HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2022.0622.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION JUNE 22, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER— Chairman Garman Chairman Garman called to order the meeting of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission at 4:09 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL — Chairman Garman Present: Chairman Patrick Garman; Vice Chairman Bernie Hoenle; Commissioner Kevin Beck; Commissioner Geoffrey Yazzetta Absent: Commissioner John W. Craft, Jr.; Commissioner Mary Edman; Commissioner Cynthia Magazine Staff Finance Director David Pock; Town Manager Grady Miller; Executive Present: Assistant Angela Padgett -Espiritu 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R. S §38-431. 01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment p) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and 00 is subject to reasonable time. place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, 00 ask staff to review a matter. or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. No one from the public spoke. 4. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 25, 2022. MOVED BY Vice Chairman Bernie Hoenle, SECONDED BY Commissioner Geoffrey Yazzetta to APPROVE the meeting minutes of the May 25, 2022, Strategic Planning Advisory Commission. Vote: 4 - 0 - Unanimously 5. REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS AND TOWN MANAGER Chairman Garman reported that the commission would have three standing items for each meeting. He stated that each agenda would have the following agenda items: 1. Reports by the Commissioners and Town Manager 2. Update on Strategic Plan Implementation 3. Discussion or Awareness of Strategic Issues that may be affecting Fountain Hills in the Future Commissioner Yazzetta reported observing the expansion of the Parkview Tap House. He indicated that he had gone there several times prior to the expansion, but not afterward. He said that Phil's celebrated its 25th year in business. He remarked that it is encouraging to see businesses expanding and thriving in this area. He said that he was a member of a young professionals association in Los Angeles and believes that it would be worthwhile to investigate ways to utilize the youth in this town. Commissioner Beck stated that he had visited multiple cities and towns over the past month. Some of the town's and communities' infrastructure, such as golf cart communities and bike routes that traveled through parks instead of around roadways, were noteworthy, according to him. He stated that he would gladly show the commission photographs of what other cities are doing as examples. Vice Chairman Hoenle reported that he belongs to the Arizona Coalition of Bicyclists and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals and that they had several meetings in the last couple of months about many things happening in the valley. He reported that he met with Jenny Davis and that they would be meeting with Town Manager Miller and Community Services Director Goodwin to talk about an agreement between the Biophilic Organization and the town. Town Manager Miller commented that he thinks the town is ready to become a Biophilic Certified Community and that he supports moving in that direction. 6. UPDATE ON Strategic Plan Items from David Pock, Chief Financial Officer for the Town of Fountain Hills. Chairman Garman announced that David Pock, Finance Director of the Town, is here to provide an update on the financial aspects of the Strategic Plan for Fountain Hills. David Pock, Finance Director, then gave a PowerPoint presentation referencing the following. Strategic Priority: Promote the Long -Term Financial Stability of Town Infrastructure, Environmental and Social Resources Signature Strategy 1: Maintain transparency by communicating the Town's finances to the public • Supporting Task A: Hold public meetings twice a year, separate from Council meetings, to present the Town's finances Signature Strategy 2: Promote the long-term financial health and stability of the Town • Supporting Task A: Produce and publish a five-year financial plan with revenue and expenditure forecasts • Supporting Task B: Update the current Facilities Reserve study to identify lifecycle replacement and repair of facilities and infrastructure • Supporting Task C: Utilize the services of an experienced grant researcher and writer Finance Director Pock provided an update to the commission in regard to Signature Strategy 1, Supporting Task A. He reported that the town holds a public open house during the budget season in the Spring for the upcoming fiscal year, but that they wanted to expand on that by holding another public open house in the Fall to review the results of the ending fiscal year. He stated that the town's current fiscal year would come to a close at the end of the month of June. He stated that after that, the town would undergo a mandatory audit that will be carried out by an outside firm and will be completed in October. He stated that he plans to discuss those results during a public meeting that will either take place at the end of the month of October or the beginning of the month of November. He noted that the Council Retreat would be the first public event of the budget process in 2023. Here, the town receives direction and input from the Council over next year's budget. He stated that once this is complete, the town will have an open house for the public to provide feedback on the budgeted items and provide input on what the public would like the town to prioritize for the fiscal year 2024. Chairman Garman inquired about the future format of the two public meetings and whether the information presented would vary from session to session. Finance Director