HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2010.0525.Minutes �TMN TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS z n MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION MAY 25,2010 94ikit is 0$�c A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by MMPC Chair Bill Myers at 5:30 PM, Tuesday,May 25,2010 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall,located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,Arizona. Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order — Roll Call: Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Steve Fleming, Commissioners Tom Barberic, Lina Bellenir, Bob Sanders, and Elena Torre. Commissioner Curt Cornum was absent. Staff members present were Director Mark Mayer, and Executive Assistant Nancy Walter. AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No Public present. AGENDA ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 27,2010 MEETING Ms. Torre made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting,Mr. Fleming seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#3: UPDATE FROM THE RESEARCH WORK GROUPS a) McDowell Mountains State Trust Land The Growing Smarter option will be on the November ballot. Twin Mountains: Scottsdale is trying to buy a lot in the north part of their preserve. They are also discussing a master lease and maintenance agreement for a number of acres owned. b) Temporary Access to the Preserve: The focus is on additional trail connectivity; when there is resolution on the connectivity,the temporary access could be readdressed. Tracking the legislature for such things as the Growing Smarter option may fall to the MMPC members. Mr. Myers will research if the temporary tax increase will affect the Growing Smarter option. c) Public Awareness of the Preserve: No discussion. AGENDA ITEM#4 SIGNAGE UPDATE: a) Western Loop b) Eagles Nest marquee c) Additional signs for Western loop;bikes, helicopter pads,and etc. • Mr. Myers reiterated from the last meeting that 150 signs are installed with 25 remaining. • The Eagles Nest kiosk has a map of the preserve and a free-range flyer noting distances and difficulty will be added. • The cost of the flyers was not a budgeted item this year. • Ms. Bellenir will place the free-range flyers at the Chamber and hotels. • Mr. Fleming will stock the trailhead kiosks. Page 1 • The hiking schedule could be an insert in the "In The Loop". • Nine helicopter signs are needed; seven for the Sonoran trail and two for the Western Loop. The cost would be approximately$30 per sign. • Mr. Fleming will ask the fire Department what information is needed on the signs, specifically • GPS location. AGENDA ITEM#5: BUDGET REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING REQUEST FOR TOOL BOX AND TOOLS $1000 is budgeted for FY2010-11 and $1000 for FY2011-12, for tools and boxes; Mr. Fleming will make a list of what is needed and this item will be placed on a future agenda. $1100 is also budgeted for McDowell Mountain Month; could be used for the breakfast and advertising. GENDA ITEM#6: DISCUSSION OF THE PARKING PROBLEM AT COPPERWYND GATE All violations against people cited for parking illegally were dismissed. The street will be re-signed for legal parking for approximately 15 cars. AGENDA ITEM#7: REPORT ON HELICOPTER PAD STATUS Seven areas were identified and cleared as helicopter pads on the Sonoran trail. The MCSO helicopter landed on almost all of them; the pilot said they were easy landings. AGENDA ITEM#8: UPDATE ON TRAIL CONNECTIVITY WITH SCOTTSDALE PRESERVE AND TOWN PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL Chair Myers met with trail builder Scott Hamilton of the Scottsdale Commission, which wanted to move the line further east, closer to the MCO property. They will make a new alignment and present it to the MMPC. Unless there is a dramatic change, it doesn't need to go to Council. When the manual is updated it will then go to Council. • Discussion ensued regarding horse trails issue, which has not been resolved. AGENDA ITEM #9: UPDATE ON THE FOUNTAIN HILLS/MM REGIONAL PARK AGREEMENT Director Mayer spoke with Rand Hubbell who said the agreement is about 80% complete; the county is looking at the access policy and this is slowing down the process. Rand is guesstimating the agreement will be complete in four to six weeks. AGENDA ITEM#10: DISCUSSION OF COMMISSION GOALS FOR THE YEAR This item will be placed on the June 22nd meeting agenda. AGENDA ITEM #11: DISCUSSION OF GOALS FOR THE REGIONAL PARK TO OUR NORTH-MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN RANGER AMY FORD Ms. Ford was unable to attend this meeting; she will attend the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM #12: DISCUSSION OF PLAN FOR THE OCTOBER 23RD HIKE AND PLANS FOR MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN MONTH Ms. Torres distributed the fall hike schedule. (Attached) Ideas for McDowell Mountain Month: • A Kids Hike could possibly be on October 23`d with Ranger Amy leading with "Tracks and Scat"; perhaps get enough money from the Sonoran Conservancy to supply each child with water and a snack or have breakfast at Golden Eagle Park. Another suggestion is to have the Kiwanis Club set up their pancake trailer at the trailhead. Children under the age of 12 would need to have a parent with them for the three mile hike. The Mayor will start off the hike and participate in the breakfast Page 2 activity. The focus will be how to stay healthy while hiking. Older children could possibly be taken further into the preserve. • Hold an all day fair. • Helicopter tours. • Raffle tickets for a helicopter ride. • Designate a committee to screen the ideas and decide on which ones to use. • Chair Myers asked the Commissioners to bring more ideas to the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM #13: CONSIDERATION OF A SUMMER MEETING RECESS WITH THE OPTION FOR A MEETING IF DEEMED NECESSARY Mr. Myers made a motion to cancel the July 27`i' and December 28th meetings with the option to meet if deemed necessary. Mr. Barberic seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#14: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Mr. Myers made a motion to adjourn at 6:20 p.m. Mr. Fleming seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Next meeting: June 22,2010 McD i ell Mountain Preservation Commission By: ., I - Bil Myers, Chair L Reviewed by: �, ,_ 9.__, C . -\(\,—.41— .9...,,--- Mar C. Mayer, Director of Parks and 1 creation Prepared by: cy W e ,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on ay 25, 2010. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. By: a cy W ter xecutive Assistant L Page 3 L_ c o a) 0 co Ei co w H N -c o m 7 a, 0 2 2 o 0_ �n Z or' E a- 2 c� cn A: TA 0 W > 0 E- W -I ci,, a CD CD Cl M ccs LU Q ' L E ca a) E c� E E T c N as o x as 0 co co zi co co 0 to O zEO2 cu ru 2W W 2 W W W E 6 O a, co a) a) a) c� Q) N a) c`- N CD Z 0 W W W V W c -0 1 c6 "0 v W D Z c N N N E V .. co Ct Q rn 10 -a - rn 32 E c rn rn C > 1- Oca o 0 o c >, (n o. W C7 CD CD w CD 0 0 w W C0 WL. .c 0o o Q) E �° cn J E � � -, C CQ NE 0 -0 a) E 0 ,G u- L. 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