HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2014.0415.Minutes • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS (109 MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING April 15,2014 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER Chair Magazine called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL The following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission were present for roll call: Chair Alan Magazine, Vice Chair Nick DePorter, and Commissioners Alice Brovan, Audra Koester Thomas, Nancy Ordowski, and Dana Saar. Commissioner Peter Bordow was excused. Having given notice that she would be late,Youth Commissioner Kate Domin arrived at 4:50 p.m. Also present were Town Manager Ken Buchanan, Economic Development Specialist Scott Cooper, and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the call to the public. AGENDA ITEM#4— CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING MARCH 18,2014 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Koester Thomas MOVED to approve the March 18, 2014 meeting minutes and Commissioner Lor Saar SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM #5 — DISCUSSION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHORT- TERM PRIORITIES FOR TARGETED INDUSTRY SECTORS Mr.Buchanan introduced Mr.Cooper,who gave a PowerPoint presentation entitled,"Economic Development Social Media Marketing Plan"(copy attached). Mr. Cooper also reviewed a document entitled, "Social Media Marketing Plan 2014"(copy attached). He responded to questions from the Commissioners. AGENDA ITEM#6—TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE REGARDING STRATEGIC PLANNING GOALS AND OPERATIONAL PRIORITIES Mr.Buchanan reported that staff is still working on the Town's annual budget;that pavement management funds are being accumulated;that Saguaro Blvd.and Shea Blvd.are both in the design phase and easements are being secured for the Shea intersection;that the Avenue of the Fountains median project will kick-off on April 21;that design work has begun on Fountain Park Phase 6;that impact fees are scheduled to be considered for adoption at the last Council meeting in May and go into effect in August;that negotiations are ongoing for a two-year extension to the fire services contract with Rural/Metro;that a final inspection of the new fire truck is currently taking place; that relocation of Fire Station#2 is still being reviewed;that Public Safety Day was a success;and that work is underway on a revised Settlement Agreement with respect to Adero Canyon. Mr.Buchanan took questions from the Commission. AGENDA ITEM #7 — DISCUSSION REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS FOR SPAC'S ANNUAL JOINT MEETING WITH COUNCIL Chair Magazine reviewed a draft memorandum to the Town Council(copy attached)and an outline of a proposed discussion with the Town Council at the upcoming joint meeting(copy attached). He discussed the necessity of Page 1 of 2 formulating action steps for each of the Strategic Directions in the Strategic Plan prior to creating performance measures. Commissioner Koester Thomas pointed out that it has been five years since the Strategic Plan was updated and that SPAC Bylaws call for an update every five years dependant on appropriations by the Town Council. She suggested that a discussion with Council about a potential update to the Strategic Plan should precede discussion about specific actions steps for Strategic Directions in the current Strategic Plan. Chair Magazine indicated that he would revise the draft memorandum to Council accordingly. Commissioner Koester Thomas agreed to assist Chair Magazine in preparing a PowerPoint presentation for the joint meeting with the Council on May 21. AGENDA ITEM#8-SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS It was noted that SPAC's annual joint meeting with the Town Council is scheduled on May 21,2014 at 5:30 p.m. and a SPAC meeting is scheduled on June 17,2014 at 4:30 p.m. No additional meetings were scheduled pending discussions with Council at the joint meeting. AGENDA ITEM#9—ADJOURN Commissioner Saar MOVED to adjourn at 5:19 p.m. and Commissioner Brovan SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Shaunna Williams,Recording Secretary 44, Page 2 of 2 7 M1 • 4/15/2014 C s Town of Fountain Hillsoi Economic Development Social Media Marketing Plan . , ., 1.1.4;1 • w s� �4•A.�1.r�l�•• <2, 2004 site selection process Sits visits Journals SIX MONTHS Newspapers B rnChilres Trade Shows City 1 City yz City '�� J City (0) > City VAV ` City City City City /06 • 4/15/2014 . •. 2009 site selection process SIX WEEKS 85%of initial search=Internet � I .41k 4,011,4 IP <i 1S J Implications ► First step in the site selection process is gone ► If you're not online, you don't exist. ► You must "populate" the search with useful content ► Huge economic shift Expensive media "Free"media Television Internet Glossy magazines Viral marketing Journals Social media Trade shows ... requiring a new approach '411) 2 4/15/2014 The social web model: Systematically create an info eco-system 4141, faceboo4i Sperllnp's .• • •rospec o Employers M213111. lit Site selection EDO wobsito ..m s• p�cc.com '51 tu•mtJp•n %PI ';jr Your ,7555,5471 Btogger.:Linked in Entrepreneurs Local stakeholders IA. 60 x •�.' 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' o Is there interaction? + Quantitative: o Analytics - friends, followers, comments, re tweets, replies, etc. "`''-, ides 61 4,,,,;,::-..... 4 p k 5 g f we can find companies on social media, we can . reach them. -- „:,...i.:,,,,,„„. t ,ww-__, ....0) ' , r 4/15/2014 a Find us fwww.facebook.com/FountainHillsED (11: 1 @FountainHillsED f • j n www.linkedin.com/in/FountainHillsED I flak ill 4..,b•;" 0 0 r . 