HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2020.0520.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MAY 20, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE - Chairman Hansen 2. ROLL CALL- Chairman Hansen Present: Commissioner Susan (telephonically); Commissioner Clayton Corey (telephonically); Vice Chairman Peter Gray; Chairman Erik Hansen; Commissioner Scott (telephonically); Commissioner Dan Kovacevic Staff Development Services Director John Wesley; Executive Assistant Paula Present: Woodward 3. CALL TO PUBLIC - None 4. CONSIDERATION OF approving the meeting minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission May 11, 2020. MOVED BY Vice Chairman Peter Gray, SECONDED BY Commissioner Dan Kovacevic, to table the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission dated May 11, 2020. Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 5. RECONSIDERATION OF a request for a Special Use Permit to allow operation of a hospital between 11 pm and 7 am on an approximately 5.74 acre parcel generally located at the northwest corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Trevino Drive (AKA 9700 N. Saguaro Boulevard; APN# 176-10-811) in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District. SU 2020-01 Mr. Wesley explained that at the Commission's regular meeting on May 11, 2020, the Commission held a hearing and considered the request for the approval of a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow the medical facility proposed for the property at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive to operate between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am. At the conclusion of the hearing a motion was made to continue the case to a special meeting on Monday, July 6, 2020. Mr. Wesley said that after the meeting staff discovered by pushing the meeting date to July 6, 2020 and then to the council meeting in August, would delay the project's timeline. The delay would also leave not knowing the final outcome for a couple of months. Moving the meeting date allows for a resolution sooner. The applicant is in agreement with moving the meeting date sooner and has already submitted changes requested from the previous meeting. The only way to change the date is for the Commission to meet and change the date. There are two things that need to happen to change the date. A Commissioner needs to first make a motion to reconsider the previous motion. Once that motion has been made, seconded, and Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 20,2020 2 of 4 approved, then a Commissioner may make a new motion. Mr. Wesley said that in this case, it is the intent that the Commission would move to continue the meeting to June 8, 2020. By doing so the Council can consider the case on June 16, 2020. Chairman Hansen pointed out that although the applicant was not present, they submitted a letter to the Commissioners earlier. Commissioner Dempster asked if the applicant submitted any changes. Mr. Wesley said that there has been changes submitted to meet the neighbor's request. Commissioner Corey said he was ready to vote yes at the last meeting. He said after reading through the notes it appears the applicant is making the necessary changes that were requested. Vice Chairman Gray said that he does not have any issue with moving the date sooner. The continuance date was chosen to meet the statue to adhere to the sixty-day requirement. Is the request coming from the applicant or from the Town? Mr. Wesley said that it was a decision both parties agreed to. Larry Meyers, Fountain Hills resident, thanked the Commissioners for their service. He told commissioners the applicant met with the neighbors a total of two times. The meeting in February turned out to be a benefit to the applicant not the neighbors. It was a public relations promotion for the hospital. The second time was with the applicant and the mayor in the conference room. They recently met with one neighbor, Rose Anuti, and that's because John Wesley called her and said they were near her backyard. They have not met with anyone else. Mr. Meyers said he represents all twelve neighbors. He said he is speaking for all twelve and there is no buy in from any of them. Nothing has changed. Light sound and traffic are on the agenda from day one and thy have not been mitigated. They are working on the ambulance bay but the list continues to grow since they never addressed the problems from the beginning. Mr. Meyers said he will provide a list to staff with the neighbor's request and hope that the Commission decides to ensure the items from the list are fulfilled. At Vice Chairman Gray's request, Mr. Wesley attempted to contact the applicant telephonically to no avail. Chairman Hansen asked Mr. Wesley what would be the Commissions choice regarding the Special Use Permit at the June 8, 2020 meeting. Mr. Wesley replied that at the June 8, 2020 meeting, the Commission could recommend to Town Council approval or denial of the Special Use Permit. The statue allows for one sixty- day continuance. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 20, 2020 3 of 4 MOVED BY Commissioner Dan Kovacevic, SECONDED BY Commissioner Clayton Corey (telephonically), to reconsider the request to for a Special Use Permit to allow operation of a hospital between 11 pm and 7 am on an approximately 5.74-acre parcel generally located at the northwest corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Trevino Drive (AKA 9700 N. Saguaro Boulevard; APN# 176-10-811) in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District. SU 2020-01 Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously MOVED BY Vice Chairman Peter Gray, SECONDED BY Commissioner Susan (telephonically), to continue a Special Use Permit, Case 2020-01, to a date of June 8, 2020 including all the preamble considerations made at the prior meeting (May 11, 2020). Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 6. COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. None. 7. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director. None. 8. REPORT from Development Services Director. Mr. Wesley said that there will be one more item on the June 8th agenda regarding a new provision to Chapter 12, to allow an indoor mini-storage in the C-2 zoning district under a Special Use Permit. 9. ADJOURNMENT The Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held May 20, 2020, adjourned at 6:26 p.m. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Erik Hansen, Chairman ATTESTED AND PREPARED BY: Paula Woodword, Executive Assistant Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 20, 2020 4 of 4 CERTIFICATION I herby certify that the forgoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Meeting held by the Planning and Zoning Commission of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 20th day of May, 2020. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated?Calk) this 27th day of May, 2020. 1iv7E4Ci>GIJLI�� Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant