HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2011.1116.Minutes • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING November 16,2011 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER Chair Koester Thomas called the meeting to order in Council Chambers at Town Hall at 3:03 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission: Chair Audra Koester Thomas, Vice Chair Curt Dunham, Commissioner Denise Atwood, Commissioner Mike Dooley, Commissioner Alan Magazine, Commissioner Barry Spiker, and Youth Commissioner Sarah Traylor. After prior notification that he would be late,Commissioner Nick DePorter joined the meeting at 3:19 p.m. Also present were Acting Town Manager Julie Ghetti and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM #4 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18, 2011 Commissioner Magazine MOVED to approve the October 18, 2011 meeting minutes and Commissioner Dooley SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. • AGENDA ITEM#5—INTERIM TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE a. Council Retreat - Ms. Ghetti noted that the Council Retreat would take place on the following day and that the purpose of the retreat was to begin the process of addressing the projected structural deficit for the upcoming fiscal year and how to balance the budget over the next five years utilizing budget "tools" that have been suggested by staff. She stated that following the retreat she hoped to have the ability start putting together the FY11-12 budget. b. Bond Election—Based on the fact that the bond election failed, Ms. Ghetti reported that street repair and maintenance would likely be addressed at the upcoming Council Retreat. c. Financial Update—Ms. Ghetti discussed the report that she had distributed to SPAC prior to the meeting (copy attached). AGENDA ITEM #6 — DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDING POTENTIAL REVISIONS TO STRATEGIC PLAN 2010 Chair Koester Thomas distributed a summary of potential revisions to Strategic Plan 2010, on which SPAC had reached consensus at a previous meeting(copy attached),and each potential revision was discussed. Following discussion with respect to adding Strategic Direction CR 8 to the Strategic Value of Civic Responsibility, the proposed language was edited to read as follows: "Create a sense of urgency regarding the importance of residents and businesses taking responsibility to financially participate in the Town's infrastructure maintenance and provision of basic services to protect home, land and property values." Page 1 of 4 Commissioner Spiker MOVED to approve the edited language and Commissioner Magazine SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. The Commission then discussed the addition of two potential Strategic Directions to the Strategic Value of Economic Vitality. With respect to EV 9, the proposed language was edited to read as follows: "Promote the maintenance of an age- balanced population that will support the long-term sustainability of our community." Commissioner Dooley MOVED to approve the edited language and Commissioner Atwood SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Discussion of EV 10 led to the following edited language: "Define Fountain Hills' market niche and actively pursue opportunities that attract and retain high quality employment opportunities." Commissioner Magazine MOVED to approve the edited language and Commissioner Spiker SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Following discussion on adding Strategic Direction I 10 to the Strategic Value to Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure, Commissioner Magazine MOVED to remove I 10 from consideration and Commissioner DePorter SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Dooley noted that I 10 calls for specific action and he pointed out that Strategic Directions should be more general. Chair Koester Thomas proposed that an alternative would be to include I 10 in the Idea Box, the appendix to the Strategic Plan, as a strategy or tool to employ. • Commissioner Magazine agreed and AMENDED the motion to place I 10 in the Idea Box and Commissioner DePorter AGREED with the amended motion. Commissioner Spiker suggested an AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED MOTION to add the word "remediate"as part of this idea in the Idea Box. Further discussion by the Commission led to a consensus that the language in the Idea Box should read as follows: "Individually identify potential bond initiatives for funding specific infrastructure remediation, rehabilitation,and community investment projects." The Commission further agreed that the language in the Idea Box is less critical than a revision to the Strategic Plan itself, as the Idea Box is intended to be a living element of the Strategic Plan. Commissioner Magazine AGREED TO ACCEPT THE AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED MOTION and Commissioner DePorter also AGREED. Chair Koester Thomas stated that motion on the table is to accept the statement as revised, not adding it as a Strategic Direction but instead adding it to the Idea Box. Chair Koester Thomas called the question and the motion, as amended, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Page 2 of 4 Chair Koester Thomas summarized that there are three additions to Strategic Plan 2010 to propose to Council. It was the consensus of the Commission that these proposed revisions should move forward to Council at a December meeting. AGENDA ITEM #7 — DISCUSSION REGARDING RECOMMENDING PRIORITIES AND COUNCIL GOALS FOR FY 12-13 BUDGET PROCESS PER STRATEGIC PLAN 2010 Chair Koester Thomas called for discussion on the agenda item. Commissioner Dooley MOVED to table the item to the December SPAC meeting and Vice Chair Dunham SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Magazine moved to SUSPEND THE MOTION pending discussion of something he wished to propose. Both Commissioner Dooley and Vice Chair Dunham AGREED to suspend the motion. Commissioner Magazine noted that he has previously addressed the Council about economic development and branding, specifically with regard to branding retail versus branding the creation of new businesses and high end employment. He stated that he believes it would be worthwhile for SPAC to identify a process by which we find the kinds of business, as opposed to retail, we would like to see in Fountain Hills, noting that identifying economic clusters would pay off tremendous long-term benefits. He pointed out that the exercise would be to start a process of identifying potential economic clusters for the Town and get Council buy-in to pursue that kind of an approach. Chair Koester Thomas suggested that the Commission wait one more agenda item to have the discussion on Commissioner Magazine's proposal when SPAC's ongoing work program will be discussed. ® Vice Chair Dunham stated his reason for seconding the motion to table is that a lot of the guidance that SPAC should be providing Council will hinge on what happens at the Council Retreat the next day. Chair Koester Thomas called the question and the motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM #8 — DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF SPAC'S ONGOING WORK PROGRAM Chair Koester Thomas noted that during SPAC's joint meeting with the Town Council several suggestions were made by members of the Council for SPAC's ongoing work program, but that there was no clear direction. She called for discussion on the suggestions made by Councilmembers as well as Commissioner Magazine's suggestion relative to economic clusters. Commissioner Dooley noted that he feels the suggestion by a Councilmember regarding a fire district should not be SPAC's job, but rather that of the Town Manager and staff. He stated that he feels a statistically valid survey of the community is important to find out where our citizens stand on different issues and what the majority want. In response to a question from Commissioner Spiker regarding progress on an educational outreach program in Fountain Hills,Ms. Ghetti indicated that although meetings have been held there has not been much progress. Chair Koester Thomas pointed out that SPAC may want to recommend the statistically valid citizen satisfaction survey as a part of their recommendations on Council's priorities for the budgeting process. Commissioner Spiker suggested using expertise available through ASU to assist in conducting a citizen survey. Page 3 of 4 Following discussion, Chair Koester Thomas indicated that she would reach out to the Morrison Institute to find out if they would be willing to conduct a statistically valid survey pro bono. Chair Koester Thomas asked Commissioner Magazine to draft up some ideas for the next SPAC meeting about how SPAC might move forward with his suggestion relative to a SPAC work program on economic clusters. Discussion ensued regarding potential use of outside resources to accomplish Town initiatives and SPAC projects. AGENDA ITEM#9—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETING DATES The meeting previously scheduled for December 7, 2011 was rescheduled to December 5, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. The January SPAC meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. An additional meeting was scheduled on February 6, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#10—ADJOURN Commissioner Atwood MOVED to adjourn at 4:57 p.m. and Commissioner Spiker SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Shaunna Williams, Recording Secretary Page 4 of 4 t Week ending October 20, 2011: Finance July-October Retail Activity July-October Trans/Telecommunications Sales Tax Activity $1,000,000 _... ..__.. __.. ...._ $600,000 -- $1,200,000 —_...... . _ I II II II II $1,000,000 $800,000 II II II II II :: iuiuui II , II II , $00,000 II II II II $200,000 I , II , II , $400,000 II III , $iaopoo $200,000 IIgp FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12 FY12 FY07-08 FY08-09 FYo9.10 FY10-11 FY11-12 11.12 Budget Budget $1.0M = .3%decline from previous year $532K= 6.3%decline from previous year July-October Restaurant/Bar Activity July-October Construction Sales Tax Arti ity SF00A00 _._ _.... 0 1 $600.000 .11,14, $1$0,000 8400.000 $100,000 I I S'-O0A00 f50,000 I I 10 $0 ...... _... F00-05 F10809 FY09-10 FYIO-ll F1II-12 FY12 Bulge 2 FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10.11 FY11-12 FY12 Budget $157K= 1.2%decline from previous year $217K= 2.6%increase over prior year 111110, Page 1 of 2 V Current Year Revenues -All Funds % Incr/(Decr) September September Quarter From Prior FY2010-11 FY2011-12 Budget Year General Fund $2,910,402 $2,769,240 $3,156,120 -5.1% HURF $343,957 $303,214 $290,613 -13.4% Dev Fees $12,695 $4,914 $22,149 -158.3% Special Revenue $159,840 $145,811 $375,000 -9.6% Downtown Development $66,886 $67,661 $68,034 1.1% Debt Svc MPC $200,106 $135,188 $206,301 -48.0% Debt Svc GO $194,669 $206,404 $360,026 5.7% CIP $142,245 $121,358 $3,518,023 -17.2% Grand Total All Funds $4,030,800 $3,753,790 $7,996,265 -7.4% Current Year Expenditures -All Funds September September Quarter % of FY2010-11 FY2011-12 Budget Budget General Fund $2,900,454 $2,885,542 $3,149,038 91.6% HURF $279,121 $286,145 $319,575 89.5% Dev Fees $0 P $0 P $17,500 0.0% Special Revenue $161,785 $141,104 $384,269 36.7% id Economic Development $27,968 $14,882 $52,841 28.2% Debt Svc MPC $10 $10 $1,002,987 0.0% Debt Svc GO $1,890 $1,000 $360,256 0.3% CIP $356,792 $115,275 $4,260,010 2.7% Grand Total All Funds $3,728,020 $3,443,958 $9,546,475 36.1% FY2011-12 LocalSales Tax Revenues October October Period % of FY2010-11 FY2011-12 Budget Budget Construction $212,431 $217,854 $58,051 375.3% Transportation/Utilities $568,007 $532,245 $492,458 108.1% Wholesale/Retail $1,011,356 $1,008,456 $1,235,561 81.6% Restaurant/Bars $159,285 $157,383 $176,952 88.9% Real Estate $230,158 $203,970 $228,896 89.1% Services $76,124 $86,187 $86,291 99.9% Misc. $148,685 $169,953 $234,000 72.6% Grand Total All Funds $2,406,046 $2,376,048 $2,512,209 94.6% NI) Page 2 of 2 Draft Recommendations for Strategic Plan 2010 CIL October 18, 2011 Civic Responsibility Our pledge:Take responsibility for our community's future and foster opportunities for all residents to participate fully in our community through accessible, responsive leadership. Add: CR 8: Raise awareness of the importance of residents and businesses taking responsibility to financially participate in the Town's infrastructure maintenance and provision of basic services. Economic Vitality Our pledge: Maintain a strong commitment to financial stability and local control, and promote economic growth that leverages Fountain Hills' assets by building a dynamic, diverse economy that supports our community's needs and promotes successful businesses. Add: EV 9: Welcome diversity within our neighborhoods to achieve a healthy population , 4., balance and promote the long-term sustainability of our community. EV 10: Define Fountain Hills' market niche and actively pursue opportunities that generate high quality employment opportunities. Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure Our pledge: Maintain and improve our infrastructure to ensure a high quality living experience, enhance economic opportunities, and support and protect property values and community investments. Add: I 10: Annually identify potential bond packages for funding specific infrastructure rehabilitation and community investment projects.