HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2010.1207.Minutes AINArrl f.k° TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE _e MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION DECEMBER 7,2010 tkat is 0.1. Pledge of Allegiance AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:28 p.m., Tuesday, December 7, 2010 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Steve Fleming, Commissioners Lina Bellenir, Curt Cornum, Bob Sanders, and Elena Torre. Commissioner Tom Barberic was absent. Staff members present were Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director Julie Ghetti, Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes and Executive Assistant Nancy Walter. AGENDA ITEM#2: CALL TO THE PUBLIC There was no public present. AGENDA ITEM #3: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE OCTOBER 26, 2010 MEETING MINUTES Ms. Tone made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting,Mr. Fleming seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #4 BUDGET/ECONOMIC UPDATE BY JULIE GHETTI, DEPUTY TOWN MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR Presentation attached. AGENDA ITEM #5: PRESENTATION ON BONDS USED TO PURCHASE THE FOUNTAIN HILLS MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVE BY JULIE GHETTI, DEPUTY TOWN MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR Presentation attached. The Chair and Commissioners also asked Ms. Ghetti about the road bonds at this time. AGENDA ITEM #6: STATUS OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN FOUNTAIN HILLS AND THE REGIONAL PARK REGARDING THE SONORAN TRAIL- DIRECTOR MAYER There is no update. Staff will follow up. AGENDA ITEM#7: REPORT FROM LEGISLATIVE LIAISON LINA BELLENIR Ms. Bellenir had no report at this time. 1 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission AGENDA ITEM #8: CONSIDERATION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF WETH REGARD TO PURSUING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SCOTTSDALE TO ALLOW CONNECTING TRAILS BETWEEN SCOTTSDALE'S MCDOWELL SONORAN PRESERVE WITH THE FOUNTAIN HILLS MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVE, INCLUDING A • POSSIBLE AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN CODE TO ALLOW HORSES IN THE FOUNTAIN HILLS MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVE. Safety is the underlying issue and much research was done on this subject before a decision was reached. Ms. Bellenir made a motion to send the Commission's letter to Council requesting Council to approve an agreement with the City of Scottsdale to allow connecting trails between Scottsdale's McDowell Sonoran Preserve with the Fountain Hills McDowell mountain preserve, and continue with the Town Code as it stands in regard to not allowing horses in the Preserve, Mr. Fleming seconded and the motion passed 5:1 with Mr. Cornum being the nay vote. AGENDA ITEM #9: DISCUSSION OF CHANGES TO THE TENT SET-UP FOR THE TWO YEARLY ART FAIRS Suggestions for 2011 to generate more traffic: • Show videos of the Preserve • Display more pictures of the Preserve • Display large maps • Include more games and prizes • Fundraiser opportunity(donations) • Have bikes on display • Have kids help run the booth • Some of these ideas will take time and the Commission is looking 2 to 3 years ahead • Would like to get a better location; Mr. Hughes will talk to Sharon Morgan at the Chamber about not being charged for this as the cost is normally$450-$500 per booth depending on location Possibly have a sub-group work on this project and start planning early in the year. AGENDA ITEM#10: DISCUSSION OF PLANS FOR 2011 MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN MONTH Comments: • The kids hike needs to be scheduled when school is not on fall break • Don't schedule anything on Make a Difference Day • Need to advertise early • Investigate different helicopter companies; possibly have more than one ride • Possibly have different bike rides; for the experienced and not so experienced, as the trails are somewhat difficult • Ms. Tone and Mr. Cornum will compile notes and ideas as to how to make the project better AGENDA ITEM # 11: REPORT ON THE LETTER TO COUNCIL REGARDING COMBINING COMMISSIONS The combining of Commissions plan is currently not moving forward. AGENDA ITEM# 12: STATUS OF COMMISSION APPLICANTS Chair Myers reminded the Commissioners whose terms expire this month to turn in their application by Thursday, December 9 at 4 p.m. Chair Myers will contact Mr. Barberic to remind him. 2 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission i 4 AGENDA ITEM#13: CONSIDERATION OE.ADJOURNMENT Mr. Cornum made a motion to adjourn at 6q.7 p.m.,1 Mr. T. lenir seconded and the motion passed by Cunanimous vote. ,e Me owell ►,/ fain Pr a ion Commission By: Bill Myers, Chair Reviewed by: Brya u: •s, Recrea • Supervisor • Prepared by: /c Wr, xecutive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correc copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on D ember 7, 2010. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. By: cy W e ,Executive Assistant i 3 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION E'woo so THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TIMES \ P.O. Box 17869 REQUEST FOR MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPLICANTS Four (4) openings are available for Commissioners to serve on the Voice: (480) 837-1925 McDowell Mountain Advisory Commission. Applicants must be Fountain Hills'residents,for a minimum of one year,and be able to attend monthly Fax: (480) 837-1951 meetings on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.The new Commis- sioners will be appointed by the Town Council and will serve on a volunteer basis for a three-year term beginning January 1,2011 and ending Decem- ber 31,2013. The role of the Commission is to advise the Mayor,Town Council,and TE OF ARIZONA the Director of Community Services in matters pertaining to the McDowell Mountain Preserve. Commissioners spend an average of 5 to 12 hours per JNTY OF MARICOPA month attending Commission meetings, reading packet materials,working on subcommittees,and volunteering on various department projects. Es- sential skills/knowledge in one or more of the following fields preferred:land planning and design,trail construction,engineering,conservation,environ- mental studies,and event planning. Application forms are available at the Town Hall reception desk,16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268, or on the Town's LAN CRUIKSHANK, being first duly sworn, upon oath web site at www.fh.az.gov click on "Council and Commissions", click on ses and says that he is the Publisher of The Fountain Hills "McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission,"click on"Board/Commis- sion Application Form" s, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of The completed application packet should consist of(1)cover letter of icopa and the State of Arizona, published at Fountain Hills, interest;(2)a résumé;(3)completed Background&Personal Data Outline; completed supplemental questionnaire, and(5)signed Consent to Ex- ona, and that the copy hereto attached is a true copy of the •,...,utive Session. rtisement as published weekly in The Fountain Hills Times on Applications are being accepted until 4:00 p.m.on Thursday,December ollowing dates: 9,2010. Applications may be sent or hand delivered to the Town Hall recep- tion desk,Attention:Nancy Walter,16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains,Foun- tain Hills, AZ 85268. The envelope should be clearly marked"McDowell Mountain Commission Application". If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Walter at 480-816- 11/24/10 5148 or nwalter@fh.az.gov 12/01/10 Published in the FH Times:November 24,December 1,2010 v.,LISHER L.ALAN CRUI SHANK SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS 1sT DAY OF DECEMBER, 2010. NOTARY PUBLIC KAREN KIRKENDOLL ;\ /,.' �j OFFICIAL SEAL ; ,, KAREN KIRKENDOLL ti -w Puolic-State of Arizona MARICOPA COUNTY \ • 1i rocs.expires May 13,2013 1"Quarter FY10-11 Economic