HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2011.0823.Minutes 1 • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION August 23,2011 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER Chair Koester Thomas called the Special Session to order in the Navajo Room of the Fountain Hills Community Center at 3:05 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC): Commissioner Nick DePorter, Commissioner Mike Dooley, Chair Audra Koester Thomas, and Commissioner Alan Magazine. Vice Chair Curt Dunham attended via teleconference. Commissioner Barry Spiker was absent. Present from Town staff were Interim Town Manager Julie Ghetti and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM#4—CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING JULY 13,2011 MINUTES Commissioner Dooley MOVED to approve the July 13, 2011 meeting minutes and Commissioner DePorter SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM#5—INTERIM TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE a. Road bond outreach efforts — Ms. Ghetti reported that the Town has reached out to the NPOA, HOAs, service organizations, realtors and political organizations about speaking at their meetings; that The Times will be publishing a weekly article on the road bond that will be taken from the publicity pamphlet;that articles will appear in the AveNEWS; and that a televised Open House will be held in October. b. Town Manager search — Ms. Ghetti reported that The Mercer Group expects to have a Town Manager in place by December 1 of this year. c. Council Retreat—Ms. Ghetti stated that the retreat will be held on November 17 to deal with the structural deficit and that a second retreat will be held in January of 2012 focusing on Council goals and objectives. AGENDA ITEM#6—UPDATE ON TOWN FINANCES Ms. Ghetti reported that the Town had a $1M fund balance (surplus) at the end of FY10-11, but that a surplus would not be realized going forward. She stated that local sales tax for July is up 3% over the same period last year but that she is not confident such an increase will continue. She noted that the budget document has been printed and is also available on the Town's website. Page 1 of 3 AGENDA ITEM #7 — DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF RECOMMENDED APPROACH(ES) FOR COUNCIL TO INITIATE ITS FY2010-11 GOAL 5.5 TO "ASSEMBLE A CITIZEN BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE TO DEVELOP A FINANCIAL ROADMAP FOR THE TOWN'S FUTURE" Chair Koester Thomas offered a brief recap of the project to date. She stated that Vice Chair Dunham has drafted a memorandum to the Council and that the draft memo has been previously distributed to SPAC (copy attached). Vice Chair Dunham summarized the purpose and message of the memo,after which editorial suggestions to the memo were discussed by the Commission. It was agreed that the last sentence of paragraph #3 should be eliminated("We had high hopes..."); that Barry Spiker should be added to the signature block; and that Rich Shultz should be removed from the signature block. Chair Koester Thomas inquired if the Commission would like to make the memorandum the topic of SPAC's joint meeting with the Council. Commissioner Dooley suggested a "different direction," i.e., that the SPAC act as the Blue Ribbon Committee. Discussion ensued that included a recommendation that two or three people act as advisors to SPAC in that regard. Chair Koester Thomas stated that the end of the memorandum needs to call for action, after which potential calls to action were discussed and suggestions were made about a timeline for presentation to the Council. Chair Koester Thomas reminded the Commissioners that SPAC is required to meet with Council in a joint session before the year of the calendar year. She recommended using that venue to discuss the memorandum and previously prepared working paper with the Council. Commissioner Magazine MOVED to send the revised memorandum and working paper to the Council for feedback in advance of SPAC's joint meeting with Council and Vice Chair Dunham SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Dooley suggested making the last paragraph of the memorandum more specific by stating that SPAC would like to discuss the memorandum and white paper with Council at the joint meeting and bring forward procedural options. Vice Chair Dunham stated that this would make the memorandum more of a problem document and MOVED TO AMEND the motion accordingly. Both Commissioner Magazine and Vice Chair Dunham accepted the amendment. Chair Koester Thomas called the question and the amended motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Subsequent discussion pertained to the timing of the joint meeting with the Council and the availability of the Commissioners for such. Further discussion led to the determination that the joint meeting date should be established,referred to in the memorandum,and then distributed immediately. SPAC ultimately determined that October 24 should be established as the joint meeting date if possible. Page 2 of 3 AGENDA ITEM #8 — DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDING POTENTIAL REVISIONS TO STRATEGIC PLAN2010 Continued to September 13,2011 meeting agenda. AGENDA ITEM #9 — DISCUSSION REGARDING FY 2011-12 ACHIEVEMENTS AND RECOMMENDING PRIORITIES AND COUNCIL GOALS FOR FY12-13 BUDGET PROCESS PER THE STRATEGIC PLAN Pursuant to a request by Chair Koester Thomas, Ms. Ghetti agreed to come to the next SPAC meeting prepared to discuss Council Goals that were completed in FY 2010-11 and report on the status of completing Council Goals for FY 2011-12. AGENDA ITEM#10—DISCUSSION REGARDING BRANDING STRATEGY FOR THE TOWN Chair Koester Thomas stated that she was aware that a branding presentation was on the agenda at today's BVAC meeting. It was determined that someone from BVAC should be invited to present it at the next SPAC meeting. AGENDA ITEM#10—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS It was noted that SPAC meetings are presently scheduled on September 13, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. and October 18, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. Following discussion, an additional SPAC meeting was scheduled on November 16,2011 at 3:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#10—ADJOURN Commissioner Magazine MOVED to adjourn at 4:59 p.m. and Commissioner Dooley SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. La 4 Lc Shaunna Williams,Recording Secretary Page 3 of 3 Memop" • fiy To: Town Council From: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Date: September xx, 2011 Re: • Blue Ribbon Committee Update In an Advisory Statement sent to Council in June of 2010, shortly after its Strategic Plan update was unanimously passed, Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC)took time to reiterate its most important tenant of the Plan. Specifically, that: "The fundamental element of the Town's continued success is its financial health and security ...The Town's current lack of financial stability will make implementing the strategic plan difficult. As such ;;,�'s the principal recommendation of the strategic plan that Council re-initiates a •N ess to review and recommend a financing structure and implement policies by 4441\\ e Town's financial sustainability can be achieved." Subsequently, in late November 2010,the Mayor pro d direction to 'iuN�„„ to devise a strategy for implementing Council's 2010-11 Goal 5.5: "to a �°""' ble a ;g',izen Blue "ibbon Committee to develop a financial roadmap for the Town's future "i�i7�� i ;P as previously articulated, has been at the forefront of those involved in strategic pla 'NC in Fountain Hills since 2005 when the original plan was created, and SPAC was •4 ted to to � �'�'� the Mayor's challenge as we knew the dire financial circumstances predicted H -d ar much sooner than most anticipated. As such, SPAC has spent the la '.' ��i�,,,+onth�i''�'orkin diligently on aplan and process to shed � • � I 9 9 Y light on the viability of our com pAN ity a :,'• to pro'!%ively propose some bold solutions using community and outside exp..,Nr to for „vi tr.;"=gy that would be strongly considered by leadership. As part of our wor '''i,�� „�„ u e attached issue paper to be distributed to potential committee m u a„ to '��p�ro them what our community is up against. We had high hopes that the pligh ��V .iurh•''��u�i� tifu �i�� munity would inspire some of the best and brightest minds from the V ��µ to get in •„it ed While laying out the �" progr ii,�u, we began to understand the magnitude of the work to be completed and the co �� e,,i„6v'''volved by not only SPAC, but the volunteers on the committee and the town's staff. For •mmittee's work and findings to be of any use, an equal or greater commitment from the Town ouncil would also be necessary. However,the last two town budget development processes have given us serious doubt that the Town Council has the desire to take the bold steps necessary to ensure our sustainable financial future. SPAC was routinely told by the former town manager and current finance director that Council was committed to implementing"sustainable solutions"for this year's budget process, specifically outlining it as its first"budget principle"and communicating in each budget PowerPoint presentation that the town has to adjust to the new fiscal reality with even more fiscal declines expected in the future. However, this principle was quickly abandoned, even in the face of dire news from the Census.Another budget cycle passed featuring one-time quick fixes to avoid the tough, perhaps painful, decisions that eventually will need to be made for a sustainable future. SPAC feels that it will be nearly impossible to motivate the citizens of the community to participate in crafting and supporting creative and sustainable solutions for the town's long term future when the past town's budget processes makes it appear as if everything is alright. The symbolism of paying off the bonds for the municipal complex with capital funds to avoid cutting 4111145. programs and community contracts or raising revenues does not give the appearance of a municipal government in serious financial trouble. Said simply: how can SPAC or a committee work successfully to design a solution to a problem that apparently does not exist? SPAC takes its work seriously and wants the results of our work to be taken seriously as well. After months of work and commission deliberation, we wanted to provide you this status update and to receive your feedback and direction. Our commissioners do not wish to continue to invest our time and efforts into this process until we have confidence that productive change will occur. Respectfully submitted by: Audra Koester Thomas, Chair Nick DePorter Curt Dunham, Vice Chair VI�1II'�i Mike DooleyAlan Rich Schultz neiIgllllli'' �ii i uil ,ilgJlw I� I�� i gip, III �I�li i „ II 11 ii'I (by 11 i�1 For internal discussion purposes only Page 2 Notice of Special Session of the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission WHEN: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 tkl AtN Hi? ?� TIME: 3:00 p.m. zr,. WHERE: Fountain Hills Community Center, Navajo Rm. '44.,is Ac" 13001 N. La Montana Drive Fountain Hills, AZ Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission and to the general public that the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) of Fountain Hills will hold a Special Session on August 23, 2011, beginning at 3:00 p.m., in the Navajo Room at the Fountain Hills Community Center, located at 13011 N. La Montana Drive in Fountain Hills, Arizona. Commission members will attend either in person or via teleconference. A majority of the Town Council may be present. AGENDA 1. Call to order 3:05 p.m. 2. Roll call 3. Call to the public None 4. Consideration of approving July 13, 2011 minutes Approved 5. Interim Town Manager's update No action taken Cr- a. Road bond outreach efforts b. Town Manager search c. Council Retreat 6. Update on Town finances No action taken 7. Discussion and possible consideration regarding development of recommended approach(es) for Council to initiate its FY2010-11 Goal 5.5 to "Assemble a citizen blue ribbon committee to develop a financial roadmap for the Town's future." Amended motion approved to send revised memo and white paper to Council—Approved 5-0 8. Discussion and possible consideration of recommending potential revisions to Strategic Plan 2010 Continued to September SPAC meeting 9. Discussion regarding FY 2011-12 achievements and recommending priorities and Council goals for FY12-13 budget process per the Strategic Plan No action taken 10. Discussion regarding branding strategy for the Town No action taken 11. Schedule upcoming meeting dates 9/13/11 at 3:00 p.m.; 10/18/11 @ 3:00 p.m.; 11/16/11 at 3:00 p.m. 12. Adjourn 4:59 p.m. Dated this 17th day of August,2011. • wL � By : Shaunna Williams,Executive Assistant The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5100(voice)or 1-800-367- 8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting.