HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2011.0823.Minutes AIN yf TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS o Lt MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE o MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND TOWN COUNCIL ,r c' AUGUST 23,2011 Atha[isp.,ti" AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public joint meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission and Town Council was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:32 p.m., Tuesday, August 23, 2011 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills,Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Tom Barberic, Commissioners Gerard Bisceglia, Klaus Schadle, and Elena Torre. Absent at roll call were Commissioners Steve Fleming and Bob Sanders. Present from Town Council were Vice-Mayor Dennis Contino, Councilmembers Dennis Brown, Ginny Dickey, Cassie Hansen, and Henry Leger. Absent at roll call were Mayor Jay Schlum and Councilmember Tait Elkie. Staff members present were Interim Town Manager, Julie Ghetti, Director Mark Mayer, and Executive Assistant,Nancy Walter. Town Attorney,Andrew McGuire,was also present. AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM #4: MAYOR JAY T. SCHLUM AND CHAIR BILL MYERS Vice-Mayor Contino introduced the Councilmembers and Chair Myers introduced the Commission members. AGENDA ITEM#5: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE JULY 26,2011 MMPC MEETING MINUTES Vice-Chair Barberic made a motion to accept the minutes of the July 26, 2011 meeting, Commissioner Schadle seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#6: DISCUSSION OF SENATE BILL #1525 Chair Myers thanked Town Attorney,Andrew McGuire for his work on Senate Bill#1525. Mr. McGuire reported: • The Bill was a complete re-write of the State's Development Fee statute • Every development code in the State has to be redone by August, 2014 • The Development Fee statute's main goal is to define what are necessary public services • Fees for Open Space, parks larger than 30 acres, unless a direct benefit (not defined) to the community, art facilities, aquatic facilities except swimming pools, and General Government cannot be collected • If something was pledged or built, or already in the plan prior to June 30, 2011, the fee can still be collected • The Town will have to decide to use the money already collected towards the trailhead or pay down the debt service now and plan for a new revenue source for the trailhead when it is time to build it • Money will be refunded to current property owner; the development fee was built into the purchase price 1 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission s • The developer pays for development if over 30 acres; the community park and neighborhood park at the Ellman property are both under 30 acres each The Town could explore if we can participate in Growing Smarter matching funds. AGENDA ITEM #7: REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE IGA WITH THE REGIONAL PARK AND FH REGARDING THE SONORAN TRAIL The County's Attorney is reviewing the IGA one last time. The goal is to work together for the common good. AGENDA ITEM #8: UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF DIRECTIONAL SIGNS TO THE PRESERVE The seven signs were installed today. Each sign has a directional arrow and distance to the Preserve's Sonoran Trailhead. AGENDA ITEM#9: REPORT ON THE MCO HIKING AGREEMENT The current agreement expires on October 31, 2011. The third amendment to the agreement will be on Council's September 15 agenda for approval. The amendment will extend the agreement through October 2014. AGENDA ITEM #10: REPORT FROM THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN MONTH WORKGROUP Public education/awareness about the Preserve is an important goal. Commissioner Schadle reported he has permission to set up informational tables in front of Bashas' and Safeway during the last weekend of September or the first weekend of October. Fry's is unable to accommodate us. Commissioner Schadle is also attempting to contact the property manager of the Target complex for a possible area to set up in; Target does not allow anyone to set up tables or solicit in front of their stores. An informational table will also be set up at Fountain Park on September 24 during Nickelodeon's Day of Play. Commissioner Bisceglia distributed a tentative list of events and vendors for the October 29 event at the Regional Park. (List attached) AGENDA ITEM #11: REPORT FROM THE FOUNTAIN HILLS AND SCOTTSDALE TRAIL CONNECTION WORKGROUP The 2.6 miles trail would connect Fountain Hills' Western Loop Trail and 6 miles of trails with Scottsdale's Sunset Trail and their 60 miles of trails. Chair Myers reported that Scottsdale has submitted a State Land Use Permit (SLUP) for approximately 12 trails in the north portion of their preserve on State Land. A second SLUP for four or five additional trails, including our connection trail, will be submitted when the first is completed. There is no cost to the Town as the trail will be built by volunteers. AGENDA ITEM# 12: REPORT FROM THE PRESERVE MARKETING WORKGROUP Preserve awareness is the goal of this group. Chair Myers would like a 10-15 minute presentation to show schools, churches, businesses, groups, and organizations. This could take a good sum of money to accomplish and he asked Council to keep that in mind during the budget process. There is a link on the Town's website that has Preserve maps. 411 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission AGENDA ITEM# 13: REPORT FROM THE PRESERVE ACCESS WORKGROUP Currently, there is sunrise to sunset access to the Preserve. It is a two mile hike to get to the Preserve co, entrance; the group is looking at additional access so it is easier for people to get there. AGENDA ITEM#14: DISCUSSION OF COMMISSION ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS Chair Myers referred to the Council Goals and Commission Goals and the mutual support. (Memo attached). Marketing suggestions from the Councilmembers: • Consider expanding the marketing to Scottsdale • Work with the Chamber Visitors Center and also Francesca Carozza with the Tourism Bureau to get the information out to residents • In addition to the Times, place articles in publications such as the Scottsdale Republic, Arizona Highways, Sierra Club, and magazines that sell hiking equipment • Distribute information/flyers through REI, Bass Pro Shops, and other hiking stores Vice-Mayor Contino and the Councilmembers thanked the Commissioners for their dedication and the great work they have done. The Commissioners thanked Council for their feedback and their support for Preserve access. AGENDA ITEM#15: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Torre made a motion to adjourn at 6:21 p.m., Commissioner Schadle seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Mc 11 Mountain Preservation Commission By: Bi 1 rs, Chair Reviewed by: C) Mark C. Mayer, Director of Communit Services Prepared by: 6/51-d&-a— Nanc Walter, ecutive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on A gust 23, 2011. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. By: anc er Executive Assistant C Dated this 24th day of August 2011 3 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission