HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2010.0330.Minutes r '4 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION AND THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 30,2010 AGENDA ITEM#1—CALL TO ORDER SPAC Chair Audra Koester Thomas called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Jay T. Schlum, Vice Mayor Cassie Hansen, Councilmember Mike Archambault,Councilmember Dennis Brown,Councilmember Dennis Contino,Councilmember Ginny Dickey,and Councilmember Henry Leger. Present for roll call were the following members of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission: Commissioner Mike Dooley, Vice Chairman Curt Dunham, Commissioner Alan Magazine, Youth Commissioner Katie Myhr, Commissioner Rich Schultz, Commissioner Allen Siebel, and Chair Audra Koester Thomas. Commissioner Charlotte McCluskey was excused from the meeting. Also in attendance were Town Manager Rick Davis, Town Attorney Andrew McGuire,and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams. AGENDA ITEM#3—DISCUSSION OF WORKING DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN Chair Koester Thomas delivered a PowerPoint presentation entitled Strategic Plan Update: 2009-2010 (copy attached). The working draft strategic plan (copy attached) had been distributed prior to the meeting for review. However, because a graphic on page 5 of the working draft had not printed properly, Chair Koester Thomas distributed corrected copies of page 5(copy attached)during the meeting. During the PowerPoint presentation, items discussed included: financial "tools" available to generate additional revenues for the Town; renewable energy as a Strategic Direction under Environmental Stewardship; the connotation of the word "multiculturalism"; and the nexus between education, informed voting and civic responsibility. Following her presentation,Chair Koester Thomas called for questions and comments. Mayor Schlum thanked the Commission for the quality of their work,the amount of outreach,and the professional product achieved by the SPAC. Councilmember Archambault noted the volunteer effort contributed by the SPAC and expressed his gratitude. Mayor Schlum noted his appreciation to the SPAC for keeping the Council up-to-date on the process. He inquired as to what additional opportunities would be available for feedback from the Council and the public. Chair Koester Thomas stated that SPAC would like an indication of comfort with the draft document from the Council before the SPAC seeks citizen feedback. She stated that the SPAC would host a public workshop in April and create a revised plan in May for consideration and possible adoption by the Council. Mayor Schlum noted that the public may associate costs with the plan. Page 1 of 3 i Chair Koester Thomas stated that the vast majority of actions can be initiated without big expenditures. She noted that the plan is intended to be a living document and that vision will not be fulfilled in one year. She also indicated that staff will provide an action plan that is responsive to the current economic environment. Councilmember Hansen pointed out that the"greening project"is going forwarding without funding. Councilmember Archambault referred to the "Adopt-a-grandparent"program listed in the Idea Box as a low cost initiative. Mayor Schlum stated that the terms"enhance,""empower,"and"encourage"were used in creating Council Goal in order to indicate that the Town values initiative and is looking for partners. Councilmember Leger stated that the SPAC has done an awesome job and that the culture of planning lives. He further stated that he is optimistic that we can implement the vast majority of items utilizing what he calls "high involvement governance,"where the Town steps aside and encourages public/private partnerships. Commissioner Magazine pointed out that this is not a "SPAC document" and that he hopes it will be adopted and embraced by the Council as a"Council document." Mayor Schlum referred to the Council's challenge in tempering their own desires and molding them to the desires of the citizens. Chair Koester Thomas requested that Council identify"fatal flaws"in the plan prior to SPAC taking the draft plan to the citizens. Councilmember Dickey mentioned the importance of keeping in mind that we are a part of a region and state. She also stated her approval of the Idea Box and asked if the Idea Box would be ongoing. Chair Koester Thomas stated that the purpose of the Idea Box is to be an evolving repository of ideas to be revisited as appropriate. Councilmember Hansen referred to the expanded trail network and questioned whether that could be implemented without exploring legal ramifications. Chair Koester Thomas noted that all ideas would need to be fully vetted prior to implementation. Councilmember Leger stated, in order for Council to their separate personal ideologies, it is necessary to keep in mind that this is the people's plan;that it is a matter of keeping the goal in mind and allocating available resources. Councilmember Archambault suggested that, in order for Council to evaluate potential red flags, they should ask if they can identify with or relate to the plan,and whether it is plausible and doable. Vice Chair Dunham concurred with Councilmember Archambault and stated that Strategic Directions are written so that they are always works in progress. He stated that Council's annual action plan and annual budget should dictate how to get the work done. He also noted that SPAC is looking for consensus from the Council that Strategic Directions are appropriate;if they are not,SPAC needs to know before taking the draft plan to the public. Chair Koester Thomas pointed out that, although Council may not be fans of all of the ideas in the Idea Box, they were placed there so that ideas of the public and staff found a"home." She asked that Council communicate any "fatal flaws"identified by Council to her as soon as possible. She thanked the Council for their review and support. 411 Page 2 of 3 AGENDA ITEM#10—ADJOURN Commissioner Magazine MOVED to adjourn the meeting and Vice Chairman Dunham SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By: Shaunna Williams,Recording Secretary S Page 3 of 3 'r March 30, 2010 Strategic Plan Update: 2009-2010 March 30, 2010 Joint Meeting Presentation Strategic Planning Advisory Commission t • Strategic Plan Update 2009-2010 Tonight's Presentation • Strategic Plan Update Process • Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan 2010 — How it will be used — Format and design — Review of Plan: Strategic Directions • Highlights of Strategic Plan 2010 • Next Steps �J< Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 1 March 30, 2010 • Strategic Plan Update 2009-2010 Strategic Plan Update Process • Phase I: Strategic Plan Audit (June — July 2009): Strategic Plan Gap Analysis • Phase II: Education and Affirmation (August — December 2009): Visioning Report • Phase III: Construction (January - April 2010): Draft Plan Update • Phase IV: Plan Adoption (May 2010) ,11r" 41.3` Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan 7o•n of Fantem Hill: Strategic Plan 2010 aa4� t .r iK rd.LI.1010 DIT 40 M Y Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 0701 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 2 March 30, 2010 Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan How the Plan will be Used? Fall Review/Revise •Review and revise Plan Strategic Plan •Outline annual goals ;:°-A Winter •Staff prepares action plan MonitorPian and Annual Set Annual Accompt h is Goals Strategic ` Spring Planning \ •Adopt budget based on action plan 111 Process 4 Summer •Monitor implementation and Develop and 01 Outline Action achievements �t+l%y� e Adopt Budget Plans. { \\\Ad Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 • Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan How is the Plan formatted? CIVILITY O Why is this important? "" .. Mr..••••.Mrw .....Mw r.r.M • rl..•WTw•.M•M../.rrw....t A statement describing the value "•""......"'•""'•""•• © Our Pledge 1."▪"•...._•...._.•.r..._...... 1."711Council's pledge to the community "`"ar'r`�r `�" •..+•...r r.....•r,•r..r.r re..., © Strategic Directions """"2."`"" • Guiding principles to fulfill the vision .•••.••r•..`r •......r•...••• 'WA•r.rab.r....rl •'•'rrrr+.r+rr •.L..»... .«.rrr•Y.r.l.1.rwr.. O Key Performance Questions Measures progress and accomplishments o r ', i Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 3 March 30, 2010 Phase III: Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan How is the Plan formatted? 0 Idea Box !` An evolving collection of ideas and -="---_ initiatives that support strategic directions and help to fulfill vision ----- Mx y� <<o a Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan What is foundation for the Plan's success? Financial Sustainability the principal recommendation of the strategic plan is that Council re-initiate a process to review and recommended a financing structure and implement policies by which the Town's financial sustainability can he achieved. Without resolution, the citizen-defined vision will not be fulfilled and values will be compromised. Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 4 March 30, 2010 Phase III: Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan What is the basis of the Plan? Vision Fountain Hills is a distinctive community designed to invigorate the body, mind and spirit, and strives to: • Be stewards of this unique enclave, dedicated to preserving the visual aesthetic and experience and to living in balance with the Sonoran Desert; • Champion the diversity of experiences our residents bring to our community and rely on this depth of experience to innovatively address our challenges; • Be economically sustainable and anchor our vitality in an active, vibrant town core that serves us culturally,socially and economically; and, • Be civic-minded and friendly,taking responsibility for our Town's success by building partnerships and investing our talent and resources. fAllt Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 lir IF Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan What is the basis of the Plan? Values • Civility • Civic Responsibility • Environmental Stewardship • Economic Vitality • Education, Learning and Culture • Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure • Public Safety, Health and Welfare • Recreational Opportunities and Amenities Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 5 March 30, 2010 Phase III Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Civility Strategic Directions • C 1 Practice the art of civility in all public settings and encourage those around you to do the same. • C 2 Support community events and activities that create opportunities to build community and friendship. • C 3 Genuinely solicit and consider public and stakeholder feedback as part of the decision-making process. • C 4 Establish Fountain Hills as the friendliest place in the Valley. Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 w Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Civic Responsibility Strategic Directions • CR 1 Foster an environment of accessible, responsive governance. • CR 2 Discover, recognize and utilize the talents of our citizens and use these assets to address community needs. • CR 3 Foster a culture of public service and volunteerism. • CR 4 Implement a comprehensive communications plan to encourage informed citizen participation in civic life. Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 6 March 30, 2010 Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Civic Responsibility Strategic Directions • CR 5 Support and develop programs that educate and involve our youth in community governance. • CR 6 Evaluate customer satisfaction with Town services on a regular basis and implement appropriate service improvements. • CR 7 Communicate the role of local government and clearly define the trade-offs between service levels and amenities and the associated costs so residents can make informed choices. teit it; Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 «,n�N Phase III : Constructio Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Environmental Stewardship Strategic Directions • ES 1 Educate residents about our environment to increase awareness and promote stewardship. • ES 2 Protect and enhance natural infrastructure, including native vegetation, terrain and open space. • ES 3 Explore and employ new technologies and opportunities that will minimize noise, air and light pollution. Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 7 March 30, 2010 . Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Environmental Stewardship Strategic Directions • ES 4 Promote water conservation and identify ways to reduce use of this precious desert resource. • ES 5 Protect key view sheds from development and other manmade obstructions. • ES 6 Improve access to the Sonoran Desert experience. *--1-111-; Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Economic Vitality Strategic Directions • EV 1 Develop a comprehensive economic development strategy for the Town's future and work with our partners to forward economic growth and awareness. • EV 2 Develop and maintain a balanced, equitable, sustainable and local financing structure to support the Town's core government services at desired service levels. • EV 3 Promote a mixed use core where residents can live, work, learn and play in an urban village setting, as depicted in the Downtown Specific Area Plan (Downtown Vision Master Plan). Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 8 . March 30, 2010 IP Phase III . Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Economic Vitality Strategic Directions • EV 4 Promote retention, expansion and relocation of quality businesses. • EV 5 Continue to promote Fountain Hills as a visitor destination. • EV 6 Identify a slate of economic development tools and strategies (including tax incentives, fee abatements, etc.) to stimulate economic growth. • EV 7 Identify areas for redevelopment, revitalization or reuse. • EV 8 Promote unique and vibrant neighborhood an• business districts. idle ilk; Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Education, Learning and Culture Strategic Directions • ELC 1 Partner with Fountain Hills Unified School District and other institutions to develop quality educational programming and opportunities. • ELC 2 Support partners in providing arts and cultural opportunities and amenities. • ELC 3 Promote and celebrate multiculturalism within and surrounding our community. ,,,,,, c. 4/1 fie Strategic Plan Update:2009 2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 9 March 30, 2010 Phase III ' Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Education, Learning and Culture Strategic Directions • ELC 4 Position the community's arts and cultural businesses, venues and amenities as economic drivers integrated into the Town's comprehensive economic strategy. • ELC 5 Encourage access to higher learning opportunities or the establishment of an educational or training campus within our community. Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 sr Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure Strategic Directions • I 1 Maintain a 5-year capital improvements plan that includes programmed maintenance projects. • 12 Lower the reliance on state revenues by developing a locally controlled, reliable funding source for infrastructure maintenance. • 13 Maintain a current condition assessment of all roadways and sidewalks and prioritize and implement maintenance efforts to avoid costly reconstruction. • 14 Partner with local civic and social organizations to assist in amenity upkeep and maintenance. Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 10 March 30, 2010 Phase III. Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure Strategic Directions • 15 Explore ways to minimize wear and tear on the transportation system including transit options and limiting of truck traffic. • 16 Coordinate closely with downtown development efforts to ensure adequate infrastructure is planned and amenities identified and programmed. • 17 Maintain an up-to-date and impact fee structure and equitable development agreements to ensure new growth is not a burden on existing residents and businesses. - Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010• Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure Strategic Directions • 18 Periodically meet with other community service providers to do joint planning and ensure that service providers can accommodate new customers resulting from growth without compromising service levels to existing residents and businesses. • 19 Build a protected fund to finance the major periodic maintenance of community buildings, parks and the fountain. -l'ID', Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 11 March 30, 2010 Phase III Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Public Safety, Health and Welfare Strategic Directions • P 1 Promote and enhance community-based partnerships in crime prevention, fire and emergency preparedness. • P 2 Reduce risk and increase safety through community policing and community-based fire prevention programs. • P 3 Ensure appropriate service levels for public safety. t:1111167) Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 yam4.00 Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Public Safety, Health and Welfare Strategic Directions • P 4 Work to expand the existing "health campus" downtown and explore other health and welfare opportunities, including the creation of a small hospital or a niche health-related service cluster. • P 5 Support health and wellness instruction at all levels of the school system. S ' IN; Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 12 March 30, 2010 • Phase Ill Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Recreational Opportunities and Amenities Strategic Directions • R 1 Offer a wide range of cost-effective and accessible programs and services for all ages to promote a healthy and active community. • R 2 Provide an interconnected, multi-use trail and bicycle system that promotes active living, physical activity, education and appreciation of our parks and natural resources. • R 3 Support local organizations in providing affordable quality programs for youth and adults to promote recreational, sports, fitness and wellness -" programs. Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 • Phase III : Construction Introduction to the draft Strategic Plan Recreational Opportunities and Amenities Strategic Directions • R 4 Support community events and activities that create opportunities to build community and neighborhood identity. Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 13 March 30, 2010 Highlights of Strategic Plan 2010 The Strategic Plan 2010: • Includes the "implementation gaps" from previous plan • Reflects direction provided by Council, including: — Simplify, streamline, refine to a user-friendly document — Long-term, vision-based Plan — Institutionalize Plan process, roles and responsibilities — Refrain from specific task lists or price tags • Built from community engagement — Citizen-driven vision, values — Stakeholder ideas — Staff contributions =011 �f= Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 Next Steps • April: Community Feedback and Revisions — Post online/make available plan for individual feedback — Visit with community organizations and stakeholder groups — Host public workshop — Consider revisions to Plan based on feedback • May: Phase IV Adoption — Present revised Plan to Council for consideration and adoption Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 • Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 14 March 30, 2010 Phase III : Construction Discussion • Let's go back and re-review each Value! — Any questions? — Additions? — Revisions? • Other feedback or comments? • Is the draft ready for community feedback? ,,.,, Strategic Plan Update:2009-2010 I Phase III Joint Council/SPAC Presentation 15 tOAINAr1 o x o =� 4 �'�44at is Avvi Town of Fountain Hills st ra •a isPt 2010 an A periodic update of the Town's Strategic Plan �xnv���.✓"�. °ea*w.. e�Nedr�u i '+t'� ' W, ,U� ix`���. ✓^do. ti°Aa'r V. 'm`fsu�e �e�i{��«, »wF.'�S.i�,•,'kfi u Council Review Draf For Discussion Purposes Only March 23, 2010 DRAFT Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 <, ``V'' ,"Cax✓sR.?G`g`$t",fi+ a^-hr`,°°;u+:sr3`"a.'k$ a'++r A i U+"w " r5*`="' k ,"�as G ,✓ir "i°Br w .�,a sas*t Sy*s' .."+w 'W*"Y.d t�k a ,. :sir,r ,' > wrV *, FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLAN Originally Adopted May xx, 2010 Fountain Hills Town Council Jay Schlum, Mayor CP Cassie Hansen, Vice-mayor Mike Archambault Dennis Brown Dennis Contino Ginny Dickey Councilmember Henry Leger Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Audra Koester Thomas, Chair Curt Dunham, Vice chair Mike Dooley Alan Magazine Charlotte McCluskey Katie Myhr Rich Shultz Allen Siebel 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 1 • Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 C TABLE OF CONTENTS Mayor's or Council's Message 3 Strategic Plan 2010 4 Process 4 How will the Strategic Plan be used? 5 Strategic Plan Format 6 Foundation for Success: Financial Sustainability 7 Vision and Values 9 Our Vision 9 Our Values 9 Civility 10 Civic Responsibility 11 Environmental Stewardship 13 Economic Vitality 14 Education, Learning and Culture 16 Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure 17 Public Safety, Health and Welfare 19 Recreational Opportunities and Amenities 20 Appendix Appendix 1 Idea Box Appendix 1 Action Plan Template (forthcoming) Achievements Report Template (forthcoming) 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 2 • MAYOR'S OR COUNCIL'S MESSAGE Suggested Talking Points: Purpose of a strategic plan • Town's history of strategic planning • Town's commitment to citizen-engagement Visioning is a long term commitment • Strategic plan is a tool used to provide direction to our future • Implementation of elements of the plan and its strategies may take decades Future • Strategic planning is a reiterative process • Plan provides solid direction to achieve vision, but allows flexibility to employ the latest and best technologies and strategies 032410 Council Review r e ew Draft For Discussion Purposes Only Page 3 Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 w&N,!=a.?, 'says^.:5, ra" r, 1 w,b+« u;,r r,•^. s',,,w- ra.,;:, ;,' .ro r w>a,„a,.a+ +?K 'sr^ ,.:5 i ,a'"d a'<;,y 38..'K""i'wL 3z. Mr( r✓'e^,�5�b uw,oftr7b#,^.' . STRATEGIC PLAN 2010 Process Fountain Hills developed its first strategic plan in 2005 through a citizen-driven planning process. Strategic Plan 2006-2010 outlined strategic priorities for implementation through 2010. The original strategic plan also established the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC), a Council-appointed body intended to foster implementation of the strategic plan. At the beginning of 2009, SPAC recognized the need to update the strategic plan. In the spring, SPAC Commissioners initiated a reconnaissance effort to learn from the public and stakeholders the successes of the original strategic planning effort and to identify opportunities for the update. SPAC met in a joint session with Council to present a public participation plan to update the strategic plan that would maintain the culture of citizen involvement, but that was economically prudent. Council endorsed and SPAC led the four-phased program: Phase I: Strategic Plan Audit (Working Paper I: Strategic Plan Gap Analysis) Phase II: Visioning (Working Paper II: Visioning Report) Phase III: Construction (Draft Strategic Plan 2010) Phase IV: Plan Adoption (Adopted Strategic Plan 2010) Over the course of ten months, SPAC facilitated the following activities: • Organized a Planning Team to monitor its progress at key milestones • Met with dozens of organizations and social groups • Solicited feedback online and using paper feedback forms • Invited the public to join in discussing the future desires for our community at Issue Forums • Met with Town Council and each Town Commission • Spent a day at Fountain Hills High School and asked children at the Boys 0. Girls Club what they want for the future • Met and worked with all of Town's professional staff • Held traditional public meetings and communicated through area newspapers. In total, the process included the contributions and discussions from approximately 2,000 people and resulted in a more focused vision for the Town's future built upon our core values. While specific implementation strategies will be developed annually through Council's goal setting activities and the budget process, progress towards achieving the vision will be monitored through performance measures. 032410 Council Review Draft For Discussion Purposes Only Page 4 Fountain Hilts Strategic Plan 2010 a How will the Strategic Plan be used? A successful strategic plan is one that is integrated into the daily operations of an organization. In a municipal setting, staff and partner organizations use the strategic plan to develop proposals and initiatives that implement elements of the strategic plan; Council uses the strategic plan to evaluate all proposals. While a full update of a strategic plan is recommended periodically (every five years), the strategic plan should be reviewed annually and adjustments made as necessary. The following cycle outlines the annual use of the strategic plan: Annual Strategic Planning Process Fall • SPAC reviews previous fiscal year achievements, recommends any potential strategic plan revisions to Council, and provides recommendations for future goals/action plan • Council considers revisions to strategic plan 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 5 Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 z. 0 s ,_ • Council sets annual goals Winter • Staff outlines annual action plan based on Council goals Spring • Council passes budget based on action plan Summer • Staff monitors implementation of strategic plan • Staff develops annual achievements report reflecting implementation of the strategic plan (based on previous year budget/action plan/goals) Strategic Plan Format The foundation of the strategic plan is the citizen-crafted vision and values. The decisions of Town Council and its partners should all work towards achieving the future vision while honoring the Towns values. Focus Areas The eight community-driven values serve as the `focus areas' for the Town's strategic direction. By design, the strategic plan does not address all of the Town's core functions and activities nor will the strategic plan serve as the only tool used to allocate resources or to evaluate programs. Each focus area is constructed in the following manner: OWhy this is important: A statement describing the value identified by the public and what challenges or concerns the focus area is intended to address. cI"'LITr Q"h} s .r important, C.gndeMt.M.m Ne M•rdy strna Week F+n Feantaln Matt;M•y Itre n•edo mta ©Pledge: A statement of commitment or `pledge' to �°*`""""�`"'"'""°` '"" x"'�`''"" ' 'dntdw .M.e eMlky-W+Ife we Mtarye IMIy 4eE•ee Yf0 eeq•yerne.rt on a rwpe d Mw eW' rYuef kn}snse should ware to celebrate end bead upon potm 4lfferexee ourcommunity. "n.tb otPtod ,mft o.tt eveN.es erW pditkhe de:nuetf«let au 0 rie�ge ©Strategic Directions: These are guiding principles °•°°�^`•`y� N"�`�Ye�'�"`° '"�" " identified to achieve the pledge and ultimately, Oteae$l<trl,ecttons fulfill the vision. These are intended to provide ' °«"""`""`""""'"""" "'"`�'"°`.""""rw to do Mr omen • `.WF•><t oarmWNty eveeas aM Kenftw NK cr••t•cpptivteatfai m W fed cnnn•awty and hnmd+hkr. guidance to Town leaders; staff and Town partners . oh. ctoico<„M,<0Mf�,�tc.�, a�tee�K.KF�a 'tactical' M utVtd•'Fa.nuir lellI o Nf Mendlest pro.In the VWy, will develop more specific actions (see: • F Idea Box). a e}Performance Questaons • YANK to Ow wawa ornogroge .Elk me0MM W4 pNersr ' • Otd w extend wants oil outlet tlut Wad camnnny oe d MetWNle, '. • 4n we note...eons beteeen OAfk rot twhebolder feed*Kb and Me dafitae Net been been lode/ OKey Performance Questions: These are high-level • ' •�•�•°° 1: `�°-� ` '^'ry 5d2j1°�"`r•�`• K Ne htwdlett plKe in N•Y•Nay� questions used to identify what measures have been I ( taken each year to forward the strategic direction. Answers to these questions will serve as a tool in reporting annual accomplishments. 032410 Council Review Draft For Discussion Purposes Only Page 6 • • Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 w .% a dram a w r ° •• w•";w u, • • '" Idea Box While the strategic plan itself is intended to provide broad strategic guidance, each year Council will provide more specific direction on its annual course which will be used by staff to develop an action plan. The action plan will outline specific initiatives, strategies and projects Council and its partners pursue that year to implement the strategic plan and to realize the community vision. Through the planning process, residents, stakeholders and staff generated numerous ideas as to how the Town can implement portions of the strategic plan. The Idea Box section of the plan is a collection of these specific ideas offered, and is intended to serve as a repository of tools and activities that can be selected to build the Town's annual action plan. The Idea Box is in no way inclusive of all potential implementation strategies; SPAC encourages Town leaders, residents, partners, stakeholders, and staff to continue to build this coffer of ideas, and employ as appropriate. Foundation for Success: Financial Sustainability The fundamental element of the Town's continued success is its financial health and security. The Town of Fountain Hills General (operating) Fund is fueled primarily through two revenue sources: local sales taxes and state shared revenues. Fountain Hills already has one of the highest combined sales tax rates in Arizona (8.9%). State shared revenues are those that state government allocates to towns and cities based on each municipalities relative share of total population. As Fountain Hills reaches build-out, Town revenue streams will continue to diminish as sales tax and permit fees from new construction dwindle and communities within Arizona grow at a faster pace than Fountain Hills, and thus, taking a higher percentage of state shared revenues. The Strategic Plan 2006-2010 warned that continued reliance on these diminishing revenue sources would impact the Town. As such, the first strategic priority outlined as part of Strategic Plan 2006-2010 was "Government Financial Stability" specifically directing Council to resolve the Town's projected long-term revenue shortfall by December 31, 2007. As part of that effort, SPAC led a citizen-driven "Revenue Solutions" process in 2007 to thoroughly analyze potential revenue alternatives and recommend a course of action. In 2008, voters soundly rejected the proposed solution that would have instituted a local primary property tax to reduce the Town's reliance on sales taxes while lowering the sale tax rate. The concerns about the Town vulnerability to an economic downturn were enunciated during the Strategic Plan 2006-2010 effort and those concerns have now been validated at a greater magnitude than predicted five years ago. 032410 Council Review Draft For Discussion Purposes Only Page 7 Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 i n has magnified the impact The current economic recess of the Town's o g unbalanced fiscal portfolio. High unemployment rates, home foreclosures and the crash of the construction industry have led to reduced spending statewide and a lowering of revenues to almost all government agencies in Arizona. The State of Arizona is even threatening to siphon off other locally-shared revenues as it tries to close its deficit of over $1 billion. Everyone has tightened belts. The Town's fiscal year (FY) 2005-2006 General (operating) Fund revenues were $17.2 million. Currently, Town Staff is preparing General (operating) Fund budget for FY 2010-2011 of approximately $13 million. In five years the Town's revenues have dropped by nearly 25% (or over $4 million). This drop in revenue has translated into service delivery impacts including program cuts, staffing reductions and very concerning deferrals of infrastructure maintenance. Residents identified the Town's fiscal sustainability as the Strategic Plan 2006- 2010's key focus. As we started this process, residents and stakeholders reminded us again that a financially healthy community is fundamental to our vitality and frankly, our survival. Five years later and without a resolution to the Town's revenue shortfall, we are now faced with the reality that non-essential services might be eliminated, including the operation of our beloved Fountain. The Town's current lack of financial stability will make implementing much of the strategic plan difficult if not impossible. This will ultimately result in the citizen- defined vision not being fulfilled and our values compromised. As such, it is the principal recommendation of the strategic plan that Council re-initiate a process to review and recommended a financing structure and implement policies by which the Town's financial sustainability can be achieved. • 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 8 • Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 VISION AND VALUES Our Vision Fountain Hills is a distinctive community designed to invigorate the body, mind and spirit, and strives to: • Be stewards of this unique enclave, dedicated to preserving the visual aesthetic and experience and to living in balance with the Sonoran Desert; • Champion the diversity of experiences our residents bring to our community and rely on this depth of experience to innovatively address our challenges; • Be economically sustainable and anchor our vitality in an active, vibrant town core that serves us culturally, socially and economically; and, • Be civic-minded and friendly, taking responsibility for our Town's success by building partnerships and investing our talent and resources. Our Values • Civility • Civic Responsibility • Environmental Stewardship • Economic Vitality • Education, Learning and Culture • Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure • Public Safety, Health and Welfare • Recreational Opportunities and Amenities p��ld S 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 9 Fountain Hilts Strategic Plan 2010 ? �� Sx1 G 'max ar'3 y„ s%;°jtw.+h a. ` x s'2 +4* '.'y "`a; a srd ;,vyi ,, "`'e ^o^6isw»A; ✓'SrK:"Y°^, Se^�raL'^�^x n3;�`:�r,bu ` rva,>; £SC .a>r�� ✓r C CIVILITY Why is this important? Residents value the friendly atmosphere in Fountain Hills; they love running into neighbors on a walk and being greeted by name at area merchants. Residents also value civility—while we encourage lively debate and engagement on a range of issues, we also expect to be treated with respect. Our community is one that values kindness and we should strive to celebrate and build upon our differences instead of finding ways to fragment ourselves and politicize the issues facing our community. Our Pledge We will build a community in which all can feel valued, welcome and as though they belong. Strategic Directions ILC 1 Practice the art of civility in all public settings and encourage those around you to do the same. C 2 Support community events and activities that create opportunities to build community and friendship. C 3 Genuinely solicit and consider public and stakeholder feedback as part of the decision-making process. C 4 Establish Fountain Hills as the friendliest place in the Valley. Key Performance Questions • What is the overall atmosphere at public meetings and gatherings? • Did we expand events and activities that build community and friendship? • Can we make connections between public and stakeholder feedback and the decisions that have been made? • Have we made positive strides in establishing Fountain Hills' reputation as the friendliest place in the Valley? 0 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 10 Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 • CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY Why is this important? With today's demands on peoples' time, it is a challenge to find ways to keep individuals engaged in their community. We live in a special place and to keep it that way will take more than just the local government. It will take the individual and collective commitment of residents and the business community. The interaction of working, retired and winter residents, youth, and government strengthens our community. We value volunteers and encourage involvement at all levels because it builds partnerships and invests talent and resources in our Town. Our Pledge We will take responsibility for our community's future and foster opportunities for all residents to participate fully in our community through accessible, responsive leadership. Strategic Directions CR 1 Foster an environment of accessible, responsive governance. CR 2 Discover, recognize and utilize the talents of our citizens and use these assets to address community needs. CR 3 Foster a culture of public service and volunteerism. CR 4 Implement a comprehensive communications plan to encourage informed citizen participation in civic life. CR 5 Support and develop programs that educate and involve our youth in community governance. CR 6 Evaluate customer satisfaction with Town services on a regular basis and implement appropriate service improvements. CR 7 Communicate the role of local government and clearly define the trade- offs between service levels and amenities and the associated costs so residents can make informed choices. Key Performance Questions • Have we improved government accessibility, responsiveness and service? • Have we enabled our citizens to be critical thinkers and problem solvers in addressing community issues? • Have we expanded our public service and volunteer base? -v00' 032410 Council Review Draft For Discussion Purposes Only Page 11 • Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 • Have we raised awareness in the community regarding the town's operations? • Have we effectively involved youth in community governance? • 4,077, II sF�x rb C 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 1'L Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 • ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Why is this important? The community highly values both the small town atmosphere and the natural beauty of Fountain Hills. That combination is what differentiates us—what makes the Town unique. We are not just a small town, but a small town in a beautiful Sonoran desert setting. Much of the "beauty" is due to natural conditions: the desertscape, undulating topography, mountain views, big skies, star-filled nights. Our Pledge We will preserve the natural beauty that surrounds us and protect it so future generations can enjoy it. Strategic Directions ES 1 Educate residents about our environment to increase awareness and promote stewardship. ES 2 Protect and enhance natural infrastructure, including native vegetation, • terrain and open space. ES 3 Explore and employ new technologies and opportunities that will minimize noise, air and light pollution. ES 4 Promote water conservation and identify ways to reduce use of this precious desert resource. ES 5 Protect key view sheds from development and other manmade obstructions. ES 6 Improve access to the Sonoran Desert experience. Key Performance Questions • Have we expanded environmental education efforts? • Have we maintained and effectively implemented policies to protect the community's natural beauty and resources? • Have we improved connections between people and the Sonoran Desert? 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 13 . • Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 f�..��;r`nr�tw'�?rik'�d "i,t x..:`" +Y' sµ°;k x� .»�.a;,f:'Fa„. 'FA'"':'a ',3 w �� cx m�, e. w r nab a» .ems.. x&'„w .mv1.w41r° `�a5 a ry:,y`x M✓i �r ;te �'""{�t%e°""?i`E xw ,>'&* , r, 3><q IL ECONOMIC VITALITY Why is this important? Economic vitality is the primary tenant of the strategic plan because it is fundamental to all other projects, processes and goals for our future. The state's economic recovery will be gradual (at best) over the next decade and simply increasing retail commerce from all possible sources will not be sufficient to maintain the Town's aging infrastructure and provide recreation programs and amenities and public safety services at their present levels. The state's budget woes and imminent decrease in financial support to the Town will require Fountain Hills to identify funding mechanisms to allow our community to control its own destiny. With that being said, the health of the local business community is still an integral part of economic vitality. Fountain Hills will require the implementation of business strategies that increase the number of "feet on the street": more employees, visitors, and most of all, more citizens patronizing our businesses. Implementation of the Downtown Vision Master Plan will advance the "Urban Village" concept, wherein more residents are able to live, work and play in (11.' Fountain Hills. In the process, we will need to identify and attract specific niche industries that employ skilled workers as well as businesses that supply the needs that residents are now leaving the area to satisfy. An additional challenge for the Town is the discrepancy between the number of "households" and the number of households with residents who here for the majority of the year. As our present economic model depends heavily on sales taxes, attention must be paid to positioning Fountain Hills as the best suburb for families, with family growth supporting our schools, our multi-generational image, and the year-round collection of sales taxes in our retail and restaurant venues. This growth model should also support the Visitor's Bureau outreach to broaden the number of longer term seasonal visitors who contribute far more to our economic base than "day trippers." Our Pledge We will maintain a strong commitment to financial stability and local control. We will promote economic growth that leverages Fountain Hills' assets by building a dynamic, diverse economy that supports our community's needs and promotes successful businesses. S 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 14 • tin Pian 1r' 3dcr ic` 1cM+a*l*�` �Y� Strategic Directions EV 1 Develop a comprehensive economic development strategy for the Town's future and work with our partners to forward economic growth and awareness. EV 2 Develop and maintain a balanced, equitable, sustainable and local financing structure to support the Town's core government services at desired service levels. EV 3 Promote a mixed use core where residents can live, work, learn and play in an urban village setting, as depicted in the Downtown Specific Area Plan (Downtown Vision Master Plan). EV 4 Promote retention, expansion and relocation of quality businesses. EV 5 Continue to promote Fountain Hills as a visitor destination. EV 6 Identify a slate of economic development tools and strategies (including tax incentives, fee abatements, etc.) to stimulate economic growth. EV 7 Identify areas for redevelopment, revitalization or reuse. EV 8 Promote unique and vibrant neighborhood and business districts. Key Performance Questions • Has progress been made in implementing a comprehensive economic strategy? • Are our core services reliably funded? • What steps have been taken to develop the central business district? • Have we maintained a strong support system for local businesses? • What new businesses have come to Fountain Hills? • Have we brought more visitors to the community and provided more opportunities for them to spend money? • Are local businesses investing in themselves? 11 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 15 r • • Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 ;.w ,; h.,+.ax , d;.; ,3 rsk r "''G V, z s trar v rM as;.tR rr r;"'✓�v :"«-^ ya,+;�sr «-r:Ss.d'% ' ,;r.r.:r ffi " ItNW &r Grp ryi'$o xr C EDUCATION, LEARNING AND CULTURE Why is this important? We place a high degree of importance on providing quality, continuing educational opportunities for all and access to fine art and cultural amenities. Whether preparing our youth for a competitive work place, supporting those needing to retool and transition, or enriching and expanding the experiences of our residents and visitors, quality education and cultural assets are not simply amenities, but priorities. While the town does not directly provide educational opportunities and many of the cultural amenities will be provided by others, it serves a key role in building partnerships that support the community's values in this area. Our Pledge We support quality, life long learning opportunities and cultural assets that enrich our lives. • Strategic Directions ELC 1 Partner with Fountain Hills Unified School District and other institutions to develop quality educational programming and opportunities. ELC 2 Support partners in providing arts and cultural opportunities and amenities. ELC 3 Promote and celebrate multiculturalism within and surrounding our community. ELC 4 Position the community's arts and cultural businesses, venues and amenities as economic drivers integrated into the town's comprehensive economic strategy. ELC 5 Encourage access to higher learning opportunities or the establishment of an educational or training campus within our community. Key Performance Questions • Have educational opportunities been expanded and student performance improved? • Have arts and cultural opportunities and amenities been improved/expanded? • Has arts and culture played a greater role in enhancing the local economy? C 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 16 • MAINTAIN AND IMPROVE COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Why is this important? Fountain Hills is a beautiful place, but like everything else, it is aging. A significant amount of the community's infrastructure is reaching its fourth decade and the bill is coming due. Maintaining the building blocks of the community - basic services like water, sewer, storm water, electricity, telecommunications and transportation - and protecting the community's investments and amenities is critical to the success of Fountain Hills. While the Town of Fountain Hills is not directly responsible for all of these tasks, it is the governmental body representing the Town's residents and businesses to ensure quality service and upkeep of local infrastructure. The tasks that the Town is directly responsible for (maintaining community buildings and parks and recreation facilities along with road, sidewalk, landscaping and trail maintenance) must be carefully planned and systematically and reliably funded. The most visible infrastructure is within the Town's control and is essential for our movement in and around Town. Well maintained streets are essential to not only the community's image, but can lower the need for very costly reconstruction as the system and community age. Our Pledge We will maintain and improve our infrastructure to ensure public health and safety and a quality living experience, enhance economic opportunities, and support and protect property values and community investments. Strategic Directions 1 Maintain a 5-year capital improvements plan that includes programmed maintenance projects. 2 Lower the reliance on state revenues by developing a locally controlled, reliable funding source for infrastructure maintenance. 13 Maintain a current condition assessment of all roadways and sidewalks and prioritize and implement maintenance efforts to avoid costly reconstruction. 4 Partner with local civic and social organizations to assist in amenity upkeep and maintenance. 15 Explore ways to minimize wear and tear on the transportation system including transit options and limiting of truck traffic. 032410 Council Review Draft For Discussion Purposes Only Page 17 • • Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 16 Coordinate closely with downtown development efforts to ensure adequate infrastructure is planned and amenities identified and programmed. I 7 Maintain an up-to-date and impact fee structure and equitable development agreements to ensure new growth is not a burden on existing residents and businesses. I 8 Periodically meet with other community service providers to do joint planning and ensure that service providers can accommodate new customers resulting from growth without compromising service levels to existing residents and businesses. I 9 Build a protected fund to finance the major periodic maintenance of community buildings, parks and the fountain. Key Performance Questions • Have we enhanced our infrastructure maintenance and financial planning? • Have we effectively enlisted the assistance from community organizations and entities in maintaining our amenities? • Have we strategically invested in infrastructure improvements that will spur economic growth? • Have service levels been maintained across providers/clients? C 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 18 • Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELFARE .10) Why is this important? Safety, health and welfare are typically the highest priorities of citizens. While the public sector cannot give complete assurance that it can protect people in absolute terms, it plays a major role toward achieving that goal through such approaches as regulation, public/private partnerships and government investment. Resource depletion, pollution and a declining quality of life erodes our feeling of safety and security, and diminishes our quality of life and overall welfare. Our Pledge We protect the health and safety of our community and promote a high quality life. Strategic Directions P 1 Promote and enhance community-based partnerships in crime prevention, fire and emergency preparedness. P 2 Reduce risk and increase safety through community policing and community-based fire prevention programs. P 3 Ensure appropriate service levels for public safety. P 4 Work to expand the existing "health campus" downtown and explore other health and welfare opportunities, including the creation of a small hospital or a niche health-related service cluster. P 5 Support health and wellness instruction at all levels of the school system. Key Performance Questions • Has collaboration among public safety providers, citizens and neighborhoods been improved? • Have we effectively monitored the desired public safety service levels of residents? • Have health and wellness facilities and programs been expanded? 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 19 Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2010 { 4 .s "ram*an„Ae ``t*d^abo-='# M M 1 �.1;,atr .v.a x lv,:,a;a'"'Pz r' t� * f?''„� 9ag^`p A` T *'^«a,wiK'�`.`a,.,,`off` r'S&€a ''".arw✓w,4%i' „a' vrl"r"a.,'u,a :i. Cr. RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AND AMENITIES Why is this important? Recreational activities are key elements of our community. A community that plays together stays together! The maintenance of a wide variety of recreation opportunities for all ages is important to our overall quality of life. Recreational activities, programs and facilities also assist in the relief of stress and the promotion of health. Our Pledge We will make Fountain Hills a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly community to reduce automobile use, contribute to healthy lifestyles, provide recreational and physical exercise opportunities to citizens, and take advantage of Fountain Hills' closeness to the Sonoran Desert. Strategic Directions R 1 Offer a wide range of cost-effective and accessible programs and services for all ages to promote a healthy and active community. R 2 Provide an interconnected, multi-use trail and bicycle system that promotes active living, physical activity, education and appreciation of our parks and natural resources. R 3 Support local organizations in providing affordable quality programs for youth and adults to promote recreational, sports, fitness and wellness programs. R 4 Support community events and activities that create opportunities to build community and neighborhood identity. Key Performance Questions • Have we improved choices and access for recreation activities? • Have we improved our trail and bicycle system? • Are our recreational activities and community events promoting community cohesiveness? C 032410 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Page 20 APPENDIX N d d O Idea Box 171 C 0 L - c`o iy C C _ C > C C a y •C 2 O v.) _ C .6 a•'a E = 0 O C 5 J An evolving collection of ideas and initiatives that forward the o o strategic plan and help realize the community's vision. o = 5 U U w w w g Partner with Boys&Girls Club and other agencies to host a National Night Out • program Establish an adopt a grandparent program to provide winter visitors and • retirees a sense of a"home away from home" • Host a volunteer fair where potential volunteers are matched with • organizations needing assistance. • Host a bi-annual community-wide garage sale • • Host an annual Make a Difference Day where volunteers complete small jobs • to promote facility maintenance and upkeep of amenities. Draft a Code of Civility or civility pledge that all Council members and • Commissioners sign at the beginning of service. • Conduct a comprehensive leadership training for Council,Commissions and other community leaders covering the basics of managing public meetings, • • Roberts Rules of Order,etc. Expand the Neighborhood Watch program to every street in Fountain Hills • • • Host good neighbor day,encouraging residents to meet their neighbors • • Foster a mentorship program that matches talents and experiences of our • retired and professional residents with the ambitions of our youth • Establish a greeting campaign by which residents greet others(such as"Isn't it a great day in Fountain Hills?"or"How's Fountain Hills treating you today?") • Establish a parkette near the corner of Shea Boulevard and SR 87 for residents and travelers to stop, picnic or stretch enroute to/from The Rim • Establish an ambassadors program whereby volunteers of all ages serve as • • Town greeters and assist visitors and residents Host a camping night event where residents camp at Fountain Park and attend lakeside programs on the history can culture of our Town and region and • • participate in recreational games and activities Facilitate a social services audit to identify the scope of social services • • • provided by area agencies/organizations to evaluate Town service provisions Draft Commission Governance Policy to articulate the mission, purpose, roles and responsibilities of each town-endorsed commission or committee • 032310 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Appendix 1 ,7 n i..'*Y,xsk.°�`y. f'c>¢F "F" ''443tffi: `kws ;b''u?... .Taa."aeb.�W W.;t'Ae°. " S s..T,g*F sx .; .c s✓€-mh�r ;�#F ,ryx e.„"v,,,ad d"y4�"^d„m 4'E,,,'u# x `w',+rx ry ,,vR �s i r. - f r'�s.;c d � Idea Box V rn N fp N O C C O co C 6, O C d N d. 6 Et N ° ° 2 E = O C > J y o An evolving collection of ideas and initiatives that forward the ad E g " 7 4 � cn2. strategic plan and help realize the community's vision. o U w w w a Partner with other service providers to host a touch a truck day allowing • • • • • • residents to meet staff and learn about services and equipment Create a Community Enrichment Commission • • • Conduct citizen satisfaction survey • Establish a citizens academy that teaches residents about service delivery and •community governance Sponsor a This Fountain Hills Life video program where short clips are submitted that explore the history of the community and its people, introduce • residents to areas of Town,or provide insight into an interesting topic to be published on Channel 11 Expand"adopt-a-..."programs,encouraging citizen stewardship of community tor • assets. Establish a Fountain Hills Utility Coalition where community service providers (including Chaparral City Water Company, Fountain Hills Sanitary District, Salt River Project,Town of Fountain Hills, Qwest Communications,Cox • • Communications and others)periodically meet to discuss issues and developments that impact service delivery Expand tree canopy to increase amount of shade • • • • Conduct an open space and trails master plan • • • • Use effluent as water source for fountain and water features around Town • • Maintain a single-source refuse and recycling collection service • • Install low level lighting on pathway around Fountain Lake • • Host an annual economic summit of the Town's neighbors and partners to • focus regional and local economic growth strategies Maintain an online accessible catalogue of available rental space at Community Center, Fountain Park and sports fields/facilities and market • opportunities Work with partners on a branding campaign to establish Fountain Hills as"not •just a pretty place" Help identify a dedicating funding mechanism for Fountain Hills& Fort • McDowell Visitors Bureau Develop with partners an economic development plan that identifies target industries/drivers and articulates a comprehensive economic development • strategy Initiate Lakeside District implementation highlighted in the Downtown Vision •Master Plan 032310 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Appendix 2 -, ,.,M=�. . ". � p. Y s.� �„ Yff> .vayv �.. b✓y" N W ea° $:Y'k m ice",.,„ �' • • • 110 J1I IdeaBox .o C OJ 3 >, 3 rn > r in _T o co c - a N ° y = O O 7c co w An evolving collection of ideas and initiatives that forward the E c �, strategic plan and help realize the community's vision. 3 -0 • 3 U w w w a Implement districting as outlined in the Downtown Area Specific Plan through ordinance/zoning or other regulatory measure • Establish a Saguaro Corridor Redevelopment District to evaluate land use and redevelopment opportunities • Develop a turnkey business relocation and expansion program,targeting key businesses and opportunities • Develop a marketing and promotion strategy for high-end,seasonal visitors • Explore establishing a public safety district • Conduct a comprehensive user fee analysis to ensure market competitiveness • Empower a citizen-based Town Finance Blue Ribbon Committee to review and recommend a financing structure to ensure long-term financial sustainability • Explore with the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation the establishment of an Arizona • Indian History and Cultural center and visitor destination • Develop a single community activities and events calendar to showcase Town,partner and regional activities and to serve as a clearinghouse to • • • communicate opportunities Partner with VFW and other organizations to host a"Freedom Series" •highlighting individuals that have contributed to democratic freedom Partner with Native American communities and educational institutions and host an annual Tribal Cultural Day to learn more about the history and culture of • Arizona Tribes Evaluate whether a strategy to seek an educational or trade school • institution is a viable strategy to pursue for the community • Expand River of Time Museum to include other institutions or disciplines. • Use roundabouts and other traffic control methods to minimize need for traffic • signals • Explore establishing a trolley service to connect residents to key Town activity centers • Explore future connection to the Valley light rail system • Provide free Wi-Fi access downtown and in Fountain Park • • Develop a community health directory • Establish a wellness lecture circuit, building relationships with educational institutions and health providers to provide seminars on important topics • Investigate a dedicated health and wellness cable channel or programming • 032310 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Appendix 3 • • • • N C d d Idea Box A 7 ` w c co G -12 c - in c co 0 T C c A 0 .a c >' E d d d E x 0 o c 5 J d C An evolving collection of ideas and initiatives that forward the c strategic plan and help realize the community's vision. > o CU U u u u a C Establish a Health and Wellness Commission • Create a Wellness Newsletter • Maintain a Health and Wellness library collection • Establish an aquatic center as a recreational and wellness amenity for • • residents Expand trail network by providing passive, non-paved trails through selected • Town washes Expand bike path network through paining or providing dedicated lanes • • Partner with McDowell Mountain Regional Park to provide joint park recreation • •and educational programming • C 032310 Council Review Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Appendix 4 I. • • How will the Strategic Plan be used? A successful strategic plan is one that is integrated into the daily operations of an organization. In a municipal setting, staff and partner organizations use the strategic plan to develop proposals and initiatives that implement elements of the strategic plan; Council uses the strategic plan to evaluate all proposals. While a full update of a strategic plan is recommended periodically (every five years), the strategic plan should be reviewed annually and adjustments made as necessary. The following cycle outlines the annual use of the strategic plan: Review/Revise Strategic Plan \41444***•, 1111 Monitor Plan and ', Annual Set Annual Accomplishments Goals Strategic Planning Process Develop and Outline Action •• Adopt Budget r' Plan \14144%•., Fall • SPAC reviews previous fiscal year achievements, recommends any potential strategic plan revisions to Council, and provides recommendations for future goals/action plan • Council considers revisions to strategic plan 032410 Council Review Draft For Discussion Purposes Only Page 5