HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2010.0504.Minutes M TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING May 4,2010 AGENDA ITEM#1-CALL TO ORDER Chair Koester Thomas called the meeting to order in the Fountain Hills Council Chambers at 3:03 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL The following members of the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission were present for roll call: Vice Chair Curt Dunham, Commissioner Alan Magazine, Commissioner Charlotte McCluskey, and Youth Commissioner Katie Myhr, Commissioner Allen Siebel, and Chair Audra Koester Thomas. Commissioner Mike Dooley joined the meeting at 3:04 p.m. Commissioner Rich Schultz was excused from the meeting. Acting Recording Secretary Janice Baxter was present. Town Manager Rick Davis joined the meeting at 3:08 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#3-CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM#4—TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE Due to the absence of the Town Manager,this agenda item was postponed to a later time on the agenda. AGENDA ITEM#5—FINALIZE AND ADOPT STRATEGIC PLAN 2010 Chair Koester Thomas referred to a memorandum (copy attached) recapping proposed changes to Draft Strategic Plan 2010. Following discussion,the Commission agreed upon the following language: Page Recommended Language 1 Henry Leger 6 Revision under"Strategic Plan Format": "...the future vision while honoring the Town's values." 9 Revision in first vision bullet: "...preserving the environment and visual aesthetic and to living in balance with the Sonoran Desert;"9 Revision in third vision bullet:"Be economically sustainable and anchor..." 10 Revision in last sentence of"Why is this important?": "...and we should strive to celebrate and build from our differences..." 10 Our Pledge:"Build a community..." 10 C4:"Be the friendliest place in the Valley." —_ 10 Second Key Performance Question:"Did we support events and activities..." 11 Our Pledge:"Take responsibility for our community's future..." 13 Our Pledge:"Preserve the natural beauty..." 13 ES3: "Explore and implement new technologies..." 13 ES4: "Promote water conservation and identify ways to use this precious desert resource wisely." 13 ES5:"Protect selected view sheds..." 14 Our Pledge: "Maintain a strong commitment to financial stability and local control, and (1111, promote economic growth that leverages..." 15 EV5:"Promote Fountain Hills..." 16 Our Pledge:"Support quality,lifelong learning opportunities..." Page 1 of 3 16 ELC1: "Partner with Fountain Hills'schools and other institutions..." 16 ELC3:"Promote and celebrate cultural diversity." 17 Our Pledge:"Maintain and improve our infrastructure to ensure a high quality living • experience..." 17 13: "...and implement maintenance efforts to minimize costly reconstruction." 17 15: "Explore ways to reduce wear and tear..." 18 19: "...maintenance of community facilities." 19 Our Pledge: "Protect the health and safety..." 19 P2: "...through 'community policing' ...' 19 P4:"Explore health and welfare opportunities, including the creation of a small hospital or a niche health-related service cluster. 19 P5:"Support health and wellness instruction throughout the community." 20 Add sentence at end of"Why is this important?": "We want to be the most fun,fit and friendly community in the Valley!" 20 Our Pledge: "Make Fountain Hills a pedestrian/bicycle friendly community to contribute to healthy lifestyles..." 20 R2:"Provide an interconnected, multi-use trail,sidewalk and bicycle system..." 20 R3:"...quality programs to promote recreational,sports,fitness and wellness programs for all ages." A4 "Establish an aquatic and activity center as a recreational and wellness amenity for residents" A4 "Study the impacts of expanding the trail network through passive, non-paved trails through selective Town washes." A4 "Expand bike path network through painting or providing dedicated lanes" The Commission agreed that the following additions to the Idea Box should be accepted based on the "litmus test"that each referred back to the Strategic Plan. A4 Add:"Support the development of a substance abuse education program" A4 Add:"Support the development of a domestic violence outreach program" A4 Add: "Provide drinking fountains at our parks and public spaces" A4 Add:"Provide multigenerational programming at Community Center so that it is utilized by residents of all ages" A4 Add:"Establish a summit trailhead at the end of Eagle Ridge Drive" A4 Add:"Incorporate medians or other narrowing measures on overly-wide streets to improve safety and reduce roadway maintenance" A4 Add:"Expand sidewalk and pathway network in Town Center through use of grants and partnerships" A4 Add: "Establish a comprehensive Safe Routes to School program,including establishing a weekly walk/bike to school day" A4 Add: "Host free multigenerational fitness activities monthly to bring residents together and to foster a culture of wellness" A4 Add:"Incorporate fitness stations into sidewalk/pathway design" A4 Add: "Provide an incentive for front porch additions to promote a sense of community and neighborly activity" A4 Add: `Provide kiosks at Fountain Park to inform visitors of Town attractions and activities" Following discussion the Commission agreed that the following language should be inserted into the plan: "The Idea Box is reflective of public feedback and presented with neither endorsement nor evaluation by the Town." Chair Koester Thomas inquired if there were any further suggested changes. There being none,Vice Chair Dunham MOVED to adopt the Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 update,as modified, and to enthusiastically Page 2 of 3 pass it on to the Town Council for consideration and adoption. Commissioner McCluskey SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Commissioner Magazine proposed that SPAC consider a resolution of thanks to the Planning Team. Chair Koester Thomas noted that this item will be added to the next SPAC meeting agenda. Chair Koester Thomas then invited Town Manager Davis to present the Town Manager's Update. Mr. Davis' report included the restructuring of Town departments; progress on the Shea Climbing Lane and financing of the Shea Gap project; inquiries from developers regarding development opportunities in the downtown area as a result of work by the Lakeside District Team; and items to be addressed at the next Council Work Study, including Community Contracts and the intersection of Avenue of the Fountains and Saguaro. Mr. Davis responded to questions from the Commissioners pertaining to his report. Commissioner Magazine congratulated the Chair for"shepherding"the SPAC through the arduous task of creating the Strategic Plan update and thanked her for her leadership. Chair Koester Thomas responded that this had been a team effort involving over 80 meetings and thousands of volunteer hours. She stated that she has asked Shaunna to calculate the total cost of the Strategic Plan update in order to emphasize the value of this commendable"grass roots effort." Mr. Davis also expressed his gratitude for volunteer efforts to create a"fantastic tool." He noted that he has requested SPAC participation in the Council's goal setting exercise for the upcoming year in order to tie the Strategic Plan to future Council goals. Commissioner Siebel inquired about future SPAC meetings and Chair Koester Thomas stated that she would mail out the schedule of upcoming meetings. • AGENDA ITEM#6—ADJOURN Commissioner Dunham MOVED to adjourn at 4:39 p.m. and Commissioner Siebel SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. Shaunna Williams, Recording Secretary I Page 3 of 3 Memo vim 2009-2010 Strategic Plan Update To: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Cc: Rick Davis, Shaunna Williams From: Audra Koester Thomas, SPAC Chair Re: Strategic Plan Changes - UPDATED The April review period has ended and I have compiled the feedback collected from our outreach efforts. Attached to this memo is all the feedback received, and below is a matrix that outlines potential revisions based on feedback received. We will consider these revisions and any others at our May 4, 2010 SPAC meeting, with the goal of approving a revised Strategic Plan and recommending it for Council's adoption. Key: PT: Planning Team recommendation A: Revision based on Feedback Session #3 comments B: Revision based on Open House comments C: Revision based on other feedback provided • X: Added May 4, 2010 ;porn. -d Action 1 PT Gotopookocatitad4c4 Henry Leger 6 PT Revision under"Strategic Plan Format":"...the future vision while honoring the Town s values." 9 PT Revision in first vision bullet:"...preserving the visual aesthetic erieaee and to living in balance with the Sonoran Desert;" • 9 PT,C Revision in third vision bullet:"Be economically and environmenta sustainable and anchor..." 10 PT Revision in last sentence of"Why is this important?": "...and we should strive to celebrate and build our differences..." 10 PT, B Our Pledge: "W.e.abiak uild a community..." 10 PT C4: " the friendliest place in the Valley." 10 PT Second Key Performance Question: "Did we support events and activities..." 11 PT,B Our Pledge:"Wo.w.i41 ake responsibility for our community's future..." 13 PT,B Our Pledge:"Wo•will reserve the natural beauty..." 13 PT ES3:"Explore and siopietti new technologies..." 13 B ES4:"Promote water conservation and identify ways to ieddwe use el this precious desert resource more efficiently." 13 PT ES5:"Protectirp# lected view sheds..." 14 PT, B Our Pledge:"haki.keo44Maintain a strong commitment to financial stability and local control We-will i promote economic growth that leverages..." 15 PT EV5:"Gigaiti:44e.to romote Fountain Hills..." 16 PT,B Our Pledge: "We upport quality, lifelong learning opportunities..." { 16 PT ELC1:"Partner with Fountain Hills Jiimitied.iseeteeWiliiiiteiet chools and other institutions..." 16 PT ELC3:"Promote and celebrate cultural diversity 17 PT, B Our Pledge: " aintain and improve our infrastructure to ensures eiwksokitrias6a quality living experience..." 17 PT 13:"...and implement maintenance efforts to~id minimize costly reconstruction." 17 PT 15: "Explore ways to geleigeiee reduc_ wear and tear..." 18 PT 19: "...maintenance of community facilit ." 19 PT Our Pledge: "We Protect the health and safety..." 19 PT P2: "...through'community policing ..." 19 PT P4: " xplore gatti.ef health and welfare opportunities, including the creation of a small hospital or a niche health- related service cluster. 19 PT P5:"Support health and wellness instruction at all levels 20 C Add sentence at end of"Why is this important?":"We want to be the most fun,the fittest and the friendliest community in the Valley!" 20 PT,B Our Pledge: "killiAi4#4 ake Fountain Hills a pedestrian/bicycle friendly community to contribute to healthy lifestyles..." 20 A, B R2: "Provide an interconnected, multi-use trail,sidewalk and bicycle system..." 20 PT R3: "...quality program fey wl c4-' 1.,.•i._to promote recreational,sports,fitness and wellness programs for all ag, .' A4 C "Establish an aquatic and fitness center as a recreational and wellness amenity for residents" • A4 A, B "Study the impacts of expanding the trail network through by.pEekbitlieg passive,non- paved trails through selective Town washes." A4 C "Expand bike path network through pain ing or providing dedicated lanes" A4 PT Add: "Support the development of a substance abuse education program" A4 PT Add:"Support the development of a domestic violence outreach program" A4 A Add:"Provide drinking fountains at our parks and public spaces" Add: "Provide multigenerational programming at Community Center so that it is utilized by residents of all ages" A4 C Add: "Establish a summit trailhead at the end of Eagle Ridge Drive" A4 C Add: "Incorporate medians or other narrowing measures on overly-wide streets to improve safety and reduce roadway maintenance" A4 C Add: "Expand sidewalk and pathway network in Town Center through use of grants and partnerships" A4 C Add: "Establish a comprehensive Safe Routes to School program,including establishing a _ weekly walk/bike to school day" A4 C Add: "Host free multigenerational fitness activities monthly to bring residents together and to foster a culture of wellness" A4 C Add: "Incorporate fitness stations into sidewalk/pathway design" A4 C Add: "Provide an incentive for front porch additions to promote a sense of community and neighborly activity" A4 C Add: "Provide kiosks at Fountain Park to inform visitors of Town attractions and activities"• • IVIAv 4, 2010 Page 2 Feedback Session cc3 Responses i)iaii Appendix A: Feedback Session #3 Responses The following contains all comments, unedited, that were received through Feedback Session#3 instrument regarding the Draft Strategic Plan through April 2010. Each bullet represents the comments submitted on that particular question/subject by an individual respondent. Feedback Session #3 went live on April 6 and was closed on May 2. Total Participants: 15 1. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Civility? • As I read the Strategic Directions on this ITEM I CAN'T HELP BUT FEEL THAT THE TOWN IS SEEN BY SOME AS NOT A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE.TO DEVELOP A PLEDGE AS THIS PRE-SUPOSES THAT WE ARE NOT A VERY LOVING COMMUNITY WHICH I TOTALLY REJECT. • I think these are all noble goals and worth pursuing. However,in view of the letters to the edigor in the Times,we have our work cut out for us. Perhaps some workshops on active listening and communicating are in order??? • There are many of us that just hope it happens quick.Maybe the FH Times should publish something about civility when writing the letters to the editor- some of the letters get pretty mean spirited and personal and carry all sorts of misinformation. • The large emphasis on involving the community is great. Involving the public more in the decision making process is very grass roots and something that could be held up as an example for other cities.There is a pleasing "golden rule" ring to this section. 2. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Civic Responsibility? • NONE • sounds good 3. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Environmental Stewardship? • AGREE • This is an imperative part of the Fountain Hills experience considering it's unique geographic location. I am not exactly sure what access to the desert implies(more trails,parks??) • In ES 2, I'm not sure I agree with the statement"increasing natural infrastructure" because I believe we should leave our infrasturcture out of natural areas in order to preserve the environment. Inserting infrastructure into natural areas only disrupts ecosystems. 4. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Economic Vitality? • AGREE • In order to become a visitor destination we need to be more creative/proactive in taking advantage of all the big events happening in the valley: NASCAR, bowl games,tennis/golf tournaments,political events,etc.,etc.Most people do not need to stay in the immediate area of the event and if we provided transportation and room/meal packages plus things for the rest of the family to do (hiking, golf,all Ft.McDowell has to offer)I think we would really do well. Key is transportation to and from events so car rental may not be necessary and should one imbibe at the event there is no worry about driving. • All these things are great,just like they were several years ago,but how are they going to get done without funding and community support of nearly anything that costs money or taxes residents? • ES 6:Improve access to the Sonoran Desert experience. If by this,you mean inducing MCO to give better access to the preserve the town owns in the McDowells via roads that go through their development-I agree. However,if you mean building trails in the washes of our town,I whole- heartedly disagree.I want to see the town respect our wishes. Do not put trails in the washes.Comply the the watercourse and habitat preservation ordinance. • EV 2 is a bit ambiguous to me. • I only support EV 8 if it does not modify any natural areas such as neighborhood washes. C5. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Education, Learning and Culture? Mav2010 Appecci.xA i v _• Feedback Session 1:13 Responses Draft Strategic Plan • NONE • I am most supportive of higher learning opportunities in the community with the establishment of educational/training campus. I feel we are uniquely situated to creat a Native American/Sonoran Desert multicultural learning center. I would be very much interested in helping this come to fruition. • ELC4 is very important. What does it mean to "position"them?What is the action? Suggest adding a life-long learning aspect to the "higher" learning bullet. • art and cultural aspects are also very important to the town and I think this is great. The term "celebrate multiculturalism" seems to always be attached to a plethora of political correctness, which to me doesn't fit well with the town's image. 6. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure? • Not maintaining our infrastructure investments (like was done this year and being suggested as part of next year's budget) represents foolish leadership inasmuch as economic forecasts remain dismal for the next 4-5 years. Ignoring maintenance that long is a hidden disaster. • NONE • Yes,yes,yes and yes. • Everything sounds good. How well protected is a protected fund? 7. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Public Safety, Health and Welfare? • AGREE • A nice alternative healing center would be perfect and would bring visitors to the area. • P4 provides a underdeveloped resource in our community.Would be great to cultivate a synergy with the medical campus for health related seminars. • good 8. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Recreational Opportunities and Amenities? • More attention needs to be given to the cost of programs and services per participant. For those 411114 programs and services with a high cost ratio,fees (or higher fees) need to be paid by the participants to reduce the financial burden on the community as a whole. Subsidies need to be reduced to equitable levels. • NONE • Re: Strategic Direction R2: Provide an interconnected,multi-use trail and bicycle system that promotes active living, physical activity, education and appreciation of our parks and natural resources. Feedback: Comply with the Town of Fountain Hills WATERCOURSE PRESERVATION AND HABITAT ORDINANCE,Article 9-3. This ordinance would preclude that the development as stated in Strategic Direction R2 could be implemented in the town's washes unless preceded by an affirmative vote of town electors in any general election held by the town in accordance with Article 9-3-3. • Please comply with the town of Fountain Hills Watercourse Preservation and Habitat Ordinance of 1996 Article 9-3. This ordinance precludes development in the town's washes. Many people in this town care about preserving