HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2013.0528.Minutes ,„vv nIN 4, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS �'< MCDOWELL MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE WELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION �,► 3 '; e AND TOWN COUNCIL v"' • MAY 28,2013 'baat is�..___ O' AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public joint meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission and Town Council was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:32 p.m., Tuesday, May 28, 2013 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Bill Craig, Commissioners Gerard Bisceglia, Steve Fleming, Klaus Schadle, and Elena Torre. Absent at roll call was Commissioner Tom Barberic. Present at roll call from Town Council were Mayor Linda Kavanagh and Councilmember Cassie Hansen. Councilmember Henry Leger attended via phone. Absent at roll call were Vice-Mayor Tait Elkie, Councilmembers Dennis Brown, Ginny Dickey, and Cecil Yates. Staff members present were Town Manager Ken Buchanan, Director Mark Mayer, and Executive Assistant Nancy Walter. Town Attorney Andrew McGuire attended via phone. AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM #4: INTRODUCTIONS - MAYOR LINDA KAVANAGH AND CHAIR BILL MYERS Mayor Kavanagh introduced the Councilmembers and Chair Myers introduced the Commission members, who each told how long they have been on the Commission. AGENDA ITEM#5: RECOGNITION OF THE SONORAN CONSERVANCY'S WORK Chair Myers recognized and thanked the Sonoran Conservancy members that were in attendance for all of the work they do. He said they are owed a huge debt of gratitude as they are the ones who do 95% of the work on the trails. AGENDA ITEM#6: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE APRIL 23,2013 MMPC MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Schadle made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 23, 2013 meeting, Commissioner Fleming seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #7: DISCUSSION OF THE BUDGET REQUEST LETTER TO COUNCIL Chair Myers said the attached budget request letter is for FY 2014-15. He also stated that he appreciates that staff has doubled-up on their work load since staffing has been cut in half from previous years. Chair Myers noted that the Sonoran Conservancy has saved the town money through their volunteering. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 1 of 3 AGENDA ITEM #8: REPORT FROM THE PRESERVE MARKETING WORKGROUP; POWERPOINT ON THE PRESERVE Chair Myers presented the attached PowerPoint. He said this will be presented to local groups, CO organizations, and churches. The goal is to let people know about the Preserve and how to get there so they might enjoy it. Mayor Kavanagh asked if we could negotiate with McDowell Mountain Park to waive the $2.00 Park entrance fee for Fountain Hills' residents. Chair Myers will look into this. AGENDA ITEM# 9: REPORT FROM THE PRESERVE ACCESS WORKGROUP The workgroup continues to research alternatives for Preserve access. The only legal access, through Eagles Nest, is a two mile walk just to get to the Preserve. AGENDA ITEM # 10: DISCUSSION OF PRESERVE TRIFOLD BROCHURES PLACEMENT IN KIOSKS Chair Myers indicated that McDowell Mountain Park Supervisor, Rand Hubbell, gave his permission to place the Town of Fountain Hills' Preserve trifolds at the trailhead kiosk. The guard at the Eagles Nest trailhead parking lot also distributes them to hikers. The trifolds have been placed at hotels, Town Hall, the Community Center, and other locations throughout Fountain Hills. The trifold is on the Town's website and also on the Tourism Bureau's website. The trail rating guide is printed on the attached trifold and is consistent with other towns and cities ratings. Mayor Kavanagh distributes the trifolds at her mobile Town Hall, the two fairs, and other events in town. AGENDA ITEM#11: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT • Chair Myers took this time to thank the Council for their support and asked Vice-Chair Craig to show one of the five Rogue hoe/rakes that were purchased with the Commission's budget for trail maintenance. Commissioner Torre made a motion to adjourn at •:08 p.m., Commissioner Fleming seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. o ell Mountain ' ation Commission By: :ill Myers, Chair Reviewed by: C Mark C. Mayer, Director of Co unity Services Prepared by: L( _ Nan alt , Executive Assistant McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 2 of 3 .. :n. «..—..........,...1_> tON ..,.IIR.. .. POI_ ..;. ..., Pam.],,,., _... CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission and Town Council Joint Meeting held on May 28, 2013. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum wasp sent. By: irddk- N alte , Executive Assistant Dated this 29`h day of May 2013 C McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 3 of 3