HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2022.0216.Minutes • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 16, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER—Chairman Craft Chair Craft called to order the meeting of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission at 4:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL—Chairman Craft Present: John W. Craft, Jr., Chairman; Patrick Garman, Vice Chairman; Chad Bernick, Commissioner; Mary Edman, Commissioner; Cynthia Magazine, Commissioner; Bernie Hoenle, Commissioner Absent: Gerard Bisceglia, Commissioner Staff Town Manager Grady Miller; Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu Present: 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted(not required)on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment(i)must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and(ii)is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may(i)respond to criticism, (ii)ask staff to review a matter, or(iii)ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. No one from the public spoke. 4. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the January 20, 2022, Meeting Minutes. MOVED BY Commissioner Cynthia Magazine, SECONDED BY Commissioner Chad Bernick to APPROVE the meeting minutes of the January 20, 2022, Strategic Planning Advisory Commission. Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 5. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the 2022 Strategic Plan Final Draft. Chair Craft updated the commission on the recent modifications to the Town of Fountain Hills 2022 Strategic Plan draft. Chair Craft reported that after the January Council presentation of the proposed 2022 Strategic Plan with all of its attachments including the SWOT analysis and other documents for Council's consideration, there were some questions, and concerns regarding the proposed plan. Following the Council meeting, Chair Craft and Vice Chair Garman made some modifications that included wordsmith and omitting of tasks that were redundant. 3 Chair Craft updated the commission on the recent modifications to the Town of Fountain Hills 2022 Strategic Plan draft for the commission's approval prior to presenting for final approval at March 15, 2022, Town Council Meeting. Some modifications made to the plan are the following: Strategic Priority Targeted Collaborative Economic Development • Signature Strategy 1 was modified to Retain existing businesses and attract new ones. o Each of the supporting tasks was slightly shortened or modified • Signature Strategy 2 Lead the formation of collaborative economic development groups. o Only supporting task A) modified Strategic Priority Promote the Long-Term Financial Sustainability of Town Infrastructure, Environmental and Social Resources • Signature Strategy 2 Promote the long-term financial health and stability of the Town. o Supporting task A) removed Strategic Priority Continue to Improve the Public Health, Well-Being, and Safety of our Town • Signature Strategy 1 Promote the natural and build environment of Fountain Hills to improve the public health, well-being, and safety of the community modified but kept the rationale. • Signature Strategy 2 Promote Fountain Hills as a community focused on public health, well-being, and safety. o Deleted supporting task B) because it was a redundant statement from the signatures or from the signature strategy two Strategic Priority Maintain Current Infrastructure while Preparing the Town for Emerging Trends that Increase Public Safety and Quality of Life • Signature Strategy 2 Support local Broadband strategic buildouts and deployment efforts while ensuring the preservation of conduit and right of way for future technologies. o Deleted supporting task B) state law preempts cities and towns from being a barrier of entry for 5G. • Signature Strategy 4 Utilize services provided by other government agencies and outside entities e.g. private companies, non-profit organizations, and volunteer groups in evaluating and supporting the health of Fountain Hills Parks o Modified the wording for supporting task A) Town Manager Miller commented that he was very pleased with the progress made by Chair Craft Vice Chair Garman and the progress that was made. He said that it was very much appreciated and that he thinks that the Council will adopt unanimously with the recent modifications. Chair Craft asked for a motion to approve the modified plan for submittal to the Mayor and Council at March 1, 2022, Town Council Meeting. MOVED BY Commissioner Chad Bernick, SECONDED BY Commissioner Cynthia Magazine APPROVED the modifications and presenting to the Council of the Town of Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2022. Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 6. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Revised Communication and Monitoring Plan. Chair Craft reviewed the revised Communication and Monitoring Plan and reported that it will be a document that the Commission will utilize to support the New Strategic Plan. He said that the Communication and Monitoring Plan has two categories, communication, and monitoring that each contains strategies and tasks. Chair Craft requested that Commissioner Hoenle and Commissioner Edman review the plan and provide feedback at the March meeting. Chair Craft commented that it is important to keep the New Strategic Plan moving forward and for the Community and other important stakeholders to have a good understanding as to the progress that is being made. Town Manager Miller requested a correction be made in the document. He said that it should state "2022 Ten-Year Strategic Plan", instead of"2021 Five-Year Strategic Plan". 7. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY Commissioner Chad Bernick, SECONDED BY Commissioner Cynthia Magazine to ADJOURN the meeting of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Meeting at 4:43 p.m. Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION W Jo W. Craft, Jr., Chair an ATTEST AND REPARED BY: Angel spiritu, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 16th day of February, 2022. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 23rd day of March, 2022. Angela piritu, Executive Assistant y is k ,° �de.azN Wa,.9r is b .fi1 J) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN SIT wry�x �r -"7a. ,.. .. m r Town of Fountains Hills Strategic Plan 2022 FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Foreword 1 Table of Contents 2 Executive Summary 3 Strategic Plan 6 2 Executive Summary Overview The motto for the town of Fountain Hills is "All that is Arizona". This is certainly an appropriate portrayal of a community that combines stunning natural beauty with a safe, up-scale, and in many ways, idyllic setting. In Fountain Hills, neighbors share a commitment to community that makes small town life so appealing, without losing big city advantages. The Town's Strategic Planning Advisory Commission, consisting of seven volunteer citizens, sought to fashion a ten-year strategic plan that is aligned with the community's priorities and expectations of principled and steady progress without putting at risk the things that make Fountain Hills such a special place to live. Strategic Plan Focus The Strategic Plan focuses on enhancing Fountain Hill's appeal as a small town in the orbit of a large urban environment by honoring traditional values, environmental uniqueness, stability, sustainability, and flexibility in preparing for the future. This is evident in Fountain Hill's Key Organizational Goals which aim to: improve public areas including infrastructure and Town facilities; enhance public safety and the overall quality of life, promote economic development, and ensure the Town's financial stability. Guiding Principles The principles that guided the Commission through the creation of this plan included the understanding that the various tasks had to be manageable or attainable by the Town over a 10-year horizon. The progress by the Town in achieving success had to be measurable over time and lastly this Strategic Plan needed to be impactful and not merely a rehash of projects that the Town is already working towards. Planning Acknowledgements The Commission took into account realities that exist when planning for a small town. First, Fountain Hills has limited resources and undergoes an annual economic seasonality that creates revenue variability. The Town is blessed with a strong and talented volunteer base along with its unmatched natural beauty. Lastly, since the Town is essentially surrounded by land that is limited in its development potential, there is minimal expectations for residential growth. Community and Stakeholder Input In approaching the task of writing a strategic plan the Commission first sought to understand and give voice to the Fountain Hills citizens, local leaders, and historical documents. The Commission did this by engaging local business, civic, education and government leaders for input, observations, and experiences. Next the Commission reviewed and assessed the ongoing impact of the Town's 2015 strategic plan that was 3 subsequently updated in 2017. Most importantly, the commission collaborated with the non-profit volunteer group named `Vision Fountain Hills', to survey over 900 Fountain Hills residents on their thoughts and views of important past, and current issues. The results of the survey showed that respondents primary community interests were: • Business Development • Technology Services • Town's Condition • The Environment • Town Finances • Safety Keynote Themes used in the Plan's Development When developing the 2022 Fountain Hills Strategic Plan the Commission held to three important themes throughout the process. First was the emphasis on collaborative partnering. Wherever possible tasks were constructed in a way to allow collaboration and/or partnering between the Town and interested stakeholders. Second was the absolute need for transparency and ownership so that readers of the plan have confidence in the process used in developing relevant strategies and their effective implementation. Third was their unwavering understanding that stewardship of our local environment was paramount and must be addressed specifically and consistently throughout the strategic plan. Strategic Priorities The four Strategic Priorities identified and expanded upon in this plan, represent the overriding areas of focus: Targeted Collaborative Economic Development Promote the Long-Term Financial Sustainability of Town Infrastructure, Environmental and Social Resources Continue to Improve the Public Health, Well-Being, and Safety of our Town Maintain Current Infrastructure while Preparing the Town for Emerging Trends that Increase Public Safety and Quality of Life Strategic Plan Structure Underneath the four Strategic Priorities (SP) there are 11 Signature Strategies (SS) and under the Signature Strategies there are 26 Supporting Tasks (ST). Thus, the structure of this plan is built to flow from a Strategic Priority to a Signature Strategy to a specific Supporting Task. In this way we can show bi-directionally, both how a Strategic 4 Priority results in a set of Supporting Tasks and how a specific Supporting Task ties back to a larger Strategic Priority. Each Supporting Task is further delineated with an expected timeline to implementation (in years), estimated complexity (scale of 1-5 with 5 being most complex), and an annotation of the potential for collaboration (y/n) between the Town of Fountain Hills and a stakeholder or interested party. Moving Forward The success of The Town of Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2022 depends on an effective communications (internal and external) plan and monitoring process that supports its implementation. Thus, the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission has included a Communication and Monitoring Plan, (located in the appendices) that lays out avenues of communication between the Mayor, Town Council, Town Staff, and the Citizens of Fountain Hills concerning the implemention of this Plan. Strategic Planning Advisory Commission of Fountain Hills Commissioners: Chair: John Craft Vice Chair: Patrick Garman Chad Bernick, Gerard Bisceglia, Mary Edman Bernie Hoenle, Cynthia Magazine 5 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLAN 2022 Strategic Priority (SP): Targeted Collaborative Economic Development Preamble: An essential element of a thriving community is its economy. Fountain Hills is a small, active community whose long-term sustainability requires an effective targeted economic development plan. Economic development has become a hotly debated topic and a much sought-after goal in towns across America. Industrial recruitment and reliance on outside funding are giving way to locally based finance and entrepreneurial activity. Fountain Hills needs to take advantage of its unique local resources and leadership to advance its own successful local economy in a way that continues to appeal to its residents and business community. Presently, the local chamber of commerce and the Town actively work to support new and existing business growth. The following strategies and their supporting tasks attempt to address the opportunity of establishing a more unified and focused business development effort. Our commission interviewed Town leadership, Chamber of Commerce, Fountain Hills Sanitary District and Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association. We noted a recurring theme that `strength-in-numbers' was important when pursuing opportunities. Hence, this strategic priority focuses on the need for local, ongoing collaboration. 1. Signature Strategy (SS) — Retain existing businesses and attract new ones. Rationale: Existing businesses are the foundation of any economic growth strategy. By building on what already exists, cities can support current businesses and create a strong foundation. Attracting new businesses is often most effective when the effort is tailored to the industries compatible with local economic, space, environmental, and demographic characteristics. A) Supporting Task (ST) — Develop and promote an effective brand image to prospective businesses and residents. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes B) Supporting Task (ST) - Develop strateties for retaining existing businesses and attracting new ones from the following sectors: 1) Health and wellness, 2) Professional services, and 3) S.T.E.M. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes C) Supporting Task (ST) — Continue to maintain an economic development webpage and add a business metrics database. Rationale: The creation of an economic development webpage would function as a one stop shop to help new and existing business owners with business startup, or expansion. This webpage would include a step-by-step guide to starting, or expanding a business in Fountain Hills, links 6 to important contacts, forms, and resources from outside of the community; such as loan programs from the U.S. Small Business Administration or community development financial institutions or technical assistance from a regional small business development center such as the Maricopa Small Business Development Center as well as the BizHub incubator. A business metrics database would track the overall business health of the community and monitor the effectiveness of economic development initiatives. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes D) Supporting Task (ST) — Identify ways to streamline the building permitting process. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: Yes 2. Signature Strategy (SS) — Lead the formation of collaborative economic development groups. Rationale: The Commission believes that synergy can be achieved if like-minded groups collaborate to strengthen our economic progress. The groups can draw members from municipal governments, regional economic development organizations, nonprofit organizations seeking to help communities, and other stakeholders. A) Supporting Task (ST) — Coordinate periodic meetings between the Town of Fountain Hills, Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, Ft. McDowell Yavapai Nation, Salt River Maricopa Pima Indian Community, to discuss the local expansion of business and tourism opportunities. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes B) Supporting Task (ST) — Form a business professional advisory group. Rationale: Ongoing collaboration between the public and private sectors is an important component of economic development. To encourage collaboration, form a business professional advisory group with volunteers from the public and private sectors to discuss how the town could better facilitate economic development. Volunteers from the community could include property owners, developers, school system representatives, and retired governmental or business executives with particular experience in health, professional, and technical services. Timeline: <1 yrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes I 7 I Strategic Priority (SP): Promote the Long-Term Financial Sustainability of Town infrastructure, Environmental and Social Resources Preamble: The Commission recommends the following five guiding principles for fiduciary responsibility that should be embraced by the Town of Fountain Hills: 1) Live within your means 2) Employ cost recovery when setting fees for "individualized" services 3) Use reserves only for one-time expenditures or temporary stop-gap measures 4) Study contracting out services before attempting to do in-house. 