HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2012.0808.Minutes . TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING August 8,2012 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER Chair Nick DePorter called the meeting to order in Council Chambers at Town Hall at 3:03 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission: Chair Nick DePorter, Vice Chair Audra Koester Thomas, and Commissioners Peter Bordow, Mike Dooley and Alan Magazine; Commissioner Curt Dunham attended via teleconference; Youth Commissioner Sarah Traylor was present; and Commissioner Denise Atwood was excused. Also present were Mayor Linda M. Kavanagh, Town Manager Ken Buchanan, and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC Mr. Bob Deppe appeared at the Call to the Public with respect to advertising SPAC meetings in The Fountain Hills Times. The Commission discussed options to get the meeting schedule to the public and Mr. Buchanan stated that staff would look into it. AGENDA ITEM#4— CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 10,2012 Vice Chair Koester Thomas MOVED to approve the July 10, 2012 meeting minutes and Commissioner Dooley SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM#5—TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE a. August 23 Council Retreat — Mr. Buchanan provided a draft agenda (copy attached) for the Council/Staff Retreat that will be held in Council Chambers on August 23 in order to establish departmental business plans based on Council priorities. b. Economic Development Plan — Mr. Buchanan distributed a diagram entitled, "Consensus Based Economic Development Implementation Plan" (copy attached). He stated that a written plan is being prepared that will be provided to the Commission. Commissioner Magazine suggested that professionals be hired to guide the economic development plan and oversee its implementation. Mr. Buchanan stated that he will provide a summary report of the retreat. AGENDA ITEM#6—UPDATE ON TOWN FINANCES AND FY12-13 BUDGET Mr. Buchanan reviewed a PowerPoint presentation entitled, "Economic Update to Strategic Planning Advisory Commission,August 2012"(copy attached). Mr. Buchanan responded to questions from the Commission. AGENDA ITEMS#7 AND#8—DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL REPORT FROM ASU'S NEW VENTURE GROUP ON THE RESEARCH PROJECT"COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND REGIONAL COLLABORATIVE OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS"AND DISCUSSION OF CONCEPTUAL Page 1 of 3 DESIGN AND POSSIBLE APPROACH TO DEVELOPING FOUNTAIN HILLS TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Agenda items#7 and#8 were discussed in tandem. 10110 Chair DePorter reviewed the study that was conducted pro bono by the New Venture Group. He stated that Dr. Brooks' presentation to the Council (previously scheduled for August 16) has been postponed to October 9 in order to allow 30 minutes for the presentation instead of ten minutes. The postponement will also allow additional time for NVG to add proposed next steps to their report, which will provided to the Commission in advance of the presentation to Council. Chair DePorter noted that NVG is looking for more projects that would also be provided pro bono. Commissioner Bordow proposed that NVG perform a feasibility study centered on the viability of high tech, internet based businesses in Fountain Hills, including aspects of desired infrastructure for those businesses. He distributed and explained a diagram and narrative (copies attached). Discussion ensued regarding applicability to the NAICS codes that have been identified as being desirable in Fountain Hills; the desirability of an infrastructure gap analysis; and developing a scope of work identifying objectives of the study. Commissioner Bordow indicated his willingness to write a scope of work for the study. Vice Chair Koester Thomas expressed concern about the capacity of ASU to perform an infrastructure audit. Chair DePorter stated that he would follow-up with Dr. Brooks about the ability of NVG to perform such a study. With respect to the study that has already been done by NVG, Chair DePorter noted that he will get a document together that lists items that should be improved upon that he will provide the document to the Commission. Mayor Kavanagh responded to a question from the Commission pertaining to her thoughts about the information technology infrastructure discussion. She stated that she is interested in pursuing improvements that would enable the Town to secure high tech businesses. The Commission concurred with Chair DePorter's suggestion that NVG be asked to pursue a study on NAICS Code 54. Commissioner Bordow suggested that the Town utilize JumpStartBiz to develop "boilerplate business plans," which could be provided free of charge to individuals interested in starting businesses here. Mr. Buchanan suggested asking for a presentation from JumpStartBiz at the next SPAC meeting. Chair DePorter noted that a memorandum to the Council was developed based on the Commission's feedback (copy attached). The memo will be used to preface Dr. Brooks' presentation to the Council on October 9. AGENDA ITEM#9—ANNUAL REVIEW OF STRATEGIC PLAN/RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO STRATEGIC PLAN Chair DePorter requested that Vice Chair Koester Thomasprovide an overview q e of the annual Strategic Plan update process. Chair Koester Thomas stated that, based on the update process one year ago, SPAC made three Strategic Plan update recommendations to the Town Council for consideration but those recommendations were not acted upon Page 2 of 3 by the Council. She referred to the Agenda Action Form (copy attached) for the April 19, 2012 Council meeting that listed the three recommendations. Discussion ensured about the lack of feedback from the Council on SPAC's recommendations. Mr. Buchanan suggested that SPAC could expand on their recommendations with implementation ideas. Commissioner Magazine stated that it would have been beneficial if the Council had stated the specific problems with the recommendations so they could have been addressed by SPAC. Vice Chair Koester Thomas reviewed her notes from the Council meeting that was held on December 15, 2011, at which the Strategic Plan update recommendations were originally presented. Commissioner Dunham recommended that SPAC move forward by looking at the Strategic Plan objectively as of the present date and recommend proactive and positive changes to the document, whether they are new or the same as last year. Mayor Kavanagh was asked to provide her perspective on how SPAC's recommendations would be received by the Council. She stated that, although she can speak only for herself, she will be receptive to considering SPAC's suggestions. Mr. Buchanan suggested that SPAC proceed to update the Strategic Plan and provide more elaboration on implementation recommendations. Chair DePorter asked each Commissioner to look at the Strategic Plan independently and come back to the next SPAC meeting with update ideas. 0 Commissioner Dooley noted that fiscal concerns would have a bearing on update recommendations. Mr. Buchanan stated that he has concerns about finding restorative programs for infrastructure. AGENDA ITEM#10—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS The meeting previously scheduled to begin at 3:00 p.m. on September 12, 2012 was rescheduled to begin at 4:00 p.m. It was noted that a SPAC meeting has been scheduled to occur on October 10,2012,beginning at 4:00 p.m. The annual joint meeting between SPAC and the Town Council was scheduled to occur on November 7, 2012, beginning at 5:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#11—ADJOURN Vice Chair Koester Thomas MOVED to adjourn at 4:47 p.m. and Commissioner Magazine SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Shaunna Williams,Recording Secretary Page 3 of 3 �O�T AIN lit, z � G Mayor & Council/Staff Retreat August 23rd 2012 *Council/Staff Retreat/Purpose August 23rd 2012 scheduled to have a council/staff% day retreat in the Council Chambers to discuss priorities/directives and desired initiatives of the Fountain Hills Town Council. ORGANIZATION *Mission/Vision/Values KEN Re-affirmation of MVVs. *Financial/Fiscal Projections JULIE =5 Year Forecast =Long Term Sustainability -Public Safety/Fire District -infrastructure -community amenities -Debt Analysis *Core Services (see attached) KEN/ALL Present Organizational Structure and list of the current services that are provided by the Town of Fountain Hills. *Town Attorney/Town Prosecutor Determination and consideration to revisit the "in-house" prosecutor and Town Attorney or stay with the present format. Previous analysis has been conducted. *4/10 Work Schedule vs. 9/80s or Straight 8s KEN/JULIE/JOAN Is there a continued desire to maintain the 4/10 four day a week schedule; a modified 9/80's where Town Hall is open 5 days a week; or straight 8s with Town Hall open five days a week. ISSUES: *Strategic Plan Council Goals—confirmation or revisit for modification. In particular, review of the current 2010 Strategic Plan, any possible changes or directions to the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission. =Civility =Civic Responsibility =Environmental Stewardship =Economic Vitality =Education/Learning/Culture =Maintain/Improve Infrastructure =recreational Opportunities/Amenities =citizen survey Emergency Operations Plan KEN/SCOTT g Y P Update of the Emergency Operations Plan; National Incident Management Systems Training (NIMS); ICS 100/ICS 700 Training for council/employees; Emergency Operations Center; Tabletop Exercise. Volunteer Program KEN/JULIE/JOAN Expansion of the Volunteer Program as suggested by Councilmember Hanson. Staff analysis indicates that most of the ICMA Volunteerism Program is being enacted by Fountain Hills, further expansion could be considered. *Public Safety Funding Re-Address the dedicated funding scenarios for Public Safety (sheriff contract and Rural Metro Fire Contract). *Jail KEN/PAUL Determination to change to an "in-house"jail. Building modifications required and building renovations and lease cancellation with DPS. *Intergovernmental Relationships KEN/ALL Importance with maintaining a sound working relationship with the following and address any issues with any of the following: =Ft. McDowell =Salt River Pima-Maricopa 4 =Maricopa County Regional Park =FH Unified School District =FH Sanitary District =FH Chamber of Commerce *Budget Process KEN/JULIE IDetermine should there be the use of a Budget Committee in future annual budget processes. *Franchises KEN/JULIE =Chaparral City Water Company =Southwest Gas =Cox Communications *Capital Improvement Plan KEN/PAUL/JULIE Consider revisiting the CIP for possible reprioritization of projects. *Impact Fees Update KEN/ANDREW/JULIE/PAUL Address the required update of the Development Impact Fees due to the sweeping changes in municipal development fees laws. *Sign Code PAUL Address the Sign Code Committee and Planning & Zoning recommended changes to the sign code. *Pavement Management Program KEN/PAUL Consider prioritization of where a pavement management program sits with other core municipal services. It is estimated that required annual funding to re-established the program is $1,000,000 annually from General Fund to supplement the Highway User Fund. Additionally, discussion and consideration of an incremental approach during the next twenty year period for an Arterial Road Bond Program. *Economic Development Plan Further discussion of the three Initiatives that comprise implementation of 1) a Downtown Strategy; 2) a Tourism Strategy; and 3) Business Attraction Strategy is needed. *Fountain Lake KEN/PAUL/MARK Further discussion regarding the proposed intergovernmental agreement for the FH 0 Sanitary District to operate and manage the Fountain Lake. Further discussion regarding the Fountain Lake Pumpback System and the additional costs involved with the projects. *Fire Station #2 Relocation Project KEN/SCOTT Site Determination consideration for revisiting the site of Fire Station #2. Discussion and reconsideration of the Land trade with MCO. =Original Site Disposition =Construction Project Funding Prioritization *Community Partnership Funding Policy KEN Discussion and consideration of addressing the community partnership funding with a possible policy/procedure for future budget requests for community projects/programs. C Attachment Core Services & Responsibilities Contract Services Law Enforcement Fire/EMS Town Attorney Town Prosecutor Municipal Court Judge Administration Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Public Safety Advisory Commission Municipal Property Corporation Finance Accounting Asset Tracking Audits Banking Budget Preparation Customer Service Information Technology Investments Licensing Purchasing Financial Reporting Financial Audits Sales Tax Audits Channel 11 Town website Human Resources Employee recruitment/selection Employee policies and procedures Employee benefits Payroll/compensation compliance Loss control Risk Administration Volunteers programs Employee relations Town Clerk Council agendas/minutes Records Management Elections Public Information Requests Economic Development Business attraction/relocation Business expansion Business retention • (m Development