HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2008-20RESOLUTION NO. 2008-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET AS THE 2008 -2009 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Title 42, Chapter 17, Articles 1 -5, Arizona Revised Statutes, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council ") did, on May 15, 2008, make an estimate of the different amounts required to meet the public expenditures /expenses for the ensuing year, also an estimate of revenues from sources other than direct taxation, and the amount to be raised by taxation upon real and personal property of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona; and WHEREAS, in accordance with said chapter of said title, and following due public notice, the Town Council met on May 15, 2008, at which meeting any taxpayer was privileged to CW appear and be heard in favor of or against any of the proposed expenditures /expenses or tax levies; and WHEREAS, publication has been duly made as required by law, of said estimates together with a notice that the Town Council would meet on June 5, 2008, at the Fountain Hills Town Council Chambers for the purpose of hearing taxpayers and with respect to said estimates or any of the proposed expenditures /expenses or tax levies; and WHEREAS, it appears that the sums to be raised by taxation, as specified therein, do not in the aggregate exceed that amount as computed in ARiz. REV. STAT. § 42- 17051(A). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. That the statements and schedules attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby adopted as the budget of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, for the fiscal year July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. 870968.1 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, June 5, 2008. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 9 Schlum, Mayor REVIEWED BY: Kathleen M. Zanon, Interim Town Manager 870968.1 ATTESTED TO: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 010-�oz Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2008-20 870968.1 ,i r O N 'W OM O W N Ct •� 4-j t W A aqi 1 Ilk 1 S-i COO Cd � � a 0 V1 N H U � N .Q O4-'J � 4 � cd m a m L 0 } LL 00 O O N C 1 8,1 r� w ,i r O N 'W OM O W N Ct •� 4-j t W A aqi 1 Ilk 1 S-i COO Cd � � a 0 V1 N H U � N .Q O4-'J � 4 � cd m a m L 0 } LL 00 O O N C S • Council and strategic plan goals incorporated • Goals focus on: • Development of the Ellman property • Restructuring Town's financial policies • Working with local schools • Evaluating pavement management analysis • Implementing an environmental policy • Improving economic development and business vitality • Expanding the reach of Town communications • General Fund expenditures Y 8.0% from last fiscal year • Overall revenues Y 7.9% from previous year • Overall expenditures Y 9.5% from previous year June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 2 November Budget lackoff, process review Review and update ao year CIP /IIP December Requests and justifications for new programs and /or staff January Annual goal setting retreat Annual staff retreat to plan Council goals Revenue projections for upcoming fiscal year Budget process review /new council orientation June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget Department Directors Department Directors Town Manager, Department Directors Town Council, Council candidates and staff Town Manager, Department Directors Finance staff Council, Council candidates 3 February Preliminary budget document Finance, Department March Review of budget requests, revisions April Draft proposed budget presented to public and Town Council Public hearing /workstudy session May One on one sessions to review budget; respond to inquiries from the public Adopt maximum expenditure limit as tentative budget June Final public hearing on draft budget and adoption Adopt tax levy Directors Town Manager, Department Directors Town Council Council candidates Public Town Council and public Councilmembers, Council candidates, Town Manager and Finance Town Council Town Council and public Town Council June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 4 IMPACT FOR FY2008 -2009 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget Planning Park Estimated & Administra- & Public FY08 -09 Goal Zoning lion Recreation Works Costs 1. To restructure financial policies for $0 fiscal efficiency, for the benefit of taxpayers. 2. To enhance and nurture the rela- $0 tionships with local schools for the benefit of the community. 3. To ensure that development of the $0 Ellman property (former State Trust Land) will be compatible with the character of the rest of the community in areas such as aesthetics, density, traffic and housing development stan- dards. 