5) Emphasize transparency. 1. Signature Strategy (SS) — Maintain transparency by communicating the Town's finances to the public. Rationale: Transparency leads to trust and trust leads to a community that is confident in providing resources to the Town government to solve short and long term public issues on their behalf. A) Supporting Task (ST) - Hold public meetings twice a year, separate from council meetings, to present the Town's finances. Timeline: <lyrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: N/A B) Supporting Task (ST) — Conduct a regularly occurring community survey in order to track satisfaction levels with Town services. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes 2. Signature Strategy (SS) — Promote the long-term financial health and stability of the Town. Rationale: The annual budget serves as the Town's financial plan. The budget is a policy document that provides direction and priorities for the resources needed to deliver community services. A) Supporting Task (ST) — Research the potential advantages and disadvantages of enacting a biennial budget. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: N/A B) Supporting Task (ST) - Produce and publish a five-year financial plan with revenue and expenditure forecasts. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: N/A C) Supporting Task (ST) — Update the current Facilities Reserve Study to identify lifecycle replacement and repair of facilities and infrastructure. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: N/A 8 I D) Supporting Task (ST) — Utilize the services of an experienced grant researcher and writer. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: N/A 3. Signature Strategy (SS) — Periodically review Town services to identify opportunities for improving efficiency and effectiveness. Rationale: Balancing the Town's use of government provided services and contracted services promotes both stability and flexibility. A) Supporting Task (ST) - Conduct a feasibility analysis of government services provided by the Town. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 4 Collaboration potential: N/A B) Supporting Task (ST) - Promote e-government and electronic transactions to improve customer convenience and operational effeciencies. Examples include kiosks and online services that improve organization, accommodation, payment options, accessibility, and security. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes 9 Strategic Priority (SP): Continue to Improve the Public Health, Well-Being, and Safety of our Town Preamble: We focused on identifying Signature Strategies and Supportive Tasks that were most likely to help Fountain Hills leaders continue to improve the public health, well-being, and safety of our community. In doing so, we took into consideration: the Town's economic realities; community input from a variety of sources; the timeline covered by the new strategic plan; relevant trends and future projections; and the need for tasks that are manageable, attainable and measurable. 1. Signature Strategy (SS) - Promote the natural and built environment of Fountain Hills to improve the public health, well-being, and safety of the community. Rationale: While this strategy is broad in scope, it can be easily supported by a number of specific, high priority tasks that fit within the Town's current constraints regarding both human and financial resources. A) Supporting Task (ST) — Continue to expand and connect open space and recreational facilities to create opportunities for physical activities. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes B) Supporting Task (ST) - Work with local environmental organizations in strengthening our community's connection with its natural surroundings. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes C) Supporting Task (ST) - Incorporate public health, well-being, and safety in Fountain Hills policies when relevant. Timeline: <lyrs to review current policies, then ongoing for any policy changes or new policies. Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: N/A D) Supporting Task (ST) - Create and publicize an Environmental Plan for Fountain Hills. Timeline: <1yrs Complexity: 4 Collaboration potential: Yes I io 2. Signature Strategy (SS) — Promote Fountain Hills as a community focused on public health, well-being, and safety. Rationale: While this strategy is broad in scope, it can be easily supported by specific, high priority tasks that fit within the Town's current constraints regarding both human and financial resources. A) Supporting Task (ST) - Support the expansion of preventive health and wellness access within the Fountain Hills community. Timeline: <lyrs to assess, then ongoing as opportunities are addressed. Complexity: 2 Collaboration potential: Yes 11 Strategic Priority (SP): Current Infrastructure while Preparing Maintainp g the Town for Emerging Trends that Increase Public Safety and Quality of Life Preamble: Fountain Hills infrastructure plays a vital role in the quality of life for our citizens. We must continue to maintain and prepare it for the future. Fountain Hills infrastructure must be capable of supporting our town's economy, while holding public safety and quality of life as priorities. There are generally many categories of infrastructure to consider, but focusing solely on Fountain Hills, we identified four that are of particular interest to our town's residents and elected leadership. This iteration of the Fountain Hills strategic plan will deal with Broadband, Public Parks, Roads infrastructure areas. 1. Signature Strategy (SS) — Develop an investment plan and schedule to maintain/bring FH's streets, medians, buildings, and parks to established standards. Rationale: Infrastructure planning, funding, and execution information should be available, clearly articulated, and transparently handled by Fountain Hills public agencies. A) Supporting Task (ST) - Develop a detailed Infrastructure Condition Report with a scoring mechanism for evaluating and reporting the functionality, appearance, and upkeep of the Town's fixed assets. The report will be reviewed by the Town Council, and available to Town Citizens. Timeline: <3yrs Complexity: 5 Collaboration potential: N/A 2. Signature Strategy (SS) — Support local Broadband strategic buildouts and deployment efforts while ensuring the preservation of conduit and right of way for future technologies. Rationale: Broadband, a generic term for high-speed internet access, enables students of all ages to learn online and businesses to reach customers and co- workers; facilitates electronic and verbal communications; provides access to healthcare and job openings; and can be the deciding factor of where a company chooses to expand. A) Supporting Task (ST) — Make co-location of broadband a requirement with existing infrastructure planning as a condition of permit use or where public funding is provided. This includes above-ground infrastructure and the codification of"dig once" policies where service providers install broadband conduit as other infrastructure is installed. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: N/A 12 3. Signature Strategy (SS) — Increase the ease and safety of multi-use aspects of Fountain Hills roads. Rationale: A forward looking road strategy is essential to everyday living in Fountain Hills, providing access to jobs, schools, shopping, healthcare, wellness, and other services while enabling sustainable mobility options such as pedestrian and biking access. A) Supporting Task (ST) - The Fountain Hills Town Council Subcommittee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety will identify roads where lack of an interconnected sidewalk system increases risk to pedestrians and produce a plan and schedule to remedy. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes B) Supporting Task (ST) - Develop a comprehensive bicycle master plan. A successful plan will focus on developing a seamless cycling network that emphasizes short trip distances, multi-modal trips, and is complemented by encouragement, education, and enforcement programs to increase usage. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes 4. Signature Strategy (SS) — Utilize services provided by other government agencies and outside entities e.g. private companies, non-profit organizations, and volunteer groups in evaluating and supporting the health of Fountain Hills parks. Rationale: Parks support economic prosperity and build thriving, healthy, resilient communities. Besides providing recreational opportunities and green space for all ages, parks provide a suite of ancillary benefits such as higher property values, protection, and improvements to drinking water sources, fewer urban heat islands, and stormwater management. A) Supporting Task (ST) — Utilize a nationally recognized system to benchmark the Town's park system. Timeline: <2yrs Complexity: 3 Collaboration potential: Yes I END I 13 MONITORING AND COMMUNICATION PLAN Preamble A strategic plan has no value in and of itself. A strategic plan is a working document. It is only as good as the ongoing efforts of the people who created it and the people who approved it and. ultimately, the people who are tasked with doing all the work our plan suggests being done. Upon approval of the 2021 Strategic Plan by the Mayor and Council, the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) will refocus its efforts in support of a smooth rollout and community outreach. Communications Strategy Establish collaborative communication channels by creating strong working relationships with the Town Council,Town Staff and Fountain Hills communities. Tasks • No later than early 2022, SPAC will appoint one of its members to become its Communications Liaison.The Communications Liaison will work with the Town Staff and local media to keep the community updated on matters concerning the plan's implementation and progress. • A copy of the 2021 Five-Year Strategic Plan for the Town of Fountain Hills will be placed on the Town's website -www.fh.az.gov. • SPAC will support outreach to the general community through FHTimes articles and interaction with local citizen groups and organizations as needed. Monitoring Strategy SPAC will remain directly involved in monitoring the Town's implementation efforts and their impact on the strategic priorities as established in the Plan. Tasks • SPAC will hold quarterly follow-up meetings with the Town Manager and Department Heads during the last week of each fiscal quarter.The purpose of those meetings is to monitor progress on the implementation of all elements of the strategic plan and to provide ample time for Q&A by all participants. Page 1 of 2 • The Town Council will receive a written executive summary of all topics covered in each quarterly meeting attended by the Town Staff and SPAC. • SPAC will develop a Scorecard for documenting both progress and issues related to the Tasks established in the 2021 Plan.The Scorecard will be updated no less than twice annually.The data and information collected will be valuable for the 5-year update/revisions of the Plan at its midpoint.The Scorecard will be posted on the Town's website as well. Page 2 of 2