HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022.0614.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION JUNE 14, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER at5:01 pm 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Scott Grzybowski; Commissioner Brian Jennings; Commissioner Janice Holden; Commissioner DJ Willard; Commissioner Steven Nurney, Commissioner Sherry Irwin Absent: Commissioner Bill Craig Staff Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin; Executive Assistant Patti Lopuszanski Present: 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H). public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism. pi) ask staff to review a matter or NO ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. Mr. Bill Myers spoke about the need for additional parking at Adero Canyon Trailhead and provided information to the commissioners related to overflow parking concerns. 4. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the April 26, 2022 MMPC Meeting Minutes MOVED BY Commissioner Brian Jennings, SECONDED BY Commissioner DJ Willard Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 5. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the May 24, 2022 MMPC Meeting Minutes MOVED BY Commissioner Brian Jennings, SECONDED BY Commissioner Janice Holden Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 6. UPDATE: Outreach Workgroup - Progress update on new trailhead signs Vice -Chair Nurney provided an update from Commissioner Craig, who was unable to attend the June 14th MMPC meeting. Commissioner Craig had been in communication with Ken Valverde and gave him the six (6) signs needed for the new Lower Ridgeline Trail. It was determined after completing the discussion of Agenda Item 6 related to new trailhead signs that Agenda Item 12 would be moved up as it would tie into the need for new signage if renaming trails or trail sections. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of June 14, 2022 2 of 5 7. UPDATE• Outreach Workgroup-Closing Trails Vice -Chair Nurney and Commissioner Holden reviewed the need for a process for the closure of trails relative to public safety. Issues that would present the need to close the trails included: 1) Public safety issues" such as excessive heat, etc. 2) Threat to the Preserve - Flood. snow, landslides, the presence of wildlife 3) Scheduled event - Race in the Preserve, wedding, or any other event that would be initiated by the Town of Fountain Hills. 4) Communication chain - Who initiates the notification of closure and reopening Ms. Goodwin will contact Ken Valverde to discuss creating a general concept sign to include emergency contact information. The Town is not responsible for the closing of trails but to follow the recommendations of MCSO/Rural Metro. Resources available to notify the public of an emergency/safety concern would be the Town's Code Red system, social media, and email. It was recommended to add the Closure of Preserve and Communication Plan to the Guidelines. 8. UPDATE: Parks and Recreation — Promenade Drainage and Rerouting Ms. Goodwin updated the commissioners on the progress made on the Promenade Drainage and Rerouting project. The water tank was removed, and culverts under the parking lot were dug out to divert water and prevent erosion from occurring after the monsoons. The area where the water tank was located will be left natural. 9. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: Orientation Manual for Commissioners Ms. Lopuszanski informed the commissioners that an orientation binder will be created this summer and provided to commissioners at the September 27, 2022 meeting. Examples of items to be included are McDowell Mountain Preservation Master Trail Plan, Guidelines, Maps, Member List, Meeting Schedule, etc. It was noted that resource items that would be of interest to be included may be requested for inclusion and sent to Ms. Lopuszanski 10. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Request for research to staff There was a discussion related to staff for further research on the need for additional parking at Adero Canyon Trailhead. This item will be brought back for discussion at the October 25, 2022 meeting. Chair Grzybowski, Commissioner Holden, and Commissioner Willard will make up the workgroup and will meet with Ms. Goodwin to gain background information on this item. Adero Canyon Parking Workgroup- Scott Grzybowski, Janice Holden, DJ Willard (Rachael would like to meet with this workgroup) 11. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: Review and comment on new trail map Ms. Goodwin reviewed the map created by Ken Valverde and noted changes that included the removal of street names but left in key names for perspective and marked the trails in red to be more visible. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of June 14, 2022 3 of 5 Commissioner Nurney commented that it looked good but was tight in the parking area. Commissioner Willard requested that information be added to the scale to show how far apart the trails are from each other. Commissioner Irwin recommended making the picture of the parking lot smaller. Commissioner Nurney asked if the distances have been verified and accurate and Chair Grzybowski confirmed that they were verified using GPS. Commissioner Holden asked where to find the trail rating as this is needed for novice hikers unfamiliar with the trail system. Commissioner Nurney ask if trails could be color -coded. Ms. Goodwin was asked to see if the following could be removed to provide more space, allowing for information to be added: • Remove Save a Tree Tak a Pic • ID entrance gate • Remove the name Wayne Tall Loop Commissioner Holden noted there was no room on the map to add trail ratings and asked if this could get out before the next hiking season. Other changes from Commissioner Holden to be considered were as follows: 1. Add McDowell Mountain Preserve onto the map if it cannot be highlighted with the address at the top of the Map. (The adjacent McDowell Sonoran Preserve and McDowell Mountain Regional Park are identified on the map but McDowell Mountain Preserve is not.) 2. On the inset map, identify: • Entrance Gate • Add Andrews Kinsey under Western Bike Loop and Western Loop • Add The Sonoran and Lower Sonoran at the end of the Promenade. 12. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: Review procedures for renaming trails or trail sections It was determined after completing the discussion of Agenda Item 6 related to new trailhead signs that Agenda Item 12 would be moved up as it would tie into the need for new signage if renaming trails or trail sections. Vice -Chair Nurney shared a note from Commissioner Craig to inform the commissioners that he sent another plan for the signs on the Lower Sonoran Trail to Ken Valverde to approve and work up, also mentioning the concept of changing the designation of the Ridgeline Trail. Commissioner Holden expressed the need to follow the vetting process when renaming trails and to take into consideration the following: trail usage, trail safety. and trail rating. It was discussed that the working group should look at everything all at one time before making a recommendation to rename a trail. It was agreed that this item would be tabled until the fall. Commissioner Irwin and Commissioner Jennings had done some work on this item and obtained input from Commissioner Holden and the Sonoran Conservancy. It was determined it is best to proceed with the evaluation process. Commissioner Jennings agreed that there was no rush and to take the time to look into this item further. Commissioner Willard stressed the need to follow the vetting process when looking to put a consideration through. He reminded the commissioners that MMPC provides a recommendation but the final approval to rename the trail is by the Town Council and that the rating of a trail is also a concern that needs to be considered. Trail Naming Workgroup - Bill Craig, Sherry Irwin. Brian Jennings Trail Rating Workgroup - Brian Jennings, Steven Nurney, DJ Willard McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of June 14, 2022 4 of 5 13. UPDATE: Sonoran Conservancy Fountain Hills Liaison Commissioner Holden reviewed the following items noted in the agenda packet: 1. Anyone not receiving the SCFH monthly newsletter (last issue of the season emailed June 1), please let Janice know and log on to scfh oro and click on subscribe. 2. All commissioners and staff are invited to lake a two-hour shift with a host at the irailhead in the fall when we resume our host program. We are certain it will provide a better perspective on what visitors look for and the kinds of questions they have. 3. Any commissioner with a skill that would help educate our hosts, such as mountain biking, map review, recognizing e-bikes, Desert First Aid, flora/fauna identification, etc. We are looking for experienced, knowledgeable people to give a brief, informal training. 4. SCFH is working with the Town to finalize Use Agreement. 5. SCFH seeking new meeting space for monthly Board meetings. 14. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: Trail Counter Activity Ms. Goodwin informed the commissioners that Kevin Snipes had been in contact with the vendor for two new trail counters and has been told they are on back order and will not be available to be delivered until after July 1st and unable to pay for under the FY22 budget. As soon as they are made available in stock, they will be purchased. 15. UPDATE: Next MMPC Meeting September 27, 2022 16. ADJOURNMENT at 6:37 pm MOVED BY Commissioner Steven Nurney, SECONDED BY Commissioner Janice Holden Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously MCDOW MOUNTAIN ADVISORY COMMISSION oft Grzybod+ski, Chairman EST AN�RED BY: atti Lopuszan i, Ex five Assistant CERTIFICATION 1 hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 14th day of June 2022. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 27th day of September 2022