Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission
WHEN: Thursday, May 28, 2015 ., AINklC
TIME: 4:00 p.m. `�
WHERE: Council Chambers •
Town Hall '.,,,
16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains that is"``"
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council, the Strategic Planning
Advisory Commission(SPAC)and to the general public that the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission
will hold a meeting on May 28,2015,beginning at 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers on the first floor of Town Hall,located
at 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,Arizona. A majority of the Town Council and the Strategic Planning
Advisory Commission may be present.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §I-602.A.9,subject to certain specified statutory exceptions,parents have a
right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child.
Meetings of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission are audio and/or video recorded, and,as a result,proceedings in
which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file
Al written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording,or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not
NW present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made,the Town will assume that the
rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S.
1. CALL TO ORDER 4:01 p.m.
4. CONSIDERATION of approving March 31, 2015 meeting minutes APPROVED
5. REPORT from volunteer work group NO ACTION TAKEN
6. DISCUSSION regarding potential collaboration with Vision Fountain Hills NO ACTION TAKEN
7. DISCUSSION regarding ongoing strategic planning process MOTION APPROVED TO ADOPT
9. ADJOURN 5:10 p.m.
Dated this 19th day of May, 2015
By o._ A11-11L0..re'0./
C, Shaunna Williams,Executive Assistant
The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5252(voice)or 1-800-367-8939(TDD)
48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting.
Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission
WHEN: Thursday, May 28, 2015 „al AIN l
TIME: 4:00 p.m. �o, , e�'
WHERE: Council Chambers 4*
Town Hall 9,�. �. .CV11111;•
16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains `hat is A611.
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council, the Strategic Planning
Advisory Commission(SPAC) and to the general public that the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission
will hold a meeting on May 28,2015,beginning at 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers on the first floor of Town Hall, located
at 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,Arizona. A majority of the Town Council and the Strategic Planning
Advisory Commission may be present.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9,subject to certain specified statutory exceptions,parents have a
right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child.
Meetings of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission are audio and/or video recorded,and,as a result,proceedings in
which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file
written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording,or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not
(4611. present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made,the Town will assume that the
rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S.
4. CONSIDERATION of approving March 31, 2015 meeting minutes
5. REPORT from volunteer work group
6. DISCUSSION regarding potential collaboration with Vision Fountain Hills
7. DISCUSSION regarding ongoing strategic planning process
8. DISCUSSION regarding SWOT analysis
Dated this 19th day of May, 2015
Shaunna Williams, Executive Assistant
The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5252(voice)or 1-800-367-8939(TDD)
48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting.
Strategic Planning Framework for Fountain Hills
Community planning should be purposive, positive, based on reality and should have defined
outcomes. If we are developing a 'community' plan it needs to stimulate stakeholder efforts.
Realities that we know-
Projected revenue shortfall over the next 5 years-Roads/infrastructure and public safety costs
will continue to rise—The town is landlocked with limited available space to attract large businesses.
Prospective planning assumptions—
Leveraging-FH Government is but one stakeholder. It will be important to have the community
involved and have some ownership stake in identifying selected priorities,solutions as well as their
implementation....and;the Plan should limit the number of strategic priorities to ones that are
measureable and achievable in 3—5 year time horizon.
Planning Outline(Blend of Harvard Model with Mississippi State Univ's Guide to Community Based Planning)
Who do we want to be? Revisit Mission statement and Core Values'
II. Where are we? ID and meet with priority stakeholders (by relevant Core Values)to
identify top issues and needs. Complete a SWOT analysis.
III. What are our limitations?Financial, people,talent and time
IV. What do we want to accomplish?Outline objectives/outcomes based on new realities and
level of participation among governmental and non-government stakeholders.
V. How do we get there?Develop supportive activities/outputs that effectively leverage the
Town's scarce resources,are'low hanging fruit'and with 3—5 year timelines. Employ a
decision matrix to identify priorities.
VI. Who do we have to work with? Pursue formation of stakeholder alliances to implement
selected strategies." Provide appropriate support including constant feedback(ongoing
communications plan).
VII. How are we doing?—Measure results and efforts of all alliances/strategies. Establish a
semi-annual dashboard to monitor progress.
Certain Core Values share common stakeholders and/or similar outcomes and could be combined, Civility is a
behavior and probably doesn't need strategic direction. Civic Responsibility can be achieved through the
formation of stakeholder alliances.
"Current Plan has only 10 of 51 strategic directions that reference partnering with local stakeholders.
FH Hybrid Community Planning Model
1. Revisit/revise Vision and Values/Strategic Direction
2. Identify stakeholders and need for SWOT analysis (with Vision FH?)
3. Identify top priorities for strategic goals
4. Identify limitations
a. Financial
b. Resources
c. Time
5. Outline gaps and obstacles
a. Define&schedule stakeholder participation
6. Identify activities and outcomes (3 to 5 year goals)
7. Present draft of goals and outcomes&gather feedback from stakeholders
8. Create measurement metrics and schedule
9. Draft complete Strategic Plan
10. Feedback and adoption
Related Artifacts
1. Communications Plan
2. Timeline/Project Plan
3. Stakeholder Involvement Plan
4. Progress Report Template&schedule
5. Strategic Plan
Next Steps-05-06-15
1. Identify process and approach (12 to 18 months/$500 to$40k)
2. Generate timeline and time box
3. Identify major milestones
4. Confirm existing budget-$40k
5. Bring to SPAC for agreement and presentation to Council
6. Draft presentation to Council
7. Present to Council
Town of Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Process
SWOT Analysis
(From October 8, 2004 Citizen Meeting and
January 29, 2005 Strategic Plan Kick-Off Meeting)
Services and Infrastructure
External External
Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
• Absence of charter • Charter gov't.would • Partner with Ft • State Trust Land
gov't give people more say/ McDowell on developed improperly
• School system/high lack of communica- infrastructure issues • Add'l traffic dirt and
avg of students tion avenues/gov't to • Grants noise associated with
• Fountain people • State Trust Land development of State
• Youth council/B&G • Reputation of school annexation Trust Land
Club/Teen Center system threatens • Partnership with • Need access
• Gov't Channel 11 housing values/ NAU and Maricopa alternative to Shea
• Good relationship teacher turnover Community college • Not control water
w/MCSO • Under-funded for for in town campus utility
• Many amenities for streets • Tie into regional
community this size, • High sales tax/depen- transportation grid
e.g.,senior services, dent upon volatile
park system,art/ revenue stream
theatre,bike lane • No property tax
system,sports • Lack of stable
activities funding for fire
• Funded,well run protection
Sanitary district • Limited financial
• Assured water supply resources exacerbated
• Shea Blvd corridor by build out/exces-
• Proximity to Mayo sive spending/reli-
Clinic ance on state revenue/
• Strategic planning construction revenue
proces ultimately ceases/fu-
ture financing ability
• Lack of aquatic
center/movie theatre/
senior center/more
space for library/
cemetery/postal sub
• Inadequate public
• Lack of land for
recreational property,
more development
SWOT Analysis - 1 - April 12, 2005
Town of Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Process
Services and Infrastructure
External External
Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
• Environmental
planning and educa-
tion/recycling for
plastic and glass/treat
waste water and reuse
• No protection of view
• Lack of commercial
architectural integrity
• Public safety,e.g.,no
evacuation plans
• Spotty cell phone
• No hi-speed internet
in industrial area
• Lack of competition
in cable service
• Strain on town staff/
• Traffic grid improve-
• Business should pay
for fire protection
• Too many refuse
• Election cycle needs
to be earlier to align
budgeting with
• Inconsistent bldg
inspector punch lists
• Housing deterioration
in older areas/housing
stock will deteriorate
at approximately the
same time
• Defined maximum
• Shea is only regional
road through Town
and may need
• Town of FH as
employee training
SWOT Analysis - Z - April 12, 2005
Town of Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Process
Business and Tourism Development
External External
Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
• Captured/defined • Lack of diversity/mix • Identify trends and • Closeness to metro
market area of businesses how they help attract area/adjacent to
• Good education/high • Lack affordable business/economic nations fifth largest
