HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2020.0504.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
MAY 4, 2020
Chairman Hansen called the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning
Commission of May 4, 2020, to order at 6:02 p.m. and led the Commission
and staff members in the Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence.
Present: Commissioner Susan Dempster; Commissioner Clayton Corey; Vice
Chairman Peter Gray; Chairman Erik Hansen; Commissioner Scott
Schlossberg; Commissioner Dan Kovacevic
Staff Development Services Director John Wesley; Executive Assistant Paula
Present: Woodward
4. CONSIDERATION OF approving the meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning
Commission March 9, 2020.
Moved by Vice Chairman Peter Gray, seconded by Commissioner Scott
Schlossberg to approve the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission of
March 9, 2020.
Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously
5. HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER the Fountain Hills General Plan 2020.
Chairman Hansen opened the public hearing.
Development Services Director John Wesley gave a PowerPoint presentation
(Attached hereto and made part hereof) which addressed:
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Mr. Wesley said that Maria Masque, consultant representing the Planning
Center, was on the phone should anyone have a question or comment for her.
Mr. Wesley explained that The General Plan process started in September
2018. The process is coming to an end with the Commission voting tonight a
recommendation to Town Council. Town Council will review the General Plan
no later than June. It will then go to a vote by the residents in the November
2020 election.
Mr. Wesley said that one of the most important pieces of the General Plan
was the vision. The vision statement recognizes what makes Fountain Hills a
special place. It shows where the town is headed and how the town will get
there. Next is the over-arching principles that support the vision. One of the
things that makes the General Plan different from past General Plans, is the
effort taken to review the key basic elements that make up the community:
the neighborhoods, the environment and the economy, bringing all those
things together in a holistic way to create that overall thriving community. The
rest of the document is organized around those topics;
neighborhoods, environments and economy. Within each one of those are
the state requirements as well as the public comments received throughout
the process. Another item that is unique and different in this plan is the
"character approach" instead of the traditional land use plan. Fountain Hills is
largely built out and the type of development that will occur in various parts
of town are well established. The character approach allows the focus and
emphasis on those parts of town. There are the tables in the plan that relate
to the character areas. Mr. Wesley pointed out that the public has been
involved in the process of preparing this plan from the beginning. He
referenced the Community Comments Review Matrix in the staff report.
There were twenty-three comments received by staff and the consultants. He
also said that the strike-though version of a revised final draft plan was
attached. In conclusion, Mr. Wesley said that under the circumstances
tonight, the public was not able to attend the meeting. Staff made it known
that comments regarding the General Plan would be accepted. Staff did not
receive any comments. Mr. Wesley said that staff recommends approval of
the revised final draft plan as presented.
Ms. Masque commented that Mr.Wesley and her have been working together
very closely over the entire process. She said she agreed with Mr. Wesley's
presentation and comments.
Vice Chairman Gray said he read the entire plan over the weekend. The plan is
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well written and is used for guidance. His concern was that the town would
not be able to deliver the plan because of the Town's obligations. He also said
he would really like to see the Town anchor a large biotech or research and
development company. There are some neat opportunities out there for high
paying organizations that would say "Fountain Hills is our home."
Mr. Wesley explained that after this is approved, one of the last tasks will be
to look through the list and prioritize what is achievable. A lot can happen
over the ten-year period and circumstances may improve allowing for certain
items to be obtained.
Commissioner Corey complimented the plan by saying it was well-written and
he liked the focus on the social environment element and community. He
pointed out that the updated photographs chosen are great and made a big
difference. He commented that there is no mention of the upcoming hospital.
Mr. Wesley replied that there is recognition of medical facilities on page 79.
Vice Chairman Gray pointed out an area in the plan that he questioned on
page 85, Polices,l.E, "Assesses the feasibility of establishing a user fee for
visitors." He asked what does that mean exactly? He suggested removing the
Mr. Wesley replied that the Community Services Department reviewed and
approved this section of the plan. He said he would get clarification from the
Community Services Director, Rachael Goodwin. This would be a good time to
bring this up since they are planning to update the Park's Master Plan.
Vice Chairman Gray asked, was there any thought of reinvention of the
fountain? He believes that reinvention of the fountain would be a way to
redraw people. He suggested a fountain light and live music show. Has
anyone talked about that in relation to the General Plan.
Ms. Masque replied that during the process of updating the General Plan, the
public mentioned over and over again how they appreciated the fountain.
The fountain is the name sake of the town. These are the reasons the fountain
is mentioned throughout the plan.
Commissioner Schlossberg mentioned that a music and light show centered
around the fountain was featured at one of the pervious Oktoberfest
celebrations. The feedback from those attending was positive.
Commissioner Dempster thanked all those involved with updating the General
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Plan. She said this is a great tool for the town now and for the future. She
pointed out that there was a typographical error on page 160, Goal 6, Number
2. She asked for clarification regarding the major amendments in the plan.
Mr. Wesley said that there are different types of things that may result in a
major amendment. Most of the time it pertains to amendments to the Land
Use Map. One example would be relating to the character area map: changing
a portion of a neighborhood to a commerce district. The result could make
the commerce district larger. If the amount changing from neighborhood area
to a commerce district is equal to or 1% more of the neighborhood's area the
classification is a major plan amendment. If it is less than 1% but more than
five acres it is a minor amendment. If it is less that five acres it is absorbed in
to the existing area. Both amendments, minor or major, undergo the public
review process.
Commissioner Kovacevic said that he is satisfied with the final plan and
appreciates the input from the various agencies.
Chairman Hansen commented that he asked for some minor changes and
confirmed his requests were applied in the final draft.
Chairman Hansen closed the public hearing.
Moved by Commissioner Susan Dempster, seconded by Commissioner Dan
Kovacevic to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the
Fountain Hills General Plan 2020 with the adjustments discussed during the
Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously
7. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director.
8. REPORT from Development Services Director.
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Mr. Wesley reminded the commissioners the regular meeting will take place
next week on Monday, May 11, 2020. The items on the agenda are: amending
a Zoning Ordinance, Public Art Requirements to change requirements to
comply with the Town of Fountain Hills Public Art Master Plan, Special Use
Permit to allow operation of a hospital between 11 pm and 7 am and a repeal
and replace portions of the Zoning Ordinance Chapter 6, Signs.
Mr. Wesley said it has been determined that the public will be allowed to
attend Monday's meeting. Due to the pandemic the meeting will follow the
meet distancing requirements.
Chairman Hansen thanked everyone and especially Ms. Masque for all the
hard work they put in to the General Plan.
The Special Meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission
held March 4, 2020, adjourned at 6:43 p.m.
Erik Hansen, Chairman
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Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant
I herby certify that the forgoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the
Special Meeting held by the Planning and Zoning Commission of Fountain Hills in the
Town Hall Council Chambers on the 4th day of May, 2020. I further certify that the
meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present.
Dated this 7th day of May, 2020.
64- 6,6-kdic_C
Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant
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