HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2014.0617.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING "r.- June 17, 2014 AGENDA ITEM#1 —CALL TO ORDER Chair Magazine called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL The following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission were present for roll call: Chair Alan Magazine, Vice Chair Nick DePorter, and Commissioners Peter Bordow, Audra Koester Thomas, Nancy Ordowski, and Dana Saar. Commissioner Alice Brovan was excused. Youth Commissioner Kate Domin attended via teleconference. Also present were Town Manager Ken Buchanan, Economic Development Specialist Scott Cooper, and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the call to the public. AGENDA ITEM #4 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING APRIL 15, 2014 AND MAY 21, 2014 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Saar MOVED to approve the April 15, 2014 and May 21, 2014 meeting minutes and Vice Chair DePorter SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM #5 — REPORT BY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST SCOTT COOPER REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES FOR TARGETED INDUSTRY SECTORS Mr. Cooper gave a PowerPoint presentation entitled, "Economic Development Plan Update"(copy attached)and responded to questions from the Commissioners. AGENDA ITEM#6—BUDGET PRESENTATION BY TOWN MANAGER KEN BUCHANAN Mr. Buchanan gave a PowerPoint presentation entitled, "Town of Fountain Hills Proposed Final Budget FY2014- 15"(copy attached). He responded to several questions from the Commission. Commissioner Koester Thomas referenced a handout that was discussed during Mr. Buchanan's presentation entitled, "SPAC —June 17, 2014, Strategic Goals/Operational Priorities update" (copy attached). She pointed out that some of the initiatives listed reference the Strategic Plan. She urged further institutionalization of the Strategic Plan, i.e., aligning how accomplishments connect to the Strategic Plan. AGENDA ITEM #7 —TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE REGARDING STRATEGIC PLANNING GOALS AND OPERATIONAL PRIORITIES Mr. Buchanan noted that this report was covered during the previous agenda item. Page 1 of 3 AGENDA ITEM#8 —DISCUSSION REGARDING SPAC'S WORK PLAN Chair Magazine stated that he and Commissioner Saar met with Mr.Buchanan and Mr. Cooper. He asked Commissioner Saar to recap that discussion. .41110 Commissioner Saar stated that, in a period of decreasing revenues in the Town,the Strategic Plan lists priorities that may not be essential and typical of local government responsibilities. He spoke to the need for"out of the box thinking"to fill the budget gap in order to maintain the quality of life in Fountain Hills and attract businesses and families. He noted that identifying resources would be the first step in order to bring in additional revenue. Chair Magazine stated the need to prioritize within the Strategic Plan; that we pick out the most important areas. Commissioner Koester Thomas questioned how that would differ from prioritizing Strategic Directions during the Annual Strategic Planning Process. She stated that the Strategic Plan does not list any"do's;"that the Town budget is the"do"part; and that the Strategic Plan is very high level visioning. Commissioner Saar stressed the need to put together a plan to meet the financial gap with sustainable money. Commissioner Bordow stated that he thought economic development was SPAC's central focus to increase revenue in the town. Chair Magazine stated that economic development is one way to increase revenue,but that there may be others. The 2007 Revenue Enhancement Analysis(Hocking report)was discussed and copies of that report will be distributed to members of the Commission. Chair Magazine suggested tabling this discussion in favor of establishing SPAC's work plan,one part of which is helping with economic development. Mr. Buchanan stated that SPAC could drill down one more step on priorities in the Economic Development plan. Discussion ensued about the need to include the community in economic development efforts and include people with expertise, as well as the possibility of holding"summits"to gather information. Mr. Buchanan stated that at the time the Economic Development Plan was adopted the Council specifically instructed that a"summit" should not be utilized and recommended that the Town Manager create focus groups on certain areas. He noted that, with the help of a consultant, SPAC drilled down on short-term business attraction priorities in the ED plan and made recommendations,but subsequent to that nothing has been accomplished. Mr. Buchanan suggested that SPAC assess whether it is the institution that should be doing economic development. or should instead stay with strategic planning. Mr. Cooper cautioned about doing focus groups too soon and stated his preference for doing one-in-one interviews in the Business Retention and Expansion program in advance of focus groups. Based on further discussion about SPAC's work program, the Commissioners agreed to meet in August and come prepared with ideas to create a work plan based on the Strategic Plan,one of which could be to lower reliance on state shared revenues(revenue enhancement). Mr. Buchanan stated that the budget process will start with a retreat after SPAC makes it recommendations and that the timing is good between now and the end of the year to develop those recommendations. Chair Magazine stated that he will distribute a memo summarizing the purpose of the next SPAC meeting. Page 2 of 3 AGENDA ITEM#9 - SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS L. A SPAC meeting was scheduled to be held on Wednesday, August 6, 2014, at 4:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#9—ADJOURN Commissioner Saar MOVED to adjourn at 6:32 p.m. and Commissioner Bordow SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Shaunna Williams,Recording Secretary L L Page 3 of 3 6/19/2014 -1\IVHi kwN yAwr b ASP ffi gnomic Development Plan Update z.. ,t. • usiness Attraction usiness Retention .' Entrepreneurial Development Foundational Maintenance Locational Catalysts Yy FountainIi Inca:D.or¢; 1 6/19/2014 Attraction Monitoring and updating inventory of available office space Contacted new and build on existing relationships with -:ED partners Updated economic development data Created an ED specific website Launched a social media presence for ED OJ owl lannHitlsED.org Business Retention & Expansion Identified 8 targeted Fountain Hills' businesses Brokers Alliance — Insurance brokerage Concept Development Corp. —Laser boresighters/products ;CR Engineering — Electrical Engineering Consultants -'''OpenSystems Media —Multimedia products for embedded computinc Prevco Subsea—Ocean and marine engineering Set Enterprises— Developer of educational games SJT Micropower— High performance silicon MESFET transistors Technologic Systems — Embedded computer systems n ' a 2 6/19/2014 Entrepreneurial Development Attend Sponsors meeting for JumpStartBiz Evaluated program and recommended continued ,funding for FY 14/15 0111' vt Airy u'w Foundational Maintenance ;atti`ertng in orma ion and reviewing incentive -strategies from the region Airy1 ..Ts u t yY i ,. •Ihbf 1.At.�� ntaint iillsLD.arg 3 6/19/2014 ha � `oca Tonal Catalysts Encourage infill development and redevelopment ,within Downtown Mein,,, 4.o J ,1210) A s Attraction • Leverage ED relationships for targeting efforts Targeted marketing messaging Evaluate ED Roadshow with GPEC/ACA Feasibility studies for higher education and healthcare ' i mar 'ountainI Iil(s[I) .:�'' 4 6/19/2014 p4 'Business Retention & Expansion °ontinue to build relationships with targeted existing siness ■x Conduct targeted industry summit Utilize tracking and identification software s S Nex ex�n ® ° M ntrepreneurial Development Follow JumpStartBiz graduates for local growth opportunities oundational Maintenance Further review incentive strategies of regional partners Compose incentive/assistance program for council consideration Review town's regulatory process Fountaint-Iil1sFD.org 5 6/19/2014 vocational Catalysts I Focus on downtown open space development a, f .ter s. AkikkintainflitisI:D.or ": ^" ry 30 leads High Tech Manufacturing, Bioindustry, Business Services, Food Processing, Solar, Financial Services, Call Centers Ranging in Size 10K- 100KSF Existing and BTS 8-40 acres 15-900 new jobs Working with GPEC sJ,yYAIN 4,'' Marketing and local assistance :01111tai,7riillsLU.or� . ,. 6 6/19/2014 r r , ,. i • / ..r -. te' �..�..., www.Fountain 1 -_ www.facebook.com/FountainHillsED @FountainHillsED • www.linkedin.com/in/FountainHillsED ' f 6/12/2014 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PROPOSED FINAL BUDGET FY 2014-15 JNTA1PiSIC ini ." N.*, % i that Is At`" Ken Buchanan,Town Manager Craig Rudolphy, Finance Director June 5, 2014 J��(AIN!!!I FY2014/15 0 f. Adopted Tentative ,,,,, ,°' Budget $44, 807, 389 1 6/12/2014 $o�Te�Ng�cCN FY2014/15 Proposed Final Budget $44, 807, 389 Operational Priorities 'Ill °y' FY2014-15 ;`fin ghat Is�t`yo Pavement Management Program Facilities Economic Replacement Development Fund Plan Fire Station#2 Fountain Lake IGA 2 6/12/2014 Strategic Planning Goals ^.NI,.,� FY2014-15 C3 w. Solicit Public/StakeholderaC Feedback that is Ax`t' 13 CR4 Pavement Management Implement Index Program communications plan for civic involvement 12 CR6 Develop reliable funding source for infrastructure Evaluate maintenance Customer Satisfaction on regular basis EV4 CR7 Promote retention, Communicate the Role expansion and relocation of Local Government of Ctuality Businesses EV3 EV1 Promote a Develop Economic mixed use core Development Plan FY14/15 Budget By Core Services fH"`�J From All Funds Chet It Artoe • Public Safety $ 6,826,729 • Administration $ 2,450,028 • Downtown Excise Fund/ED $ 2,218,995 • Development Services $ 4,405,310 • Community Services $ 2,387,521 • Debt Service $ 2,008,335 • Special Revenue Funds $ 1,661,747 • Capital $22,775,330 • Internal $ 73,394 Total $44,807,389 3 6/12/2014 Capital Improvement Plan $22,775,330 2014/15 Pavement Management Capital Expenditures Town of Fountain Hills l�$ ZONE 1 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT AREA: • $1,000,000 accumulated over a 12- ASPHALT REPLACEMENT month period of both Highway User Fund and Vehicle License Tax. "°""'"'"^° _ • • Zone#1—15t Phase is slated as the • ; next pavement maintenance project. •� s • Note: . — i • • 3—year project • • • Mill&Overlay Glennbrook,El s'"t i • �--1 Pueblo&Grande • 712,026 sq.yd.of asphalt s • 73 pavement replacement locations • 19,o0o square yards 4 6/12/2014 2014/15 Major Capital Projects '`"'``f • Ashbrook Wash Channelization Improvements($920,000 CIP,$720,000 Grant) • Miscellaneous Drainage Projects($50,000 CIP) • Downtown Greening Project($100,000 grant,if received) • Downtown Vision Plan "Avenue/Lakeside Project"($200,000 Downtown Fund) • Avenue of the Fountains Median Project($1,525,000 Downtown Fund) • Fire Station#2 Relocation Project($2,510,000) • Assistance to Firefighters—Radios ($108,000 Grant,$12,000 General Fund) • Civic Center Improvements($100,000 CIP) • Fountain Park Improvements ($1,394,750 CIP) • Fountain Lake Water Quality Improvements($300,000 CIP) Major Capital Projects cant ' • Urban Trail Improvements($20,000, multi-phase project,CIP) • Unpaved Alley Paving Projects($325,000, multi-phase project,CIP) • Shea/Saguaro Street Project($4,360,000 total:$927,000 CIP,$2,958,000 MAG/McDOT,$275,000 development fees,$200,000 developer) • Downtown Sidewalk Program($40,000 Downtown Fund) • Saguaro Blvd. Road Bond Reconstruction($8,200,000 bonds) • Palisades/Saguaro Traffic Signal Upgrades($400,000 CIP) • Fountain Hills Blvd.Shoulder Paving Project($41,000 CIP,$255,000 grant) • Highway Safety Improvement Program($57,000 grant) • Shea Blvd. Eastbound Bike Lane&Overlay Project($224,000 Grant/ $156,000 CIP Matching) • Contingency($220,178 CIP) Total $22,775,330 5 6/12/2014 PERSONNEL & BENEFITS o• "7//, $3,782,785 ha1 Is A Wages and Benefits by Fund +/-Prior FY13-14 FY14-15 Year General Fund $3,205,017 $3,269,862 2.0% HURF $385,259 $415,893 8.0% Economic Development $0 $54,655 100.0% Tourism Fund $0 $42,375 100.0% TOTAL $3,590,276 $3,782,785 5.4% Salary Survey recommends adjustments for 5 positions totaling$6,808. A 2.5% Merit increase for employees is recommended for FY15 for a total cost of$58.658. The total cost is included above. f Personnel =o-- 61• Two existing Part-time to full-time staff positions. • 41 Full Time Employees/ 19 Part Time Employees...51.45 Total Full Time Equivalent Employees. • Volunteer Coordinator Position going Full-Time $22,081. • Salary Adjustment as a result of a Salary Survey totals $6,808. • 2.5% Merit Increase recommendation for employees in the amount of$58,658 included, except the Town Manager position. • Total Personnel Cost $3,782,785. Increase of 5.4% 6 6/12/2014 ,- :\1�\'I, 2014/15 Annual Budget J ) , ..v o0 ..tho Staff Recommends Approving Resolution 2014-21 Adopting the 2014/15 Annual Budget In the amount of $44,807,389 ,, ,, „,, �0. �= 'fir.s ..io. ,, . .. ,_ ... -.. —: 0 i„......,_,.....", that is AO° i r. k,Nm Questions ? 7 6/12/2014 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS O.�TAlH`4rt tt 'Sii, i n ghat is A;-, 2014/15 Final Budget Implementation Resolution #2014-21 Budget Implementation Policy =a • Financial Policies • Financial Planning Process • Expenditure Control • Revenue & Collections Administration • User Fee Cost Recovery • Debt Policy 8 6/12/2014 14`AINy� O Budget Implementation Policyis nio Organization Chart Town of Fountain Hills Organization Citizens of Fountain Hills Mayor and Town Council Presiding Judge Town Prosecutor Town Manager Town Attorney Fire/EMS Community Development Administration Law Enforcement Services Services Parks Streets/ Finance/I.T, Fleet Recreation Engineering/GIS Administrative Services Community Planning/ Center Code Enforcement Senior Town Clerk Services Buildi ng Safety Appointed Volunteer Program by Council Facilities Contracted *Economic Development(.63) *Part time 9 6/12/2014 ,(\I,\' Budget Implementation Policy A. • FY14-15 Pay Plan — 1% COLA; 1.5% Merit, excluding employees at the top of their pay range and the Town Manager — Adjusted Pay Plan • Schedule of Authorized Positions — 51.45 Full Time Equivalent — 41 Full Time/19 Part-Time Employees • Job Descriptions 111 Q Budget Implementation Policy too r^ hat Ix A``Laoa Staff Recommends Approving Resolution #2014-21 Budget Implementation Policy 10 6/12/2014 iiisii*f c I i. a.r that A.tVIP y, Questions ? 11 $PAC — June 17, 2014 Strategic Goals/Operational Priorities Update 2014/15 Annual Budget 1. $44 million adopted Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure. 1. Pavement Management Plan/Zone#1 Accumulations of VLT/HURF Funds 2. Saguaro Boulevard Design working on 60% design 3. Shea Boulevard Design/Easement Acquisition 4. AOTF Median Project 5. Fountain Park/Phase#6 6. Downtown Sidewalk Project - Phased Project 7. Impact Fee Structure/IIP & CIP/Update (19) $1,603 vs. $8,100 8. Facilities Replacement and Vehicle Replacement Funds (19) Public Safety, Health and Welfare 1. Currently Negotiating a 2-year Extension Clause with Rural/Metro 2. Acquiring a new Fire Truck 3. Compiling Information regarding Relocation of Fire Station #2 4. Public Safety Day a Success Recreational Opportunities and Amenities 1. 42 Special Events Planned 2. Currently Reviewing Consolidation to Community Services Advisory Commission 3. Adero Canyon/MMP Trailhead 4. Fountain Park Phase #6 Economic Vitality 1. Tourism Strategy (EV5) 2. Downtown Strategy (EV5) 3. Adero Canyon PAD (EV4) a. McDowell Preserve Trailhead 4. Gambacorta Property (EV8) EV3) 5. Website (EV6) Environmental Stewardship 1. Fuel Spill Remediation (ES3) 2. Alley Paving (ES3) 3. Fountain Hills Blvd. Shoulder Project Civic Responsibility 1. 26 Volunteer Programs/700 volunteers/Volunteer Coordinator Full-time Status