HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2010.0216.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING February 16,2010 AGENDA ITEM#1 —CALL TO ORDER Chair Koester Thomas called the meeting to order in the Fountain Hills Council Chambers at 3:02 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#2—ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission: Commissioner Mike Dooley, Vice Chair Curt Dunham, Commissioner Charlotte McCluskey Youth Commissioner Katie Myhr, Commissioner Rich Schultz, Commissioner Allen Siebel, and Chair Audra Koester Thomas. Commissioner Alan Magazine was excused from the meeting. Town Manager Rick Davis and Recording Secretary Shaunna Williams were also present. AGENDA ITEM#3—CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one appeared at the Call to the Public. AGENDA ITEM #4 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING NOVEMBER 17, 2009 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Dooley MOVED to approve the January 19, 2010 meeting minutes and Commissioner Schultz SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. 0 AGENDA ITEM#5—TOWN MANAGER'S UPDATE Town Manager Rick Davis reported on recent Town events and activities including the following: The Farmers' Market on Avenue of the Fountains has begun and will complement the Art on the Avenue event; plans are underway for Concerts in the Park and the Eggstravaganza; budget requests have been submitted by Town departments and will be reviewed by the Executive Budget Committee; staff is working with Council to develop some capital projects funding options; plans are underway for a free recycling event; Planning and Zoning is working on an ordinance to allow LED signage in Town, as well as on a noise ordinance; an RFP for a single trash hauler will be issued. Mr. Davis responded to questions from the Commissioners relative to his report. AGENDA ITEM#6—UPDATE ON TOWN FINANCES Reported in Agenda Item#5. AGENDA ITEM#7—DISCUSS STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE Chair Koester Thomas stated that Working Paper#2 was presented at the February 4 Council meeting and that feedback from the Council was entirely positive. She stated that the next phase of the Strategic Plan Update is the actual creation of the plan and that the goal is to create a plan that can be easily used by staff and Council. Chair Koester Thomas reported that after reviewing strategic plans from numerous other municipalities, one has been located that could potentially serve as a model for the Fountain Hills' Strategic Plan. She distributed a portion of Vancouver, Washington's strategic plan and made correlations between their plan and how it could possibly be adapted for Fountain Hills. She asked for feedback from the Commissioners and, following Page 1 of 3 discussion, it was agreed that the format of Vancouver, Washington's plan would serve as a template for Fountain Hill's Strategic Plan Update. C2)Chair Koester Thomas then distributed a document entitled "Fountain Hills Strategic Plan Update: DRAFT Outline." She stated that the SPAC should create a plan that can be "institutionalized" and updated. She noted that eight Values were developed in Working Paper #2 and suggested that each Commissioner volunteer to be responsible for one Value. Subsequently,responsibility agents for each of the Values were assigned as follows: Environmental Stewardship—Commissioner Dooley Economic Vitality—Commissioner McCluskey Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure-Commissioner Dunham Education,Learning and Culture—Youth Commissioner Myhr Recreational Opportunities and Amenities—Commissioner Schultz Civic Responsibility—Commissioner Siebel Chair Koester Thomas noted that she would speak with Commissioner Magazine to determine which of them would assume responsibility for the two remaining Values, i.e.,Public Safety, Health and Welfare and Civility. Chair Koester Thomas distributed copies of a document entitled "Draft Council Goals and Initiatives for FY2010-11 and stated that the initiatives noted could possibly serve as "Key Indicators" for each Value. She also distributed a sheet entitled "Fountain Hills Strategic Plan Update DRAFT Layout" asked each Commissioner to develop for their assigned Value: (1) a description of the value; (2) a pledge statement; and (3)a strategic direction. She noted that Town staff would work on"Key Indicators." Chair Koester Thomas then handed out a revised "DRAFT Strategic Plan Update Schedule," and noted that changes had been made to the schedule in order to complete the plan by mid-March so that it could be discussed during the joint meeting between the Town Council and the SPAC that is scheduled for March 30. She requested that each Commissioner complete work on their Value by February 28. Chair Koester Thomas indicated that she would send out the full Vancouver, Washington plan along with other documents referenced during the meeting,together with a deadline reminder. Vice Chair Dunham mentioned the necessity of looking to the future and putting out big ideas in the updated Strategic Plan. AGENDA ITEM#8—DISCUSS NEXT MEETING AGENDA It was agreed that agenda items for the next meeting of the SPAC will be as follows: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Call to the Public 4. Consideration of approving February 16, 2010 meeting minutes 5. Town Manager's Update 6. Update on Town Finances 7. Discuss Strategic Plan Update 8. Discuss next meeting agenda 9. Schedule upcoming meetings 10. Adjourn Page 2 of 3 , AGENDA ITEM#9—SCHEDULE UPCOMING MEETINGS It was noted that the following SPAC meetings are presently scheduled: March 16,2010 at 3:00 p.m.; March 30, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. (joint meeting with the Town Council); and April 20, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. The Commission agreed to establish an additional meeting on May 18, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#10—ADJOURN Commissioner Siebel MOVED to adjourn at 4:03 p.m. and Commissioner Dooley SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those present. 4 haunna Williams,Recording Secretary 41) Page 3 of 3 ! 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Strategic Plan Process • Vision Fountain Hills is a distinctive community designed to invigorate the body, mind and spirit, and strives to: • Be stewards of this unique enclave, dedicated to preserving the visual aesthetic and experience and to living in balance with the Sonoran Desert; • Champion the diversity of experiences our residents bring to our community and rely on this depth of experience to innovatively address our challenges; • Be economically sustainable and anchor our vitality in an active, vibrant town core that serves us culturally, socially and economically; and, • Be civic-minded and friendly, taking responsibility for our Town's success by building partnerships and investing our talent and resources. • Values o Civility o Civic Responsibility o Environmental Stewardship o Economic Vitality o Education, Learning and Culture o Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure o Public Safety, Health and Welfare o Recreational Opportunities and Amenities • How the Strategic Plan is used o Annual update/review/budgeting process o Roles and responsibilities for Council, SPAC and Town staff III. Value • Why is this important? • Our Pledge • Strategic Directions • Key Indicators (tying to budget process indicators) p DRAFT COUNCIL GOALS AND INITIATIVES FOR FY2010-11 Goal 1 Education, Learning, and Culture: Enrich our community by providing citizens with opportunities to improve their own lives and the lives of others. 1. Investigate feasibility of partnering with FHUSD and/or other learning institutions to develop a program of educational opportunities. 2. Partner with the Veterans of Foreign Wars to hold a "Freedom Series" at the Community Center highlighting the extraordinary people within our own community,with this year's series focusing on patriots who have demonstrated sacrifice to the nation. 3. Partner with Ft. McDowell to present a "Yavapai Culture Day.", 4. Create opportunities to showcase local performing arts talent. 5. Encourage citizen development of more special events by simplifying/streamlining the Special Event Permit application and process. Goal 2 Environmental Stewardship: Enrich our community by promoting and preserving our Town's natural assets. 1. Partner with the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission to develop educational experiences and provide a workshop to teach residents about our natural environment. 2. Rezone all Town washes as open space to provide an additional measure of protection to the washes. 3. Develop a plan to establish a storm water utility. Goal 3 Civility: Enrich our community by promoting internal civility and promoting partnerships and other opportunities that bring citizens together and foster an atmosphere of neighborliness and cooperation. 1. Develop for Council ratification a policy regarding appropriate behavior with regard to public and internal interactions. 2. Present a civility and teamwork workshop to help Council and staff come together and improve interaction. 3. Develop and execute a program to proactively distribute factual information to address misinformation by utilizing Town communication resources. 4. Partner with non-profits, HOAs and faith-based organizations to promote "Meet Your Neighbor Week." Goal 4 Civic Responsibility: Enrich our community by identifying and supporting opportunities for volunteerism that meaningfully impact our quality of life and promote community pride and enhance access to Town leadership. 1. Partner with the Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association to encourage participation in the "Volunteer Fair." 2. Continue to build upon the success of"Make a Difference Day." 3. Work with the Mayor and Council to create a Community Enrichment Commission. Rev.2/8/10 Page 1 of 2 Goal 5 Economic Vitality: Enrich our community by promoting an economically sound and sustainable environment in which to live,work, learn and play. 1. Market the Town for business location and expansion. 2. Enact land use regulations that encourage development in the downtown consistent the Downtown Vision Plan. 3. Develop and issue a Request for Proposals to investigate the feasibility of public-private partnerships in the Lakeside District. 4. Investigate opportunities to bring a community college and a hospital to Fountain Hills. 5. Assemble a citizen Blue Ribbon Committee to develop a financial roadmap for the Town's future. 6. Prepare an Area Specific Plan for the Shea Boulevard corridor near Saguaro Boulevard, evaluating rezoning possibilities that would increase the inventory of commercially zoned land. Goal 6 Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure: Enrich our community by investing resources to improve and preserve our valuable public improvements. 1. Develop a fiscal plan to get us back on track with the pavement management plan. 2. Market Adopt-a-Street as an option to residents as well as businesses. 3. Explore citizen satisfaction with Town services and infrastructure. 4. Evaluate our Town's technological and connectivity potential. Goal 7 Public Safety, Health, and Welfare: Enrich our community by developing and supporting programs that encourage citizens to actively participate in creating a safe and healthy Town. 1. In cooperation with local businesses, reintroduce a program rewarding helmet use by youths. 2. Continue "Public Safety Day"and build in more elements related to provident living. 3. Work with the Maricopa County Sheriff s Office to introduce a Safe House program in Fountain Hills. 4. Hold a "Community Health and Wellness Fair" in the Spring at the Community Center. Goal 8 Recreational Opportunities and Amenities: Enrich our community by creating and promoting activities/events and venues for all age groups. 1. Develop an urban trail system master plan including connectivity between parks and other activity centers. 2. Begin to develop and present programs for 5-12 grade students at the Community Center. 3. Develop and begin implementing a plan for making trails more visible and better used by residents. V Rev.2/8/10 Page 2 of 2 • Fountain Hills Strategic Plan Update DRAFT Layout Value: �,.Jhy is this important? Description of value Our Pledge We will... Strategic Directions • • • • • Key Indicators • • • • \ CO k $ J E 3 \ § 2 ` ƒk/ / ( 0 / # §� $ f % $ } \« « mCO o 0 } \ \ § k § A k #G 6. - e a as_ c ) § 0 La 2 k ) \ co c C a V. ro ( kCC 0 i » 2 2 \( tt 0. } 7 A c § o a J as '0c:I a % co7 E as aa k k \ o f / . a \ 0 T. / t f « -c ¥ ° \ • J s / - ,_ \ © a \ k 0 k f A 2 » � ¥ •@ ul E \ // $ 0 f o o ° o \} 0 Fa 7, / S \ W CO / y % $ \ C ES � k\ k41 � \ �� � � � \/ )j ± » o #\/ ul a©o a amid . 0 - Z.; $ ii8. < o o u) ( } TA E , 3 / \ \& } } } / mea 5 2 0 CD n CD CD 0 � :a? \ u CV CV CV CV § E = Q ? # 2 # / 3 2 / < \ / 2 0 I / L \ \ < e 2 % 2 § $ / a _ \ ) E e 0 2 [ \ § I \ & 7 \ k 1 + ) j \ { \ii it C / % ▪ / / \ \ o { - / 2 \ « u k t ca / % « j « -0 / . / $ \ £ 7 E } ) f \)} \ A 0 \ o - 0 C 2 } / / c - E % - C • { 0 // / k ) > - / # �= $ t / / iu s (R ; f § 7 0 \ \) + ± » u) E U�� �ud ^^\ `