4,1 AIN f z Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS • that is Social Media Marketing Plan 2014 I. Planning a. Our Targeted Audience i. Site selectors, targeted industries, and real estate brokers in Fountain Hills and Metro Phoenix, and Corporate real estate brokers ii. Targeted companies located in Fountain Hills, and companies in Metro Phoenix and other locations with potential for relocation. Decision makers in our targeted industries iii. All industries and retail located in Fountain Hills iv. Young professionals and the community b. Our Goals i. To help foster a relationship between the Town of Fountain Hills Economic Development and the audience we serve. ii. To help brand Fountain Hills as the best location in Arizona to locate. iii. To develop the young working professional demographic in Fountain Hills. Market Fountain Hills as great place to live, work and play. iv. To keep our audience up-to-date with relevant Fountain Hills economic development news. v. To build awareness of Fountain Hills and Fountain Hills Economic Development. Generate buzz and awareness by prompting more searches, website hits, emails and phone calls. vi. To provide appropriate and easily accessible platforms for our audience to interact with us and ask questions, make comments, and engage in conversation. II. Strategy a. Platforms i. Facebook 1. What to share? News stories, events, interesting facts about Fountain Hills, innovation, photos and testimonials 2. How often? 3-5 posts a week. Not more than twice daily. ii. Twitter 1. What to share? News stories, events, interesting facts about Fountain Hills, responses to followers' tweets, photos, posts regarding current industry trends, re-tweets of Fountain Hills targeted business news and accomplishments, relative industrial news. S 2. How often? 1-3 tweets daily, no more than 3 tweets daily, unless responding to other tweets. Twitter posts should be frequent because the platform is set up to flow at a conversational pace. iii. Linkedln 1. What to share? Information about Fountain Hills and Fountain Hills Economic Development. 2. How often? Once a week. We do not want to clutter the network. Only post information relevant to our target audience. Engage with our target audience in various groups. The main utility of Linkedln is to visualize our target audience in the network and connect with them. b. Monitoring the web i. Keyword tracking tools 1. Google Analytics 2. Google Alerts for Fountain Hills and Fountain Hills Economic Development 3. Search keywords and twitter hashtags for Fountain Hills to see what is being said about the community. ii. Social network monitoring plans Email notifications for all social media platforms. Facebook Insights provides statistics and graphs. Also Tweetdeck is a platform allowing users to visualize tweets, replies, searches and direct messages in an organized fashion. c. Planned responses i. Complaints Always respond, professionally. If complaint is grave, follow up with a private message, phone call, or email. Minor complaints, post publicly and rectify situation. Never delete, as this can make the problem worse. ii. Obscene content Always delete iii. Self-promotion Allow if the business is located in Fountain Hills. Otherwise regard as spam and delete. iv. Compliments and Re-tweets Respond to positive compliments without cluttering the network. v. Questions Answer all questions or direct to the appropriate person. III. Measuring ROI a. Qualitative i. Are we building relationships? Is our audience interacting with us? ii. Are we building the Fountain Hills brand? b. Quantitative i. Facebook and Twitter analytics—friends, followers, comments, "likes", Re-tweets, @replies r . ii. Web traffic iii. Social mentions iv. Comments IV. Timeline Social Media Impact Goal Benchmark in 3 months ` _ Nv. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor& Town Council DT: April 8,2014 FR: Alan Magazine,Chair, Strategic RE: Joint Council/SPAC Meeting on Planning Advisory Commission May 2112014 On behalf of the members of the Strategic PlanningAdvisory"Commission,we look forward to meeting in joint session on May 21. We wish to suggest that a major point of discussion focus on the 20I0Strategic Plan as amended. It is, for SPAC,the basis for every activity we undertake ass`a commission. In particular we would like to addressthe need to implement the eight strategic directions adopted by Council. We particularly note that the Strategic Plan addresses"key performance questions,"but is silent on serif c action steps that need precede performance questions. It is this absence of action steps about.which we would like to engage Council. ZT Again,we look forward to our tiscussions and any guidance you might provide. cc: Ken Buchananu v 4 R 0 Strategic Planning Advisory Commission History 2005 Council adopted Town of Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2006-2010 2009 Public input to plan revision 2010 Council adopted Strategic Plan 2010 including Strategic Values • Civility • Civic Responsibility • Environmental Stewardship • Economic Vitality • Education, Learning and Culture • Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure • Public Safety, Health and Welfare • Recreational Opportunities and Amenities Each Strategic Value in the plan identifies: f,, 1. Why is this important? 2. Our Pledge 3. Strategic Directions 4. Key performance questions 2013 Council approved updates to Strategic Plan 2010 Questions for Council: 1. Does Council continue to support the Strategic Values (focus areas) in Strategic Plan 2010? 2. Does Council continue to support the Strategic Directions under each Strategic Value? 3. Does Council continue to support the Annual Strategic Planning Process? (See diagram on Page 2) Why does SPAC raise these questions? SPAC would like to determine how it can be useful to Council in the future. Assuming affirmative answers to the previous questions, SPAC proposes that Page 1of2 it work closely with the Town Manager and department heads to develop recommendations for implementing each of the Strategic Directions under each 1411) Strategic Value, beginning with Economic Vitality. Action steps will need to be developed. Review/Revise Strategic Plan Monitor Plan and Annual Set Annual 1 Accomplishments Goals \iiii... Strategic Planning ,..) 111 Process * 1 Develop and 0 Outline Action Adopt Budget Plan \404%...., \\*6.. Page 2 of 2