HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2010.1026.Minutes O��T AIN\It TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE o '_ MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION OCTOBER 26,2010 that is isvv Pledge of Allegiance AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:33 p.m., Tuesday, October 26, 2010 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Steve Fleming, Commissioners Tom Barberic, Curt Cornum, and Elena Torre. Commissioners Lina Bellenir and Bob Sanders were absent. Staff members present were Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes and Executive Assistant Nancy Walter. AGENDA ITEM#2: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No public present. AGENDA ITEM#3: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE SEPTEMBER 28,2010 MEETING MINUTES LMr. Fleming made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting, Mr. Barberic seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #4: STATUS OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN FOUNTAIN HILLS AND THE REGIONAL PARK REGARDING THE SONORAN TRAIL- RECREATION SUPERVISOR BRYAN HUGHES There has been no response yet. Supervisor Hughes will try to get an update by the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM #5: DISCUSSION OF LETTER REGARDING COMMISSION'S STANCE ON PROPOSITIONS 301 AND 302 Mr. Myers wrote a letter to the Times regarding his personal stance since the Commission cannot take a stance on the propositions. His letter appeared in the October 20th edition. AGENDA ITEM#6: REPORT FROM LEGISLATIVE LIAISON LINA BELLENIR Ms. Bellenir was not in attendance. AGENDA ITEM #7: DISCUSSION OF PRESERVE SIGNAGE PACKAGE PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL AND EMERGENCY RESPONDERS The presentations will be made once the signs are installed. The signs should arrive within a week. AGENDA ITEM #8: DISCUSSION AND RECAP OF 2010 MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN MONTH AND PLANS FOR 2011 MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN MONTH Chair Myers congratulated the Commissioners on a successful McDowell Mountain Month; the four programs went well;bike ride, helicopter contest, Kids' hike, and signage. 1 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Preparations for the 2011 McDowell Mountain Month include: • Start planning further ahead • Get more exposure for the helicopter ride;possibly get a three or four person helicopter • Chair Myers also asked Ms. Tone and Mr. Cornum to come up with new ideas for 2011 and how to correct the 2010 deficiencies AGENDA ITEM#9: DISCUSSION OF PLANS FOR THE NOVEMBER ART FAIR BOOTH Mr.Fleming reported: • He will coordinate the work schedule and stop at the Chamber for a non-profit spot • Linda Raish of the Scottsdale Conservancy, and Rand Hubbell of McDowell Mountain Park have been contacted • Mr. Cornum will provide a"pachinko "game board,re-labeled with Preserve titles; participants could win biker bells • Maps and pictures of the Preserve with be posted at the booth • Stewardship and trail maintenance will be promoted at the booth • Booth volunteers will emphasize safety in the Preserve to the public Mr. Hughes thanked Ms. Torre for the detailed notes from the February Fair AGENDA ITEM #10: REPORT ON THE STATUS OF COMBINING THE COMIVIISSIONS - RECREATION SUPERVISOR BRYAN HUGHES The Commissioners said: • Some of them joined the MMPC to specifically work on Preserve initiatives • This Commission still has things to accomplish • A contingency plan with a list of what accomplishments need to be met is needed if the Commissions are combined '"w Chair Myers reported that during the Council Work Study on October 12, Town Manager Davis said combining the Commissions would have some cost savings for the town. Chair Myers will make corrections and send a letter to the Council requesting that the MMPC not be combined with another Commission. Attached. AGENDA ITEM # 11: DISCUSSION OF THE COUNCIL WORKSTUDY REGARDING HORSE USAGE IN THE PRESERVE This item will be pulled from the Work-study; Council would like a specific recommendation from the Commission. This will be an item on the Commission's December 7th meeting agenda. The pros and cons of horse usage will be discussed and a recommendation could possibly be made. AGENDA ITEM # 12: CONSIDERATION OF RESCHEDULING THE NOVEMBER 23rd MEETING Mr. Myers made a motion to reschedule the meeting to December 7, 2010, Ms. Torre seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#13: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Mr. Barberic made a motion to adjourn at 6:21 p.m., Mr. Cornum seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. 2 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission c well Mountain Preservation Commission 0 By: Bi yers, Chair Reviewed by: -110. Bryan Hug s, Recrea '• Supervisor Prepared by: __ a cy Waite , xecutive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on 0 ober 26, 2010. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. By: WiValter ecutive Assistant 0 • 3 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission 0 • Yw Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission October 2010 Mayor Jay Schlum ischlumqih,tr.gov Vice Mayor Dennis Brown cibrownim,azatov Councilmember Ginny Dickey gdickeviglb,a7.gor Councilmember Tait Elkie telkielplb.az,gov Couricilmember Cassie Hansen chansenqa-azgov Councilmember Henry Leger hiegeridhaztgov Councilmember Dennis Contino dcontinotlh.qztacii RE:Possible merging of Commissions Dear Mayor Schlum and Councilmembers. I had the opportunity to sit in on your recent work-study session of 10-12-2010. Also in attendance were Steve Fleming, chair of the Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills,and Roy Kinsey. Those %or folks, like myself.have interest in the concept of merging commissions. In particular,the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission(MMPC)with Park and Recreation. There were several reasons given for the consolidation, including staffing issues, work load,and sonic commissions having little to do,expanding opportunities for commissioners to grow,etc. Speaking strictly for the MMPC, I recommend that this Commission not be merged with the Parks and Recreation Commission(or any other) for several reasons. I. T110Se who volunteer for this Commission have a particular passion for our Preserve and it's future. Councilmember Hansen stated this position perfectly when she addressed the work- study session. 