Update itt's,,,,,,, .i tA; "_ / ..v., ell!Pit'.e'P .r: -44r 6 A1" Prepare)In: Mae A.Chetti,MII'.4.,(rt REVENUES&EXPENDITURES-ALL FUNDS Fiscal Quarter Ending 9130/2010 I %Expenses Fund Revenues Expenditures to Budget General $3,053,086 $2,927,925 92.7% HURF 5349,024 Sz85,729 104.3% Downtown/Excise 568,281 527,545 100.9% Grants 5152,868 5155,904 11.1% Debt Service 5344,648 $1,900 52.7% Development Fees 512,404 $0 56.o% Capital Projects 5200,277 $242,555 17.7% TOTAL 54,180,588 53,679,684 62.1% ALL FUNDS REVENUES TOTAL $4.2M 1 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Licome,t, Itent•Is. TOTAL $3.1M October113.... GENERAL FUND REVENUES TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2010 GENERAL FUND REVENUES TOTAL&LIM $1.0 local SSW. $1.$ ,- Stah.income-ram Mate Sales tax Rent.11%, I I VOlia.kertse Tax PeIrsr IN II •10F309-10 111FY10-11 11 Budget TOTAL LOCAL SALES TAX REVENUES Fountain HillsTotal Local Sales T.Collections July through September 3%10 Increase over 111111 FY $1.0 • FT01/08 FT00/09 F900/10 W10/11 Budget 2 • LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX July-Sept Retail Activity $1,000,000 ---- --- 3% $800,000 increase over $00.000 FY10 5an0,000 5z0o,00athid FYO7-00 FY0600 FY09-10 FV le-11 FVII BuI,? LOCAL RESTAURANT/BAR SALES TAX July-Sept Restaurant/Bar Activity s1:s.oFo ,0u0 i 5% 5vs,00n increase $110,000 :'- ovei 5ms,000 - FY10 . .111.11 5foo,00a . . . . 595,000 . . 5ao,10000 1_.. FV01-113 FY0600 F5.0910 FY10.11 Budget LOCAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SALES TAX July-Sept Teiecommunications Sales Tax Activity $500,000 :::::: , MI 14% rill increase ' , over FY10 $ ,o00 I I , , , 0, ' , I I I FY07.011 FY0109 FY09.10 FY10.11 FY11eudge' 3 LOCAL SALES TAX REVENUES .INS•-Sr*t CBYBtnrtl.0 SsIe,s Tax.Tdh-lty - UN POO 24% decline `'a' from1461- FY10 ..B„PB ■ mot ' nmm nBBw rroP.lB TnB-It Erlt r Fountain Hills 2.6%Sales Tax Revenue YT 0 9/30/2010 semces Construction eat Estale_ Mix. Me " Rest/Ban Trans/Util wi,oie,aie/Reran are GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $z a millions JUt-SEPT TOTAL $2.9M 4 FV7011-2025 Gene ral Fund Revenues and Expenditures(estirnatedl sue PL. • !AO ..... (11/1.111 ”111.-15 Pf16,17 •Vt..11 F11311 3.1125 --a—PPRAinG*NOM Questions? 5 FY11-12 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES GENERAL FUND General Fund Revenues $1s.o - $16.9 $16.7 $16.0 $14.8 $14.0 - 513.5 $12.7 $12.7 $12.0 $10.0 FY06-07 FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12 General Fund Expenditures $16.0 $15.6 $15.3 $14.8 $14.0 $13.3 $13.0 $12.6 $12.0 $10.0 FY06-07 FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12 State Shared Revenues $5.0 $4.5 $4.0 $3.5 $3.0$2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 _ $0.5 $0.0 , FY06-07 FY07-08 FY08-09 1Y09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12 Building Related Revenues $2.5 $z.1rvt $2.0 --- $1.6ht $1.5 $1.0 �.. $0.9h7 $0.7M 111-1$0.5 $o.3r.i $0.3rvt g0.zh� $0.2 FY04-05 FY05-06 FY06-07 FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12 FY11-12 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES HURF FUND HIGHWAY USER(HURF)REVENUE $zs $1.9 $1.9 $:D $IS 1111111 $OS $OD .,'." .... 4 Fiscal years 2007 through 2012 FY11-12 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES DOWNTOWN FUND Downtown Excise Tax $400,000 -- —— — $335,314 $350,000 $2S1,773 $300,000 270,629 $272,138 $250,395 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 I I 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Number of Town Employees 120 115 110 - - 100 90 - 87 88 88 82 81 80 ,y 77 70 61 60 50 FY02-03 FY04-05 FY06-07 FY08-09 FY10-11 12/7/2010 MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING Julie A.Ghetti,Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director December 6,zolo PRESERVE BONDS •Two bonds were issued for a total of $13.75M in 2001 •$6M paid for through property taxes „•,,, •$7.75M paid for through local sales taxes •Annual debt payment—OM •Bonds refinanced in zoos •Bonds expire June 2019 and June 2020 QUESTIONS? 1