HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2012.0613.Minutes )4. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING June 13,2012 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Curt Dunham called the meeting to order in Council Chambers at Town Hall at 4:03 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission: Vice Chair Curt Dunham and Commissioners Nick DePorter, Alan Magazine, and Barry Spiker. Youth Commissioner Sarah Traylor attended via teleconference. Chair Audra Koester Thomas and Commissioners Denise Atwood and Mike Dooley were excused. Also present were Town Manager Ken Buchanan, Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director Julie Ghetti, Economic Development Administrator Lori Gary, and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM#4—CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 17,2012 Commissioner Spiker MOVED to approve the April 17, 2012 meeting minutes and Commissioner Magazine SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM #5 — TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE: (A) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN; (B) INFORMATIONAL SURVEYS REGARDING ROAD BOND AND AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS MEDIAN Mr. Buchanan reviewed slides regarding economic development and tourism that were provided in the agenda packet (copies attached) and reviewed goals and initiatives for the upcoming fiscal year that have been approved by the Council. Mr. Buchanan further reviewed the results to date on two informal surveys that are being conducted, i.e., road bond and Avenue of the Fountains Medians(copies attached). In response to a question from the Commission regarding the funds appropriated by the council for marketing and promotion, Mr. Buchanan pointed out that either the Town or external organizations could apply for the monies. He also stated that funds for construction on the Avenue of the Fountains median have not been appropriated;that the project is in the design phase. AGENDA ITEM#6—UPDATE ON TOWN FINANCES AND FY12-13 BUDGET Ms. Ghetti provided an update on Town finances by reviewing slides provided in the agenda packet (copies attached). She also briefly recapped slides in the agenda packet regarding the budget that was adopted by the Council on June 12, 2012 (copies attached). L Page 1 of 2 AGENDA ITEM #7 — DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL REPORT FROM ASU'S NEW VENTURE GROUP ON THE RESEARCH PROJECT "COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND REGIONAL COLLABORATIVE OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS" Vice Chair Dunham welcomed Dr. Dan Brooks from ASU to present the final report of the New Venture Group. Dr. Brooks distributed copies of the report and then delivered a PowerPoint presentation (copies attached). He pointed out that the report does not include the material that was in their interim report nor the material that was provided by Ms. Gary. Dr. Brooks stated that NVG's approach was to describe how to think about economic development as opposed to, "Here's what to do." He reviewed how they evaluated the opportunities that SPAC gave them to examine in the health care industry. He spoke about entrepreneurship, in general, and then where Arizona and Fountain Hills sit with respect to entrepreneurship. He defined the value model that was used by NVG to evaluate the set of alternatives that SPAC proposed they consider (the businesses were scored by NVG as proxy for Fountain Hills, but the scoring would ideally be done by SPAC). He compared Fountain Hills to other municipalities with respect to demographics and economic development activity. He also addressed Fountain Hills' competitive advantages and disadvantages. He provided a summary of the rationale behind the scores obtained by using the value model for each of the businesses they were asked to examine. He urged SPAC to utilize the value model in order to more precisely pinpoint economic development opportunities that are appropriate for Fountain Hills. He also suggested ways to foster economic growth once paths are identified to pursue. Dr. Brooks responded to questions from the Commissioners and stated that he would provide the report and PowerPoint presentation via email. Vice Chair Dunham stated that the report could be a great start to raising awareness in the community about the "fork in the road" Fountain Hills is now facing with respect to how it will ultimately be in ten years. He thanked Dr. Brooks and stated that SPAC will assimilate the report. Dr. Brooks indicated that NVG will be happy to continue to work with SPAC. AGENDA ITEM#8—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS It was noted that a SPAC meeting is currently scheduled on July 10 beginning at 4:00 p.m. Two additional meetings were scheduled on August 8 and September 12, each beginning at 3:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#9—ADJOURN Commissioner Magazine MOVED to adjourn at 5:29 p.m. and Commissioner Spiker SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. W.Q Shaunna Williams, Recording Secretary Page 2 of 2 a J X H To aJ i otn = C N O 0 O N tD W r-I W N 0 LL N CDL lA O N N coo M LA O M w M O O 1 O 00 2 b LA M 00 O 00 Ce 0 o OZ CI. " > N Q W W N Z C O 2 W N v N > , z Z v' N a, N ti, O W X 7 _ D ' '( I"' 00 EN N •- c co w cn Q V LU 00 p 0 LL 0 °; w S M O w m G OMO 00 N +O U Ln OU O O W }, O ID V 0 ci33 I 7' O C — L• N cn QO1-1- a)V C C a _ W " v — -C •N cu "" CC x u +, C wo '7) •I }a v L- o 0 4J c mmoc N v L •� N 4 J ate+ c6 f6 w 0 I- 0 2 co cu — I, n o T Cn — — "NMIO rD ..* r-. v' (7 p n2 -0 N ' cif D D 0 O O �• c 7O ^ n = T< r -0 713 M rD 0_ • a v = n r -0 0 UO (D G� < n D �0 .. O �I-a W ° 0 = p rD r T O - r�r n = 00 W S 3 0 D .c ;+ O L) 2 D o m rt VI fD rD n n `an _ (n O O 3 T 0 n C li ! I _ CD DJ Q rD = - O V Hfl flu O G) -I (-I-f (!) o • — v CD CO < CD 0 2 CD M 73 o my �v * _ D o r* fD m o rI rn N cn CO m OO v a) rn-r s cm rD N N n rt C \ 3I _O 3 ° p v, - (, rD O mm/ rf —s C 0_ qt! (I) a) M v rD _ N N O �.. — i—rl- v Q • _ -N = rD / • (f - W i/ Q Lin G' .-• � CO c v, n ai \\f CO O n 0 rD CO N r+ = = \ A 01 N 0 n' r V 0 v r� Z 01 _ I,v4 .I. %4" ...0 oa �ti •641'J..,1 S L Road Bond Questionnaire Summary Total Questionnaires= 103 Are you a registered voter? YES 97 NO 6 Did you vote in the 11/8/2011 Election? YES 96 NO 7 Age Group 18-35 0 36-50 6 51-70 64 71+ 33 1=Strongly Agree, 10=Strongly Disagree Average There is a general distrust of government. 4.3 1.1. Proposed $29.6 million bond was too large. 3.8 Not enough detailed information provided. 3.8 AOTF &Saguaro Intersection Improvements were 3.7 not specifically defined. Ballot Language was too broad. 3.7 Not the right economic time to propose a bond. 4.8 Lack of support by local organizations. 3.5 I Willing to support a $10-$15 million bond. 3.6 4. i tP % Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS .m, !I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ,iitlt -!tio°� DEPARTMENT 2011 ROAD BOND QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Town of Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Dated 5-17-2012 • With the exact use of funds being spelled out. • We absolutely need to pass a road bond. In this town you must provide clear and concise transparency. The overwhelming attitudes and opinions in this Town work if someone lives in isolation. We are a community and need to operate for the greater good. All bond proposals need to be clearly defined and outlined to garner the support needed to get this passed. 110 • Good Luck! • Prioritize most obvious need—build strategic plan of bonds over time to demonstrate planning and completing tasks one/two at a time. • An explanation of detailed work would help far enough in advance is crucial. • The November bond issue was a Christmas tree—give us the money and trust us. We need to know what we are really voting. • Chamber and members need to get behind road bond to keep our town beautiful. Soon the roads will lower property values for more than the property tax will cost us. all sorts of"maybe" we • Question# 11 comment. Only if the plan is defined. There were Y will do this----it sounded like a huge slush fund to get money to do what the people wouldn't otherwise allow or vote the town to do during a bad economy. • Funds must be restricted like HURF funds. Page 1of1 0 o°`,�rN t�,4\ 7 'j Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Y n "' =r5 DEPARTMENT 0 :, 'bat is A��ti 2011 ROAD BOND QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS MEN'S DISCUSSION GROUP with Town Councilmember Contino — May 2, 2012 • We need fiscal responsibility,i.e. the Avenue of the Fountains proposed project for 2-million is a waste of money. • Government is not paying attention to the effects of the economy on the tax payers. • With a detailed plan,with reasonable cost, the community would support a bond plan. ../ it 5;7 / 1 Nii;IP\ 2"Aim, t : 5, 1 Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 9• „ DEPARTMENT �thai is xtviP 2011 ROAD BOND QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS MEN'S DISCUSSION GROUP APRIL 16, 2012 • Last time people felt there was too much discretion in how to spend the funds • The bond issue was too ambitious. The bond issue approval will depend on the ability of the town to fully justify the amount. • Thanks for all your good efforts! 4 • Future bonds should be specific especially regarding land purchases. • While 50%of the homeowners are not registered voters, they should be involved in all aspects of Town Management. • I liked the original proposal. The"NO" group painted it in a bad way! • Promote the bond issue, if possible. • Compared to where I come from (MN), your streets are in pretty good shape-actually,but I would support a basic bond issue to address critical road and arterial highway maintenance. • Address the necessary needs for street repair without any of unnecessary appointments. • On Saguaro be very specific on what the cost will be. "No" possible purchases of land; "maybe" sidewalks,etc. Need engineering plan before bond. • 2011 ROAD BOND QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS MEN'S DISCUSSION GROUP APRIL 16,2012 Page 2 • The only concern I heard so much comment about was excessive repairs,i.e. sidewalks,etc., instead of just roads. • Unfortunately we have a lot of people who don't want to pay for anything. I don't know what we can do about that. • Bond proposal was for more than street repairs. Example adding sidewalks,landscaping, etc. Let's put a bond out to fix main streets and keep other wish items out! • More public awareness of where the money is needed and simplify the bond issue. Page 2 of 2 2011 Road Bond Questionnaire—Realtor Group OJ��'AIN f\<< , `� J b Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS ` '� �p DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • t. •9., �- � DEPARTMENT 2011 ROAD BOND QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS REALTOR GROUP April 20, 2012 • We must get our roads back to standard again. The longer we wait the worse it will get. • Would want details as to what the money would be used for—rank projects in priority order. • I am a realtor in Fountain Hills and believe the road conditions are a detriment to the community. 0 • Felt there were"extras" put in the bond that were not"urgent. I will vote for a proposal that 0 does not include a lot of extras that I feel are not necessary or urgent! • We need our roads in better shape!! Have had negative comments from potential buyers about our road conditions. • Fountain Hills Boulevard needs attention too! P.S. I voted"yes" to provide for the road bond! • Stay with objective/repaving(Saguaro especially). No round-a-bouts. �r` ' I *i, Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS ,� DEVELOPMENT SERVICES -,,,`,,',,",,e ,,-• DEPARTMENT 2011 ROAD BOND QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS SUNRIDGE CANYON HOMEOWNERS ASSOCATION 5-16-2012 • I believe most cities finance major road repairs/replacement using Municipal Bonds. I also believe the longer you delay such projects the worse the roads become and the higher cost. • Last proposal was business as usual;get specific. Stop putting up unwanted/un-needed stoplights. Focus on maintenance not wish lists. • We do need to maintain our roads,but any"beautification can wait until the economy recovers. • Would vote to approve only if bond proposal stated funds would be used only and specifically for repairing existing streets. • The Town doesn't get it----it isn't the amount of money as much as the specifics that the money will be spent on. No one wants an open ended spending program left to the discretion of an untrustworthy government and civil servants. • It would be nice if the Council would tell us the interest rate of the bond. • We voted for$29.6 million. If the only option was$15 million, we would vote for that amount. • I believe people feel they are"gamed"by government at all levels of government. If our local government would certify under oath(with repercussions for lying) that NO added B.S. is in the numbers....such an endeavor might just pass. • We need our roads fixed! It's not going to be without the people of Fountain Hills digging into their pockets. Life isn't free. Bad roads will have a negative effect on our property .../' values, far greater than the taxes we need to pay for the bonds! 2011 ROAD BOND QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Sunridge Canyon Homeowners Association APRIL 16,2012 Page 2 • I don't believe we should include sidewalk,sewer and water line repairs under a road bond. All main routes (Saguaro,Fountain Hills Boulevard,Palisades and Shea should be rubberized asphalt construction. Better coordination with utility companies before money is spent repairing roads. All too often it's repave; tear up and patch. The new sidewalk on Shea between Fountain Hills Boulevard and Palisades that we needed was a waste of money. I have yet to see anyone using it. • Our roads desperately need repair and we,the citizens in Fountain Hills must step up and fund the project. • Concerning question number 11: Depends on what is in the bond. We don't need new sidewalks—we need the roadway repaired! The last proposal had far too many other things in it besides just road repair. • Something has to be done. C • It was turned down by the general consensus in town that it would not benefit the very large senior population that would never see nor take advantage of any long-term infrastructure improvements planned outside the next 2-3 years, • Perhaps offering multiple plans to choose from for funding or roads would be useful. Also make clear that any movies spent would be brought before the voters first. • There is a very vocal minority in Fountain Hills and they will attempt to vote down any bond issue just because they can! • Put together a specific plan of what needs to be done now and why. Put a specific dollar amount on it(contingency)and put it to a vote. • Depends on what it is for. For well defined needs, Yes. For ambiguous ill defined; nice to have projects,NO. Page 2 of 3 . 2011 ROAD BOND QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Sunridge Canyon Homeowners Association APRIL 16,2012 Page 2 • Before putting a bond issue on a ballot,Council should have a expectation that it would pass. That requires public education of the need. The Development Services Department should have done more outreach to the public and more education before the vote. Now that the bond has failed once,it will be harder to get it to pass in the future. Proper prior planning prevents poor performance is an old saying that appears to have been forgotten here. • We don't trust the Council to spend the bond money wisely, nor to apply the funds to road repair. There are no guarantees the bond proceeds won't become a city"Slush Fund"with no accountability to the voters. The idea of"Trust Us"just doesn't fly! • Any mention of inclusion of a round-about on Saguaro Drive will get a"no"vote from me. • Most residents in SRC take great pride in keeping their homes,pools and landscaping in pristine condition. We now need to take care of our infrastructure. • In the same issue of Fountain Hills Times that the bond issue was discussed. An announcement was made re: increase spending on x-mas light display by a large amonut. Yet another study about downtown area(w/a fee)and teachers were being let go. Until Fountain Hills figures out how not to waste money,I will not vote yes on a bond proposal. If FH actually did something about downtown,they could get some funding for infrastructure and roads from investors/developers of this area. I feel there are other avenues to pull from for this road repair. • Roads done last summer were pitiful,unprofessionally done in short time and waster of money!!!! Page 3 of 3 • Avenue of the Fountains - Median Questionnaire Summary Total Questionnaires Received: 367 1= Disagree, 5=Agree Avg.Score Fountain Repair& Replacement 3.8 Irrigation System Replacement 4.0 Tree Health Evaluation 3.6 North/South Pedestrian Access Across Median 2.9 Provide Median View Corridor to Fountain Park 2.2 Provide Lighting for Nighttime Events 3.1 ADA Improvements for Median Pathway 3.7 Art Fair&Farmer's Market Components 3.3 Seasonal Character of Holiday Lighting 4.1 Reuse Existing Public Art(Eagle,Boy&Girl) 4.0 Add Locations for Public Art 3.0 Use of Low Water Plants 3.6 Public Stage or Event Plaza 2.0 Shade Structures in Median 2.4 Public Restroom in Median 2.5 I S ' Submit by E-mail Print Form ,,, „,, J2 Design i , �'(0\e'y 4649 E.Cotton Gin Loop,Suite B2 /� ti°* Phoenix,AZ 85040r T 602-438-2221 m,„u" F 602-438-2225 Priorities Ranking Town of Fountain Hills — Avenue of the Fountains Mission: The Avenue of the Fountains is approximately 40 years old and is reaching the end of its in- frastructure life cycle. The Town wants to investigate infrastructure needs of the existing systems and provide a master plan of improvements to the Avenue of the Fountains that will carry it through the next 40 years. Items that need to be addressed are leaking water features, antiquated electrical system, leaking irrigation system, pedestrian accessibility, and landscape health. Objective: The Town desires input from the public on this project and what the priorities of the project should be. Below are several statements for evaluation. Rank each statement by circling a correspond- ing number, a ranking of one (1) is least agreeable and a ranking of five (5) is most agreeable. Several fountains leak and are consuming large Views along the median to The Fountain are blocked by amounts of water and repairing them is not an option. existing trees. This view corridor should be opened up These fountains should be replaced to provide more to form a visual connection to the lake and The Foun- efficient pumping systems, save water,ease mainte- tain. nance issues and expenses and provide interaction with 10 2 Q 3 C) 40 50 the public. Disagree Agree CY 10 20 30 40 50 Currently the median does not have lights and events Disagree Agree can not be held at night. Area lights should be added to e The current irrigation system is constantly having provide adequate light levels to hold evening events. I breaks and is under repair causing distress to the land- 10 2 0 30 4 0 5 0 scape. This system should be replaced to provide a Disagree Agree more efficient irrigation system,save water,and lessen Currently the median pedestrian pathway does not maintenance issues. meet Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)guidelines. 10 20 30 40 50 The median should be improved to provide access Disagree Agree along the median for pedestrians of all abilities Many of the existing trees within the median are reach- 1 0 20 3 0 40 5 0 ing the end of their life cycle and are causing issues Disagree Agree with water features,walkways,and irrigation systems The median is an event space for several art fairs and due to invasive roots as well as pose a threat from fal farmer's markets. Booth space, power receptacles,and ling branches. These trees should be evaluated for event space for gatherings should be incorporated into their health condition,long term maintenance expense, the median. and probability for survival during a median renovation 1 Q 20 30 40 50 project. Disagree Agree 10 20 30 4Q 50 Disagree Agree Holiday light displays,both tree lights and ground dis- plays are a vital part of the seasonal character of the Safe pedestrian access from the south side of Avenue median. of the Fountains to the north side of Avenue of the foun- 10 2C) 30 40 5Q tains should be improved. Agree 10 20 3C) 40 50 Disagree Disagree Agree Town of Fountain Hills-Avenue of the Fountains J2 Design \" 4649 E.Cotton Gin Loop,Suite B2 Phoenix,AZ 85040 a T 602-438-2221 F 602-438-2225 Priorities Ranking There are several pieces of public art in the median such Additional Comments: as a bronze eagle and bronze children. These pieces of �_ art should be reincorporated into any median renovation. 1 0 20 3 0 40 50 Disagree Agree Public art should be integrated into required features such as walkways,walls,site furnishings,etc to form functional artwork and should not be stand alone pieces. 1 0 20 30 40 50 Disagree Agree Some current plants in the median are not in accordance with the Town's development ordinance for low-water use plants. Plant material should be brought in compli- ance with the Town's development codes. 1 0 20 30 40 50 Disagree Agree The creation of a public stage or event plaza should be created in the median. 10 20 30 40 50 Disagree Agree Hard roofed shade ramadas should be incorporated into the median. 10 20 30 40 5Q Disagree Agree A public restroom should be added to the median. 10 20 30 40 50 Disagree Agree Please send all questionnaire forms back to the Town of Fountain Hills by June 4,2012 to the attention of: Paul Mood, PE Your Contact Information (Optional): Development Services Director Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Name Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Address pmood@fh.az.gov Thank you for your participation in this exciting Town project. Phone Email Town of Fountain Hills-Avenue of the Fountains watt if 111 4e Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES qev tea DEPARTMENT f rkat is Area AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS MEDIAN PROJECT QUESTIONNAIRE COMMENTS June 4,2012 FORM # COMMENTS I suggest using low water use trees as a shade option vs.building shade structures. Locate 124 permanent infrastructure for events(art fairs)to allow more median access during the events. A more modern and efficient public address/sound system should be included of the event and stage areas. 125 More benches .126 This project should be undertaken in stages. The first stage should be foundation for all work to follow as in building a house. The completion could be planned and executed as funding becomes available. Obviously grading,plumbing and electrical would constitutes the first stage. Through the whole process in allowing for maintenance. 130 I have proposed this before and still believe this is the most beneficial upgrade to achieve: add partial shade structures with water misters over the existing sidewalks on the north and south sides of the Avenue of the Fountains. On the south side,the structure could be an extension of the existing structure. This would encourage more foot traffic; any also encourage the establishment of new businesses. I believe a central,unifying theme should be established. "Upgrade the Avenue of the Fountains"is not a theme. I have proposed the following before as well: Turn Fountain Hills into Arizona's only Blue zone! The first question I usually hear is,"what is a blue zone"? http://www.bluezones.com/ . blue zones help people live healthier,longer and better. The partially shaded,misted sidewalks could be the first step(pun intended)in a Blue Zone themed focus for Fountain Hills. The medical facility on Palisades could easily be tied into the Blue Zone theme. The lake and the lake trail fit right in. 137 The area should be configured to leave and add to the trees in the median. We need grass and trees not concrete and bandstands. The water features should stay. The open areas should be filled in. Our town center should look like Prescott town center. kie Page 1 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 j 139 I think the grassy area must stay. More shade is good. More little shops added in spare lots would be good. Trees must stay, or more added. Water features need to stay. This is what people want. 140 Research the history of Leavenworth,WA. It is truly a success story. Fountain Hills has the potential to be that and more. 141 F.H.town roads should come before this project. For 20 years the roads are the last item fixed. 142 Improvements are good as long as you don't have to dig them up again when there is new development. 