HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2010.0223.Minutes AIN 4jtl 7 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ` Z MINUTES OF THE JOINT SESSION OF THE °�` e MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE TOWN COUNCIL that is Ai`ti February 23,2010 A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission and the Town Council was convened and called to order by MMPC Chair Bill Myers at 5:30 PM, Tuesday, February 23, 2010 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall,located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,Arizona. Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order—Roll Call: Present at roll call were the following members of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission: Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Steve Fleming, Commissioners Tom Barberic, Curt Cornum, Lina Bellenir, and Elena Torre. Commissioner Bob Sanders was absent. Present from Town Council were Mayor Jay T. Schlum, Vice-Mayor, Cassie Hansen and Councilmember's Mike Archambault, Ginny Dickey, Henry Leger, Dennis Contino, and Dennis Brown... Staff members present were Director Mark Mayer, and Susan Gill, Executive Assistant. Town Manager, Rick Davis was also present,and Town Attorney,Andrew McGuire called in by phone. AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO THE PUBLIC: No one responded to the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 26, • "010 REGULAR MEETING libeihair Myers made a motion to approve the minutes,Commissioner Bellenir seconded;the motion was made and carried 7:0 to approve the minutes from the January 26,2010 regular meeting as submitted. AGENDA ITEM #3: INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Schlum introduced the Councilmember's and MMPC Chair Bill Myers introduced the Commission members. AGENDA ITEM #4: REVIEW OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE PRESERVE Mr. Roy Kinsey,former Chair of the Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills,provided a brief background on the Conservancy's presence and activities in the Town's Preserve. Highlights included the following: • The Conservancy was created by the MMPC in 1997 to be independent of the Town and to provide for significant public involvement to acquire mountainside land. • Early efforts to secure grants failed because of lack of matching funds. • Trailblazer program started in 2003 for constructing trails. • From 2003 through 2008, sixty-five (65) volunteers collectively spent more than 4,000 hours to build over 6.0 miles of trails. Fifty-three (53) Trail Guides and Preserve Stewards conducted over seventy (70) hikes and volunteered 1,150 hours of their time. Mr. Kinsey continued by briefly mentioning several special events held in 2009 which included themed, "Event Hikes" with specific individuals who had backgrounds in geology, fitness exercise,botany,archeology, and geo-caching. Mr. Kinsey estimated the Conservancy's operating costs to be approximately$3,000 a year. • Mr. Kinsey concluded by mentioning several gifts the Conservancy has given to the Town and placed in the Preserve everyone's enjoyment including: • A panoramic bronze panel that provides a visual guide of the Superstition and Mataztal mountain ranges. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes for February 23,2010 Page 1 • Built the Mayne Tall loop trail off the Easy trail and installed a bench and bird guide plaque in memory o former MMPC Chair Tall,who was also a member of the Conservancy Board as well as an active Trailblazer. AGENDA ITEM#5: RECOGNITION OF THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE SONORANIP CONSERVANCY OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Mayor Schlum, and Chair Myers briefly thanked Mr. Roy Kinsey and the Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills for their past and ongoing efforts to bring awareness to all of the beauty of the Preserve,including the opening of the Sonoran Trail. Mayor Schlum presented Mr. Kinsey with a plaque recognizing those accomplishments and efforts. AGENDA ITEM#6: DISCUSSSION OF BUDGET REQUEST LETTER Chair Myers provided a brief overview of a letter dated January 27,2010 that was sent to the Mayor and Council,which presented the MMPC's preliminary budget request for the Preserve. Items and estimated budget costs included the following: 1) A full time or part-time employee(Ranger) dedicated to the safety, maintenance, and other requirements of the Preserve. $25,000 2) Trail maintenance tools 