HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2012.1107.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL AND THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION November 7,2012 AGENDA ITEM#1 —CALL TO ORDER Chair Nick DePorter called the meeting to order in Council Chambers at Town Hall at 5:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call from the Town Council were Mayor Linda M. Kavanagh, Vice Mayor Henry Leger, and Councilmembers Tait D. Elkie, Ginny Dickey and Cecil A. Yates. Councilmember Dennis Brown was excused. Councilmember Cassie Hansen was absent. Present from the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission were Chair Nick DePorter and Commissioners Denise Atwood, Peter Bordow, and Alan Magazine. Vice Chair Audra Koester Thomas and Commissioner Curt Dunham were excused. Commissioners Mike Dooley was absent. Youth Commissioner Sarah Traylor was present. Town Manager Ken Buchanan and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams were present. Town Attorney Andrew McGuire attended via teleconference. AGENDA ITEM #3 — DISCUSSION REGARDING THE ANNUAL STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS ESTABLISHED IN STRATEGIC PLAN 2010 Chair DePorter referenced the Quick Guide to Strategic Plan 2010(copy attached) and reviewed the cycle of the Annual Strategic Planning Process that was adopted as part of Strategic Plan 2010. He stated that we are at the top of the cycle, i.e.,Review/Revise Strategic Plan. AGENDA ITEM #4 — DISCUSSION REGARDING SPAC'S ANNUAL RECOMMENDED UPDATES TO STRATEGIC PLAN 2010 Chair DePorter pointed out the memorandum from the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission to the Town Council dated October 16, 2012 that was included in the agenda packet(copy attached). He stated that SPAC is recommending that three (3) Strategic Directions be added to the Strategic Plan. Discussion ensued about each of the recommended additions(referred to as#1,#2, and#3). #1 - With respect to the Strategic Value "Civic Responsibility," SPAC recommends the addition of Strategic Direction CR 8 to "Foster a dialogue with residents and businesses regarding the importance of investing in the community's infrastructure maintenance to protect property values and enhance the business climate." Discussion included a suggestion that we need to concentrate on a media plan to communicate Town initiatives; how SPAC Commissioners, collectively or individually, may or may not promote Town initiatives; a suggestion that SPAC spearhead a standard media plan concept to determine the best way to Page 1 of 3 4 reach residents on Town initiatives; and a suggestion that presentations on facts be made to Town organizations. Chair DePorter stated that SPAC will discuss developing a media plan strategy at the next meeting. #2 -With respect to the Strategic Value "Economic Vitality," SPAC recommends the addition of Strategic Direction EV 9 to "Promote the maintenance of an age-balanced population that will support the long- term sustainability of our community." Chair DePorter stated this initiative is not meant to say imply that the Town is not doing anything about this, but rather to suggest that we should be concerned about this based on recent demographic findings. Discussion included a suggestion that we find out how our Town residents feel about the Town supporting these items, e.g., does it mean financial support or resource support; that Dr. Brook's presentation said we need to attract younger people to Town, although we are doing a lot of things now; that we should promote the Town as a live/work/ play destination for an age-balanced population which means establishing an economic good climate and communicating that "far and wide;" that there may be printed material we could provide visitors that would inspire them to move here (could be a joint effort between the schools, non-profits, the realtors' association, and the Town); that the Mayor distributes printed information about the Town at community events; that revitalizing the Town involves getting companies with higher paying wages to Town to attract families with younger children and making sure those children have activities; the actual implementation of these ideas, possibly by creating some new committees with specific tasks; and that a quality school district has a great deal to do with attracting young families. Further discussion referred to the need to have the proposed Strategic Direction further clarified by having SPAC identify examples of things that could be done; that #2 is directly related to #3; how the budget process works in terms of assigning the Town's limited resources to engage in specific activities; that #2 is multi-faceted and involves quality of life opportunities for employment, education, recreation; the need to promote the Town via a clear and consistent branding message; that the objective of the proposed Strategic Direction is to balance out the age population; that the Town has contracted with the Tourism Bureau to develop a branding program; that items 2 and 3 are interdependent; that item 3 is to create employment opportunities by attracting business clusters to fill vacant buildings; that we are assuming that#2 is a goal, but that we need to make sure it is a goal; that home values partially dictate the age of the Town's population; that our brand appears to be that the Town is safe, beautiful, and has great services and things to do; and that the Town is on the road to a professional branding program via the Tourism Bureau and that a new website will go live shortly. Additional discussions included suggestions that schools are important and that we need to promote our schools because some people pick their home by the quality of the schools; that it would be good if SPAC could offer some ideas about how to accomplish implementation ideas for Strategic Values offered as updates to the Strategic Plan;that market forces drive businesses that are open in Town; that an economic development plan is ready to go to Council in the near future; that in past SPAC was told that the previous Strategic Plan was too specific, but that if Council wants SPAC to be more specific in terms of Page 2 of 3 implementation ideas SPAC would likely be delighted to do so; and that SPAC should have an opportunity to hear a presentation by the Tourism Bureau about their branding program. #3 - With respect to the Strategic Value "Economic Vitality," SPAC recommends the addition of Strategic Direction EV 10 to "Define Fountain Hills' market niche and actively pursue opportunities that attract and retain high quality employment opportunities." Chair DePorter noted that#3 has been referred to earlier and called for further discussion. He noted that SPAC wants to partner on these Strategic Directions and that other commissions may be interested as well;that SPAC is waiting for a nudge from leadership before taking a"deeper dive." Councilmember Yates noted that Council is not requesting specificity about details; that they want"meat and potatoes, but not the grains of salt." AGENDA ITEM#5—DISCUSSION REGARDING SPAC'S WORK PROGRAM Ken Buchanan reviewed the Scope of Work for a survey and profile of current businesses in Fountain Hills that is being conducted by the New Venture Group. He stated that a database is currently being designed for the data collected. Discussion ensued about ongoing maintenance of the database and it was suggested that the commercial brokerage community could be used as a resource for some of the data. Mr. Buchanan stated that the latest Retail Market Analysis has been posted to the Town website. Vice Mayor Leger stated that specifics are welcome;that they define a goal by using examples. AGENDA ITEM#6—ADJOURN Councilmember Elide MOVED to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. and Councilmember Leger SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Shaunna Williams, Recording Secretary Page 3 of 3 - .. " Strategic Plan 2010 =Review/Revise Strategic Nan H ` is a Strategic Plan and how will it be used? A essful strategic plan is one that is integrated into the daily operations ; ,snit„ ,, _' t of an organization. In a municipal setting, staff and partner organizations use :., ' the strategic plan to develop proposals and initiatives that implement Annual SetsAnnu elements of the strategic plan; Council uses the strategic plan to evaluate all Strategic proposals. Planning While a full update of a Strategic Plan is recommended periodicallyProcesslit p g (every five years), the Strategic Plan should be reviewed annually and adjustments made as necessary. The cycle (right) outlines the annual use of the Strategic Plan. Our Vision Develop and Outline Action Adopt Budget _ Plan Fountain Hills is a distinctive community designed to invigorate the body, mind and spirit, and strives to: \..... \,.... • Be stewards of this unique enclave, dedicated to preserving the environment and visual aesthetic and to living in Civic Responsibility balance with the Sonoran Desert; • Champion the diversity of experiences our residents bring Our Pledge Take responsibility for our community's future to our community and rely on this depth of experience to and foster opportunities for all residents to participate fully in innovatively address our challenges; =our community through accessible, responsive leadership. • Be economically sustainable and anchor our vitality in an i Strategic Directions active, vibrant town core that serves us culturally, socially €• CR 1 Foster an environment of accessible, responsive and economically; and, governance. • Be civic-minded and friendly, taking responsibility for our • CR 2 Discover, recognize and utilize the talents of our Town's success by building partnerships and investing our citizens and use these assets to address community needs. lent and resources. • CR 3 Foster a culture of public service and volunteerism. • CR 4 Implement a comprehensive communications plan to Civility encourage informed citizen participation in civic life. • CR 5 Support and develop programs that educate and E Our Pledge Build a community in which all can feel valued, involve our youth in community governance. j welcome and as though they belong. • CR 6 Evaluate customer satisfaction with Town services on Strategic Directions a regular basis and implement appropriate service • C 1 Practice the art of civility in all public settings and improvements. ` encourage those around you to do the same. • CR 7 Communicate the role of local government and • C 2 Support community events and activities that create clearly define the trade-offs between service levels and i opportunities to build community and friendship. amenities and the associated costs so residents can make • C 3 Genuinely solicit and consider public and stakeholder informed choices. feedback as part of the decision-making process. • C 4 Be the friendliest place in the Valley..