Pock said that he anticipates each meeting to be educational and informative. He stated that he expects the meeting to be a brief discussion or presentation on the outcomes comparing the budgeted amounts to the actual amounts, followed by an opportunity for the public to ask questions. He said the meeting should provide an understanding of the town's finances and the interpretation of the results. In addition, he disclosed that for the 2023 fiscal year, the town began utilizing a new budgeting program called Clear.gov. He stated that it is available online and allows the public to delve far further than previously. He said that he will be working on a transparency portal that will enable the public to view the town's account payables. Town Manager Miller made the statement that within the next couple of years, the town will have established more comprehensive administrative performance measures that will support more outcome -driven budget decisions. Finance Director Pock updated the commission on Signature Strategy 2 and Supporting Task A. He said that he envisions this being part of the fiscal year 2024 budget. He stated that this is now occurring for Supporting Task B. The current inventory of Ole town's assets and infrastructure that are included in the facilities reserve plan has already been compiled by an outside firm, which is examining life cycles. He commented that the present plan is highly regimented and strict. He said they would like the plan to be more flexible for movements involving assets that may need to be drawn into or pushed out of the initial plan. He added that staff meetings will be held during the summer, and the plan will be completed in the fall or early winter. Commissioner Yazzetta stated that during his time on the City Council in Los Angeles, delayed maintenance was a significant problem that caused many facilities to be shut down completely. He expressed his satisfaction that this issue is being addressed now rather than later. Finance Director Pock stated, that with Supporting Task C, we discussed using the services of an experienced grant researcher and writer. He stated that they must first develop the responsibilities for the role before seeking to fill a position that has not yet been defined. Chairman Garman said that he has been to a few places and read the newspaper, and it seems that we are not the only ones looking for a grant writer with experience. Town Manager Miller commented that with the limited size of the town staff, they do very well with the grants and we agree that having a grant writer on staff would assist us with the administrative aspects of the grants, such as the compliance and reporting requirements. 7. DISCUSSION ON Awareness of Strategic Issues affecting Fountain Hills. Chairman Garman reported that future meetings might accommodate two presentations. In addition to the presentation on the Strategic Plan's implementation, he suggested there may be one on a strategic issue of interest. He stated that he would invite someone to give a presentation before the commission on a subject of local importance. He recalled Commissioner Edman emphasizing water conservation at the last meeting. He added that he did research and was able to locate Doug Dunham, Water Resource Manager for EPCOR and resident of Fountain Hills, who had previously addressed the Town Council. He stated that Mr. Dunham agreed to attend the meeting in July and brief the commission on this matter. He noted that Betsy LaVoie, president and chief executive officer of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, would brief the commission in August on strategic issues for business, private business, and issues presented by members. In addition, he stated that he is communicating with Ms. LaVoie to ensure that she informs them on issues that will be relevant in five to 10 years. Chairman Garman indicated that he would request that Jenny Davis, a biophilic expert, talk about the environment and explain biophilic and requested that the commissioners inform him of any future strategic issues they would like to see addressed. 8. COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIRMAN Chairman Garman stated that the Fountain Hills Leadership Academy continues to accept applications. He reported that they have received six applications and are seeking fifteen or sixteen in total. He requested that they inform their neighbors and friends about the Leadership Academy. He stated that it is a great approach to educate citizens and assist them in becoming the next generation of community volunteers and leaders. Chairman Garman asked the commissioners to make sure they respond quickly to Executive Assistant Espiritu when she reaches out to them. He said that we need to make sure we have a quorum for these meetings or a way for you to participate by phone. Chairman Garman noted that one candidate for council stated in the newspaper that they borrowed heavily from the strategic plan for future initiatives and that they cited the Strategic Plan as items that they believed were necessary to implement in Fountain Hills. This, according to Chairman Garman, demonstrates that the Strategic Plan has been posted and that individuals are reading and discussing it. 9. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY Commissioner Geoffrey Yazzetta, SECONDED BY Commissioner Kevin Beck to ADJOURN the meeting of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission at 5:06 p.m. Vote: 4 - 0 - Unanimously ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: Angela Executive Assistant STR • GI P • NNING ADVISORY CO MISS •N CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 22 day of June, 2022. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 27 day of July, 2022. Ang u, Executive Assistant