HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2010.0420.Minutes • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING April 20,2010 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER Chair Koester Thomas called the meeting to order in the Fountain Hills Council Chambers at 3:01 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL The following members of the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission were present for roll call: Commissioner Mike Dooley, Commissioner Alan Magazine, Commissioner Rich Schultz, Commissioner Allen Siebel, and Chair Audra Koester Thomas. Vice Chair Curt Dunham,Commissioner Charlotte McCluskey, and Youth Commissioner Katie Myhr were excused from the meeting. Town Manager Rick Davis, Deputy Town Manager Julie Ghetti and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams were present. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM #4 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING MARCH 16, 2010 AND MARCH 30, 2010 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Siebel MOVED to approve the March 16, 2010 and March 30, 2010 meeting minutes and Commissioner Schultz SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. AGENDA ITEM#5—TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE Mr. Davis reported that work continues on the budget and revenues continue to deteriorate; the intersection of Avenue of the Fountains and Saguaro Boulevard will be discussed at the next Council Work Study; the Greening Project continues with trees on their way and an Arbor Day Celebration planned; a Centennial Committee will be formed to raise awareness and identify ways to promote the centennial, including the Greening Project; the General Plan will be on the May 18 ballot; and two Movies in the Park were recently held. Mr. Davis responded to questions from the Commission regarding his report. AGENDA ITEM#6—UPDATE ON TOWN FINANCES Deputy Town Manager Julie Ghetti reported that the General Fund is down 8%, or $600,000-$700,000. She stated that March retail activity showed a 4% increase and that restaurants and bars were down 10% from the same period last year. She noted that next year's budget is still a work in progress and that service cuts will need to be made in order to balance the budget. She also reported that a Work Study and Budget Open House will be held on May 4. Following Ms. Ghetti's update, discussion ensued about options for the Town to offset declining revenues. Commissioner Magazine MOVED to place an agenda item on SPAC's next meeting agenda to consider a resolution regarding the Town's financial stability. Mike Dooley SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed regarding the motion and the appropriate time to place the item on an agenda based on the potential confusion between adoption of the Strategic Plan and SPAC's the proposed agenda item. Commissioner Magazine subsequently WITHDREW his motion and Commissioner Dooley WITHDREW his second. Page 1 of 2 AGENDA ITEM#7—DISCUSS STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE • Chair Koester Thomas distributed a document entitled "Phase IV Proposed Schedule" (copy attached). Following discussion it was determined that SPAC will hold a meeting on May 4 at 3:00 p.m. to finalize the Draft Strategic Plan in order to present it to the Council for consideration on May 20. It was also determined that the SPAC meeting previously scheduled for May 18 would instead be held on May 24 at 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Magazine suggested that a small group should meet to draft a resolution for consideration at the May 24 meeting. Chair Koester Thomas appointed Commissioner Magazine as the lead on that effort and asked that he conduct initial research prior to the meeting on May 24. Commissioner Magazine requested that Mr. Davis or Ms. Ghetti provide him with information via email regarding revenue decline over the past two years,trend lines,and things that have been cut out of the budget. Commissioner Schultz suggested that SPAC additionally be furnished with revenue solutions that have been proposed to date. Chair Koester Thomas requested that Shaunna distribute a copy of the Hocking Report to each SPAC Commissioner. Chair Koester Thomas distributed a document entitled "Phase IV Open House" (copy attached) and reviewed the format for the open house to be held from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on April 29,2010 in Council Chambers at Town Hall. She asked for volunteers from the Commission to participate in the Open House. Chair Koester Thomas also noted that she will provide cards, as needed, for distribution by the Commissioners to advertise the Open House. 4111 AGENDA ITEM#8—DISCUSS NEXT MEETING AGENDA Not discussed. AGENDA ITEM#9—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS In addition to the meetings outlined in Agenda Item #7, above, a SPAC meeting is presently scheduled for June 15, 2010 at 3:00 p.m., if needed. AGENDA ITEM#10—ADJOURN Commissioner Dooley MOVED to adjourn at 4:22 p.m. and Commissioner Siebel SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY,by those present. Shaunna Williams,Recording Secretary 411 Page 2 of 2 T MNFountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission go oo �l�. 2010 Strategic Plan Update } 3 — b 9''tha`is MI" Phase IV Open House April 29,2010 Council Chambers 5:30-7pm • Light refreshments served • At least 4 SPAC members present Format: Open House • Running PowerPoint presentation highlighting aspects of the Update process • Large plot sheets with each focus area and strategic directions o Participants to use post-it notes to add/make comments • Blank"Idea Box" sheet that participants can add implementation strategies/initiatives • Full copies of the Draft Strategic Plan available for review Handouts: • Quick guide to the Strategic Plan (irr. Page 1 AIN Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission o 2010 Strategic Plan Update z � o • 0 9'ltbat is m. Phase IV Proposed Schedule Phase IV Activities completed to-date April 7 • Finalized Draft Strategic Plan • Posted Draft Strategic Plan online at www.fh.az.gov and developed a"Strategic Plan 2010" homepage icon • Placed review Draft Strategic Plan copies at Town Hall and Community Center • Released an online/paper feedback form for Draft Strategic Plan April 12 • Issued Press Release regarding availability of Draft Strategic Plan and invited feedback April 13 • Requested SPAC to contact strategic alliance organizations, other entities, for Draft Strategic Plan opportunities ‘'"'' April 15 • Fountain Hills Chamber eNotification sent to members regarding release of Draft Strategic Plan and request for feedback Phase IV Proposed Schedule April 21 • Issue Press Release on 4/29 Strategic Plan Open House • Contact Fountain Hills Times to request Strategic Plan Open House story in 4/28 newspaper April 29 • Draft Strategic Plan Open House (5:30—7 pm) May 4-11 • SPAC meeting to consider draft Strategic Plan revisions and to finalize Strategic Plan for Council consideration May 3 • Planning Team Meeting to review Draft Strategic Plan and comments received May 20 • Council considers Strategic Plan 2010 for adoption Page 1 o - o \ ƒ / \8. ` - E % \o as CQ1 \ CO lt)§ / $ 'ri ) a. co 2 / a — — E _ { / ( — 0 W \ \ \ ECU o a) E ci . }k/ % 2e / o 0 \ 0 0 0 r \ 3- \\ E = = \ o /o : < / § £ _ ƒ EF, ) / \ ( 0 ca / -Cl \ Cl \ \ E a .. 8 ) \ ) y « { cx ) / ) — § ) s \ \ { / \ Cl ) 0 _0 % $ \ \ Cl Cl o 112- . ƒ ) / la o \ \ \ \ \ I \ / % & \ _ a / ,a ... / \/ - % 0E _ \ / • { ƒ \ / j - a ) R % y{ ƒ o e 2 . « _ « % a — / � 7 Cl \ \ ) $ / / \ 6 co ) u mopvueld:Al mAa 0. • O co O a) N 0) (Q O d N a- Q E m a -o E o a a CO n M Cr; (n N N J CD O U7 N -C _c L - L 2 2 o o CIS CU ni CO 2 2 g a m '� a) o a) L L N a) O) U) v 0. a c c 2 U U o m 0 U a) c m p E E m ca N rn! 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