��a®m� „eeeeeeeeeee��e_..e�ee�eM � Education, Learning and Culture Environmental Stewardship '?Our Pledge Support quality, lifelong learning opportunities 1 Our Pledge Preserve the natural beauty that surrounds us and and cultural assets that enrich our lives. protect it so future generations can enjoy it. ''Strategic Directions j Strategic Directions • ELC 1 Partner with Fountain Hills'schools and other • ES 1 Educate residents about our environment to increase institutions to develop quality educational programming awareness and promote stewardship. and opportunities. I• ES 2 Protect and enhance natural infrastructure, including • ELC 2 Support partners in providing arts and cultural t native vegetation, terrain and open space. opportunities and amenities. • 3 Explore and implement new technologies and ,• ELC 3 Promote and celebrate cultural diversity. giportunities that will minimize noise, air and light pollution ? • ELC 4 Position the community's arts and cultural and reduce energy consumption. businesses, venues and amenities as economic drivers • ES 4 Promote water conservation and identify ways to use integrated into the Town's comprehensive economic of this precious desert resource wisely. strategy. • ES 5 Protect selected view sheds from development and • ELC 5 Encourage access to higher learning opportunities other manmade obstructions. or the establishment of an educational or training campus • ES 6 Improve access to the Sonoran Desert experience. within our community. i Economic Vitality ;Maintain and Improve Community •, Our Pledge Maintain a strong commitment to financial j Infrastructure stability and local control, and will promote economic growth 'Our Pledge Maintain and improve our infrastructure to ensure that leverages Fountain Hills'assets by building a dynamic, a high quality living experience, enhance economic opportunities, diverse economy that supports our community's needs and i and support and protect property values and community promotes successful businesses. investments. Strategic Directions 'z Strategic Directions • EV 1 Develop a comprehensive economic development • I 1 Maintain a 5-year capital improvements plan that strategy for the Town's future and work with our partners includes programmed maintenance projects. to forward economic growth and awareness. • I 2 Lower the reliance on state revenues by developing a • EV 2 Develop and maintain a balanced, equitable, locally controlled, reliable funding source for infrastructure sustainable and local financing structure to support the maintenance. Town's core government services at desired service levels. . I 3 Maintain a current condition assessment of all roadways • EV 3 Promote a mixed use core where residents can live, and sidewalks and prioritize and implement maintenance work, learn and play in an urban village setting, as efforts to minimize costly reconstruction. depicted in the Downtown Area Specific Plan (Downtown • I 4 Partner with local civic and social organizations to assist Vision Master Plan). in amenity upkeep and maintenance. • EV 4 Promote retention, expansion and relocation of _ • I 5 Explore ways to reduce wear and tear on the quality businesses. transportation system including transit options and limiting of • EV 5 Promote Fountain Hills as a visitor destination. truck traffic. • EV 6 Identify a slate of economic development tools and • I 6 Coordinate closely with downtown development efforts strategies (including tax incentives, fee abatements, etc.) to ensure adequate infrastructure is planned and amenities to stimulate economic growth. identified and programmed. • EV 7 Identify areas for redevelopment, revitalization or • I 7 Maintain an up-to-date impact fee structure and reuse. equitable development agreements to ensure new growth is • EV 8 Promote unique and vibrant neighborhood and not a burden on existing residents and businesses. business districts. I • I 8 Periodically meet with other community service providers to do joint planning and ensure that service providers can Recreational Opportunities and Amenities accommodate new customers resulting from growth without compromising service levels to existing residents and Our Pledge Make Fountain Hills a pedestrian- and bicycle- businesses. friendly community by contributing to healthy lifestyles, • I 9 Build a protected fund to finance the major periodic providing recreational and physical exercise opportunities to maintenance of community facilities. citizens, and taking advantage of Fountain Hills'closeness to the Sonoran Desert. Public Safety, Health and Welfare Strategic Directions • R 1 Offer a wide range of cost-effective and accessible Our Pledge Protect the health and safety of our community programs and services for all ages to promote a healthy and promote a high quality life. and active community. Strategic Directions • R 2 Provide an interconnected, multi-use trail and bicycle . P 1 Promote and enhance community-based partnerships in system that promotes active living, physical activity, crime prevention, fire and emergency preparedness. education and appreciation of our parks and natural • P 2 Reduce risk and increase safety through "community resources. policing"and community-based fire prevention programs. • R 3 Support local organizations in providing affordable . P 3 Ensure appropriate service levels for public safety. quality programs to promote recreational, sports, fitness • P 4 Explore health and welfare opportunities, including the and wellness programs for all ages. creation of a small hospital or a niche health-related service • R 4 Support community events and activities that create cluster. opportunities to build community and neighborhood • P 5 Support health and wellness instruction throughout the identity. community. \`A ' Ii /' , Idea Box While the Strategic Plan itself is intended to provide broad strategic guidance, each year Council will provide -- more specific direction on its annual course which will be used by staff to develop an action plan. The Idea Rox _= section of the plan is a collection of specific ideas offered by residents and stakeholders. The ideas are ----'/, \\N presented neither with endorsement nor evaluation by the Town. The Idea Box is intended to serve as a repository of tools and activities that can be considered to build the Town's annual action plan. If you have some ideas you'd like included in the Idea Box, please provide them by visiting the Strategic Plan's Web site at: www.fh.az.gov/strategic-plan.aspx Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010. Memo To: Town Council CC: Ken Buchanan From: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Date: October 16, 2012 Re: Annual Strategic Plan Update The Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) has once again reviewed the strategic plan as part of the annual process outlined in the plan. There remain some significant concerns since the last update about the community's trajectory that the Commission thinks are not adequately addressed in the plan. Fountain Hills' infrastructure continues to deteriorate and considering the age of the community, this trend can be anticipated to accelerate. Based on information provided by the Town Manager and Finance Director, the Town will be hard-pressed to identify funding to provide proactive maintenance, let alone major renovation and reconstruction that are imminent, such as road rehabilitation. Thanks to the developer and its financial incentive to keep the community's infrastructure and aesthetics intact, the people of Fountain Hills have enjoyed a high quality community very inexpensively for decades. The burden has now shifted and SPAC encourages an expanded dialogue with the community that enunciates the direct correlation between the condition and function of infrastructure and community aesthetics, property values and business climate. Fountain Hills residents' median age continues to climb and, as articulated in the recently completed report by ASU's New Venture Group, the community demographic profile is trending toward that of Gold Canyon and Sun City. While SPAC agrees that retirement communities play an important role in our region, Fountain Hills was never intended to be one of them. Nothing shows that a community is getting out of demographic balance more than the closure of a school, and with a further decline in school enrollment, Fountain Hills needs to consider seriously how it can sustain itself into the future. SPAC encourages that all efforts by the Town (especially economic development, amenities and programs, support of schools, etc.)should promote the attraction of young people and families to Fountain Hills in an attempt to bring more age balance. This includes developing an economic development strategy that will bring working people to Fountain Hills with jobs that support those new employees working and residing in Fountain Hills. Based on these concerns and issues, SPAC recommends adding the following three strategic directions to the Strategic Plan as part of this year's update: 1. Strategic Value— Civic Responsibility Add Strategic Direction CR 8: Foster a dialogue with residents and businesses regarding the importance of investing in the community's infrastructure maintenance to protect property values and enhance the business climate. 2. Strategic Value— Economic Vitality Add Strategic Direction EV 9: Promote the maintenance of an age-balanced population that will support the long-term sustainability of our community. 