4,000 3) ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) for transport of supplies and people 9,000 4) Communication equipment 1,500 Estimated Total: $39,500 Mayor Schlum thanked the Commission for providing this budget information for Council's consideration,and advised the Commission that Assistant Fire Chief, Randy Roberts had updated the Council on the challenges of potential mountain rescues in our trail system and had discussed the Fire Department's level of preparedness for hiker assistance in the Preserve. CIO AGENDA ITEM#7: UPDATE ON STATUS OF PRESERVE SIGNAGE In Commissioner Sanders absence, Chair Myers provided a brief update on the Preserve signage package. Chair Myers explained that the Preserve signage is composed of two different types of signs; informational and directional signage, and emergency signage. The signage when completed will provide a greater degree of safety for the hikers, and in addition,will provide emergency personnel with detailed information for locating someone who is in need of help. Chair Myers concluded by mentioning that the Town had paid approximately $2,200 for approximately two hundred (200) signs,which include emergency marker signs, and estimated that approximately 75 to 80%of the signs have been installed and should be completed within the next thirty (30) to sixty (60) days. At that time the final version of the signage package will be provided to the Fire Department and other emergency responders (911). AGENDA ITEM #8: UPDATE ON TRAIL CONNECTIVITY WITH SCOTTSDALE Vice-Chair Fleming briefly discussed the background of the Preserve Master Plan's vision of having a connection from Scottsdale's southern portion of their Preserve to the Sunrise Trail. Vice-Chair Fleming advised that as the newly appointed Chair of the Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills,he wants to reopen discussions with Scottsdale and that the MMPC are planning to meet with the City of Scottsdale McDowell Sonoran Preserve Commission at a joint Work Study Session on Thursday, March 4, 2010 at the Granite Reef Senior Center to discuss Preserve trail connections between Scottsdale and Fountain Hills. Possible connection could be with the north or south trail crossings. AGENDA ITEM #9: UPDATE ON MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH MARICOPA COUNTY'S MCDOWELL REGIONAL PARK Director Mayer mentioned that he had recently been in touch with Rand Hubbel of the McDowell Mountain Region:-' Park,and was advised that a draft version of a MOU has been completed and is being reviewed. Mr. Hubbel indicates that he planned to have a copy of the document to Director Mayer by April 2010 for the Town Attorney's review. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes for February 23,2010 Page 2 AGENDA ITEM #10: UPDATE ON PRESERVE FLIER Commissioner Torre advised that she and Commissioner Comum had recently met with Katie Decker, the Town's Qommumty Affairs/Media Relations Administrator,to discuss consolidation of current information into two fliers. ommissioner Torre concluded by saying that these ffiers represent a cost savings to the Town since they will be created and printed in-house by staff. Commissioner Cornum briefly discussed that one flier will have the hiking schedules and other information for hikers and the second flier will have trail profiles that will include rating the difficulty of a hike from easy to moderate to strenuous,Preserve rules,a trail map and guide,and information on emergency markers in the Preserve. AGENDA ITEM #11: UPDATE ON PLANS FOR THE FOUNTAIN HILLS GREAT FAIR, FEBRUARY 26-28,2010 Vice-Chair Fleming briefly advised the Commission that three booths have been secured side-by-side and would include three displays; MMPC, McDowell Mountain Park, and the City of Scottsdale McDowell Sonoran Preserve Commission. Vice-Chair Fleming added that the schedule for working the booths has been completed and that all three groups will provide maps and other information reflective of their agencies including hiking and other outdoor activities. AGENDA ITEM #12: TOWN COUNCIL AND MMPC CLOSING COMMENTS Mayor Schlum inquired if any of the Councilmembers had comments for the Commission. Councilmember Leger asked Director Mayer if Development Fees could be utilized for funding future needs of the Preserve. Director Mayer replied that there may be opportunities to utilize funds if it can be related to Open Space. Councilmember Leger conduded by telling the Commission that they were an awesome group of focused,positive,and