HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2011.1205.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING December 5,2011 AGENDA ITEM#1 —CALL TO ORDER Chair Koester Thomas called the meeting to order in Council Chambers at Town Hall at 3:04 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission: Chair Audra Koester Thomas, Vice Chair Curt Dunham, Commissioner Denise Atwood, Commissioner Mike Dooley, Commissioner Alan Magazine, and Youth Commissioner Sarah Traylor. Commissioner Nick DePorter was excused and Commissioner Barry Spiker was absent. Also present were Acting Town Manager Julie Ghetti and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM #4 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 16, 2011 Commissioner Dooley MOVED to approve the November 16, 2011 meeting minutes and Commissioner Magazine SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM#5—INTERIM TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE a. Council Retreat — Ms. Ghetti reviewed a list of items that Council, based on their November 17 Council Retreat, will consider to balance the FY12-13 budget and beyond (copy attached). She responded to questions from Commissioners that included clarifying the Senior Services membership fee; a concern that 60% of the proposed budget impact will be based on an election; identifying a contingency plan if the franchise fee does not pass; and explaining the method of putting together a balanced budget on an annual basis that is contingent upon a positive vote on a franchise fee that will occur halfway through the budget cycle. b. Town Manager Search — Ms. Ghetti noted that the Town Council and the direct reports interviewed the top three candidates and the Council will be having an Executive Session in January. She stated that names of the final candidates are not yet public, but that they will be. In response to a question about the timeline for a hire (originally end of this year) and whether or not public outreach would occur, Ms. Ghetti stated there is still going to be a public process but that the Mayor has indicated that the timeline has been pushed back closer to February. AGENDA ITEM #6 — DISCUSSION REGARDING RECOMMENDING PRIORITIES AND COUNCIL GOALS FOR FY 12-13 BUDGET PROCESS PER STRATEGIC PLAN 2010 Chair Koester Thomas noted that she had previously requested that Commissions review the Strategic Plan for Strategic Directions that should be recommended to Council as priorities for the upcoming FY12-13 budget cycle. Commissioner Dooley stated that he had identified Strategic Directions that he deemed important, and he distributed a handout listing them (copy attached). He pointed out that the he had organized the Strategic Page 1 of 4 t , Directions under three headings, i.e., "Reduce, Cut or Delay Expenses," "Increase Revenues," and "Enhance Communication Between Government and Citizens." Chair Koester Thomas stated that she had identified two Strategic Directions that were not included in CP Commissioner Dooley's first group, specifically I2 and I4; that she had also identified EV1 and EV2 in Commissioner Dooley's second group; and that she had also identified CR6 and CR7 in Commissioner Dooley's third group. She noted that while she had a couple fewer than Commissioner Dooley, she had identified several of the same ones. Commissioner Atwood stated she had identified several of the same priorities, but that she put Economic Development as her first priority because she does not feel that you can reduce, cut or delay your way into profitability. Commissioner Dunham pointed out the importance of growing the economy from within. Chair Koester Thomas noted Strategic Directions that she had flagged that Commissioner Dooley had not under Civility and Civic Responsibility, specifically Cl and C3. Commissioner Dooley suggested removing EV5 (to promote Fountain Hills as a visitor destination) as a Strategic Direction from the Strategic Plan. Chair Koester Thomas pointed out that the Commission could not discuss this as it was not agendized for this meeting,but offered to discuss adding it to SPAC's January agenda at the end of this meeting. Chair Koester Thomas additionally suggested adding CR1,CR2,CR3, and I4 as Council priorities. Commissioner Dooley indicated that adding too many priorities defeats the purpose and that the priorities need to cio be actionable. Commissioner Dunham stated that the majority of what Chair Koester Thomas added were not resource dependent. He also stated that the Commission should be conscious about adding items that require resources. Chair Koester Thomas noted that moving forward with CR6 would necessitate a budget allocation for a statistically valid citizen survey. Chair Koester Thomas inquired if there were any of the proposed Strategic Directions that should be taken away. Commissioner Dunham proposed that ELC4 be removed as a priority as he believes spending the resources to position the community as an arts and cultural center is premature. Commissioner Dooley suggested that I5 also be removed as a current priority. Commissioner Koester Thomas stated that she believe I3 is already being done. She indicated that there was no need to remove it,but asked for the thoughts of the Commission. Commissioner Dunham stated that he believes it is imperative to keep 13 in order to maintain a baseline assessment to track over time since the Town does not have a regular maintenance program. Commission Dunham stated that ELC5, EV1, EV2, EV4, and EV6 represent a related effort toward a comprehensive economic development strategy for creating career oriented jobs. Page 2 of 4 II Commissioner Atwood recommended prioritizing Economic Development as the first priority in the list presented to Council. Based on information obtained from Ms. Ghetti that an updated impact fee study is in process, Commissioner Dooley recommended removing I7. Chair Koester Thomas obtained consensus that C3 should be included in recommended priorities. Chair Koester Thomas noted that there are a total of 12 priorities on the list. It was the consensus of the Commission that the following Strategic Directions be recommended to the Town Council as priorities for the FY12-13 budgeting process: I1, I2, I3, I9,ELC5,EV1,EV2,EV4,EV6,CR6,CR7, and C3. Chair Koester Thomas stated that she would prefer to present these priorities in a memorandum to the Council, as opposed to presenting at a Council meeting, and the Commission agreed. Chair Koester Thomas will work with Commissioner Dooley to prepare a draft of the memorandum for SPAC's consideration at the January 11, 2012 meeting. Commissioner Dooley asked if the headings he had proposed on his handout were of value. Based on the recommendation of Chair Koester Thomas, the Commission agreed to simplifying the headings by removing the numbering (Priority #1A, etc) and listing them as "Increases to Revenue", "Reduce Cut or Delay Expenses",and"Enhance Communication between Government and Citizens." AGENDA ITEM#7—DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF SPAC'S ONGOING WORK PROGRAM • Chair Koester Thomas noted that at the last SPAC meeting there had been interest in further discussion about economic development with respect to basic job creation, specifically with respect to economic development clusters,and that Commissioner Magazine had been asked to prepare a presentation for this meeting. Commissioner Magazine distributed handouts (copies attached). He discussed economic clusters and reviewed a proposal on how the Town could potentially proceed. Discussion ensued about potential economic clusters for Fountain Hills, e.g., bio-sciences, health care, or solar; the potential to partner with the ASU New Venture group to do research on suitable economic clusters; the need to identify community assets; and the overwhelming size of the task and available resources. Chair Koester Thomas suggested carrying out the bullet point section of Commission Magazine's proposal as the initial work program. It was agreed that Chair Koester Thomas and Commissioner DePorter will contact ASU to ascertain interest and potentially invite the ASU New Venture Group for more dialogue at the next SPAC meeting. Chair Koester Thomas will also communicate with Lori Gary about this potential work program, which may dovetail into her Town asset and liability research. Commissioner Magazine suggested communicating with BVAC and other key groups. Chair Koester Thomas acknowledged that such communication with BVAC and other stakeholders would be important in the event this project is approved by Council and moves forward. 40 Page 3 of 4 Chair Koester Thomas turned the groups attention toward Commission Dooley's prior suggestion to ensure that a statistically valid Citizen Satisfaction Survey is conducted in the next fiscal year. Commissioner Dooley suggested developing a cost estimate by going back to the same firm that conducted the previous survey. Chair Koester Thomas stated that she can work with staff to obtain estimates. She noted that there is value in asking some of the same questions in each survey in order to track trends. Commissioner Dooley suggested leaving Lean Six Sigma on the table in view of Commissioner Spiker's absence. Chair Koester Thomas reported that she communicated with Commissioner Spiker that the Mayor has directed him to work staff regarding Lean Six Sigma. Chair Koester Thomas inquired if the Commission wanted to revisit the Strategic Plan edits in January, specifically removing one Strategic Direction. Commissioner Dooley stated that the the Commission should table that for now; that there are other ways to communicate other than removing it from the Strategic Plan. Vice Chair Dunham stated that it might be more appropriately addressed in the next Strategic Plan update. AGENDA ITEM#8—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETING DATES An additional meeting was scheduled on Monday,March 5, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#10—ADJOURN Commissioner Magazine MOVED to adjourn at 4:42 p.m. and Commissioner Atwood SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. LJ, 4s , � Shaunna Williams,Recording Secretary Page 4 of 4 FY12-13 BUDGET PLANNING RETREAT TOOLBOX EXERCISE SUMMARY Option Yes No Parking No Lot Consensus Decrease retirement contribution $27,398 Increase employee contribution to $121,610 health care premiums Mandatory furlough for Town $62,000 employees Reclassification of park lead to $13,187 groundskeeper Decrease recreation program $35,000 subsidy Increase Senior Services $6,800 membership fee Reduce part-time staff hours at $10,649 Community Center Eliminate vacant position in $80,000 Building Safety _:r Implementation of environmental $211,856 fee Increase sales tax rate on $550,000 telecommunications Propose franchise agreement with $600,000 L.water, gas companies Reallocate half of downtown sales $140,000 tax to GF Reduce sales tax rate, replace with $570,000 franchise, telecommunications tax increase Use 10% of General Fund reserves $60,000 for five years Propose primary property tax of$1 $1,200,000 per$100 of AV Renegotiate contract with Rural $35,869 Metro Reduce law enforcement contract $185,170 Reduce community contracts $71,450 Recruit part-time Prosecutor $50,000 Eliminate non-essential programs Unknown (recreation) TOTAL $1,041,896 $1,614,568 $1,120,000 $254,525 PRIORITY#1A REDUCE,CUT, OR DELAY EXPENSES %" 15 Explore ways to reduce wear and tear on the transportation system Including transit options and limiting of truck traffic. I I Maintain a 5=year capital improvements plan that includes programmed maintenance projects. 13 Maintain a current condition assessment of all roadways and sidewalks and prioritize and implement maintenance efforts to minimize costly reconstruction. 19 Build a protected fund to finance the major periodic maintenance of community facilities. PRIORITY##l B INCREASE REVENUES 1. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELC 4 Position the community's arts and cultural businesses, venues and amenities as economic drivers integrated into the Town's comprehensive economic strategy. • ELC 5 Encourage access to higher learning opportunities or the establishment of an educational or training campus within our community. EV I Develop a comprehensive economic development strategy for the Town's future and work with our partners to forward economic growth and awareness. • EV 2 Develop and maintain a balanced, equitable, sustainable and local financing structure to support the Town's core government services at desired service levels. EV 4 Promote retention, expansion and relocation of quality businesses. • EV 6 Identify a slate of economic development tools and strategies (including tax incentives, fee abatements, etc.) to stimulate economic growth. "promote the maintenance of an age-balanced population that will support The long-term sustainability of our community." "Define Fountain Hills' market niche and actively pursue opportunities that attract and retain high quality employment opportunities 2. FEES AND OTHER SOURCES 12 Lower the reliance on state revenues by developing a locally controlled, reliable funding source for infrastructure maintenance. 17 Maintain an up-to-date impact fee structure and equitable development agreements to ensure new growth is not a burden on existing residents and businesses. PRIORITY # 3 ENHANCE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN GOV'T AND CITIZENS 1. SURVEY CITIZENS CR 6 Evaluate customer satisfaction with Town services on a regular basis and implement appropriate service improvements. j 2. INFORM CITIZENS OF FINANCIAL CRISIS = CR 7 Communicate the role of local government and clearly define the trade-offs between service levels and amenities and the associated costs so residents can make informed choices. "Create a sense of urgency regarding the importance of residents and businesses taking responsibility to financially participate in the Town's infrastructure maintenance and provision of basic services to protect home, land and property values." Proposal 1. Create commission comprised of stakeholders, community leadership and two Council members. Objectives: • Identify 2-3 industries that are ripe for location/expansion in Fountain Hills eg. Healthcare/Wellness • Work with staff/consultants to do full analysis including but not limited to: --town assets and liabilities --roles of local and regional organizations eg. Visitor' Bureau, colleges and universities, industry specific organizations such as Mayo, governmental bodies, legislature etc. -- regional and subregional competition("Peoria aims to evolve into bioscience hub") --demographic trends • Produce 1, 3, and 5 year plans--- and resources required to achieve desired objectives. • Design and execute community outreach plan 2. Increase department of economic development by at least two full-time professionals to work with commission and consultants. 3. Retain economic development firm to work with Commission and staff. 4. SPAC to augment work of staff and consultants. (two members of SPAC to be ex-officio Commission members) 5. Create close working relationship with the Chamber and other stakeholder organizations. eg. BVAC chair to be one of Commission co-chairs. . . IS ,.... -(,) rn 4. N (I) EI t' C- -4 +al v"Ci r'n/) 0 la CO OCO U o O .O U P•I cC2 ""( 411 Cii - O0 C� v 'O o .E I.) a:: a 4 .o = E .,-4 0 C •.-4 0 v Cd O � •� S = ;• 4 E M C3 4 o cu �'' O � 'a4 › U •T . v. •1 *NO U U •. .o C� •� U s 60 0 ti) ° E 4-4 U ° `J `, cn a� o Cv) +. o z 0. u. ci, c0 r a) (40 G' cn cn (.) cr) O'— O 1- LU Q) �.:1.cnC Q j _7 x CO GO Lk NJ • a i O 10 C V cT• ' h a Q3 °= )c au u_ , O) ctu is cn C .to a)(G • c E S t— r`a c u. V O O V O O 4) © _ 'G CJ)d v V N a. o co , cvn N p ai C L) CO O'CCJ c rc ® ti to C -p � � io t7 O C COCV d a) ro a (`L.) N ,� 1� +. > C W C a) Le) a..)a..) c'J Q 7 O CJ C� V O O Li k, ` k, V) U a) m CO Icu tt a u a V)CZ V) Lei " C.) a.) oI o as , a) L3 ,C d i, a) CU Y C..) (I) a- C CJ r Vp can O0 O V •—(..) § t u. 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Sky Harbor • Beautiful environment, eg. --Mountains, lakes --Wonderful climate --Walking and hiking trails --Parks • Public and private tennis and golf • Health clubs • Proximity to university • Proximity to world class medical facilities • A healthcare campus • Assisted living facilities fhw • Highly educated citizenry Examples of Initiatives • Identify medical specialties that are not present in FH • Identify medical needs eg. durable medical equipment, surgicenter etc. • Identify land that could be set aside for medical/wellness pursuits. (rezone as necessary) • Empower/direct economic development department to begin major recruitment effort • Work out with Chamber respective roles and responsibilities to further objective of increasing medical/wellness opportunities • Work with Visitor's Bureau to publicize FH as the place to create/move medical/wellness businesses to. • Appoint town health and wellness commission. • Create relationships with Mayo and other providers. • Send quarterly health and wellness newsletter to all Citizens • Work with Times to create dedicated page to health and wellness. • Create health and wellness collection in library • Establish health and wellness lecture series in conjunction with Arizona State, CVS, Mayo Clinic etc. 410 • Dedicated cable channel.