HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2010.0928.Minutes �TAINit, �� •Ct TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ' z MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE 0 4 MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION w w . SEPTEMBER 28,2010 that is my' Pledge of Allegiance AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 28, 2010 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Commissioners Lina Bellenir, Bob Sanders, and Elena Torre. Vice-Chair Steve Fleming, Commissioners Curt Cornum and Tom Barberic were absent. Staff members present were Director Mark Mayer, Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes, and Executive Assistant Nancy Walter. AGENDA ITEM#2: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No public present. AGENDA ITEM #3: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE AUGUST 24, 2010 MEETING - MINUTES Chair Myers asked to have the Commissions Goals attached to the minutes and have the word "attached" added to ITEM#8, on the last bullet point. Ms. Bellenir made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting, as amended, Mr. Sanders seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#4: DISCUSSION OF PLANS FOR MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN MONTH • Mr. Cornum is organizing the bike ride for October 16. Ms. Bellenir will send the press release to Mr. Hughes to distribute. • The fall hiking/exploration schedule was sent out a couple of weeks ago. • Mr. Hughes distributed the updated "Tracks and Snacks" flyer, the hiking news release, the"win a free helicopter ride" news release, and the helicopter ride contest sheet. Attached. Ms. Tone will verify if the Sonoran Conservancy will be covering the cost of the park entry fee for the kids. Mr. Hughes will make minor adjustments and distribute the four items; in addition to the Times, he will send the news releases to the Scottsdale Republic and also send flyers to the schools. These all are on the Town's website, including a link to the helicopter contest form. • Director Mayer distributed the McDowell Mountain Month Proclamation; the Mayor will read this proclamation at the October 7 Council meeting. Attached. • Chair Myers will verify the helicopter take-off and landing zones with MCO; the helicopter ride is at 9 a.m. on October 23 and will be high enough as not to disturb the hikers. • Active.com is donating nutrition bars for the kid hikers. • The final draft of the area search and rescue is finished and will be turned over to municipalities in the area as well as the Fountain Hills Fire Department, Maricopa County, Scottsdale, and Rio Verde. Attached. L 1 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission • The emergency rescue signs/markers should be ready for the October celebration. o The signs identify each trail, emergency marker locations, and helipadsIP o The signs identify GPS coordinates; rescue vehicles or a helicopter will be sent out o Two teams from the Sonoran Conservancy will install the signs o The cost of the signs is $360 plus tax, totaling approximately$450 o Mr. Sanders and others who worked on this project saved the Town a great amount of time - and thousands of dollars o Scottsdale's primary trail-builder/designer likes the signs and now feels Scottsdale signs are inadequate o The signs are a positive for the Town: the Preserve is not sign-polluted • Ms. Torre will write a formal letter to invite Councilmembers to the October events. AGENDA ITEM#5: DISCUSSION OF PLANS FOR THE ART FAIR BOOTH Mr. Fleming and Mr. Hughes have finalized the set-up plans for the booth,table, and chairs. AGENDA ITEM #6: STATUS OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN FOUNTAIN HILLS AND THE REGIONAL PARK REGARDING THE SONORAN TRAIL-DIRECTOR MAYER This item will be placed on the next agenda. Rand Hubbell spoke to Mr. Cardin who was surprised it wasn't already done. AGENDA ITEM# 7: REPORT FROM LEGISLATIVE LIAISON LINA BELLENIR Ms. Bellenir distributed information on Propositions 301 and 302. Attached. Mr. Hughes left at this time; 5:55 p.m. Director Mayer reported that a video, Postcards from our Parks, on advocacy and taking a position/stand on issues could be shown at the November 8th Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. Chair Myers will draft a letter to send to the paper and Council regarding the Commission's stance on these propositions. AGENDA ITEM#8: UPDATE ON THE TOOLS FOR THE PRESERVE Mr. Fleming and Mr. Hughes purchased the tools at Ace Hardware. The McLeods were ordered and received. The cost came in under budget; perhaps use the balance toward the rescue signs. AGENDA ITEM#9: UPDATE ON CONNECTIVITY TRAIL IN PRESERVE—CHAIR MYERS Chair Myers met with the Scottsdale. Preservation Commission. Scottsdale still would like to be able to have horse usage on the connectivity trail. Our Council needs to be informed of this request to change Town Policy. AGENDA ITEM # 10: CONSIDERATION OF REQUESTING COUNCIL TO APPROVE LIMITED USAGE OF HORSES ON THE CONNECTIVITY TRAIL Ms. Tone made a motion to put this item on the Council Work-study, Ms. Bellenir seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Director Mayer will check availability for the October 12 work-study. AGENDA ITEM # 11: CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLING THE NOVEMBER 23an MEETING This item will be on the October agenda; staff will supply optional dates. CIO McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission AGENDA ITEM #12: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Ms. Torre made a motion to adjourn at 6:07 p.m., Ms. Bellenir seconded and the motion passed by �✓ unanimous vote. McD tain Preservation Commission By: Bill yers, Chair Reviewed by: Mark Mayer, Director of Community Se ces Prepared by: Na lie , Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on Se ember 28, 2010. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. By: nc Wal r, xecutive Assistant Law McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission