HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2013.1217.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS 41) STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING December 17, 2013 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER Chair Alan Magazine called the meeting to order in Council Chambers at Town Hall at 4:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL The following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission were present for roll call: Chair Alan Magazine, Vice Chair Nick DePorter, and Commissioners Peter Bordow, Audra Koester Thomas, Nancy Ordowski, and Dana Saar. Commission Alice Brovan was excused. Youth Commissioner Kate Domin was present. Also present were Town Manager Ken Buchanan and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the call to the public. AGENDA ITEM #4 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING NOVEMBER 20, 2013 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Ordowski MOVED to approve the November 20, 2013 meeting minutes and Commissioner • Bordow SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM#5—TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE a) Update on Tourism initiative—Mr. Buchanan discussed the Council Agenda Action Form and attachments(copies attached)for the item to be discussed by Council on December 19 relating to the transfer of tourism from the Chamber of Commerce to the Town. b) Update on Economic Development Special position—Mr. Buchanan provided the resume of Mr. Scott Cooper(copy attached), who will be starting part-time(25 hours per week)on January 6, 2014. He stated that Mr. Cooper is well qualified and that he will be attending SPAC meetings. AGENDA ITEM#6—DISCUSSION AND ACTION PLANNING REGARDING: A. Healthcare,Medical,Biosciences,and Wellness(NAICS 62) Business Attraction Short Term Objectives: 1. Develop an Inventory of Existing Office Space 4. Establish as Economic Development presence on the Website 5. Develop collateral materials and messaging about Fountain Hills Business Expansion and Retention Short Term Objectives: 1. Identify companies with plans to expand 2. Identify companies at risk of leaving/downsizing/provide help B. Professional,Technical and Scientific Services(NAICS 54) Business Attraction Short Term Objectives: 1. Develop an Inventory of Existing Office Space 4. Establish as Economic Development presence on the Website 5. Develop collateral materials and messaging about Fountain Hills Page 1 of 3 • Business Expansion and Retention Short Term Objectives: 1. Identify companies with plans to expand 2. Identify companies at risk of leaving/downsizing/provide help Mr. Buchanan discussed the memorandum that he sent to SPAC on December 10,2013 (copy attached)and further described the current status of each objective. He noted that future agendas will include updates and discussion on each of the short term priorities. AGENDA ITEM#7—DISCUSSION REGARDING THE ANNUAL STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS, SPECIFICALLY ANNUAL GOALS AND BUDGET Chair Magazine stated that in response to his request for suggestions he received a suggestion from Vice Chair DePorter that Economic Development remain a high priority. Commission Koester Thomas stated that she had also emailed the following suggestions for Council priorities, together with the initiatives noted. She stated that she is recommending many of the same priorities as last year. • C3,CR6: Conduct statistically valid citizen satisfaction survey • C3, CR4: Develop stakeholder involvement plan/strategy • CR7: Develop a"citizens' guide"for the budget to serve as an executive summary to the policy • EV3: Outline next steps for Downtown Vision Master Plan • EV4: (no specific initiative recommended) • I2: Evaluate and identify potential funding sources • I3: Create and distribute public information piece on assessment of roadways and sidewalks Commissioner Koester Thomas MOVED to adopt the following Strategic Directions as priorities for Council's FY14-15 budget consideration: EV 1, CR6,CR7, C3,CR4,EV3,EV4, I2 and I3. Commissioner Saar SECONDED the motion. Discussion ensued about the strategic planning process and the relevance of potential SPAC recommendations in view of the upcoming Council Retreat and potential budget implications. Further discussion related to the initiatives suggested for the Strategic Directions proposed as priorities and their associated costs. Chair Magazine obtained the consent of Commissioner Koester Thomas to call a separate vote on each proposed Strategic Direction in her motion. Chair Magazine called the vote, with the following results: EV 1 CARRIED(6-0), CR6 CARRIED(4-2),CR7 CARRIED(4-2), C3 CARRIED(5-1),CR4 CARRIED(6-0),EV3 CARRIED(6-0),EV4 CARRIED(6-0), I2 CARRIED(6-0), and I3 CARRIED(6-0). Chair Magazine indicated his preference to take separate motions with respect to initiatives proposed for each of the recommended priorities. Commissioner Koester Thomas MOVED to recommend an initiative to conduct a statistically valid citizen satisfaction survey in support of Strategic Directions C3 and CR6 and Vice Chair DePorter SECONDED the motion. Vice Chair DePorter suggested adding verbiage regarding finding cost effective or other options to conduct the survey. Commissioner Koester Thomas AMENDED the motion to recommend conducting a statistically valid survey on citizen satisfaction and exploring other avenues to ascertain or obtain citizen satisfaction attitudes. • Page 2 of 3 Chair Magazine called the vote and the amended motion CARRIED(5-1)1 ® Commissioner Koester Thomas MOVED to recommend developing a stakeholder involvement plan and/or strategy to support recommended priorities C3 and CR4. The motion FAILED for lack of a second. Commissioner Koester Thomas MOVED to recommend develop a"citizens' guide" for the budget serving as an executive summary to the policy set forth in the budget to support recommended priority CR7 and Vice Chair DePorter SECONDED the motion. Following discussion,Chair Magazine called the vote and the motion FAILED(3-3). Commissioner Koester Thomas MOVED to outline next steps for the Downtown Vision Master Plan to support recommended priority EV3 and Chair Magazine SECONDED the motion. Discussion ensued in which Chair Magazine stated the Downtown Vision Master Plan is critical to the future of the Town;Mr. Buchanan stated that the Downtown Vision Master Plan is the third initiative of the Economic Development Plan,but it has no implementation plan; and Commissioner Saar stated that he is not in favor of the Downtown Vision Master Plan and cannot support this initiative,although he recognizes it was approved in the General Plan. Chair Magazine called the vote and the motion FAILED(3-3). Commissioner Koester Thomas MOVED to create and distribute public information piece on assessment of roadways and sidewalks in support of recommended priority I3. • Discussion ensued relative to the purpose of the initiative and several concerns were expressed with respect to the timing of the initiative and cost/benefit ramifications. Chair Magazine called the vote and the motion FAILED(1-5). Commissioner Koester Thomas MOVED to continually evaluate and identify potential funding sources as ways to implement recommended initiative I2,and Vice Chair DePorter SECONDED the motion. Following discussion, Chair Magazine called the vote and the motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There were no motions with respect to proposed initiatives for recommended priorities EV I and EV4. AGENDA ITEM#8- SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS It was noted that SPAC meetings are scheduled on January 21, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. and February 18, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. An additional SPAC meeting was scheduled on March 18,2014 at 4:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#11 —ADJOURN Commissioner Bordow MOVED to adjourn at 5:55 p.m. and Commissioner Saar SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Shaunna Williams, Recording Secretary Page 3 of 3 I r ' TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 4.0 V g n TOWN COUNCIL • MEI AGENDA ACTION FORM rh$t Is ,LpP Meeting Date: 12/19/2013 Meeting Type: Regular Session Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Community Services. Staff Contact Information: Bryan Hughes, Supervisor of Recreation,480-816-5135, bhughes@fh.az.gov Council Goal: Strategic Values: Economic Vitality Promote Town as visitor destination REQUEST TO COUNCIL (Agenda Language): PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION of the tourism program for the remainder of the fiscal year. Applicant: Applicant Contact Information: Property Location: &elated Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Staff Summary(background): Based on the assessment to date, staff is recommending that the existing tourism program can continue in its current form for the remainder of the fiscal year. A summary of those activities is outlined in the staff memo. As staff becomes more familiar with the partners and campaigns in the coming months, a more comprehensive recommendation for the future of the tourism program will be included in the FY 2015 budget for Town Council for consideration. Risk Analysis(options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact(initial and ongoing costs; budget status): $64,500 Budget Reference(page number): 268-270 Funding Source: Capital Projects Fund if Multiple Funds utilized,list here: N/A Budgeted; if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form: NA Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s): N/A Staff Recommendation(s): N/A List Attachment(s): Staff Memo, Presentation SUGGESTED MOTION (for Council use): N/A -0 Page 1 of 2 IIIIIIIII repared Bryan Hu es,Supervi r of Recreation 12110/2013 Director's Approval: _-r .) C,).Mark Mayer,Community services !rector 1-11fi0i2013 Appr :: (,, Ken Buchanan, own Manager 12/10/2013 J 0 Page 2 or2. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMO TO: Mayor Kavanagh and Town Council DATE: December 10,2013 Ken Buchanan,Town Manager FR: Mark Mayer,Community Services Director RE: Tourism Update Bryan Hughes, Recreation Supervisor The following represents staffs recommendations over the next six months as tourism operations transfer from the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce to the Town of Fountain Hills. Staff is still taking inventory of the various partnerships and media campaigns to determine their effectiveness and return on investment, so this is a partial analysis and short term plan. As staff continues to familiarize themselves with existing campaigns, we will have a better opportunity to make additional recommendations for the future. Balance of Funding Staff anticipates having a balance of approximately$59,500 remaining in the Tourism budget as of January 1, 2014. This amount represents half of the overall budget of$103,000 plus an estimated balance of$8,000 that was not spent during the first half of the contract with the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce. In addition, there is$5,000 from the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation to be utilized for tourism programs. Organization Since a large part of tourism in Fountain Hills is related to the numerous special events held each year, tourism has been placed under the Community Services Department. The Recreation Division already coordinates the calendar of events for internal and external events and works closely with partners such as Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, McDowell Mountain Regional Park, and others. The inclusion of tourism in Community Services is a natural extension of the services already being provided by the department. Contracts will be established to produce a mix of traditional (print)and digital(website, social media) marketing campaigns, as well as utilization of a tourism intern to assist in developing content. IDS Technology Marketing developed the website and was beginning to develop specific marketing campaigns and the monthly e-newsletter. Staff is recommending utilizing existing vendors,as needed, until an RFP can be developed for a more fully integrated marketing approach. Specific print campaigns have not yet been identified and digital campaigns are ongoing. In addition,staff will be reviewing options with Fountain Hills-based marketing and branding professionals who have offered their expertise. Staff is planning on utilizing Grace Rodman-Guetter beginning January 1, 2014,an intern who is currently under contract with the Chamber of Commerce from the Arizona State University Tourism Development and Management program,to assist us during the transition and help determine future tourism strategies. She is in her final year of classes,which requires a full-time internship(40+ hours per week)to complete her degree,and is already familiar with the website,social media, and marketing strategies, helping to ensure a smooth transition. Staff is recommending a 4-6 month internship with a monthly stipend of$1,920. Return to Agenda A- Partnerships The Town of Fountain Hills has already begun working to strengthen our relationship with the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation moving forward with regard to Fountain Hills/Fort McDowell as a tourism destination. At this time, recently updated information on Destination Fort McDowell has been included in the 2014 Official Visitors Guide. UPDATE:Ken Buchanan and Mayor Kavanagh met with Carole Klopatek, Director of Government Relations for Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation on December 5, to discuss future tourism strategies between the two organizations. As a result,staff is working with their staff to update the 2014 Visitors Guide before it goes to print. We will also be adding and updating content, as well as adding new links, to the experiencefountainhills.org website related to the Destination Fort McDowell Resort marketing. Staff met with the Sherry Henry, Director, and Mark Stanton, Deputy Director,of Arizona Office of Tourism (AOT)on Wednesday, December 4,to discuss tourism strategies and the possibility of establishing the Town as a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) in order to be eligible for future funding from AOT. UPDATE: We were encouraged by their willingness to work with the Town through the transition and encouraged us to petition the committee responsible for distribution of the Maricopa County Proposition 302 funding(State-shared tourism revenue)to maintain our designation as a DMO in Fountain Hills, simply with new leadership. This will allow the Town to continue to receive funding from AOT to be used towards the intended marketing campaigns. A number of city and town governments are designated DMOs, including Glendale, Prescott, and Sierra Vista. Visitors Guide The Official Visitors Guide is produced by the Hennen Publishing and Marketing Group. There is no cost to the Town for producing the guide,which is 100%ad supported. 40,000 copies of the guide are printed each year and stored and distributed through contracts with INFOX and Alliance Airport Marketing. Staff is recommending continuing the agreement with the two distributors at an approximate cost of approximately$4,500 over the remaining six months of the fiscal year. Dining Guide The Dining Guide is distributed locally, at Town Hall,the Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center, Community Center and other locations,as well as at all major special events. Staff is evaluating the status of the guide, in particular who would compile and verify the listings and update the design. Printing would be done by an outside vendor at a cost of approximately$1,000 through the end of the fiscal year. In addition, we will now generate a digital version of the Dining Guide to be available to download from the website. Website and Social Media The domain registries for the website experiencefountainhills.org, as well as four other similar domain names, are currently in the process of being transferred to the Town of Fountain Hills. All social media accounts and passwords are also being transferred to the Town. There is no cost to the Town at this time and the domain names are paid through November 2016. The website hosting has already been transferred to the Town and will be updated on a regular basis. UPDATE: The Town has taken ownership of the domain names and the website hosting from the Chamber of Commerce. We have identified new content to be added to the website and will be making changes with the next few weeks. After reviewing the website for the past few weeks,staff recommends w WWI! �•,.._r� 1j'4 i ix' .d1.�.: i i'a.,,; } g If i i t , f 3 Tourism Assessment • • * Ar7VAl� a. e . / r 4. o, r NeP —`. 1 continuing the relationship working with IDS Technology Marketing to make some of the upgrades and continue the marketing campaign they were in the process of implementing. Visitors Center @ the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce The Visitors Center at the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce will remain a function of the Chamber of Commerce. The Visitors Center is staffed with volunteers and the information available to visitors will continue to be sent to them for distribution as necessary by the Town and relevant businesses and organizations. The possibility of additional Visitor Center sites has been discussed and is being evaluated. Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee The Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee was a function of the Fountain Hills/Fort McDowell Visitors Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce and was dissolved when the agreement with the Town was terminated. An emphasis will be placed on input from our funding partners moving forward. Budget Estimates(6 months) Some services and campaigns are still being identified and/or will require direction from the Town Council: Service Vendor Cost Contact Management/Automated Infusionsoft $1,500. Campaigns Inventory Management of Brochures, INFOX $2,700 Posters&Collateral Airport Advertising Alliance Airport Marketing $1,500 Website Support IDS Technology Marketing $3,000 Digital and Social Media Campaigns TBD $15,000 Print Media Campaigns TBD $7,500 Surveys&Evaluations TBD $3,500 Printing TBD $2,000 Staff(interns) Grace Rodman-Guetter/TBD $11,520 TOTAL $48,220 Summary There will be a learning curve over the next six months as staff evaluates the tourism program and evaluates and develops partnerships and strategies moving forward. Although there are some things in place,there are things that need to be established to measure the impact of the program. Over the next six months,staff will continue to update the tourism website and social media, as well as distribute e- newsletters and print materials such as the Visitors Guide and Dining Guide. Staff is confident that we can maintain,and grow,the tourism program with the resources and funding currently available. 3 Overall Town Tourism Budget $ 103,000 Anticipated Fund Balance $59,500 v Nation McDowell Yavapai Na ion $5,000 Balance $64,500 \ (or WW1 Cr i 7 1 ' Community Services Staff Marketing/Advertising Contracts Interns Funding will continue to come from the Economic Development Fund 3 IRINA • ° rine rs Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Destination Fort McDowell Prop 202 Funding Arizona Office of Tourism Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) Prop 302 Funding 4 11PR L Guioe t o rs Produced by Hennen Publishing and Marketing Group No cost - 100% ad supported 40,000 copies annually Distributed through contracts to visitors centers, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, and direct mail as requested 5 .• 11141111113 nin a LA Update every 6 months fountainthills Distribute At Town _ Hall, Community Center, Chamber of • - Commerce and at special events , -•-•4 441#4 Digital version to be added to websites Dining Guide&Map roustlinliels,raft Ihriovetil&The Yolks I C 6 3 and , Medic••• Experiencefountainhills.org Facebook voal• lux• ft, 111,17,• • 01211.11011 . 0 irliM Twitter corrie join •••• YouTube festivitH Eamssaga Linkedin • • 1.0 "‘•litp• —°"—""" rt:f.ftt,v,4 . • /, \ - • tu,..W10 - I 7 MP/ tt� ,M;t F '"-.t i n` { p"p S i. 4 i I"(fi 1 7 I'. 'C'`� }( 1 p h r-'0 ems`' f i/-. k# `!- ram f D -`- ,- {... 3 a i Will remain a function of the Chamber of Commerce Staffed with volunteers 0 Distribution point for tourism and business information Staff will evaluate additional visitors center sites in the future ill 'pm urecit The Advisory Committee was a function of the Fountain Hills/Fort McDowell Visitors Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce Dissolved when the agreement with the Town was terminated. An emphasis will be placed on input from our funding partners moving forward. 9 1110 Bucigel 1: 11Inces Service endor Cos Contact Infusionsoft $1,500 Management/Automated Campaigns Inventory Management of INFOX $2,700 Brochures,Posters&Collateral Airport Advertising Alliance Airport Marketing $1,500 Website Support IDS Technology Marketing $3,000 Print Media Campaigns TBD $7,500 Surveys&Evaluations TBD $3,500 Printing TBD $2,000 Staff(Interns) TBD $11,520 TOTAL $48,220 11111--, 10 • Scott G. Cooper, CEcD 33425 N. 46th Place, Cave Creek, Arizona 85331 480.577.9325 srcooper2@cox.net EXPERIENCE Vice President, Business Development 04.10 - Present Municipal Capital & Management, Inc. • Developed and led management in sourcing, managing and implementing a$55M new business project and partnership. • Develop and implement a targeted program that integrates multiple platforms to influence and build relationships with prospects, consultants, company decision makers, and media information sources. • Provide site selection analysis and procurement. • Coordinate communications with governmental agencies, city staff, brokers, engineers, architects, and developers. • Proactively identify and address community business climate issues. Economic Development Coordinator 03.07—01.10 4101, Economic Development Services Department, City of Peoria • Delivered business development programs and services to business and industry for the City of Peoria. • Initiated the city's Business Retention&Expansion program assisting 108 small and medium sized businesses. • Oversaw project management as well as targeted business recruitment initiatives. • Facilitated communications between city staff and community special interest groups, governmental agencies, architects, brokers, developers, engineers, private consultants and contractors. • Developed fiscal reports, annual reports, feasibility studies, city council reports, inter/intra-agency correspondence and development agreements. Economic Development Specialist 07.02—03.07 Economic Vitality, City of Scottsdale • Managed development projects and provided technical assistance in securing City approvals throughout the entitlement process. • Implemented and managed the State of Arizona pilot Building Bridges to Business (B3) retention program that assisted 68 companies and retained over 1,100 jobs. • Represented the city in discussions with project owners and ensured that the city's concerns/issues were addressed throughout the process and in the final product. • Developed programs and policies, and coordinated information regarding economic development, tourism, redevelopment, and business development/retention. • Prepared and presented reports of market trends in employment, income, real estate/housing, population, and other factors relating to economic conditions. Scott G. Cooper, CEcD ) 33425 N. 46th Place, Cave Creek, Arizona 85331 480.577.9325 srcooper2@cox.net References Wenderski, John Retired Deputy City Manager at the City of Peoria 22868 N. 55th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85054 (602) 228-0313 jfw(a7cox.net Hernandez, Valentin Real Estate Advisory Manager at Ernst & Young, LLP 2 N. Central #2300 Phoenix, Arizona 85004 (602) 322-3614 valentin.hernandez@ey.com Menna, Peter First Vice President at Cassidy Turley 2375 E. Camelback Road #300 Phoenix, Arizona 85016 (602) 224-4497 PMEnna(i brephoenix.corn j . TA1N k S \J MEMORANDUM 0. 9p.�1 apo 46.,is my, DATE: December 10, 2013 FROM: Ken Buchanan, Town Manager TO: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission SUBJECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN To assist the new members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission and as a refresher for all, the following is a chronological development of Economic Development Plan and SPAC's involvement. A draft Economic Development Plan (prepared by staff with the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce, Council members and citizens with experience in this area) was discussed at the January 17, 2013 Council meeting. Council asked staff to add language relating to retail, education, population leakage, and an organized approach to implement the plan. Council also indicated that they were in favor of some sort of stakeholder or steering committee and that they liked the idea that SPAC would be "taking the lead on that." Subsequently, on March 21, 2013, Council considered appointing an ad hoc committee to work with the Town Manager to complete the Draft Economic Development Plan for presentation to the Council for consideration no later than July 2013. Instead, Council approved a motion to adopt the draft ED plan and budget funds in FY2013 to implement the plan. Mr. Buchanan indicated that he would work with SPAC and others in the community to complete portions of the plan that still required attention and bring it back to Council. Minutes from the meeting state: "Peter Bordow addressed the Council and said that adopting the plan in its current form is fine to do -- he has read it and thinks that it is a great plan. He stated that he wanted to point out that if they do adopt the plan there is no mechanism or structure to help put it in place. He added that he believes part of the plan for the formation of an ad hoc committee was to formulate and recommend an actual structure to help move forward and take action. He noted that there is still a little piece missing." "The Mayor thanked Mr. Bordow for his comments. Page 1 of 4 "Mr. Buchanan advised that Mr. Bordow brought up one of the things they were talking about and that would be the approach. He noted that they can talk about many ways to do that -- he could talk to the SPAC specifically about approach and come back with a recommendation to the Council. He added that if they are talking about business attraction they still need to be having citizens there so that if they do get a business prospect they need to be sitting with them, working with that entity and answering questions because the first thing they are doing when they come in is checking you off if they can't get everything that they need. He reiterated that he has been talking with some members of the SPAC about this and they can talk about an approach and bring it back to the Council." Subsequently, three SPAC discussions were facilitated by Peggy Fiandaca of Partners for Strategic Action, Inc. (April 30, 2013; May 9, 2013; and May 22, 2013) regarding the ED plan that had been adopted on March 21, 2013. Based on these discussions, SPAC recommended a Strategically Organized Approach to implementing the Economic Development Plan. SPAC's recommendations included the establishment of an economic development program led by the Town Manager (with "Nature of Work" defined), and the development of an Economic Development Resource Board to assist the Town Manager in implementing the economic development program. SPAC also developed an Economic Development Matrix containing short, intermediate, and long term objectives. On June 20, 2013, Council considered Resolution 2013-31 adopting a revised ED Plan that incorporated SPAC recommendations as enumerated above. Council chose not to approve the Resolution; instead it adopted the Economic Development matrix prescribed by SPAC and incorporated it as an integral component of the existing Economic Development Plan. During discussion, Council suggested utilization of contract labor to assist in implementing the plan as opposed to a Resource Board. Minutes from this meeting, in referring to statements by Vice Mayor Elkie, read: "He stated that the Council has adopted an Economic Development Plan that needs to be implemented and it comes down to who is going to implement it as opposed to a "think tank"or a great group of resources, which are already available to Mr. Buchanan and staff. He added that there is nothing stopping the Town Manager from calling a meeting or asking these stakeholders to come in and talk about various issues. He commented that he doesn't see that it has to actually be a Council Resolution to create this body. He further stated that he has some concerns about an elected official serving on that commission as well. He stated that he knows everything can be tweaked but he thinks there needs to be professionals out there and staff but not elected officials. He said that he wants the Town Manager to be successful and he wants to have resources available to him but he thinks these resources are already there and they don't need a Resolution from the Council to tell the Town Manager to do something that he already has the authority to do."(Complete meeting minutes attached.) Comments by Vice Mayor Elkie later in the meeting are recapped in the minutes as follows: Page 2 of 4 1 "He stated that he thinks it is time that they implement it and they have given Mr. Buchanan his marching orders -- he knows what he is supposed to do and he knows that he has the funds to do it and he will get an outside contractor to assist him. He added that it is the responsibility of the Town Manager and the outside contractor to meet with the stakeholders, talk to the SPAC and take care of those things -- that is why they are paying them". (Complete meeting minutes attached.) In view of the above, SPAC prioritized the Matrix at its, September 25, 2013 meeting, and the minutes read: Following discussion, Commissioner Bordow MOVED that the following short term objectives of the Economic Development Matrix be recognized as key priorities: Business Attraction A. Short Term Objectives: 1. Develop an Inventory of Existing Office Space 4. Establish as Economic Development presence on the Website 5. Develop collateral materials and messaging about Fountain Hills Business Expansion and Retention A. Short Term Objectives: 1. Identify companies with plans to expand 2. Identify companies at risk of leaving/downsizing/provide help Commissioner Koester Thomas SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present At its November 20, 2013 meeting, SPAC prioritized the Targeted Industry Sectors as NAICS 54 and 62. The minutes read: 4 Commissioner Bordow MOVED that Professional, Technical, and Scientific Services (NAICS 54) and Healthcare, Medical, Biosciences, and Wellness (NAICS 62) be established as targeted industry sector priorities and Commissioner Brovan SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. SPAC'S FOCUSED APPROACH Based on SPAC's prioritization of two Targeted Industry Sectors and five short term priorities, future SPAC agendas will provide for further discussion and action planning as follows: Page 3 of 4 Healthcare, Medical, Biosciences, and Wellness (NAICS 62) Business Attraction Short Term Objectives: 1. Develop an Inventory of Existing Office Space Status: Assigned the Zoning Administrator, Bob Rogers, to identify areas zoned for all NAICS 62. 4. Establish as Economic Development presence on the Website Status: Working with Town's Information Technology Coordinator to development a new Economic Development Website. 5. Develop collateral materials and messaging about Fountain Hills A Part-Time (25 hr. per week) Economic Development Specialist was hired who will be coming on board the end of December. First assignment is to assist the Town Manager with the following: • Familiarize with the Economic Development Plan and recent priorities from SPAC and Town Council directives. Emphasize Business Attraction and Business Retention and Expansion. • Website Design/Information Gathering • Assist the Zoning Administrator with Inventory of available facilities/land for NAICS 54 and 62. • Begin initial contact with Greater Economic Council(GPEC) and the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) to establish points of contact. • Begin developing ED program materials. Business Expansion and Retention Short Term Objectives: 1. Identify companies with plans to expand • Begin initial contacts with identified businesses to establish relationships. 2. Identify companies at risk of leaving/downsizing/provide help • Begin initial contacts with identified businesses to establish relationships. Professional, Technical and Scientific Services (NAICS 54) Business Attraction Short Term Objectives: 1. Develop an Inventory of Existing Office Space • Status: Working with Town's Zoning Administrator to identify areas zoned properties/facilities for NAICS 54. 4. Establish as Economic Development presence on the Website • Status: Working with Town's IT Coordinator to development a new ED website. 5. Develop collateral materials and messaging about Fountain Hills • Begin developing ED program materials. Business Expansion and Retention Short Term Objectives: 1. Identify companies with plans to expand • Begin initial contacts with identified businesses to establish relationships. 2. Identify companies at risk of leaving/downsizing/provide help • Begin initial contacts with identified businesses to establish relationships. Page 4 of 4