4. To increase community initiatives $3,000 to strengthen our small town charac- ter. 5. To evaluate the Pavement Manage- $19,400 ment Analysis for the community. 6. To implement the environmental $38,250 plan to enhance stewardship of our environment. 7. To improve economic develop- $68,830 ment, business vitality and relation- ships between the Town and busi- nesses, to benefit our community. 8. To tailor the communications now 68,500 available to the various demographics of the community. June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget S W General Fund (operating budget) Highway User Revenue (HURF) Development Fees Special Revenue Fund (grants) $16.1M $1.9M $o.5M $2.1M Excise Tax Fund (local sales tax) for $o.9M Bond payments Excise Tax - Downtown $O-3M Debt Service $2.3M Capital Projects Fund $0.7M $16.1M $2.2M $1.1M $2.iM $i.3M $o.2M $i.8M $3.4M PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGES • Eliminating $i69,16o expenditure from Open Space Development fees (per Council action 5 /15 /2oo8) • Revise upward cost of full development fee study (in Development Fee Fund) • Increase Facilities budget sio,000 and reduce Downtown Development Fund by the same for holiday lighting for Town Hall to be consistent with prior year budgets June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 7 it . :1 A �W V.W za Owr �a o x� f CD C) C6 U- 00 C) CD N vi Q) C • Major revenue sources: Debt Service • Shared Revenues $8.9M $:.1A1 • Local Revenues $11.1M Excise Tax \ • Grants $2.1M Special R • Development Fees $0.5M $21AI • Secondary Property Tax $1.4M HURFJ $1.9hi EXPENDITURES BY FUND Development C•apitaiProjects Fees $3.5M $1.1N1 Debt Service $1.Shi Excise Tax $1.5]11 Special Revetnte- Fund $z?nl I HURF Ftutd $? _11I General Fimd $16.1M = -- $23,42 -,390 June 5, 2008 REVENUES BY FUND Development CapihlProjects Fees $0.?OI $0 5nl� . General Fund $16.1M $2 4.3 -2, 510 • General Fund makes up 57% of total expenditures • 20.3% of total will be spent on capital projects • General Fund is only fund not restricted for use • Expenditures for all funds equal $28.4M, but each fund should stand on its own • Below Constitutional expenditure limit by $8.2M 9 Ilk A 0 z �a 0 IM04 w c� C7 G4 co C:) 0 CD C) 06 C) LL 0 co C:) 0 CD C) 06 C) LL co C:) 0 s Council goals incorporated throughout budget Wages and benefits increased by only 4% from last fiscal year Contractual services decreased 15% Repairs and maintenance decreased 11% Supplies and services increased 7% Capital expenditures decreased 31 % Overall expenditures decreased 8% for all funds No new staff requests June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 11 TOWN COUNCIL (page 57) Enhancing constituent communications Maximize public access to Town Council meeting Promote Fountain Hills with other municipalities Support for Sister Cities and Strong Cities programs June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 12 MUNICIPAL COURT (page 61) Enhancing the Court website to include legislative updates and court related information Work with a neighboring court for disaster preparedness purposes Seek grant funding to monitor compliance with sentencing through probation $394,490 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 13 (Including Information Technology & Operational Support) (pages 65,71 & 75)) Restructure financial policies to include rainy day fund Expand audit program to capture sales tax revenue leakage Investment in new technology for improved transparency in government and customer service Transition to live broadcasting of Town Council meetings Update the Town Code Continued support of community programs $2,906,648 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 14 (page 81) Enhance Town website to include easy navigation, E- Government applications, links to partner sites Expand communication efforts to reach broader demographic Create a centralized communications system Promote value of Fountain Hills to local and statewide civic and service organizations $201,633 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 15 (page 85) Expand business retention program Assist with coordination of more community events in the downtown area Work with Chamber of Commerce on Business Vitality Advisory Committee's plan Facilitate creating wayfinding signs on Shea for the downtown area Hold two economic development visioning sessions with stakeholders $191,835 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 16 (including Facility Maintenance) (pages 89 & 95) Continue implementation of Stormwater program with consulting Maintain wash cleanup program in fire hazard areas Update the Pavement Management program Inventory all Town trees for the GIS program Complete Emergency Operations Center Repair roofs on Kiwanis and Theater buildings $1,828,358 