Services Planning & Zoning Planning&Zoning Commission Board of Adjustment ff of development Plan for the long-term effects gp Ensure that regulations lead toward the Town's vision Regulate and monitor new development applications in compliance with Town ordinances and adopted plans: • General Plan • Strategic Plan • Downtown Vision Plan • Zoning &Subdivision Ordinances • Landscaping Ordinance • Dark Skies Ordinance • Signs Ordinance • Public Art Ordinance Permitting: • Temporary Use Permits • Special Use Permits • Administrative Use Permits 1110 Code Enforcement Educate the public on Town regulations Respond to complaints related to issues such as: • Safety hazards • Abandoned vehicles • Property maintenance • Improperly maintained pools • Illegal signs • Vehicle parking on private property Streets General roadway maintenance Fleet vehicle maintenance Traffic Signals Street Sweeping Regulatory signs Median landscaping maintenance Storm debris cleanup Street related emergency response Adopt-A-Street program Holiday lighting Building Safety Building permits Plan review Building inspections CAD/GIS Aerial Exhibits As-Built Plans& Final Plats Traffic Count Maps Truck Route Maps Speed Limit Maps Trails Maps Traffic Accident Diagrams and Reports Wash Maintenance and Storm Drain Maps Exhibits for Grant applications Sanitary District Sewer Atlas Banners and Display Boards for Town Sponsored Events Miscellaneous maps for residents Engineering Design, plan review, permitting, and/or inspection of: • Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks • Traffic Signals, Signing and Striping • Traffic Control Plan Review • Storm Drains, Channels and Floodplains • Encroachment Permits • Utility Construction in Town property/right-of- ways • Property Transactions (Easements; land acquisitions/abandonments) • Facilities/Environmental Facilities Maintenance of 116,187 s.f. of Town-owned buildings: • Town Hall • Community Center • Library • Museum (Leased) • Physical Plant • Fire Station#1 • Fire Station#2 • Kiwanis Building (Leased) • Community Theater#1 (Leased) • Community Theater#2 (Leased) Environmental programs and permitting: • Storm Water • Washes • Dam maintenance • Air quality • Solid waste and curbside recycling • Energy efficiency • Community Services Community Center Advisory Commission McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Senior Services Advisory Commission Parks maintenance Recreation • Programs— Youth/Teen, Special Interest,Adult and Youth Sports • Special Event Permits • In the Loop • AveNEWS • Liaison to Tourism Bureau • Citizens'Academy Community Center operations Senior programs Home Delivered Meals Public Art program Community events Trails McDowell Mountain Preserve Desert Botanical Garden Municipal Court Jurisdiction over all civil/criminal traffic violations, misdemeanor offenses,Town Code and Town ordinance and specified juvenile offenses occurring within the Town limits. Responsibilities include Trials and Hearings, Sentence Enforcement and Compliance, Orders of Protection and Harassment Injunctions, and Juvenile proceedings (including Teen Court). • • }. C C 1'�� �Nc./989 •O O : •so c c 2~/ � •c Q Q c (a '_ (6._ .. _ ,, x �, x o 0 d��' W c W N .-,-;° co O-40 non0°. (/) 0, w c VJ u� V� � O O C W fa W 2 (1), ai CO (a c . U O U O m C O O IIIMk CO n' O C C C C "-' Cr w � � LLl U) L 0 I- O :2 ! H E N , N CO i- w Tr N N li 0 0 O-C),,, C W < (nog" I co SQL. . - ai w EI _o U C —c W (B U Q N cp a CI Ai c a Ev, w = v a)> c a .— L O m z a)W w o O 0 ^ > ^ > 2 c a � cn -1--0 LO 0 � o � 2 > ' o \ •L- C6 > w 0 �. ,� rn � 0 o _ / = �= W a > o HU A co U U `, m- u- Cl) — � Q MI CL E :E 0) M c c 0 ca = = o -I LL _c a) ( Q = �' a W w O � c � rE � a�i F „a) a O = .i O c (a c O O (a LL ,_. — U W a O Q c U >- 20 _ (a (a O (a 0 O a (a p (a E O E - a� E . 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N yy ral T el Na' 13 CL v W M 1" MN: ED rD mat 0) f71: = Man -in In Z 72 iiva.....* 1-1 C Y' m ch T { 73 f-f "A 1 1 Q y 0' 1. � 5 } fk i VI 0 rsi r ■ 10.0 01111 1,1 Q Q � ,�� g �r �^ e� � �r r # !, 0 ,_ CD;5._[(1) C LCD i - ED U Q) Q) a) OLQ 0) U) � a. 0(6 -a) w a) cC as 0 i .c= o U� m oQa) � 2 L r11 L. -I-0 = v, U U L. = n N a) o CO .1 \IR 1 L.- S.— y- - L C Q N O p 2 N O +� m N O Cn Y � I N d. • f, August 2012 Fountain Hills Technical Infrastructure Architecture �.. Discussion August 2012 Following are descriptions, challenges, and a couple of"out-of-the-box" ideas for implementation for each layer of the Technical Infrastructure Architecture model. Electricity/ Power Problem: Frequent and unpredictable drops in power, extended outages resulting from storm or human damage, single source provider with little or no service-level agreement in place. Challenges: Salt River Project is not regulated by corporation commission and has unique ability to provide service without negotiable service-level contracts.As a small market segment, Fountain Hills has traditionally not been a high priority for SRP customer service. Out-of-the-box: Southwest gas has some measure of infrastructure delivery system into the Town. Is it possible to leverage natural gas generators to create electrical power. SRP is required to buy back at commercial rates any surplus electricity available on their grid. We could look into solar subsidies (Federal or state?) to supplement our power supply with a solar farm. Might the Fort McDowell tribe be interested in some type of partnership on this? Broadband Service Problem: Service levels offered by suppliers (Cox, CenturyLink) lag behind other markets. This translates to lower bandwidth speeds, less reliable service, and less extended service offerings (fiber, DS-3, OC-12). Challenges: Fountain Hills is a small market to these big providers. Monetary incentive (value proposition) needs to be identified and crafted to make an investment attractive to these suppliers. Out-of-the-box: Coordinate and co-design microwave-based architecture with college campus. Investigate feasibility of pooled satellite data communications architecture. Create a co-branding opportunity with Cox/CL to attract more residents (customers) to the Town. Technical Infrastructure Architecture Discussion Page 1 of 2 August 2012 Cellular Service Problem: Service coverage varies greatly with provider. None provide end-to-end service throughout the Town boundaries. Enhanced (4G) service availability may lag significantly behind larger markets. Challenges: Like broadband service providers, Fountain Hills is a small market to big cellular providers. Repeater towers that are required to extend cellular service are often paid for and erected by 3rd party vendors. Demand for cellular bandwidth across the towers is then leased back to ATT/Verizon. Out-of-the-box: Create co-branded marketing campaign, leveraging market growth opportunities as financial incentive for investment. Create a competitive condition among cellular providers by including an endorsement (co-branding) opportunity in Town marketing literature. W-Fi Service Problem: Wireless Internet service is an extensional protocol to existing Internet service (4G, broadband, DSL, etc.). It's backend connection to the Internet must be in place before Wi-Fi can be installed and operational. Challenges: For this to be a Town-based service (i.e., available in public outdoor areas) the Town must leverage it's own Internet connection or identify/provide some type of incentive for near-by private businesses to extend their Internet connections to be available via Wi-Fi. Out-of-the-box: Market analysis shows that businesses that provide W-Fi on their premises have measured increases in business foot traffic. Next Steps: 1. Align on the fundamental approach and value to pursuing an updated and attractive technical infrastructure. 2. Recommend to Town Council they move forward. 3. Create the scope and requirements for an assessment of the current state of the Town's technical infrastructure architecture. This is in anticipation of creating an RFP. 4. Create a technical vision plan with technical and functional requirements desired. 5. Create a gap analysis that quantifies the scope,timeline, milestones, success criteria, and cost of accomplishing the Technical Vision Plan. 6. Aggressively market the Technical Vision Plan to the appropriate business and community sectors nationally- targeting the 21 to 45 entrepreneur/ small high-tech business owner. 7. Partner with the Business Incubator (Biz Jump Start) to create "boilerplate" business plans and guidance for this specific target business segment. 8. Radically redesign the Town web site to promote these initiatives. Technical Infrastructure Architecture Discussion Page 2 of 2 , . Memo Om To: Fountain Hills Town Council CC: Ken Buchanan, Shaunna Williams From: Strategic Planning AdvisoryCommission Date: August 7, 2012 Re: SPAC /ASU This memo is to serve as an introduction to the work SPAC has been doing with Arizona State University's New Venture Group. Project Scope New Venture Group (NVG) set forth to assist Fountain Hills' Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) in the identification and evaluation of potential sources of economic competitive advantage and regional collaborative opportunities. For its part, NVG performed research into the existing businesses and infrastructure and attempt to demonstrate the benefit of various opportunities particular to the healthcare/wellness/medical/bio-medical business sector. Project Findings Dr. Dan Brooks serves as the Faculty Advisor for NVG and presented the final report to SPAC on June 13, 2012. SPAC found the report insightful and requested to share the findings with Town Council. In particular, SPAC wanted to emphasize the troubling findings of the demographic trends for Fountain Hills, specifically highlighted on pages 27 ("Fountain Hills potential demographic future") and 33 ("Fountain Hills' potential economic future"), as well as the overall SWOT analysis, provided on pages 34 and 35. It is important to note that SPAC members felt that the report fell short on a couple of fronts including: • Whether the healthcare/wellness/medical/bio-medical sector is a viable business sector • Providing business profiles of potential healthcare related entities • Demographic trends and impacts relative to the industry • Strategic analysis for implementing and leveraging competitive advantages • O. Although the project findings were not as comprehensive as we originally thought, there are many valuable points of information throughout the report. We hope it will serve as a foundation for future analysis of economic development opportunities for Fountain Hills. L 1 • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS o� T.AIN • li1� it V TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ACTION FORM that is ivvi- Meeting Date: 4/19/2012 Meeting Type: Regular Session Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Administration Staff Contact Information: Ken Buchanan, Town Manager, 480-816-5130, kbuchanan(c�fh.az.c ov Strategic Values: Civic Responsibility, Economic Council Goal: All Vitality REQUEST TO COUNCIL (Agenda Language): DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF regarding the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission's RECOMMENDATION TO REVISE STRA'I'hGIC PLAN 2010, as presented by Chair Audra Koester Thomas on December 15, 2011 and tabled for future consideration. Applicant: 40Npplicant Contact Information: Property Location: Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Staff Summary (background): The Town's strategic planning process calls for annual review and potential revisions to the Strategic Plan. On December 15, 2011, Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) Chair Audra Koester Thomas orally presented SPAC's recommendation to revise Strategic Plan 2010 by adding the following three Strategic Directions; the item was tabled by Council for future consideration: 1. Strategic Value—Civic Responsibility Add Strategic Direction CR 8: Create a sense of urgency regarding the importance of residents and businesses taking responsibility to financially participate in the Town's infrastructure maintenance and provision of basic services to protect home, land and property values. 2. Strategic Value - Economic Vitality Add Strategic Direction EV 9: Promote the maintenance of an age-balanced population that will support the long-term sustainability of our community. 3. Strategic Value - Economic Vitality Add Strategic Direction EV10: Define Fountain Hills' market niche and actively pursue opportunities that attract and retain high quality employment opportunities. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Fiscal Impact(initial and ongoing costs; budget status): Budget Reference (page number): Funding Source: NA If Multiple Funds utilized,list here: Page 1 of 2 Budgeted; if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form: NA Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s): SPAC recommends approval of proposed revisions. Pfaff Recommendation(s): Approve t Attachment(s): Quick Guide to Strategic Plan 2010 SUGGESTED MOTION (for Council use): MOVE to direct staff to prepare a resolution adopting revisions to Strategic Plan 2010 as recommended by the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission. Approved: Ken Buchanan,Town Manager 04/12/2012 L L Page 2 of 2