avgs of students housing development city
• Sports activities/ • Insufficient popula- • Partnership with • Over regulation
events tion base to attract neighboring • Regional water
• Good business business/demo- communities shortage/no local
involvement graphic restrictions • Tourism control of water
me:,, • Resorts and golf limit diverse business • State Trust land utility
courses • Recruit business that annexation • Economic
• Fairs attract or are desired • Partner with Ft development of
• Favorable community by new FH residents McDowell on adjacent
identity/positive • Lack of industry business attraction • communities may
marketing of Town • Too many apartments and tourism conflict with FH
• High speed internet in • Too many new • Accessibility to other • State trust Land and
town commercial bldgs/ amenities in the coordination with the
• Churches existing ones vacant region state
• #2 in valley home • Downtown should be • Potential business • Image of area is
sales consolidated to Ave recruitment/ sometimes as a
• Reasonable real estate of Fountains and • Development as 'hub' retirement community
taxes Parkview/too spread for the arts 0
• Art/Theatre out • Adjacent to nations
• Park system • Limited financial fifth largest city
• Proximity to Mc resources • Downtown
Dowell Mtn Park • No property tax development
• Fountain • High sales tax relative • New resorts and
• Known in area for to valley hotels
great bicycling • Lack of funding for
• Proximity to fire protection
Casino/RV Parks • Lack of real down-
• Planned downtown town/night life/
• Low crime entertainment
• More resorts and • Lack of parking
hotels planned spaces for events
• Views • No hi-speed internet
in industrial area
• Spotty cell phone
• Inadequate public
• Lack of competition
for cable service
• Improve USPS
delivery system
SWOT Analysis -3- April 12, 2005
Town of Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Process
Business and Tourism Development
External External
Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
• Protect views/no 40'
buildings on Ave of
• No movie theatre;
movie will bring
trouble and noise
• Don't need 5 hotels-
develop Ave of
Fountains ala Carmel,
CA for the Fair
• Run Fountain at full
• Limited land for
business expansion
• Closeness to metro
• Limited employment
• Lack of business
training for youth
• Lack of youth-
targeted retail
• Recruit less expen-
sive clothing shops,
• Limited employment
• Plan appropriate mix
of industry,commer-
cial,and housing
• Create DVD souvenir
movie of FH for snow
birds,tourists, visitors
• Cost of area golf
• Limited#of
for work force
SWOT Analysis -4- April 12, 2005
Town of Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Process
Community Culture and Amenities
External External
Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
• Location/ • Apathy/NIMBY • Youth grants-tap into • Politics and external
landlocked/views mentality university/other perceptions
• Proximity to • Not as diverse as we grants • Regional water
McDowell Park could be • Potential to recruit shortage/no local
• Volunteerism/ • Lack of real identity- business and develop control of water
talented population internal and external as 'hub' for the arts utility
• Variety of • Not enough volun- • Sister cities
backgrounds/ teers utilized properly involvement
resources • Seasonal population • Access to amenities
• Small town lack of commitment of adjacent
atmosphere/sense of to the community communities
pride/friendliness/ • Not tapping young
size of community people
• Diversification of • Lack of sense of pride
clubs • Gated communities
• Diversification of squelch sense of
people/ages,etc community
• Youth Council/B&G • No aquatic/recrea-
club/Teen center/ tional/performing
Teen Court arts facility and no
• Churches movie theater
• Partnerships with • Cost of using golf
courts, schools, courses
towns,MCSO • No public access TV
• Senior services channel
• Town Council listens • Lack of affordable
• Hilly community housing for young
great for hiking and families
biking • No view corridor
• Strategic planning protection
process • 40'movie theater on
• Recreational facilities Ave of the Fountains
• Low crime • No paths for mobility
• Winning swim team scooters/biking/
• Culture/art/theatre hiking besides street
• Welcoming attitude • Drugs in school
to new residents • Inadequate public
• Talented population transportation
• Volunteerism • Insider/outsider
mentality/pull up
• Not preserving nature
• Lack of historical
SWOT Analysis -5- April 12, 2005