2. The MMPC is singly focused, that is, we have one main mission. the Preserve. By merging with P&R that effort would be diluted and focus would be reduced or lost. 3. Being such a specialized unit. we are able to accomplish much with very little support. The Town's Preserve is the single largest acquisition the Town has ever made at 12 million dollars. That's about the same size as the entire operating budget for the entire fiscal year. As such, the land deserves careful stewardship and attention. 4. Finally,the MMPC has a unique and special relationship with the Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills. To my knowledge,no other Commission has such a close and functional working association. I have deep concerns that this relationship could be damaged if the MMPC were merged with another commission. If staff labor.overtime costs,etc.are an issue. we have several options that may address some concerns.. A few ideas are to start meetings a bit earlier so we don't get into overtime and have staff transcribe minutes during regular work hours since meetings are recorded. t cTo dampen the enthusiasm of volunteers may actually cost �d�Ilnrs to the.Town by replacing volunteer hours and dollars at Town expense. Please consider these and other negatives of combining the AMlv1PC wvnth another commission and reject the notion of such a merger. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully submitted, Bill R Myers,Chairman McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission cc Rich Davis davisafh.az.gov Mark Mayor Enntav9r@fh.tu.vov Bryan Hughs ituasipfbaz.gov Steve flcming tint tletnint;'ticox'met Roy Kinsey rkinsevi. ue.cnn� C St. Nhere is tl How many Where is the trailhead to l How many trails ' ow many m Please provide your name, email address, 2esponse Response Response Response likesponse Name: Company: Addre Add Nest side 1740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Four p y 6 miles chris mischler Nest side 1 740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Four 6 miles Vicki Martin ± Nest side 1740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Four 4 miles Mark Miller 3 - Nest side 1740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Eight 6 miles Q Paul Clare 10'I U N side i 740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Four 6 miles cathy rohrer 4- N side 1740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Eight 6 miles 0 Shari Gay ci / Otte/ East side o 110 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Four 6 miles Donald Robbins Z. Nest side i 740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Four 6 miles Robert James .1- East side o 740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Four 6 miles Beata 3 East side o 740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Eight 6 miles Stephanie Dewberry.] Vest side 1 740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Eight 6 miles Ukiah Odom 5- >4 s Vest side 1740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Four 6 miles Lynn Ruby ~- Vest side 1 740 acres End of Golden Eagle Blvd Four 6 miles Marcy Hiller � li • I Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission October 2010 Mayor Jay Schlum jschlum@fh.az.gov Vice Mayor Dennis Brown dbrown@fh.az.gov Councilmember Ginny Dickey gdickey@fh.az.gov Councilmember Tait Elkie telkie@fh.az.gov Councilmember Cassie Hansen chansen@thaz.gov Councilmember Henry Leger hleger@fh.az.gov RE: Possible merging of Commissions Dear Council Members, I had the opportunity to sit in on your recent work-study session of 10-12-2010. Also in attendance were Steve Fleming, chair of the Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills, and Roy Kinsey. Those folks, like myself, have interest in the concept of merging commissions. In particular. the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission(MMPC)with Park and Recreation. There were several reasons given for the consolidation, including staffing issues, work load, and some commissions having little to do, expanding opportunities for commissioners to grow,etc. Speaking strictly for th MMPC, I recommend that this Commission not be merged with the Parks and Recreation Commission(or any other) for several reasons. 1. Those who volunteer for this Commission have a particular passion for our Preserve and it's future. Councilmember Hansen stated this position perfectly when she addressed the work- study session. 2. The MMPC is singly focused,that is, we have one main mission,the Preserve. By merging with P&R that effort would be diluted and focus would be reduced or lost. 3. Being such a specialized unit, we are able to accomplish much with very little support. The Town's Preserve is the single largest acquisition the Town has ever made at 12 million dollars. That's about the same size as the entire operating budget for the entire fiscal year. As such, the land deserves careful stewardship and attention at very low cost to the Town. 4. Finally,the MMPC has a unique and special relationship with the Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills. To my knowledge, no other Commission has such a close and functional working association. I have deep concerns that this relationship could be damaged if the MMPC were merged with another commission. If staff labor,overtime costs, etc. are an issue, we have several options that may address some concerns.. A few ideas are to start meetings a bit earlier so we don't get into overtime and have staff translate minutes during regular work cs. hours since meeting are recorded. To dampen the enthusiasm of volunteers may actually cost dollars to the Town by replacing volunteer hours and dollars at Town expense. Please consider there and other negatives of combining the MMPC with another commission and reject the notion of such a merger. Respectfully submitted, Bill R Myers, Chairman McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission