HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2013.1023.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 23, 2013 AGENDA ITEM #1 —CALL TO ORDER Chair Alan Magazine called the meeting to order in Council Chambers at Town Hall at 5:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL The following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission were present for roll call: Chair Alan Magazine and Commissioners Alice Brovan, Peter Bordow, Audra Koester Thomas, Nancy Ordowski, and Dana Saar. Vice Chair Nick DePorter was excused. Youth Commissioner Kate Domin was present. Also present were Town Manager Ken Buchanan and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the call to the public. AGENDA ITEM #4 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Koester Thomas MOVED to approve the September 25, 2013 meeting minutes and Commissioner Bordow SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. 400 AGENDA ITEM#5—TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE a. Update on Economic Development Program—Mr. Buchanan reported that the Town has received applications in response to the RFP for a part-time ED Specialist and that interview will occur. At the request of Chair Magazine, Commissioner Bordow agreed to meet with an individual who is interested in technology infrastructure in Fountain Hills that would allow call center employees to work from home. b. Update on Tourism Program—Mr. Buchanan provided a copy of a letter received by the Town from the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce terminating the Professional Services Agreement for tourism services effective December 31, 2013 (copy attached). He stated that CEO Frank Ferrara of the Chamber of Commerce, Jay Schlum and Shawn White were present to answer questions. In response to questions, the Commission was advised that the resignation of Mark McDermott precipitated the letter of termination; that tourism will be transitioned back to the Town; that a printing project currently underway will be completed; that about one-half of the contract amount has been expended; that the relationship with Fort McDowell and the Arizona Department of Tourism should continue; that the Chamber will ensure a smooth transition to the Town; that the Town Council will determine ongoing tourism strategies to be utilized; that the website and intellectual property will transition; that Fort McDowell has been advised by the Chamber of the transition; and that the Tourism Bureau committee currently in place will hold a meeting in November but it has not yet been determined whether that committee will remain in place. C Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEM#6—DISCUSSION REGARDING AGENDA AND MEETING FORMAT FOR SPAC'S JOINT MEETING WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 20,2013 The Commission expressed agreement with a suggestion by Chair Magazine that the upcoming joint meeting with the Town Council on November 20, 2013 be staged around a table on the floor of the Council Chambers, as opposed to occurring on the dais. Chair Magazine asked Commissioners to email suggested topics for the joint meeting to him by November 1s`. It was determined that during the joint meeting it would be appropriate to get direction from the Council regarding SPAC's role with respect to the Economic Development Plan. In preparation for the joint meeting with Council, it was agreed that three SPAC Commissioners should be appointed to a working group regarding implementation strategies for short-term objectives in the Economic Development Plan. Chair Magazine will appoint the working group and establish its scope of work. Agenda Item#9 was discussed concurrently with this agenda item. Chair Magazine stated that the Town Manager needs expert assistance with respect to economic development and suggested that SPAC identify people in the community that have expertise in particular areas who could contribute toward strategies in the Economic Development Plan. Mr. Buchanan stated that he could utilize expertise with respect to business attraction, downtown development, and tourism. Discussion ensued with respect to the importance of(1)establishing performance measures relating to the accomplishment of objectives in the Strategic Plan; and(2)getting jobs into the community in order to avoid Fountain Hills continuing the trend toward becoming retirement community. itZp AGENDA ITEM#7-PUBLIC AFFAIRS EFFORTS TO ENHANCE THE TOWN'S IMAGE WITH RESPECT TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Commission discussed potential ways to get positive print publicity for the Town in order to influence economic development. No consensus was reached. AGENDA ITEM#8-DISCUSSION REGARDING THE ANNUAL REVIEW AND RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN Chair Magazine stated that no substantive changes were suggested at the last SPAC meeting regarding updates to the Strategic Plan. Commissioner Koester Thomas stated that the Strategic Plan is a policy document dated 2010. She recommended that the Commission avoid submitting edits to the plan to the Council for approval; that a cover letter would suffice, if necessary, to point out changes since 2010. Mr. Buchanan recommended staying the course with the way the plan is written today. Chair Magazine stated that he feels it is important to point out changes that have occurred in the plan since its adoption to keep it"correct." Commissioner Koester Thomas stated that the plan is accurate as of the date the plan was adopted and reiterated that the plan should stand since there are no substantive changes. Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Saar suggested taking the question to the Council regarding how often updates should be incorporated into the plan. Commissioner Koester Thomas pointed out that if the plan is to be changed, other items would need to be corrected in addition to those that have been suggested. She further noted that there is value in memorializing the date of the plan relative to the policy operation of the plan. Chair Magazine stated that there are changes that the public should know about if they read the plan. Commissioner Koester Thomas suggested that the proposed changes are related to implementation and that a high level review of what the Town is doing relative to implementation should be part of a public communication, but not in policy document itself. Commissioner Saar stated that he is not opposed to changes in the plan, but agreed that there may be another format in which to provide them. He once again suggested that SPAC should ascertain the desire of the Council in this regard. It was noted that no motion is necessary on this agenda item inasmuch as this is a task of the Commission. Commissioner Ordowski suggested that summary sheet of changes might be appropriate. AGENDA ITEM#9-DISCUSSION REGARDING CREATING EXPERT WORK GROUPS RELATING TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Discussed with Item#6, above. AGENDA ITEM#10-POTENTIAL RECOMMENDATIONS TO TOWN COUNCIL BY SPAC REGARDING ISSUES RELATED TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN OR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN This agenda item was not called. AGENDA ITEM#11 -DISCUSSION REGARDING CREATING AN AGENDA ITEM AT EACH SPAC MEETING FOR ONE OR TWO SPAC MEMBERS TO DISCUSS TOPICS THAT THEY CONSIDER RELEVANT TO SPAC'S WORK PROGRAM Chair Magazine suggested that by providing a time on each agenda for one or two commissioners to report on items relevant to SPAC's work program, it can be determined whether or not topics should rise to the level of a dedicated agenda item. Discussion occurred about the current system in place whereby suggestions for agenda items are solicited from the commissioners. Open Meeting Law implications were also discussed. Chair Magazine clarified that the topic(s)of each report would be agendized and that no discussion would take place. He will work toward appropriately wording this item on upcoming agendas. AGENDA ITEM#12—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS Ms. Williams stated that SPAC's annual joint meeting with the Town Council will occur on November 20, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at Town Hall. She noted that a SPAC meeting is also scheduled on December 4, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. Page 3 of 4 An additional SPAC meeting was scheduled on January 21, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#11 -ADJOURN /411111) Commissioner Saar MOVED to adjourn at 6:50 p.m. and Commissioner Ordowski SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. StLkg -4- (•-v-.4%-- Shaunna Williams, Recording Secretary Page 4 of 4 • CHAMBER OF COMMERCE October 21, 2013 Mr. Ken Buchanan Town Manager Town of Fountain Hills 16705 E.Ave. of the Fountains Fountain Hills AZ 85268 ter Subject: Paragraph 13. Termination: Cancellation of Profe ssional Services Agreement between the Town of Fountain Hills and Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce Dated September 6, 2007. Dear Ken: In accordance with Paragraph 13 .Termination: Cancellation of above subject and specifically provisions stated in paragraph 13.2 the, Chamber of Commerce hereby provides the Town of Fountain Hills notice of cancellation of The Professional Services Agreement entered into on September 6, 2007. The Effective date of cancellation is December 31, 2013. :id you F EO President L Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce • P.O. Box 17598 • Fountain Hills,Arizona 85269-7598 • (480) 837-1654 • FAX(480)837-3077 www.fountainhillschamber.com