3. Strategic Value— Economic Vitality Add Strategic Direction EV10: Define Fountain Hills' market niche and actively pursue opportunities that attract and retain high quality employment opportunities. POST MEETING ACTION AGENDA NOTICE Notice of Joint Meeting of the Town Council and Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission WHEN: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 miv 111i TIME: 5:30 p.m. �0/ WHERE: Council Chambers Town Hall 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains • Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 /lfthat is '01' Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council,the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) and to the general public that the Town Council and Strategic Planning Advisory Commission of Fountain Hills will hold a joint meeting on November 7, 2012, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers on the first floor of Town Hall, located at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. A majority of the Town Council and the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission may be present. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory I C. exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents nursuant to A.R.S. 61-602.A.9 have been waived. AGENDA: 1. Call to order 5:30 p.m. 2. Roll call 3. Discussion regarding the Annual Strategic Planning Process established in Strategic Plan 2010 NO ACTION TAKEN 4. Discussion regarding SPAC's annual recommended updates to Strategic Plan 2010 NO ACTION TAKEN 5. Discussion regarding SPAC's work program NO ACTION TAKEN 6. Adjourn 6:35 p.m. Dated this 23`d day of October, 2012. By Shaunna Williams, Executive Assistant The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5252(voice)or 1-800-367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Notice of Joint Meeting of the Town Council and Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission WHEN: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 TIME: 5:30 p.m. 0/ , \l�e�n WHERE: Council Chambers ; ` Town Hall o 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 9j•tkar i As•ioo Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council, the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) and to the general public that the Town Council and Strategic Planning Advisory Commission of Fountain Hills will hold a joint meeting on November 7, 2012, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers on the first floor of Town Hall, located at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. A majority of the Town Council and the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission may be present. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. &1-602.A.9 have been waived. AGENDA: 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Discussion regarding the Annual Strategic Planning Process established in Strategic Plan 2010 4. Discussion regarding SPAC's annual recommended updates to Strategic Plan 2010 5. Discussion regarding SPAC's work program 6. Adjourn Dated this 23'd day of October,2012. By AW .l.._d J Shaunna Williams, Executive Assistant The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5252(voice)or 1-800-367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. sat,f,, C�ucck C�ucde to xr aA Strategic Plan 2010 Review/Revise _,,,, i fir+,_,. lb Ai Strategic Plan i What is a Strategic Plan and how will it be used? A successful strategic plan is one that is integrated into the daily operations of an organization. In a municipal setting, staff and partner organizations use SetAnnt,ai :at.ritor Nar a the strategic plan to develop proposals and initiatives that implement arcaR,Pi,,i,in Annual Goals 1' elements of the strategic plan; Council uses the strategic plan to evaluate all Strategic proposals. Planning While a full update of a Strategic Plan is recommended periodically (every five1111 Process years), the Strategic Plan should be reviewed annually and adjustments made as necessary. The cycle (right) outlines the annual use of the Strategic Plan. Our Vision Develop and y Outline Action Adopt Budget Plan Fountain Hills is a distinctive community designed to invigorate the body, mind and spirit, and strives to: • Be stewards of this unique enclave, dedicated to preserving the environment and visual aesthetic and to living in Civic Responsibility balance with the Sonoran Desert; • Champion the diversity of experiences our residents bring Our Pledge Take responsibility for our community's future to our community and rely on this depth of experience to i and foster opportunities for all residents to participate fully in innovatively address our challenges; `our community through accessible, responsive leadership. • Be economically sustainable and anchor our vitality in an Strategic Directions active, vibrant town core that serves us culturally, socially • CR 1 Foster an environment of accessible, responsive and economically; and, governance. • Be civic-minded and friendly, taking responsibility for our • CR 2 Discover, recognize and utilize the talents of our Town's success by building partnerships and investing our citizens and use these assets to address community needs. talent and resources. • CR 3 Foster a culture of public service and volunteerism. • CR 4 Implement a comprehensive communications pilp3 Civility encourage informed citizen participation in civic life. • CR 5 Support and develop programs that educate and Our Pledge Build a community in which all can feel valued, involve our youth in community governance. welcome and as though they belong. • CR 6 Evaluate customer satisfaction with Town services on Strategic Directions a regular basis and implement appropriate service • C 1 Practice the art of civility in all public settings and ' improvements. encourage those around you to do the same. • CR 7 Communicate the role of local government and • C 2 Support community events and activities that create I clearly define the trade-offs between service levels and opportunities to build community and friendship. amenities and the associated costs so residents can make • C 3 Genuinely solicit and consider public and stakeholder informed choices. feedback as part of the decision-making process. L • C 4 Be the friendliest place in the Valley. gi ` Education, Learning and Culture Environmental Stewardship Our Pledge Support quality, lifelong learning opportunities Our Pledge Preserve the natural beauty that surrounds us and ` and cultural assets that enrich our lives. protect it so future generations can enjoy it. Strategic Directions Strategic Directions 1• ELC 1 Partner with Fountain Hills'schools and other I • ES 1 Educate residents about our environment to increase institutions to develop quality educational programming ; awareness and promote stewardship. and opportunities. • ES 2 Protect and enhance natural infrastructure, including • ELC 2 Support partners in providing arts and cultural native vegetation, terrain and open space. opportunities and amenities. • ES 3 Explore and implement new technologies and • ELC 3 Promote and celebrate cultural diversity. opportunities that will minimize noise, air and light pollution • ELC 4 Position the community's arts and cultural and reduce energy consumption. businesses, venues and amenities as economic driver • ES 4 Promote water conservation and identify ways to use integrated into the Town's comprehensive economic of this precious desert resource wisely. strategy. • ELC 5 Encourage access to higher learning opportunities • ES 5 Protect selected view sheds from development and other manmade obstructions. or the establishment of an educational or training campus • ES 6 Improve access to the Sonoran Desert experience. within our community. I Economic Vitality Maintain and Improve Community Our Pledge Maintain a strong commitment to financial - Infrastructure stability and local control, and will promote economic growth 'Our Pledge Maintain and improve our infrastructure to ensure that leverages Fountain Hills' assets by building a dynamic, a high quality living experience, enhance economic opportunities, divr • economy that supports our community's needs and land support and protect property values and community pro. .es successful businesses. investments. Strategic Directions Strategic Directions • EV 1 Develop a comprehensive economic development • I 1 Maintain a 5-year capital improvements plan that strategy for the Town's future and work with our partners includes programmed maintenance projects. to forward economic growth and awareness. • I 2 Lower the reliance on state revenues by developing a • EV 2 Develop and maintain a balanced, equitable, locally controlled, reliable funding source for infrastructure sustainable and local financing structure to support the maintenance. Town's core government services at desired service levels. l• I 3 Maintain a current condition assessment of all roadways • EV 3 Promote a mixed use core where residents can live, and sidewalks and prioritize and implement maintenance work, learn and play in an urban village setting, as efforts to minimize costly reconstruction. depicted in the Downtown Area Specific Plan (Downtown • I 4 Partner with local civic and social organizations to assist Vision Master Plan). in amenity upkeep and maintenance. • EV 4 Promote retention, expansion and relocation of . I 5 Explore ways to reduce wear and tear on the quality businesses. transportation system including transit options and limiting of • EV 5 Promote Fountain Hills as a visitor destination. truck traffic. • EV 6 Identify a slate of economic development tools and • I 6 Coordinate closely with downtown development efforts strategies (including tax incentives, fee abatements, etc.) to ensure adequate infrastructure is planned and amenities to stimulate economic growth. identified and programmed. • EV 7 Identify areas for redevelopment, revitalization or .% I 7 Maintain an up-to-date impact fee structure and reuse. equitable development agreements to ensure new growth is • EV 8 Promote unique and vibrant neighborhood and not a burden on existing residents and businesses. business districts. • I 8 Periodically meet with other community service providers to do joint planning and ensure that service providers can Re''"lational Opportunities and Amenities accommodate new customers resulting from growth without compromising service levels to existing residents and Our fledge Make Fountain Hills a pedestrian- and bicycle- businesses. friendly community by contributing to healthy lifestyles, . I 9 Build a protected fund to finance the major periodic providing recreational and physical exercise opportunities to maintenance of community facilities. citizens, and