143 I have lived in Fountain Hills for over 25 years and don't want any BIG changes to the "Avenue". Fix what is broken but don't change the feel of it. I love those big trees—I've watch them grown with the Town,don't get rid of them. The median is nice to look at from the store side and should stay the way it is. We are a unique Town with few street lights we need to keep our unique charm. If people don't like it let them move somewhere else. I moved here because of no street lights and open space. We need to repair items but not change our Town's look. 11 144 Streets should be the priority. 145 Stop with the public sculptures. The town has enough. Please keep in mind that this town is a desert when adding plant material! 146 Consider the views and events. Night lighting, electric for vendors and replace fountains. This is the center of town where everyone meets. 147 Let's clean up the avenue and aim at regaining our role as a first class city. 148 Before the town spends too much money the council should coordinate with any proposal for the building of a Town Center or Cinema along the Avenue of the Fountains so we won't have to redo the work. 149 Crossing the street safely is a problem from current parking! Cars do not respect the stop signs and U-turn with little regard to pedestrians(Verde River Drive). Water usage has to be a priority in this project along with safety of people! 150 I don't know how the town could support 12 movie theatres; 6 would be sufficient. What we need are more outdoor restaurants and shops that don't close up at 6:00 p.m. and some entertainment. Page 2 of 28 • 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 151 I am an artist who has been involved in the weekly art fairs for the past two years. Since you have a west end of the avenue and a east end before the Fountains I would suggest a restroom on both ends to accommodate those artists and farmer's market vendors. Smaller fountains would be nice. Too big,too much space used for current fountains. 152 Part of the issue is the traffic on Saguaro. Fast and heavy at times. Suggest you consider putting in 3 roundabouts. One at the end of Ave of the Fountains with a fountain as its center piece. One at the intersection of Saguaro and El Lago Boulevard—remove light and the other at the intersection of Saguaro and E.Palisades Blvd also removing the light. They should be surrounded by paver/cobblestone to form the circle. These improvements would serve several purposes. 1)create a safe environment in downtown—slower traffic and perhaps less with people avoiding the road because it is slow progress 2)Reduced noise because of slower traffic and removal of lights. No more peeling out after lights change 3)Improved image-the center of the roundabout could incorporate artwork and water features. I would also consider installing 45 degree angles parking on Saguaro for improved lake access and a concrete pad lakeside parallel to Saguaro so vendors can set up on along the edge on weekends without blocking the street. I have a lot more suggestion/vision on what you should have there. It may cost a few dollars to put this in place but it could provide significant tax revenue if it draws more visitors to town. f 153 Fix/replace FH roads as a higher priority than any of these items. 154 Road first,then median. 155 Natural trees are needed for shade in the median. The view will be blocked by the "Greening"of the park so don't bother chopping trees. If you wanted ADA sidewalks why!!!, did you allow the restaurant to encroach on the sidewalk. Allowing the theater to be taller than the"standard"height will probably block views from the Ave of the Fountains. A public restroom should be available in the business area Not the median. There seems to be plenty of space in the retail area for this. 156 I don't believe the existing fountains in the median should be repaired,but rather the fountains should be relocated to Fountain Park. The median should be opened up for events and kiosks(see Downtown Vision Plan and then rename the"Avenue of the Fountains"to Fountain Avenue"). As for public access from one side of the Avenue to the other,I am not aware of any incidents;however if there are,then address them. If not, then forgo the expense. The visual connection along the Avenue of the Fountain should be from the sidewalks Page 3 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 S adjacent to businesses,not from the median. The goal should be to get more pedestrians strolling the business sidewalks,not the median. Sun-sail shades in the median should be considered in lieu of more expensive hard-roofed shade armadas. A public restroom is needed in Fountain Park before it is needed in the median(consider ROI based on frequency of use and number of pedestrians). I'm guessing that spending$2 M on the median will be a hard sell after the Town recently told the community it has no money to replace existing streets. I believe median `improvements' should be scaled back to take into consideration community priorities and ROI's. 157 1. No restroom facilities on the Avenue,please! Tacky and inappropriate. 2. No expenditures on art or sculpture, etc... We have mountains and a fountain. Please do not spend our taxes on funding some artist's rendition of beauty. We have it already. 3. No receptacles, electrical equipment expenditures for artists to sell their wares on the Avenue. Most of the"art"we get at our fairs is substandard and of the church bazaar craft sort. 4. No awnings. 5. Yes,the Christmas lighting is awesome. Please keep. At this stage in our economy,to incur additional expense to improve the ave. of the Fountains median seems inappropriate. A better expenditure of time and money might be: 1. Remove the tacky sports bar with TVs glaring over the Ave of the Fountains and the lake. 2. Remove the neon sign in front of the church on Saguaro,the sign that advertises what the church is offering that week. Absolutely unbelievable that got through. 3. Upscale the entrance to our town. Newcomers to Fountain Hills first view of our town is a line of fast food restaurants....Taco Bell,Arby's etc. Upscale the vacant buildings along that corridor entrance. Rent or sell those buildings to healthy lifestyle companies(i.e.NOT BARS)that will improve visitor's impression. 4. Police the speeders who crank through our town on their way to Scottsdale&/or Mesa before and after work. 159 Indigenous shade trees are absolutely essential,rather than small desert shrubs. Fountain views are available from so many locations already. It is imperative if you want pedestrians,shoppers, and activities that you provide numerous shaded areas, especially with water features/fountains for a relaxing ambiance. No palm trees,please. We already have enough of them. 160 The bricks should be removed-some cement benches and trash cans along the Ave. need Page 4 of 28 • 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 • repair-for site and safety. Keep it simple-enough fountains. The Greening Group has done a good job! My husband and I pick up trash along the Ave. several times a year- good exercise and it looks neater. Maintain what we have rather than adding a lot! Thanks. 161 We have enough fountains and statues. Fix what we have and not add a lot-some cement benches and trash cans need repair. Bricks could be removed. 162 The land on the south side of the Avenue HAS to be developed to increase the beauty of the town. We desperately need a theater&attractive shopping area where residence and visitors can shop and spend time&money IN town. Make the Ave the Beauty of FH and the focal point where visitors WANT to participate in town activities. The population of FH has grown, it's time for the town to grow also,How sad it is,most of us run to Scottsdale to spend our money&time. If the land is developed/sold the town can collect revenue from the investors for taxes etc....What good is it to fix"the island"when it borders an empty lot that is nothing but an eye sore. Let's get going and make a deal with a developer who will beautify the center of town and make us proud. Thank you. 163 Still waiting for the movie theater area to be developed. It's a beautiful city. I am a visitor and love to walk around everywhere. Thx 164 Thanks for the opportunity to opine: I feel that a bathroom is overkill in that area. I think charging a fee for private events would help with the costs. I love the Xmas lights and would miss them greatly if they were removed. We frequent the median with our pets and I think removing the trees to better see Fountain Park is a mistake...It will take away quite a bit of shade. If people want to see fountain park, go to Fountain park....Some nice ramadas would be a real delight. Good luck with the project!! 165 Some questions seem opposite. If you take down the trees,how do you hang Christmas lights on them? Not sure what non-compliant plants are so cannot agree to take them out. If you are taking the trees down as they obstruct the fountain,how does the ramada, stage or bathrooms not interfere with the view? Not sure what the north-south pedestrian question actually means. Most importantly,why wasn't there a question about who would like to see the vacant side of the avenue developed? It's sad that the MAIN tourist street in our town only have ONE side. Thanks for asking! 166 I have an idea for the main entrance to the Ave of the Fountains, Saguaro Blvd side. Hence the name Ave of the Fountains let's make it about the fountains. Start with a design like the picture I have sent. My thought is to get most of this paid for by business/residents that want to donate their time and products for a plaque on the back side of the fountain. Design the fountain in stone; add a design of the four peaks mountain range&red rock,with the water as a sheer decent falling over into the base. Then as you go up the Ave. enhance the area with covered seating,more fountains,maybe w even a baby fountain like our world famous one across the street. Have it shoot up about Page 5 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 J 12' into the air every hour. Add pavers(again residents purchase payers with names & sayings on them)adding a wandering path along the Ave. We are greening the fountain park,why not green the Ave?? Change the plants with donations of residents,business that what their names on plaques. We need to bring people into the Ave and keep them there for awhile,make it inviting so they will stay. Also design it so that different day& night events can happen. I also suggest going to our local college and see what design engineering students there come up with. Then offer the winner some type of scholarship money. Just some thoughts! 167 There are far more pressing issues than the median. Street paving should be#1 priority. Water fountains on the median are unnecessary and a waste of natural resources. The median is a perfect segway to our town mascot,the fountain. 168 Unable to answer the early questions without replacement and maintenance costs and timing. Road maintenance seems a more important project than any of these points. 169 I love our Avenue of the Fountains and agree that it does need to be remolded as our town has grown with more public events. I'd love to see the median have more of a downtown feel so that the community comes down in the evenings and weekends. In regards to the fountains on the median. I would love to have some fountains. That is what makes the avenue unique,Avenue of the Fountains. I do agree that they need to be water and energy efficient. If we are going to have events on the median,then yes we do need some sort of shading, however not necessarily hard roofed. The style of shading will depend on the overall look we are trying to create. Public restrooms should be added in the areas,but not in the median. 170 I think the most important consideration is for existing and future landscaping to require as little upkeep and use as little water as possible. Any new trees should provide shade without drinking up a lot of water,which means mostly trees that are native to the desert or have adapted. Other plants should also be desert friendly. There are lots of bushes and flowering plants that can survive the desert heat and still provide a pleasing view. I'd like to see the Avenue as a respite,not only for people but for birds and maybe some smaller desert critters. A few benches instead of ramadas would be nice. Sculptures are great,but I think there is enough of it now. The pieces that can't be repaired might be something private donors can offer to replace. Am a bit leery of a public restroom,as they can get messy. If that makes it into the plan, there should be something in place to encourage people to help keep it clean. No stage or plaza,please!! Those are already in place at the Fountain and would detract Now Page 6 of 28 • 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback-June 4,2012 c from the natural and(hopefully)relaxing nature of the Avenue. Love the Christmas lights,since that's about the only holiday draw the town has(besides the luminaries). 171 I don't like the idea of a public restroom on the median,but one ought to be available within convenient walking distance of Ave of the Fountains. 172 I offer the following opinion: the existing fountains should be removed to save electric, water&maintenance. We already have a wonderful water feature directly in sight,the town fountain. We should not take away from that or try to compete with it. It is our town landmark. Also,we do not need another public stage since there is one just across the street in the park. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to comment. 173 I think you should leave all the existing vegetation and minimize the changes to the median. I can see repairing the fountains,as they are part of the community identity. The median should be used as a park(during the day,not at night)and as such,should be focused on staying green. There is no reason to cut down the large beautiful trees that have grown there for so many years unless they are died or dying and pose a safety hazard. Building a restroom in the median would be costly and foolish, as the need to use one is a good way of getting visitors to go to the shops on the North side of the Avenue. And why build costly ramadas when you have all the beautiful trees to provide shade. Also, stop wasting money wrapping the trees in lights every holiday season. Use the lights on the shops on the North side instead. Finally,the irrigation system would require a lot less maintenance if we didn't have the farmers market and other events taking place in the median,which is generally what causes the damage to begin with. Minimize the costs....keep the median green and take any money for median maintenance out of the funds the Town provides to the Chamber of Commerce. 174 This money would be better spent on roads if the roads are so poor no one will come to the median anyhow. This is a good example of doing what is easy and avoiding real needs. 175 Some of the questions are too vague without knowing what will replace, costs, from where the monies to do the project will come. Is this project really a priority during this time when money could be well spent somewhere else or not spent at all. The median is just that....why do you want to clutter it up with a public restroom and shade ramadas? Parking for the existing stores is already a problem when the median is being used for things. You believe the trees are blocking the fountain.... I certainly don't want to be looking at public restrooms and the building and upkeep costs would be outrageous! 110, If you are talking about new public art....I disagree unless it is donated. The artwork in Page 7 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 J Fountain Hills is unique and fun but to be consideration more at the expense of taxpayers or taking from the town budget is poor judgment in my opinion. Do what HAS to be done to maintain/fix what is broken and stop spending money and then down the line complain that you need more money....which means more taxes. Fountain Hills taxes are too high now. 176 I am not in favor of any of these development plans. If we do not have funds for streets (Saguaro, in particular),we should not be looking to spend funds on development! Let's first put"food on the table and a roof over our heads before we go to"Disneyland"! The way the second part of the survey is worded,it assumes median renovation. That is a really railroading technique. Again, let's concern ourselves with things that are necessary rather than frivolous. Tighten our budget belt. Don't pay for a design service! Do you honestly think we can afford that? 177 Before the Town decides to spend perhaps millions of dollars dressing up the Avenue you should get the streets fixed. The money you intend to spend here should go toward the repaving of Saguaro Blvd. 178 Not until Saguaro Boulevard is put on#1 priority. It is a disgrace and any other funds spent on the median should be used for it. 179 There is currently no real"residential purpose"to the Avenue area and therefore we haven't been compelled to spend much time on the corridor. Farmers Market is a great example of a perfect use....however,it is traditionally held on a Thursday during work hours. Need more activities on this corridor during the weekend to draw us over there. It doesn't have to be on the caliber of the two Art Fair events...but more along the line of the weekly Farmer's Market approach. 180 Replacing any ill working water features and plants is imperative. Save water! Views along the Avenue are already there and having anchor trees at the entrance of the Avenue is visually appealing especially at the holidays. Isn't there some kind of flashing signal that can be triggered by pedestrians to alert traffic for crossing into the park from the Avenue? Solar lighting fixtures to many existing street lighting would be a plus even for night time strolling. Shade structures should also mirror existing styles on the Avenue. We must be ADA compliant. As a resident of the Avenue, street fairs is a whole separate issue that needs more space than I have here to discuss. I'm sure public restrooms would be appreciated by all who need to go to the bathroom! Public art should be displayed as part of a whole picture. Thank you! I appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts and look forward to possibly working with you in the future to make this project awesome! 181 As a 31 year resident I have an appreciation for the town history as well as the need for Page 8 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 • improvements in the interest of future development. I like what I see happening at the Fountain Park. As far as I am concerned,the Avenue of the Fountains median is just that. A median. So while I agree with the need for improvements to aging systems,unhealthy or high-water use plants...I do not wish to see the space turned into a meeting and gathering space. I like the fountains. I love the trees. And I love the holiday decorations. Add a path if need be but keep the concrete to a minimum. 182 Please fix the roads before spending money on the Avenue of the Fountains. 183 Public restrooms,while needed, should be unobtrusive. 184 I understand the appeal to hold events like farmer's market on the avenue. However, these day-only events(unlike Art Fair)create dangerous conditions for pedestrians and motorists. People drive by the"window shop"from their car,delivery vehicles block traffic,and often cars stop to off-load in the street rather than pull into a parking space. I would oppose further development of these types of events....should be held on Fountain park property. 185 Please stop trying to get rid of all the trees,even palm trees and other plants that may not be on the Town's list have value. We should be planting more trees. 186 Streets should be repaired before they get any worse. The next thing you know,we will have pot holes all over the city. This is keeping property values down! 187 While I agree that leaking fountains should be replaced with those that use water more efficiently,I am accustomed to the current visual style&would hope the replacements are similar or even better enhancement of the avenue. I think is important to any community, but we don't have to have numerous stand alone bronze statues. The art can be subtle and free flowing. We are surrounded by communities that have done this. Making the median safe, appealing, and environmentally responsible should be the top priorities. More areas of seating to enjoy the beauty also,public restrooms a must. 188 How about up lighted palms down the median to provide atmosphere,lights and minimally obscure the view of the fountain. Would not like a public stage as we have the amphitheater area in the park. Perhaps an event plaza,where a temporary stage could be erected? 189 The village needs to take care of existing facilities FIRST. Condition of parks, streets,etc. has been ignored as they have been allowed to fall apart. The off lease facility is a total mess;maintenance of park grass areas is horrible. Let's get our house in order prior to spending funds on"improvements". 1.41.0190 We have enough fountains and statues. Fix what we have and not add a lot—some Page 9 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 cement benches and trash cans need repair. Bricks could be removed. 191 No median renovation until Saguaro Blvd is upgraded.—Please! Please put first things first. There is too much emphasis on things that are not essential! When plants die or are destroyed,then replace with compliant plants. First do the streets. Why do we pay for a Town Manager? Shouldn't the Council and Mayor manage it? Why are we paying J2 Design if we cannot afford streets? 192 If it's not broken,leave it alone! Please do not remove trees! People love the shade! I work on Avenue of the Fountains and I look at the median everyday! The green is restful and the tourists(I see people and they come in our office everyday)comment on how inviting the median is (add benches but not shade ramadas—ugly! Talk about blocking the view, I I I) People take"all their pictures"by the entrance to the Avenue by the beautiful tall pine" 193 With regards to putting in improvements such as electrical i.e....for the different fairs we have. I say no,because we tax payers should not have to pay for the Chamber to close our streets down for over 6 days a year for their benefit. All they do is have parties for themselves,give awards to each other on our dime. I work on the avenue of the fountains and very much dislike the fact that I cannot conduct business during these Chamber function.....They do nothing to insure that myself and my clients can find a parking spac 0 Thus I have to close my doors during all these functions. Thank you for your time. 194 Any rework of the median area should include a proper and safe cross walk across Saguaro to Fountain Park. I would also suggest a roundabout rather than another traffic signal other than perhaps a caution flasher. Any event lighting should be used only for events not ordinary street lighting. An events stage is redundant,use the amphitheater stage in the park or use temporary reusable staging. 195 There should be an effort to bridge the — gapbetween Fo untain Hills and Scottsdale Tempe—Phoenix. Adding a light rail system for access as well as visitors from around the area. This would be a cost and energy efficient pull to bring people into Fountain Hills for activities as well as living. Access to college,games,art, events,work,airport etc 196 I agree that the trees are old and should be replaced...but with Palm tree,not the type of trees that do not lend to the landscape as I see they have already placed several of these types of trees at the fountain and they look so out of place!!! 197 Get rid of the idea of a 12 screen movie theater and put in an old fashioned theater with 4- 5 screens,old time candy&popcorn and put in a venue for the town theater and other performing arts projects. Symphonies,ballets,etc that will enhance the avenue also no big box buildings or parking structures. Keep it in the small town feel and appeal. 198 I applaud efforts to improve the median of the avenue,but I also think it's very important Page 10 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 C to keep large trees shading the avenue and proving an ambience that beckons to people. A two block strip of fountains,desert plants,and pathways without large shade trees would be very unappealing and probably very hot. Improving the median to accommodate art shows, farmers markets, concerts,and other events is very desirable. I hope the town,if this is done,really gets behind USING the space to get visitors to Fountain Hills, i.e., sponsoring more concerts and events,advertising these events,etc. the Chamber seems only interested in November and February art fairs. They set the tents up so that the median of the avenue and sidewalks in front of the businesses are"storage areas"for the tents. That doesn't help the local businesses. It seems that a beautiful new median,with shade trees, fountains,pathways,public art etc as well as the sidewalk in front of the businesses should be open to visitors. Surely the south side of the avenue, Saguaro and perhaps other nearby streets(La Montana and Verde River)can accommodate the tents and visitors can enjoy the ambience of our"downtown"street. 199 Remove and not replace the fountains. On the subject of"integrated public art",I'm OK with that so long as the walkways,walls, site furnishings, etc are NOT provided for the sole purpose of presenting more art. While I support art for public display, I don't believe we should be spending money on additional art at this time when more serious infrastructure issues(repairing roadways comes to mind)need our attention and financial resources. 4°200 Instead of repairing or replacing the fountains,convert them into something that does not require any water or maintenance such as art sculptures. Your question was skewed to assume only replacing the fountains, and does not allow for other options such as removing the fountains. The avenue of the fountains has a name referring to water fountains but the name can stay and still refer to the main fountain park as well as the history of the blvd. 201 This strip of land definitely needs development and improvements made. We are in full support of such improvements, so long as improvements do not interfere with mountain view,nature, etc and are not distracting in any way. 202 The goal for the median strip should be a place of small plazas where locals and visitors can gather in the seating provided and under the shade of low growing, shady trees with ample seating and safe passage from one side of the boulevard to the other due to the parking available there. In the long run,this will be less expensive than maintaining ramadas or other unsightly structures for shade purposes. It should be beautiful in and of itself,as it now is,and any large construction should be confined to the larger park around the lake,not in the middle of the boulevard. While it is nice to consider the various events held there, spending enormous amounts of money to provide additional lighting,electrical hook-ups, large permanent bathrooms, etc is not economically feasible. The return on the investment is just not there. Therefore although I realize that perhaps the Chamber of Commerce would like to see all these things happen, it would be unfair to the residents who have to support the costs. Itire Page 11 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 203 A number of these are good ideas but I tried to prioritize because of cost. What I would really like to see is development of the vacant space on the south side. A movie theater or other entertainment venues. 204 The Avenue of the Fountains should provide an attractive option to explore Fountain Hills as a pedestrian. An excellent project to bring visitors to Fountain Hills with the art,the fountains and the views. A good investment for the Town and the surrounding businesses. 205 The water leaks NEED to be addressed, in the fountains and the watering system. Trees that are in danger of falling or wind damage NEED to be addressed. Public stage should NOT be considered,not enough space. Hard roofed shade ramadas should NOT be considered,too much chance of high wind damage. A public restroom would be an eyesore; one can be built on vacant lots on the north side of the Avenue. People are going to cross the Avenue where ever they want. Cross walks will not help. No night lights down the Avenue. We don't have street lights in neighborhoods and don't need to waste the electricity downtown. Where is the power for the art fairs coming from now? If the main power supply NEEDS to be updated,then it should be. Booth space is not a need, it's a want. The present pieces of art NEED to be kept and included in any remodeling. New pieces of art are `WANTS' and should not be included. 206 Creating a comfortable and inviting exterior s space with shade structures and furnishings g would be high on my list—along with refurbishment or replacement of the fountains and irrigation system and brining the landscaping into compliance with low water use principles. It's time to say goodbye to the grassy median. Also,aesthetics,function, and ease of set-up for the fair booths should b a top priority(including appropriate electrical receptacles) since the fairs are a major source of income for the town. In my mind there is no feasible way to improve the physical link between Fountain Park and Avenue of the Fountains. If there was money to bring the Avenue up to speed that wouldn't be an issue as people would be naturally drawn to this extension of the park. Although we love Christmas,we think that the large amount of money spent putting up those tired old Christmas decoration could be much better spent. Thanks for sending the survey. 207 I strongly believe that commercial development,particularity a movie theater,is not all Page 12 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 C economically viable or sustainable. The town will be left with a vacant eyesore. We have enough commercial vacancies in this town not to even mention vacant homes. Some people in our town government have a vision of Fountain Hills competing with Scottsdale. Use common sense in planning and think like a business person. 208 During the renovation everything should be done to ensure easy access to existing businesses. It is important to keep these shops and restaurants thriving. 209 Who pays for the electricity for all the events using the median and possible lights/power receptacles? The holiday lights should be sponsored by different clubs and organizations that help fund the cost of the electricity and keeping the lights on during the season. The median should retain grass. 210 Dog walking should be eliminated from the grass median. We have and pay for a dog park. 211 We don't agree with the restaurant infringing on the sidewalk. They are using"public" property to enhance their seating. We understand the restaurant needing more seating but it shouldn't take away the"4 lane" sidewalk forcing pedestrians to detour around their fencing. 212 How can we be sure of your statements about trees or irrigation systems? How are we to answer questions if we do not have all the information you currently have? Why are you looking to spend money we do not have and make major changes to an area that doesn't need most of the things you seem to want done. It seems, like the roads,you have this wish list and what you really want is to spend money when we do not have it. First and foremost,getting away from Fountain Hills and driving around this country, you'd realize there are terrible roads, far worse than our own, and some are even toll roads. We need to repair or replace the irrigation system,repair or replace pavers and walkways to make them ADA and customer friendly. We need to do only what will save money, not enhance for the sake of some expensive concept created by those who might profit from work given to make new and"Better"(maybe not better)looks along the Avenue. We do Art on the Avenue and the 2 Fountain Hills C of C shows so we are very familiar with the area on a weekly basis. We need more info to voice on these issues. 213 Do not add stuff to the median under any circumstances. Just fix stuff that is already Page 13 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 there. 214 We feel that natural shade proved by trees is important to preserve and takes priority over a"view"of the fountain. The fountain is visible for miles when it is on, otherwise there is not a lot to see. By contrast,the trees are visible and provide shade and clean air at all times. Public performance stage is better in the park—make improvements including shade for existing area. Public restroom is better placed in park and/or along the south side of the Avenue. 215 I would like to see our major streets leading into our beautiful town fixed and maintained before we spend more money to do other projects like replacing trees or creating an event plaza. 216 Road maintenance should take precedence over any improvements except those that save water. Sponsors of events should raise money to pay for improvements related to their events,i.e. art fairs, farmers markets. The developer for new construction projects on the south side should provide for pedestrian crossing to benefit his development. Donations should pay for holiday displays! 217 We feel that the city needs a lighted area that people can go and walk safety at night. It is,. too dark around the lake so Avenue of the Fountains would be a great alternative. 218 Avenue of the Fountains should have fountains on it. Switch to desert landscaping(no grass). Trees improve air quality, shade and add beauty. Their benefits outweigh the issues. People should walk five feet to the right or left if they want to see the fountain. Do not cut down trees to accommodate human laziness. There is a stage and event plaza in the park two blocks away. Other than art fair vendors(who have tents)no one stands in the sun on the avenue long enough to merit the expense. Hats are sufficient. Restroom is needed during events,use porta-potties so everyone doesn't have to look at a bathroom every time they walk or drive down the avenue,during the 98%of the time that there is no event and no one in need of a toilet. 219 We are residents of Fountain Hills for over 30 years. We would love to see Avenue of the Fountains in a way that attracts people even for just a stroll. It needs to be a walk-through for pedestrians with lush surroundings(lush doesn't have to mean non-eco friendly plants/trees)that provide a peaceful atmosphere and also an escape from the heat.A public stage or event plaza not in the median,but maybe on the south side of the street. We like the idea of ramadas. Somewhere with trees,fountains and a pretty walkway throughout. Please don't strip it of its trees, and please keep the holiday lights! They really are an attraction! 220 The avenue does need an updated look,but as most of us has come to realize in this Page 14 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 40 economy, our wants vs.needs have to be carefully scrutinized. There are more pressing issues in the town, i.e.how to attract and retain businesses,road upkeep, etc. Remove the fountains,cut down old trees,reduce water consumption and renovate on a"best bang for the buck"budget to make the avenue"spiffier". Please learn how to be fiscally conservative and create a master piece—then feel good about your conservation efforts. 221 Please don't cut down trees—or even trim them. We need all the green we can get. No need of performance area on Avenue of the Fountains. There is one in the park. Same for restrooms as they are available across the street I the park. Please keep park open and green and same for the Avenue of the Fountains. 222 We need more downtown events,thus we should focus on redeveloping around what fits into the redesign to accommodate more fairs, farmers markets,theme seasonal events and tie them into utilizing the park. Public art is extremely important,however we need to expand what is public art...it is not only sculptures, a beautiful covered ramada that would provide a venue, shade or a visual space is ART. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few and that is what the redevelopment should be concerned with. Also,a new ordinance that mandates that the vacant downtown lot owners must bring their bare land into an approved landscape `greening' compliance that reflects the updating of downtown Fountain Hills and that all future studies for the improvement of the downtown area must pay a%of those studies if it directly affects their properties. 223 Let's keep Fountains Hills beautiful! Public stage or event plaza; I don't know if this is the best place for it. 224 No stupid roundabouts entering the avenue form either end. 225 Median lights should be upscale(street lights)on both sides of the avenue to create ambience for events and gatherings. 226 Overall comments: Big picture—What's the primary purpose of the median? We need to know that before we talk about enhancements,improvements or anything else. First we need to know how the median is intended to be used. Outdoor art is mentioned...isn't that an obstruction to our two fair set-ups each year; isn't it vulnerable to damage? I don't mean to be negative about our beautiful art—I'm just being realistic. 