HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2010.0524.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING May 24,2010 AGENDA ITEM #1 —CALL TO ORDER Chair Koester Thomas called the meeting to order in the Fountain Hills Council Chambers at 2:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission: Commissioner Mike Dooley, Vice Chair Curt Dunham, Commissioner Alan Magazine, Commissioner Charlotte McCluskey, Commissioner Allen Siebel, and Chair Audra Koester Thomas. Commissioner Rich Schultz joined the meeting at 2:03 p.m. Youth Commissioner Katie Myhr was absent. Also present were Town Manager Rick Davis, Deputy Town Manager Julie Ghetti, and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM#4—CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 20. 2010 AND MAY 4,2010 S Commissioner Dooley MOVED to approve the April 20, 2010 and May 4, 2010 meeting minutes and Commissioner Siebel SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM#5—TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE Mr. Davis reported that work is underway to reallocate and redistribute tasks and responsibilities due to the recent staff reorganization;that the Council will discuss the budget at their meeting on June 3 and possibly adopt the tentative budget that evening; that construction continues on the climbing lane on westbound Shea and the Town has been working to de-obligate more than $1 million in savings from this project for use on the Shea Gap project; and that Rural/Metro has now occupied the new substation at the Fry's center off of Shea and better response times are being reported. Mr. Davis responded to questions from the Commissioners including inquiries about Town shredding events and the RFP for unified trash hauling. AGENDA ITEM#6—UPDATE ON TOWN FINANCES Deputy Town Manager Julie Ghetti reported that the budget process is still moving forward and that changes in the organizational structure have allowed staff to present a balanced budget to the Council. She stated that although there is presently a budget shortfall for FY2009-10, it is anticipated that the shortfall will resolve before the end of the fiscal year. She noted that the most recent sales tax report indicated that sales tax collections increased over the same period last year. She also stated that revenues are down 15%, as previously projected. 4C) Page 1 of 3 AGENDA ITEM#7—CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION TO THANK PLANNING TEAM CIO Chair Koester Thomas called the Commission's attention to a draft resolution recognizing and acknowledging members of the Fountain Hills Strategic Plan Update Planning Team(copy attached) and solicited feedback. Commissioner McCluskey noted that although the resolution specified, "...twelve dedicated volunteers...," only eleven were listed by name. Chair Koester Thomas stated that she would make the necessary correction. Vice Chair Curt Dunham MOVED to approve the draft resolution and Commissioner Magazine SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM #8 — CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION REGARDING TOWN'S FINANCIAL STABILITY Chair Koester Thomas stated that Strategic Plan 2010 was unanimously approved by the Town Council at their meeting on May 20, 2010. She noted that the financial stability of the Town was the centerpiece of the strategic plan. She stated that a draft Advisory Statement to the Town Council from SPAC had been prepared by Commissioner Magazine (copy attached). She distributed a revised draft statement (copy attached) and called upon Commission Magazine to elaborate on the draft statement. Commissioner Magazine reviewed the draft statement and the ensuing discussion included the following: broadening the statement to consider the expenditure aspect of financial stability; the fact SPAC's recommendation may be helpful to the Council in moving forward to improve the Town's financial stability; the necessity to resolve the Town's financial stability over the long-term as opposed to a short- term fix; the possibility of suggesting a "respond by" date to the Council; a discussion about methods in which the statement should be distributed; and the fact that SPAC could offer Council help in identifying a"Blue Ribbon Committee"to explore the Town's financial stability. Commissioner Magazine MOVED to approve the revised draft Advisory Statement and Commissioner Siebel SECONDED the motion. Based on further discussion, the commissioners agreed to add a statement indicating that SPAC envisions that the Town, in the near future, will be able to afford only the most basic public safety services under its current revenue structure. The Commission also agreed that the statement should be issued as a personal communiqué from SPAC to the Town Council and that the statement should state that SPAC would appreciate a response so that the Commission can formulate next steps to implement the Strategic plan, noting that with a vacuum of knowledge about Councils plans for the financial future of the Town, SPAC is in a holding pattern. SPAC further agreed on the following: the bullet regarding custodial services should read, "Reducing custodial services in Town facilities"; the final bullet should read, "Consolidating major departments, with staff reductions"; and that the sentence introducing the bullets should read, "...reductions in services,programs, and critical maintenance..." Commissioner McCluskey MOVED to amend the motion to include in the statement an offer by SPAC to meet in joint session with the Council. Chair Koester Thomas called the vote on the amended motion to approve the revised draft Advisory Statement with the modifications as discussed. The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. • Page 2 of 3 AGENDA ITEM#9—DISCUSSION OF COMMISSIONER TERMS Upon the request of Chair Koester Thomas, Ms. Williams stated that the terms of Chair Koester Thomas, Commissioner McCluskey and Commissioner Siebel will expire on June 30; that she will distribute application packets via email to the commissioners and that applications should be submitted soon. Chair Koester Thomas asked commissioners to notify Shaunna if they have potential candidates to recommend. AGENDA ITEM#10—DISCUSS NEXT MEETING AGENDA Not discussed. AGENDA ITEM#11—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS The meeting previously schedule for June15 was cancelled. No SPAC meetings are presently schedule pending a response from the Council on the Advisory Statement. AGENDA ITEM#12—ADJOURN Commissioner Siebel MOVED to adjourn at 3:25 p.m. and Commissioner Schultz SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. • Shaunna Williams, Recording Secretary Page 3 of 3