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 17 (Including Building Safety) (page 107, 113) Oversee planning of Ellman property Update Town's General Plan Update Town ordinances, such as signs Develop unified ordinance document involving Town's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances Enhance stewardship of the natural environment through the Environmental Planner Increased code enforcement of unpermitted construction activities $1,421,338 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 18 (page 117) Provide two new events that could grow to 2,000 or more participants Identify new recreation and leisure education programs Work with school district on joint goals Complete park signage through parks Upgrade fountain equipment Promote low water use techniques with neighborhood watch groups Demolition of Four Peaks concession stand and bus barn facility Reduce the amount of potable water that is used for irrigation Complete FEMA 100 year flood compliance requests Complete capital improvements at Desert Vista Neighborhood Park $1,906,912 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 19 V V AWL AWL V A i i i \ /i /i\ i i /ice (including Senior Services) (pages 139 & 145) Pursue grants and other funding for events circle Restructure Community Center fee schedule Replace carpet in ballrooms Initiate a long range plan to expand the Senior Center Pursue funding for a new Van Increase Senior membership by 5% Further develop stronger support groups $1,144,943 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 20 N W a o U cd Cd C V c� O C8 44 � � .- r '—' ri U N bA NO cl o � U *� -- o N � 0 4-j +, 4, OU bA cd cd NO O 1.., � cd cd . +, , C) +, O C Q) � cd c Cd �� b Ar� , O L , �-.� a co I--I 00 O N m m af 0 0 Li- 00 0 C N L6 N C 7 Ir MmftN cd U) N r� N /J N `U) M W �7 . �-_i `V o Cd r1 b4O 1� ° Cd Q) T `V rJo j U V/ n � o O �a �m@ Q, �o o • °, 00)- CD LL O LL 4 0 a) CO N ° N p 'o Cd U o (page 101) • Implement an in -house traffic signal maintenance program • Convert 33% of street name signs for higher visibility • Implement Stormwater Management Plan requirements by increased street sweeping • Retrofit two traffic signals to LED signal heads • Prepare streets in the south central area for pavement management activities $2,207,284 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 23 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budqet FH McDowell Mountain Preserve Access Develop access to the Preserve (eliminated by Council action 5/15/08) b1 Botanical Garden Parking Create parking area for $682000 Improvements gardens Desert Vista Park Event Circle Completion of park Create an event circle with pavers Municipal Government Software Phase II of integration and e- government applications $1,693,933 '.•1 111 $200,000 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 24 Various improvements along Truck Climbing Lane $1,2402000 Shea Blvd Widening $727600 Bike Lane $927000 Alley Paving Project Phase I- Panorama to $64,000 Colony Construction of various sidewalks per plan Annual Pavement Management Program Replace storm sewer Box culvert concept Annual Sidewalk Program Downtown Sidewalk Program Fountain Hills Blvd Slurry seal and micro - surface -Zone 3 Del Cambre Drainage FHB /Oxford Wash Street Maintenance Facility Master plan for street Improvements maintenance facility June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget $245,000 $44,500 $120,780 $825,000 $78,400 $15,000 $17,000 25 Fire Station Relocation Design and construct new $364,025 (Station 2) fire station to replace Saguaro station Traffic Signal- Palisades 8s Complete signal $255000 Sunridge installation Vehicle Replacement Program TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS Funding Breakdown: Fire Department Truck Seniors /P&,R Van General Fund Highway Users Fund Grants Development Fees Vehicle Replacement Capital Projects Fund $45,000 $67,000 $5,597,238 $200,000 $825,000 $556,722 $888,000 $78,500 $3,049,017 June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 26 v • Adopt the tentative budget as the final budget with staff's proposed and Council changes • Goal is to pass budget at the first meeting in June to allow enough time to approve FY2008 -09 contracts and tax levy before July 1 • State law requires a period of at least fourteen days between adoption of the final budget and adoption of the tax levy June 5. 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 27 • General fund is balanced • Council and strategic goals framed proposed budget • Funding proposed for $5.6M in capital projects • No increases in staff level • Thanks to Mayor and Council, Commissions, Volunteers, Department Directors and all staff for their contributions • Happy to answer questions June 5, 2008 FY08- 09Draft Budget 28