227 This is the main street of Fountain Hills and should showcase our town. I think a desert 4 landscape similar to Desert Botanical Garden with a path way and natural desert plants would be a great change. Water features and statues could be added with shaded seating areas and gathering people points for the conversations. Small performance areas could be available for concerts and music events. Public restrooms would be needed for events. Maintenance would be an added cost,but the Scottsdale Mall seems to be able to cover their public restroom expenses. Also consider a traffic circle at the Avenue and La Page 15 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 j Montana. Past and current designs are dangerous and accident causers. Temporary staging will suffice. Ramadas around lake would be better. Public restrooms; 228 better location would be building on south side east of Town Hall. 229 Fix the streets that are falling apart! Priorities! Maintain existing facilities....The off leash facility is a disaster,has been for a long time. 230 Public art: If affordable. New plant material:Not necessary. Public stage or event plaza: Use Fountain Park Performance Pad. Hard roofed shade ramadas: WHY??? Public restrooms:Not necessary. 231 There was a lot of money spent on the north side of the avenue. It did little to enhance the looks and did nothing to improve business on the avenue. I hope in these hard economic times and tight budgets,that the spending would be kept to a minimum. Maybe this money would be better spent on street repairs. I would like to know if the Chamber of Commerce is contributing anything to the improvements; it will benefit them more than anyone else. Also,as a property owner on Parkview Avenue,I think it is grossly unfair to spend millions on one street and totally ignore other streets. 238 I would like to see the whole median blocked off. Since the movie theatre will be going in there,will be parking spaces. There are also spaces behind most businesses that are underutilized now. It would be so nice to have an area that is only pedestrian friendly. I was on the City Council back in Illinois and the response was terrific. Lighting at night could come from street lights with baskets of flowers handing off them. Increase the amount of benches. It gives such a welcoming,homey feel and somewhere to relax. I think a limited amount of large shade trees could be incorporated. Smaller trees such as the orange would not work. I believe the business owners along the median would actually increase their sales. This would be a destination,not a drive by. As far as the event stage,that's a great idea,both for the art fairs and to get people to come downtown. As far as the connection to the fountain,there should be a push walk button,well marked on the pavement,so that you can proceed safely. That would simplify everything. Do not put a roundabout in. The cost is prohibitive and no one cares for them. Good luck,I am excited to see the improvements. 240 Lighting of paths,walkways and highlighting of landscaping rather than high street/flood lighting preferred—would also contribute to pedestrian safety—ease of use. 241 Depends on who does it. 242 I am one of the Thursday"Art on the Avenue"artist. The gravel walkway is dangerous and the bricks that line it,too. I have had several people trip and fall by my display. Looks like a law suit waiting t to happen. We have a stage in the park and the circle by the Community Center, library,museum,why do we need another one? 243 No! No! No! Leave the big trees. Please keep large trees as part of the median. They Page 16 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 C offer shade and enhance our town. Many of the trees live to be hundreds of years old. If a tree does have to be removed and another tree should replace it. Our avenue is part of the beauty and buildings obstruct the views,not trees,they only add to the ambiance. 244 I feel the most immediate priority ABOVE ALL ELSE,is the repair of Saguaro and Shea. It is the first thing people see when they come to Fountain Hills and Saguaro especially is in horrible shape!! 248 The project should contain a cost time line that is tied to Fountain Hills Financial abilities of the project. This also should incorporate the projects as they relate to a ranking of most beneficial to meet a short and long-term objective. Fountains reduced in size and or number and add xeriscape landscaping throughout. Pedestrian access—consider speed bumps and crosswalks with solar flashing signs. Also add solar signs NOW at the crossing to the fountains. Minimal additions for lighting and power for now. The Great Fair works now. Farmers market is a daytime event. A 40-year plan should be very flexible. A restroom attached and designed to fit in with new construction on the south side. 249 The lush,green atmosphere and tree canopy of the existing median are an important aspect of the area. Some people like the solid infrastructure of buildings and sidewalks like Kierland Commons;however,I believe the citizens of the Town would prefer a more rural feel with the natural landscaping of grass and trees. There is no need to remove trees to open up a view to the fountain;there are plenty of other areas from which one can view the fountain. I believe it is important to retain the welcoming feel of the existing median with the grass,trees and fountains. While this is a major use of water,it is an important use of water for the Town. Repair/replace the fountains and irrigation systems to the extent possible. Add a meandering sidewalk so all may access it. Add a crosswalk for north/south pedestrian street crossing in a logical location. Add permanent power outlets for booths to be set up at fairs;but do not put in permanent booths or booth space. The less concrete,the better. Temporary booths with white canopies add to the hometown feel of the fairs. But allow access to the center median during these fairs rather than shutting it off by the placement of the temporary booths. The addition of one small pavilion for live entertainment and gatherings is a great idea. Add reliable, safe and sturdy string lighting in the median,with light poles on the north and south sides of the streets. If cost is an issue,keep holiday decorations to a minimum,but keep the string lights year-round. Retain as much of the existing public art as possible. Add public restrooms to appropriate locations on the north and south sides of the street—not the median. Stripe the streets to make them two lanes Page 17 of 28 • 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 rather than the existing extra-wide single lanes where vehicles wander. And avoid permanent ramadas (other than one pavilion)in the median to keep the rural,welcoming feel. Thank you for your service to the Town! 250 Thank you for all your efforts to improve this area! 252 The median on the Avenue is an inviting green area with a peaceful park-like setting. Adding amenities like public restrooms and ramadas,although convenient, changes the overall character. Thank you for the opportunity to offer my input. 253 We need to be very careful not to create a heat island. Several of the trees provide shade and should be preserved. We really enjoy the grass and the cooling effect. Also,there are too few fountains. I think we should create a rock stream from the west end to the east end and build around it. 257 Fix the roads before starting any median work!!!! 259 Please,please keep the grass on the median north of Verde River Dr. The dark green lush lawn is an oasis in the middle of the Avenue and is actually cooler than the areas without grass. Add trash receptacles on the median north of Verde River. Please do not convert the median into a desert landscape with hot gravel and low growth plants that do not provide shade. Keep/upgrade the two waterfall/pond features. My wife and I walk our dog up and down the median every evening and would hate to see the variety(i.e. grass, fountains,ponds,trees)that it provides,be replaced with xeriscape and rocks just because it is so much easier to maintain. Thank you. 260 Along with Avenue of the Fountains renovations,your should look into a performance pad east of Avenue of the Fountains near the lake about 30 yards west of the lake. Also someday a tunnel should be built under Saguaro Blvd to connect the lake with the Avenue of the Fountains. I know these are major improvements but they are necessary to complete this package. 262 Median path should extend to La Montana and be on both sides of the avenue. New theatre should incorporate stage for shows,maybe include Fountain Hills Theater. Do not remove trees! Add more tall ones. Restrooms can be put next to commercial spots...not on median. Re-examine stop signs at Saguaro—a waste of time and gas. Just put in pedestrian cross- Page 18 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 C walk buttons and stop lights. 265 The west end should have a couple more Fountains. It is called the Avenue of the Fountains. Bathroom and water on the west end; fountains"Yes";Lights—"Yes"walkway on the west end—"Yes"and a couple of benches and tables for"checkers", etc—"Yes" 266 Why doesn't the Town use the money to increase the appeal of Fountain Hills Boulevard? It is in dire need of help especially if you are comparing it to Palisades or Saguaro. 282 It Is my opinion that the town management needs to concentrate on what is absolutely needed,unless of course there is lots of extra money. The kind of mind-set is why most people did not vote in favor of the road bond. People in town do not have extra money lying around,with layoffs,pay cuts,401k going to the tank. It is kind of hypocritical that just a few months ago the town was talking about budget cutting, and now there is consideration of trees and replacing pools. When the town is prospering, and we have extra money,let's do these nice extra things. 283 Although I agree with many of the items listed,I would want the opportunity to prioritize them to meet the budget. Regarding a public stage or event plaza,the stage in Fountain Park can serve that need. Regarding hard roofed shade ramadas,I prefer desert shade trees to go along with the Greening of Downtown. Regarding a public restroom on the median,I would prefer one but not on the median. Can a vacant business area be converted to a restroom? I am thinking of the building on the northwest corner along the driveway across from the Sunset Gallery at 16846 E. Ave of the Fountains. It is the building north to where Coldwell Banker was. 284 Don't cut down any trees—design around them. They are the view and add character. The median is not a permanent retail space. Don't commercialize it with event spaces. Electric is ok. Unobtrusive night lights. Public restroom should be off median and integrated into other buildings on the north or south sides of the street. No buildings in the median. Landscape doesn't look distressed. The loose stone pathways are messy and many border repairs needed. Consider pavers and not concrete. 285 Do not cut one tree or change the grass. The median is a green oasis in a sea of brown sameness. I often drive the Avenue of the Fountains just to enjoy the big trees and green grass. If you must spend money repave Saguaro Boulevard. 286 If it costs extra money to incorporate then"no". Leave as stand alone in regards to public art. $2 M seems a lot of money given current budget restraints. Have we looked at what we can do or get done with 750 K.? We need to stop this all or nothing attitude and look at lower cost options to still take care of our town but without the large price tags. I would challenge the bidders with providing lower cost options. 400e287 New plants in median should fit in the landscape theme that will allow those healthy trees Page 19 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 J to remain. It might look odd to incorporate cactus i.e. saguaro with those types of trees. Trees are wonderful at Christmas time when decorated. 288 Walkways on median need to be paved. Area very important to businesses and exhibitors. 289 Never cut down trees. Use deep irrigation to make root go down not sideways. Repair, do not replace irrigation. 290 Be creative! Make it remarkable(something worthy of being remarked about)! Make it something that people will come to Fountain Hills just to see. Instead of adding art,or incorporating art into the design,make the design itself a piece of art! 291 Functional public art is okay,but will cost more. It should not be a replacement for stand- 0 alone pieces. What is meant by"interaction with fountains"? Beautiful fountains can also be considered public art. A public stage or event plaza will not be needed if the Town purchases a mobile stage. 292 The median is a mature focus and as such, should have minimum changes. Trees should remain and grass. It is only due to the ugly empty space on east side that the features are "Lost"if there were attractive structures the median would have a better visual impact. We do not need to spend large sums to redue the median,just maintain what is there cost effectively. May risk a modern eyesore? 293 Remove trees at end of life cycle—do not replace. Like idea of incorporating existing public art*No additional art needed*. Let's keep additional water features out! The main"fountain"should be the focal point. We don't need additional water features! 294 Development of the south side of the avenue is the most crucial need to improve the area. The addition of a movie house would be the best development to our Town since we moved here 15 years ago. We feel a focus to that end is primary—other improvements are actually like painting half the house. 295 Seems strange to concentrate on beautifying the Avenue of Fountains without repairing Saguaro Blvd.,the main arterial into downtown. With a 12-plex movie theatre proposed to block a view of the Fountain from the Community Center east facing ballrooms,it seems senseless to be concerned with views from the Avenue. Thought there was no money to do ANYTHING in Fountain Hills. Where is the money coming from? It is silly to fix the Avenue for those who spend only a few months here,not spending money to support the town. A survey to find out what businesses would keep residents here in town spending money HERE instead of traveling to nearby towns to buy things would make more sense. Let's get real! This is a stupid survey and one wonders why we are begin asked these questions rather than questions as to help to get our town healthy financially. How much money did we waste on this dumb survey? Will you report that i Page 20 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 C the local newspaper? 296 I think the Avenue of the Fountain should remain a quaint place. I would really like to see public transportation provided on the Avenue and perhaps to other key places in the community. I picture an open vehicle that resembles a trolley to"shuttle"people around the area for shopping and town services, such as the library and Senior center. Of course, an air conditioned vehicle would make a longer shopping season possible. This could be a great business opportunity for someone. It would not necessarily need to be a service provided by the town,but instead in cooperation with the town. I know the town has received funding for public transportation and that options are still being considered. I understand there is a need for transportation to Mayo clinic and other doctor's offices as well,but I think having constantly running vehicles in the downtown area would be very inviting to people. 297 Existing trees are beautiful and mature. They absorb light and heat instead of throwing it off. Keep it classy,not commercial. Public stage? Far too small an area for that. No ramadas again,throwing off light and heat. Visual mess. Benches are perfect. No restrooms. We don't want bums and homeless hangouts or the maintenance. 298 Public art is a joke. No logic or theme what so ever. A real miss-mash. Whoever approves these should be shot. If we are going to have"public art",there should be an overall plan with some logic and agreed to be the community. By the way,who pays for all of these eyesores? 299 The trees in the median should remain. The shade and greenery provided by the large mature trees is so critical to the character of the avenue. This survey is extremely biased. The small fountains should be replaced with trees and large scale art. No new costly, water wasting fountains are needed. Of course we should provide access for everyone but at what cost? The pedestrians should be directed along the sides of the avenue in front of the businesses,not into the median to bypass the businesses. There are far greater needs in town that would provide far greater benefit. Let's use this money to improve the pedestrian connectivity throughout downtown. Better pedestrian connections to the park and a rebuild of Saguaro that does not require costly,ugly traffic signals would able a far better use of these funds. Event space throughout the park and or near the library would be much better. Stop looking for projects when you still have not addressed the needs on Saguaro. Again, do not remove these huge old trees. Maybe we should get rid of the senior center and senior living since maybe those they serve have gone beyond their expected lifespan too. Ridiculous! 300 Adding electrical facilities is a good idea to the median;however the event users ought to be responsible for some portion of the cost of the infrastructure as well as the energy usage. 302 During a Farmer's Market this past April,I was not able to push my husband in a Page 21 of 28 • 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 wheelchair because access to the central median was not consistent. We had to walk in the street during heavy traffic,which was not safe. Please improve access to meet(ADA) guidelines. 303 Spending 2 M on this proposed project is a waste of scarce funds. Making the statement that repairing the existing fountains is not an option; defies logic. They could also be repaired and maintained as required. It appears that the Town Staff(Council?)has decided to proceed with this project without considering what the citizens want! 304 Streets need repair not fountain median. 305 No one comes out at night.—ADA guidelines are ******. There should be minimum renovation. The ****** are trying to justify their fees by satisfying their ideas. Do they live here? Trees need to remain. The greening of the avenue is proceeding—why remove mature trees. They can't see the forest for the trees. Traffic&parking is a problem now. Jay-walkers pay no attention to moving vehicles. The stage is someone's ******* -a waste of money just to satisfy a few. A plus would be to lose the grass to save water and deter dog walking. I'm on the avenue for 27 years. No one hangs out here. I know these people and they won't. Less than of the town use this downtown. Most go to Scottsdale. 306 Christmas displays set at an angle vs. east/west. Give a better visual walking or driving the avenue. How about marking the avenue for 2-lanes of traffic,each way. Cars often drive it in two lanes even when cars pre-parked! Would like to see the tall healthy trees remain. Indicates some maturity to the Town. 307 The addition of beautiful fountains will be public art that is both functional and stand alone. Ask the Public Art committee to help in the selection of them. There is talk of the Town purchasing a portable(mobile)stage. This would eliminate the need for an event plaza. 308 What good does this form do??????You do as you wish anyway. I would like to see the designs of these ideas. Could be good; could be bad. Do not remove trees. The Holiday Inn is an extremely ugly view. Remove the Holiday Inn before you put more junk in there. Public restroom--ugly not attractive. 309 Public Stage in the park not the median. Trees for shade. Will the Town provide the high maintenance [public restroom]they require?If so,then"YES". 310 DO Not Cut The Trees Down!!!! They are important for the ecology and wildlife such as hawks, owls and other birds that nest in them!!! They offer shad to a very hot summer months. Please don't cut them down—it will be such a loss to the Town if old trees are removed. Thank you! Create Balance!!Ill 311 Fountain Hills needs to continue to show a progressive, entertaining, and inviting image. Page 22 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 We really enjoy being a condo owner and winter resident in Fountain Hills. All of the items in this survey are important to maintaining the integrity of Fountain Hills. In addition,we sure hope the theatre plan comes to fruition and should be considered to be incorporated into the median plan for landscaping to make for a complimentary environment for all of downtown. 312 The roads in this town are pathetic. I no longer drive on Saguaro. For 40 years no one thought to budget to replace the roads. This town seems to ignore the basics and continues to build monuments to themselves. The only part that seems to get taken care of is around the town palace. I see the strategy, spend every penny you get on other things and then tell the people their taxes need to be raised because the roads are falling apart. Total fiscal irresponsibility on the part of the towns leaders. 321 Dogs should not be able to go to the bathroom anytime in the median. Public restrooms should be added but not in the median. 322 Native; low H2O. Tress will not block views;plant many. Place seating under trees. Enjoy all the fountains. 323 No funds should be used for the avenue other than safety issues. Any available funds for the avenue should be redirected to repairing Saguaro Boulevard. 324 Smaller sized restroom. Widen the boulevard will make it easier for people to cross the street. 325 Vegetation should be natural desert landscaping that requires a minimum of water and energy. Decorative water fountains are unnecessary and unnecessarily consume water and energy. They should not be included. 326 Take out the median fountains and build one beautiful water feature that is modern looking and also incorporates a large fire place for the cooler weather. Take out all those old,huge trees and all of the grass. Redo the median with xeriscape. Beauty, safety and accessibility should be the focus. Don't spend much money on the art. Let the landscape be the focus and let the landscape frame the beautiful lake and fountain. The owners of the buildings need some kind of break from the town to improve their façade as Sofritas has;this is the way the downtown should look. The sports bar/Anderson façade is a little to"Scottsdale"looking but can stay because it is beautiful. Design with an upscale new- adobe theme which would set the downtown apart from any other downtown area in the Phoenix Metro valley. Also,make comfortable areas to lounge and drink coffee,read, have a pet(like little covered living rooms outdoors.) Install the dog refuse and water stations as well as drinking fountains. Again,get rid of all those fountains, grass,and large trees. Now is the time to shine and redesign!! Then have a"grand opening"to the new and reborn downtown area. Thank you!!Intl Page 23 of 28 • 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 (;) Email received June 5, 2012, requested a correction to this comment regarding the All American Sports Grill. Message stated that the responder meant the Terra Nostra building was too Scottsdale. Stated that the All American building was just right of the decor as well as the Plaza Fountainside and the Strata townhouse complex. 327 While many trees are not low water desert plants,the fact that they are large and provide shade makes them a feature that is hard to replace. Short desert trees with low maintenance,are typically thorny and provide low or little natural shade. The avenue should be reviewed as a true avenue like Mill Avenue in Tempe or some aspects of Old Town Scottsdale. The median is not a true park in nature and should not server the same functions as Fountain Park such as a performance pad. The Fountain Park does not have permanent lighting and if the median on the one sided avenue is expected to get lighting I would think limited low wattage lighting would work or I would not vote for lighting that is always on. Most of these improvements would be acceptable if the avenue was a true avenue and had development on both sides. Lighting up the empty dirt lots wouldn't make sense, and I look forward to the year we can actually have a full avenue 328 Unless the Avenue does not meet standard codes,there are cross walks at every intersection. Why would you add anything additional like the u-turn which is unnecessary based on the volume of traffic and the fact that there have been no injuries or traffic related fatalities that keep prompting the"safety"issue? Build out the other side of the CI Avenue and then maybe you may have a case for additional north to south needs. As for Nig the lighting,what are you planning to do at night that would impact the dark skies policy or be safe considering you are asking about the south to north side access. 329 I would like to keep the median as it is. I love the big trees and green grass. I think the condition of the Avenue is in good repair and feel it would be better use of town funds to repair Saguaro Boulevard. I also think restrooms and a stage would detract from the park- like setting. 