professional people. Councilmember Dickey inquired about geo-caching. Vice-Chair Fleming advised that it is on the hiking schedule for *arch 13,2010. Additional brief discussion followed regarding ideas for future educational hikes, more involvement of kids and families,and signage near the Fountain Hills Botanical Garden. Mayor Schlum conduded by thanking the Commission for their integrity and hard work. Chair Myers concluded by thanking the Council for their support in 2009,and added that 2010 would be a great year for the Preserve. AGENA ITEM#13: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Bellenir and Commissioner Cornum seconded;the motion carried 7:0 to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 PM. Next meeting: Tuesday,March 23,2010 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission By: ill Myers,Chair Reviewed by: C Mark C.Mayer,Director of Parks and ecreation �.,'repared by: Susan Gill,Executive Assistant McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes for February 23,2010 Page 3 • CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on February 23,2010. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present • By: rt-4v �f- Susan Gill,Executive Assistant 411 • McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes for February 23,2010 Page 4 DRAFT Conceptual Trail Connection Proposed by Fountain Hills February 2010 Introduction: The Town of Fountain Hills has proposed to the City of Scottsdale two trail connections between the Fountain Hills Preserve and the Scottsdale McDowell Sonoran Preserve. The goal of the trail connections is to facilitate public access between the trail systems of each Preserve. These segments are not currently included on Scottsdale's Conceptual Preserve Trails Plan. Segment Descriptions: Segment A: This segment would connect from the Sonoran Trail in the Fountain Hills Preserve, west to the Thompson Peak Road. This segment would also connect to the interior mountain trail segments added to the Scottsdale Conceptual Preserve Trails Plan in 2007. The majority of this segment is located within the Scottsdale Preserve RSB, and on land owned by the AZ State Land Department. *taw Length: 1.68 miles Elevation Range: 2,742' at the Sonoran Trail to 3,340' at the Thompson Peak Road, for a total elevation change of 598'. Segment B: This segment would connect from the hitching rail on the Sunrise Trail, north to the Western Loop Trail in the Fountain Hills Preserve. This segment would traverse the upper part of Adero Canyon, a planned housing development in Fountain Hills. A large portion of this segment is located within the Scottsdale Preserve RSB, and on land owned by the AZ State Land Department. The remaining portions of this segment are located on land owned by the City of Scottsdale, outside the incorporated boundary. Length: 1.76 miles Elevation Range: 2,787' at the Sunrise Trail, to 3,045' at the Western Loop Trail, for a total elevation change of 258'. Trail Connectivity between Scottsdale Preserve and Fountain Hills Preserve February, 2010 Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Trail connection between Scottsdale and Fountain Hills Preserves To: Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preserve Commission Scottsdale Sonoran Preserve Commission From: Bill Myers: Chair-Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preserve Commission Steve Fleming: Chair-Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills Date: February 2010 Subject: Trail Connectivity between Scottsdale Preserve and Fountain Hills Preserve. Proposal 4110 The Proposal is to connect the 60 miles of trails in the Scottsdale Preserve and the 6 miles of trails in Fountain Hills Preserve for the benefit of trail users in both Scottsdale and Fountain Hills. Background Scottsdale has approximately 60 miles of completed trails and several miles of approved but not yet completed trails. Fountain Hills has 6 miles of completed trails and has recently opened those trails via the Sonoran Trail through the McDowell Mountain Regional Park to the north of the Town of Fountain Hills. Scottsdale has two accesses to the McDowell Mountain Regional Park in the north part of the Scottsdale Preserve,but no access to the Park from the southern part of its Preserve. Additionally,there is no direct access to the 6 miles of trails in Fountain Hills from the Scottsdale Preserve. Similarly,Fountain Hills has access to the 21,000 acre Regional Park but no directs access to the trails in Scottsdale. Joining