HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2015.0226.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING February 26,2015 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER Chair Peter Bordow called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at Town Hall. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL The following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission were present for roll call: Chair Peter Bordow,Vice Chair Dana Saar,and Commissioners Gerard Bisceglia,Alice Brovan,John W. Craft Jr.and Nancy Ordowski. Commissioner Lina Bellenir was absent. Youth Commissioner Kate Domin was also absent. Also present were Town Manager Ken Buchanan, Administrative Services Director Grady Miller, and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM—CALL TO THE PUBLIC Serena Noss spoke at the Call to the Public on behalf of Girl Scouts of Fountain Hills,Troop 2012,regarding the need for additional sidewalks in Fountain Hills. AGENDA ITEM#3-CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING JANUARY 20,2015 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Brovan MOVED to approve the January 20, 2015 meeting minutes and Commissioner Bisceglia SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM#4—REVIEW OF COUNCIL RETREAT HELD ON JANUARY 29,2015 Mr.Buchanan reviewed agenda items discussed at the Council Retreat held on January 29, 2015. He stated that Actions Steps recommended during the retreat will be considered for approval by the Town Council at their meeting on March 5,2015,together with the Strategic Planning Goals and Operational Priorities that were also recommended at the retreat. He indicated that SPAC will be notified of items approved by Council. AGENDA ITEM#5-DISCUSSION OF THE "LETTER OF INTENT"TO TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE 2015 STRATEGIC PLAN APPROACH The draft Letter of Intent to Council for Five-Year Update of the Strategic Plan was discussed(copy attached). Also discussed was the need for a joint meeting between SPAC and the Town Council.Vice Chair Saar MOVED to distribute the letter to Council immediately and move on with the process,and Commissioner Bisceglia SECONDED the motion. Chair Bordow MOVED TO AMEND the motion to send the letter out immediately and get on the March 19th Council agenda as a business item to discuss the Letter of Intent,and Commissioner Craft SECONDED the amended motion. Vice Chair Saar thereupon withdrew his motion and the amended motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Ms. Williams will prepare the Letter of Intent and obtain Chair Bordow's signature prior distribution to the Town Council. AGENDA ITEM#6-DISCUSSION OF A SWOT ANALYSIS This agenda item was postponed. L Page 1 of 2 AGENDA ITEM#7-DISCUSSION OF THE 2015 STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE PROCESS Discussion ensued relative to further preparation by working group(s)regarding the update process. It was •�- determined that such activity would not be necessary prior to the joint meeting with the Town Council. AGENDA ITEM#8-DISCUSSION REGARDING RESCHEDULING THE MARCH 26,2015 SPAC MEETING The SPAC meeting scheduled on March 26, 2015 was cancelled in favor of a joint meeting with the Town Council. Staff will work to arrange the joint meeting on March 31,2015 at 5:30 p.m., if possible. AGENDA ITEM#9-ADJOURN Commissioner Bisceglia MOVED to adjourn at 5:22 p.m. and Commissioner Craft SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. • Shaunna Williams, Recording Secretary L Page 2 of 2 Letter of Intent to Council for Five-Year Update of the Strategic Plan DRAFT v1.1 As part of the annual strategic planning process,the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) identified and communicated our recommended strategic priorities for the 2015/2016 fiscal year. As you know,this year SPAC Commissioners are also tasked with considering the more substantial five- year update to our Town's Strategic Plan.To that end,SPAC commissioners have performed a detailed assessment of the current plan, paying special attention to content, organization, structure, usability, and overall value.As was done in the 2010 five-year update process,SPAC Commissioners have spent considerable time discussing this effort. After a number of extended meetings and discussions,the Commission unanimously agreed that the current(2010)Strategic Plan offers significant opportunity for revision, refocus,and restructuring as part of the 2015 five-year update process. Before embarking on this critical and lengthy update process,SPAC Commissioners also unanimously agreed to present and request agreement of the conceptual approach we so strongly recommend for the 2015 update of the Strategic Plan. Following are the key conceptual points the Commissioners feel are central to our approach in creating a valuable, workable 2015 strategic document for the Town. 1. The current 2010 Strategic Plan reads as a very long-term, almost unobtainable vision document. Its focus is almost exclusively centered on a wide field of vision and values that Now provide a general framework to describe our Town. It does not delineate or describe specific, obtainable goals and measurable outcomes. 2. An updated, restructured 2015 plan should: o Provide a long-term vision and clear articulation of our Town's core values and commitments as a textual context and underpinning for the strategic goals. o Define, present, and clearly articulate specific shorter-term strategic goals—extending goals and measures no farther than five to eight years. o Include only high-priority goals that can be accomplished in that five to eight year period. o Create, leverage, and include in the plan a decision matrix that clearly illustrates the factors and measures used to identify and prioritize the stated five to eight year goals. This should include risk, reward, cost, and accountability details. o Create and include specific measurable metrics and success criteria for each stated goal. The Commission also wants to underline its commitment to developing a cost-effective, inclusive,and comprehensive Strategic Plan update process that actively engages our citizens, business community, and stakeholders for input and feedback.The SPAC Commissioners are very excited and honored to lead this effort. On behalf of all commissioners,thank you for your time and consideration. 44%.. Peter Bordow Chair,Strategic Planning Advisory Commission