330 This is disgraceful to consider spending this money on median improvements when Saguaro Blvd needs its improvements. When we voted down the road bond,our town government chastised its citizenry in the newspaper and strategic plan for not investing in the roads. Now we evidently have$2 M available and you,our government,want to allocate it to some other project. You told us that roads were a priority. You are not placing them as a priority. I am extremely disappointed in this misappropriation of funds. Stay focused on our priorities. Put this toward the road fund in order to reduce the amount that is needed through bonds. 331 All trees should stay;beneficial to all of us. Replace non-desert vegetation as it reaches end of life. We do not need more ramadas and stages in downtown. 332 Oleander in median should be removed. Other than the Great Fairs,the Farmer's Market and a few other median events,the remaining type of events should be held at the Page 24 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 C Fountain Lake. 333 1. This poll is an excellent tool;the town needs to develop multiple means of communication to reach all resident demographics. I hope you will publish the completed data from it. 2. Practical PM Methodology teaches repair is always an option. This should apply to the fountains and irrigation. Think like a homeowner is an appropriate guideline. 3. This median is the best grassy pedestrian location in town and that should remain the vision. As such,the trees must be maintained and other work goes around rather that at their expense. Grandfather existing plants through their life cycle then replace with desert appropriate. 4. Incorporate restrooms on the south side of the avenue,not the median. Work with the theater developer for lower cost than stand alone and more practical access. 334 This is a VERY low priority project. The Council felt the ROADS were such an important concern they proposed a BOND issue to address. Well, spending the estimate 2 million dollars on this project is a BAD choice. 2 million dollars would certainly go a long way to address some of the areas on Saguaro Blvd. Please don't spend money on projects that are NICE and explain that WE DON'T have the money for projects later and YOU need to raise revenue. Focus on the Priorities the NEED funding and not things that a politician can be touted as a something they GOT for us. MAKE decisions like it WAS YOUR money, I would hope at home,you'd decide to repair the driveway before adding a pool in the backyard. 339 The town is reckless in their spending. The roads are atrocious and the Mayor and Town Council need to stop pondering artwork and clean-up the place. You built a palace [needlessly] to pay homage to your egos—the roads look like a third world—stop donating monies to the theatre [B.S.] green projects, etc. This town does not have a tax base [one-yr Scottsdale]. The town needs to save money and stop frivolous spending. My relatives laughed as we drove through the town when they visited on vacation B/C at the road conditions. 345 Don't trust you not to throw out if you knew who sent this 346 With the tight budget we currently have,many of these expenses seem to be unnecessary. I think some of these funds would be better served to help repair roads. 347 1. Do not remove the trees I the median unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. If removed,replace with other large mature trees. 2. Do not place lights on the median to make it a facility for night activities. We are a dark sky town. Keep us that way. 3. We do not need an events stage in the median. Page 25 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 4. An improved walkway in the median would be good,but it does not need to have a great design built into it. Simple pavers or concrete is good. The fancy design and extra money for the sidewalks on the north side of the Avenue of the Fountains was a waste of time and money. And then shortly after building,we let a private restaurant build a fence into and place tables over this sidewalk which cost a lot of money and replaced a functional sidewalk. Don't waste more money on anything but the minimum sidewalk needed to carry the pedestrian traffic during the art mart and farmers'markets. 348 Streets need to be given priority to anything else. 349 Money should be spent on Saguaro—not the median. 350 Monies being allocated for venue spending should be refocused to put towards repaving and rebuilding of Saguaro Boulevard!! 351 I believe street repair and upgrade should be our primary goal. 352 The project should be tabled and other"Maintenance"items reassessed for a better use of the funds. 353 None of the repairs seem needed. The avenue looks good. The money would be better spent on road replacement. Give the 1.8 million to the tax payer. Lower real estate tax by 1.8 million. 354 Spending money that the Town does not have is poor management. Fix the roads first. Balance the budget and use surplus,if any for these projects. 355 Fix the roads! 356 • Public Art in the median: Keep them where they are. • Plants low-water use: To be determined by cost and health of current plants. • Public stage: We have space provided in the park. • Public restroom: Maybe off on center of[n-side]—cost and maintenance should be main decision. 357 • Safe Pedestrian Access:people will always cross where they are. • I prefer shade trees to hardscape(ramadas). I know that the fountains are harder to maintain but the water is a great asset. It is the Avenue of the"Fountains". A restroom facility with drinking water is a must! Maybe in the second block? • A signage kiosk would be nice. Save trees for holiday lights and save room for the poinsettia tree. Page 26 of 28 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 • Construction timing is critical for existing businesses. We can't afford to be shutdown during our short"selling"season. 358 1. Please do not turn the median into a commercial venue. Keep it"park-like". No permanent facilities or stages! 2. Remember—trees have trunks you can see around(unlike bushes). 3. Would it be possible to put the restrooms next to Town Hall? 359 Get rid of the palm trees. Cross walks for pedestrians—nothing more elaborate. 360 The median is not a place for a stage event plaza,a public restrooms or hard roofed shade ramadas. These structures would cause problems with the set-up of the art fairs and the holiday lights. These structures should be incorporated in the development of the south side of the Avenue of the Fountains. 361 1. FOUNTAINS: The existing fountains should be removed. Some new more appropriate fountains that work into a comprehensive plan should be considered but need not be mandatory. The focus fountain is in the lake axial to the design space being considered. That's what gives its name. 2. IRRIGATION: A new irrigation system needs to be appropriate for the new landscape plan and not just replacing the existing as the questionnaire seemed to imply. 3. PROGRAM: I would recommend a written design program be developed for the space and that program also be presented to the public. What is the space to be used for? What activities will be accommodated? What are the design goals and objectives? What is the project budget? 362 1. Construct fountains that resemble fountains in the area of our sister cities, fountains of our southwest heritage with or without public art. 2. Create a tunnel from ave to park; eliminate a need for pedestrian crossing intersection. 3. Shade structures as we have now and a town gazebo. 4. Landscape,low water,natural desert trees,plants&cacti(some official town trees). 5. Scrape the idea of the 12-screen movie theater and high-rise building. It will not fly. Thanks. It seems you want the trees gone. I agree with having healthy trees,but don't take them 364 out! 40 year old trees are quite rare and one of the best parts of the avenue. Lights and events held at night: Is this really needed? ADA guidelines: ADA is important but doesn't seem to be an issue here. Page 27 of 28 I 2012 Avenue of the Fountains Capital Improvement Project Town Feedback—June 4,2012 a These questions seem to be very biased and leading to the outcome wanted by the person or committee writing the questions. I understand needing to improve or update infrastructure and I am for that. However, not at the expense of the big,beautiful trees. Having trees like these are a true blessing in Arizona. They provide shade,oxygen,and are visually stunning. Please take this into account. Sincerely! 367 There already is a public stage at the northwest corner of the Fountain Park. That's where the public restroom should be located. J Page 28 of 28 ,-----' c R4V` Pdua\ ``(11' o'-s ,ot v6°- �� d B�d¢e+ Ftye e�Ues* q9% PdoPte ;+z,503p0 +pz +3z+ ;+;a3,oA F�^d ;a 65 ppp +4X' d S+;6z,A5z S3y1, o +po% era\F"^ d +6 zpoAo Gen Uses Fir 93. 3 S y6o�05 z5% H` wa1 XFu^d S+g63155 ;z, A6 A% to t° .;c\sel e'''' as Szz667o5 Szza bbo 5qX 0)00. ps 010en 50 �eb 5 NtcewFd55 S9o1i39+ S;�p9ob+5 tC �e�',C g:ss begetopmen dF�Ods „A+,9az,90 • 3011 Ut SONw .6,6000 �` '¢, :.ram ti� ,� �Ya r 44e ' — . ,paV ,,+ram Economic Update to ' .;','. FY11-12 REVENUES Strategic Planning " ' , Fund Adopted Budget FYtz-13 Actual Y.of Budget Revenues* Advisory Commission General Fund $12,651,321 S12,588,300 99% June 2012 Highway User Fund $1,162,452 0083004 toz% Excise Tax Fund $272,136 $322,000 119% _t, Special Revenue Funds $1,463,255 $zoo,000 t4% 4ir .. Tin, Debt Service Funds $2,268,705 $z,z68,7o5 t00% f + rJ O,, BI'I Development Fees $92,688 S22,746 25% k/ o' i iis Capital Project Funds $14,072,391 $445,660 4% /Pii ' v TOTAL S31,982,948 $17r030a515 54% 3 q',+ Bryan *estimates rrprcd by: .1.,lir\.t:hr,u,t11'4('PA FY11-12 EXPENDITURES Local Sales Tax Revenues Fund Adopted Budget FT12-13 Actual %of Budget Expenditures* July-May Local Sales Tax Revenues Lou/DeerGeneral Fund S12,622,994 S12,too,000 96% Jul-May Jul-May July-May over Peer %of Highway User Fund $1,278,299 $1,2oo,955 94% FY2010-I I FY2011-12 Budget Year Budget Excise Tax Fund $211,364 $125,o0o 6o% Construction $518,955 $551.606 $159.641 6.3% 345.5% Transportation/Utilities $1,278,476 $1,295,404$1,354259 1.3% 95.7% Special Revenue Funds $1,485,510 $180,570 13% Wholesale/Retail $3,300,170 $3,313,756$3397,794 0.4% 97.5% Debt Service Funds $5,456,286 $5,288,447 97% Restaurant/Bars $512,960 $526,767 $486.618 2.7% 108.3% Real Estate $675,839 $625,046 $629,463 -7.5% 99.3% Development Fees $50,000 $50,12oo t00% Services $245,419 $248,873 $237,301 1.4% 104.9% Capital Project Funds $17,040,399 S911,677 6% Misc. $675,037 $682,496 $643300 1.1% 106.1% TOTAL S38044,852 St9,856,649 —Sz% (;rand Total All Categories $7206.856 $7.243948 $6,908576 0.5% 104.9% *c.timates 1 gee �iy Local Sales Tax `# Local Sales Tax July-May Retail Activity July-May Restaurant/Bar Activity 5600,000 Increase of 0.4%over prior year Increase of 2.7%over prior year s3 wasps I'a-a'rr. $ 3,000,009 ' , $900,000 $2,590,000 11111 04000,00051so0,our I.. 5100,009-- —,- I 190/SS 1111112911 9114919 921e11 921212 1,412119Gtet Pr00-o0 F10609 Fr0910 611011 61,11-12 11,12 wort nt E Local Sales Tax Local Sales Tax July-May Trans/Telecommunications Sales Tax Activity July-May Constrnrtlon Sales Tax Arthity lasses li Increase of 1.3%over pri s 1.z0o.0 III . . 50%of this revenue funds sl,000,000 slsmpae capital projects s600,990 — ; . . I Increase of 6.3%over prior year $600,000 n1100aM $600,000 I I $199e00 i i n i FY07.OB LY06-09 FY09-SO rFYlbil FYil-13 FY12 �� na-a, rTa9.19 FYILLll 2211.e2 F12994M Budget AVr1ii).zoi1 2 . l Tentative Budget FY12-13 PROPOSED TOWN Approved: BUDGET $31,552,772 CHANGES Since Tentative Budget Adoption: Reduction in law enforcement $103,470 Eliminate ADWR fee $ 29,107 Reduction in HURF $ 98,160 ADOPTED BY TOWN COUNCIL Total reductions ($230,737) J U N E 2 20�Z Added Saguaro Blvd Engineering Study $300,000 Reduce grants ($213,0001 Total proposed expenditures: $31,409,035 I TO\{'N OF FOUNTAIN HILLS REVENUES as SOURCE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EXPENDITURES BY USE or ans..) <,pa M0*Nog c. fn x, rwww.. rN[[M•..1[,„a t .'• •uvMn.'a[w wM tw/oeauw� .� y.•W[...m.r[.M •• M•W IYn�wIW [NY MM1wI IW [•• .wa.N[uM dM.0 r.M 1.1\1 ,11 ',1 hl'Eti TOT.u..ALL USES 014 $314 I 3 • • • • +w1'. • CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND A LOOK BACK AND FORWARD $12,043,810 FY2008-2017 Projected General Fund r'.rvcaur.i.n.xwF••d+•x w,•,.. Revenues arsd Expenditures F,a, nyMraiexny rvn <.pke ynlvrw 4mvM wnTvxn ...C.d.,.. 1545 woe sz.o.s000 .. ,> o.w.>M rVP,00 rv4F49 sy041D ryrift •ulHx run'n rvr414 ruin VIMD min .` MIN nn....16tMxT11P[5 tnP[4xlnL nr;rv,,f �.�.: i �^W r , • sb n Questions? 4