the two Preserve trails would give the users in both areas greater diversity and access as well as many other benefits of connectivity. Two possible alternatives for connection have been prepared. One is the"North"and one on the" South". Attached are maps showing the two potential trails. The"Big Picture"shows Scottsdale Preserve,Fountain Hills Preserve and the McDowell Mountain Regional Park and the two options for connecting trails. The detail map illustrates the path of the two alternatives,which are discussed below. It should be noted that Scottsdale has no access to the 21,000-acre Regional Park from the southern end of its Preserve. The proposed trails connections would allow access to the Park through Fountain Hills trails from its southern end. Each of the two alternatives was developed with the assistance of users and the active participation of the primary trail builders in Fountain Hills. These alternatives are designed with great care given to the a ecological integrity while leaving a very light footprint on the land. The alternatives afford educational opportunities as well as outstanding views to both the east and west. Fortunately,both Scottsdale and Fountain Hills do not allow motorized vehicles on trails with few exceptions. Not all trails can be used for all uses. In addition,the trails in Fountain Hills preclude horses for various reasons. However,adding 6 more miles of trails to Scottsdale users will allow walkers, runners,bicyclists,students and nature lovers an exceptional experience. Horse riders will of course still have all the current existing trails available to them. The trail connectivity of Scottsdale,Fountain Hills and McDowell Mountain Regional Park will help build additional public support for preservation. In addition,the connectivity will increase the McDowell Mountain Range presence as an outstanding preserve area with all of the attendant benefits. The trail connectivity will add multiple additional loops both in Scottsdale and Fountain Hills. The loops give the total system much greater variety for the trail users. Alternative"South" Please see the maps attached. The detail maps indicate the planned route of each alternative. The"Big Picture"map shows both the Southern and Northern conceptual routes. The map shows the common connectivity of Scottsdale,Fountain Hills and the Park. Both alternatives would give greater access from the Scottsdale side to the Park. The southern alternative connects the Western Loop Trail in Fountain Hills to the Sunrise Trail in Scottsdale.The southern route would not only provide access to the 6 miles of trails into Fountain Hills,but also give great access to the southern portion of the Park. The Southern route is approximately 1.7 miles 11) long. .Because of the small elevation change,the Southern route,if selected,will be relatively inexpensive to construct. The trail is largely on the ridge and minimally on the mountain hillsides where more noticeable excavation occurs.The trail will have low visual impact to those viewing the mountains. Alternative"North" The attached maps also show the Northern alternative. This route is approximately 1.4 miles long and connects the Fountain Hills Sonoran Trail in the north part of the Fountain Hills Preserve to a point near the Thompson Peak Road in Scottsdale. From the Scottsdale side,this trail would also lead into the Park but bypass most of the trails in Fountain Hills. The North trail would also be beautiful but more difficult and expressive to build. Additional scaring of the land may also occur with the construction of this trail. Proposed Action It is requested that parties in interest discuss and select a connection that will provide the greatest preserve/park access and benefits for all citizens. Thank you for your consideration of the proposal. Sincerely, Bill Myers Chair-Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preserve Commission Steve Fleming Chair-Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills .y I .. Conceptual Trail Connections Proposed by Fountain Hills - Closeup a I Thompson Peak o I em ! McDowell Mou Regional Park Th.mPs0- j cottsdale ` i Segment A Ii j ' 0 I Fo n ain ,ackl- i pJ McDowell I I i i -'"' Hills i i i /--,� '\ Adero C.nyon Sonoran j (Future Housing 1evelopmen I O I Q Preserve m j Sunrise�I+tc�hjngsRail o.o .