency Marker and Landing Zone maps are really used and how to improve them. Test the 911 in the Preserve. 14.47 IJ(t 7)Five layers of Protection. Other cities have attempted to make it difficulty to sell part of all of their Preserve. We would like to make it difficult for a future developer to tempt the Town to sell the Preserve for development AI 8)Bench Criteria. We have been approached by those who wish to put another bench V014 at several locations in the Preserve. A criteria needs to be developed to handle such requests. I think the Town has one now for the Parks in Town. A 19)Budget. The Town needs to develop a dollar budget specifically for the Preserve. fipo /s Currently,the budget for the Town's largest and most expensive asset appears to be quite small. The above is very brief. The why,how, and cost and other factors should be discussed. Objectives can then be prioritized by the MMPC with input by the Town and Council. Other ideas and objectives will also come, I think. Preserve the Preserve i... Commissioner Schadle MMPC meeting January 27, 2015 Agenda item 416 •f t L o Facilitate coordination/communications with MCO can MMPC assist them in any way 101,41 yt a Invite Jeremy Hall to periodically update the MMPC on Adero progress G ?g vvn, -© Work with Town staff on construction timetable and get updated costs for the TH;can we build O} /•9 as envisioned a decade ago?; more?;less? *40 vvrt a Coordinate with Town staff and MCO to ensure TN project is put out to bid VIA'a Quarterly update Town Council on progress/plans and challenges of the TH project 117-0144- S JCS PMm t � b4 7)(44 �+ --`__ - Citttgi Fountain Hills Preserve MMPC Objectives 2015 By Completion Date Completion Date Item Workgroup assigned 3/2015 Quick Read Trialhead 3/2015 New Flyer Marketing 4/2015 Preserve not called"Park" Marketing 4/2015 Council update-Quarterly Chair 4/2015 Budget Marketing 5/2015 Emergency Markers A/K Trail Trailhead 5/2015 Test 911 in Preserve Trailhead 5/2015 Invite Jeremy Hall to MMPC Chair 6/2015 Firewising Month 6/2015 Trail Counters Trailhead 6/2015 Bench Criteria Month 7/2015 Marquee at 2 Trailheads Month 8/2015 Five Layers of Protection Marketing 8/2015 Timetable and Costs-Trailhead Trailhead 9/2015 Recognition of Conservancy Marketing 9/2015 Preserve the Preserve Marketing 9/2015 Preserve to Bid Trailhead 11/2015 Recognize Value of Preserve Marketing 11/2015 Coordination Scottsdale/Pard Month'Month 12/2015 Scar on Mountain Trailhead ONGOING 1 Trailhead Workgroup Trailhead 2 Coordination/Communication-MCO Trailhead 2016 1 Grand Opening of Trailhead Month 2 Advertising the Preserve Month 3 All signage at Adero Trailhead Trailhead The above is in addition to the normal duties of the Workgroups such as 2 Town Fairs, MM Month,and Newspaper etc communication.etc. There will be some of these items investigated and dropped and others may pop up, but these objectives are intended to give the MMPC a guide for accomplishment for 2015. Fountain Hills Preserve MMPC Objectives 2015 By Workgroup Completion Date Item Workgroup assigned 3/2015 New Flyer Marketing 4/2015 Preserve not called"Park" Marketing 4/2015 Budget Marketing 8/2015 Five Layers of Protection Marketing 9/2015 Recognition of Conservancy Marketing 9/2015 Preserve the Preserve Marketing 11/2015 Recognize Value of Preserve Marketing 11/2015 Coordination Scottsdale/Pard Month Month ONGOING l Trailhead Workgroup Trailhead 2 Coordination/Communication-MCO Trailhead 2016 The above is in addition to the normal duties of the Workgroups such as 2 Town Fairs, MM Month, and Newspaper etc communication.etc. There will be some of these items investigated and dropped and others may pop up,but these objectives are intended to give the MMPC a guide for accomplishment for 2015. Fountain Hills Preserve MMPC Objectives 2015 By Workgroup Completion Date Item Workgroup assigned 6/2015 Firewising Month 6/2015 Bench Criteria Month 7/2015 Marquee at 2 Trailheads Month 11/2015 Coordination Scottsdale/Pard Month Month ONGOING 2 Coordination/Communication-MCO Trailhead 2016 1 Grand Opening of Trailhead Month 2 Advertising the Preserve Month The above is in addition to the normal duties of the Workgroups such as 2 Town Fairs, MM Month, and Newspaper etc communication.etc. There will be some of these items investigated and dropped and others may pop up,but these objectives are intended to give the MMPC a guide for accomplishment for 2015. Fountain Hills Preserve MMPC Objectives 2015 By Workgroup Completion Date Item Workgroup assigned 3/2015 Quick Read Trialhead 5/2015 Emergency Markers A/K Trail Trailhead 5/2015 Test 911 in Preserve Trailhead 6/2015 Trail Counters Trailhead 8/2015 Timetable and Costs-Trailhead Trailhead 9/2015 Preserve to Bid Trailhead 12/2015 Scar on the Mountain Trailhead ONGOING 1 Trailhead Workgroup Trailhead 2 Coordination/Communication-MCO Trailhead 2016 3 All signage at Adero Trailhead Trailhead The above is in addition to the normal duties of the Workgroups such as 2 Town Fairs, MM Month, and Newspaper etc communication.etc. There will be some of these items investigated and dropped and others may pop up, but these objectives are intended to give the MMPC a guide for accomplishment for 2015.