HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2010.0824.Minutes �. cAIN�, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION •NurAUGUST 24,2010 9*tbat is Ai'ti�c A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:32 PM,Tuesday, August 24,2010 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall,located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,Arizona. Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order— Roll Call: Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Commissioners Tom Barberic, Lina Bellenir, Bob Sanders, and Elena Tone. Vice-Chair Steve Fleming and Commissioner Curt Cornum were absent. Staff members present were Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes and Executive Assistant Nancy Walter. Public present: Carol Ayres and Amy Ford. AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No public wished to speak at this time. AGENDA ITEM#2: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 22, 2010 MEETING Ms. Tone made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting, Ms. Bellenir seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #3: DISCUSSION OF GOALS FOR THE REGIONAL PARK - MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN RANGER AMY FORD • Ms. Ford is the new Interpretative Ranger at McDowell Mountain Regional Park • The Park offers hikes and programs for all ages; includes natural history and cultural history • The Park's goals are: o Take advantage of the new structures in the Park o New façade and new interior for the Nature Center o New patio and entertainment area to do programs, lectures, music, and art events o History Series starts this Fall • Ms. Ford will send the hiking and program schedule to the Commission AGENDA ITEM#4: HIKING SCHEDULE REPORT FROM CAROL AYRES Mr. Hughes thanked Ms. Ayres and Ms. Torres for the format used for the hiking schedule; this is helpful for publications. Ms. Ayres: • Encouraged the Commission to approve the schedule • There are more hikes (11) offered for 2010-11 than for previous years • Karen Holloway of the Sonoran Conservancy will publicize the hikes AGENDA ITEM#5: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE HIKING SCHEDULE Mr. Barberic made a motion to approve the hiking schedule, Ms. Bellenir seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Page 1 AGENDA ITEM #6: DISCUSSION OF PLANS FOR THE OCTOBER 23RD HIKE AND PLANS FOR MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN MONTH • Chair Myers presented four ideas for discussion: o October 23`d hike • o Bike ride; easy ride to acquaint residents with the Preserve, possibly on October 9th o Easy contest: three to four questions in the newspaper; forms with the correct answers would be put in a drawing for a prize o Signage; presentation • Need to advertise to those who don't know about the Preserve • McDowell Mountain Month and hiking information/press releases will be sent to all the Town's media contacts, the Chamber, and put on the Town's website and Channel 11 • The content needs to grab the reader's attention o advertise as a family activity o cost is minimal • Send electronic flyers to schools • Presentations to schools, hotels, and resorts • Get information to Fort McDowell • Include Singles hiking clubs • Ms. Bellenir will coordinate the Press releases • Slippery Pig Bike Shop would hand out free hot dogs After much discussion, it was decided to provide the children hikers with juice boxes and granola bars instead of having a pancake breakfast. Mr. Barberic will donate the juice boxes. An allergy alert will be included in the flyers for the children's hikes. Mr. Sanders reported on the Preserve signage: • Goal is to complete by October • All trail signage is in • Coordinates for helicopter zones need to be completed; working with Captain Bryan Golden, the Town, and Maricopa County on emergency rescue documents • Would like to get all these groups together for public awareness; county-wide recognition • Draft plans to turn over to all counties; possibly be a prototype for other parts of the State and possibly the nation • "Safety of Preserve"; advertise in the paper AGENDA ITEM#7: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A TOOL BOX AND TOOLS • List attached. • A tool box is not needed at this time • Supervisor Hughes will get pricing and order the tools Mr. Myers made a motion to approve the request for tools, Mr. Barberic seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Ms. Ford left at 6:20 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#8: DISCUSSION OF COMMISSION GOALS FOR THE YEAR Chair Myers read the Parks and Recreation Mission Statement and#2,#7, and#8 of the Council Goals. Ms. Ayres left at 6:25 p.m. Accomplishments in the past year: • Access to the Sonoran Trail is sunrise to sunset, 365 days • Developing a relationship with the Sonoran Conservancy and McDowell Mountain Park Page 2 • More people know about the Preserve than last year • Signage is 95% - 98% complete • Number of hikes offered increased from 9-10 previous year to 11 this year • Town, Scottsdale Preservation Commission, and MMPC—working relationship • Numerous meetings with Scottsdale • Participated in fairs • Presented 2010-11 Commission Goals (A1 au,Le4"j AGENDA ITEM #9: STATUS OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN FOUNTAIN HILLS AND THE REGIONAL PARK REGARDING THE SONORAN TRAIL Status is unknown; Mr. Hughes will check with Rand Hubbell. AGENDA ITEM # 10: STATUS OF THE JOINT TRAIL PROGRESS BETWEEN FOUNTAIN HILLS AND SCOTTSDALE • Held meetings with Scottsdale Preservation Commission, Jeremy Hall of MCO, and others • Offered several alternatives to location of trail; pros and cons—met most of their objections • Possibly be finalized within a year • Trail alignment goes into State ground; would have two ways to get in preserve AGENDA ITEM# 11: REPORT FROM LEGISLATIVE LIAISON LINA BELLENIR Ms. Bellenir had no report. Chair Myers said it looks as though the Growing Smarter will be on the November Ballot. AGENDA ITEM#12: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Mr. Barberic made a motion to adjourn at 6:40 p.m., Mr. Myers seconded and the motion passed by 1/4111, unanimous vote. ell Mountain Preservation Commission By: Bi yers, Chair Reviewed by: Bryan ughe ° - o ,upervisor //Prepared by: . cy al •r,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on Au ust 24, 2010. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. By: N nc W lter xecutive Assistant Page 3