\ I _�i C Sunni e � s \ n rise Peak 1, \ W C nn /— �� ..?._ Preserve �,; ,' i■�. log Wa' iRingtail / _ ,7--( c___--) _ �./_ I Sunrise 136th Street e __---L_ ifrise Equestrian DRAF a Conceptual Trail Connections Proposed by Fountain Hills - Closeup Cr 'V • Access Areas Preserve Trails: Notice:This document is provided for general information purposes only. The City of Scottsdale does not warrant its OF � / —■—■■ Scottsdale Boundary Planned accuracy,completeness,or suitability for any particular McDowell Sonoran purpose. It should not be relied upon without field verification. sel 11 E. PRESERVE Proposed Trail Connections Existing 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Map date:Feb 2010 100'Contours Miles 'f . S Conceptual Trail Connections Proposed by Fountain Hills - Overview i -\.) i McDowell 1 i - ----\-\-- 5\---- i ---- --- J L.,. 1---- i • 2.........3 1 r CTh Scottsdale Mountain i ) 411 i r- I (, N_______, Regi'r- . r McDowell ! _.J 1 \ill 1 Park 'I • Sonoran JPF L f '° Fountain i Hills 4I 1 Segment B i < , ' Preserve rese I C ______As 1/4 as 1---,/ IF.—/—' '' 1 \-,,, 4 4_, i i ___} C____ t e '.-.-... i Conceptual Trail Connections Proposed by Fountain Hills - Overview PM — Proposed Trail Connections Preserve Trails: Notice:This document is provided for general information "II' nd r purposes only. The City of Scottsdale does not warrant its w"^li' • Access Areas Planned accuracy,completeness,or suitability for any particular 1p Ict)owell Sonoran purpose. It should not be relied upon without field verification. 1F r x s s e K v e �. .. Scottsdale Boundary Existing 0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 Map date:Feb 2010 100'Contours Miles MI • •sa-0" • • • 2-4-2010 Rand Hubble, Supervisor McDowell Mountain Park P.O. Box 18415 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Dear Rand, Please find attached check for $36.00. This is the payment we (the Conservancy) agreed to provide for hikers entering the park on the Sonoran Trail. It is for the park walk-in entry fee and took the place of having a rather remote "tin ranger". From mid August 2009 until the end of the year 2009 we monitored our game camera at the park entry border on the new Sonoran Trail. The camera was positioned to "see" people coming into the park and those were the people we counted. A total of 36 entries were documented. At $1.00 per person that is $36.00. Our project ended Dec. 31st, 2009. It was our understanding that you and the Town of Fountain Hills have or will soon have a Letter of Understanding. Part of the understanding is hopefully a fee arrangement to be paid to your park for hiker entry from the Sonoran Trail. Or, it may be you have decided a "tin ranger" at the trailhead would be more suitable. In closing, the Conservancy would like to thank you for your support and the building of the superb Sonoran Trail link to the Fountain Hills Preserve. Best regards, L� 480-836-7416 602-885-0132 Steve Fleming, irman i STEVE FLEMING Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills 14987 E.Aztec PI. Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 CA &AZ- PCA smfleming@cox.net Cc;Clark Mayer, Parks and Recreation Departn The Town Of Fountain Hills 1 Y ( --216-"C) ALA o ``A'_N_Ati The Town of Fountain Hills o, �`� Parks and Recreation Department z et .., • and the 'hat is Ac 1 SONORAN CONSERVANCY OF FOUNTAIN HILLS presents ti.-ik. �- the Pvccvve s .. ,,.,,,,,,‘„,„ __„,,,,,,-.. .., ---,- .„- - ., . , ., ,, _ ,. is% . ' , _ ‘ ,,,,,,—,..it ,, .4.-'' '1'.-t-i ISPOt '"''r le ' '-‘' I('' t ii., it ,,,,„.„,,..„...„ ., ater, sun shade ..lit � ' '` and good footwear ���x. ' i y •L,� Rol S',„,, `,. a E M'-k�,-� 8,,. ..-,,,,A __ _ ,, h ., . .....i.,- ' ,-, ,, ire. , . Y} aeGsai ...... Ill . ',r,"". `,,c-:"A T-4 'OH'', . _. , . .. , ,,,,., ,,,,,;, If you enjoy hiking and being outdoors then this program is just right for you! For further information please contact: The Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills smfleming@cox.net. PLEASE NOTE: $2 Park entry fee required for hikes leaving from Golden Eagle Trailhead. All hikes are from 8 - 11:30 a.m. Please register with Preserve Stewards 15 minutes prior to hike departure. MARCH AND APRIL 2010 HIKING SCHEDULE • March 6: Edible Plants & Desert Survival with Ranger Jennifer Work, Golden Ea- gle Trailhead ($2 Fee) • March 13: GPS-Geo Cache & Map reading with Paul Appeldorn, Eagle Ridge Drive • March 20: Birds of the McDowells with Kathe Anderson, Golden Eagle Trailhead ($2 Fee) • April 10: Ride into the Preserve for the physically challenged, Reservations re- quired: call Carol Ayres at 480-837-8290, Eagle Ridge Drive • April 17: Geology of the McDowells with Dan Gruber, Eagle Ridge Drive