HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2012.0710.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS 4I- STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING July 10,2012 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER Chair Audra Koester Thomas called the meeting to order in Council Chambers at Town Hall at 4:08 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission: Chair Audra Koester Thomas and Commissioners Peter Bordow, Nick DePorter, Mike Dooley and Alan Magazine. Commissioner Denise Atwood and Youth Commissioner Sarah Traylor attended via teleconference. Vice Chair Curt Dunham was excused. Also present were Town Manager Ken Buchanan, Economic Development Administrator Lori Gary, and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM#4— ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair Koester Thomas stated that it has been a privilege to serve as Chair for the past two terms and that she would remove her name today from nomination as Chair. She NOMINATED Nick DePorter as Chair. Commissioner Magazine SECONDED the nomination. Nick DePorter was elected Chair of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Commissioner Alan Magazine NOMINATED Audra Koester Thomas as Vice Chair and Commissioner Bordow SECONDED the nomination. Audra Koester Thomas was elected Vice Chair of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission UNANIMOUSLY by those present. It was noted that Chair DePorter would need to be excused early from the meeting and that Vice Chair Koester would therefore conduct the remainder of the meeting. AGENDA ITEM#5—CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 13,2012 Chair DePorter MOVED to approve the June 13, 2012 meeting minutes and Commissioner Magazine SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM#6—TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE (a) August 23 Council Retreat — Mr. Buchanan stated that the August 23 Council Retreat will be held in Council Chambers and that the agenda is being finalized. (b) Economic Development Plan—Mr. Buchanan deferred discussion to Agenda Item 8. (c) Intergovernmental Agreement with MCSO — Mr. Buchanan noted that the Town Council approved a five-year Intergovernmental Agreement with MCSO and that the agreement has been forwarded to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for approval. (d) Intergovernmental Agreements with Sanitary District — Mr. Buchanan stated that intergovernmental agreements are being drafted between the Town and the Sanitary District for rights-of-way, trading of equipment,and water quality in Fountain Lake. Page 1 of 3 AGENDA ITEM #7 — DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL REPORT FROM ASU'S NEW VENTURE GROUP ON THE RESEARCH PROJECT "COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND REGIONAL COLLABORATIVE OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS" Vice Chair Koester Thomas opened discussion related to the findings of the final report of the New Venture Group(NVG). Commissioner Magazine stated that he was disappointed and troubled by the findings in the NVG report related to the Town's demographics, noting that the average age has gone up ten years in one decade. He stated that combined with the closing of an elementary school, this is an indication that the Town is in decline. He proposed that Dr. Dan Books make a presentation to the Town Council similar to the one presented to SPAC. Chair DePorter suggested that Dr. Brooks additionally share with Council the findings of the NVG report that has been prepared for the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Buchanan suggested that any such presentation should be introduced by the Chair of SPAC. Vice Chair Koester Thomas stated that she was disappointed in the"heart"of the report relating to the viability of the business sectors that were examined. Commissioner Bordow stated that he is concerned about the trajectory of demographics that is indicated in the report; that he was curious about the narrow focus on medical, but feels the report contains "good nuggets" and that the Town should devise a strategy to create a more fertile economic climate. Commissioner Atwood drew attention to the list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats found on page 34 of the report and stated that the Council needs to have this information. Commissioner Bordow MOVED to accept the NVG report and present it to the Town Council. Commissioner Magazine SECONDED the motion. Discussion led to a determination that the report should be presented to the Council at its August 16 meeting and that a memorandum should be prepared to preface the report. It was agreed that each Commissioner should submit information to Chair DePorter for the memorandum, including areas of value in the report as well as deficiencies,and that the Chair should take executive license to prepare the memorandum. Vice Chair Koester Thomas called the question and the motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Vice Chair Koester Thomas noted that Dr. Brooks would be contacted relative to the proposed presentation to the Council on August 16. She stated that the next SPAC agenda should contain an agenda item to discuss the memorandum prepared by Chair DePorter. Page 2 of 3 AGENDA ITEM#8—DISCUSSION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Mr. Buchanan gave a PowerPoint presentation (copies attached) on the Economic Development proposal that was adopted by the Council as part of the FY2012-13 budget. He noted that the plan implements three Strategic Directions of Strategic Plan 2010, i.e., EV3, EV5, and EV4, with particular attention to metrics (how we are doing), priorities and how they are funded, and a more focused approach. He pointed out the various stakeholders,including SPAC, and suggested that a forum or summit would be useful to get buy-in. Commissioner Dooley inquired if the Town has sufficient resources to pursue all three initiatives. Mr. Buchanan stated that, depending on priorities, we have the resources to go down some of those paths;that it is important to have a mutually agreed upon, focused approach. He stated that has SPAC contributed significantly on the Health Care sector and that the other two business sectors could be discussed on the next SPAC agenda. Discussion ensued about whether the economic development plan could "save the Town;" about the importance of maintaining the transportation system; about the Town's decline and importance of maintaining a "balanced mix;" and about the difference between an economic development plan and a community development plan. Commissioner Bordow stated that the Town needs to identify a clear vision. He pointed out that conversations about Town infrastructure deal with roads and facilities, but that the Town is missing information technology infrastructure, e.g., bandwidth, fiber networks, power, and wi-fi. He pointed out that these are things that an information technology company would consider and that we should think more"virtual." AGENDA ITEM#9—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS A SPAC meeting was scheduled on October 10, 2012 beginning at 4:00 p.m. c„, AGENDA ITEM#10—ADJOURN Commissioner Dooley MOVED to adjourn at 5:15 p.m. and Commissioner Magazine SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Shaunna Williams, Recording Secretary C Page 3 of 3 . C coo E INC.1989 13t' CD `� to NAOS • E O C O U W , , S mc.iv8v p 2O vy: �,4 O N �~/ ' U Co Co (13 x X 0 LE5 4 N 7 o a`)) L w c W ' u) c a) a) A4 - d U) O \ �\ Z TR TNCE () -7 / V. w ib u)icu c 1i �. U +� >- 2 u) U O U c +-'cD O Co Cl)� CO W w0 °' a) •S wf � w • J � -1--0 W F— J OL 'U 5 C = a) c i E 4--+ < w o_ 0) m EC_ m2 v E3 Cn rn 2 cn M < W N N a 0 o W coC � � U) (O 0_ i 0_ 0 E CL _0 ^ L a) ` a/ O Qu) E co c E v) > 0 O m w c UTS •— a) O L ft O = N Z 3 O J �/) w Z w 0 "• = O > .L ai / Fw- 0. 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