taking advantage of Fountain Hills'closeness to the Sonoran Desert. Public Safety, Health and Welfare Strategic Directions Our Pledge Protect the health and safety of our community • R 1 Offer a wide range of cost-effective and accessible and promote a high quality life. programs and services for all ages to promote a healthy and active community. Strategic Directions • R 2 Provide an interconnected, multi-use trail and bicycle • P 1 Promote and enhance community-based partnerships in system that promotes active living, physical activity, crime prevention, fire and emergency preparedness. education and appreciation of our parks and natural • P 2 Reduce risk and increase safety through"community resources. policing and community-based fire prevention programs. • R 3 Support local organizations in providing affordable • P 3 Ensure appropriate service levels for public safety. quality programs to promote recreational, sports, fitness • P 4 Explore health and welfare opportunities, including the and wellness programs for all ages. creation of a small hospital or a niche health-related service • R 4 Support community events and activities that create cluster. opportunities to build community and neighborhood • P 5 Support health and wellness instruction throughout the identity. community. N,\ \ 1 i /, , Idea Box While the Strategic Plan itself is intended to provide broad strategic guidance, each year Council will provide = more specific direction on its annual course which will be used by staff to develop an action plan. The Idea Box section of the plan is a collection of specific ideas offered by residents and stakeholders. The ideas are '/,`_,\N presented neither with endorsement nor evaluation by the Town. The Idea Box is intended to serve as a repository of tools and activities that can be considered to build the Town's annual action plan. If you have some ideas you'd like included in the Idea Box, please provide them by visiting the Strategic Plan's Web site at: www.fh.az.gov/strategic-plan.aspx Fountain Hi11s Strategic Plan 201C Memo To: Town Council CC: Ken Buchanan From: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Date: October 16, 2012 Re: Annual Strategic Plan Update The Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) has once again reviewed the strategic plan as part of the annual process outlined in the plan. There remain some significant concerns since the last update about the community's trajectory that the Commission thinks are not adequately addressed in the plan. Fountain Hills' infrastructure continues to deteriorate and considering the age of the community, this trend can be anticipated to accelerate. Based on information provided by the Town Manager and Finance Director, the Town will be hard-pressed to identify funding to provide proactive maintenance, let alone major renovation and reconstruction that are imminent, such as road rehabilitation. Thanks to the developer and its financial incentive to keep the community's infrastructure and aesthetics intact, the people of Fountain Hills have enjoyed a high quality community very inexpensively for decades. The burden has now shifted and SPAC encourages an expanded dialogue with the community that enunciates the direct correlation between the condition and function of infrastructure and community aesthetics, property values and business climate. Fountain Hills residents' median age continues to climb and, as articulated in the recently completed report by ASU's New Venture Group, the community demographic profile is trending toward that of Gold Canyon and Sun City. While SPAC agrees that retirement communities play an important role in our region, Fountain Hills was never intended to be one of them. Nothing shows that a community is getting out of demographic balance more than the closure of a school, and with a further decline in school enrollment, Fountain Hills needs to consider seriously how it can sustain itself into the future. SPAC encourages that all efforts by the Town (especially economic development, amenities and programs, support of schools, etc.) should promote the attraction of young people and families to Fountain Hills in an attempt to bring more age balance. This includes developing an economic development strategy that will bring working people to Fountain Hills with jobs that support those new employees working and residing in Fountain Hills. Based on these concerns and issues, SPAC recommends adding the following three strategic directions to the Strategic Plan as part of this year's update: 1. Strategic Value—Civic Responsibility Add Strategic Direction CR 8: Foster a dialogue with residents and businesses regarding the importance of investing in the community's infrastructure maintenance to protect property values and enhance the business climate. 2. Strategic Value— Economic Vitality Add Strategic Direction EV 9: Promote the maintenance of an age-balanced population that will support the long-term sustainability of our community. 3. Strategic Value— Economic Vitality Add Strategic Direction EV10: Define Fountain Hills' market niche and actively pursue opportunities that attract and retain high quality employment opportunities.