the town's washes. Issues of erosion caused by development,wildlife preservation,flooding during and after rainfall, desert vegetation preservation are all concerns of many in this community. In order to build trails in a wash,it would have to be brought to a vote in a general election. Please be advised that many in the community want the washes left alone due to the reasons stated above. Thank you. • Fountain Hills would be a "pedestrian friendly community"if there were sidewalks and bicycle lanes on major roads, in the downtown, and around our schools. Connecting parks and schools through trails in our washes would undermine our watershed,displace wildlife, and require expensive maintenance and surveillance.Our washes are currently a haven for wildlife.They absorb water,noise and light pollution. Altering them from their natural state would detract from our closeness to the Sonoran Desert and lessen the beauty of Fountain Hills.Comply with the Watercourse Preservation and Habitat Ordinance. I do not want trails in our washes-paved or otherwise. • sounds great as long as political correctness doesn't steal the day.(health and wellness) • May 2010 Appendix A-2 1 • a Feedback Session `'3 Responses Draft v,i stetzie i n • In reference to R 2, I believe that any trails in town washes would only be detremental to both ecosystems and the town. Developing washes with trails and sidewalks only destoys habitats and homes for many of our desert animals,who's only place of refuge in town is the washes.Another bad side effect is increased flooding due to destroying the place where water flowed.This can be seen in some areas of Scottsdale where washes were disrupted and seasonal flooding has resulted. If you really wanted to give pedestrians a place to walk,start with installing more roadside sidewalks!Their scarcity makes walking in Fountain Hills very difficult. • I am opposed to any building of trails through the washes in Fountain Hills.This is habitat for many desert animals and needs to be protected not exploited. It also makes people's back yards open to the public,if the yard is not fenced or walled in. I think public funds should be spent in other ways. 9. Because the Idea Box is an evolving collection of ideas and initiatives,we want you to add to it. Please share any specific ideas you think might forward the strategic plan and help realize the community's vision: • Safety is very important to me. I would like to see more sidewalks and bicycle lanes on the ROADS of Fountain Hills. I would also like to see more drinking fountains in the parks and in our downtown. • i have nothing specific to add.in general,Fountain hills has a small town friendly feel to it and upon this foundation should the plans be built. • Disrupting the town's washes through development projects such as hiking trails and bicycle trails is a big mistake. Our pristine washes are one of the ways Fountain Hills distinguishes itself from the rest of the Phoenix metro area. 10. Do you have any additional feedback regarding the Strategic Plan? • NONE • In Recreational Opportunities and Amenities: replace the words"multi-use trail" with "sidewalk" and then I'd vote for it. • Don't do anything to the washes or any other natural areas! (Or How long have you lived in Fountain Hills? O Less than 2 years O 3 to 5 years 2 6 to 10 years 6 Over 10 years Other: • business in town • My entire life No response: 5 I live in Fountain Hills months of the How old are you?** year. 1 Under 20 O 1 month 0 20 to 34 O 2 months 2 35 to 44 O 3 months 1 45 to 54 0 4 months 1 55 to 59 O 5 months O 6 months 2 60 to 64 O 7 months 3 65 to 74 O 8 months 0 Over 74 O 9 months 5 No Response 0 10 months O 11 months 9 12 months 6 No Response May 2010 Appendix A-3 Open I louse Feedback Draft Strategic Plan Appendix B: Open House Feedback The following contains all comments, unedited, that were received at the April 29 Strategic Plan Open House. Participants used sticky notes to draft comments related to each focus area.Each bullet represents an independent comment made. Total Participants: 15 1. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Civility? • C l: Yes, Yes, Yes • C4: How? ? 2. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Civic Responsibility? • Very important to not just wait for people to volunteer—rather ask—we all feel respected and valued if we are asked our opinion or to serve • Why separate out youth. What about seniors and boomers? Gen x?? 3. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Environmental Stewardship? • ESI: How? Educate? • ES4: Rather than "reduce" water use,how about "more efficient use of water" 4. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Economic Vitality? • EV3: We are concerned about setting priorities within the General Plan (Schweiback)to make sure Ave of the Fountains and other small parcels are developed before we do any additional commercial development in the park • If we approve the general plan May 1 8—does that automatically approve any zoning changes within the park? • What about mixed use developments; I love mixed use residential/business areas 5. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Education, Learning and Culture? • Revise pledge to "We will support quality..." • Disagree with [adding "will"];the statement is better without the word "will" • ELC5:this would be great 6. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure? • 12: Is this another word for property tax? What else could it be? about the term reliable funding • 17: would lowering the impact fees on businesses help. Currently residents use roads to drive out of town to shop & eat. With more business in town,we would not have to drive out of town & use roads. 7. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Public Safety, Health and Welfare? • Revise pledge to "We ;gi ' protect..." • P4:or have efficient transportation to other health facilities 8. Do you have any feedback regarding the strategic directions for Recreational Opportunities and Amenities? • Our pledge: Not reduce—more efficient [automobile] use; reduce control May 2010 Appendix 1:3-1. Open House Feedback Draft Strategic Plan • R2:comply with the Town of Fountain Hills WATERCOURSE PRESERVATION AND HABITAT ORDINANCE,Article 9-3. This ordinance would preclude that the development as stated in Strategic Direction R2 could be implemented in the town's washes unless preceded by an affirmative vote of town electors in any general election held by the town in accordance with Article 9-3-3. 9. Because the Idea Box is an evolving collection of ideas and initiatives,we want you to add to it. Please share any specific ideas you think might forward the strategic plan and help realize the community's vision: None offered. • • May 2010 Appendix B-2 f a 14. Open House Feedback. Draft Strategic Plan Appendix C: Other Feedback The following contains all comments, unedited, that were received via email or during other dialogue. Each bullet represents a comment submitted by an individual. • Just a personal response to your"Greetings fellow Commissioners!" which was forwarded by Nancy Walter. I will be unable to attend due to a prior confirmed,ticketed event in downtown Phoenix on Thursday eve. Thanks for the invite and for all the wok you and your fellow SPAC Commissioners have done for the town. • I have viewed the strategic plan and it refers to a "downtown" plan. Is this specific document available on line? I cannot find such a thing on your website. The strategic plan itself is generic- not specific about what the plans are for the development of the downtown area and I would like to now more about what we would be approving by voting for this approval. Thanks • So sorry I am unable to attend the meeting on the 29th - a conflict with another event. I have looked over the material and it looks excellent. • I find it hard to understand how this plan fits in with the councils goals. Council member Hansen when discussing a citizens problems with he noise coming from a bar near the lake,said this is the type of noise we want in town.This hardly fits in with quality of life issues expressed in the plan. Hansen wants noisy bars and many many citizens want Peace and quiet. j • May 2010 Appendix C-l. Mom • • Open House Feedback Draft Strategic Plan • It would be easier to comment on the plan if it were in a doc file to track changes. I have made many of these comments in the past and at one of the open house meetings (I was the only one there with kids,was made to feel unwelcome since they were with me (nice civics lesson) and as noted by a couple of speakers probably the only one there under 40 and probably under 50). While I think there are a number of good things in the document, I can't believe so little mention (if any) on important things like of Safe Routes to School, schools in general,fun and fitness... I ask that these be incorporated into the document. Vision: FH distinctive community designed to invigorate the body, mind and spirit and strives to... No mention of education, being a fit community, being well rounded or sustainability in all areas not just economically (should include educationally sustainable and sustainable health fitness of residents... multi-generational great place to live fun & fitness from cradle to grave so to speak. Values: Civility? Small town feel/friendly... you need to meet people at a pedestrian speed & level... needs to be walkable! Pocket parks,connectivity, and inclusive community meeting place like a town square... aquatics center, fitness center and multi-generational community center... not convention center... need to include kids &families not just seniors and HOAs! Want friendly... incorporate fun! Should include: Family,friends small town feel and relationships Fun and Fitness! Have we improved access to the sonoral desert not to just see it but to get into and experience it... this is most important for the youth to they don't want to look they need to experience... Need better access all the time for free! Get summit trailhead at end of Eagle Ridge PERIOD! Look for and take advantage of opportunities to improve our sustainability by reducing our future unnecessary maintenance costs especially for infrastructure through smart sustainable planning and designs.... Reduce costs not just figure out how to pay more. Minimize costs especially long term maintenance costs and thereby improve sustainability by reducing unnecessary infrastructure like wide roads that were planned for a much larger build-out population 70k down to 30k. Shea climbing lanes are a complete waste of money which should have been used to leverage the MAG & ARRA funds where they could do some good (Saguaro Blvd, Intersections,downtown walkability projects. Leverage town resources to help provide for needed infrastructure through pernerships and grants. Sidewalks in downtown should be leveraged not just paid for by town but a comprehensive shared use path network eligible for grants through MAG. Educational opportunity should focus on being a premier education destination. Performance questions are weak.... Education should be emphasis not art and culture... Science and tech more important or at least equally so... should focus on FHUSD reputation in the valley, success in competitive endeavors athletically, educationally and in all extra curricular activities... excellence should be expected and delivered. Public safety, health,... Safe Route To School Program??? Health is weak... Preventive health through fitness and healthy living options not just doctors & clinics after the fact...Expand to a Live Life Well concept that increases the fitness level of the community by greater access and opportunity for fitness activities and fitness events. Fountain Hills should brand itself as the most fun, fittest and friendliest place in the Valley. Recreational opportunities... Safe Route To School program for connectivity to schools... emphasize adding new recreational opportunities before we expand existing options...aquatics center,fitness center, SRTS,convenient summit trailhead, comprehensive multi-use paths with fitness components... bike connection into Scottsdale through Hidden Hills/Eagle Ridge Drive, racquetball courts,new fitness oriented park May 2010 Appendix C-2 Open House Feedback Draft Strategic Plan facility, boating in the lake? Idea box is limited.... • Roundabouts, promote civility,increase sustainability/environmental stewardship, improve infrastructure (closer to pedestrian speeds, less fuel,fewer emissions, less maintenance,fewer lanes, less asphalt,fewer collisions,fewer injuries). Establish a comprehensive Safe Routes to School Program including a Bike or walk on Wednesdays "BOW-WOW" and/or fitness Fridays for kids and parents to bike walk etc to school... Encourage fitness events that are inclusive...multi-generational... and at least monthly! Provide a pedestrian connection (shared use path) with fitness stations between the Town and the Tribe to improve community interaction. Fun & Fitness for all ages walking, biking, blading, razors, etc etc etc... Provide an incentive program to incorporate front porch additions to promote getting to know your neighbors. Coordinate with Fort McDowell & ADOT to install a roundabout at Beeline/Shea as a major destination marker/entry feature for both communities. Draw them west with streetscape project that ties into roundabout at Shea/Saguaro. Sustainability & green designs attract people, safety and less delays also benefits people trying to get into FH. Need kiosks at Fountain Park to inform visitors of other things to do in town other than just take a picture at the fountain... Veterans memorial, public art walk,trail above fountain park, desert garden trail, (need summit trail in McDowells). Explore all funding and partnership opportunities to pay for an aquatics center/fitness center. Contact ASU & UA swim teams to try to get alumni contacts to help fund aquatics center. Explore naming rights for aquatics center. Contact Michael Phelps and take him up on his desire to change USA swimming from the ground up... open a competitive pool and ask him to help with corporate sponsors,fundraising etc. Or contact locals like Gary Hall Jr etc...to get support and swimmers & corporate sponsors. • May 2010 Appendix C-3