HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1996-31y L RESOLUTION NO.1996-31 RESOLUTION ORDERING AND CALLING A SPECIAL BOND ELECTION TO BE HELD IN AND FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,ON SEPTEMBER 10,1996,TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS THEREOF THE QUESTION OF AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $1,950,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS,PROJECT OF 1996. WHEREAS,the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona, believe ittobeinthe best interest of the Town to authorize the issuance and sale of $1,950,000 principal amount of General Obligation Bonds;and WTIEREAS,it isnecessarythattheMayorandCouncilsubmitthequestionof theissuanceandsale of such bonds tothe qualified electors of the Town; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HELLS,ARIZONA: Section 1.A special bond election inthe Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona, hereinafter referredtoasthe "Town",isherebycalledtobeheldon September 10,1996,to submit tothe qualified electors of the Town the question as shown ontheform of ballot attached hereto and marked Exhibit A. Section2.TheClerkisherebydirectedtocausethepreparationanddistribution ofaninformationpamphletandsampleballotfortheTown pursuant to A.R.S.§35-454.The officersoftheTownarehereby authorized toprepareand deliver orcausetobepreparedand deliveredtotheClerkthe information necessaryor appropriate for completing theinformation pamphlet,including,without limitation,the estimated debt retirement schedule,estimated issuancecost,estimatedtaxrateimpactonanaverage owner-occupied residence,current outstanding debt and debt limitation,an introductory statement on behalf of the Town,anda statement of the purpose for which the bonds aretobe issued. Section3.Noticeofthespecialbondelectionisorderedtobegivenbycausing the information pamphlet tobe mailed within thirty (30)days before thedate of election tothe residence of eachregisteredvoteroftheTownasshownonthegeneralcountyregister.The Clerkisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtocausetheinformationpamphlettobepreparedand mailed as required bylawandin accordance with the provisions of this resolution andto cause acopyoftheinformationalpamphlettobesubmittedtothe Arizona Department ofRevenue within thirty (30)days after the election. Section4.TheClerkisherebydirectedtocauseballotstobeprintedand deliveredtotheelectionboardstobefurnishedtothequalifiedelectorsofferingtovoteatthe election. SWR:gmh 135056.15/8/96 L w C Section 5.Theelectionwillbe conducted andthepolllistskept,andthe votes cast thereat shall be counted and tabulated and the returns thereof will be made in the manner providedbylawandonlypersonswillbeallowedtovoteattheelectionwhoare qualified electorsoftheTown.Theelectionmaybeconsolidatedwithany other election conductedin the Town on September 10,1996. Section6.Absenteevotingwillbepermittedattheelectioninaccordancewith the provisions of Title 16,Chapter 4,Article 8,Arizona Revised Statutes,as amended. Section7.The Council hereby authorizes all expenditures asmaybe necessary toorder,notice,holdand administer thespecialbondelection.Allactions of themembersof theCouncil,officers,employeesandagentsoftheTownwhichareinconformitywiththe purposes and intent of this resolution,whether heretofore or hereafter taken,shallbeandare herebyratified,confirmed,authorizedandapproved. Section8.InordertocomplywiththeVotingRightsActof1965,asamended, the following proceedings pertaining tothis election willbe translated into Spanish and posted, published and recorded ineach instance where posting,publication and recording of such proceedings arerequired,to-wit:InformationPamphlet,Ballot,all absentee votingmaterialand all instructions atthe polls. Section 9.Assoonasthepollsareclosed,theelectionofficialswillcanvassthe votescast,encloseonelistofthe persons votingandonecopyofthetallysheetinacoverand sealanddirectthe same totheMayorand Council ofthe Town.TheMayorand Council will meetattheCouncil Chambers onSeptember19,1996,whichisadaywithinsevendaysfrom the twelfth dayafterthe election dateto canvass the returns ofthe election.TheMayorand Councilwillbegovernedbythevoteofthemajorityonthequestionsubmitted. PASSED,ADOPTED AND APPROVED bytheMayorandCounciloftheTown of Fountain Hills,Arizona,onMay16,1996. ATTEST: Jiii^o Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney SWR:gmh 135056.1 5/8/96 -2- c y CERTIFICATION I,Cassie Hansen,theduly appointed and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution No.1996-31 wasduly passed bythe Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona,ata regular meeting held on May 16,1996,and the vote was _J7_aye's and t)nay's and that the Mayor and "I Council Members were present thereat. AAAa-A^ Cassie Hansen,Town Clerk SWR:gmh 135056.1 5/8/96 —3— EXHIBIT A OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR SPECIAL BOND ELECTION IN AND FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ON SEPTEMBER 10,1996. AQUATIC CENTER ShalltheMayorandCouncil of the Town of FountainHills,Arizona (the "Town"),be authorized toissueandsellgeneralobligationbonds of the Town inthe principal amount of $1,950,000,toprovide funds to:(1)construct,acquire,improveor renovate an aquatic center,which includesa swimming poolorpools,waterslide,locker rooms,ramadasandall otherbuildings,improvementsequipmentand furnishings related thereto;(2)improveand landscape thegroundsthereof;(3)acquire orprovideforallnecessaryland,rights-of-way and utilities;and(4)payall costs incurred in connection with the issuance of thebonds? The bonds willbear interest ata rate or rates of nottoexceedtwelve percent (12%)per annumandwillmatureoveraperiod of nottoexceedtwenty(20)yearsfromthedate of their issuance.The bonds shall be in such authorized denominations and bear such other terms asprepared by the Mayor and Council of the Town. BONDS,YES BONDS,NO NOTICE TO VOTERS: Thevotershallplacea mark inthesquareoppositethe words "Bonds,Yes"or"Bonds,No", whichever words express the voter's choice.Only qualified electors of the Town of Fountain Hillsare eligible to vote atthis election. SWR:gmh135059.15/8/96